>> |
02/25/12(Sat)18:39 No.1823555>>1823490
>Okay, so you used an ad hominem then a strawman. Actually, I used hyperbole, but that's not a logical fallacy.
>How do you know that? Because they've been doing it all along when there was no police presence.
>No, but it seems you're saying it would. >Right
now, the riots tend to focus on the police and attacks between rioters
and them, if the police were to join them, it would make their cause a
lot more legitimate and theres no telling what that would lead the
protesters to do. The rioters have been torching buildings
even with no police presence, the Greeks are far more angry and volatile
than a simple protest but you seem to believe riots only happen because
of police. This is liberal bullshit.
I'm saging because you're obviously a 16 year old with no real argument
skills beyond ad hominems and strawmen, have a nice day, and stay in
school. No you're a fucking liberal dipshit and a hypocrite. Fuck off. |