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    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320669826.jpg-(43 KB, 600x400, 0403-tea-party-becomes-mainstream.jpg_fu(...).jpg)
    43 KB Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:43 No.234705  
    >dislike big government

    >favor big business
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:46 No.234718
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    You know I never really saw it that way. lol what retards
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:46 No.234724
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:46 No.234728
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    >their face when they realize that big business and big gov. are the same, vote for Ron Paul, and fix America
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:48 No.234738
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    >dislike big business

    >favor big government
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:48 No.234743
    >poor people voting for people that just want to fuck them in the ass harder

    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:49 No.234757
    Which is better - a system governed "by the people, for the people", or a system governed by the shareholders, for profits?

    Granted the government needs some reform. But this is not impossible.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:50 No.234761
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    >dislike big government
    >dislike big business
    >Get called an "edgy hipster anarchist"
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:51 No.234767
    not inconsistent
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:52 No.234777
    murrican dream
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:52 No.234783
    >dislike big government

    >Favor big cock
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:54 No.234795
    job creators? whar b the jobs?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:58 No.234817
    >implying the government is not governed by bureaucrats, for profit
    with businesses, you have the freedom to choose whether to support corrupt ones or not
    with the government, if you dont support corrupt politicians with your hard earned tax dollars, you go to jail
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:58 No.234818
    More like job destroyers. They kept moving jobs to third world countries because it's more profitable for them. People defending corporations as job creators say that because they think that most American's are not politically literate or aware.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:00 No.234841
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:02 No.234856
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    >dislike big business
    >don't understand how world functions
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:03 No.234862
    my company employs half a million people, and were always hiring.
    come get some.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:03 No.234865
    show me a corporation with constitution and democratically elected leaders
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:03 No.234866
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:03 No.234868
    >Accepting the way the world works

    Where's that revolutionary spirit gone?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:04 No.234878
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    the United States of America
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:05 No.234884
    ah, it's tautology tiem
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:05 No.234889
    If you're always hiring, then that means you're either always expanding, or perhaps always losing employees for one reason or another. I'm guessing a little of column A and a whole lot of column B.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:07 No.234904

    middle school.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:11 No.234934
    >Ron Paul as president
    >Not being fucked over by corporations
    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:11 No.234937
    and china thanks them
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:13 No.234951

    You think that if we abolish government, we won't get fucked over?!? Seriously?

    Ron Paul for president == still fucked by corporations

    (due to no regulations)
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:15 No.234964
    how did you know i was coming on this thread
    where i'll move
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:16 No.234975
    true. we are expanding constantly, but have a very large turnover for our lower wage workforce (roughly 40%). we dont drug test, and a lot of employees are fired because of doing drugs at work. also, those jobs are physically strenuous, so if people are out of shape at all (most of america), these jobs would not be for them
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:17 No.234983
    Lol yeah because corporations all want a free market rite?

    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:19 No.234992
    >implying they don't
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:21 No.235000
    Based on who they donate to they seem to favor government regulations to suppress competition.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:21 No.235002
    >we need more macdougles ann' mega-marts.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:23 No.235013

    Actually, with Ron Paul, we would have more than free markets, we'd have unrestricted markets, meaning able to pollute at will, collude at will, monopolize at will, fire at will, control at will, and what will The People have?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:24 No.235027
    But you don't get it! Adam Smith's hand will always be with us and it'll smack any corporation that hurts the environment! The Ludwig von Mises Institute said so and they're always about the truth and historical accuracy!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:25 No.235035

    >we need more gubimant subsidized gmo foods ann' cheap labor pradukts from da labor class-centrik china.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:30 No.235069

    Right. I forgot free markets cured my sister's cancer, how could it not cure all societal ills, right?

    Silly me. Please re-instate my libertard card. I had a moment of weakness. Sure, some call it an attack of reason and logic, but we all know it for what it is...
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:32 No.235080
    >all power to the government which is ruled by corporations
    >all power to the corporations which rule the government


    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:35 No.235106
    the governments of the last decades pursued market deregulation.
    big corporations get an edge over normal business through tax evasion and abolishment of anti-cartel laws.
    meanwhile neoclassic preachers like mankiw say that in theory cartels are unsustainable because competition can undercut them.
    but cartels can temporarily undercut any competitor because they have more breathing space by being filthy rich.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:36 No.235108
    ITT Lots of people who would rather let government give them their daily wages of fake cheese and bread for working their ass off while the people they think they are against are all the fucking same.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:39 No.235137
    I didn't know your world was black and white. The best way to run a nation is a fiscally responsible keynesian nation. I mean closing loopholes and adjusting minimum wage towards inflation would be a good start.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:39 No.235144
    yeah but i would rather have a government able to kick a corporation in the balls fuck a big fuck up than a corporation that is bigger than my government ready to fuck me to make an extra buck
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:41 No.235163
    ATTENTION ALL PAULTARDS, AUSTRIAN-'ECONOMISTS' AND LIBERTARIANS: How do regulations favor big corporations?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:42 No.235168
    >fiscally responsible keynesian nation

    NEWSFLASH: endless deficits is doing keynes wrong
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:43 No.235176
    NEWSFLASH: Free markets aren't any better. Can you name a successful free market country?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:45 No.235198
    corrupt regulation will. so get rid of corrupt regulation
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:46 No.235200
    Regulations allow for competition to be dissolved before it can even occur. Why do you think all these bigger then all fuck corporations have all these rules in place? So they don't have to deal with another company coming in to take a slice of the pie.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:46 No.235202
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    >Claim to be pro business
    >Support big business
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:47 No.235209
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:49 No.235221
    You mean outlaw lobbying? That's something I could back up
    You're just repeating yourself. Can you cite an example of regulation that specifically benefits corporations?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:51 No.235235
    Again, I see hypotheticals but no actual citations
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:52 No.235240
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    >Pro business people
    >Not voting for Obama

    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:53 No.235247
    >inb4 delusional Paultard tries claiming it's because of free markets
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:55 No.235255
    >stops in 2010
    >dow jones
    >representative of "business"
    >not of the people who financed obama's campaign

    I sure hope you were joking/trolling.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:56 No.235261

    [ ] Not told
    [ ] Told
    [x] So fucking told your head finally got pulled from your rectum.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:02 No.235301
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    >stops in 2010

    oh very well. This is the most recent chart I could find in google images. It is today at 12,000
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:03 No.235306
    >Big business shits all over the little guy by buying our government.
    >Liberals protest the government, asking them to get out of big businesses pockets and represent 99% of the population.

    It's not socialism to want your government to represent your interests.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:03 No.235312
    I may have read the article wrong, but Monsanto was actually behind proposition for deregulation. They make genetically engineered plants; that's kind of the type of people hippies want to be regulated more.

    Are you referring to the fact the USDA discusses legislature with them? Because of course they're going to get advice from one of the most successful companies. Do you want them to go ask a bankrupt company?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:04 No.235319
    the main problem i have with the free market argument is it sounds too much like
    'the police are corrupt, get rid of the police'

    regulation might be badly made in some areas but it is better than letting anyone just drill for oil and then have 50 bp's instead of just one
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:05 No.235324
    Huh, I never thought about it like that.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:08 No.235340
    is that sarcasm?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:09 No.235353
    Lol no. It's just funny how Austrian 'economists' like to mention how the federal reserve makes mistakes. So they say "just get rid of it". It fills my brain full of fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:09 No.235355
    "free" market - why not just not call it a market economy? or capitalist economy?

    Totally nothing to do with your point but I always found it rather odd.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:10 No.235363
    lets give a proper metaphor for government regulation.

    lets say the government decides it will prevent rape. people are too stupid to avoid being raped, so we must make government issued vagplugs mandatory. now nobody gets vaginal sex without an expensive permit from the government. for a while normal and rapists alike switch to anal sex while only the richest get vaginal and rights to reproduce. soon they issue butplugs too to stop the 1% of ass rapers and create an even more strict sexual regulation system. not only is there less fucking and raping, but only a small wealthly portion population gets to get its freak on. the rest of the population starts getting angsty from its pent up sexual frustration and inabilty to thrive.

    some people remmeber a time when the governmemt wasnt always up there ass and could fuck however and whenever they wanted. they remember sometimes the sex got a little rough but it was very rare they ever got raped. they see the only ones with the power to fuck are the government and the corporations.
    the top pimp class decides they want a monopoly of the pussy and at the direction of the rich pussy permit holders issues a campaign to silence the increasingly angry sex starved peasants. they tell the peasants that theyll all get raped without the government's "protection" and issue muzzles to "save" the people from getting throat fucked too.

    half of the peasants revolt and want to take the risk of getting fucked by their fellow man over the guarantee of getting fucked by the elite. the other half fearful of the rape and warnings of the elite defend their chastity gear and repeat the words of the elite. the peasants begin a civil war.

    meanwhile nobody gets to fuck. Soon the elite are alone and only get to fuck each other. Some of the elite say if they loosen the chastity gear there will be more pussy to fuck, the others say we must raise the price of permits so that only they can afford to fuck the dwindling peasants.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:11 No.235365
    >regulation might be badly made in some areas but it is better than letting anyone just drill for oil and then have 50 bp's instead of just one

    The BP oil spill was caused by clinton era regulation that encouraged risky offshore drilling.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:11 No.235367
    Because a socialist country has a capitalist society. Austrian 'economists' just want a form of capitalism they can exploit.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:13 No.235375
    >The BP oil spill was caused by clinton era regulation that encouraged risky offshore drilling.
    Can you provide citation of this legislature?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:13 No.235379

    Damn, economics makes me horny
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:13 No.235380
    drilling in deeper water carries more risk than drilling in shallow water.

    I think what really caused a problem is that a significant number of inspections were waived, the engineers were ignored, and the government fast-tracked their paperwork without doing due-diligence. See also- solyndra.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:15 No.235388
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    >people are too stupid to avoid being raped
    Stopped reading from there
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:16 No.235390
    yes but at the same time they could put in another regulation that was not but pugs and ass pugs. and if they deregulate rape does that mean the abolishment of the sex offender list, will rape now be a crime? what recourse will you have if you get raped?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:16 No.235391

    This is... this is...This isn't even a strawman argument.

    This is just so full of stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:17 No.235393
    But Solynrdra got less than 5% of the green project spending. People just like citing it because "Obama is a socialist herp derp".
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:18 No.235394

    There's always a response to the simple minded statist cause and effect, but it requires, you know, knowledge. That's why so many fucking morons think more regulation will turn america into paradise where everyone is rich because the government decreed it.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:22 No.235416
    ok read it... it is the reason that they where drilling out there, but not the reason the head leaked. that would be what >>235380
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:23 No.235421
    That didn't state how the policies caused an oil spill. It just stated that they gave incentives to people to drill there.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:24 No.235427
    Here is a good example about how regulations hurt small businesses and not big ones.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:24 No.235430
    oh. by the way. has anyone given an example pf a free market working?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:24 No.235431
    Negative. I'm citing it because the government didn't do their due diligence or follow their own rules and it wound up an unmitigated failure.

    Something bad happens
    it turns out the government ignored regulations already in place

    I hope you see how this point of view is completely retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:24 No.235434
    Deepwater drilling is far more dangerous. Also, there are government liability caps in place which artificially encourage companies to take more risk. Encouraging companies to take more risk while drilling in risky areas.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:27 No.235441
    Celtic Ireland, Medieval Iceland, Hong Kong.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:28 No.235448
    so this is bad regulation... so we fix it. or... i don't know... remove vested interests from lobbying and let our elected officials get on with their jobs without getting bribed to do it.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:28 No.235452
    >Deepwater drilling is far more dangerous.
    So you're saying we should have more regulations? Got it.
    >Also, there are government liability caps in place which artificially encourage companies to take more risk. Encouraging companies to take more risk while drilling in risky areas.
    You don't get it. I'm not saying the policies we have now are perfect. What I'm saying we need these policies otherwise corporations would do whatever the fuck they want.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:29 No.235453
    At one time open water drilling was significantly more dangerous than land based drilling.

    The largest oil spills in history were on land. The largest oil spill in american history was in California. (Lakeview gusher)
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:31 No.235465
    celtic ireland? are you talking about the O'Neill clan here? fuck if that is the case i want to be a communist.

    need a bit of citation for these
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:33 No.235482
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    >Celtic Ireland
    >Medieval Iceland
    your face when these aren't modern examples, but I'll give you credit anyways.
    >Hong Kong.
    your face when Hong Kong is an example of how the rich will fuck you over if you give the the chance.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:34 No.235488
    if you give them*
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:40 No.235529

    >dont have to patronize big business - can "vote with my dollar"

    >big govt has zero motive to do anything in the interest of the people.

    Thanks for playing kid. At least I know once your balls drop and you starting getting hair down there you'll have enough life experience to know I'm right.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:42 No.235547
    I think he means pre Norman Ireland
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:43 No.235558
    Quiz time: Would you rather live in Hong Kong, or any other Asian country? Income inequality doesn't mean jack shit if your country grows like crazy, especially since there's a large amount of income mobility anyway. Liberals just bawww about income inequality because they pretend that it's not just the fact that 20 year olds naturally make less then 45 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:48 No.235608
    Say that to my face though guy in Sweden and see what happens!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:54 No.235664
    how would he know if prehistoric ireland was a good example of a free market. that would be like saying here is a good example of a free market, Atlantis
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)10:11 No.235814
    >Quiz time: Would you rather live in Hong Kong, or any other Asian country?
    I would love Japan or South Korea. They know how to govern right and they have great culture.
    >Income inequality doesn't mean jack shit if your country grows like crazy, especially since there's a large amount of income mobility anyway.
    (Just ctrl+f 'social mobility') Protip: social mobility is at it's lowest. The people who are rich now are most likely there because they came from rich families.
    >Liberals just bawww about income inequality because they pretend that it's not just the fact that 20 year olds naturally make less then 45 year olds.
    "Lol I can't argue him so I'm just gonna make him seem lazy! That'll make me look rily cool"

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