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    File : 1329243932.jpg-(446 KB, 1562x1495, alkolukko.jpg)
    446 KB winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 02/14/12(Tue)13:25 No.1647474  
    Alkolukko=Alcolock (pic related)

    According to new Finnish law all taxi and bus drives that transport young students between school and home and/or daycare have to take an alcohol breath test with a device that is installed in the car (alkolukko/alcolock). If the alcolock detects that the driver has been drinking the vehicle will not start.

    Also people with DUI sentences can get their DL back if they consent to alcolock superivision (alcolock will be installed in their car).

    Yesterday Mikko Paatero the chief of whole Finnish police force proposed that alcolock will be mandatory in all new cars on the news because of incearsed DUI sentences (which is usually few hours of community service or probational sentences). If his proposion will be taken seriously goverment might put out a law propotion pending about this. If the law gets accepted (like the new cigarette law and other fucking insane laws have been accepted) all new cars will have this mandatory accessory and I bet after that there is only one thing that can happen. Alcolock must be installed to older vehicles or they are not valid anymore.

    IMHO to decrease drunk driving is to higher the sentences not installing alcolocks to good peoples cars.
    >> 高槻やよい !JijLYGRtkg 02/14/12(Tue)13:27 No.1647497
    Sounds like it would bring Finland to a standstill
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:31 No.1647552
    1. Put Alcolock in vehicle to make it look good.
    2. Cross a couple of wires or something to disable it.
    3. Put in secret switch for your ignition so cop can't just turn your key and arrest you.
    4. PROFIT!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:35 No.1647600
    I think it's a great idea. Sober people waste just a few fucking seconds, drunk people don't end up killing everyone they're supposed to be responsible for.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:36 No.1647614
    Alcolock would be more useful to those actually convicted of DUI.

    >IMHO to decrease drunk driving is to higher the sentences not installing alcolocks to good peoples cars.

    The best way to decrease drunk driving is by providing and promoting alternatives to drunk driving. Taxis, public transport, shared riding, even hotel stays.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:36 No.1647616
    I wish these were required in all vehicles, especially in America.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:38 No.1647633
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:43 No.1647693
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    when are governments going to start regulating our diet and exercise? I'm tired of seeing all these fat people we need healthier legislation for this!
    >> winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 02/14/12(Tue)14:03 No.1647925

    So you actually wouldn't mind? How humiliating it is to blow in some fucking tube everytime you want to go somewhere? Also that system can so easily be unlawfully overrided that it won't stop the drunks and it will make our normal lawabiding citizens life harder which is unfair. I seriously don't want any devices like that installed to my classic untouched all original cars. How the hell are you going to sell cars to foreign countries when there's shit like that installed? Also this will increase costs of new cars like the police chief said. Even though he said that he doesen't mind but guess what, I do mind. Also during winter it's hard enough to maintain your can and get it to start up and then there's even more unnecessary electricity installed and the whole thing will be frozen and shit and will give wrong readings or won't even start = car won't start. You can't be serious? I sincerely hope you are trolling or then you don't have love towards cars and no self respect.


    A very good point. Thanks for the good post.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)14:06 No.1647950
    What if I need my car in an emergency?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)14:08 No.1647981
    Here in Britain they still want us to have gps black boxes, for the still not turned down road pricing scheme or for insurance purposes.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)14:10 No.1647995
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    This doesn't stop me from drinking WHILE driving
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)14:13 No.1648030
    You wanted lefty big state socialism, well you got it.

    >but muh "free" healthcare

    I'd prefer to pay insurance and not have the government breathing down my neck and holding my hand.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)14:15 No.1648059
    >attach bicycle pump to mouth piece
    >drive drunk
    >> winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 02/14/12(Tue)15:19 No.1648885
    Good points everyone.

    I still can't believe the cigarette law came in effect. It's like lottery you never know what you get and the cashiers always say the wrong code and lines pile up.


    Whats the status on those things? Same talk going on here too.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)15:22 No.1648926
    don't allow teenage girls with cell phones access to cars; well, women in general.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)15:24 No.1648958
    You have to take the test again after you get out of the car.

    If you fail you get locked in until the authorities arrive.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)15:25 No.1648961
    what cigarette law

    explain you faggot
    >> winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 02/14/12(Tue)15:34 No.1649096

    I made a thread when the law wasn't yet in effect last year. Before the law you could freely choose cigarette products of the shelf and pay them to the cashier. Now all the cigarette products are hidden. You have to ask for a specific item and the cashier will give you a code (most stores) and you press the button with the correct code or the cashier will open a cabinets doors and give the product.

    Cons are that now you can't go through the items and choose new stuff or look for alternatives if there isn't your brand since you can't see what they have to offer (I used to go through the items and randomly choose some nice looking packs and try them). They can't open the cabinettes or show the products if you don't mention a specific item by correct name. Also the cashier can get fined if (s)he forgets the doors open or keeps the products visible.
    >> winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 02/14/12(Tue)15:36 No.1649125
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    Yesterday when I was shopping and bought a pack of Marlboro menthol even some 70yo women behind me said that the law is stupid and the young girl cashier who overheard us talking said the same.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)15:37 No.1649145
    Insurance companies already offer it, the government road pricing is still be looked into and is seen as inevitable but with no current time limit.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)15:39 No.1649177

    Europe is really starting to piss me off.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)15:42 No.1649230
    We can look forward to this in Britain from next year...
    >> winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 02/14/12(Tue)15:43 No.1649241

    Where can citizens vote against this shit? It seems that all this crap is done behind our back and cannot be fought against.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)15:45 No.1649272

    Wouldn't that just lead to a Monopoly on Cigarettes?

    All the big companies would be the ones to make all the money, and they would then be able to control the price.

    In short, they would make ridiculous profits from this.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)15:46 No.1649285
    Democracy and a large state in action.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)15:47 No.1649298
    >In short, they would make ridiculous profits from this.

    Nothing like what the government makes. They love taxing smokes, alcohol and fuel over here.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)15:57 No.1649446
    >higher the sentences

    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)16:00 No.1649499
    A breathalyser in every bus and taxi: $40,000

    Extending the prison time: $50,000,000

    >> winterproject !!Gb/d94V41Zg 02/14/12(Tue)16:07 No.1649587
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    So let's just make innocent people who don't drive drunk suffer?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)16:14 No.1649666
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    UUUUHHHHH HUUUUURRRRRR DURRRRRRRRR but externalities and information asymmetry we need big government to counteract that it's the social contract ALLLLLAAAAH ISLAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)16:17 No.1649702
    spot the odd one out!

    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)16:18 No.1649724
    >mfw elton john drives a day care bus
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)16:20 No.1649761
    Finland = A highly alcoholic country due to winters and depression

    Bus Driver = Responsible for the lives of many children

    Drunk Driver = Unable to keep keys on track, slower response time

    Put it all together. It makes sense
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)16:22 No.1649776

    How would increasing the sentences help? Deterrents hardly work at the best of times, let alone for a crime that by definition can only be committed while you're drunk and aren't really thinking straight. I support impounding the car and immediately taking away the license of someone who's been caught drink driving though, just so they don't do it again.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)16:23 No.1649798
    Now we just go to the bar with a designated blower ( not you mother ) and drive home all trashy

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