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  • File: 1331169286.jpg-(110 KB, 650x556, Lib-GeneralButtnaked.jpg)
    110 KB Evangelical Christians, why so retarded? Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:14 No.2005524  
    mfw when I found out that General Butt Naked is a born again christian.

    also, mfw when I found out the Joseph Kony is an evangelical christian fighting to prove that he is the second comming of Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:16 No.2005549
    But, but! Those are FRINGE, RADICAL christians. They don't represent the religion. Unlike Muslims, who are ALL TERRORISTS.

    Am I doing American right?
    >> Just trying to beat the Atheists at their own game ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 03/07/12(Wed)20:18 No.2005573
         File: 1331169512.jpg-(35 KB, 335x328, stalin_victory.jpg)
    35 KB
    Still failing.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:19 No.2005576
    Kinda, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:21 No.2005595
    No, Americans know that Evangelical Christianity is filled to the brim with nutjobs.
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 03/07/12(Wed)20:24 No.2005617
    Someone's pretty anally fissured that evangelical Christians dominate the government of the most powerful nation on Earth.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:24 No.2005618
    >he is the second comming of Jesus Christ.
    The truth has be revelationed, hallelujah!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:32 No.2005710
    *Unlike Muslims, who are ALL EQUIVALENT TO MORMONS.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:38 No.2005762
    i opened up my copy of Robert Young Pelton's travel book, The World's most Dangerous Places and discovered this gem about Joseph Kony.

    "Arch-dingbats and the only fundamentalist African Christian terrorist group based in Sudan, this cockeyed, ramshackle mob wants to turn Uganda into a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments-though by DP's admittedly fallible reckoning, their efforts to do so have displayed a frankly appalling lack of respect for commandments two, five, seven, nine, and ten, and we think they should also answer as regards commandments one, three, and four. With Christianity, as with Islam, it is its most fanatical adherents who are also its worst advertisements.
    The LRA is largely composed of Acholi tribes-people and is led by former alter boy and stern-faced lunatic named Joseph Kony. He is the nephew of LRA's spiritual founder, a prostitute named Alice Lakwena. She founded something called the Holy Spirit Movement back in 1988, and told her fighters she could protect them from bullets (she couldn't, and fled to Kenya). Today, the LRA no longer clings to such primitivism. Now, they think they can deflect bullets with tree oils (they can't, but the LRA keep on coming).
    The LRA has long been armed and uniformed by northern Sudan, but Khartoum has recently been trying to put some distance between themselves and their proteges. Yes, eagle-eyed readers will note, this is a fundamentalist Christian terrorist group sponsored by a fundamentalist Islamic regime. It kinda' brings a tear to DP's eye to see teamwork like that."
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:41 No.2005787

    "Despite either party's religious conviction (or warped view of it), the LRA is believed to have about 4,000 troops under arms-and many of them are under age. Many LRA soldiers are children abducted from refugee camps (6,000 in 1998 alone) or bought from poor families. Boys are turned into soldiers, girls into sex slaves, and both are routinely sold to Sudanese arms dealers. They were also accused of selling kids to bin Laden's drug farms, a story the Kampala edition of the National Enquirer seemed to have missed.
    Uganda has tried both amnesties and ruthless offensives to bring the LRA to heel, but either God really is watching over the LRA, or-as seems much more likely-just isn't all that keen for the LRA's cranky members to join him. It is essentially an Acholi ethnic movement funded by outsiders to Uganda's detriment, with some very real and brutal reasons for existing.
    The LRA is a still a serious threat, and 10,000 Ugandan troops are chasing them around southern Sudan to confirm as much."
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:42 No.2005798

    so the evangelical christian terrorist group was started by a born again prostitute? when she skipped town, her psychopath nephew takes over?

    africa is so fucking stupid

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