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    File : 1320597996.jpg-(188 KB, 950x1176, 169442-an-occupy-wall-street-protester-m(...).jpg)
    188 KB Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:46 No.223976  
    An occupy wall street protester medidates at zuccotti park.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:47 No.223990
    and your point is...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:47 No.223993
    Look at this bitch, and she wonders why she doesn't have a job?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:48 No.224006
    Can we just skip the 200 posts coming up that are going to reiterate this sentiment?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:48 No.224007
    America: Land of the Free
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:49 No.224009
         File1320598150.jpg-(55 KB, 460x371, preview.jpg)
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    step up to my level bitch
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:51 No.224033
    I hope it works for her. I'd find it pretty stressful to be in a crowded campsite all day. Seems like the ideal situation for some meditation.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:51 No.224035
         File1320598295.jpg-(43 KB, 600x400, 0403-tea-party-becomes-mainstr(...).jpg)
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    A tea party protester medidates at a tea party protest.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:51 No.224038
    Would. Hard.

    In the metal lined anti-rape tent, after shooting all the bull dyke anti-rape guards with my Lorcin .380. Then I'd start on the bitch sleeping next to her.

    Live the dream, brothers.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:52 No.224047
    Meditation is hippy bullshit. It seriously pisses me off to see people doing shit like this.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:53 No.224055
    Not only is she ugly she doesn't wash her hair and probably doesn't shave either.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:55 No.224076
    What of it?

    I would very much like to engage in intercourse with her, but that is besides whatever topic this thread was created to discuss, I am sure.

    This thread shall rapidly fill with inane, rabid posts. There shall be, in some unfortunate, slavish display of devotion to strongmen, posts calling for massacres of sweet, peaceful beings. Such is /pol/.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:55 No.224077
         File1320598526.jpg-(11 KB, 264x282, 1310466491763.jpg)
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    lol'd hard

    in all honesty though, seeing as self immolation is an extreme act of protest, if a few people across America did it in protest of wall street it'd certainly get alot more attention
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:57 No.224100
         File1320598632.jpg-(1.85 MB, 2592x1936, 1307178374270.jpg)
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    They were practicing yoga earlier on
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:57 No.224107
    Does it annoy you to see people praying? Praying is several orders of magnitude more insane than meditation, bear in mind.

    Whatever relaxes you, I suppose...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:58 No.224115

    She's not ugly.

    And stinking herself up is nothing but a poor attempt at rape repellent. It doesn't work on a red-blooded American alpha male like me. Don't let the liberal gay agenda manipulate your sense of smell to undermine your heterosexuality. Next think you know you'll be wearing CK-1 and taking it in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:58 No.224117
         File1320598692.jpg-(28 KB, 485x500, 1261782667229.jpg)
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    >pisses me off
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:59 No.224126
    meanwhile real americans were at work

    or in the library so they can actually get a job when they graduate college
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:59 No.224142
    Why do you hate America?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:00 No.224143
         File1320598800.jpg-(251 KB, 900x1148, typical OWSfag.jpg)
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    Typical OWSfag.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:00 No.224146
    I hate people who pray too,. That shit has no logical function.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:00 No.224149

    I love America, I hate people who think they are entitled to anything, which is about as American as it gets.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:01 No.224152
    Those bastards make me sick. Just charge with horses against them already.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:01 No.224157

    LOL @ the niggers and the fat chick in the V mask.

    Otherwise hot blonde, redhead limbering up for the massive rape train those black boys will be running on them when the sun goes down.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:01 No.224164
    Hippie women are easy as fuck.

    "As regards being with women in very, very, very promiscuous groups such as the eco-wing, environmental movement, leftwing, or the Animal Liberation Front – it's an extremely promiscuous lifestyle and you cannot not be promiscuous in there.

    "Among fellow undercover officers, there is not really any kudos in the fact that you are shagging other people while deployed. Basically it's just regarded as part of the job. It'd be highly unlikely that you were not [having sex].
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:02 No.224168
         File1320598962.jpg-(70 KB, 590x477, obama-praying-1024x682.jpg)
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    An american medidates at an american meditation center.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:04 No.224186
    But America is built upon revolt, upon dissent, upon uprising; it is its single most core value. To lambast those who petition the federal government for a redress of issues is to be as anti-American as is possible.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:04 No.224189
    Yup, this is why they are pro-abortion, when you are fucking strangers 5 times a day you have "accidents".

    You can see the niggers looking for white women, that's why they are there. Utterly fucking disgusting this is one of the reasons why liberals of all sorts are a cancer and should be killed.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:06 No.224203
    That is fucking disgusting OP, I briefly imagined what her cunt would smell like and gagged.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:06 No.224205
         File1320599195.jpg-(5 KB, 184x144, 34.jpg)
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    So ma
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:06 No.224207

    revolting for valid reasons. the majority of OWS protesters are not against the corporate influence in government, they are simply jealous some people have money and they don't/
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:07 No.224211
         File1320599235.png-(60 KB, 171x114, Capture.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:08 No.224227
         File1320599322.jpg-(11 KB, 271x186, images.jpg)
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    >An occupy wall street protester medidates at zuccotti park.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:09 No.224229
         File1320599348.jpg-(119 KB, 494x743, angry-old-glenn-beck-scooter-l(...).jpg)
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    Get a job dirty dope smoking hippy commie
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:10 No.224240
    who is watching out for her so she doesn't get raped?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:11 No.224254
    The Uber Dyke Security Force.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:12 No.224259

    I guess you took a poll.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:12 No.224265
    They are not even protesting the government, if they were they would be in WASHINGTON D.C. not some "park" in NYC protesting capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:13 No.224270
         File1320599592.jpg-(164 KB, 720x480, A-tent-bearing-a-banner-o-009.jpg)
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    You're talking out of your arse, chap.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:14 No.224281
    Oh god, if fat chick in the V mask doesn't get Photoshopped a million times you have failed me, 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:14 No.224283
    confirmed for not in America
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:15 No.224296
    You clearly have not been following any news whatsoever -- how can you be oblivious to OccupyDC?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:16 No.224304
    >Ugly dreadlocks, torn clothes and general unhygienic disheveled and shit appearance. Probably has a liberal arts degree.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:16 No.224307
    They already smell like piss. This would probably be a welcomed treat for them.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:17 No.224317
         File1320599862.jpg-(105 KB, 540x377, PEACEFUL PROTEST.jpg)
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    >An occupy wall street protester medidates at zuccotti park
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:19 No.224339
    thats why its called the OCCUPY WALL STREET PROTESTS RIGHT?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:19 No.224348
    That's London, way to hijack a stupid protest from another country then end up sat in front of a church. Oh and 99% of Britain thinks you're fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:19 No.224352
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:22 No.224378

    When a pack of monkeys like that go on a rampage bullets are the only answer.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:22 No.224389
    please pretend for a second you can respond without a stupid "0/10" post and tell me they are protesting the government by OCCUPYING WALL STREET!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:23 No.224394
    Meditating? I bet he is just pretending it for hipster image, or to amuse nearby hipster chicks.
    >> I BET SHE SMELLS TERRIBLE AND HAS AN IPAD Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:25 No.224428
         File1320600337.jpg-(22 KB, 640x480, 1319651426213.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:26 No.224435
         File1320600414.jpg-(56 KB, 344x505, 1320369149077.jpg)
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    >mfw i thought it was a guy too
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:28 No.224444

    >you mean it is a... oh fuck..
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:30 No.224470
    hipsters, how do they work?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:32 No.224483
    Gender, it's just like a, you know, social construct man.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:34 No.224506

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