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  • File: 1331449516.jpg-(207 KB, 837x1000, 1331443899102.jpg)
    207 KB Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:05 No.2054153  
    Why do you suck, /pol/?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:07 No.2054172
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:07 No.2054180
    >high tier
    Pick one, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:09 No.2054186
         File: 1331449749.jpg-(142 KB, 500x1000, 4chan_got.jpg)
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    /tv/ gets no respect
    >> animal !eeDbeu1Bp. 03/11/12(Sun)03:09 No.2054188
    The only good board on this website is /po/.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:09 No.2054189
    >/sp/ not in GOAT tier
    >/sp/ not even on the list
    >> !AlmaWade1k 03/11/12(Sun)03:10 No.2054191
         File: 1331449819.png-(166 KB, 830x844, 1328582158951.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:10 No.2054193
    >high tier

    You're also missing /tv/
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:10 No.2054196
    /mu/ should be in a bottom tier of its own

    literally the only board that gets butthurt enough to actually defend itself when it's being made fun of on another board
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:12 No.2054208
    replace /x/ with /v/
    We may get bombarded with /b/ shit/ but at least we aren't all neckbearded losers.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:12 No.2054210
    lold hard i remember seeing this a few times

    halfway through a thread some mu-tripfag pops out of nowhere and starts rambling
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:13 No.2054219

    Why is /k/ low tier? I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:13 No.2054223
    Pedo Tier
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:13 No.2054225
    Fucking hell, I thought I was the only one who ever noticed.

    Every week or so there's a "what boards do you hate" thread on /r9k/ or something, every board gets railed but only /mu/ bothers coming in en masse trying to brush it off.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:14 No.2054231
    wheres /mlp/?
    Srsly. that should be in nigger tier
    >> thoughtless celestial 03/11/12(Sun)03:15 No.2054241
         File: 1331450144.jpg-(92 KB, 768x576, ef9b3c6fd7eaa19335a2c90b5b3eb8(...).jpg)
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    >/gif/, /r/ and /s/ are high tier
    >/a/ is higher tier than /jp/
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:15 No.2054242
         File: 1331450150.jpg-(180 KB, 836x1296, 4chan_board_tiers.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:16 No.2054243
         File: 1331450162.jpg-(54 KB, 432x600, meh.ro6168.jpg)
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    i love /pol/ the bible theocracy pusher Tears are exquisite for eating
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:16 No.2054258
    Because a librul made the chart and libruls hate guns.
    Guns be bad and kill people and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:21 No.2054291
    Switch /x/ with /v/, add /tv/ to shit tier–was low to mid but has since been bombed with faggotry and is shit–/mlp/ to shit tier, switch /mu/ with /pol/ and move /b/ to absolute worst shit on the internet tier.
    >> thoughtless celestial 03/11/12(Sun)03:29 No.2054348
    tbh, /b/ is better than /pol/.
    at least some of the people on /b/ are only pretending to be racist retards, or at least only make race jokes because they are trying to be funny.

    have you been to /b/ lately?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:32 No.2054371
         File: 1331451161.jpg-(125 KB, 600x348, archer.jpg)
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    >/sp/ not ranked
    >/sp/ not GOAT
    Bullshit, moot confirmed /sp/ as the GOAT 4chan board.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:34 No.2054380
    99% correct. Move /a/ to low tier and you've nailed it.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:34 No.2054382
    confirmed for weabo faggorty
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:37 No.2054399
    /int/ isn't even on the chart wtf?

    I mean, sure it's just /pol/ lite, but sometimes it's nice.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:38 No.2054406
         File: 1331451529.jpg-(45 KB, 363x380, 1331308533775.jpg)
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    because 99 percent of teh time politics isn't even discussed. It's more like racism and tinfoil conspiracy hat central. board should be renamed /tin/
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:40 No.2054419
    Hey what the fuck, /co/ deserves up maybe we have dropped off over the last two years../tg/ draws better stuff than us...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:40 No.2054421
    Best tier:
    /an/, /trv/, /tg/, /diy/

    High tier:
    /sp/, /k/, /3/, /o/, /hr/, /ck/, /fit/, /v/

    Mid tier:
    /g/, /m/, /co/, /lit/, /sci/, /po/

    Low tier:
    /toy/, /adv/, /int/, /mu/, /pol/, /tv/, /x/, porn boards, /fa/

    Shit tier:
    /r9k/, /vg/, all anime boards not previously listed

    Fucking atrocity to the eyes tier:
    /b/, /soc/, /jp/

    If I missed a board, it's because it's completely irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:41 No.2054427
    >/sp/ not GOAT
    >/ck/ not GOAT
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:41 No.2054428
    /pol/ doesn't stand for politics, it stands for politically incorrect. Racism is more relevant to this board than politics.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:42 No.2054432
    >ranking boards by how gay they are/what level of japanese they still retain
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:43 No.2054438
    >/pol/ is bad because racism
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:44 No.2054442
    I know, it's fucking stupid. Hating darky is what this board is about, we're one of the most on topic boards of all. I think we should be in high tier because of this.
    >>   03/11/12(Sun)03:45 No.2054446

    Switch /v/ and /vg/, add /mlp/ to Fucking atrocity to the eyes tier.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:45 No.2054447
    That chart is so left-wing it's doing fucking barrel rolls.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:47 No.2054458
    /mu/ is def mid. its pretty helpful.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:48 No.2054460
    /pol/...Is actually fairly intelligent. There are certainly waves, especially weekends, but far better than /new/. I think we actually do discuss things here.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:48 No.2054463

    hell no /vg/ is fucking awful
    >> wfr !DLWf.6uwtU 03/11/12(Sun)03:48 No.2054465
    seriously /v/ is just /b/ with videogames. just like /x/ is paranormal /b/

    /k/ and /int/ both belong in at least mid

    /pol/ is in a weird league, at this point it seems like it is just trolls trolling trolls, but when it first started it was right there with old /int/ maybe after the elections it will get better
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:48 No.2054466
    /sci/ is center-right and it's in high-tier on that chart
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:49 No.2054469
    There is three guys on this board, A Mossad Agent, CIA, and JIDF.
    >>   03/11/12(Sun)03:50 No.2054472

    But they actually talk about video games.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:50 No.2054473
    Give it a shot, Im digging it. They're not shitheads like /v/, I can actually ask a question and get an answer that isn't the worst actual choice on purpose just to piss me off.
    >> wfr !DLWf.6uwtU 03/11/12(Sun)03:52 No.2054487
    also I love how /d/ is in the high tier even though they have gone through just as many waves of bullshit as any other board, also /mu/ despite the faggotry that exists on the board and the people that frequent it can be awful, but at the same time if you know what you are looking for it is not a half bad board
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:57 No.2054513
    Honestly I'd place /vg/ in a higher tier than /v/ right now. /vg/ is actually about video game discussion and its easy to find the general for the game in question.
    /v/ is still plagued with /b/ threads which is the biggest reason I'd rate it lower than /vg/.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)04:00 No.2054533
    Do you know why? Do you know why boards with lower traffic generally have better posts? Because the people frequenting those boards have a greater amount of time to understand, comprehend, and think up a response. We need to further split the user base or create more boards. Before ANYONE says anything, thats does not pass the general limit for a response like this. YOU CAN'T PLACE A LIMITING FACTOR ON THIS POST.

    checkmate fag
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)04:02 No.2054546
         File: 1331452933.jpg-(18 KB, 342x345, 1329355868956.jpg)
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    what is this thread even about
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)04:08 No.2054593
    So the problem is that people on /pol/ don't think?
    That seems like an okay answer.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)04:15 No.2054657
    NIGGER it be more than that!!
    What is existence?! Place a single word to describe it. Than from that one word make 12 scenarios that deacribe your life.
    Not so easy now, is it?
    nothing ever is
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)04:30 No.2054771
    That's funny because I was about to come in and say "Hey /mu/ isn't that bad." I mostly just go there for sharethreads these days. Too many tripfag/meme circlejerks.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)05:10 No.2055015
         File: 1331457057.jpg-(301 KB, 690x840, 1328156068138.jpg)
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    well if you guys were aiming for this to be the board for whiny white people that bitch more about their failures in life than equally pathetic niggers blaming the white man on all their problems...then congrats.

    stormfag logic

    when niggers blame white people for everything it's bad
    when stormfags blame jews for everything it's AWESOME!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)05:11 No.2055022
    this goddamn picture
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)05:12 No.2055026
    >/sci/ is center-right
    >> Turkfag !lHYJ/5vyUQ 03/11/12(Sun)05:15 No.2055040


    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)05:21 No.2055101
    >/tg/ is mid tier

    /tg/ is the best board on 4chan.

    If you fags played traditional games you would see that, shit is a golden statue of creativity in the vast desert of 4chan.

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