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    File : 1329240717.jpg-(20 KB, 350x350, nixon.jpg)
    20 KB Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:31 No.1646805  
    Why are there so many racists and right-wingers in /pol/? I thought some form of intelligent life would have been populating this place.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:35 No.1646836
    Most of them are actually leftists in everyday life venting cause its anon on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:36 No.1646846
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:36 No.1646850
    "Give a man a mask and he'll tell you everything."

    You may not like the truth, but it's right here.
    >> Low IQ Board Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:37 No.1646853
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    In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status.

    Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes
    Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact

    Gordon Hodson and
    Michael A. Busseri

    + Author Affiliations

    Brock University
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:38 No.1646869

    Do you really need a study to prove that? Have you ever spoken to a racist? They are so muddled and can never give any proper definition's on their hatred because they constantly contradiction themselves.

    I just thought that being 2012 and with 4chan being related to some progressive stuff that the idiots would have fucked right off.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:39 No.1646880
    You might feel more at home here:
    >> Low IQ & Liberal Beliefs Linked To Poor Research? Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:40 No.1646886
    >Lo, they found small p-values. The authors appear unaware that samples of this size are practically guaranteed to spit out small p-values.

    >What makes the study ludicrous, even ignoring the biases, manipulations, and qualifications just outlined, by the authors’ own admission the direct effect size for “g” on “racism” is only -0.01 for men and 0.02 for women. Utterly trivial; close enough to no effect to be no effect, their results statistically “significant” only because of the massive sample size.

    >The effect size for “conservative ideology” directly predicting “racism” is higher (0.69 and 0.51). But all that means is that the questions the authors picked for these two attitudes are roughly correlated with one another. In other words, “None of the political parties would do anything to benefit me” is crudely correlated with “I wouldn’t mind working with people from other races” and so forth.

    >Yet the authors have the temerity to conclude, “These results from large, nationally representative data sets provide converging evidence that lower g in childhood predicts greater prejudice in adulthood and, furthermore, that socially conservative ideology mediates much of this effect.”
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:40 No.1646888
    >Read study
    >completely biased, conclusion clearly written before actual tests. All tests will lead to desired conclusion.

    Sigh, how far has science fallen.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:40 No.1646892
    Just because we're right wing, it doesn't make us stupid. I'm so sick of people coming to this board everyday and automatically assuming that anyone with a more conservative opinion is some fundamentalist religious nut.

    Have you ever considered that you're the stupid and uneducated one?
    Have you ever considered that there are intelligent people that have differing points of view?
    Have you ever considered trying to understand our points of view, without incorporating our ridiculous stereotypes?

    Go read a book you child.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:40 No.1646897

    I know of revleft, but I didn't think 4chan /pol/ would turn into the next Stormfront, the land of blatant contradictions and theories that have even scientists shaking their heads.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:41 No.1646904
    >political ideology=indication of intelligence
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:42 No.1646913
    Master race 'racist' Liberal here.

    Fuck all Liberals who refuse to accept scientific evidence of differences between mongoloids, caucasoids and negroids.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:42 No.1646920
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    > mfw the smartest black guy makes the dumbest white guy look like einstein.

    > implying blacks, outside of the chinese, aren't the most openly racist group of assholes IRL on the planet.

    > mfw the most racist, ignorant, hateful, homophobic things I've ever heard come out of someone's mouth IRL has come out of a black person's mouth.....every single time.

    > where's your god now?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:42 No.1646921
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    I was trolling. I seriously hope you don't post on that shithole.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:43 No.1646929

    Let's face it, there's just no possible way to exist with conservative ideology in the modern world.

    Guess what? People are gay, get used to it.
    Guess what? Some people aren't religious, get used to it.
    Guess what? Humans are... humans?! What?!

    I have conservative friends and we constantly fight and I just can't see any intelligent form of ideology come from them. I can't bring myself to agree with the vast majority of their beliefs.

    Don't get me wrong though, there's plenty of idiots on the left wing.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:43 No.1646933
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    >the land of blatant contradictions and theories that have even scientists shaking their heads

    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:43 No.1646935

    It's said here all the time, but blacks score lower on those IQ tests too. So I guess the racists, even if they're thick, are correct about black intelligence.

    On a side note, lol @ this faggot STILL spamming this study everywhere. This has gotta be the same guy with that 1GB interracial cuckold porn folder.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:43 No.1646941

    No I don't post on revleft for the same reason I would never post on Stormfront.

    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:44 No.1646948

    >Someone doesn't think like I do

    Both related.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:45 No.1646953

    Proof please. Science has shown us that eugenics are a complete fraud. And please, when I mean proof, I mean proof conducted by real scientists not white nationalist racist groups.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:45 No.1646958
    >black people are routinely and repeatedly proven to be at least 10 IQ points dumber on average than whites


    >conservatives proven to be on average 0.01 IQ points dumber on average than your average person

    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:45 No.1646959

    Well, if you were a true leftist OP, you would have liked Nixon.

    But since you're ignorant and uneducated, I'll give you a pass.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:46 No.1646965

    Not sure where you drew that claim from.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:46 No.1646968
    Have no fear, OP. I am intelligent. I'd be glad to take all your questions.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:46 No.1646970
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    >Whites have calcified Pineal Glands in their brains, due to being melanin-deficient. Melanin is a Hormone that humans (non-Whites) possess. The very word Human comes from two words: Hue = Colored + Man = Person = Colored Person = Human.
    >Whites did not originate out of the “cold” climate like the liars and clowns keep propagating. As a matter of fact dark skin serves to warm and cool normal bodies in all-climate environments. The dark skin absorbs the Sun’s rays warming the body, while the dark skin also absorbs the Sun’s rays and dissipates heat through body fluids in hot environments. White DNA through the Human Genome Project has revealed Whites contain severely-altered genetics, by artificial means. The dark-skinned Eskimos living in the Bering Straight and Artic Circle know all about this too.
    >The reason why hair, skin and eyes become dark, is because of the Hormone Melanin.
    >Most “medications” marketed for White people contain synthesized Melanin or ‘Melatonin Reuptake Catalysts’ (MRCs). Whites are genetically-inferior, since they produce none of the Hormone Melanin for normal physical, psychological, intelligence and sociological functions. There is strong evidence in the ancient world, that Whites were literally created out of genetic engineering by the ancient Black Egyptian Priest-Scientists. That is what the records of ancient Egypt reveal. These Typhonians or white devils were literally created as viruses, idiots, savages and beasts as new weapons to attack rival Priestly Orders of the ancient Black Kemetic (Egyptian) Priest-Scientists. Napoleon discovered this when he invaded Egypt, then defiled and stole all the Egyptian records.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:47 No.1646975
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    >Proof please.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:49 No.1647007

    You are a member of the right-wing?

    I was mostly referring to these ridiculous racists and Nazi posts I saw, I understand there are severe differences between most right-wingers and those clowns.

    But I still don't get why you would support the right wing over the left, simply because the left offers people more opportunity to live a happier life, no? By granting more freedom and ways to think.
    What I mean is, the farthest left you go is Anarchism and the farthest right you go is totalitarianism.

    They're extremes, I know, but there's something to be said about that.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:50 No.1647012

    You're proving his point. Right wing doesn't mean "hates gays, blacks and loves god". He might not even hold the views you just attacked. Thats the Republican platform, the Republican platform doesn't represent all people on the "right". For the most part, the "right" on /pol/ means libertarian "race realist", and occasionally nationalists.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:50 No.1647017
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:51 No.1647027
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    > mfw liberals and democrats cater and kow-tow to the lowest common denominator by exchanging welfare and entitlement handouts for votes.

    > implying anyone but them is the problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:51 No.1647034

    Proof. You people have gotta be kidding. At this point how can you not know? I can't immediately recall a specific study and can't be bothered to research for you, but here's two links that immediately come to mind:

    James Watson springs to mind too:

    "[I am] inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa [because] all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really."
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:52 No.1647038

    M kay, let's start with OP's statement:

    "Why are there so many racists and right-wingers in /pol/? I thought some form of intelligent life would have been populating this place."

    This implies that right wingers are stupid. OP would not define his own ideology as stupid, or else he wouldn't follow it. It is therefore reasonable to assume that OP does not follow a right wing ideology. Because of the wording of the post, it is implied that he finds himself more intelligent than anyone who is right wing, simply because of what they believe.

    Hence my statement.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:52 No.1647039

    You're mixed up.

    Political ideology has a y and an x axis. Both extreme leftists and the extreme right can be either anarchist or totalitarian. Totalitarian left is communism, totalitarian right is fascism. The terms "left" and "right" generally refer to economic attitudes. The y axis refers to size of the state.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:52 No.1647040

    This is simple and I don't even need to quote anybody.

    Modern science agree's all human life came from the same place -- what is today called "Africa". Therefore, we share a common ancestry because we are of the same species.

    All other divisions are social institutions created by people.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:52 No.1647041
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    >But I still don't get why you would support the right wing over the left, simply because the left offers people more opportunity to live a happier life, no? By granting more freedom and ways to think.
    It's liberals who try to ban freedom of speech and outlaw everything they dislike. I am sure everyone in Cuba is living a super happy life.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:53 No.1647051

    Oh dear. New here?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:53 No.1647053
    fuckin hippies..
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:53 No.1647062

    Okay, let's try again.

    What is then, your idea of the right-wing?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:53 No.1647063
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    >conservatives not wanting to ban everything they don't like
    At least be somewhat reasonable.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:54 No.1647076


    I am a liberal who is also a "race realist".

    Fuck you liberals who believe that positive discrimination is something we need to do for blacks.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:55 No.1647078

    33 health services researchers from differing geographic regions were interviewed in a 2008 study. The researchers recognized the problems with racial and ethnic variables but the majority still believed these variables were necessary and useful.[111]

    A 2010 examination of 18 widely used English anatomy textbooks found that every one relied on the race concept. The study gives examples of how the textbooks claim that anatomical features vary between races

    >All other divisions are social institutions created by people.
    >spelt "biology" wrong
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:56 No.1647089
    ITT: an ignorant teenager called OP
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:56 No.1647090

    So you honestly believe that based on skin pigmentation, people can be more or less intelligent?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:56 No.1647094
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:56 No.1647096
    It feels like the whole racist, anti-jew /pol/ crowd vanished today. I've never seen so many retarded libtards go unchecked in months.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:57 No.1647104

    Oh Jesus fuck. Yes. Yes, I believe that. durrr.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:57 No.1647107

    Then why do different races have different brain morphologies? Why are different races more susceptible to certain diseases, why do they have different muscle masses, why are certain races more lactose intolerant than others, why are certain races more susceptible to the effects of certain drugs, why can scientists identify a person's race by the shape of their skulls with up to a 90% accuracy based on 14(I think?) indicators (study I read, not some RACIST OMG study, it had nothing to do with racism).

    It's because shock and surprise, people have been seperated for tens of thousands of years and experienced different evolutionary pressures. If all of those other things are COMMONLY HELD to be different (muscle density, height, susceptibility to diseases, etc.) then why does evolution stop at the brain. EVEN THOUGH the brain morphology across races is discernably different, why does it stop there? Why would people who grew a different brain morphology than another people in another area over tens of thousands of years have the exact same brain functions? Evolution doesn't work like that. Brain morphologies aren't different just for the hell of it, there is a functional reason for that.

    Races clearly exist.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:57 No.1647113

    >implying race is defined only by the color of one's skin

    The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:57 No.1647117
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    >implying that no evolution has occured at all in the 150,000 years since the first humans migrated out of Africa
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:58 No.1647120
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:58 No.1647121
    The founder of DNA says so
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:58 No.1647126
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:59 No.1647132
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    Race is more than skin pigmentation, you fucking munkoid retard.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:59 No.1647139
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    > the left offers people more opportunity to live a happier life, no? By granting more freedom and ways to think

    Is this nigga serious?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:59 No.1647140

    It is entirely comical to believe that people are racially different because of skin pigmentation.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait... so people adapt to their environment thus creating different skin pigmentation?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:00 No.1647153

    Race is utterly a social construct though. People didn't identify as a black race or a white race.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:01 No.1647164
    And facial structure
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:01 No.1647168
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    I want to know, why are conservatives burdened with the uncomely disadvantage of having lower IQ?

    These peer reviewed studies demonstrate the evidence for this observation of mine. (1)(2)

    Surely in this new millennium, the scourge of anti intellectualist primitivism should have abated?

    Why do conservatives still exist? Their views on society are outdated and authoritarian, and their economic policies shown to perpetuate corruption and inequality which culminates in depression, yet they still persist.

    What will it take for them to become enlightened and compassionate about their fellow humans, as it is in their selfish best interest to be altruistic towards their human brother? (3)
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:02 No.1647169
    nixon ended the war, opened trade with china, the only hippie things he did
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:02 No.1647173
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    Confirmed for troll. There is no way someone is this thick.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:02 No.1647175

    >don't recognize something
    >therefore it mustn't exist
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:02 No.1647176

    So why are niggers born in cold places still brown?

    Please end yourself. You asked for proof, you got it and then you go off on a tangent about how racist we are without providing anything to back you up apart from a pisspoor understanding of the differences between mongoloids, negroids and caucasoids.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:02 No.1647188
    Sorry, I can't buy into racist propaganda simply because it is completely backwards.

    I do wish that people would stop living like it's 1939 and perpetuate hatred based on geographical and physical differences. Welcome to planet Earth, humanity is the dominant species to further divide yourself is probably one of the most (disturbingly) comical things one could possibly do.

    Good job racists, continue hating people based on these things while the rest of us move on.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:03 No.1647189

    The difference between a person and a rock is also a social concept.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:03 No.1647197
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    The universe is too expansive, and too brilliant for you fucktards to be caught up over the race issue.

    At the end of the day you are the same star dust as the other guy.

    Collectivist ideology like white nationalism is inherently flawed and destroys self virtue and aspirations for the sake of the collective good.

    This results in a large group of brainwashed idiots that have been tricked into thinking that their specific race is superior to others, affirmed with the reassurance of other white nationalists, creating a bond.

    Whether it is moral or not,
    White nationalists are fucking idiots.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:03 No.1647198
    >So why are niggers born in cold places still brown?
    >"Whats evolution"?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:04 No.1647204
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    And just an aside to this, I hold these positions and am not a supremacist or genocidal. I don't think it's a given that just because races or different that means we have to kill some or segregate them.

    There are definatly some right wingers who are nationalistic and see race as a reason to be nationalistic, and then there are ones like me who lean more towards equality under the law rather than priviledges based on race. And I don't mean "white priviledge", I mean race centric social programs. I respect leftists who base their social programs on individual suffering alot more than ones who divide it by just BEING a certain race (even though inevitably this may lead to disproportionate race representation, but thats not so much an issue as making a program specifically because you're black, therefore you need help for being black).
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:04 No.1647209

    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:04 No.1647212

    >there are differences in outward appearances, but there can't possible be differences on the inside

    This poster actually believes this.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:05 No.1647218
    You're right, it is entirely comical to believe people are racially different because of skin colour. That's why albino niggers are still niggers.

    God damn bro iz u trollin or what?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:05 No.1647220
    >blacks and whites score differently on mental tests
    >blacks and whites represented differently in crime stats
    >blacks and whites have different cultures
    >black and white countries developed differently
    >most likely that the only gene difference is skin tone and face
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:05 No.1647223
    Any other differences are so small they're insignificant.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:05 No.1647228
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    Holy fucking shit, NOBODY can be this retarded. Nobody.

    pic very fucking related
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:06 No.1647234

    Yeah, I have no problem with treating all races equally.

    It's the suppression of truths on the differences that gets to me, and it should get to you too.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:07 No.1647240
    The intelligence here is booming. I must say, I do quite love when racists try to defend themselves.

    Keep at it, you're cracking me up.


    I disagree with you simply because I believe that races are social constructs, however, at least you aren't retarded.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:07 No.1647244
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    >White nationalists are fucking idiots

    >Because I said so
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:08 No.1647254
    lol, wtf. where the fuck is all of OP's proof anyway?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:08 No.1647258

    Well put. This will of course, I'm sure you know, be completely ignored by these bigots.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:09 No.1647264
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:10 No.1647276
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    Strawman detected.

    Whats next on your defense protocol?

    Are you going to call me JIDF now?
    Possibly use that arbitrary jew face?

    Keep entertaining me with your ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:10 No.1647278
    "... race is a social construct produced by the dominant group in society and their power to define."

    Suddenly the white nationalists panic.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:10 No.1647284
    Go on, tell of some significant differences.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:10 No.1647285
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    >I disagree with you simply because I believe that races are social constructs
    >I believe that races are social constructs
    >I believe
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:12 No.1647300
    Dave Chapelle actually made a very strong skit when he played the role of a black man as this monumental figure in the Ku Klux Klan.

    Because racial hatred as no plausible foundations other than mindless bigotry, the blind black man he was playing hated "niggers" simply because despite the fact he was in the KKK's eyes a "nigger" himself.

    Oh wait, according to these uneducated white supremacists Dave Chapelle is probably an idiot and his skit probably had no other meaning than to just laugh at.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:12 No.1647305
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    What's next on your offense protocol? Claim the brains of every human population evolved in exactly the same way over the past 100,000 years?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:13 No.1647318

    Why should the presumption be for similarity when black groups and white groups have such different histories and perform differently? Assuming that you're OP I've seen you do pretty much nothing other than presume you're right through this whole thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:16 No.1647351
    So what race is an interracial child, certainly not human...
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:16 No.1647354
    >Be OP
    >ancestors leave africa
    >different populations go to different environments
    >different gene pools
    >different environments
    >after thousands of years all populations are the same, except for the most obvious physical differences even I can't deny
    >declare I am totally right
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:16 No.1647355
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    > implying your experience with "blacks" goes any further than what you've seen on TV.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:17 No.1647360

    I refer you to

    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:18 No.1647375

    Interesting how all cultures developed differently...

    Culture does not equal race.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:18 No.1647377
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    What breed is a mutt?

    Hurrrrrrr, liberal logic.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:20 No.1647393

    >implying there can't be different categories under the homo sapien genus
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:21 No.1647413

    I don't quite understand why you define race based on geographical location of evolution.

    It's quite obvious that some people would evolve different but this does not make them separate.

    Depending on where a human civilisation developed they would obviously have different adaptations but this does not make them an entirely separate race of people. They're still homo sapiens and to deny this would be to deny a very basic principle.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:22 No.1647420

    That was probably the dumbest thing I've read all day. lol
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:22 No.1647424

    I refer you to

    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:23 No.1647443

    As I said, believe what you want. Continue to divide yourself I don't care.

    Meanwhile, the rest of humanity will be doing something important that doesn't involve spending time promoting racist ideology.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:23 No.1647444

    You're dumb.

    He's making the connection that there are several different categories of dogs, but they are still dogs.

    Oh hell, just read this.

    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:23 No.1647445
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    >ms paint comic
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:24 No.1647450
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    Such a witty retort.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:25 No.1647465
    I said "significant"
    There is no evidence there thats points to the fact we can't live together.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:25 No.1647473

    "Studies show that even when blacks get adopted to a white enviroment..."

    I stopped reading there.

    Again, I don't CARE about your laughable white supremacy ideology.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:25 No.1647477
    >promoting racist ideology

    So all the scientists who go out into nature to continually categorise different species of animals are racist. I like your logic.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:26 No.1647484
    > Why are there so many racists and right-wingers in /pol/?

    It isn't racist to recognize that niggers are a huge socio-economic problem in the USA.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:27 No.1647488

    >implying I'm for racial segretation

    Now you're just making assumptions. Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:28 No.1647506
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    > mfw you guys stop reading when it blows away you're fragile sensibilities.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:28 No.1647507
    >Again, I don't CARE about your laughable white supremacy ideology

    Then why are you here arguing about it?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:28 No.1647510
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    niggers and crackers can go to hell asian master race we have the highest iq's in the world. we do all the white man's work because they are to lazy to do it themselves and still have time to invent crazy cool shit lol@u white boys
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:28 No.1647511

    You stopped reading because you didn't like what you were reading.

    Continue to shield yourself from the truth.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:28 No.1647519

    I don't believe in Affirmative Action though.

    I am against racism of all kinds.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:29 No.1647529

    Is it just me or does this sound eerily like a creationist refusing to read deeper into evolutionary theories?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:30 No.1647538

    Shield myself from the truth?

    Buddy, racist ideology will and can never work because it is founded in bias and hatred.

    There are people who are darker than you who are smarter than you, there are people who are lighter than you who are smarter than you. Deal with it or find another planet I guess.

    It's such an obscene waste of time trying to defend race and perpetuate it because it's such a laughable issue.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:30 No.1647543

    >implying simply identifying racial differences and noting them is racist
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:32 No.1647571

    My ideology is not one of racism, but of truth.

    It is true that retarded neo-nazis would try and use the studies as evidence that all black people should die, etc, but I strongly feel that suppressing scientific truths because of this fear is at a stage where it's going too far.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:33 No.1647579

    Racism as defined by

    a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

    keyword is "usually" lol
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:33 No.1647585
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    > implying "niggers gonna nig" has anything to do with "intelligence" and nothing to do with "behavior" or "culture".
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:34 No.1647588
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    >mfw racists think racism can be justified and is not just a primitive instinct
    >mfw racists think IQ differences means we should discriminate people (why don't we give privileges to atheists over christians then? there are dozens of studies showing that atheism is correlated with higher IQ, but I bet racists would get mad if such thing happened)
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:35 No.1647594

    That's respectful. But I do feel it a genuine massive waste of time and energy to pick humanity apart.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:35 No.1647601
    >I thought some form of intelligent life would have been populating this place.

    Yes. Hence why there are so many racists on /pol/.

    When races have been conclusively and empirically proven to be different by countless scientists in countless fields over the last 250 years, it takes either an abyssally low IQ or willful denial of reality to assume racial egalitarianism.

    With all the scientific proof provided on a daily basis by the members of this board, insisting that 'we are all equal' or that 'race is a social construct' is, quite literally, on the same level as insisting that the earth is flat and that NASA and all the scientists are bigoted against flat-earthers for proving otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:37 No.1647625

    Racists are intelligent now?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:38 No.1647638
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    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:38 No.1647639
    Then why do you feel they are relevant to society? We are a modern civilization, not roving bands of inbred clans.
    In addition, even the study about conservatives and racists seems sketchy to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:39 No.1647654

    You're using the same argument as all social sciencists, thinking it's a waste to pick out little things (who cares about luminous tomatoes, etc), but real sciencists will continue to do it in any and all categories, not just race.

    When people complain about the scientists who choose to investigate racial differences and advocating censorship or complete disregardation of any of their results, they are being detrimental to science.

    I've said this before and I'll sat this again now. Political correctness, is a threat to scientific progress, along with religion.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:40 No.1647660
    Any study can be proven correct by the person conducting it.

    Not very hard.

    The one on conservatives linked 3 sources (biased ones), the racists linked 2 (biased ones).
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:42 No.1647680

    That's why we have peer-reviewed studies.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:42 No.1647681

    I don't care about PC's but racists are racists and are the scum of the earth.

    To honestly believe superiority based on skin color, geographical location, or whatever else you want to come up with to create social division's is so backwards.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:43 No.1647689
    Scientific advancement is hardly as important as real issues.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:45 No.1647707

    And to honestly believe that scientific research on one specific topic should not be done is also backwards.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:45 No.1647710
    That is what peer review is for. We would still believe in Sigmund Freud's utter bullshit if we just took what he said at face value.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:45 No.1647715
    Black and white are such ugly terms. They are stereotypes that just make sweeping claims about people. It's a complete and utterly uninformed generalization about so many things and these people who play the race card and on the opposite spectrum are racist are forgetting one things that all human beings have:

    The ability to reason.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:46 No.1647721

    Did you even read the thread you mentally deficient grade-school dropout?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:46 No.1647729
    This whole thread:

    >racists are dumb

    >no we're not, look at this evidence that backs up our claims

    >I don't care about your evidence, you are bigoted and therefore wrong
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:47 No.1647731

    Scientific research to promote social division and perpetuate racial bigotry conducted by...?

    If you want a factual study on something it cannot be done by one group of people. A study conducted to show that white's have a higher IQ than blacks cannot be solely conducted by whites. This is simple.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:47 No.1647734
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    So what'd you recommend? We should just cut all funding to every scientific establishment and tell all scientists to fuck off and become politicians or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:48 No.1647748
    OP i am not racist however do recognise racial differences in intelligence simply becasue mainstream science suggests it. I used to share your opinions but i imagine you havent actually taken the time to examine the science yourself.

    I would recommend taking a look at the minnesota transracial adoption study. An article exists on wikipedia which is well sourced. Also read deeply on race and iq, there is alot of literature on it. Im sorry to say it (honestly) but if we take science seriously we have to accept that there are differences in AT LEAST iq, if not other mental faculties, between races.

    Im not right wing anyway, im for most purposes a scandinavian socialist but i dont disregard science just because it isnt nice to believe and just because it confirms some ignorant peoples natural prejudice.

    Please dont shout me down, i honestly see where youre coming from, but the science is incontrovertable
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:49 No.1647768
    >A study conducted to show that white's have a higher IQ than blacks cannot be solely conducted by whites.

    That is racist in itself. You're basically saying that just because the scientists are white, they'd all get together and create a conspiracy where they continually release reports that whites are the most intelligent race ever?

    >oh wait, mongoloids are more intelligent on average
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:50 No.1647783

    I'm not trying to shout rational people down.

    These posters who are giving me this "factual information" are not even trying to hide their prejudice and racist support.

    I am very skeptic on studies made on issue's on this unless it is extremely well conducted from a large diverse variety of people, groups, and scientists.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:51 No.1647791
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    >implying all 'racist' studies ever released were done by one group of neo-nazi scientists
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:51 No.1647794

    I would answer that but it's clear where you stand and not even worth trying.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:53 No.1647814

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