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11/02/11(Wed)04:00 No.165657>>165559 >12. Created the Mujahadeen/Osama Bin Laden
mujahideen banded together themselves and were a response to the
USSR-supported Afghan Communist party rule in 1977-1979, they weren't
created by the US. Funding began under Carter. These groups (mostly
Hekmatyar and other radicals) grew substantially not as a result of any
partisan views. We funded the wrong ones because of our misunderstanding
of the region and reliance on two-faced allies like Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia, and to a lesser extent the gulf states. The US was getting such a
good bang for its buck against the Soviets anyway that any president
would have adhered to that policy. Islamist terrorism against the United
States wasn't even a glimmer in Osama's eye before 89.
hatred for the US was triggered by our perceived occupation of Saudi
Arabia, when the Saudis accepted American troops to defend Kuwait and
Saudi Arabia from Saddam, rather than accept bin Laden's offer of his
ragtag bunch of Arab mujahideen to defend the kingdom. We didn't create
him, he was created by various super-radical versions of Islam
(Wahhabism, Salafism, etc.) combining like a wildfire in Afghanistan,
and the US was just the next source of perceived oppression.
you're going to attack anyone for not getting to bin Laden, it should be
Clinton and GW Bush Jr. Clinton lacked the foresight to declare the
Taliban an enemy and recognize that we were beyond Cold War notions of
an enemy. And he almost got him several times. The real fault (if any)
should be placed on the less-than-hawkish types like Albright, Reno, and
Sandy Berger, as well as the military brass (surprisingly) who avoided
military action against bin Laden in the late 90s that would prevented
all this. The blame is on Bush because be essentially ignored the
problem, sidelined Richard Clarke, in favor of focusing on China, Iraq,
etc (old problems). So yea, take that off your stupid list. |