11/03/11(Thu)04:49 No. 180115 File1320310163.jpg -(59 KB, 640x480, 56.jpg ) >>180049 >Bear Sterns brothers was packed to the gills with toxic mortgages, THATS what set off the panic. Idiot. Do you know the difference between a catalyst and a cause? The
financial system was a powder keg ready to blow, anything could have
triggered it. It just happened to be a run of loan defaults which some
banks were over exposed to (Fanny/Mac, etc...). The bad loans
were not enough to cause the near collapse of the entire global
financial system. Unregulated banking, the creation and trading of
debts, and gambling in the markets that caused the problem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_banking_system Blaming the average joe, and the poor, for the credit crisis, is, frankly, disgusting.