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  • File: 1332763881.jpg-(45 KB, 500x512, gay-bi-straight.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:11 No.2285331  
    Your opinion on LGBT?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:12 No.2285337
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:12 No.2285341
    What the hell is LGBT? Lesbian gay bi trans?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:13 No.2285346
    Why should we cater specifically for the perversions of some sexual deviants?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:13 No.2285347
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:13 No.2285348
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:13 No.2285349
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:14 No.2285354
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:14 No.2285358
    I don't give a fuck about what consenting adults do in their bedroom.

    However, if you try and make me feel guilty with 'cisprivilege' and 'being normal makes you a tyrant', I may have to laugh at you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:15 No.2285364
    shoot on sight
    don't give a fuck
    >lesbians and fags or confused fags and women
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:15 No.2285365
    Faggot here. Fuck trannies. We would be a million miles closer to social acceptance today if it weren't for those freaks hanging on to our coat tails.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:15 No.2285367
    lgbt is about converting everyone gay or gay acceptance which is counter-intuitive to their purpose of celebrating diversity.

    Most people don't have a problem with faggots, they get pissy when faggots shove their faggorty into everything.

    A normal person wouldn't include or ever mention their sexual preferences, faggots cannot go without a conversation without bringing up the fact that they love the cock.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:17 No.2285382
    >gay bi straight
    stupid fetish masqueraded as a lifestyle
    >tyrannies or similar
    mentally deranged lunatics.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:17 No.2285385

    pick one
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:18 No.2285391
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    >lesbians and gays
    If you want to screw or marry, hey, have a blast.

    You are mentally ill and I do not have to accept your delusions anymore than those of a schizophrenic.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:19 No.2285393
    >converting people to homosexuality
    You have hot to be kidding me.
    Probably a troll but wouldn't be surprised to learn you're a faggot. Gay men are the least active sort of the lgbt community and always think they're better than the other groups.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:19 No.2285398
    The only people that have something against bi women have never had a bi girlfriend. Shits extreme.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:19 No.2285399
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    As a straight guy, who hated fags growing up most of my life... I couldn't agree more.. also your queers that shove it in every ones face
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:19 No.2285404
    Mentally ill? Prove it then. Otherwise deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:21 No.2285413
    That and they tend to be complete granola munching crazies who use the words 'cis' 'womyn' and 'heteronormative' 20,000 times a day.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:21 No.2285414
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    This is my only problem with fags
    Other than this I couldn't give half of a fuck if someone is fucking or marrying anyone as long as they aren't hurting anyone
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:21 No.2285415

    That republican sheriff from Arizona didn't bring up his homosex in conversations, his mexican lover did after they broke up.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:22 No.2285432
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    I don't care. Comic related.

    Anyone that says, "but think of the children!" Are just weak parents that are scared of their inability to influence their own children.
    >> Fuses !!fTLPSyET3UJ 03/26/12(Mon)08:23 No.2285440
    Master sexuality apart from the few flamers.

    Okay but overly serious and bitter.

    Don't really know any, some seem okay but others seem pretty deranged.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:24 No.2285449
    I don't care about faggots really, I just wish they'd keep their shit in the bedroom. My neighbor was a faggot with HIV, which is fine. He kept talking about how he'd fuck underage guys, which was pretty disturbing. I'd have preferred it if he had just not mentioned his silly fetish or the disease he got from it at all. It's all "too much info" attention whoring.

    And trannies? They're fucking stupid. How about I staple cat ears and a tail to myself, and then accuse everyone who doesn't pretend i'm a cat of "oppressing me" with their "primate privilege"

    Oh god, my work doesn't give me a litterbox and let me shit in front of everyone? WHY ARE THEY OPPRESSING ME.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:25 No.2285469
    I do not like flamboyant people.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:27 No.2285480
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    What is there to deal with?

    They think they are male or female when they are not and their very DNA/chromosomes say they are not.

    It is a surgically sterilized and castrated male with a feminine appearance. The individual does not produce female gametes, has no uterine track, and male chromosomes. Even if it did have those things it would not be able to the carry a fetus to term or birth it. The male hip arrangement has neither the space for a 3 month or older fetus even if other organs were pushed aside, nor the width to pass any fetus through the hips themselves.

    You are about to mention disorders and the like and say "what about these people?" to which I would remind you that they are disorders and you thinking blindly that you are something when evidence shows you are not is one of them.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:27 No.2285483
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    Scum of the earth, blight upon every race, etc. They need to be purged.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:28 No.2285490
    Humans produce genetically deficient offspring with shit like six fingers and stubbed toes all the time
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:28 No.2285492
    >My neighbor was a faggot with HIV, which is fine. He kept talking about how he'd fuck underage guys, which was pretty disturbing.

    I would hope that be disturbing regardless of their sexual orientation or target minor gender.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:28 No.2285496

    Only idiots and ignorant fools would even remotely have any form of issue with homosexuals, bisexuals, or the rest of the [insert]sexuals.

    It doesn't affect their lives but they have to make it a fucking issue because their priest told them too.

    Religion OUT of civil/social law!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:29 No.2285499
    Homosexuality and in fact any kind of sexual/gender deviancy is a sign of immaturity and mental problems. I don't have anything against it or any desire to limit the behaviours per se, but as a private individual I treat it with disdain and would think that any intellectually honest person does the same.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:31 No.2285515
    Ironically transgendered people are probably the most homophobic people out there, willing to cripple themselves for life rather than embrace their sexual orientation as gay/bi/whatever.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:31 No.2285521

    I don't think being homosexual plays any roll into your intellectual ability...

    Just because you have a personal vendetta against homosexuality does not mean that you can just throw around these forms of ignorant statements with the intention of making them sound anywhere remotely factual.

    Immaturity? What kind of nonsense is this?
    Mental problems? Yeah I guess if you're a bigoted straight you'd think they had mental problems but in my opinion I think you have mental problems for even giving a fuck in the first place.
    >> Caligula (formerly Emperor Caligula) !O.N1d/WL9c 03/26/12(Mon)08:32 No.2285528
    Indifferent... I don't care one way or the other.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:32 No.2285529
    >they think they're human just because they have human DNA
    Everyone is worth less than a cro-magnon until you proof you're human. Waving your sexual orientation around in public does not help your case.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:33 No.2285536

    I don't see how wanting to be the other gender is even remotely homophobic. In some cases, it is actually biological the desire to want to be the other gender.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:33 No.2285538
    >not dna

    Studies show genetic differences between a male and transgendered males. And I'm not about to mention disorders because being transgender is not a disorder. Being transgender means there are biological reasons to identify as not your original gender. Your argument, to put it simply, is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:35 No.2285556
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    Gay men are generally funny and a riot to be around (excluding the total sexual deviants, ew). Sure i'll give them rights and all the will and grace DVD's they could want.

    Lesbians are man hating fucktards and should all fuck off, seriously, I dont think I have ever met a single one (and i've met more than I would like to have met) who was not some man hating, feminazi thuggish deadshit driven by hate who wanted to push these beliefs on anybody that would listen, especially kids.

    LoL trannies.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:35 No.2285560
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    Psychologist was here last night over a near identical topic. It's only considered a mental illness (apparently) if it causes personal duress.

    If they are happy the way they are, don't expect special treatment, and aren't trying to jam it into my ass I don't really care.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:36 No.2285568
    Transsexual here.
    First off I would like to say that the LGBT community is retarded and I hate it.
    Lesbians are gay, transgender isn't even a sexuality, it should be the BG community.

    Homosexuality is disgusting, but they have the right to do what they want.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:36 No.2285573
    I believe it's just a group of mental illnesses that are slowly corroding society. Well done, Shlomo.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:37 No.2285577
    lesbians and gays have a mental problem, transsexuals are the result of cultural marxists liberals saying embrace your mental disease.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:37 No.2285578

    I know a couple of gays who are fucking backstabbers and generally act like jealous women, bickering and snarling
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:37 No.2285579
    >trans people are really gay

    Wow, where did you read that? Because gender identity has nothing to do with sexual orientation. What about trans girls who only date girls?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:38 No.2285590

    >Studies show genetic differences between a male and transgendered males

    No they don't, you fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:38 No.2285596
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    >transsexual here
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:38 No.2285598

    I know plenty of straights that bicker all the time and are horrendous liars and backstabbers, what's your point?

    What the fuck does sexuality have to do with character?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:38 No.2285599
         File: 1332765530.jpg-(37 KB, 300x562, 1317991209674.jpg)
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    >Studies show genetic differences between a male and transgendered males

    Show them, then show their methodology.

    >And I'm not about to mention disorders because being transgender is not a disorder

    Yes it is.

    >Being transgender means there are biological reasons to identify as not your original gender.

    Yes, you're suffering a mental illness.

    >Your argument, to put it simply, is invalid.

    You have said nothing to disprove it in the slightest and everything I mentioned is a scientific fact that can be verified even with ones own eyeballs on a superficial level.

    Pretend I'm wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:39 No.2285606

    There is no reason for homosexuality, no known gene(s) that causes is, I can only conclude that those who have these issues have mental problems.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:39 No.2285607
    >What the fuck does sexuality have to do with character?

    Ding ding ding, we have a winner.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:39 No.2285610
    LGBT are the future. I'm just so glad that women stuck in men bodies can finally become what nature always wanted them to be, and if you disagree, then just gb2 afghan and go kill some more innocent women and children, you fucking stormfags.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:39 No.2285615

    A mental illness would suggest there is something wrong with the behavior such as wanting to be a female due to depression or anxiety or anything along those lines.

    To assume this, you have to be a very arrogant and brash person.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:40 No.2285621
    Homosexuality has been observered in close to 1500 species of animals. Homophobia has only been observed in one. You could argue that hating gays just because they are is unnatural...straightfag btw
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:41 No.2285629
    > give fags marriage
    > fags shut up
    > life becomes better
    > fags continue to paint themselves as mentally diseased freaks
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:42 No.2285635
    Gay master race here.
    Gays: double cool
    lesbians: cool
    bi: right on
    trans: that's fine too
    "straight": GTFO
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:42 No.2285636
    Anything that doesn't fit their idea of a "social norm", the racists, sexists, and homophobes of this board will instantly claim they are:

    1. Less intelligent.
    2. Mentally ill/incompetent.
    3. Prone to violence/confrontation/etc.

    When you're here long enough you begin to see a pattern and realize everything they have to offer to any conversation is just a massive crock of shit that is perpetuated by their unflinching ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:43 No.2285642

    Lol what
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:44 No.2285652
    >implying other species have sapience and that animal behaviour can be anthropomorphized
    Shitty argument, don't use it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:45 No.2285654
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    These are established facts, whats to discuss?

    >my face when you do not even address differences in physical makeup and DNA and instead hide in the grey area of psychology and feelings
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:46 No.2285661
    I don't care who you fuck and why.

    I do care that you are trying to get benefits that even Straight people shouldn't be fucking getting. It made sense back when women had no rights, but now its some bullshit. Say No To Marriage Benefits. Give that shit to Parents.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:46 No.2285663
    Being gay is OK, being straight is OK.
    Being bi is not OK.Whores.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:46 No.2285666
    Yes they do you fucking moron.

    Genetic differences in mtf transexuals inhibits testosterone uptake in the womb.

    "These findings led Swaab to believe that in humans also, BSTc size is programmed during fetal and neonatal development--perhaps as a result of an interaction between sex hormones and the developing brain--and is probably not the result of parental or social pressures after birth"

    >but teh cultural marxists!

    Why do you people remain willfully ignorant on scientifically proven information? It's beyond me but I guess it comes down to personal bias and just plain fear.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:46 No.2285667

    I said the racists, sexists, and homophobes specifically of this board. I know plenty of intelligent and rational people also come onto the board.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:47 No.2285678
    links provided, now how is it a disorder if it does not disorder someones life?

    Oh, you didn't know what the definition of disorder was? My bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:48 No.2285685
    I don't care about any of them so long as they act like regular people and not entitled special snowflake shitstains spouting bullshit about cis-privelage, patriarchy and all that other post modernist feminist bullshit.

    Transgender faggots that think they're actually men/women really grind my gears. Or rather, they want everyone else to believe that they're really men or women now.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:49 No.2285695
    >I don't see how wanting to be the other gender is even remotely homophobic.
    obviously I'm oversimplifying but: "girls play dolls, I want to play with dolls too, it'd be weird if a guy was playing with dolls -> I am now a chick in a dudes body"

    >What about trans girls who only date girls?
    what about gay men who have wives, also there's such a thing as bi
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:49 No.2285698

    I don't see how that is your issue.

    Plenty of homosexuals act like "regular " people just like plenty of straights act like "regular" people. Sexuality doesn't affect character and was stated earlier.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:52 No.2285718
    read what I said, I don't give a fuck based on anything inherent, it just pisses me off when they think their shit entitles them to act like a fucking gimp.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:53 No.2285731

    those studies are after hormone therapy.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:53 No.2285734
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    >posts proof that trannies have a disorder, factors working to make them the way they are
    >disorder being, outside normal development

    Well gee whiz captain.

    Now explain chromosomes.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:54 No.2285740
    >what about gay men who have wives

    that's a really weak argument you are making. You are saying that trans people who are out are afraid of being seen as gay in the same way that gay men who are closeted are. This is just a purely idiotic assumption and has no basis in logic. Trans women who are out have no fear of being homosexual, they are already out. In fact the prevailing culture tells them that they are wrong to want to be a woman and be with a woman. Prevailing culture pressures them in the exact opposite way that is necessary for that argument to work.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:54 No.2285742
    >he thinks pop-science articles give absolute certitude to what he asserts

    If nature wanted a woman it would have a vulva and a uterus. If it wanted a male if would have a penis. If testosterone is deficient the specimen is deficient biologically and further aided by a backwards culture encouraging effeminate males. Evolution will fix this by eliminating the defects unless hampered by faggots trying claim their equality.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:54 No.2285744
    No real issue with them as long as they're not too in-your-face about it and walk around being flaming faggots

    I mean, okay, a mild lisp, subtle indicators you're gay, but being an absolute faggot pisses people off
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:55 No.2285749
    Not all of them, studies done before hormone therapy show the same results. The genetic differences cannot be altered by hormones. Also it's stated that in those studies that were done after HRT the scientists said that HRT could not have the impact on the brain that they were seeing. Why do you try to cherry pick information? Just accept the truth, it's right in front of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)08:58 No.2285765
    >attack the source, it's not like the source was citing a scientific study!


    "If nature wanted a woman it would have a vulva and a uterus. If it wanted a male if would have a penis."

    Same tissue until it is altered by hormones.

    " If testosterone is deficient the specimen is deficient biologically and further aided by a backwards culture encouraging effeminate males."

    So women are biologically deficient? The whole bit about culture has been proven objectively false already, you can drop it or continue to look like a fool. Your choice really.

    " Evolution will fix this by eliminating the defects unless hampered by faggots trying claim their equality."

    Evolution will fix it! lol. Trans people have existed in every culture and time in the world. They are a natural part of humanity and won't disappear with 'evolution' lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)09:00 No.2285788
    They don't even have to be gay, just deep down inside strong believers of the stereotypical gender roles, I've heard people say "they've felt like x all their lives". I've not felt like a "guy" for a day in my life, I'm not even remotely macho however I am attracted to women, what kind of life altering surgery would you recommend?

    And just to be clear I don't think I'm for banning sex change surgeries alltogether or anything like that, in fact I have no idea how to approach this, but I do know that cheering for them isn't helping.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)09:01 No.2285792
    I don't mind people that are gay, it's just i dont want to see it in public. I dont want to see to men kissing each other. I know, you have every right just like a hetero couple do to kiss in public, but i'm against kissing in public in general.

    Also, stop with the gay pride shit. You have your fucking rights, you have San Fransisco to go flaunt your overly gay style and fashion and fucking parades on the streets. But do you really need to do that? Do you REALLY need to make a huge parades of topless men in firemen outfits dancing provocatively down the street in front of everybody? Why do this? What do you gain?

    I have some great gay friends, they are really friendly and i'm not homophobic and i'm not one of those bigots that assume that because they're gay they instantly want my dick, but i'm totally against the excessive in your face gay parades that are held in every city every year, can heteros walk half naked down the street grinding against each other wearing suggestive attire? NO, so why should you? And why should anybody care?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)09:03 No.2285809
    As a guy who looks at things from an evolutionary standpoint, why should I care if some people would rather fuck other men in the ass or chop of their dicks and effectively remove themselves from the genepool, making slightly more room for me and all the future generations looking just a bit more like me.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)09:03 No.2285810
    >what kind of life altering surgery would you recommend?

    I think you're confused. Surgery isn't a requirement to be transgender.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)09:05 No.2285828
    Should it be considered bigotry to victimize or look down upon "homophobes"?

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