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    File : 1319886746.jpg-(123 KB, 960x635, wallstreet.jpg)
    123 KB Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:12:26 No.161830  
    I don't get this "Occupy Wall Street" thing.

    Why would you go for Wall Street? Most of the stockbrokers aren't in the top 1%.. they work for them. That's kind of what they do.

    So, why are you trying to piss them off? Shouldn't you be going after the people who are actually in the 1%? Maybe it's because I'm Australian, but I just don't see the point in focusing on Wall Street in particular.

    Then again, I guess "Occupy Trump Tower" doesn't have the same ring to it.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:14:12 No.161841
    It's a hipster movement, OP.

    Notice how there are no sensible people around.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:14:26 No.161844
    stockbrokers are in the 1%. you're thinking the top 0.01%.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:15:57 No.161857
    this was posted yesterday
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/29/11(Sat)07:16:36 No.161859
    I love that letter/note/whatever you want to call it.

    But yeah OP, everyone is just buttmad they don't make lots of money and got a worthless degree when there are no jobs to begin with.
    So now they're in debt and need someone to cradle them.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:17:40 No.161868
    It's symbolic. They're protesting the influence that corporations have over the government.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:18:44 No.161875
    >Maybe it's because I'm Australian
    In America, unemployment rose from something like 4% to 15%. Families collapsed and their government pretty much stuck their head in the sand. They sort of NEED to protest, their country is dying.

    Over here, unemployment rose only about one or two percentage and our economy remained relatively strong. The people protesting are bored kids who don't realise the situation. Australia is fine.

    In Australia, protesting is probably just making a mild problem slightly worse.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:18:57 No.161878
    Wow that letter sure is whiny.

    Fucking parasites on Wall Street.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:20:58 No.161892
    tl;dr of OP's letter

    "I am such a fucking little bitch I'll get fucked in the ass really hard, enjoy it, and even cum a little. I'm better than you"
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:21:23 No.161895
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    >parasites on wall street
    >not the protesters themselves
    Pic related
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/29/11(Sat)07:22:07 No.161901
    >Implying the protesters aren't twice as whiny
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:23:41 No.161914
    man, whoever wrote that doesn't know any poor people, only time they don't work extra hours is when there aren't any to work. and their work sucks a lot more since it isn't just talking to people

    anyway, the whole thing comes across as really combative and sorta "do it faggot," pretty much the exact opposite of what it needs to be to convince anyone to leave wallstreet alone. this had to be written by a business major that didn't think too hard about it
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:25:22 No.161930
    Stockbrokers don't make THAT much dude. Some might get up to about $200,000, but Average Joe Stockbroker isn't making ridiculous sums of money like Steve Jobs (was) or Rupert Murdoch
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:26:44 No.161940
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    >stockbrokers are the 1%

    Actually, this guy and his father are.

    Enjoy your rage
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:27:38 No.161949
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    He's saying that there are repercussions of them being booted down, it will cause a domino effect in which they'll override middle class Americans now and the regular middle class will become poor.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:28:19 No.161955
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    A friend of mine just showed me the ED article for this. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:28:50 No.161961
    >still in college
    >no provider

    Well she's just a fucking idiot.

    It goes like this

    1% - Assholes
    99% - split into two categories:
    75% - retards
    24% - average people who are reasonably comfortable because they didn't do stupid shit like get knocked up at 21
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:29:20 No.161968

    Trickle down economics don't work. Rich people don't spend their money, they horde it. Poor people living paycheck to paycheck are the ones spending their money.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:30:54 No.161992
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    Raging so fucking hard. SO. FUCKING. HARD!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:32:00 No.161999
    I dunno, bro. I'm "buttmad" because our government is increasingly becoming beholden to the interests of money and those who have lots of it instead of the common man. I'm not demanding my college loans be forgiven (I can pay them just fine), and I have a job that covers my living expenses.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:32:30 No.162004
    >1% assholes

    Well, how about we just take all of the rich people's money by force and give to it everyone?

    That will work, Russia did it!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:32:50 No.162008
    >24% - average people who are reasonably comfortable because they didn't do stupid shit like get knocked up at 21
    I am the 24%.

    Seriously, I'd be happy with a one bedroom house, food on my plate and an internet connection for self-enrichment. Fuck your luxuries and need to own large cars or multiple houses, they're for flamboyant motherfuckers.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:34:55 No.162033
    >That will work, Russia did it!
    Less sarcasm please.

    Russia became a world super-power within 50 years of communism. It wasn't pleasant the whole time, but it did work.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:34:57 No.162034
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    the protests aren't just about wall street, they're about the top level of corporate executives accumulating more and more money without actually contributing to the nation's economic growth (see picture). and they don't work harder nor are any more talented than traditionally well-paid jobs like doctors, engineers, and lawyers.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:35:08 No.162035

    so the threat, if i'm understanding it correctly, is that this tiny, tiny portion of the population is going to steal everyone else's jobs-they're also going to stop utilizing petty mexican labor and maybe tip less-and that also their money was our money? even though it isn't public? and that taking it away from them will also remove it from us? i'm not clear on that part

    well sheesh, i think i've been cowed! i'm going to go apologize to every dude in a suit i can find in the finance district
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:35:17 No.162036
    >Everyone should be in the same economic class

    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:35:17 No.162037
    >this cancer spreads to my country
    >protest organizer: We want democracy, justice, herp, derp
    >Interviewer: How long you are planing to stay here?
    >protest organizer: Well, we have the place reserved until 6pm
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:37:02 No.162054
    Occupying the Hamptons would just go terribly. One of the 1% would hire a private security force and the occupiers would never be seen again.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:37:42 No.162063

    you actually have to question if it's even possible for one dude to work, what is it, 900 times harder than the average family?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:38:20 No.162069
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    ITT: people who don't understand capitalism
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/29/11(Sat)07:39:19 No.162072
    Fuck I love some of these.
    The Will Smith one I saw the other day made me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:42:48 No.162102
    >hire private security
    you mean make a "donation" to the local police?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:43:09 No.162108

    it does work, but all that trickled down wealth is gobbled up by the 1% again and atleast a portion of it is going to Israel.

    So you earn money by working for the 1%. they pay you but since they have bought the national reserve they also print the money they pay you with so you have to pay them for the printed money, because they bought healthcare and its not socialized youll have to pay for your health insurance so youll be paying them for that aswell, since they pretty much forced small time farmers and shops out of existance youll have to pay them for any food you buy and ofcourse when you pay your rent youll be paying them because the house belongs to a guy who took out a loan to buy it and the loan is more than the house is actually worth.

    also all loan payments aswell and if you ever use your creditcard/debit card a small tiny portion of the money you spend will be sent to them aswell.

    The 1% own everything. The current US dollar is like the food coupons in the USSR.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:45:13 No.162128
    >Read OP's pic
    >Wall Street guy thinks he's going to make 5k helping coach baseball for a public high school.

    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:45:22 No.162130

    Yeah, that's not because they redistributed wealth, it's because they forced millions into work camps and created famines that killed millions more so they could sell the grain.

    If anything Communist countries have magnitudes greater of income disparity than free markets because almost EVERYONE is poor except the elite that rule them.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:48:44 No.162145
    ussr was a dictatorship disguised as communism
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:48:48 No.162146

    You can't pay for the internet on your faggy little macbook with food coupons you faggot gtfo of here and get over yourself, this is nothing like the USSR

    If there's one thing I hate about hipsters it's that they make everything more dramatic, like they're just dying to be victims and play up absolutely everything.
    >loud house party
    >neighbor calls cops
    >cops tell me I have to shut it down
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:49:13 No.162149

    The rich have been basically stealing money from everyone else for years now and hoarding it.

    People who work at McDonalds pay higher taxes than Bank Managers or the top 1%.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:49:52 No.162154
    >pay higher taxes etc

    If I'm correct, they pay the same percent.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:50:47 No.162162
    so you're fine with .01% of the population owning everything and having their government (not yours, they own that too) make laws that fuck you and enrich them?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:51:10 No.162165
    >You can't pay for the internet on your faggy little macbook with food coupons
    No, but you can steal it if you have the laptop to begin with. You Americans like spending money, I'm almost certain of this.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:51:24 No.162166

    you seem a littIe frustrated
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:52:48 No.162182

    Okay then how about China? Whoops! We got everybody killed too.

    How can a communist state not be a dictatorship? That much organizing and centralizing demands that people be in charge to tell others what to do and what they get in return. It isn't like non-unionized jobs in the states, where employment is a contract between employee and employer. It's a group telling you that this is what you do and this is what you get.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:53:45 No.162193
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    I feel that the ideals of these people is fucking retarded.





    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:54:21 No.162198
    >Okay then how about China?
    State owned capitalism isn't communism either.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:54:43 No.162203
    >Admin note: This is not an official list of demands. This is a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies like Fox News and This content was not published by the collective, nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly. There is NO official list of demands.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:54:51 No.162204

    People just have to realize that communism is an extreme political stance - just like capitalism. The best system is one where regulation is carefully controlled, existing only where it's necessary. No more and no less.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/29/11(Sat)07:55:39 No.162208
    Like that makes it any better, if not just making it worse.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:56:28 No.162214

    Uhhh......If by that you mean fascism..
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:56:33 No.162217

    Nothing like the USSR.
    The top 1% has all the wealth
    the top 1% consists of mostly Jews.
    You have no privacy.
    Youre not allowed to protest (the protesters get beat up by people who were supposed to protect and serve them)
    You start unnecessary wars to "spread your political views" (war on terror)
    To get any sort of job you need to be in the loop or be "connected" = have your foot in the door.
    You are payed with paper issued by the 1% and they control what its worth is.
    Shitty economy.

    Sure isnt like the USSR at all. /sarcasm
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/29/11(Sat)07:59:12 No.162246
    >Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.
    How would this benefit anyone?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:00:05 No.162252
    Right, because the internet will be there forever when nobody's paying for it
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:00:18 No.162255
    No, you're not, actually. People at the top pay a smaller percentage because their money comes from multiple sources, taxed at different, lower rates than payroll income.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:01:35 No.162264
    I can't wait until they start bringing guns and get gunned down.

    In a capitalism, people have to fail, not everyone can succeed.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:01:52 No.162270
    >These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:03:48 No.162283
    >How would this benefit anyone?
    From the view of the upper and upper/middle class, it would enlarge the lower class, allowing a wider customer base and more competition amongst workers (in order to pay them less).

    If you earn more than 80k and sit in a relatively comfortable job, immigrants are your friends.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/29/11(Sat)08:05:39 No.162300
    But the upper and upper/middle class aren't the ones complaining(I fucking hope). Nor are they making the demands.
    How does it benefit the people protesting?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:08:35 No.162321

    if that ever happens wall street will lose this thing and hard
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:10:42 No.162342

    yes that is definetly correct.

    But the top 1% holding 90% of the wealth in a country is still assbackwards retarded.

    Rich pay lower % taxes than poor, can get away with murder/theft or just about anything.

    And then were supposed to be thankful for them because they are "job creators" and their wealth "trickles down"????

    Heres an idea, why dont we tax the rich more than we tax the poor. Socialize healthcare again so people dont have to take loans just to stay alive.
    Socialize education and universities so that everyone has a chance again depending on how smart you are.
    And we remove lobbists from government so that the amount of money someone has does not give them an advantage when laws are made and how big of a sellout you are doesent affect you getting reelected.

    is this crazy?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:10:46 No.162343
    >How does it benefit the people protesting?
    It doesn't, they're retards who've been told that racism=bad and that restricted immigration=racism, so restricted immigration=bad.

    It's a retardation.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:11:43 No.162350
    I was at the Occupy thing in Cork a few days ago, I saw a woman being interviewed as to why she was there, and her answer was 'because I'm a woman, and I need to be heard'.
    Well, at least that's what I think she said, that accent is well fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:11:44 No.162351
    >Nothing like the USSR.
    Yes. I don't know about you but I can pretty well say what I want without being dragged off into a slave labour camp. Get over yourself.
    >The top 1% has all the wealth
    The top 1% also makes up 40% of the countries tax revenues and working under them I can make more money than ever in a communist state.
    >the top 1% consists of mostly Jews.
    And? What does this have to do with anything? Are you saying all Jews have an international conspiracy?
    >You have no privacy.
    I have plenty actually.
    >Youre not allowed to protest (the protesters get beat up by people who were supposed to protect and serve them)
    I saw ONE instance of that happening, and the other officers restrained him. Getting pulled by your pant leg like a kid throwing a temper tantrum because you refuse to stand up is not a beating.
    >You start unnecessary wars to "spread your political views" (war on terror)
    If my political view involves not getting fucking blown up then yeah sure
    >To get any sort of job you need to be in the loop or be "connected" = have your foot in the door.
    Or you could work menial jobs you think are beneath you to get experience, get a degree in a useful field, meet people, talk to people, do whatever you can to get that foot in etc.
    >You are payed with paper issued by the 1% and they control what its worth is.
    Correction: Everyone controls what it's worth. People from other countries buy up US dollars too you know. Also, high inflation typically means more jobs, a low inflation means less jobs. You can't have both.
    >Shitty economy.
    Not their fault actually.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:12:33 No.162356
    >In a capitalism, people have to fail, not everyone can succeed.
    In a more benevolent society, we help those who fail even if it means we succeed marginally less. In effect we create a more equal society, even if this means restricting things that aren't necessary and forcing a redistribution of wealth.

    Oh sorry, just being socialist again, don't mind me.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:13:31 No.162364
    >There is NO official list of demands.

    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:15:49 No.162381

    But we already have that. People with disabilities or real legitimate reasons get helped. Not self entitled children who vote for whoever gives them the most handouts, which is exactly where this country is right now.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:17:18 No.162390
    America doesn't have healthcare
    America has ridiculous student loans
    America spends more budge on military than education
    America gives rich people tax breaks

    America is moving further and further away from true socialism, something we actually haven't seen in history.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:17:26 No.162392

    In response to that image:

    Most people in America work their asses off, Streeters just often have the advantage of having been born into upper class/upper middle class families and/or they have an intense urge to make quick cash and are willing to work harder than most people for it. They aren't harder working than anyone else, just greedier. Nobody's "knocking them off the top", they were never on the top to begin with. Whoever wrote that hasn't had much experience of life outside of their niche, so they don't understand what life is like for most people. I can tell you, there are people who work much harder for much less than them, and that is an absolute fact. The idea that they are "carnivores" coming to prey on the poor, ignorant majority is ridiculous- those people are oblivious to the reality of the average American and I'm sure if they were ever exposed to poverty they would crumble. They take their station in life, as well as their abilities, for granted.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:18:12 No.162401

    Actually the problem with the occupy movement is it's open forum phase. Any crazy fucker with an opinion can claim to be part of the movement and spout whatever shit they want if they show up to a protest. The real focus, the one coherent goal in the occupy protests is holding the banking ceo's and board members of wall street accountable for making poor financial choices that put us where we are now in this global recession.

    Anyone bitching they don't have their dream job, or they didn't get a third pay raise, or some other cushy bullshit cause of this and so they hop on the band wagon? Fuck those people.

    But the people who are willing to work any job it takes to make ends meet, people who have training/degrees, and can't find a full time job at shitty pay? That's why the movement has momentum. Wall street as a whole isn't to blame, but there are quite a few people at the top who are.

    The attitude I hate is what is present in the your image OP. It's that anyone who's part of the occupy movement, or who is against "wall street" (I.e. the heads of major banks and financial firms) is some lazy, entitled shit. Which most of the movement isn't.

    If it came down to it and it was either be homeless, or choke puppies for a living? I'd choke the fuck out of those puppies. Cause I'd want that job. But a good chunk of employers would look me dead in the fucking eye and tell me with no irony "You don't have enough experience and/or training."

    I'm glad for the job I have, but I'm not going to say that everything's fine with the bar being around people who have to literally work themselves to death just to get by.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)08:19:30 No.162410
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    >mfw when Occupy Wall Street is just:

    It's cool, you guys had your post-Empire sulking "I-Want-To-Be-On-An-Island-By-Myself" phase and now you're deciding that actually you do want to do the same job as daddy when you grow up because actually he knows more than you do.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:21:13 No.162421
    >They want free college

    So..everyone can just easily not earn their way into college?

    Well shit, I may as well just throw my degree in the trash, not everyone should have a college education, it's for the intellectual elite that earned it.

    Go to trade school.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:22:15 No.162425
    Time for the game to be changed or abandoned, then.

    400 people constantly winning is a shit game. It's time for them to lose.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:25:38 No.162440

    >it's for the intellectual elite that earned it.

    Financial elite. And many countries have free or extremely cheap post-secondary education, doesn't make it worthless.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:25:40 No.162441

    The hilarious thing is that trade careers are actually in higher demand and have pay comparable to most college degrees. Look up the information on how much a plumber makes a year, and how much demand there is.

    Same thing for electrician.

    There's a shit load of demand for electrical engineers and welders right now and that often can be learned at trade schools.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:27:02 No.162452
    "wall street" is a public place. You are allowed to peacefully assemble in a public place. The top 1% don't hang out in public places that you can protest in. Plus most of the protesters are brain dead hippies. Do the math.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:27:22 No.162454
    >Not earning scholarships like crazy

    As long as your GPA is about a 3.7 you'll get so much off of it.

    Don't forget about financial aid.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:27:30 No.162456

    The top 1% make up 40% of the tax revenue.
    Including the top 5, that's 60%
    The bottom group of earners actually get tax back.
    Of all the government funded programs and services, the only ones the top 5% benefit from are really Police, Fire, Roads, Military, Paramedics. A lot of those public parks are actually owned and paid for by the wealthy. Really, they don't benefit from every other service like common people do so I don't see how it's an issue at this point.
    The top 5% drive pretty well 1/3rd of the economy with their spending. When they spend more is when the economy moves again, so you want to encourage them to spend as much as possible. Normal people don't buy the fancy cars and big houses, and these things require a lot of work to make, aka jobs. Since the wealthy are also the big business owners, the amount of capital they can afford to expand business is reduced when they're taxed.

    On education: Your education is paid by tax up to grade 12. You do not automatically deserve an education beyond that unless you have outstanding grades with great potential, which is why scholarships exist so your point is moot.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:29:57 No.162476

    There's actually a cap on how many people can be on a scholarship at once. They're not bottomless pits of money.

    Financial aid, sure.

    But what devalues your education by making it more accessible to people? Even if more people have that training or those classes under their belt they won't necessarily be better at it than you and I doubt the number of people would be high enough to saturate a market in a single period of school.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:30:19 No.162478
    The bottom line is, this is a society. It needs to be better than a lack of society, for a majority of the people. The rich have the most to lose, they have the most because of the society, they pay the most to support it. If the government collapsed tomorrow, most of America wouldn't bat an eyelid. The rich would be executed and their projection TVs taken in an instant, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:31:43 No.162487
    >Any crazy fucker with an opinion can claim to be part of the movement and spout whatever shit they want if they show up to a protest

    Not if you don't agree with the general consensus, you're not even allowed to talk.

    Imagine this in daily life. Takes fucking forever to get nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:32:40 No.162497
    >But what devalues your education by making it more accessible to people?

    >But what devalues your vidya by making it more accessible to people.

    Sorry, just thought of it. But what does devalue it is the fact I won't be making as much and people not as good as me will get the job I applied to.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)08:33:15 No.162501

    The rich actually have the least stake in society and the largest ability to live without it.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:34:17 No.162510

    Just because you feel like things should be one way doesn't mean they should.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:34:34 No.162512
    If the dollar is worthless, all their money is gone. I control no one and nothing right now. A wealthy heir or executive controls a lot of people and things because of their money. Society crumbles, they're just another schmuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:36:09 No.162524
    > won't be making as much

    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:36:28 No.162526
    >The hilarious thing is that trade careers are actually in higher demand and have pay comparable to most college degrees.
    Not really.

    You can make mad money straight out of high school by doing a trade or apprenticeship, but you're pretty much caped. To get something comparable to what an engineer, manager, doctor or lawyer would get, you'd need to take over the business and effectively stop being a tradie.

    In the long, long run, the best money is in studying for a Bachelor's degree. If you don't mind living with your parents for 2 to 4 years (which is more common here than renting a "dorm" room), it's probably the best way to go.

    To make shitloads of money, get a mechanical engineering bachelors and work in a mining community as a diesel mechanic. There are people making 150k straight out of uni doing that.

    >As long as your GPA is about a 3.7
    What scale are you going on? Over here, you can't get a GPA higher than 4 and a GPA of 3.5 or more would mean you've almost gotten straight HDs.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)08:37:05 No.162534

    Just because the government is gone, doesn't mean we return to a barter economy.

    Money works if people assume it does, not becase the government said so.

    At any rate the rich could just pay ex-soldiers (who are now all highly armed and unemployed) to do whatever the fuck they want.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:37:09 No.162536

    Because one group of people is indicative of an entire movement of people?

    So because rick perry's religious power base is militaristic evangelicals all the gop's power bases are militaristic evangelicals?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:37:39 No.162541

    You could live very comfortably under the USSR aswell all you needed to do was sell out any secrets or any dissent from the Party you heard. They would get you housing and extra tickets to buy food, even cars etc etc etc.

    If the top 1% holds 90% of the wealth. then the bottom 99% holds 10% of the wealth and they still pay 60% of the taxes meaning that the top 1% pays 4% of their wealth in taxes while the bottom 99% pays 59% of their wealth in taxes....

    Well excuse me if im not impressed with those numbers.

    The only thing connecting Iraq to 9/11 was that they were islamists and yet you still argue that that was a legitimate reason for attacking them (not getting blown up)
    Yet you say that me bringing up similarities that both governments were run by jews in both the USSR and the current USA is wrong???

    do you think im really this retarded that i cant see what you did thar?

    "i SAW one instance of this" so 1 person out saw 1 other person out of thousands get beat up. So youre saying that it happend. You just didnt see any other instances of it?

    thanks for proving my point.

    Did Iraq blow you up? Have Palestinians blown you up? A splinter terrorist organization based out of several countries attacks you guys on 9/11 so you go around overthrowing islamic governments? Its the same as if a militant group out of southern ireland made a terrorist attack and you guys invaded Germany. Also i drew parallels between the USSR and the US. Thank you for confirming them.

    Foot in door = having connections "Do whatever you can to get your foot in the door" = Do whatever you can to get connections. Thank you for confirming this.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:38:06 No.162544
    Really? In my highschool my buddy had a GPA of 4.3
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:38:14 No.162545

    My point is that money needs to be backed by something substantial such as gold, not just promises. If it becomes a worthless piece of paper which only value is derived by the say so of an organization (NOT EVEN THE GOVERNMENT!) but a SELF-GOVERNING ORGANIZATION then its the same as the USSR tickets that allowed you to buy food.
    Tho those were in place to control the value of the ruble, while the federal reserve already controls the value of the dollar, so they cut out the middle man in this case.

    Shitty economy not their fault?

    so its the 99%s fault? they didnt work hard enough?
    The whole problem started with the banks giving out shitty loans and then reselling those shitty loans which they knew were shitty they put them together with actually GOOD loans and treated them as equal, the idea was that the good credit of some would balance out the shitty credit of others (meaning they thought that if the good credit payed for their loans that the shitty credit would also pay for theirs which is just stupid) or they were hoping for the government to step in and pay the shitty loans for them. Anyway everyones credit became shitty and since the dollars value was based off trust, there was no more trust, balblabla economy is now shit.

    It was started by the Banks trying to scheme shit. Banks = 1%.

    But then again i might be wrong in which case PLEASE educate me on how it was not the 1% who were responcible for the economic crash and the shitty economy.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:38:52 No.162547

    1. Financial aid is supposed to be cut isn't it? Pell grant at least. And loans? Are you shitting me? You become a debt slave for many, many years after college, if not the rest of your life, just to earn a decent degree. The only way to get a masters is if you already have a fuckton of money.

    2. Scholarships don't count for much. I get scholarships but they get taken out of my pell grant, so I still have to take out loans. I could work a job that would really impact my finances enough so that I wouldn't have to take out loans, but I would need to commute, which would mean I would have to either not go to school, or cut my class schedule down so much that going to school would become pretty pointless. The small town I go to school in has either small businesses run basically by the people that own them, or major businesses that are packed with experienced employees fresh out of better jobs.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:39:36 No.162552
    >I don't get this "Occupy Wall Street" thing.

    It's a movement based on the Tahir Square incidents of the Arab Spring to call to attention the very real problem of corporate influence that is destroying America and perpetrating the ongoing economic depression the country has.

    >Why would you go for Wall Street?
    It symbolizes what is wrong with our country.

    >Most of the stockbrokers aren't in the top 1%.. they work for them. That's kind of what they do.

    True, but you have the CEOs of not only the financial sector but CEOs of people in the non-financial sector that are listed in the NYSE. Those represent the 1%.

    Many of the opposition to OWS in 4chan come from people who never experience these same problems these people do, and thus resort to radical generalizations. Or they maybe people who merely repeat talking points from politically conservative talk radio.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:39:36 No.162553
    If there's no police force, there's nothing stopping the mobs from taking their stuff. See: Gadhafi's palace.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:39:59 No.162558

    "And people not as good as me will get the job I applied to"

    So what you're saying is they're inferior, but they managed to get the job instead of you? Sounds like you have an inflated sense of your talents if you get beaten by someone else.

    Are you scared of competition?

    If hard work and drive is all someone needs to succeed then why is it so scary for the idea that you'd have to compete?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:40:59 No.162565
    No, what I'm scared of is people who are inferior to others getting a job that should go to a superior

    Should a surgeon be somehow who just passed medschool or graduated with honors?
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)08:41:49 No.162572
    >But then again i might be wrong in which case PLEASE educate me on how it was not the 1% who were responcible for the economic crash and the shitty economy.

    >A firm offers a good to people
    >People were offered a choice on whether to consume a good or not (loans)
    >The firm having no knowledge of the consumer has to assume that they're making a rational choice
    >BDP can't account for all the liabilities
    >Given that the firm is a bank and we know banks are inherently unstable due to their longevity function the emphasis is on the consumer not to make stupid decisions
    >consumers made stupid decisions
    >bankers trusted them to make money (what pretty much any business will do)
    >turned out all the consumers were retards
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:42:32 No.162576
    This is why I hate talking about GPA with Americans. They expect everyone to follow their system.

    4 is the highest here and that's pretty near impossible. A GPA of 3 is fucking impressive and a GPA of 2 is what qualifies you for articulation or job opportunities.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)08:43:44 No.162582

    In Libya an armed militia attacked Gaddafi's palace.

    In the USA there's no revolution, and people who currently enforce laws for pay (police, army) still have the training and equipment to carry out the job, but no longer the employers.

    Given what the wealthy can offer them (money, power, employment) it's fairly likely that they will employ these elements to protect them.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:44:49 No.162588

    In our GPA system, a 2 is perfectly average. God forbid we make any of the special, precious children feel average though.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:45:23 No.162595
    GPA is usually on a 4.0 scale. A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. I'm at a university where they award +/- grades, which are +.33 or -.33 respectively. I've got a lot of A+ grades (which means top score of the class, usually) so I have a 4.19 on a 4.00 scale.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:45:51 No.162596

    There is a massive difference between financial accessibility and academic accessibility.

    If a school is socialized then the school's academic standards are all that measures it's students. If anything, standards would go -up-. Because a school would have to pick and choose who got to go there based on demand. And if you made it so anyone could go to high end universities or med school or law school suddenly those standards would go up.

    It's a bit of a false leap in logic to think that making it so that a lack of financial barriers means anyone could pass school.

    You're also making the mistake of stating that all people who graduate med school now are honors possessing individuals. If someone "just passes" they're still people who have the certification and skill that the regulatory bodies approved of. They're not as fantastic as the best doctor in the country, but they're better than some guy in an alley with a pocket knife.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:46:28 No.162601
    >read thread
    >lots of retarded replies
    >a few hopeful replies that seem to know how capitalism works
    >go off in another direction and fail at making a point.

    everyone in this thread is retarded. The 1 percent STAY the 1 percent because they save their money not spend it.
    why do you think most of them are old?
    majority of rich people weren't born into it. (inb4 source, fucking google it lazy ass)
    you save your money and then you invest it to make your money earn money for you.
    the poor haven o money because they spend it all and don't save it.

    They do, they just save more than they spend, and when you have shit tons of money that adds up.

    Everyone can save money, they just make up bullshit excuses not too.
    can't save money? cut something.

    OP's post was pointing that out, the rich will cut what they need to to survive, the poor don't do that.

    I'm not even rich and i hate poor people and middle class people more than rich people.
    At least rich people are smart.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:46:38 No.162603

    The only reason the top 5% dont benefit from more is because you privatized everything.

    as i said in my other post.
    top 1% has 90% of the wealth.
    bottom 99% has 10% of the wealth.
    top 1% pays 40% of tax revenue.
    bottom 99% pays 60% of the tax revenue.
    if the bottom 99% only has 10% of the wealth they cannot pay more than they have so they pay for 59% of their wealth in taxes meaning 6% of the total wealth gets paid in taxes.
    Top 1% pays 40% of the taxes so they have to pay for 4% of their total wealth in taxes (i rounded up).

    again. Color me not impressed.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:48:23 No.162612

    But isnt that the whole point of Reaganism? the top 1% NEED to spend money or the whole system collapses just as it has right now?

    So if you refuse to play along with this system 1% we will need a new system HENCE the occupy wallstreet protests.
    Is this so very difficult to grasp?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:49:49 No.162624
    >GPA of 3
    Let me laugh even harder.

    Someone didn't study.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:49:54 No.162626

    You just realize the picture you just painted shows banks as naive overly trusting retards right?

    If banks and other financial institutions assumed their clientele would just be able to pay then why are there so many safeguards and penalties and clauses for when someone doesn't?

    The point is that they gambled financially and made speculative choices that went horribly wrong. They put their eggs in one basket (the housing market) and when that basket got crushed they keep trying to shove blame onto anyone but themselves.

    Sure, the american people aren't completely blameless. But if a guy is selling meat vests of "tiger repellant" to a bunch of people going into a cave with tigers in it... Is it so surprising that said people get fucking mauled? Then to go around and claim that "Well you shouldn't known that it was too good to be true" is bullshit. That's not a good analogy, but fuck I'm tired.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:51:40 No.162638
    >In our GPA system, a 2 is perfectly average.
    In ours, a GPA of 1 technically is average.

    In reality, we have enough drop outs (foreign students, it's racist not to let them in) for our average to be about 0.5. Lots of students from all across Asia think studying here is like in America, fuck bitches and still get perfect marks lolno
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:51:43 No.162639

    "They weren't born into it."

    Uh... So some hard working go getter just elbow greased his way into billions upon billions of dollars. How naive and fucking retarded are you?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:52:33 No.162643

    I hope you aren't serious.

    You know what investors and people that know how to use money do when a recession hits? they don't freak out.

    They have investments that will survive through it and have passive income that doesn't rely on jobs.
    Most people think you need to keep a job to be rich, but whats this? most rich people don't even have a job for their main income.

    The system will only collapse because retards that don't understand what they are doing will collapse it.

    Do you really think the rich will let their source of income collapse on them? You may think so, and if you do you are sorely misinformed.
    Most of the richs money isn't in physical money its in the stocks and bonds that would crash with the economy.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)08:52:56 No.162645

    >implying that wasn't a vastly oversimplified caricature

    Banks are inherently risky operations and recquire government backing, if you want to live in a society with a functioning banking system you have to accept it's not always going to be perfect.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:55:02 No.162661

    Except they did know that they could tell if they were making rational decisions or not because of their credit rating which banks have access to.

    Also you make the case that banks are incompetent.

    If a Company selling a chemical sees that its product is hazardous to the enviroment then they will pull the product. (its not like the banks didnt have other products than their super cheap loans back then)

    Except they did not pull their product but tried to hide the fact that they were "polluting the enviroment". Then fallout happend.

    What did we do? instead of holding the Banks liable we gave them a bailout and a big payday.
    if this was any other company there would have been criminal hearing and the company shut down faster than a bank could peddle a cheap loan.

    But nope.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:55:19 No.162664
    No you are retarded
    >self made
    >wasn't born rich

    go through the list the majority of them are like that.

    Most people that are born into it lose it after a few generations. or even in their generation.

    You are just a part of the horrible education system that makes you believe through society, your parents, and school that wall street and stocks are bad, and investing is a way to lose everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:55:56 No.162667

    The point is you're making it seem like the banks were noble individuals who merely placed their bets on something that wasn't obviously wobbly and dangerous as fuck.

    Go to any economics student or any financial studies student and ask them about how bad of an idea doing a massive number of variable interest loans at sub-prime rates is.

    There's a reason the glass law was in effect for so long to avoid financial speculation. We need that shit back.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:57:52 No.162682
    Many people become wealthy because they INHERIT their wealth from their parents. That's why they have so much money, instead of reinvesting that same kind of money into the economy.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)08:58:19 No.162684

    I accept that the banks weren't inherently clever, I just disagree with the fact that everyone seems to assume there's a system of banking availble that will provide stable returns and access to capital without involving the occasional faliure.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:59:41 No.162696

    >Go through the list
    >1211 images

    Functionally I cannot in any span of time to verify what you say is true or not.

    I do not have 5 or 6 hours to devote to this cause I have a job to be up for soon.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:59:55 No.162697

    ive waited for someone to say this
    "If they dont have jobs or money, why dont they just live off their investements?"

    sounds INCREDIBLY like
    "If they dont have bread? let them eat cake."
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:00:50 No.162706
    I make a very modest $34K a year as a machine operator at a chemical manufacturing site. I work 50+ hours a week. I live in a studio apartment in Dempsey (not quite "ghetto" but a far cry to the cozy suburban home that my parents provided for me as a youth).

    This week I got a bonus of $12,000. Yes, you read that right. Most other employees got the same (it's performance-based...section leaders and shift supervisors get bigger bonuses)

    I'm on the bottom rung of the social ladder. What the fuck is this I hear about the rich not giving back? Y'all broke unemployed college students need to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. Not everyone can or wants to work in an air conditioned cubicle doing nothing for $80K a year.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:02:22 No.162715
    Why not occupy Washington DC?
    Wall Street only gets away with the things it does because they have the politicians in their pocket.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)09:02:34 No.162716

    >trying to sound educated
    >famous misquote to prove his ignorance

    I hope you were being ironic.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:03:02 No.162724

    I don't think that and I don't think anyone thinks there's any foolproof way to make money.

    The point was the banks gambled a shit load of money, lost their ass, and then don't expect everyone else to be pissed at them.

    Don't get me wrong. I don't think a little failure is to be shamed and hated. However, in this case this was a whole boatload of nuclear fail that went fucking critical right inside of the worlds nursery of sick leper babies who also happen to have the year's most topical disability.

    It was a monumentally stupid and short term series of decisions for a high profit financial gain at a large risk. My biggest gripe is the fucking government bailed them the fuck out. Sure, shit would have been worse in the short run. But in the long run we wouldn't have jackasses running those companies still like they didn't just make the dumbest bet possible.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:03:54 No.162730
    Well because you can't search through my source or even take enough time to at least see a pattern.

    Maybe from at least warren buffets profile you can see that; if you allow my knowledge to be given to you, that the majority of self made billionares and millionares are like him.

    The "Assholes" you normally run into are the ones that inherited that money and they will lose that money within their generation or a future one because they have no idea how to make that money work for them.

    They are actually worse than poor and middle class people too me because they have all that money but they will spend more than a poor person and end up poor themselves
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:04:24 No.162736
    What I don't understand is why people who defend the 1% say they worked their ass off to get to where they are. Yeah they do but they also got extremely lucky somewhere along the line. If you take luck out of the equation, at least half, if not more, wouldn't be where they are financially.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)09:05:02 No.162740

    Nope, the bailout was essential.

    You have to accept that you're going to have to bail out banks because they're a crucial part of the economy and they are going to fail.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:06:17 No.162750

    read this pdf

    it will change your view of luck.

    Luck presents itself to people that take opportunities, not question everything they do.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:06:24 No.162751

    The implication that a bonus makes up for what is essentially a shitty rate of pay does not entice me. Especially when that bonus can be revoked at the whim of your employer. Should you be rewarded for hard work? Fuck yes.

    Not everyone is expecting some sedentary or cushy desk job. There are people who want to be able to work a job like yours, and have all the qualifications for someone coming out of school to work those jobs. But they can't get them. Cause there's a saturation of experienced workers in their field cause all of the higher positions got cut and all of the entry levels got snapped up.

    So tell me oh wise mr. salt-of-the-earth factory worker. Caught in that scenario. What can you do?

    GOP before occupy wall street "Where are the jobs obama."

    GOP after occupy wall street "All these lazy socialists should just get jobs."
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:08:37 No.162767

    So, banks should be allowed to risk however much of their money they have because banks should be expected to fail. The government should bail them out, and there's nothing that should be done to stop that sort of thing in the future?

    So what you're advocating is allowing banks to make the same bad choices over and over, further pushing the economy down, just to potentially make a quick buck?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:11:40 No.162789

    Luck is the opportunities the world presents to us and how well we exploit them for our gain. The fact that these opportunities can be influenced is not in question. However, the array of opportunities presented can be a string of good luck.

    The american myth of working hard is all you need is a lie. You need luck, hard work, talent, and knowing the right people. Without those things, you're going to find it a lot harder to succeed.

    If you're not advocating "anyone can succeed if they just try hard enough." Then nevermind.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:11:40 No.162790

    Why not have a nationalized bank in this case?
    Or have checks and balances and safeguards on existing banks to monitor what theyre doing in order to prevent things like that happening again.

    After 911 the government introduced the Patriots Act to be allowed to monitor the populace.
    Why not introduce the Patriots act of banks to make sure something like this never happens again.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)09:12:12 No.162795

    If you find a mistake regulate it in a way which prevents the banks making reckless choices without compromising their ability to do business (i.e. insanely high capital ratios).

    There's a difference between preventing a problem from reoccuring and leaving the banks to suffer because they caused a problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:14:06 No.162812
    I am not, I am saying that if you read my pdf and become aware of how money works, you will have a different view of luck.

    Luck isn't just coming upon 100,000 dollars.
    How many people do you know that do that for a living?
    Luck could be being at the right place at the right time and making an investment that later ensures financial success for the rest of your life.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:14:29 No.162816
    >that feel when the rich pay more in taxes
    >that feel when these protesters are batshit insane
    >that feel
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:15:03 No.162822

    Would you agree however that the individuals who made such bad choices should be held accountable for them?

    Rather than left to run and control those institutions as if nothing had happened?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:15:52 No.162832

    We don't nationalise them because if you can't have perfect competition because you accept the industry needs regulating and protecting allowing some element of competition is still a good thing.

    Ideally banks should be allowed to fail, but just not in instances where that destroys other banks or the confidence in banking therefore in instances like the credit cruch we have to bail them out not because we care about individual banks but because we care about the system of banking.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:16:38 No.162837

    Insanely high capital ratios should be the norm imo.

    Why is a bank allowed to make a transaction with money they dont have and if i try to do this at Walmart im considered a thief?

    So we have 200 dollars, heres a 1000dollar loan.
    Bank doing business

    I have 1 dollar, can i bring you the extra 20 cents next time im on this bus? nope.avi
    regular people.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)09:17:46 No.162847

    Sure. For banks that we nationalised (Northern Rock for example) changing leadership would have been a good idea. Obviously the government can't sack the leaders of banks it has nothing to do with though.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:20:43 No.162869
    I actually started in an entry level position as an agency temp (Operator I), and after showing that I was worth keeping around, they hired me full time where I went up to Operator III. All this took a year. There are people that are still stuck at Op I and have been there for 20+ years because they chose not to show the company that they're worth more than what they are making.

    I'm 27, single, and living in the South. The cost of living is relatively lower than the rest of the country. There are some people that have families that look after kids and house payments on what I make. Despite me not being able to afford a BMW 7 series or have a 5/5 near North Main, I'm happy. I eat well, I'm in good health, and I love what I do.

    I wouldn't know what to do. In the first month of being unemployed, the company called me for an interview and within two weeks, I was employed. Before this, I managed a floral design shop with my mom before the economic downturn forced us to close our doors. You have to admit, one month is a quick turnaround is a supposedly "shitty" job market.

    Maybe its the "luck" factor the anon brought up earlier.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:20:58 No.162870

    ... Where the fuck did I say it was just coming across money.

    I said opportunities. Which could be meeting the right people, happening upon the right stock. Talking to the right person at the party your friend invited you to.

    That's luck. It's not all personal skill and it's not always within your control. It's a chaotic and random element that doesn't take a person's talents or other traits into account.

    Also, I'm not reading your cultist work at home get rich quick pdf.
    >> Super Leeds (And We're Going Up) !NJZBL9otzY 10/29/11(Sat)09:21:19 No.162873

    I can explain it to you, or you can just take my word for it. Banks don't work in a way that allows them to do that.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:23:13 No.162888

    It likely is. Not to say you're not a talented and driven person. But the fact is hard work isn't the only factor and it's not even the most important sometimes.

    Just lumping everyone into a "lazy, entitled bitch" pile who's part of a group that thinks things the way they are need to change is insulting.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:25:48 No.162905
    >hostile remark when i was just trying to make a comparison
    >book with over 2 million sales
    >basement dwellers propaganda

    Now i understand how so many people stay poor or stuck to wage slave.

    The book doesn't even mention ways to get rich, it tells you how money works.

    I guess you lack the creativity to put that to use.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:26:07 No.162908

    >that feel when it's not the fucking point they pay more money in taxes.
    >That feel when it's the percentage paid of their income that's the issue.
    >That feel when you're missing the point.
    >That feel.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:29:09 No.162937

    The point is it seems to be a book with "spiritual" insights into how money works. It strikes me as one of those books that takes a long time to read what is essentially a short article or essay's worth of information. Dressed up and made more impressive with tons of flowery bullshit to make the writer feel more accomplished about themselves.

    I admit I am making a whole bunch of assumptions. But tell me. If I had a link to some piece of literature I told you could get you into peak physical fitness and it's decently long. Then started this shit off with a condescending "you're wrong even though I don't understand your point" attitude. Would you read it?

    Fuck this shit. I'm going to bed. I need to be up for work in about 7 hours.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:30:25 No.162948
    I think its a problem with expectations and how high we aim.

    What used to be considered normal and essencial living that you get. A job, a home etc. has become "the dream!" its become the goal rather than having your own business, succeeding and becoming rich after hard work.

    WORK has become succeeding. The thing that you should be working to finally be able to do less of is now how successful you are.

    20-25 years ago everyone had jobs, if you worked really hard and were smart you could advance, maybe open up your own business or become really successful in your own, making money etc. investing it just was just your retirement plan.

    But now you have to work your hardest JUST TO GET A JOB. And in this job you better hold your head down, not step on any toes, keep all complains quiet because there are a dime a dozen people out there who would kill for your job.

    obviously the 1% arent responcible for this, but people believe that the economic downturn brought on by the actions of banks (yes i do think that it was the banks responcibility) has created a really bad working enviroment.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:31:04 No.162951

    >implying number of sales indicates quality of material
    >twilight is thus good by that logic.
    >not taking the time to understand the point of the persons statements. Bitching they're not doing the same for you.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:33:34 No.162966
    I wouldn't read it.
    Nothing can make you physically fit and healthy, you do that yourself.

    The book gives you the foundation, YOU do the work.

    If i came off condescending, i apologize.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:33:46 No.162970

    Fucking Christ. This is very well put.

    Also, the fact that an employer expects you to perfectly fulfill the demands (often very high) of their resume or even somehow exceed them. Then take a shitty pay for doing so.

    There are actually companies bitching about not finding people. And an article I read the other day said it best, "They're not willing to hire someone who can do the job. They want someone who will do it right away."
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:35:34 No.162981
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    >I'm not even rich and i hate poor people and middle class people more than rich people. At least rich people are smart.

    I've heard this is a thing with the US as a whole - there's a widespread hate of poor people, even amongst the poor themselves. Belief that being poor is entirely the function of the person themselves rather than external factors.

    I'm not going to say that your situation is entirely down to external factors (It's not my fault I'm poor it's the government's fault); it does seem that self-determination and enterprise can greatly improve one's chances of success.
    I am saying, though, that success in a fair few cases isn't just dependent on self-determination and effort but also rely on external factors and a fair bit of luck, too.

    TL:DR. Don't hate the poor - although a bunch of people are poor because they're lazy, a fair few are also poor due to circumstances beyond their control. (this also applies to the rich as well)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:35:51 No.162985

    And once again you miss the point. I'm saying that the book would have insights and explanations for how to exercise on how to be in perfect shape fitness wise. It wouldn't magically make you that way.

    I'm not saying the .pdf you linked isn't a source of good information. But it just strikes as one of those inspirational motivational books with one drop of good information in a pool fool of filler.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:40:33 No.163026
    but thats still telling me things that wouldn't necessarily make me fit, there's no "perfect" way

    I should've said the book gives an insight into luck, and as ive said it tells you how money works. not how to get rich.

    Your books equivalent should say how our muscles and body functions and the correct exercises for each part.

    I don't hate them all, i just hate them in general.
    I know plenty of people that are good in all areas.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:43:25 No.163051
    Ok, so basically the problem is:
    We have too many people on this little planet of ours. And because everything is currently in a mess, we can't sustain that many people. Not talking only about food, but dreams, wishes, needs, everything a single human needs. False virtues are advertised everywhere and a small group of people (small terms of the entire population) are exploiting everything they can. This is probably all gonna go to hell soon if some miracle doesn't happen...
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:43:53 No.163053

    It still strikes me that a basic concept in that book is being stretched out and over explained.

    Would you say this is accurate?

    "The amount of money you can make is not based entirely upon the liquid assets you possess. It is a number factors including job, social networking, and distribution of your funds and the flow of capital either from a job and/or investors. What you do with this can determine success or failure, and that keeping an eye open for beneficial opportunities is key."

    Or is it something a bit more esoteric. Like luck isn't always what you'd expect? Or that perhaps bad luck is really good luck? I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but I don't see how that entire book could have insight on "luck" that can't be summed up into a relatively quick and concise explanation.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:49:14 No.163096
    The whole book isn't on luck.

    i also wouldn't count 72 pages as long.
    I happen to think it gives a good explanation of 1. why poor people are always poor. 2. why rich people are always rich. 3. why people that inherit money end up poor after awhile.

    it gives a story with it to make it more interesting instead of bland.

    All i can say is it changed my view of money and luck, you can read it if you can spare the time for 72 pages and want a new outlook also. If not there's nothing really i can do.

    And if anything i know someone else in this thread has read it or will.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:50:16 No.163104
    Also your sentence is not true.
    especially the part about being dependent on a job.

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