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  • File: 1331447055.jpg-(171 KB, 1000x1389, kurisu.jpg)
    171 KB Uncommitted beat Paul and Romney in Virgin Islands Pollfag !!P+HaC0oezMo 03/11/12(Sun)01:24 No.2053779  
    Virigin Islands Caucus

    Uncommitted 130 33.85%
    Paul, Ronald E. "Ron" 112 29.17%
    Romney, Willard "Mitt" 101 26.30%
    Santorum, Richard J. "Rick" 23 5.99%
    Gingrich, Newton Leroy "Newt" 18 4.69%
    Total 384 100.00%

    Romney wins 4 delegates, Paul wins 1 despite beating Romney.

    I thought only the non-binding straw polls mattered. /sarcasm
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)01:26 No.2053794
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)01:29 No.2053833
         File: 1331447341.png-(1.27 MB, 1740x490, jswift.png)
    1.27 MB
    It's too late. They aren't even trying to hide the fraud anymore
    >> Pollfag !!P+HaC0oezMo 03/11/12(Sun)01:29 No.2053841
    The GOP is going to such great lengths to screw Paul of even a preference poll victory.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)01:32 No.2053868
         File: 1331447572.jpg-(48 KB, 1348x134, wikipedia-paul.jpg)
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    You can't change the system
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)01:33 No.2053875
    How the fuck does "uncommitted" get pledged delegates?

    Ron win's by default but Romney gets the majority of dele... fuck this.

    Fuck it, democracy has failed, and enough of us don't care about it.

    There is no such thing as democracy, not even in a sliver, on the federal level.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)01:38 No.2053917
    >Paul wins loads of delegates even though Romney/Santorum beat him in the vote
    >woohoo! you go Paul, game the system!
    >Romney wins 3 more delegates than Paul, even though Paul won in the vote
    >fuck this, democracy has failed
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)01:38 No.2053918
    what the fuck am i reading.
    jesus christ this is messed up

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