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  • File: 1330843170.jpg-(147 KB, 444x600, Obama.jpg)
    147 KB Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:39 No.1942904  
    Guys the economy is improving, why you still mad tho?
    >> animal !eeDbeu1Bp. 03/04/12(Sun)01:40 No.1942916
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:41 No.1942941
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    I'm not mad. I'm dead. Because you targeted me for murder.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:42 No.1942942
    >Improving economy
    >wages falling for everyone but upper-class

    Good to see Obama buckled down and continued corporatism.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:43 No.1942954
    The economy is still a house of cards. Stewart/Colbert will end up with egg all over their faces for promoting this economy-is-improving-conservatives-are-in-denial line.

    If the economy is only just stable with ~10% of GDP in stimulus spending, it's be contracting enormously if you removed that stimulus. I.e. the US economy is a LONG LONG way from normal.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:43 No.1942961
    HR 357 anti protester bill (if he signs it)
    Drones to be used domestically
    Recently ordered his justice department to convince the SCOTUS to dismiss the appeal against FISA so that it doesn't have it's day in the supreme court.

    rated worse on civil liberties than president bush jr by the ACLU.

    Also with high gas prices the economy isn't going to do shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:44 No.1942965
    Only because all the republicans you voted for blocked every good idea he had.
    >> Lanius !RsdBCO9Vb6 03/04/12(Sun)01:44 No.1942966
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    What does Obama have to do with the economy doing better?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:44 No.1942967

    SHHH- don't break the Huff Po bubble.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:44 No.1942969
    I'm sorry I can't reply because I'm being indefinitely detained without any trial and being held in Guantanamo, I thought Obama said he was gonna close down this place. Oh well I better break out! Maybe I can go find a job, oh wait the economy is a mess because of bailouts, I guess I better look online oh no I can't do that due to ACTA, maybe I better hide, oh wait Obama extended the unconstitutional Patriot Act, I guess I better leave the county oh wait TSA.
    >> animal !eeDbeu1Bp. 03/04/12(Sun)01:44 No.1942971
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:45 No.1942984
    i really feel sorry for americans. all of the people most likely to be president are sociopaths who dont give a shit about their fellow countrymen. obama got everyone's hopes up and then he turns out to be just as bad as bush.

    and things are not going to improve for at least another 4 years. i genuinely feel bad for you guys. i know most of you are good people and you dont deserve this shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:45 No.1942988

    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:46 No.1942992
    >economy has tiny spark
    >well fuck me, we better smother it out with increasing gas prices!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:47 No.1943005
    Yeah, 'Bama lost all his steam. Promises died, people crossed. No supporters as vehemently in favor of him like last time. Now he's just another politician. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want Ron Paul now.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:47 No.1943006

    Hey Anon, let's be clear here. I'm glad he recently waived that part of the bill, but it was only because it was a campaign liability. He put it there in the first place. He does not care about you.
    >> animal !eeDbeu1Bp. 03/04/12(Sun)01:50 No.1943041
    Firstly, I'm not anon.
    Secondly, he didn't put that part of the bill in there. He's a busy man, he doesn't have time to write up something of that size. Congress introduced it, he simply signed it.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:52 No.1943064
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    >Stimulate with failed Keynesian deficit spending to ease effects of the bubble
    >blows up another bubble
    >5 years later bubble pops
    >Sounds like a great economy....
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:52 No.1943071
    The economy is improving because Bill Maher donated a million dollars to Obama.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:54 No.1943090
    true, but any of the republitards (except Ron Paul) are only going to do all those things and pull a lot more shit trying to impose their "family values" on everyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:54 No.1943094
    Hate to break it to you, but the creator of the bill himself testified before congress that the Obama Administration asked him to remove language in the bill that would prevent him from detaining civilians. tl;dr, both sides played you like a fiddle.
    >> animal !eeDbeu1Bp. 03/04/12(Sun)01:55 No.1943110
    Got a source there?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:59 No.1943153
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    Nice propaganda, unfortunately video footage contradicts your claims that his hand was "forced." No one forced him to order his DOJ to do everything in its power to prevent the FISA appeal from being heard by SCOTUS, or his declaration of emergency powers, or his signing on to ACTA. But lol at your apologist pic.
    Senator Levine on the NDAA:
    (skip to 20 seconds for him to start talking if you don't want to see the uploader's text explanation)

    >I'm wondering whether the senator is familiar with the fact that the language which precluded the application of section 1031 to American citizens was in the bill that we originally approved in the armed services committee and the administration asked us to remove the language which says that US citizens and lawful residents would not be be subject to this section. Is the senator familiar with the fact that it was the administration that asked us to remove the very language that we had passed in the committee, and that we removed it AT THE REQUEST of the administration, that would have said that this determination would not apply to US citizens and lawful residents. I'm just wondering is the senator familiar with the fact that the administration asked us to remove the very language, the absence of which is now objected to by the senator from Illinois

    (answering a question from senator Udall from Illinois during the senate hearings regarding this specific subject)
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)01:59 No.1943157
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    Hey, hey, don't worry. Obama says, "Change is coming."
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:01 No.1943172
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    8% inflation this year.
    the poor are getting fucked and the teachers unions lie to the kiddies cause what do they know.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:02 No.1943185
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:02 No.1943187

    How many people will Obama have neutralized or assassinated by the time he's out of office?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:03 No.1943197
    Uh there was never language in the bill to prevent it in the first place. Let me guess, you never read it, and only hear about it due to Paulist portrayal of it?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:04 No.1943208
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    I can't feel sorry for you faggots that think the democracy we have now is not professional wrestling: political edition. I hope this country burns.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:06 No.1943231
    [citation needed]
    There's already been a video testimony from the creator of the bill itself that there was language to prevent detainment of citizens. Contradict that with equally credible evidence please, or don't even bother.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:07 No.1943241
    If you look at the date of his veto threat it's right after the bill passed the armed services committee, eg, his veto threat was actually because the bill exempted us directly, he wanted EXPLICIT exemption of US citizens removed, since it would limit his power.

    It's very weird how there is propaganda that tries to claim he was defending us and his hand was forced.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:08 No.1943266
    You aren't allowed to read the version of the bill that was in the armed services committee. You read a version after Obama made them change it, as evidenced by video footage of a senate floor hearing on this specific subject by the chairman of the armed services committee stating that Obama made him change it outright.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:10 No.1943279
    Are you going to run away from this thread and then just spam your propaganda next time this is brought up?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:10 No.1943285
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:12 No.1943306

    Well, he's an Obamabot.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:13 No.1943312
    >animal !eeDbeu1Bp

    damn i was hoping this guy wasn't astroturf.

    at least we know he is now if he tries using that propaganda about obama's hand being "forced" again after being refuted and cowering away ITT.

    I thought you didn't like dishonesty?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:17 No.1943345
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    bumping for the animal.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:17 No.1943347
    What's the point of indefinite detention of Americans?
    Can someone enlighten me as too why that would be feasible and why it would happen in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:17 No.1943350
    >argument dependent on snippet of a senator's speech

    oh you Paulists never cease to give me lols. You are such simple, simple people.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:18 No.1943354
    My thoughts exactly.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:19 No.1943362
    I'm not mad. If Ron Paul isn't on the ballot, I'll vote for Obama, unless he does something insane like bombing Iran, in which case I will personally bum-rush the white house and cut off his nut-sack.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:19 No.1943369

    Holyfuck, it proved exactly what he said he wanted to prove; the fact that the Executive branch wanted to include citizens.

    Keep defending the guy who would take your rights away if it were politically acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:19 No.1943370
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    because we apparently live in some kind of scifi dystopia or some shit lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:19 No.1943372
    >Can't actually find evidence to support his claim.
    >Wasn't actually following this story from the beginning.
    >Clearly laps up everything Obama's administration says.

    I bet you still think change is coming too.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:21 No.1943382
    If you'd likee to dispute it or believe I've misrepresented it feel free to fact check , the entire hearing is available on c-span.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:21 No.1943387

    >Not voting Gary Johnson

    rated #1 by the ACLU and successfully grew the NM economy AND cut the budget.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:22 No.1943396

    I assume they refer to domestic terrorists, which i support, in a way.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:22 No.1943402
    Wow the antipauls are out in force tonight.
    Pretty sad, to be honest.
    >> Duckfuck 03/04/12(Sun)02:23 No.1943403
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    Watch the news much? Obamacare. Tax Reform. The whole fucking "WE WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO SHUT DOWN SO WE'RE JUST GOING TO FILLIBUSTER FUCKING EVERTHING!" that went on for 5 weeks. Why don't they get rid of that 2/3rds rule? It's fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:26 No.1943446
    You support indefinitely detaining American citizens on American soil without trial? Well I don't really know how to argue that, that's your view I guess. "If they accuse you of something really bad, you should be lynched instead of get your constitutionally guaranteed trial." Even treason requires a trial according to the constitution, no where in the constitution does it talk about how "terrorism" somehow invalidates the constitution.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:28 No.1943466
    Stimulus money ran out long, long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:28 No.1943467
    >implying none of the people that have been convicted as terrorists haven't been given their habeas corpus
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:29 No.1943471
    Sure, Gary Johnson is good people. I like his sane and peaceful foreign policy. If it came down to choosing between him and Obama, I'd definitely take him. But if it came down to choosing between Obama with and 80% chance of starting WW3 for Israel over Iran, or voting for a neocon with a 100% chance of starting WW# for Israel voer Iran, I'd take Obama. He's shit tier, but at least there is still that window of chance he will be sane and not start shit for Israel.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:30 No.1943480
    because Founding Tards paranoia about tyranny or some bullshit
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:31 No.1943491

    Obama took away his American citizenship.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:31 No.1943497

    He's already starting shit with Israel. OBAMA IS A NEOCON.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:33 No.1943516
    No, not without trial, but if they need to hold them for information purposes, I understand that. Certainly deserve trial though.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:36 No.1943543
    Wait, the Fed is talking about another round of money printing and the economy is improving?

    Does not compute.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:37 No.1943554

    Obama used an executive order to take out Universal care. Didn't pursue TORT reform or Inter-state competition despite the fact it would lower costs.

    Obama could have allowed the Bush tax cuts to expire, they were due to expire and could have vetoed any action to reinstate.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:37 No.1943563
    how is that better?
    >> Duckfuck 03/04/12(Sun)02:38 No.1943570
    The 2/3rs rule has only existed for a few years. The Founders were a socio-economically near-sighted and dangerously insane group of people.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:40 No.1943584
    Patriot Act

    Should I list more?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:56 No.1943771
    Hello Europe.
    >> sage sage 03/04/12(Sun)03:36 No.1944158
    because they're libertarians. Libertarians are never happy
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)04:01 No.1944385
    >why you still mad tho?

    Why Can't americans Have Democracy?
    >> sage sage 03/04/12(Sun)04:13 No.1944515
    >Paul Craig Roberts
    >mfw he's a 9/11 truther
    >mfw Alex Jones thinks he's a credible source
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)04:46 No.1944804
    Over 90% of new jobs go to Hispanics. Most of these new jobs are low wage service jobs.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)04:50 No.1944841
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    Sure, if making new, temporary minimum wage jobs that are given to illegals sounds like improvement to you. Too bad the fundamental problems aren't being fixed. Industry going down the shitter and Americans are losing all those jobs to smelly beaners, Indians, and various Chinks/Gooks.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:16 No.1945537
    >mfw poster makes obvious association fallacy
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:26 No.1945645
    The US federal budget deficit is currently at ~8.5 percent!! That means $8.5/$100 is borrowed federal government stimulus spending!!! If you included municipal and state deficits the number would surly be much higher. Higher still if you count their under-funding public sector pension plans and the like.

    You're probably have to cut 25% out of the US's per capita consumption to put it back to a sustainable level. In other words, a sustainable USA (one that isn't being subsidised by Chinese, etc. lenders) would have a standard of living closer to low-tier Europe (Greece, Spain, etc.) than what it has now, and would be noticeably poorer than Western Europe or Canada.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:27 No.1945656
    8.5% of GDP that should be
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:30 No.1945687
    Why no one understands the debt itself isn't bad. USA government had a debt that is over 100% of its GDP at the end of WW2.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:32 No.1945707
    It also had a rapidly growing population, was at the cusp of a technological explosion, had vast untapped natural resources, had a near monopoly on innovation and capital in the world, etc, etc...

    The US like other developed countries should be SAVING for the future given their demographics and prospects, not borrowing more.

    Enjoy the present standard of living while you can because it won't last much longer.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:33 No.1945715
    Apparently half the country is below the poverty line.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:36 No.1945733
    Current NDAA
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:36 No.1945741
    I recently moved to Korea, and Koreans don't believe me when I tell them their economy is much better than in the US, and their real standard of living is higher than in the US for the vast majority of people (all but the very rich). They've been conditioned to think the US is this endlessly wealthy impossibly rich country, always had been and always will be. One was really puzzled about this occupy wall street thing she'd heard about on the news: why on earth would Americans protest anything when it's all milk and honey and endless riches for all???
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:37 No.1945744
    Japan has a huge debt and they're okayish.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:37 No.1945751
    I'm not mad, just disappointed.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:38 No.1945755
    Japan's debt is all owed to Japanese. It's a wash; a purely paper debt since the Japanese government can always print yen to pay its own citizens with next to no effect on the real economy.

    The US's deficit OTOH is being funded by foreigners, who could cut off this supply of real capital tomorow.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:38 No.1945758
    >Patriot Act
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:40 No.1945772
    Poverty is 15.1%.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:42 No.1945798
    Wouldn't that raise inflation in Japan and cause huge spending problems?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:45 No.1945824
    only like a quarter of american debt is held by foreign entities.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:47 No.1945837
    It'd amount to the government taxing its citizens (since it wouldn't pay them back in 'real' yen), but it doesn't change its fiscal capacity: where before it relied on voluntary debt buying by Japanese, it could simply raise taxes with the same net effect.

    The problem for the US is if it ever tried to monetize its debt, is that its foreign lenders (which is just burned) would cut off lending. This would mean a real net fall in US financial resources, since it'd have to rely purely on its own fiscal capacity.

    tl;dr: whatever Japanese does internally, it's internally financed at the end of the day. The US is externally financed to a large degree, which could be cut off if its lenders decide not to lend anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:47 No.1945839
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    I just came on to this board.

    I saw your reply in the bottom three "newly replied" posts.

    Congrats! You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about! You made my night. I was about to go to sleep, then I saw your post - then i tried to understand it.

    Hahaha, keep being 15 forever - it's fucking hilairous.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:49 No.1945856
    Care to provide a counter arguement?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:50 No.1945862
    Japanese are experiencing DEFLATION at the moment.

    Look up the interest rate, it's insanely low, lower than USA. They are doing that on a purpose to inflate the money.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:50 No.1945873
    I'm pretty sure about 1/2 of new debt is bought by foreigners. So if they stopped buying that would pull ~5% out of the economy. That's be BAD BAD BAD but not *** CATASTROPHIC***

    Also if the US was monetizing its debt foreigners would rush to repatriate dollars (to swap them for real US assets), which would give a big boost to the US economy, although it'd also put inflation through the roof.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:51 No.1945880
    you have no idea what
    "monetize the debt" actually means do you?

    You don't understand that the majority of Japan's wealth is actually more interlinked to the world's economy than the USAs?

    (btw, I'm not american, I'm not Japanese. I don't care one way or the other. You just sound like you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about hahahaha)
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:51 No.1945882
    That was a nice non-rebuttal.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:54 No.1945905
    Japan is 5th in external debt:
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:55 No.1945925
    Japan has a positive balance of payments. It earns its keep through mutually beneficial trade. On the other hand the US relies on other countries 'investing' in its financial instruments, which they could simply decide to not do (it's a lot harder to decide not to import Japanese cars and cameras and the like)
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:00 No.1945967
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    a counter arguement to what? You just said a bunch of nonsense lol.

    There is no arguement to dispute. What, japan could just print off their debt? Are you retarded? hahahaha

    "The US is funded by foreeigners who could cut off capital tomorrow"

    Okay... where do I begin.

    You are saying that japan is in better shape because its not being funded by foreigners?

    First off, the USA gets most of its REAL CAPITAL
    (and I think you need some definitions)
    From itself.

    Real Capital is actual mineral/labor/resource/manufacturing capibility riches
    Which the USA is #1 hands down in the world.

    Should I continue?
    I'm pretty sure you need to read the glossary in an INTRO to ECONOMICS book so that you can look up some BASIC IDEAS before you start to shout out bullshit LOL

    Also - You should probably look at facts

    YES the USA has a HUGE amount of debt
    but that debt is miniscule to the amount of money that is projected to be produced over a period of time... BASED OFF OF REAL CAPITAL. Which is why nations like china continue to loan them money... because they have the REAL CAPITAL to pay them off and are in no way in any risk of defaulting on those loans.

    I'm NOT GOING TO ARGUE WITH YOU. Why would I argue with somebody who uses terms they don't fully understand in a context that is plainly wrong? Have fun trying to tell people things that have NO factual basis.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:05 No.1946015
    The economy has been growing for three years straight.
    Unemployment is falling.
    The debt is shrinking.

    Obama gets my vote.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:05 No.1946024
    Most of the fuckers ITT voted Bush a second term.

    Think about that while you digest their petty accusations.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:07 No.1946034
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    Japan is COMPLETELY funded by foriegners.
    They are in the top five for international exports.
    You cut that off, guess what happens? Their economy is hurting.

    Wait what? That could never happen?
    Obviously you haven't realized that Japan has been dealing with this for a FUCKING DECADE.

    LOL. Using Japan as an example. Now maybe you can pretend that you were trolling?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:08 No.1946043

    >Japan is COMPLETELY funded by foriegners...

    Jesus wept.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:14 No.1946111
    Unemployment is falling only because people have given up and stopped looking for work. This is a statistical fact. I nearly gave myself a black eye I face-palmed so hard when Jon Stewart ridiculed the Republicans for making this TRUE accusation a couple days ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:21 No.1946170
    Japan and Germany have large positives balances of trade because they are very competitive and foreigners want to buy their products. They aren't 'funded by foreigners' simply by the whimsy of those foreigners but because they want Nintendos and BMWs.

    Again, contrast that with foreign 'investment' in US securities which is purely speculative. If that stopped - and it could overnight - US imports would have to fall which means a real drop in the US living standard. The US has a negative trade balance of about $50 billion a month!

    re: Japan's ability to monetize its debt, since it's mostly domestically held only its own citizens would be hurt if it devalued the yen. OTOH the US would be starved of needed foreign investment if it did the same.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:23 No.1946197
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    wanna know a secret?
    When people have a family to support and responsibilities to uphold - GIVING UP is not "oh im finally going to look for work", GIVING UP is "fuck it, there's no work for me". Our unemployment statistics actually take into count people who have just GIVEN UP! Our unemployment statistics only account for people who have been looking for work in the past six months!

    So yeah... that kind of means you are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:28 No.1946244
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    Japan debt to GDP ratio: 198%
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:28 No.1946248
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    but you have no idea what the USA produces do you?
    I'm australian btw. So don't think I'm trying to suck on the USA's dick. I come on /pol/ because I dislike the majority of shit they do. But they are an ECONOMIC POWERHOUSE. The reason why NATIONS give them loans is because they have NO CHANCE of defaulting.

    The widespread investing in SECURITIES (which im not convinced you are certain of the definition) should be a sign of the STRENGTH of the economy if anything. These aren't stupid people. You aren't going to throw millions of dollars into an investment you don't think will pay off... These are some of the smartest people in the world. And I'm still not convinced that you have any idea what you are talking about LOL
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:30 No.1946265
    Huh? Want to re-word that so it makes sense?

    Unemployment has 'fallen' mostly because people have given up the job hunt. They're either under-employed, have managed to get on disability, have gone back to school, or are relying on someone else of welfare. The number of net full-time jobs hasn't anywhere close to kept pace with the number of working age people since 2008: in fact the ratio of jobs to workers have fallen every year simply through demographics.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:31 No.1946274
    contrary to recent propaganda that china makes everything; the USA is the largest manufacturer in the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:37 No.1946316
    They are stupid; they're human! China, Japan, the Arabs, etc. invest in the US because of political not purely economic calculations. They keep piling money into the US:

    - Out of habit (their mindset was shaped by past decades when the US was a much larger share of global GDP than it is today)
    - Because the US has always been a good bet (the same logic that fueled the housing bubble)
    - Because they want to keep exporting to the US (this is clearly unsustainable)
    - Because they think it's politically untenable within the US for the dollar to depreciate too much (I think they're wrong about this)

    Everyone is happy to keep defying gravity as long as they can, but ultimately a new equilibrium will have to emerge, that probably involves the US having significantly lower consumption, and the exporting countries much more domestic consumption. That is, the average American needs to get poorer and the average Chinese and German richer.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:38 No.1946325
    The USA still doesn't produce enough to justify its standard of living, which is the problem. Similarly the average Chinaman should get a raise.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:39 No.1946331
    itt you realize debt doesn't matter
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:41 No.1946347
    Debt means different things to different countries. It's very important what % is foreign held, and if they have a trade deficit or not, and what their demographics are like, and what %gdp their debt is at.

    Japan can have 200% of GDP debt because of its circumstances. Greece can not. Etc, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:43 No.1946359
    My point is, for all the panic about the US national debt, it's not really at a level where anyone should be worried.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:43 No.1946363
    thats kind of what I was trying to say...
    The USA is the biggest TRUE CAPITAL produer/holder in the world BY FAR. No other nation can touch it by a very large percentage. It has more capitbility to make a profit than any other nation in the world and it has one of the least likely chances of "going under" in the world.

    That is why any arguements saying "the US is doomed because china holds debt" is ridiculous. At any point the USA could say "we don't need you or your money" and be fairly well off.

    The USA is one of the ONLY NATIONS IN THE WORLD to have the capibility to be self sufficent. It COULD produce everything it needs with its own resources. The USA finds it CHEAPER to purchese from other counrtries however, which is why it does so. China and Russia are the only other countries IN THE WORLD that could be non-dependant on world trade - but they lack the INFRASTRUCTURE to do so. The USA has the infrastructure, it has the resources, it just lacks the economic mainframe to make self-sustainibility a realitiy. Should a "loaner" nation such as China ever decide to default on it's loans they would be hurting themselves more than the United States because the US would pretty much go "LOL, okay" and start making whatever they needed too but without the debt they would have had to pay.

    The U.S. takes loans because they can produce more than the interest on the loans every year and still come out on top. It's the same reason you would rather make a set credit card payment every month, even though you know it may be hurtful at the time, but you know in the long run it won't bother you one bit...
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:44 No.1946373
    The problem is the USA had high debt while being dependent on foreign borrowing.

    If it was just one or the other it's be OK, it's the combination that makes things unstable.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:47 No.1946391
    If the US had to be more self-sufficient - which being cut off from foreign borrowing would force it to be - its standard of living would have to decline. People wouldn't starve or whatever: they'd simply have to work more and consume less, which is the reality everyone is trying to avoid.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:53 No.1946440
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    All of those reasons are reasons that somebody who has no idea who to make investments would think about.

    Fortunately the rest of the world aren't idiots. They don't look into emotional things like habit or tradition (your first two bullets)
    Yes, they do want to keep exporting to the U.S. NO this is no way unteneble. the US is the biggest market in the world. Why would this be unteneble? Even if the USA loses a majority, say 50% of its purchesing power, it still has over 300 million people who live at 15k a year (THIS IS AT -50% of it's purchesing power) which would still average to the second highest market in the world. Why would you ever think to quit doing buisiness there?

    And the last thing... I don't think you understand how currency works in a world market. If a currency depreciates it does not necessarily mean that the economy is doing badly... There was just a huge political spat with china that has lasted for half a decade over them keeping the value of their currency TOO depreciated to keep market trading in their favor. The USA fought for over FIVE YEARS for china to bring the value of their currency UP. Please explain why the USA would do that if it wasn't in their favor?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:56 No.1946474
    I do that now because I'm in a large bit of debt (for my income) and to be honest, it's not really that bad. I scour things like the internet for entertainment. I visit the library or go hiking more or just go for a walk and enjoy shit around me. I don't think it's so much people avoiding this, the powers that be want us to just mindlessly consume. When we break from it and actually go outside and enjoy life, they flip the fuck out. They want us to buy their crap. Spend a month not buying anything but bare necessities. Don't cheat and try to find other forms of entertainment that is free. I bet it'll kick more ass than burning up money at some stupid bar or shelling out 15 bucks for a movie ticket to an 80's sitcom that was made into a movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)07:57 No.1946480
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:04 No.1946522
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    The USA isn't DEPENTANT on foreign borrowing though, that the main thing people don't understand.

    The USA borrows, but no foreign nation would ever have the gall to call in their debts ahead of time. And I guarantee you that NOBODY puts out a BILLION DOLLAR LOAN without hearing about a repayment plan.

    Do you guys even know what this "debt" is? Do you people understand how it is that foreign nationals come to "buy teh gov't"?

    Do you people know that the majority of the US debt is owned by US citizens?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:05 No.1946530
    Shush, people think it's China. Wasn't China's cut like 7 percent or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:07 No.1946540

    Net international investment position is a good indicator of whethere a country's external debt is sustainable.

    If it's negative, the country is definitely fueling itself with borrowed money, if it's positive payments and interest do factor in.

    Japan, Norway, Germany and Switzerland are easily positive, US and UK are somewhat negative (but not on the dangerous zone and US has been negative since Reagan) and PIGS are very heavily on the negative.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:12 No.1946582
    The USA is 'dependent' on foreigners to cover its trade deficit, which is propping up consumption artificially. If that went away consumption would have to fall noticeably.

    And nobody is worried that the US will *default*, but rather that it will let inflation pick up, which means that its bonds would produce a negative return.

    In the end all this would be for the good: US consumption would decline to sustainable levels, there'd be more employment in the US (just at lower wages), and China, etc. would have to start consuming more and exporting less. China etc. would be left holding the bag for a lot of US's borrowing (since they would have lent to the US with the dollar worth x, so the US could buy imported Chinese goods worth x, but will be repaid in much depreciated future dollars), but it's a risk they knew they were running.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:13 No.1946593
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    obvious uneducated teenage european/wanna-be-euro

    nobody uses the phrase "PIGS" anymore unless they are political minority european or "trying-to-sound-smart" pro-euro american.



    You can't? We'll since you used that phrase congrats, you are uneducated garbage.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:20 No.1946652
    your country is doomed. obama will send you to war with iran, which will spark world war 3.

    karma is a bitch
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:20 No.1946657
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    You should probably know that China has almost ZERO investment in the USA compartively to their other investments and that as a percentage of total investment the USA counts CHINA next to ZERO right?

    If the USA were to stop trading with China then the USA would stop getting a bunch of goods they could manufacture on their own cheaper than normal, but China would stop recieving goods they could not produce themselves?

    Do you understand that a simple THIS NUMBER IS BIGGER THAN THAT NUMBER mentality is completely HURRDURR and is (regardless of your political affiliation) purely primary talk? Please don't fall for that. You are better than that.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:20 No.1946658
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    PIGS, rustling dem jimmies.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:20 No.1946664
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    ...Except, that level of inflation would collapse all the major US banks, whose entire existence at this point is predicated at the Fed keeping inflation at bay. Not so much "for the good".
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:21 No.1946669
    >I recently moved to Korea
    I can tell. You don't know what you're talking about. Try meeting some people here and getting to know the place before you start posting bullshit.

    Most people do not make enough money to live away from their parents' house. Wages are low enough to the point where many don't see a point in pursuing a steady career. The cost of goods is too high, and it doesn't help that many of them think that money is a one way path to happiness.

    The job situation isn't much better. Like the US, people are fighting tooth and nail for shitty service jobs, and it isn't much better for people with 'good' degrees in the science, medical, or financial fields.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:22 No.1946686
    >the Fed keeping inflation at bay.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:23 No.1946690
    It's not direct foreign investment that matters in this case. It's treasury bond purchases, which the US uses to fund deficit spending, which is keeping the economy afloat.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:23 No.1946692

    >China has almost ZERO investment in the USA compartively to their other investments

    Is /pol/ always this retarded or is it the weekend?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:26 No.1946720
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    Do you ALWAYS completely miss the point of the posts or only on the weekends?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:36 No.1946808
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    ITT: rationalizing the US's precarious financial position with Pollyanna Obamafags.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:39 No.1946840
    Because people like to complain and argue, much easier than actually doing something.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:40 No.1946854
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    This makes me sad. US should own the world more than the other way around.

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