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  • New [old] boards: /r9k/ /pol/ /hc/, and introducing /diy/~

    In other news, posting issues should be resolved now. Some extra goodies arriving in a few weeks, so look for more improvements in early November!


    File : 1319352265.png-(30 KB, 689x421, wIX4G-1.png)
    30 KB D/Generation !PsWaArQzRE 10/23/11(Sun)02:44 No.1266 sticky  
    I hope you guys know this is a very desperate attempt by moot to drive users back to his website.

    See pic.

    If 4chan ever gets back to 2010 levels he'll get rid of /pol/ again. No doubt.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:06 No.2072
    Better yet, take it back to 2003!

    Let's see how many more deaths we can have!

    Also: donations.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:07 No.2082

    Sup Sigourney.

    Can /v/ have Sonic music in the background when Sonic Generations comes out?
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)03:07 No.2094
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:07 No.2103

    Fuck you


    Can you delete /v/ instead
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:08 No.2123
    Moot, mind checking your mail? :)
    >> Ferus !ffFezFerus 10/23/11(Sun)03:08 No.2128
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:08 No.2138
    Also: don't be silly, mootykins, 4chan was never good.
    >> Liberal Feline !!v9QfqDS8tJo 10/23/11(Sun)03:09 No.2140
    Did anything inspire you to make /diy/, moot?
    >> UnicornsAreAwesomeFuckScience 10/23/11(Sun)03:09 No.2148

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:09 No.2163
    He wanted to see if he could make a board himself, so he created it for tips.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:09 No.2164
    No, this is a fantastic addition since the only available outlets for political discussion were /b/ (oh god), or /tv/ during the debates.

    Both places sucked ass, and now we have a wonderful place to house a year long drinking game everytime the Republican primary contenders say something fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:10 No.2176

    Back when moot was taking suggestions for new boards earlier this year a lot of people suggested it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:10 No.2186

    Will you delete /pol/ if it turns into /stormfront/ again?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:12 No.2246
         File1319353967.jpg-(222 KB, 800x598, 1316390313844.jpg)
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    let this be a lesson to moot to never trust a jew again, especially with financial matters
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:13 No.2269
    It basically already is.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:13 No.2280

    I know, but it never hurts to ask.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:21 No.2453

    How was it working with James Cameron on Alines?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:22 No.2477
    Here is the real story behind the elimination of 4chan's /new/ and it's recreation:

    Moot wanted money to start and to do so he had to prove to potential backers that he could run a more generally acceptable site that could appeal to real advertising money, so thats exactly what he did, he whitewashed 4chan of it's most offensive aspects for a while until he got sufficient dough for his project. Now that has received almost $7 million he is free to go back to doing as he pleases and letting 4chan run amok with anything that won't get the site seized by the FBI. This is what he told us all at roflcon a few weeks ago anyway…not that I'm going back there because fuck captchas. I'm lazy enough that having to type words is almost enough of a barrier to prevent me from posting, captcha is just off the scale of offensiveness for a guy like me.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:24 No.2533
         File1319354685.png-(263 KB, 636x470, 1173277008549.png)
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    m00t i have been here since december 2003.
    I just want to say thank you for this place. Taking the good with the bad, its still the place on the internet i have called home for the past 7+ years.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:25 No.2552
    oh by place i mean 4chan, not just this board. but this board is nice too. I always need a good laugh in the morning.
    >> !AZULaFMcQ. 10/23/11(Sun)03:26 No.2570
    Moot, can I be a mod here?
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)03:26 No.2577
    Moot, we need a shota board.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:26 No.2578
    >scale is in hundredths of a percent
    >difference is negligible
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:28 No.2616
    Hey if you're still here, moot, do you think you could ask /tg/'s mod to ease up a bit?

    Nobody likes him and he's hurting /tg/. Hurting us real bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:28 No.2630
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    I'm actually okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:28 No.2637
    I'm glad to see that you didn't try to make this board even resembling anything like a civilized forum. Civil conduct when it comes to discussing beliefs and politics requires a heavy hand of moderation. At least this time people won't be confusing this for anything other than /b/-lite.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:28 No.2639
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:29 No.2646
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    Oh yeah moot ....
    That /gay/ board needs to be fucking made ASAP!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:30 No.2685
    but we already have /fit/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:30 No.2698
    I'd rather see /traps/ than /gay/.

    And no, traps can't go in /gay/ because traps aren't gay.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:30 No.2699
    you dont need to hide your agenda. You just want to be able to post monster girl porn again. Just ask for it to be made into its own separate board and be done with it, or just go to /d/ and scroll past the shitting dick nipples.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)03:31 No.2713
    Seconding this. We need a /di/ board.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:32 No.2756
    Funnily enough, the new boards (or at least this one) already has rules in place. This isn't like old /n/ which had no rules for a couple of months. Yes, there is the rule to keep things civil which generally means no offensive labels so don't be surprised if you get banned.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:33 No.2758
    Sup moot.
    Thanks for the changes in the last few days, hugely appreciated.

    I just have a feeling that /pol/ will be ruined by hugely left-wing hipsters and racists that can't look past their own ego.
    And by "have a feeling", I mean, I'm certain that it will.
    >> Liberal Feline !!v9QfqDS8tJo 10/23/11(Sun)03:33 No.2768
    That would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:34 No.2779
         File1319355246.png-(22 KB, 645x773, 1307645399001.png)
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    How about A lgbt board that encompasses all forms of faggotry.

    I dont care for your traps personally because i know you just want to jerk of to them, when you can just go to /d/ for that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:35 No.2813
    I don't care, I'd rather have Reddit get all the attention, I liked the secret club feel that 4chan had back in 2005. (I'd say 03'-04', but those were more proto-/soc/ days before it all came to form.)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:35 No.2829
    >How about A lgbt board that encompasses all forms of faggotry.

    Do this so I can block the board and see much less faggotry. I'm trying to fap less/be less obsessed about sex, and this would greatly help me if I could just hide all the arousing content.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:35 No.2834
    You sound like you're mistaking "civilized" for "polite."
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:36 No.2838
    but reddit sux
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:36 No.2858
    It's not going to go liberal. The existing liberals will become paleo-conservative racial realists.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:36 No.2861
    No. I, and most of /tg/, like to be able to talk about anything we like.

    We used to be basically an adult version of /b/. A place where you could take a topic, any topic, and come up with a good discussion on it. That's where the whole idea of "/tg/ is un-trollable" came from, because we took any thread, no matter how ridiculous, and made something awesome out of it.

    Now that's not allowed anymore, and the board has suffered for it. Nobody likes the mod.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:38 No.2891
    Why are you being such a bro moot? Are you trying to use us for something?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:38 No.2892
    Trap threads on /d/ are rare as fuck. Go to /v/ for that shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:38 No.2898
    Never going to happen. But luckily Reddit is getting the brunt of all the faggotry these days so that's a good sign.

    Moot, why have you never dedicated a board to discussing 4chan itself? Closest we have is /img/ but nobody truly uses that (aka no feedback from mods)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:38 No.2905
    I had no idea page views were down.

    I thought a lot of people visited /b/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:38 No.2906
    moot, please don't remove this board. When /new/ was deleted, the only place I could go for political discussion was reddit, and that place is a fucking embarrassment. You can't discuss shit because of the voting format.

    Sincerely, some dude on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:39 No.2920
    While the two are similar in some aspects, no I'm not. In all due respect, you're an idiot if you don't believe you can be civil and impolite.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:39 No.2925
    Hey moot

    what words are auto-banned here?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:39 No.2939
    >When /new/ was deleted, the only place I could go for political discussion was reddit,
    Amen to that. If you could see past the whole "trolls trolling trolls" thing, /new/ had some pretty good discussion.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:40 No.2961

    JEWS DID 911
    >> D/Generation !PsWaArQzRE 10/23/11(Sun)03:40 No.2970
    >implying you didn't have fun doing that IAMA interview at Reddit.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)03:41 No.2974
    /d/ has been shit lately. Too many western artists.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:41 No.2975
    Why have you let that aspie ruin /tg/?
    >> Stewbs !!3wWZAOkfwNl 10/23/11(Sun)03:41 No.2977
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    What happened with Canvas bro?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:41 No.2982
         File1319355687.jpg-(31 KB, 300x410, donovan-anoto-su-segundo-gol-d(...).jpg)
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    Hello moot

    Will the captcha be removed someday ?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:41 No.2987
         File1319355697.png-(741 KB, 1017x2010, 1317249912148.png)
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    yes, good goyim, give me your shekels
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:41 No.2991
    >the formspring clearly isn't working
    Please remove the link to the Formspring in the top navigation bar, it's really bothering my OCD, every day I click it hoping to see tons of lots of fun Q&As with moot but it's always dead.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:41 No.2992
         File1319355707.png-(54 KB, 600x347, dont know the feel.png)
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    I just went to krautchan, original home of that feel
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:41 No.2996
    >JEWS DID 911
    That's mighty nice of them. I had to call 911 when a colored gentleman broke into my house the other day.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:42 No.3023

    I was forced into Reddit after /r9k/ and /new/ were nuked too. I'm glad you came around.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:43 No.3028
    moot, how do you feel about killing 4chon?
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)03:44 No.3048
         File1319355849.jpg-(63 KB, 617x244, 1317717143230.jpg)
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    Reddit's not that bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:44 No.3056
    I don't think that's really the problem here. There's plenty of good western art and plenty of bad western art. Just like there's plenty of good japanese art and plenty of bad japanese art.

    I would blame it more on how futanari content (which is pretty vanilla and in my opinion belongs in /h/) overran /d/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:44 No.3061
         File1319355863.jpg-(58 KB, 283x350, 1269106117904.jpg)
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    You brought meaning back into my life tonight m00t, you have made this robot beyond happy.

    Ron Paul 2013!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:44 No.3068
    I sure hope he didn't injure himself while illegally trespassing in your domain, or else you'd have some 'splainin to do to the court.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:44 No.3071
    >thinking reddit is good
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:44 No.3075
         File1319355892.jpg-(49 KB, 729x396, don't forget you're here forev(...).jpg)
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    inb4 this poster was b&
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:45 No.3081
    moot did you ever visit the alternative /new/ and can you please god tell me why the fuck you created /soc/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:45 No.3088
    The formspring... you mean /?/ I always wondered why that died almost immediately. Hope you do decide to have some sort of 4chan discussion implemented again. Or at least have some sort of presence on /img/ from somebody so that it can seem like somebody out there still loves us
    >> ­­­­­­Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:45 No.3092
    Moot is a fair and level-headed individual who would never abuse the users of his cherished imageboard.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:46 No.3102
    Where the hell are our new banners?
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)03:46 No.3114
    Good western art is hard to find, and it's certainly hard to find on /d/.

    I thought there was a rule against posting western shit in hentai boards?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:47 No.3126
    moot can you fix or stop the euro vs USA shit on /sp/ its really bad and annoying
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:47 No.3129
         File1319356038.png-(47 KB, 248x390, 1194223222192.png)
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    So m00t with the popular wave moving off 4chan to reddit now, is mod/user interaction going to come back? I'm not a fan of mods turning into a cult of personality like snacks did but things like more visible b&'s and the occasional post calling people out is always a highlight and tends to get people to cut the shit, even if its just for a while. /v/ especially comes to mind for needing this.
    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)03:47 No.3131
         File1319356042.jpg-(26 KB, 288x191, 1052.jpg)
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    So, can we say anything on here, moot?

    Anything that doesn't break US law, that is?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:47 No.3133
    >Or at least have some sort of presence on /img/ from somebody so that it can seem like somebody out there still loves us

    The discussion boards are still actually used? Is it actual users or just those weirdos who keep posting ascii art and spamming 2ch memes.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:47 No.3135
    is /new/ ever coming back?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:47 No.3141
    I've seen plenty of good western art.

    And I've seen plenty of absurd, grotesquely distorted japanese art that I can't fap to at all.
    >> !AZULaFMcQ. 10/23/11(Sun)03:47 No.3142
    Can you please ban everybody who went to 4chon and won't shut the fuck up about?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:48 No.3147
    This is why we can't have nice things
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:48 No.3156
    moot is a pretty smart guy.

    >and a smart pretty guy
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:48 No.3159
    out with you
    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)03:49 No.3173
         File1319356149.jpg-(67 KB, 406x444, 1317816934330.jpg)
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    Just asking a question, sexy.
    >> Kudryavka !!wEyYEw5OlKU 10/23/11(Sun)03:49 No.3176
    Hey moot, can we have /l/ too?

    Come ooon.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:49 No.3181
    It's a mixture really. I'd like to think half of the posters on the discussion boards are normal and the other half are either spambots or total retards. I only visit them when sys is down
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)03:49 No.3186
         File1319356178.jpg-(127 KB, 600x600, grotesquedisproportinatejapart.jpg)
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    >absurd, grotesquely distorted japanese art that I can't fap to at all.

    You mean like this? Still better than the shit I've seen floating around /d/ lately.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:50 No.3215
         File1319356250.gif-(14 KB, 633x758, that thinker feel.gif)
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    maybe there should be a divide like /co/ and /a/.
    Except for western cartoon porn and jap hentai porn
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:51 No.3222
    Can you unban ISM and Pepe and Jim Profit?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:51 No.3232
    Hey Moot,
    Show elbows
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:51 No.3234
    when are you going to shut down canvas and admit it failed?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:51 No.3239
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:51 No.3240
    You and I both know that you only brought these boards back because they were doing so well on 4chon (which, by the way, has no captcha.)
    You sold out man.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:51 No.3242
    Why are you deliberatly fucking over STI? What did he ever do to you?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:52 No.3253
    Jim Profit can stay banned forever, please.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:52 No.3255
    Fuck this watered down jew-loving /new/

    I'm going to 4chon[.]net, home of the real /new/sman
    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)03:52 No.3258
    moot, what is your angle?

    Why are you being so much more active now? What do you say in response to those that say you no longer advocate for free speech? Why should we trust you?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:52 No.3263
    moot doesn't like being asl'd -_-
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:52 No.3265

    moot IS STI
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:53 No.3277

    What's STI?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:53 No.3280
         File1319356395.png-(34 KB, 345x369, 1289008230568.png)
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    Oh, god, can't breathe, must stop laughing.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:53 No.3284
    STI is Kimmo Alm
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:53 No.3288
    Oy vey moot, what are you going to do about all of us filthy anti-semites naming the jew?

    It's like a holocaust every time isnt it?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:53 No.3291
    seriously bro can you get someone to clean /sp/ or a mod to have a powertrip like last year
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:53 No.3296
    So moot, have you been protesting at your local Occupy "x"?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:53 No.3304
         File1319356438.jpg-(20 KB, 311x600, 1210374860972.jpg)
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    >> savetheinternet !yf7kimmo9k 10/23/11(Sun)03:54 No.3308
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:54 No.3310
    Is this a honeypot? I heard everything here was getting archived.
    >> >2011, still greentexting 10/23/11(Sun)03:54 No.3312
    Moot, I saw this story on another board and am wondering if it is true
    --------------------begin story--------------------
    I was one of the very few people who recognized moot during the semester that he was in college in Richmond. Back then he was still pretty much a nobody to most people, but I saw him on campus early on in the semester and my first words to him were "can i be a mod?" which generated a seemingly reflexive IRL facepalm. Anyway, we talked some and he said he wanted to observe how a random sample average 4chan user browses the site, so a couple days later he came to my dorm room to watch me as I used 4chan in my ordinary fashion while trying to describe what was going through my head as I did what I did. Checked out /a/ and /ck/ for a while (both boards were slow back then) and then jumped in a few threads on /b/ and made a few jokey photoshops, then i pretended to be a girl with a shopped "sup /b/" on some random girl's pic from the internet and did a bunch of other stuff. After a few hours of this I was getting tired, but moot wouldn't leave, so I checked out /d/, found the most disgusting crap I find and whipped out my cock and started fapping to it and moot said "WHOA, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" and I said something to the effect that I thought he wanted to watch an average 4channer in action, so I was just trying to act natural and moot said that he had to go. Anyway, I did end up being a mod for about six months, but then I retired from that. and I haven't talked to moot IRL or on IRC for years.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:54 No.3320
    Subaru Impreza wrx STI
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:54 No.3322

    Oh god, whatever happened to that guy?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:54 No.3325
         File1319356475.png-(56 KB, 838x983, later-moot.png)
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    Another thing to consider is that moot's Jewish overlords realized they would prefer to have controversial discussion on 4chan where it can be monitored and quietly censored.

    When they drove people seeking open debate away from 4chan they also lost their ability to control the discussion.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)03:54 No.3335
    Oh yeah, moot, what was the deal with you removing tripcodes from /b/? You tried that shit before, and it didn't work.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:55 No.3349
    This. Answer this.
    Also y u abandon tinychan.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:55 No.3352
    ITT: why moot is a fart sniffing faggot scat master
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:55 No.3355
    STI is the creator of Tinyboard, software used to run 4chon[.]net , and he also created 4chon for r9k and new when moot deleted them.

    4chon has been the home of the robots ever since,
    >> Kudryavka !!wEyYEw5OlKU 10/23/11(Sun)03:55 No.3359
    >that feeling when Moot ignores you and answers two other guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:56 No.3365
    How exactly is he fucking him over? As I recall, he was desperate to advertise his shitty forum on 4chan and spammed the boards advertising it. Then there was something about an "idea" stolen and some 4chan miniboard but even that I remember so little about.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:56 No.3384
    It's because you're a tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:56 No.3391
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:57 No.3393
         File1319356625.jpg-(65 KB, 320x240, 1206405063838.jpg)
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    dumping moot pix I guess
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:57 No.3401
    4chon was created by Kimmo, seriously? That's fucking hilarious, I knew he was desperate, didn't realize he was THAT desperate.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:57 No.3403
    Whatever happened to tiny.4chan?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:57 No.3418
    Forced anon worked before.
    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)03:57 No.3422
         File1319356673.jpg-(16 KB, 320x212, 106485-peter_steele_6171.jpg)
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    Hmm, I wonder why moot isn't answering my questions?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:57 No.3423
    It was a good idea on 4chon, its a good idea now.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:58 No.3428

    4chon at the moment.

    >> Ferus !ffFezFerus 10/23/11(Sun)03:58 No.3429
    Sure is .net itt

    Moot, how do you feel about STI's .net?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:58 No.3431
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:58 No.3444
    This place is probably just going to turn into an Anti-American shitstorm 24/7...sigh
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:58 No.3446
         File1319356729.jpg-(372 KB, 683x1024, 1250808053626.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:59 No.3459
    Time to fap
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:59 No.3465
         File1319356757.png-(469 B, 16x11, españa.png)
    469 B
    Add flags to posts on /int/: Y/N

    Many chans have objects on their own /int/ that can distinguish posts by country. Examples: Krautchan, the ltalian chan, the Serbian chan etc.

    We could just add flags (pic related). lt is possible or not?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:59 No.3474
         File1319356779.jpg-(94 KB, 514x511, 1247511595809.jpg)
    94 KB
    >should i blow him /b/ y/n?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)03:59 No.3476
         File1319356781.png-(1.06 MB, 750x1969, 1318111768263.png)
    1.06 MB
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)03:59 No.3480
    That would work on /int/.

    /pol/ needs objects that distinguish a poster based on their political affiliation.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:00 No.3490
    for USA, state flags
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:00 No.3491
         File1319356820.jpg-(277 KB, 1200x900, 1247316993357.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:00 No.3494
    /pol/? Not really. You must have not been around for old old /new/ and old /new/, both of those places were so crazily pro-American for the wrong reasons.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:00 No.3498
    >implying moot doesn't realize that 4chon's /new/ will keep all the stormfags contained so that /pol/ can actually be a decent board
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:00 No.3501
    Since this is a politics board, you should probably know a little bit about government and the social contracts we adhere to---namely, 4chan is private property, owned by moot, and he can allow or disallow whatever type of speech he likes on here.

    In other words, your right to free speech ends where moot's chan begins.

    That said, the guy is pretty fucking tolerant considering the piles and piles of cuntfucks on the internet that find their way here on a daily basis, and he has been for years. And the goal of the chan doesn't seem to be "The Ultimate Use of Your Free Speech", it seems to be a simple, accessible collaborative effort with a strong yet subtle moderating force to keep things on a somewhat creative course.

    Kinda like our mixed economy in America. And there's your lesson for today, kids. It all comes full circle. wakka wakka
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:00 No.3504
    You know I really wish he'd take them off for all boards.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:00 No.3505
    Read what l wrote
    >Add flags to posts on /int/
    >on /int/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:01 No.3509
         File1319356860.jpg-(53 KB, 359x398, 1316836425812.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:01 No.3518
         File1319356882.jpg-(123 KB, 640x480, 1251064309420.jpg)
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    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)04:01 No.3525
         File1319356905.jpg-(138 KB, 550x650, goodend.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:01 No.3529
         File1319356918.jpg-(128 KB, 640x480, moot soup.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:02 No.3548
    Dear Moot,

    Is this board going to be considered work safe?

    (Please say yes)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:02 No.3557
    you put on weight jackie chan
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:02 No.3559
         File1319356979.jpg-(199 KB, 800x600, 1250808682923.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:03 No.3560
    Notice the color of the board, my good man...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:03 No.3575
         File1319357006.png-(607 KB, 600x449, Meximoot.png)
    607 KB
    posting pictures of moot

    don't know who that skinny hipster faggot you guys are posting is, but it sure as hell isn't moot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:04 No.3596
    >dat feel when I am from /fit/
    >I am genuinely not there for the gay shit, I actually enjoy the memes and discussion
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:04 No.3612
    >inability to differentiate between trolling and existing
    sounds about right
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:04 No.3617
         File1319357090.jpg-(158 KB, 500x333, 1250809116437.jpg)
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    lol not trying to be a creeper/stalker but moot had lots of good moments in the past. too bad he grew up ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:04 No.3619
    so are going to do another janitor/mod sweepstakes because of the new boards
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:04 No.3620

    Hahahah, holy shit. You are such a fucking faggot. Your website is fucking awful now, you're a sellout and a cunt. I love the way you only answer /b/ type questions you pretentious little faggot, where are your balls?

    4chan is a fucking shithole, I hope you enjoy being outdone by shit like reddit. Truly a degenerate.
    >> Strelnikov DRUNK !TXwGaUHWDw 10/23/11(Sun)04:05 No.3621
    add flags to posts here on /new/, then we can tell when we have a JIDF poster from jizrael
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:05 No.3625
    /int/ would become boring when it's discovered everyone is posting from america
    >> Liberal Feline !!v9QfqDS8tJo 10/23/11(Sun)04:05 No.3645
    /tg/ was a board where people who liked traditional games discussed things. Now it's only a board where people discuss traditional games and it's worse for it.

    I wouldn't say it was ever a /b/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:05 No.3647
         File1319357151.jpg-(540 KB, 1632x1224, 1249944533267.jpg)
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    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)04:05 No.3650
    Oy vey, it's like 10,000 Shoahs all at once
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:06 No.3651
    03:46 <savetheinternet> remove this page right now or i will sue you
    03:46 <savetheinternet> i am serious
    03:46 <savetheinternet> my father has some good lawyers
    03:46 <h64> WHATS UR FATHERS ASL

    lol'd so fucking hard

    That reminds me, you didn't like the 'removal' of ED right? Why not pick up where it left off? Or was ED that unprofitable that it's not worth it?
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)04:06 No.3652
    You might want to read the thread, comrade.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:06 No.3653
    Moot for President

    Moot 2012
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:06 No.3668
    In other news, teenagers exist.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:07 No.3680
    moot do you have any tips on getting a powerful, masculine jawline

    you must share your secrets
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:07 No.3683
    moot get a haircut man

    i hate to see you doing this to yourself
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:07 No.3692
    He was claiming moot stole tinyboard from him.
    >> Whalelord !AdElEXhQew 10/23/11(Sun)04:07 No.3699
    Moot, I know it's been requested, but are you or would you consider a trap board?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:07 No.3700
         File1319357275.jpg-(30 KB, 350x480, 1250809669520.jpg)
    30 KB
    >reflection in window
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:08 No.3703

    you could always bring back /l/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:08 No.3715
         File1319357322.jpg-(180 KB, 375x500, 57541 - 4chan Moot Rule_63 WT_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:08 No.3722
    Wait is 4chon actually run by that Kimmo dickhead? Glad I never went there in that case
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:08 No.3723
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:09 No.3732
    moot will you throw us out again

    do like god or some shit when he promised he wont go all flood on our ass again

    I'm trying but it's hard to trust you after all you've done to us;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:09 No.3739
    I think he means the idea. As I recall there was a huge shitstorm over mini4chan or whatever it was called that resulted in the spam attacks.
    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)04:10 No.3743
         File1319357407.jpg-(44 KB, 600x768, candle.jpg)
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    Some would argue that you used to be much much more lenient with your 'mootocracy'. What do you say in response to this?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:10 No.3745
         File1319357410.jpg-(570 KB, 1024x768, 1251061122118.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:10 No.3747
    moot would it be cool if I took all my black friends to a meetup :3
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:10 No.3751
    No one country owns the internet, so property rights cannot apply. North Korea could very well claim they've expropriated 4chan for glorious revolution and now own all the content and users.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:10 No.3754

    >oh wait,

    It's just not the same. I'm depressed just thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:10 No.3765
    I love how noncommittal you are about it.
    >> Peach Breeze !!lH6BkwRJ0U2 10/23/11(Sun)04:11 No.3773
    Moot I meant to ask you at Portland meet when /new/ would be back, but I guess you saw the light anyway.

    Next step: Death to captcha, long live the virus pornspam bots.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:11 No.3774
         File1319357471.jpg-(1.55 MB, 1295x1812, 13455010.jpg)
    1.55 MB
    bring back /l/ moot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:11 No.3782
         File1319357486.png-(26 KB, 736x504, moot - news sucks.png)
    26 KB
    Moot. What are the chance we're going to have yet another repetition of this?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:12 No.3795
         File1319357532.jpg-(245 KB, 768x1024, 1249941605414.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:12 No.3796
         File1319357534.png-(210 KB, 475x513, 1318044706058.png)
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    Moot when are we going to have consistent mods and janitors around this site?. /v/, /co/ and /a/ are in a horrid state right now due to trolls and meta-threads.

    Its like you dont care about us and just want to jump ship to as soon as possible.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:12 No.3800
         File1319357544.jpg-(258 KB, 594x400, shower_fear.jpg)
    258 KB

    "Hey guys? Are my pecs looking good?"

    "Looks like you had a killer workout today bro!"

    "Oh YEAH BRO! Total kilelr workout today!"

    "ALPHA AS FUCK!!!"

    "yeah, you shoulda seen my workout! Shit was cash!"

    "NICE PECS BRO! More pics? So I...we can give you pointers."

    "ALPHA AS FUCK!!!!"

    "Hey guys, let's talk about what it's like to spend all day on the internet and at the gym but still be alpha"

    "YO! let's talk about OATZ some more yo! Yo!"


    >Worst board ever.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:12 No.3803
    moot has anyone ever told you that you look like Jesse Eisenberg, it's funny because he play Mark Zuckerburg who created Facebook which is like the opposite of your site.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:12 No.3805
    A website isn't The Internet, Johnny. It's hosted somewhere, usually on a network that some guy owns or rents. In this case, the guy's name is moot, and he's a reptilian.

    And North Korean.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:12 No.3812
    Check this shit out son >>3812
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:13 No.3814
         File1319357597.jpg-(31 KB, 656x607, yeahson.jpg)
    31 KB
    hey moot, when will we ever get a /scv/ starcraft board?

    pokemon got an offshoot. we all know you are a grandmaster terran player.
    >> Moody !ONvKXloDL6 10/23/11(Sun)04:13 No.3816
    Could you rename the place /new/

    Politically incorrect is a lame name.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:13 No.3823
         File1319357618.jpg-(69 KB, 450x600, 1251060705556.jpg)
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    moot needs to trademark this facial expression
    >> NekoArc !0aMBiTions 10/23/11(Sun)04:13 No.3827
    keep up the hard work moot, made my day seeing all this fun stuff and watching someone silently rage because of it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:13 No.3829
         File1319357627.jpg-(720 KB, 2272x1704, 1302844009012.jpg)
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    I've always been curious regarding the context of this picture.

    I know moot won't acknowledge my post, but I like to imagine he and snacks railed that girl from both ends.
    >> >2011, still greentexting 10/23/11(Sun)04:13 No.3830
         File1319357633.jpg-(40 KB, 400x400, nevermind.jpg)
    40 KB
    They won't give it out and it KC's code would by incompatible because they have custom/proprietary software and they're jews about sharing it. there are some open source implementations of similar systems that…oh wait
    >custom/proprietary software and they're jews about sharing it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:13 No.3831
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:13 No.3833
    D'aaw, why are you so adorable, mootles?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3834
    No. Kimmo was some delusional swedish fag. 4chon is run by a jew.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3836
         File1319357649.jpg-(203 KB, 1632x1224, 1251060851377.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3838
    I think it's cute, I can be ironically racist and talk about Ron Paul and not feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3845
    -Banned the ponyfags in a move that would make Snacks proud
    -Brought back /r9k/, allowing /v/ to become about video games again
    -Brought back /new/ as /pol/

    Seriously moot, what else can these "new improvements" be other than figuring out how to give blowjobs to 4chan users over TCP/IP? I just can't see you topping this.
    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3846
         File1319357678.jpg-(35 KB, 343x534, b425re2.jpg)
    35 KB
    Moot, one more question you will not answer:

    What will it take for you to delete /ne - I mean, /pol/ for the THIRD time?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3847
    It's not like he made it. That's just the male equivalent of duckface, for insecure manchildren who're worried people will call them ugly in photos so they make a silly face and can claim it's just the expression that makes them look like that.
    >> Whalelord !AdElEXhQew 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3849
    /mu/ is like /v/ x 2
    It's become a shithole full of circlejerks and whatnot. We could really use a janitor/mod etc over there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3851
         File1319357687.jpg-(118 KB, 495x600, 1318836627567.jpg)
    118 KB
    is Bill Mahrer going to sue you for naming this board "Politically Incorrect?"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3853
    I'm okay with the captcha, but isn't there some way to let trusted i.p.'s get un-captcha'd? Like, after 1000 trusted posts, you lose the captcha restriction? In the same way users are banned?
    >> Ferus !ffFezFerus 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3856
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:14 No.3857
    Damn nigga
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:15 No.3867
    I like how people claim that STI is Kimmo Alm. Given how aspie nekoarc is all the time, I'm guessing he's Kimmo.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:15 No.3868
    moot shoe on head plox
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:15 No.3871
         File1319357725.jpg-(881 KB, 1200x800, 1251063822189.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:15 No.3875
    That would be a bad idea in my opinion. /new/ engenders a sense of purpose. I'd rather not have something labelled "news"-centric and then get shut down because people don't want to just talk the news and current events as often the news includes divisive and contentious issues that almost universally derails the thread and board.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:15 No.3883
         File1319357752.png-(2 KB, 190x189, 1318713225496.png)
    2 KB
    Moot, why do you hate /v/ so much?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:15 No.3884
         File1319357752.jpg-(9 KB, 460x276, stallman1.article.jpg)
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    They're not going to give it away

    Why do they hate freedom, moot?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:16 No.3892
         File1319357774.jpg-(114 KB, 1024x768, 1165650986834.jpg)
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    He was so cute back then
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:16 No.3893

    /v/ is not so bad as you btut devastated people think

    what's so bad about some non vidya, 80 percent is videogames anyway and blatant ridiculous trolling gets deleted fast

    why not allow discussion on concepts that interest eople who like videogames, like space or the deep sea and shit
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:16 No.3907
         File1319357808.jpg-(60 KB, 510x382, moot_shoe_on_head1.jpg)
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    >> NekoArc !0aMBiTions 10/23/11(Sun)04:17 No.3911
    I actually own an anontalk domain so i could probably play-act him for ya :3
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:17 No.3918

    That'd be nice.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:17 No.3919

    Hey moot, is this real? Says you'll let /sp/ pick a board if one of them gets trips.
    >> Strelnikov DRUNK !TXwGaUHWDw 10/23/11(Sun)04:17 No.3920
    I have absolutely no idea, but you'll have to find that of your own initiative. I honestly think it would be adorable. I love polandball
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:17 No.3922
    I believe that's what he was referring to. Anyways, I'll admit I did think you and the 4chon owner were the same person. Looks like I was wrong, granted I never really cared much about either and only heard about them through consistent spam.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:17 No.3926
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:17 No.3927
         File1319357870.jpg-(97 KB, 333x500, 1292137043672.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:17 No.3930
    He cannot decide for himself what rights people are allowed. A Chinese citizen is protected by Chinese law, and an American is protected by American law. Americans are allowed to say anything they want here, and Chinese aren't even supposed to be here.

    moot has no legal standing to curtail the rights of American citizens. To do so is an act of war.
    >> Ferus !ffFezFerus 10/23/11(Sun)04:17 No.3931
    NekoFaggot confirmed Kimmo Alm pedophile.
    >> Whalelord !AdElEXhQew 10/23/11(Sun)04:18 No.3932
    That's true. People seem to be discrediting how fucked up /mu/ has become
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:18 No.3940

    That term is WAY older than Bill Maher--it was coined when we first started using euphemistic language to hide meanings en masse--at least the 40's if not even earlier.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:18 No.3941
    need a new one for my moot folder tho
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:18 No.3942
         File1319357919.jpg-(57 KB, 320x240, 1210374384245.jpg)
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    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)04:18 No.3943
    I don't even go on /mu/ anymore.

    I miss it, but it turned to such shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:18 No.3945
         File1319357927.jpg-(73 KB, 640x480, 6b9870b2c3112aec168a44e55da22c(...).jpg)
    73 KB
    it's overused, that's for sure
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:19 No.3958
         File1319357956.jpg-(418 KB, 1348x1480, Sigourney_Weaver_@_2010_Academ(...).jpg)
    418 KB
    I know, now he just looks like an elegant academy award nominated actress.
    >> NekoArc !0aMBiTions 10/23/11(Sun)04:19 No.3959
    I know there's some half-assed code somewhere floating around for those balls, gimme a few and I'll see if I can find it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:19 No.3968
    shit man I think you might be straight up retarded

    so anyway, do we have mods here? is there going to be a new recruiting of mods/janitors to cover the newold boards?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:19 No.3972
         File1319357983.jpg-(66 KB, 640x480, moot'sfacewhenyourpost.jpg)
    66 KB
    >moot folder
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:19 No.3974
    I dont even think /mu/ has a mod, we scared him off.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:19 No.3977
    where are the new banners moot

    you said there would be new banners
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:20 No.3988
         File1319358024.jpg-(181 KB, 550x413, moot1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:20 No.3990
    You need to leave /pol/ and never come back.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:20 No.3998
    Moot, I must say that you are one sexy son of a bitch. In this photograph here, your face has some very nice anges, accompanied by a lovely half smile. Your glasses and tousled hair give of just a slight hint of nerd, but the sparkle in your eyes reminds the viewer of your inner awesome. Keep being such a bro moot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:20 No.3999
    moot should let us make them. Didn't he do that for the current ones?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:20 No.4001
    Notice how moot and kimmo are never seen in the same place at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:20 No.4003
    there is a slight smirk there. So moot would gladly post a shoe on head to christen >>>/pol/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:21 No.4015
         File1319358090.jpg-(41 KB, 512x772, 1290575250279.jpg)
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    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)04:21 No.4017
         File1319358096.jpg-(31 KB, 302x328, Peter in Playgirl crop.jpg)
    31 KB
    Yeah, last I was on there we got a new mod, but I don't think he's still around.

    I don't want to sound like an oldfag or anything, but I don't recognise any tripfags anymore, and they don't recognise me. It's sad, I met one of my best friends on /mu/ aspie as that sounds.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:21 No.4024
    get janitors and mods on /sp/ moot I beg you
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:22 No.4028
    Yes please. Hopefully competent ones too. Let the bans be visible so people can see what kind of shit isn't tolerated.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:22 No.4029




    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:22 No.4030
    the context? she's apparently grabbing a tv remote control, which moot has for some reason stuffed down his pants.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:22 No.4031

    I only want mods to delete things that I don't agree with.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:22 No.4033
         File1319358126.png-(85 KB, 279x192, 1308910555049.png)
    85 KB

    wait, are you for real?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:22 No.4035
    No, they just want to be a mod. don't listen to them
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)04:22 No.4037
    That explains a lot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:22 No.4048
         File1319358154.jpg-(34 KB, 604x453, 1290574940527.jpg)
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    how about no
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:22 No.4050
         File1319358159.jpg-(91 KB, 603x393, 1316148970983.jpg)
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    All the main boards went to shit due to lack of mooteration. Moot have you seen fucking /x/ in recent years?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:22 No.4057
    Well, I mean, it would be nice if CP and shit wasn't posted, but I figure the appeal of /new/ was trolls trolling trolls (and occasionally stopping to rage about boomers/price of college/wikileaks), so any sort of "play nice" moderation would ruin it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:23 No.4060
    I'm not the guy you're replying to but I don't. This is an extremely personal board. It's going to be a massive clusterfuck of arguing (which we need or else they'll spread into other boards).
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:23 No.4066
    Something important that I hope I could bring to your attention, /v/'s front page is usually choked up by multiplayer chain threads. League of Legends, StarCraft, Dark Souls, etc.

    The generals aren't the problem; the problem is that they get chained constantly and they hog up front page space, pretty much permanently. It stifles discussion of other video games.

    A lot of us would like it if there was an /esp/ - Esports board, or something like that, where chain threads could go.

    That, or if they could just get banned.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:23 No.4069
    >he thinks /x/ is a main board
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:23 No.4072
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    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)04:23 No.4073
    Second. /x/ needs to turn into an Orwellian dystopia.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:23 No.4078
    Reddit has won.

    It's over guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:24 No.4079
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:24 No.4080
    Phantasm, can you please stop posting these pics?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:24 No.4081
    Its not, but its still shitted on all the time
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:24 No.4082
         File1319358251.jpg-(14 KB, 257x300, moot-does-smile-for-shoe-on-he(...).jpg)
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    >> Whalelord !AdElEXhQew 10/23/11(Sun)04:24 No.4083
    Yes. A lot of boards have all turned into offtopic shit, and we'd REALLY like some mods for certain boards.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:24 No.4086
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:24 No.4093
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    Any chance of another 4chan panel at a con?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:24 No.4102
    I want to moderate /b/. I need something to keep me busy during my meth benders.
    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)04:25 No.4107
         File1319358307.jpg-(12 KB, 320x212, 4eb9c2c.jpg)
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    Thirding more moderation on /x/. Get rid of all cancer except stream threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:25 No.4108
         File1319358308.jpg-(7 KB, 251x230, 1270252306210[1].jpg)
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    Blast it moot.

    Do it.
    >> Strelnikov DRUNK !TXwGaUHWDw 10/23/11(Sun)04:25 No.4110
         File1319358310.png-(688 KB, 680x332, slavballs.png)
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    Please moot, don't forget to try and contact krautchan, a countryball marker for each person would be a great addition for both /pol/ and /int/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:25 No.4112
    lax moderation would be nice. Also Alternating post numbers with letters would get rid of dubs bullshit. for example the post number would read "a8d9f3" rather than "184963".
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:25 No.4114
    I want some Sirgoney Weaver Moot pics. I haven't seen them yet
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:25 No.4124
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:25 No.4126
    Why the fuck don't people keep reddit and 4chan separate? You're acknowledged more on 4chan because it's not focused around votes.
    >> Peach Breeze !!lH6BkwRJ0U2 10/23/11(Sun)04:25 No.4127
         File1319358343.jpg-(147 KB, 860x1225, Carl_Sagans_Cosmos.jpg)
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    Moot I remember the glorious (like maybe a whole month tops) time when /x/ first opened, now it is /b/2 more than any other board, even /v/.

    Please put your most terribly hate-filled over-reacting mods/janitors in /x/. Generally the whole cast wrecking /tg/ fits the bill.

    I would like to read stories that are only scary at 4 am, at 4 am instead of penis rating threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:25 No.4130
    The only way moot can redeem himself is if he deletes /soc/
    Fuck /soc/
    you fucking jew faggot
    why did you make that shit
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)04:26 No.4134
    We need a separate board for shameless self-advertising. You shouldn't announce that you're streaming the third season of Roseanne on /x/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:26 No.4137
    I'd like to see moot attempt this face
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:26 No.4143
         File1319358397.png-(150 KB, 645x773, that feel.png)
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    would you ever consider making a board where the only post name you could use was Anonymous and there were no tripcodes?

    as an experiment in forced anonymity?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:26 No.4145
    They are unnecessary for this kind of thread, and only use up the image limit. They also offend me. So please stop.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:26 No.4151
    Because it keeps the 14 year olds away.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:26 No.4154
    Because what is on /soc/ now used to clog up /b/. If you had been here longer than a few months you'd know that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:26 No.4155
    Do you remember what /r9k/ and /b/ were like before /soc/?

    >inb4 "what are you talking about, i never went to those boards!"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:27 No.4159
         File1319358425.jpg-(1.14 MB, 2272x1704, 1180318067891.jpg)
    1.14 MB
    i dunno what's in the bag but it was probs liquor
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:27 No.4161

    Those faggots need to post somewhere.
    >> Phantasm !agoricO92o 10/23/11(Sun)04:27 No.4162
    I wouldn't object to that either, it's just /x/ is less noisy so I get to see the ads for streams. Bonus points if they're horror/sci fi
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:27 No.4163
         File1319358429.jpg-(172 KB, 500x447, 1319009570162.jpg)
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    Moot just firebomb /b/. Nothing good has come out of that place in years.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:27 No.4165
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:27 No.4166
    /v/ is alright except for the roneryshit. Everything else gets washed down fast enough that it wont matter.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:27 No.4182
         File1319358465.jpg-(75 KB, 467x700, kuroneko.jpg)
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    I like the meidos in /jp/. Someone needs to bring down the hammer and clean up the shitposters and degenerates. Same goes for other work-safe boards. But it should be hands off on the non-work safe boards, except when things get so out of hand like with those pony retrards or other borderline furry cliques... they need to be obliterated permanently.
    >> Whalelord !AdElEXhQew 10/23/11(Sun)04:27 No.4185
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:27 No.4188
    Some boards need more active moderation. For example, I frequent /an/ quite a bit and we often get jerks, presumably from /b/, posting bestiality or animal cruelty etc and it's fucking annoying.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:28 No.4190
         File1319358487.gif-(31 KB, 315x426, 1202429091827.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:28 No.4192
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:28 No.4194
    How about a server where there is a forced anonymous version of each board
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:28 No.4201
    I actually find that kind of funny because people who spend more time playing vidya than going outside will end up that way. But that's another discussion, the dubsfaggotry is a lot worse imo
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:28 No.4206
         File1319358530.png-(201 KB, 500x375, 1319289644747.png)
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    Moot why the fuck did you make /soc/?. Seriously?

    If you want 4chan to recover, cut that tumor off.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:29 No.4210
    m00t has had periods of forced anon before.
    Sadly, tripfags just resorted to becoming avatarfags, which is worse somehow.
    Wasting image posts with user avatar images should be a big fucking bullseye for mods imo. Its trash.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:29 No.4220
    seems like a much bigger step
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:29 No.4224
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:29 No.4227
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:29 No.4230
    How about we just keep things the way the are? There, glad we solved that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:30 No.4235

    Think of it as a quarantine. It stops the spread of disease to other boards.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:30 No.4237
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:30 No.4239
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:30 No.4241
         File1319358622.png-(31 KB, 500x461, i_hug_that_feel.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:30 No.4242
    moot, are you and snacks still friends irl?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:30 No.4254
    /soc/ has its place, I don't like it - I think it epitomises a lot of bad things about a lot of bad things - but it has its place. If only to centralise the self-promoters.
    Moot, I've been browsing for 5 years and I've always wondered - what do you think about the rise in the mainstream popularity of 4chan over the years? How do you think it's changed the userbase? For better or worse?
    With the rise in presence of memes on facebook etc, do you think the culture of content is dying? I mean in the sense that reddit's parroting of rage comics etc miss the spirit of MS Paint threads completely and it seems to be something we never see anymore - instead recycling the same images.
    And thank you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:31 No.4264
         File1319358673.jpg-(171 KB, 839x1708, mootlittlegirl2.jpg)
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    moot drinking hivemind
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:31 No.4265
    >>4206 If you want 4chan to recover, cut that tumor off.
    internet does not work that way.
    If they are posting there then they aren't for example.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:31 No.4266

    It'd never happen. /b/, while absolute shit in recent years, is still over 50% of the userbase--though that may change with the return of its paste-eating, retarded cousin, /r9k/; only time will tell.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:31 No.4267
    You would have to choose a mod/janitor very carefully depending on the goal in mind. It is far to easy to justify to oneself that moderation/cleaning is needed where otherwise things that "need to be seen" go untouched.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:31 No.4271
    That or just skip post numbers with doubles in them. Dubs are good for derailing shit threads though. And either way the idea is firmly rooted now, people will look hard for a replacement for dubs, and likely find one.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:31 No.4278
    I like this thinking.
    It's similar to why /vp/ was created. One look at it and you'd understand why it was separated from /v/.
    >pokeyman dick sizes
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:31 No.4279
    No, they're besties.
    >> Whalelord !AdElEXhQew 10/23/11(Sun)04:31 No.4283
    Moot drinking hivemind hivemind
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:31 No.4285
         File1319358713.jpg-(30 KB, 640x480, 1302842247670.jpg)
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    we just need Sherrod DeHippo here to release her image archives
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:31 No.4286
    what would be the other boards
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:32 No.4290
    moot can you please add WWE to the allowed shit on /sp/? Wrestling seems too vague since people sage and report their threads and spam it to shit, gets annoying seeing page 1 and the WWE threads are getting bombed to hell but mods don't ban the bombers or delete the thread
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:32 No.4292
    Oh really? Because /b/ is still a shithole. Why doesn't moot just delete /soc/ and ban camwhores instead of making another board to spread cancer over to?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:32 No.4303
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:32 No.4308
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    Why cant you do the same thing you did to /fur/ (remember that?)

    Just nuke the entire board. Also bring back /z/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:32 No.4310
         File1319358761.jpg-(55 KB, 312x312, PUKING.jpg)
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    >> TempTrip !!3QaSOyLatIJ 10/23/11(Sun)04:33 No.4326
    moot do you play world of tanks?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:33 No.4328
    Make a ponies board and then ban everyone who enters it

    moot do you want those FUCKING PONIES gone as much as I do
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:33 No.4329
    >implying ban doesn't incite the unwanted behavior.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:33 No.4334
    It's like tubgirl, a day later.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:33 No.4336
    Because there are/were A LOT of fucking cam/attention whores. You don't understand how bad it was before /soc/ was created.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:33 No.4337
         File1319358814.jpg-(114 KB, 627x468, 1318536138453.jpg)
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    /v/ needs more mods Mooty
    Annnnnnd Ban all bronies on /co/

    PLEASE ;-;
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:33 No.4338
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:33 No.4339
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:34 No.4350
    don't remove trips from /sp/. we need them for team affiliation. just saying.
    >> NekoArc !0aMBiTions 10/23/11(Sun)04:34 No.4351

    lol Sherrod's ass..
    I wish you luck with contacting the krautchan admin since it seems that the public source for that disappeared
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:34 No.4353
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    Girlvinyl ass
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:34 No.4354
    When will bans actually be effective?

    That Russian avatarfag has been spamming /tv/ for 2 years now
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:34 No.4357
         File1319358868.jpg-(489 KB, 1632x1224, 1249944713262.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:34 No.4363
    You can tell she definitely EARNED that trampstamp.
    >> Ferus !ffFezFerus 10/23/11(Sun)04:35 No.4371
    Yes because moot isnt a camwhore himself.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:35 No.4375
    Yes, removing trips, at least for an extended time would be nice. It was a breath of fresh air in /g/ and /jp/ when it was disabled the other day, where the trip users are deeply entrenched.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:35 No.4376
    why doesn't the ban screen show you which post you were banned for?

    i can't count how many times i've been banned and had no idea what i posted to warrant the ban....
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:35 No.4379
    Pure dubs threads are a lot rarer than roneryshit IME. Also, going outside doesn't actually accomplish anything other than getting you cold.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:35 No.4384
         File1319358937.jpg-(122 KB, 1306x871, 1250808170209.jpg)
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    >Russian avatarfag

    butthurt hater
    >> Peach Breeze !!lH6BkwRJ0U2 10/23/11(Sun)04:35 No.4389
         File1319358950.jpg-(34 KB, 500x374, friendship.jpg)
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    No mods or janitors in /pol/ - /new/3 please beyond the bare minimum of deleting spam if even that.

    Because spam is actually extremely jew related.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)04:36 No.4397
    Cry more.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:36 No.4400
    moot are you down with the brothers
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:36 No.4410
         File1319359010.jpg-(774 KB, 800x1200, 1250808611974.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:36 No.4413
    That cat peed on you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:36 No.4415
    Trips must NEVER be removed. I love tripfags. And even though I'm Anon most of the time, I sometimes use a trip when needed, especially when I'm a OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:36 No.4417
         File1319359016.png-(513 KB, 1550x994, moot spooked2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:36 No.4418
         File1319359016.jpg-(2.45 MB, 3538x3853, 1284796183857.jpg)
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    Jesus Christ, he's still at it?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:37 No.4419
    /tv/ is the worst when it comes to tripfags.

    Moot, are you happy that /tv/ has devolved into having half of the threads on the front page at any given some some tripfag wankfest where they post pictures of their favorite underage actress?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:37 No.4420
    >but i have considered stripping
    >trips elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:37 No.4425
    I thought you were just going to leave /b/ alone since it looks hard as fuck to fix

    Do you have any future plans to fix the board then?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:37 No.4428
         File1319359046.jpg-(1.21 MB, 1281x1550, 18207627.jpg)
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    seriously bring back /l/ please.

    tip of the tongue taking two steps down the palate etc. lo. lee.

    >> Peach Breeze !!lH6BkwRJ0U2 10/23/11(Sun)04:37 No.4434

    The nose knows.

    That kitten because a couple of succulent matzah balls.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)04:37 No.4435
    I love you too, anonymous~ <3
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:38 No.4444
    Hes still there, but he cant come back as fast. He also cant use his spambots anymore due to captcha
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:38 No.4445
    Trips are useful because they let you know which threads to fucking avoid like the plague.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:38 No.4456
    moot can you get rid of ISHY.. and that feel threads on /sp/ too
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:38 No.4461

    To play devil's advocate, what would be the point in lashing out at ONE group, out of tens, that contributes to the perceived deterioration of the site?

    Moot, we all love you, but you have to admit to us that this campaign against der cartoon equine is just more scapegoatism to calm the ignorant masses, albeit temporarily.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:39 No.4466
    He's a huge faggot who shits up every channel he joins, he's not going to do shit
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:39 No.4473
         File1319359153.jpg-(42 KB, 298x292, 1160372557124.jpg)
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    >Now becoming a "what is your favorite color m00t?" mod thread.
    Was nice and informative while it lasted. Good sticky for the most part.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:39 No.4474
         File1319359153.jpg-(50 KB, 318x341, 360_freies_arabien_2.jpg)
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    yo moot if you really do put country balls on int make sure to get the kc one because it is the most nazi of them and ban anyone trying to use a proxie by pretending to be another country (they are germans after all.)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:39 No.4477
         File1319359167.jpg-(59 KB, 604x453, 1250808829665.jpg)
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    /tv/ wouldn't be /tv/ without its trips (there are alot of really good ones, like streambro). please please please don't do forced anon to /tv/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:39 No.4483

    Moot what the hell is this shit?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:40 No.4493
    Eh, some of the repeated offtopic shit gets tiring when it takes root on a board, but I wouldn't want all of 4chan to suffer /tg/'s fate.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:40 No.4496
         File1319359226.jpg-(104 KB, 480x640, 1251062872369.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:41 No.4504
    Where do you live? I'm currently seriously looking to get my own tripfag boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:41 No.4507

    My god that place is like fucking Aushwitz now
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:41 No.4510
    He just thinks it's funny roleplaying as Kimmo.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)04:41 No.4514
    Northwest Louisiana.

    No one lives near me, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:41 No.4521
         File1319359303.jpg-(31 KB, 319x242, kurt cobain thinks of the poss(...).jpg)
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    Please, I'm begging you for a response to

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:41 No.4523
    /esports/ board where?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:41 No.4524
         File1319359308.jpg-(37 KB, 870x267, img.jpg)
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    Hey moot, it only works if:

    1) There is active moderation
    2) All the posters on /int/ turn into better people overnight.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:42 No.4533
    Yeah, tripcodes can be useful. It's a shame all it takes is one bad apple to ruin the entire bunch.

    What if you could only use a tripcode if you create a thread and while posting in a thread you created, but were barred from using it mid-thread? The site would report an error while trying to post with a tripcode in that case?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:42 No.4536

    Is it possible you could make trips last only 8 hours?
    Would make sense, as a means to identify an OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:42 No.4537
         File1319359342.jpg-(211 KB, 648x1000, 1251918082558.jpg)
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    creme de la creme
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:42 No.4538
    What do you mean? Everyone on /pol/ knows that Auschwitz was just a labor camp where POWs, criminals, and subversives were kept. Why is that such a bad thing?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:43 No.4549
    it would be funny if some dude from Nigeria starts posting lol
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:43 No.4552

    Janitors, yes. Mods, fuck no.
    >> NekoArc !0aMBiTions 10/23/11(Sun)04:43 No.4556
    �08[23:47:38] <NekoArc> The shittier below constantly to tries to start an inter-chan war with 4chon.---, because it can only bring them more traffic.
    [23:47:55] <savetheinternet> we don't need to advertise for traffic
    �08[23:48:08] <NekoArc> cept that you have
    [23:48:15] <savetheinternet> nope
    [23:48:20] <Acid> liar
    �08[23:48:21] <NekoArc> how else would your site url be spamfiltered on 4chan?
    [23:48:33] <savetheinternet> because moot is a faggot
    �07[23:48:41] * Joins: CuleX (
    �07[23:48:41] * WTSnacks sets mode: +o CuleX
    [23:48:46] <Acid> how would he even know your site exists?
    [23:48:49] <Acid> savetheinternet
    [23:48:58] <savetheinternet> there was a conversation about it
    [23:48:59] <savetheinternet> in a sticky
    [23:49:03] <Acid> why would he spamfilter some random website?
    [23:49:06] <Acid> oh wow
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:43 No.4564
    I personally feel tripcodes should only be allowed by the OP in the OPs thread. I thought that was the whole point of tripcodes. Then it turned into "hey look at me, remember my name because you'll be seeing a lot of it!"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:43 No.4569
    His site is still better than yours.
    >Banners people can vote for
    >No captcha
    >Not having to refresh the page in order to see new posts (seriously how the fuck do I fix this)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:44 No.4580
         File1319359475.jpg-(169 KB, 849x1918, Moot63.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:45 No.4605

    LOL. I would actually enjoy participating in nationalistic, destructive threads like that--just a bit though.

    The posterior-damaged dressing down of America would get old faster than it does around 4:30am when the Europeans reign though.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:45 No.4606
         File1319359545.jpg-(116 KB, 1024x768, 1247510527531.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:46 No.4615
    >Banners people can vote for
    >No captcha
    His site's not big enough to need one..
    >Not having to refresh the page....
    >> Ausfag !!gAVDY1puR3J 10/23/11(Sun)04:46 No.4621
    Is denying the holocaust banned here or something? So much for being politically incorrect.
    >> Ferus !ffFezFerus 10/23/11(Sun)04:46 No.4622
    Serious incompetence.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:46 No.4624
    Hey Moot, will you consider making an ESPORTS board?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:46 No.4627
         File1319359609.jpg-(33 KB, 415x600, 1247511532098.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:47 No.4635
         File1319359624.png-(85 KB, 379x298, 1293335459183.png)
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    /tv/ was my favorite board. Then it quickly became a pedophile den and tripfag haven. Every single FUCKING day there are at least two threads solely created by tripfags, for tripfags, to talk about tripfagging!






    Please, m00t, hear this mortal's plea. Do something, anything to help /tv/! At least get rid of all the pedophilia threads.

    Oh and thanks for bringing the robot back!!!!!!!!!
    You made my night with that one!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:47 No.4641
    Thing is, /int/ is already bad. Implementing forced identification wouldn't combat the problem, only make it more prevalent.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:47 No.4642
    >moot being too lazy to check the krautchan frontpage
    As far as I know KC uses nginx's GeoIP module.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:47 No.4646
    Get Google chrome and that 4chan X add on.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:47 No.4650
         File1319359662.jpg-(527 KB, 1099x1237, 1309009795481.jpg)
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    ITT: People not knowing the MASSIVE troll STI is.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:47 No.4652
         File1319359671.jpg-(21 KB, 500x333, 1210374165520.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:47 No.4656
    >4chan+ you mean
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:48 No.4661
    Only if your Australian.
    Tough luck mate.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:48 No.4663
    I think he's referering to back in /new/ whenever someone mentioned jews or holocaust they'd get banned.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:48 No.4666
    Moot I sent you an email to Could you respond :3
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:48 No.4668
    don't you care about me m00t ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:48 No.4671
    No spoiler tags here I suppose?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:48 No.4674
    set it so the op decides whether or not it can be seen in the entire thread when they start it?

    probably pointless but whatevs
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:48 No.4675
         File1319359727.jpg-(20 KB, 748x166, mods.jpg)
    20 KB

    Hey Moot, I'm from /mu/, a board that has an extremely heavy amount of tripfags, and I was wondering why I was banned for responding to a reasonable post by one of them. Was there some new mod instated that just bans anons for responding to tripfags?

    Also, it's been a long while since you've had such a flurry of activity :3
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:48 No.4678
         File1319359737.jpg-(92 KB, 640x480, 1290576283470.jpg)
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    >At least get rid of all the pedophilia threads.

    YES that would be great.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:49 No.4682
    I would enjoy /int/ being deleted, and getting all those users onto the other boards, rather than centralizing them in their own little place where no one interacts with them except the "let's compare our GNP" crowd.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:49 No.4696
         File1319359763.png-(84 KB, 299x288, 1319285889542.png)
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    Are you leaving us for your shitty tumblr ripoff,

    Dont forget Moot, youre here forever.
    >> NekoArc !0aMBiTions 10/23/11(Sun)04:49 No.4699
    wish I was, but there a few threads with 100+ replies on his site just for advertising on here. I even caught him advertising on my shit only to have him say that he wanted to get the word out about his r9k and insinuated that he was not doing anything wrong when he was doing that
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:49 No.4703
    When was that? old /new/ was famous for jew-bashing. Every day there'd be at least one thread on the front page either denying the holocaust or telling everyone how evil they are.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:49 No.4704
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:49 No.4709
    Only the media boards (/a/, /co/, /tv/, /v/, etc.) have spoiler tags, as far as I can tell.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:50 No.4712
    my dog loves french fries.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:50 No.4715
    this happens in /g/ too
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:50 No.4717
    why are mods deleting thread's educating people about facts surrounding the Shoa???

    This censorship and removal of facts is reminiscent of the Shoa itself.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:50 No.4718
    Hey moot why don't you advertise the text boards more?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:50 No.4720
    why in the world would we want more people to come here? Shit, they can have their fucking shitty reddit as long as they never come back here.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:50 No.4722

    moot i've been here for a while i know i'll never be a janitor even though i've applied every time.

    And i definitely know i'll never be a mod.

    But how can i help 4chan. Other than posting insightful comments every other time, or making (admittedly shitty) OC?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:50 No.4725
    This. Please moot! Make tripcodes only allowable by thread OPs!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:50 No.4726
    You could just salt them with a thread-specific salt.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:50 No.4729
    To be honest, /g/ is the best thread on 4chan. Thanks for that moot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:50 No.4731
         File1319359853.png-(82 KB, 604x906, 1315352824378.png)
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    Now I'm just flat out confused. Are you sure this wasn't just some pissed off /new/sman? (There were a lot of us)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:51 No.4735
    I imagine this very board would drain the politics/economy trolling out of /int/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:51 No.4740
    >letting OP decide if trips can be used

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:51 No.4743
    Er then what email do I use to contact you about 4chan shit?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:51 No.4747
         File1319359897.jpg-(81 KB, 635x425, 1247511168834.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:51 No.4751
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:51 No.4752
    You can start by not bawwing to moot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:51 No.4757
    >Make tripcodes only allowable by thread OPs!

    100x this.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:52 No.4773
    That distinctive moot jaw.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:53 No.4781
    for reals.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:53 No.4788
    >reply to OP
    >someone samefags as me
    >I can't tripcode so OP knows which one is really me
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:53 No.4797
         File1319360018.jpg-(49 KB, 160x227, 1250808453144.jpg)
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    >That distinctive moot jaw.
    srsly it's horrible
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:53 No.4800
    idle 24/7 in IRC for at least 2 years, lose the sense of self-entitlement and MAYBE then you'll get to be a janitor
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:53 No.4803

    Moot looks like a skinnier, shaven version of Jeff Mangum
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:54 No.4816
    So what's the deal, aren't we allowed to discuss the holocaust here?

    Seems to be mods banning holocaust posters.....

    I thought this was meant to be polically incorrect?

    tl;dr: Holocaust threads, yay or nay?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)04:54 No.4817
    Hey moot, can we get a separate Euro version of /sp/ so they can have their soccer/rugby threads to themselves and there won't be any more Euro vs America garbage polluting the board?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:54 No.4818
    We have been posting anonymous doing this for years with no problem. I dont see what you are bitching about.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:54 No.4824
    Are you really that self-conscious that if someone else posts as Anonymous you immediately feel like they are stealing your thunder? Jesus, grow up.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:55 No.4830
    do you ever start your own threads moot? Just as anonymous?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:55 No.4832
    I remember some guy got autobanned for it on /k/ trying to talk about jewelry.
    >> Whalelord !AdElEXhQew 10/23/11(Sun)04:55 No.4836
         File1319360125.jpg-(381 KB, 525x700, jeff-mangum-2.jpg)
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    I see it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:55 No.4839
    holy fuck, just installed this. i want to lick your balls now. moot, check out this 4chan+ add for chrome. good shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:55 No.4840
    No a really shitty thread just got deleted. Hence the bitching and moaning.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:55 No.4841
    I get temp banned all the god damn time because i forget that butthurt is a banned word. You should really list all the banned words somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:55 No.4848
    also forgot to mention this.

    moot I use an app on android and it gets me banned every time I post it says its"spam"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:56 No.4856
         File1319360167.png-(81 KB, 913x631, 4chan free speech.png)
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    Fuck off hypocrite

    4chon will always be better simply because it doesnt have a captcha
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:56 No.4862
    Alright Mooty I sent the email to the right email this time, could you look at it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:56 No.4867
         File1319360188.png-(195 KB, 259x348, 1248370701055.png)
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    to be mod you need to know moot irl like that dude moot hired to do advertising for him or something
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:56 No.4871
         File1319360203.jpg-(22 KB, 250x250, Alan Grant held hostage by PS3(...).jpg)
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    Hey moot.

    Could you ever send some mods over to /v/ please.

    I can't even go over there to discuss videogames without doubles spam or a triptroll starting shit.

    Its easily one of the worst boards on here.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:56 No.4876
         File1319360211.jpg-(671 KB, 1536x2148, moot Heil KC.jpg)
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    >Implying we know the IP ranges moot is posting under
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:57 No.4883

    It's unfair when I get banned for a filtered word I didn't know was filtered. At least make it say "oops dont say that here *giggles*"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:57 No.4885

    Ew, you're that shitty new tripfag on /mu/. You're almost as bad as The Pope, I hope you get permabanned.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:57 No.4887
    I get banned all the time for "spamming animal noises" but the IP is never mine so I have to appeal and explain why.

    So yeah ,wtf animal noises?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:57 No.4899
    If you use the word "butthurt" so often that it's become part of your vocabulary to the extent that you can't help but use it, then the problem lies with you, Johnny. Not moot or 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:57 No.4901
    This is on /b/ were moderation is basically anything goes. You dint prove shit with that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:57 No.4902
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:57 No.4903
    not the dev, but this extension is totally awesome javascript
    >> Whalelord !AdElEXhQew 10/23/11(Sun)04:58 No.4906
    What's shitty about me?
    I contribute to music threads, and the occasional shitpost when I'm bored.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:58 No.4914
    >no holocaust threads
    Alright, I can relax. This won't replace 4chon, it will be another /int/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:58 No.4916
         File1319360313.jpg-(154 KB, 810x966, 1319359618945.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:58 No.4924
    Hey mootles what the fuck was up with that horrific mod(s) on /g/ that made those awful stickies and promoted the cancer there?

    Also thank you so much.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:58 No.4926
    You don't know for sure if moot did that ban and even so, that post is fucking stupid and nothing of value was lost
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:59 No.4928
    Seconding or thirding.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:59 No.4929
         File1319360346.jpg-(43 KB, 428x548, 1250808333690.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:59 No.4931

    I saw you shitposting about how only plebs like Sonic Youth
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:59 No.4932
    Um, moot always went on about free speech on 4chan being so great, now you get banned for racism on the random board.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:59 No.4937
    His real email is
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:59 No.4939
         File1319360374.jpg-(86 KB, 400x400, 1317548709532.jpg)
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    Moot, I thought posters were anonymous by default and idenitification was a choice. Wouldn't country flags for /int/ defeat that purpose?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)04:59 No.4942
    .org is shit and deserves all the spam it gets.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:00 No.4959
    >> Whalelord !AdElEXhQew 10/23/11(Sun)05:00 No.4962
    If you say so.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:00 No.4970
         File1319360451.jpg-(195 KB, 1280x1024, 1251061389432.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:00 No.4971
         File1319360455.jpg-(33 KB, 468x623, 1292991588760.jpg)
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    Oi moot

    make an architecture board

    shit would be amazing
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:01 No.4973
    I want him to do this on /sp/
    >pakis everywhere
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:01 No.4976
    Holocaust trolling is the most funny thing on this board. I know moderation wants to show "racist" who's the boss, but can you tell them to actually do hands off? What's wrong with this board being a level below /b/ in those terms. Please, no janitors or mods "cleaning" up the board. So many people came to /new/ to troll and just have some good laughs at the crazy shit that was said. Don't take that magic away
    >> GmasterRED !!7iuitgeYmwp 10/23/11(Sun)05:01 No.4977
         File1319360478.png-(342 KB, 550x366, glory to 4chonnet.png)
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    You bastard. Leave us alone! We begged you to bring back those boards but did you listen? NOPE! You said "fuck you" and look where we're at now. Now, we have created a successful community with nearly 2 million (good) posts in less than a year. And now you're trying to ruin that huh?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:01 No.4978
    Hey moot, any plans to bring back /yg/?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:01 No.4981
    yeah there was a lot of threads in the early days with newsmen talking about spamming this board. I remember STI would lock some of them so I think you might be confused moot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:01 No.4988
    Who ever is actually sane enough to moderate that shit hole will eventually rage himself to death or simply give up. I have seen more shit getting banned on there for worse reasons and somtimes no reason at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:01 No.4990
         File1319360513.png-(192 KB, 409x409, you will never be this comfort(...).png)
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    I've always wondered.

    Do you ever get weird fucks coming up to you at school and drooling on you because of who you are?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:01 No.4991
         File1319360518.jpg-(81 KB, 401x594, JqyP2.jpg)
    81 KB
    >dat jaw
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:01 No.4992
    I've always wanted one. Home repair type shit would be nice too.. diy sounded like one but i guess it's not
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:02 No.4996
         File1319360527.jpg-(56 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg)
    56 KB

    >pakis everywhere

    You mean Sweden and UK everywhere, right anon
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:02 No.5006
    >holocaust trolling

    I genuinely deny the holocaust.
    It never happened and you cant prove it did.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:02 No.5011
    >Not Pakis
    Surely you jest.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:02 No.5012
         File1319360571.jpg-(23 KB, 300x400, 1250808416887.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:03 No.5015
    Moot why are you so short?

    Seriously you were like a head shorter than me in Portland, and I'm only 6'0" even.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:03 No.5017
         File1319360596.jpg-(25 KB, 230x315, 230px-HalfLife_GMan.jpg)
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    oh god i cant help but think of this
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:03 No.5021
         File1319360606.jpg-(375 KB, 1024x681, 1290573921374.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:03 No.5031
    you mean something like this?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:03 No.5032
    Crazy idea but some of us actually want to discuss politics.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:04 No.5042
         File1319360659.jpg-(39 KB, 604x453, 1290574566497.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:04 No.5049
    I was just curious, I've taken so much from 4chan and yet i have no opportunity to give back in any meaningful way other than but using the site.

    I just want to help the best/worst site on the net in any way possible.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:04 No.5051
    Hey Moot I just came here to say thank you for 4chan. I don't care what boards you take away or add. I love you no matter what, brotha.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:05 No.5059
    I think moot went to bed.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:05 No.5060
         File1319360709.jpg-(85 KB, 375x500, 3406837794_0aee58d416.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:05 No.5064
    UK is full of pakis.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:05 No.5068
    The Holocaust is used as justification for no end of political shenanigans. It's a valid topic for a politics board.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:05 No.5072
         File1319360728.jpg-(95 KB, 400x594, ainsley.jpg)
    95 KB

    Ron Paul 2012, freedom for all men, government involvement only helps the lazy
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:05 No.5073
    Pick none
    >> parley !!QDBhMRJxidp 10/23/11(Sun)05:05 No.5080
    My dear god moot, sti hates me and my (as he says "dead" chan [as you would say, it's broken due to a simple hardware problem]) and he and his bunch of circlejer-botnet keep trolling me and my chan.. ;_;
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:05 No.5082
         File1319360757.jpg-(18 KB, 452x339, thatsthejoke.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:06 No.5085
    how fucking new are you?
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:06 No.5095
    Never mind.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:06 No.5102
         File1319360810.jpg-(26 KB, 600x450, 1285199992837.jpg)
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    coolest mod ever
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:07 No.5120
         File1319360851.jpg-(30 KB, 400x618, 1311003633477.jpg)
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    You're gonna need more than that to take down

    I'm going to endeavor to make /pol/ my own personal toilet.
    >> GmasterRED !!7iuitgeYmwp 10/23/11(Sun)05:07 No.5129
         File1319360876.jpg-(4 KB, 251x241, 1313453487299.jpg)
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    >moot deletes all his posts ITT
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:08 No.5135
    Denying the holocaust is a political stance which ties into denying Israel the right to exist, and Jewish influence on politics. Moot can allow whatever he wants, but having some ego tripping janitor or moderation who hates [insert] on the board deleting discussion because it tickles their jimmies is a hindrance to the entire board. If you want legitimate, non-racial, and other such topics then why is this board red? Make it blue and have nazi moderation deleting anything which is too offensive like insulting tea-baggers or liberals. Don't half-ass this and mess it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:08 No.5140
    >replies 11 minutes later in a moot thread
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:08 No.5144
    lol what a tryhard
    >> Skiddish 10/23/11(Sun)05:08 No.5147
    >moot deleted his posts

    OH U
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:09 No.5148
    hey moot could you please get rid of the ponyfags on /b/? tell them to stay on /co/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:09 No.5151
         File1319360950.jpg-(71 KB, 635x425, 1247511128051.jpg)
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    >> GmasterRED !!7iuitgeYmwp 10/23/11(Sun)05:09 No.5164
    Either you're trolling or got trolled very hard by an imposter

    that doesn't sound like STI at all.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:09 No.5167

    i got autobanned for posting a banned URL and it deleted all of them

    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:10 No.5168
    are you fucking kidding me? get to know your admin better
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:10 No.5176
         File1319361018.png-(164 KB, 480x360, 1250808870923.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:10 No.5178
    This isn't proving anything.

    Also, why did you delete your posts?
    Feeling a little exposed?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:10 No.5185
         File1319361033.png-(99 KB, 247x248, 1308271420405.png)
    99 KB
    I can't believe people are this crazy.
    >i demand you advertise my shit on YOUR site!
    >how dare you not bow to my every whim!
    Keeps happening too.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:10 No.5189
    Fuck you! Don't send them to us! We're not those kinds of ponyfags!
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:10 No.5190
    I've still got them loaded. I can screenshot them if you like.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:11 No.5196
    did anybody archive this so i can paste/screenshot my old posts
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:11 No.5197
         File1319361077.jpg-(109 KB, 500x331, 1250809984000.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:11 No.5198
         File1319361081.jpg-(107 KB, 824x1000, 1310564486292.jpg)
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    banned from your own website eh?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:11 No.5199
    Hoisted by your own petard. LOL

    I'm sorry moot but lol.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:11 No.5200
    awesome! can you make a big screenshot and post it?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:11 No.5204
    That's fucking hilarious. Welcome to our world.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:11 No.5208
    see autobans are bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:11 No.5210
    Oh moot~ so cute

    Oh god are not so detached from your site that you are starting to forget about it are you? ;_;
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:11 No.5211
    Big screenshot?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5220
    >moot banning himself

    Oh you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5221
    i did want mediafire link?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5227
         File1319361137.jpg-(80 KB, 650x350, 1251055030588.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5228
    Hah! That's like shooting yourself with your own gun. So much for all of these protectionist measures.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5230
         File1319361146.jpg-(3 KB, 100x126, 1318538117051.jpg)
    3 KB
    Mooty can you respond email, or should I wait till this is done?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5233
    STI has/had some retarded rivalry with whoever runs .org
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5235
    Welp, nevermind. He's got it covered.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5238

    I'm laughing a lot harder than I ought to be at this.

    So your hyper-mega-super-fudgecoated Admin account doesn't have all the "stops" deactivated?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5241

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5245
    ha, the jews got to you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5246

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:12 No.5247
    moot ik you won't even give a shit but

    >Does it creep you out that a bunch of neckbeards around the world post and get off too pictures of you?
    >What do you consider 'cancer' on /b/. Apparently youre cool with gets but hate ponies.
    >Also just wanted to say you're gorgeous, and two of your mods were at the cardstand in NY today
    >Also, I like this new (old) board.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:13 No.5250
    nope! we play by the same rules
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:13 No.5258
         File1319361204.png-(100 KB, 248x246, 1305258302555.png)
    100 KB
    >getting autobanned from your own website
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:13 No.5260
    I'm talking to him in irc about it right now. He feels bad about it. Trying to get him to come her and talk with you.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:13 No.5266
    just screenshot my individual posts and make a big .png of it. i guess that's a lot of work, so you don't need to if you dont have to. or just email me the .html and i can do it so i can repost them.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:13 No.5273
    I think mods should only delete CP threads, bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:14 No.5277

    Hear hear!

    Perhaps we can have /new/ and /pol/ because I want to discuss actuall politics, not the various inadequacies between races or debates over historical events etc. /pol/ will likely be ruined by the same shit that ruined /new/ so how about have both but have /pol/ moderated and leave /new/ to fester.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:14 No.5278

    I can see all your posts just fine?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:14 No.5280
    STI explain this shit
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:14 No.5282
    I'm not gay but I'd kiss moot on the lips.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:14 No.5284

    You're a lying cocksucker for insinuating that STI was threatening you to link to his /r9k/ and /new/. Especially after you've done this before and had to correct yourself on /int/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:14 No.5288
         File1319361282.jpg-(32 KB, 528x421, TYPING_WALKING.jpg)
    32 KB

    STI is surprisingly chill over on the other /new/ et cetera. Except for when he integrates facebook like a regular moot.

    Moot how do you sleep with your is burning? Those jewish investors will take their money back in a carving of meat and bone you know.

    Anyway, pic related because you may as well play the best new indie game while waiting for your death by matzoh soup.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:14 No.5289
    You have 4chan+ installed. Moot apparently doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:15 No.5297
    enjoy your 12mb file for 8 kb of text.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:15 No.5300
    heres your posts

    i am poor and want money, can i have some?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:15 No.5302
    I bet it says

    "The name you were posting as was moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:15 No.5303

    But it's better that 4chan has less traffic. Summer is over let the children return to reddit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:15 No.5305
    So did you change your email Moot? If what you said was true I cant contact you and send you love letters to your old email? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:15 No.5306
    You were always kind of fruity though. Wanting to see /v/ and /a/ fuck etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:15 No.5310
    Moot do you like anime again and if so what is your favourite anime?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:15 No.5313

    I feel like if moot wasn't moot he wouldn't even be liked on 4chan LOL..
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:15 No.5315
    F5 bro, i assume you're using 4chan X /+
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:15 No.5316
    Except you can circumvent bans.

    Ban evasion is a permabannable offense, moot!

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:16 No.5321
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:16 No.5322
    or use les data and go here: new friend
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:16 No.5327
    4chan is a .org, not .com, derp
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:16 No.5333

    >[05:46] MOOTCHAT: i merged your IMs with someone else's, sorry

    It was moot's creation, he was having a conversation with someone else and merged the chats to discredit STI.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:16 No.5339
         File1319361404.jpg-(37 KB, 133x196, ssfs.jpg)
    37 KB
    moot if I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:16 No.5341
    moot do you actually think you can stop ponies? Theyve already come up with their counter of dronies

    also, what else is next for 4chan
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:17 No.5347
    And you're asking if this place needs MORE moderation.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:17 No.5349
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:17 No.5350
    moot your stickies and such on all the new boards got deleted because you fucked up in this thread

    You ruined everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:17 No.5352
    m00t do you still need the html? i can email~
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:17 No.5356
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:17 No.5363
    >incoming corrected and censored versions of moot's statements.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:17 No.5366
    >also, what else is next for 4chan


    >> savetheinternet !yf7kimmo9k 10/23/11(Sun)05:17 No.5368
    oh wow, i sounded really dickish, demanding, childish and retarded in that, and i apologize for that. i still maintain though that i wasn't demanding you link to 4chon, but the way i requested it was extremely dickish.

    i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:18 No.5375
    Oh, hehe my mistake~

    So you got that one email of me asking you to not replace the old banners right?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:18 No.5377
         File1319361502.jpg-(44 KB, 491x445, 1309483211771.jpg)
    44 KB
    moot vs STI
    this is like my chan wetdream come to life
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:18 No.5378
    Economy is politics.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:18 No.5380
    "merged" meaning confused the two is the file in question that he was upset about. i forget where i linked it originally.

    it's pretty old though:

    1.1K Jan 22 2011 savetheinternet_moved.txt
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:18 No.5381
         File1319361509.jpg-(94 KB, 536x716, 1175797739207.jpg)
    94 KB
    ummm.... cracky-time.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:18 No.5382

    Moot strikes me as the kind of guy who's on Equestria Online daily.

    (For ERP.)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:18 No.5383
    rev up those mods dude.
    Seriously, hire loads of new mods or at least some janitors (like 100 for /v/)
    Shit's getting out of hand.
    >> parley !!QDBhMRJxidp 10/23/11(Sun)05:18 No.5387
    >> D/Generation !PsWaArQzRE 10/23/11(Sun)05:19 No.5395
    BTW, you can't post threads denying a certain piece of WWII history on this board.

    Just a heads up.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:19 No.5396
    So what you want is a discussion about politics with no mention of Jews at all right? Even though they are the single most politically influential group on Earth. Makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:19 No.5397
    i uploaded the .htm for you
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:19 No.5398
         File1319361570.jpg-(42 KB, 516x387, USA-flag.jpg)
    42 KB
    I'm new to /new/ or /pol/ or whatever the fuck you all want to refer to it as.
    Now I present a question.
    Why are people being banned for starting holocaust denial threads?
    I for one believe they did happen, but thats not the point.
    Isn't this board made so we can have free speech on controversial topics?
    So...why are they getting banned?

    Not criticizing you, or the board, i'm just new to it and want to know.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:19 No.5401
    Saved the html and sent it. It probably doesn't work, though.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:19 No.5402
    by all means, somebody else post it
    >> Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV 10/23/11(Sun)05:19 No.5403
    >(like 100 for /v/)
    That still wouldn't be enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:19 No.5405
    hey moot if you hate people spamming your website constantly then why don't you ban that homo who does nothing but spam every single 4chan board at all hours of the day/night bumping his thread with DBZ pictures? It's also really bad as of late because now he streams MLP episodes and spams that on /v/, /sp/, /co/, /b/, etc. Like this morning.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:19 No.5410
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5412
    Dear moot,

    Why are you so... friendly tonight? You usually sound rather condescending as if you don't care about your website, but tonight, you act like a real decent and respectable human being.

    Any big changes in your life recently or something?


    P.S. Thank you for bringing back /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5415
    it's on
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5418
    Moot should abandon canvas and devote more time to 4chan.

    How hard can it be to make money off this site? Just add a few more adds
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5421
         File1319361631.gif-(1.6 MB, 228x180, thunk a waddymelon.gif)
    1.6 MB

    >doesn't realize moot and STI are the same person, and he's just been having a farce of it while testing new superior features on other sites
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5423
         File1319361636.jpg-(57 KB, 360x260, I-can-feel-your-anger.jpg)
    57 KB

    Newsflash: This is 4c‌han and ONLY 4c‌han.

    Not one soul besides you guys gives the first packet of a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5425
    Moot I've always wondered if you're based on the east or west coast.

    And by that I mean do you fucking live on the east or west coast. Shit, if you're in NYC, ill go buy you a beer tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5426
    Wait, so was all the recent stickies being deleted was a result of you being banned?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5427
    Hey moot suck my dick.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5428
    saved the html, haven't check it though so, hope it works
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5430
    moot, can I please be a janitor on /an/? It's my favorite board and none of the current janitors or mods ever go there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:20 No.5433

    >inb4 ban
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:21 No.5434
    done, thanks for the tip bro
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:21 No.5435
         File1319361675.png-(6 KB, 635x73, Capture.png)
    6 KB
    Really? This is your justification for deleting holocaust revision threads?

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:21 No.5443
    No one said you can't mention Jews but it's like bringing up Japanese Internment camps out of the blue. What's done is done...I mean, unless you believe in Affirmative Action there, sport?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:21 No.5445
    2channel has 300 mods, remember when you went to Japan to do that niconico interview with hiroyuki, moot?

    4chan definitely needs more mods.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:21 No.5448

    the mods are in NYC so i assume moot is
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:21 No.5450
         File1319361705.jpg-(18 KB, 300x294, 1312087958412.jpg)
    18 KB
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)05:21 No.5451
         File1319361711.jpg-(865 B, 33x33, 3faec.jpg)
    865 B
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:21 No.5452

    It's a perfectly legitimate topic for a politics board, especially on 4chan, and there hasn't even been any trolling if you ignore the JIDF guy.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:22 No.5457
    it deleted all of them? god dammit
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:22 No.5458
    He realised his wretched hive is becoming irrelevant and wants to make up for years of neglect
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:22 No.5459
    Moot can you please put /v/ on forced anon
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:22 No.5462
    Goddammit moot I know you scrolled over my posts, just tell me you're never going to add flags to /int/, don't ruin the board further.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:22 No.5463
         File1319361748.png-(613 KB, 600x449, 01.png)
    613 KB

    He made it with a woman.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:22 No.5465
         File1319361753.jpg-(166 KB, 640x480, 1235400069392.jpg)
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    i'd treat her to a romantic dinner at mcdonald's ya mean
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)05:22 No.5466
    That fucking idiot mod needs to be removed.

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:22 No.5468
    What can i do to give back to 4chan, i personally think 4chan is a great place, and i love the way it allows people to speak their mind.

    I've used it for so long i've probably cost you a mini-fortune in bandwidth
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:22 No.5473

    Despite all the captchas and shit there are still tons of spam including whole THREADS started based on 'Hey the last thread closed so here's my link to' and random bumps with pictures. the fuck
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:23 No.5475
         File1319361782.jpg-(161 KB, 960x720, 1312370594630.jpg)
    161 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:23 No.5483
         File1319361803.jpg-(89 KB, 1024x768, Beach Sunst.jpg)
    89 KB
    I'm new to /new/ or /pol/ or whatever the fuck you all want to refer to it as.
    Now I present a question.
    Why are people being banned for starting holocaust denial threads?
    I for one believe they did happen, but thats not the point.
    Isn't this board made so we can have free speech on controversial topics?
    So...why are they getting banned?

    Not criticizing you, or the board, i'm just new to it and want to know
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:23 No.5484
    i uploaded .htm of this thread for you
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:23 No.5490

    >implying ANYONE with an ounce of Internet skills has seen a single ad in months.

    Frankly. I'm a little surprised Mo‌ot hasn't pleaded for users to turn off their blocking software and click the ads just for boosted numbers like so many other popularity/theme-based sites do.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:23 No.5492
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:24 No.5497
    That's nothing. Okk drove 3000 miles to come visit me.
    And to get a Space Center Deoxys from my Sapphire cart.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:24 No.5500
    Well obviously they're not enough.

    I know it's probably veeery hard to hire janitors/mods on 4chan since you don't know what person you're dealing with in the first place but I'm sure moot will find a way. :)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:24 No.5501
         File1319361870.jpg-(965 KB, 1278x800, 1233599300156.jpg)
    965 KB
    Hey moot just wanted to say I have no requests, this place is awesome and the new (and restored) boards are very welcome.

    Keep up the good work broheim!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:24 No.5504
    >implying I run adblock on 4chan's domain

    come on bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:24 No.5506
    >How hard can it be to make money off this site?
    You'd be surprised how few advertisers want to associate with 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:24 No.5507
    moot finances 4chan by starring in the Poor Little White Guy series of porn films.

    True story.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:24 No.5509
    it's actually illegal where he lives. guess where?

    i told him to stop it and to ignore /pol/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:25 No.5513

    >Rules for mods: ZOMG NONE !!!1!1one1

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:25 No.5516
         File1319361910.jpg-(185 KB, 640x480, 1216250151301.jpg)
    185 KB
    >/x/ janitor
    who? did moot and mr.8 break up?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:25 No.5519
    completely unrelated note, but this is one of the only times i've ever been on 4chan at the same time as you:

    I just wanted to say thanks, moot. thanks for 4chan, and thanks for everything. it's a ridiculous fucked up awful shithole of a place, but it's a community nonetheless. Thanks for making it and for putting up with all our crazy fucked-up antics and all the retarded shit we do. I don't know you, but you definitely seem like a really cool dude, and at the very least I really appreciate you putting up with and supporting 4chan for so long. Cheesy as it is, this place really has been a home for me for the past few years, as i've grown up and matured and moved through life, i've always had this place, and i would never be able to say that if not for you.

    So thanks, moot. you big faggot, you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:25 No.5520

    He lives in Jew York, at the birthday meet he seemed to lean towards Portland being superior.

    Come home, white man.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:25 No.5523
    >getting autobanned from your own site
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:25 No.5524
    So is the flag thing on /int/ a possibility now? It'd be really good if it were to be implemented.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:25 No.5528
    Abandon his gold mine so he can beg retards for spare change?

    Come on now.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:25 No.5531
    I am wondering about this too. I try and ask him if he has changed or "grew up" and started regretting 4chan as if it was an unwanted child. I really hope it is not the case. I dont want my mootles to abandon us ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:25 No.5532
    you mean empty?
    >> GmasterRED !!7iuitgeYmwp 10/23/11(Sun)05:25 No.5534
         File1319361955.jpg-(6 KB, 251x250, face246.jpg)
    6 KB
    Oops, sorry moot, there were hidden meanings that I stupidly didn't see

    I'll catch you later.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:26 No.5535

    So any chance of getting a European version of /sp/ to end all the Euro vs American shitposting?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:26 No.5538
    ever get around to adding those new janitors from those applications months ago?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:26 No.5541
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:26 No.5543
    Please moot can you make this board blue and only for the discussion of politics and have a separate board for white supremacists and holocaust deniers.

    Blue /pol/ red /new/
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)05:26 No.5546
    Thank you moot. You're a bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:27 No.5552
    germany, because that where i fucking live.

    also, thanks for making 4chan. (especially /v/)


    make a trap board already, please :3?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:27 No.5554
    He won't reply to me. ;_; Oh well.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:27 No.5555
    people who want to block ads will block ads. i accepted that ages ago
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)05:27 No.5558
    This too.

    I used to think you were a sellout asshole moot. You seem to be doing well by us though.
    >> savetheinternet !yf7kimmo9k 10/23/11(Sun)05:27 No.5559
    IIRC, it was in a sticky on /soc/. that's partly the reason for my dickishness later in the conversation -- me being frustrated/overreacting.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:27 No.5564
    Except Japanese internment camps were real, they actually happened and EVERYONE agrees on the circumstance.
    There are no japanese interment camp memorials all over the world, japanese don't extort funds from the US because of these camps, the Japanese don't rub it in everyones faces and demand that everyone on else feel sorry about it.
    The japanese didn't use it as a basic to manipulate the legal system to give them immunity from all scrutiny.

    Also, other major factor in the existence of holocaust denial threads and the non-existence of Japanese internment camps denial threads.

    One of these events has many, many articles of evidence to suggest it never fucking happened...

    Can you guess which one?

    Also, I haven't said anything illegal.
    If you ban me for this post it will only prove the bias and hypocrisy.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:27 No.5570
    does anybody have the text from the hc pol diy and r9k stickies? :(
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5571
    At least the current ones aren't as bad as when you used interstitials.

    Goddamn those sucked if you didn't have adblock.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5572
    Hey moot i'm posting here with a VPN because there is a glitch,since 2 months,the african continent along with guam and some other areas were ISP banned?wtf?why did you ban all of africa for no reason?if there was a spammer then range ban his IP not whole fucking africa,unban us for fuck sake it have been 2 months
    heres a thread talking about it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5575
    Hey moot could you perhaps delete the second post you have in the locked sticky on /lit/? It is kind of cumbersome. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5576
    Moot, what happened to the Janitor Applications ?

    You said that around 10 000 people applied for the job but have there been new recruitments?
    >> Fire Lord !AZULaFMcQ. 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5578
    He never replies to me either
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5579

    nice get you mod you!

    aside from dickin around here what are you doing?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5580
    just for that, im unblocking ads.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5582
         File1319362116.jpg-(81 KB, 562x453, fuuuuuuuu-.jpg)
    81 KB
    >my anonymous face when
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5583
    typical normalfags who think memes are LOL SO KEWL and need websites with huge obtrusive watermarks to even make captioned images. barely computer savvy, certainly not internet savvy

    grognards, retards, shitspammers, "legion", .../v/, and all the other fucked-up shut-ins that we are, but all of them pretty internet savvy

    one of these groups pretty much unanimously has adblock installed. the other doesn't. guess which is which
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5586
    Yes come join us in Portland, OR mootykins.

    Linus Torvalds is here :3
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5589
    Hey, moot, I was wondering if you plan on adding more janitors in the future, specifically on /a/.
    The OT and spamming is still a problem, and it's rarely moderated when I'm online (which is a good portion of the day).
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:28 No.5590
    Welcome to /hc/ - Hardcore moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)01:32 No.1 [Reply] [ ! ]
    The third board revived today! For those that remember the original, it was completely overrun with spam in the pre-CAPTCHA days, which drove the good posters away. This should give people a place to post hardcore aside from /s/ (where technically it isn't allowed), /gif/, and /b/.

    This is the first porn board we've added in many years (we've added a few NWS, just not porn), and is intended for straight content. We'll look into adding a /gay/ board if there's enough demand, but combining content on this board would likely result in problems/disagreements between users, so we're not going to mix the two.

    This is very much a trial board. If the quality of content sucks and is a ton of requests and sets everyone can find on <>, we'll probably remove it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:29 No.5593
         File1319362145.jpg-(73 KB, 770x855, aww yeah.jpg)
    73 KB
    Thanks for the new boards moot. /v/ has a lot less shitty spam threads now.

    Also I hope you watched the GSL finals at blizzcon, all that passion.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:29 No.5597


    For all of the DIY fans out there, here's your board. We've gotten a lot of requests for this over the years, and I'm excited to add it.

    The one rule at the start is going to be do not share instructions for how to make weapons, or any other device intended to hurt a person. Think Instructables/Thingiverse, not Anarchist's Cookbook
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:29 No.5598
    >This board is for discussion relating to politics, current events, and general debate. Many people have asked for a politics board with the election season in full swing, and there are many that miss /new/.

    >For the /new/smen among us, deleting the original /new/ board (for the second time!) had nothing to do with the nature of its content, and everything to do with the fact that the board had ceased to be a "news" board, which is what it was created for. So in that sense, it did have to do with content, but not for the million zany reasons people seem to think. This board was created specifically for debate and discussion, and not just current events, so that's allowed here.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:29 No.5605
    thanks bro

    1 down, 3 to go! will repost in a minute
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:29 No.5607
    Welcome to /pol/ - Politically Incorrect moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)01:16 No.1 [Reply] [ ! ]
    This board is for discussion relating to politics, current events, and general debate. Many people have asked for a politics board with the election season in full swing, and there are many that miss /new/.

    For the /new/smen among us, deleting the original /new/ board (for the second time!) had nothing to do with the nature of its content, and everything to do with the fact that the board had ceased to be a "news" board, which is what it was created for. So in that sense, it did have to do with content, but not for the million zany reasons people seem to think. This board was created specifically for debate and discussion, and not just current events, so that's allowed here.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:29 No.5608
    is me

    i did it first!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:29 No.5611
    Hi there Firelord....when are we going to hang out?

    Your secret admirer ST.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:29 No.5613
         File1319362194.jpg-(3 KB, 126x124, 1318228365938.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:29 No.5615
         File1319362194.jpg-(65 KB, 350x330, fdf.jpg)
    65 KB
    >moot accidentally banning himself and fucking up all the sticky threads
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:30 No.5620
    There's nothing we can do, moot is ignoring our pleads to reconsider. I wanted /int/ to get better, but forced identification on an anonymous board is not how to do it, moderation is.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:30 No.5624
    I figured that my post was large enough and asked such a purely honest and legitimate question to get a reply. Boo.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:30 No.5625
    eh, sometimes I unblock ads on sites of people I want to support (usually webcomics and other artists I really dig)

    Trouble is, your ads are (or weren't) exactly SFW, even on SFW boards. I suppose if they're SFW now I could unblock them.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:30 No.5628
         File1319362222.jpg-(188 KB, 380x545, 1231686646130.jpg)
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    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:30 No.5629
    And people claim that there aren't MODGETS...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:30 No.5632
         File1319362229.jpg-(28 KB, 478x345, artosisfacefunny.jpg)
    28 KB
    >we starcraft now
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:30 No.5635
    Go suck a dick you asskissing whore
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:30 No.5640
         File1319362248.png-(47 KB, 179x208, my blue dog face.png)
    47 KB
    >Fire Lo
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:30 No.5641
    don't have the others.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:31 No.5646

    Fuck you moot you ignore all my posts even when I post your own thread for DIY thanks a bunch

    >> Fire Lord !AZULaFMcQ. 10/23/11(Sun)05:31 No.5648
    Tripfags are not a legitimate topic of discussion.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:31 No.5649
         File1319362287.png-(5 KB, 64x82, adv.png)
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    >> GmasterRED !!7iuitgeYmwp 10/23/11(Sun)05:31 No.5651
    I do, but I have to leave now. If no one has reposted them when I'm back in 20 minutes (unlikely) I'll post the html
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:31 No.5652
    >prince untouchable
    >peanut untouchable
    oh my god why is this so funny
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:31 No.5657
         File1319362303.gif-(167 KB, 600x545, 1282585212406.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:31 No.5663
    I've been using noscript and adblock shit for so long I didn't even know 4chan had ads.

    I'll see about unblocking them
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:31 No.5664
    moot, can I just say that for all the hate you get you really are the best admin I've ever encountered. Between maintaining 4chan and refusing to sell out, and your multiple talks on the importance of anonymity, or at least the availability of anonymity, you are the hero the internet needs.

    Also, is Hiroyuki as cool IRL as he seems from streams and interviews?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:31 No.5665
    The /b/ sticky was also deleted, if that matters.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:32 No.5669
         File1319362328.jpg-(33 KB, 313x324, Ex-Talk Show Host.jpg)
    33 KB
    >Peanut Untouchable

    Always gets me.
    >> MOOTFACE 10/23/11(Sun)05:32 No.5673

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:32 No.5674
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:32 No.5679
         File1319362365.jpg-(7 KB, 90x128, 1311045964365.jpg)
    7 KB
    /v/ anon here, would it be possible to wordfilter anything related to the doubles garbage and >2011 shit or anything else that doesnt belong? though i suppose it would probably get some innocent posters who had nothing to do with it but hell if its possible without that issue im sure a lot of us back there would appreciate it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:32 No.5685
    You have to realize that there are several posts happening here right now and he has to quickly look through them and try to read them all. Not only that but he is going to the boards to repost the stickies.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:33 No.5686
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:33 No.5691
    Hey moot i'm posting here with a VPN because there is a glitch,since 2 months,the african continent along with guam and some other areas were ISP banned?wtf?why did you ban all of africa for no reason?if there was a spammer then range ban his IP not whole fucking africa,unban us for fuck sake it have been 2 months
    heres a thread talking about it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:33 No.5692
    It can make it awkward if you dont have adblock when browsing in public, even SWF boards have porn ads on them.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:33 No.5693

    no. Moot, legit, I posted your diy sticky so go there if ya need it


    he still took the time to say thanks to someone else.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:33 No.5696
         File1319362423.png-(261 KB, 1024x580, Untitled.png)
    261 KB

    no thanks for me?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:34 No.5700
    you guys are awesome, thanks so much
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:34 No.5702
         File1319362449.png-(94 KB, 1241x752, 1.png)
    94 KB

    also come to Oregon moot. We love you here! Pic related
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:34 No.5710
    ur a faget
    >> Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV 10/23/11(Sun)05:34 No.5712
         File1319362479.jpg-(998 KB, 1808x4550, moot bans himself, news at(...).jpg)
    998 KB
    This took way too long, and I'm not going to bother with other quotes you linked to.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:34 No.5714
    Hey moot i'm posting here with a VPN because there is a glitch,since 2 months,the african continent along with guam and some other areas were ISP banned?wtf?why did you ban all of africa for no reason?if there was a spammer then range ban his IP not whole fucking africa,unban us for fuck sake it have been 2 months
    heres a thread talking about it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:34 No.5715

    doubles and feel shit yes but not >2011, it's a part of /v/ and usually used regarding vidya
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:34 No.5717

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:34 No.5718
    this, the movements that 4chan has inspired based in part due to the dogma that you preach are seen as admirable in many places.

    No joke but 4chan has been discussed as a positive influence in University lectures or so i was told by a friend.

    Sometimes i think 4chan is a little bit of sanity and an ever increasingly insane world. (as sad and pathetic as it sounds)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:34 No.5719
    So what's the deal with the janitor thing? Are there no future plans for adding more?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:34 No.5721
    He could do it similar to spoiler images, a box you tick when you post that puts a flag somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:35 No.5724



    By recreating /r9k/ and creating /pol/ (/new/) he is destroying communities on fourchawn. I hope moot burns in hell. He couldn't leave well-enough alone
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:35 No.5725

    That doesn't make sense.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:35 No.5726
         File1319362522.jpg-(79 KB, 550x542, Raddest Kid in the World.jpg)
    79 KB
    No, you're awesome.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:35 No.5728
    >moot bans himself, news at(...).jpg

    thanks, i appreciate it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:35 No.5729
         File1319362530.jpg-(45 KB, 303x343, 1318905329814.jpg)
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    moot is a raging faggot please ban my face
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:35 No.5733
    I do it more for shitholes embedding malware in script-loaders. But I'm going to take a leap of faith and despite 4chan's reputation see about allowing these one's through.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:35 No.5735
    He is not going to replay to every. Single. Post.
    >> <3 StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)05:35 No.5737
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:35 No.5738

    literally stole my response. that was very politically correct of you Christopher. im going to need you to post tits of you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:35 No.5741
    Hey moot i'm posting here with a VPN because there is a glitch,since 2 months,the african continent along with guam and some other areas were ISP banned?wtf?why did you ban all of africa for no reason?if there was a spammer then range ban his IP not whole fucking africa,unban us for fuck sake it have been 2 months
    heres a thread talking about it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:36 No.5742
    moot, if you could read >>5412 sometime and perhaps reply, that would be fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:36 No.5743
    It's official, If you're not Jewish, moot doesn't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:36 No.5747
    Honestly I think the recreation of those boards will help reinforce the communities on the boards that /r9k/ and /new/ posters fled to and shat up.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:36 No.5754
    moot, tell us the truth

    in 4chon, are you the lazare tripfag?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:36 No.5756
         File1319362605.jpg-(18 KB, 510x381, 1270882149072.jpg)
    18 KB
    No man, you are awesome. Everything >>5519 said.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:37 No.5766
    i can be crabby online, like anybody else. i tend to be extremely mellow in person though. thanks for asking though.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:37 No.5767

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:38 No.5775
    Hey moot i'm posting here with a VPN because there is a glitch,since 2 months,the african continent along with guam and some other areas were ISP banned?wtf?why did you ban all of africa for no reason?if there was a spammer then range ban his IP not whole fucking africa,unban us for fuck sake it have been 2 months
    heres a thread talking about it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:38 No.5776

    I live in Louisiana!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:38 No.5778
         File1319362687.jpg-(55 KB, 136x159, suzu sad frog.jpg)
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    I guess that's a no on the more janitors thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:38 No.5779
    Moot, why are you saying /new/ didn't get deleted because of its content?

    You said before it was removed because it devolved into /stormfront/, which was true. It's not like it wasn't a good reason to delete it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:38 No.5780
    >stop banning
    >site views soar
    >> bye you glorious cockfag 10/23/11(Sun)05:38 No.5783
    dear moot, im leaving now. i like you.

    ...and thanks for all the fish!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:38 No.5785
    Mooty do I need to keep bugging you about /v/ things that have been suggested in this thread :(
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:38 No.5787
    Be subtle, add a wordfilter than autosages threads with >2011 in the OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:38 No.5794
    Ah okay. You just act very curt and like you don't much care about the website. I'm glad you do. Thank you for replying and explaining, man. Take care.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:39 No.5805

    He doesn't have to you fag but he kind of made a request and I kind of fulfilled that.

    i wouldve preferred his 'thanks you guys are awesome' reply rather than 1 person
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:39 No.5808
    So do I! I thought you and I were the only two!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:39 No.5810
    what about threads like ">2011 >not playing the GOTY. Dark Souls general"? It's still vidya, just uses a meme that you may or may not like due to overexposure.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:39 No.5814
    he added new janitors already and he needs to see how it works out. the applications won't be open for another year or so.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:39 No.5815
         File1319362767.png-(94 KB, 724x351, Screen shot 2011-10-23 at 2.35(...).png)
    94 KB

    So this is absolute proof that Moot is NOT the one who instigated the /b/ failraids. MY HYPOTHESIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:39 No.5816
    moot supposedly likes the mix of vidya and non-vidya.

    In a way, I do too but the doubles, that feel, baww, etc. threads need to fucking go.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/23/11(Sun)05:39 No.5818
    I still don't understand why or what purpose you had removing trips from /soc/
    What did that accomplish exactly? You seemed to have some reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:39 No.5820

    It's not forced identification, it's not like anybody would stick out massively. The only thing that would happen if that people are aware of your country.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:39 No.5821
    moot, why is the default board for /pol/ Yotsuba? Shouldn't it be Yotsuba B? As far as I know red boards are considered NSFW.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:39 No.5822
         File1319362788.png-(5 KB, 208x191, 1318980321076.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:40 No.5833
    If the little fucker wants people back he needs to get the janitors to stop being so strict. What made 4chan so popular was how much bad shit was on it for example like cp and gore but without crap like that no one cares. No im not saying he should let the pedos go on a spree here but let the threads last for a few minutes before mass banning and be assured the media bawwing over it will bring all the publicity he once had.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:40 No.5834
    Jesus Christ Stormtroll, we all know you'd like to give fucking dudes a try but have some dignity. You greasy fuck.

    moot, the only people who were "spamming" this site were the refugees from /new/ trying to collect our community again. It wasn't brought on by STI at all. As other posters have mentioned in this thread he actually discouraged us from doing it most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:40 No.5835
         File1319362810.jpg-(100 KB, 480x646, 1295219652739.jpg)
    100 KB
    Dear Moot,

    What is your favorite vidya game.
    >> hi Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:40 No.5837
         File1319362812.png-(654 KB, 1108x2781, mods japan.png)
    654 KB
    i asked a mod for an explanation on this episode, and he responded with "theres more than one mod idk"

    do you have anything to say about this mishap?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:40 No.5838
    How about clearing all archived bans and giving 4chan a clean slate?

    For some reason every single Verizon or Blackberry IP is banned thanks to some assclown shitposting a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:40 No.5843

    You should have said he banned Israel, he would have been on it in a second.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:40 No.5845
    >If the little fucker wants people back

    He doesn't.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:41 No.5857
    email me your IP/ISP
    >> Prost !TQbBqhr7ik 10/23/11(Sun)05:41 No.5864
         File1319362884.jpg-(214 KB, 500x613, 1307241061820.jpg)
    214 KB
    MY FAVOURITE BOARD IS BACK. Well sorta, I will never forget /n/ but /new/ was where I fled after /v/ got stale (which in turn was where I fled to when /b/ went horribad).

    This whole fucking board mite b cool.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:41 No.5873
    Holy shit give it a rest guy. He is not going to marry you and suck your dick for the rest of times.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:41 No.5875
    i have been visiting 4chan daily and paying the bills for /eight/ years

    i think it's pretty safe to assume i care
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:41 No.5881
    Dera moot

    Please ban underage waifu threads on /tv/. Also, forced anon for /tv/. And sack that raging aspie mod on /tg/, that faggot has shat the place up worse than ever.

    Love, Anon (age 9 and three quarters)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:42 No.5885

    Can you do something that makes /v/ not shit please?

    Its a hellhole devoid of good discussion.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:42 No.5886
    NSFW doesnt always mean porn. Like that mod deleting holocaust threads, some places might fire you if they see "JEWS DID 911" on your screen.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:42 No.5903
    Moot, there are ponyfags shitting up /v/ with their pony threads again, please help us!

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:42 No.5905
    you should come to DC sometime. it'd be cool to chill with you, and buy you a beer or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5911
    Okay, fair enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5912
    >you paying the bills

    i thought the ads did that hurr hurr

    also, <3
    >> Ferus !ffFezFerus 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5915
    We never advocated any type of 'spam/raiding' on any site. It's against the rules and we ban for it.
    Those that have linked outside of 4chon have done it on their own.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5917
    >Please ban underage waifu threads on /tv/

    It's funny how often we get people in the IRC raging about their bans concerning that, actually.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5919

    tell us about your experience. what do you hate/love? would you fit in in the 4chan community? (ik you made it but you seem like you wouldnt.)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5921
    Sure. I was just curious, is all. Thanks for fulfilling my request. Lots of us were wondering if you planned on killing 4chan as a whole sometime soon or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5923
    NO U
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5924
    >removing trips from /soc/

    oh god he did? i love moot even more. oh the irony
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5925
    Yes, but they are some of the best memes to come out of this site in recent times, removing off topic from /v/ will remove many of the jokes and memes they create.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5927
    because /stormfront/ isn't "news"

    the board wasn't about news, plain and simple. this board was created specifically to house all of the non-news stuff that /new/ became. you guys can speak your mind here because it was CREATED for that purpose, unlike /new/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5929
    newt doesn't even thank me
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5932
    I can still access it on my verizon phone, maybe your BB is connecting through a proxy?
    Hell I can even turn airplane mode on/off and get a new IP.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:43 No.5937
    not to mention he had to testify in court because of you faggots
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:44 No.5943
    it was actually the first board i removed trips on, a number of months ago
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:44 No.5947

    Exactly why we need a blue board for legitimate politics and a separate, red board, for jew conspiracy theories and what not.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/23/11(Sun)05:44 No.5948
    He did months ago, yeah. But it did almost nothing and circlejerks sitll existed.
    Hell not many people even got impersonated. It did little to nothing.
    Never understood why.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)05:44 No.5952
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:44 No.5958
    It's appreciated, man. Truly.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:45 No.5964
         File1319363103.png-(67 KB, 751x540, just do porn already.png)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:45 No.5972

    Are you just going to avoid all the request from /v/ in this thread. We need help ;-;
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:45 No.5977
    Will there be more janitor applications accepted in the future? I think I could really help /a/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:45 No.5981
    I'm pretty sure half of those are trolls because posting pony pictures causes nearly instant gratification from idiots who have to exclaim how much they hate them.

    its happened for so long now that its firmly entrenched, the best way to deal with it is to ignore it, it should hopefully cycle out in a year or two.

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:46 No.5990
    >/v/ - Random
    >ignoring anything
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:46 No.6002
    Blackberries route all of their traffic through the BB network.

    My phone doesn't do captchas so it's not like I could post anyway, but it's irritating to not be able to follow a thread when I head to class.

    Perhaps if nothing else, bans could be set to read-only instead of no access. It'd cut down on ban evasion I'd wager.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:46 No.6010
    MOOT! i love you. please, keep your word on this shit. i know you don't control all the moderation/janitors and they do shit you don't like, but they really fuck up the place sometimes. don't let them touch /pol/, no one wants some stuffy fucks controlling the discussion. it's the sentiment that we're not children and we don't want someone to be telling us what we're allowed to read.
    >> Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV 10/23/11(Sun)05:46 No.6012
    That about sums it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:46 No.6015
    It's actually kind of pleasant now, since /r9k/ came back.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:47 No.6016
    Oh god, this. /mu/ has seriously become the "that feel" board, and even birthed a tripfag who does nothing but fills the frontpage with OT.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:47 No.6018
    We can just remove the ones that are run thoroughly into the ground. Memes are one thing, constant offtopic threads about them is just shitty. Dragon dildos are hilarious, green and purple etc. but eventually every meme loses its novelty and just becomes regular old spam. Except baww shit which was never interesting in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:47 No.6025
    As much as some of the stuff on this site sucks, you have to realize part of the sucking is what makes it. If every thread everyone hates was removed from 4chan, it would be a very dry place.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:47 No.6026
    Why don't you report the thread and hide it you thick cunt.
    Do you want moot to wipe your ass as well. Fucking tool.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:47 No.6027
         File1319363242.jpg-(75 KB, 300x300, 1306018678541.jpg)
    75 KB
    Goddamn you are one sexy man moot

    I feel this board will come to be a truly bizzare, creative, twisted, racist, fearmongering, morally bankrupt shithole of the best possible kind
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:47 No.6028
    yes but trolling outside of /b/ is a violation of global rule whatever
    but of course it's rarely enforced
    >> HSV !5E9JCwFdVs 10/23/11(Sun)05:47 No.6032
    Moot, bring /l/ back and we'll all love you again
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:47 No.6035
    It works for me, i ignore that /v/ exist and i feel that much better about my day.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:47 No.6036
    Why did you remove trips on /soc/? I never figured that one out.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:48 No.6043
    Welp off to visit /tv/ then
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)05:48 No.6047
    Now that'd be a return to 2004.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:48 No.6050
         File1319363302.png-(8 KB, 1180x89, stormfag.png)
    8 KB
    You traitorous faggot.

    He'll delete this board once it turns into a festering shithole again and you'll come back to 4chon and spend your time there, until another tempting board appears.

    You piece of shit.

    oh btw guise, stormtroll is gay.

    See pic.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:48 No.6053

    Yeah, /v/ has been a lot nicer tonight with the return of these boards.

    Hopefully that continues, although it might not pull away the trips/freaks that spam up SC2 threads. I counted the other night and he/they were spamming upwards of 40 doll/anime avatars in every thread for a good 4 hours.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:48 No.6057

    Retards. All of you

    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:48 No.6059
    This, People on 4chan love to hate. Sometimes i think there's more threads hating things than there are threads that are actually for liking things.

    Strange how that works.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:49 No.6078
    mooting in a post thread
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:49 No.6079
    You should probably do what the Egyptian or whatever spamming guy did earlier in the thread and email him about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:49 No.6081

    I was a strong supporter of banning that "implying" crap when it was all over the place. It's not so much of a problem anymore, that kind of stuff eventually dies out.

    It's more trouble than it's worth trying to censor bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:49 No.6083
    You mad because you won't be able to discuss why you don't have a gf on /v/ bro?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:49 No.6088
    thanks for giving me a place to hang out for so long, moot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:49 No.6090
    Gonna have to second this.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:50 No.6099
         File1319363416.jpg-(33 KB, 580x435, girl reaction.jpg)
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    Ghadaffi dies, moot creates a /pol/ board.

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:50 No.6100
    He wants to be with a girl. Sounds pretty straight to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:50 No.6101
    lol i bet you contribute to most of that shit. get madder faggot.
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)05:50 No.6107
    u mad

    I'm not leaving fourchon.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:50 No.6108
    /v/ has and will always be the board with the most reports.

    All will go unanswered.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:50 No.6111

    I honestly don't get what anyone sees in that board. It was "unfunny /b/ lite" then, it's "unfunny /b/ lite" now.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:51 No.6118

    Someone needs to make a thread about what we love about 4chan...all there ever is is 'Why we hate /b/' or whatever
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:51 No.6125
    my IP is not static,it gets changed atleast 2 times a day,and my isp is IAM in Morocco
    or Maroc Telecom
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:51 No.6126
    >you guys can speak your mind here because it was CREATED for that purpose, unlike /new/.

    then why the bans?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:51 No.6128
    >Wants to have sex with a guy
    >Afraid he might become PERMANANTLY gay
    Sounds like he's bi in denial

    You keep deluding yourself stormy.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:51 No.6129
         File1319363497.jpg-(83 KB, 500x752, 1231028590663.jpg)
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    Ever think of doing some major changes to 4chan like auto updating threads or sidebar quick replies like appchan does?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:51 No.6137
         File1319363509.jpg-(38 KB, 380x368, 1318444147975.jpg)
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    dunno if you went to bed or what, but thanks again for everything. the new boards, the old boards, all your patience, and just being moot. I would call you a true bro, but that's not enough. you've stuck with 4chan and all its insanity for 8 years. that's beyond true bro, that's just being moot.

    you rock.

    thanks moot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:52 No.6162
         File1319363560.jpg-(203 KB, 1154x1500, 91TiVIJd3GL._SL1500_.jpg)
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    It helps if you don't try to argue with them, or even give any recognition to them.

    It seriously is the only way to make them fuck off forever.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:52 No.6164


    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)05:52 No.6168
    I never made that post. It's edited.
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)05:53 No.6179
    We're not going to fuck off. We don't care if you ignore us.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:53 No.6181
    Yeah, he's afraid he might BECOME gay. Which means he isn't yet.

    You can have casual sex with men without being gay or bi. A hole is a hole, and you don't need to be attracted to the gender of the person you're having sex with.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:53 No.6183

    I have never been to /v/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:54 No.6193
         File1319363651.png-(165 KB, 1108x680, Kikechan.png)
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    Yeah you can speak your mind here..... unless you question god's chosen!
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)05:54 No.6194
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:54 No.6197
    >moot banning himself
    I fucking lost it
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:55 No.6206
    Then that should not have bothered you then.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:55 No.6212
         File1319363713.jpg-(201 KB, 950x950, 1302769709284.jpg)
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    Moot will never get his traffic back. This is because of the birth of repulsive 'my little pony' threads, reducing /b/ to a handful of shut-ins whose lives are barely worth living, and a few 14 year old kids who have read some of /b/'s dark, seedy history and now desperately want to become a part of that. Sorry moot, no more traffic for you, and you have MLP to thank for that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:55 No.6214
         File1319363714.jpg-(51 KB, 396x385, sad frenchman.jpg)
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    >moot will never tell you the trips he has been using in 4chon's /new/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:55 No.6219
         File1319363727.png-(21 KB, 229x164, don't forget you're here forev(...).png)
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    >there's more threads hating things than there are threads that are actually for liking things.
    really, you think so?

    seconding. people need to lurk more and stop complaining about the cycle 4chan fads go through. it's what makes 4chan so refreshing, that the administrations lets things run their course and doesn't inhibit the creativity of the userbase.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:55 No.6224
    i believe he told the mod that was doing that to stop

    apparently the mod in question lives in a state where such discussion is illegal
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:55 No.6231
    It wasn't just banning himself (he's banned himself 3 times before)

    It was the fact that he got autobanned that makes it that much better.

    4chan has become self aware and is trying to take control of itself.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:56 No.6258
    Skymoot is online
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:57 No.6272
         File1319363844.jpg-(32 KB, 385x439, 9.jpg)
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    Dee uzi nine millimeter
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:57 No.6285
    Lazare #Joeilldontfeed
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)05:58 No.6286
    Hey I have a question moot. Where are you actually getting the money to run this site?

    I know that ads are definitely not pulling in that much income.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:58 No.6288
    I'm starting to feel like a faggot for going on /b/ all the time..seems like every other board hates it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:58 No.6292
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)05:58 No.6305
    I'm pretty sure 4chan has been a financial catastrophe.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:58 No.6306
    Already been answered here >>5507
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:58 No.6307
    So Moot, any time frame you can give us on some new feature you said you'll be adding? (such as auto updates)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:59 No.6319

    you are a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:59 No.6327
    IIRC, he got around $600k for last year or so? I doubt that he has spent it all.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)05:59 No.6328
    I like 4chan precisely because it's comfortably lowtech, with no million scripts that need to be enabled and shit that needs time to load etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:00 No.6337
    Fuck, we saved the day. /pol/ confirmed for most clutch board on 4Chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:00 No.6342
    it is babby's first board, when you're older than 16 you'll see that it is shit
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:00 No.6346
         File1319364028.jpg-(55 KB, 800x600, 1282916269123.jpg)
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    Moot, who is this Jew, seriously?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:00 No.6351
    You're on 4chan.

    You were a faggot the moment you accessed the site.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:01 No.6363
    >really, you think so?
    Sometimes it seems like it.

    i try to stick to threads i like because i don't see the point in spending time hating shit.

    But it feels that every other thread gets over run with anger. In any board. it stimulates debates though, but sometimes i find people just plug their ears and act like children.

    But hey if i didn't like the site i wouldn't have been comming her for almost every day for 6 years now.

    heck the only times i haven't come to 4chan are the days i've been on vacation and away from a wireless router and without my psp.

    4chan is more addictive than any drug i've tried.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:01 No.6367

    If anyone has more to add, feel free.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:01 No.6372
    In case of hobbies or media (videogames, comics, anime, guns, etc) I think the "hating" is just a form of harsh criticism. In other words a symptom of caring for something.
    Personally I really like videogames, so in general I hold them to a very high standard. As a consequence everything becomes "shit".
    That doesn't mean I hate it or that I'm cynical.

    Of course, there's also shitloads of band-wagoning retards that just hate things because they don't understand that, and eventually it might become the norm to just actually hate things. I'm still not sure whee in that spectrum /v/ currently falls.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:01 No.6375
         File1319364101.jpg-(31 KB, 290x386, UmadSeanConnery.jpg)
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    GodDAMN, you're mad.

    Seriously, your obsession with raging at the colorful horses is in full "psychosis mode".

    Are the pon‌ies to blame for your girlfriend leaving you and the economy tanking too?

    Get over yourself. Yes they're minorly annoying, but YOU are just plain insane.

    Great, now I'M mad that your dumb ass forced me to defend tripf‌ag circlejerkles, to boot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:01 No.6381
    So, i hope you don't mind, but i must ask what you think about political activists and "hack-tavists" using 4chan to spam their cause.

    Related follow up, what do you think about the obvious trolls from some PR firm or whatnot posting the same copy pasta in thread after thread trying to derail such things?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:02 No.6385
         File1319364130.png-(9 KB, 409x137, whycant.png)
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    fuck. part of this comment can't be posted? whatever, i screencapped it. pic related.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:02 No.6387
         File1319364137.jpg-(45 KB, 640x480, teh rei.jpg)
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    you see this?

    this is his cock.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:02 No.6389
    looks like meximoot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:02 No.6396

    Not really. Why would I come to a whole chan dedicated to random things when I can just google 'car talk' 'television discussion' etc etc
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:03 No.6406
    ... But the guy disagreed with cutting back on moderation.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:03 No.6409
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:03 No.6421
         File1319364230.jpg-(20 KB, 450x600, 5UCJZ463CRFTTRY63KFIFI3BDDPAYX(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:04 No.6432
    Discussion of politics involves discussion of race, ethnic groups and ideologies. Just because it makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean it shouldn't be here.

    Grow some thicker skin. You're on 4chan FFS
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:04 No.6437
    That's the real mo­ot, he's a rich Jew­ish boy by the name of Ira Goldste­in, he finances the site through his daddies layer money. The guy on the right, who we have come to know as mo­ot is actually just an actor Ira pays to play him. This site makes over 1 million dollars a year, and the real m­oot, Ira Goldstein, would do everything to suppress that fact.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:04 No.6439
         File1319364281.jpg-(792 KB, 1200x800, 1213618521693.jpg)
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    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:05 No.6452
    canvas is a separate company

    4chan is ad supported, as it always has been. i've always disliked the idea of merch and donations, and so i don't see the ad model changing any time soon

    we've never sold merch and i haven't accepted a single cent in donations since 2005. feelsgoodman.jpg
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:05 No.6455
    I wonder if moot actually bans for posts like that. I mean he was 15 when he made the site and all
    word of advice: don't mention your age to prove a point until you're allowed to post on the site
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:05 No.6456
         File1319364329.jpg-(72 KB, 640x480, 1228105311562.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:05 No.6459
    hate when it leads to good discussion is good.

    hate that's just
    >its shit
    or spam
    or generally being an annoying cunt isn't.

    Then again 4chan would be really boring if it was just happy thoughts all the time (i'm not saying don't be critical, i just wish people thought a second before they posted)

    Then again people barely read post on 4chan anyways. the longer a post is the less likely anyone will reply to it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:05 No.6461
         File1319364344.jpg-(257 KB, 2000x2343, 1318789940627.jpg)
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    Where is my StarCraft board, mootykins?

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:05 No.6462
    I know you love Diablo 2 Moot.

    What are your feelings on Diablo 3?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:06 No.6471

    >implying tinfoil conspiracy garbage and racial slurs/stereotypes are a subset of "discussion".
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:06 No.6472
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:06 No.6476
         File1319364383.png-(403 KB, 421x391, 1227124001003.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:06 No.6477
    Yes it does.

    However, making threads and posts that are nothing but the garbage that plagued /new/ are not conducive to discussion.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:06 No.6478
         File1319364384.png-(9 KB, 638x225, tv in one postr.png)
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    yes it's the same shit but on a different day, but if the mods and the janitors start culling reposts like that, it detracts from the board and from 4chan's dynamic character.

    you'll grow our of that. probably.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:06 No.6481
    So you were given the money only for that? I figured you were just given like a check or some shit. I have no clue how that works.

    I can't even imagine having that amount of cash. Damn.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:06 No.6482
         File1319364391.png-(57 KB, 752x568, Implying.png)
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    >younger than 16

    You can just say you're 15, you know.
    >> Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV 10/23/11(Sun)06:06 No.6483
    I have to ask, how much do you pay for the whole upkeep, or do you not care to go into details?
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)06:07 No.6496
    >4chan is ad supported, as it always has been.

    You and I both know that there's no way ads are paying for this site.

    I'm kind of concerned at this point moot. Who is paying for you to keep this site here? Is there data mining going on?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:07 No.6498
    not enough pedophilia
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:07 No.6501
         File1319364429.jpg-(18 KB, 242x320, 1159058374505.jpg)
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    >we've never sold merch

    I'd rather you make money off our memes than those cheezburger faggots
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:07 No.6502
         File1319364431.jpg-(39 KB, 704x528, Snacks (11).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:07 No.6507
    right there, duh
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:07 No.6511
    >ad supported

    Last I heard from people in the business of buying ads was that you only sporadically would reply to inquiries, or would pull prices out of your ass. And now you've landed a deal with niconico. Our little Doug's all grown up.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:07 No.6517
         File1319364470.jpg-(649 KB, 800x1200, Snacks (52).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:08 No.6524
    I'd donate money to you if I could.

    Instead I'll have to donate love. <3
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:08 No.6525
    Not everyone feels that way, though. A lot of people would bitch and moan, and call him a sellout.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:08 No.6530
         File1319364507.jpg-(164 KB, 418x556, Snacks19.jpg)
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    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:08 No.6532
    Fuck your shit. Shitty video games are not a sport.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:08 No.6541
    you people pretending you are sooooo above /b/ are silly. all i meant was that other boards hate /b/, i figured it was solely due to the bad name 4chan gets. i have no problem with /b/, its a board like anywhere else

    >in4 durrrhurrr you 2 yr old u feel kewl on /b/
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:09 No.6546
    Send it to one of the capitalist threads that are currently up.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:09 No.6550
    it is in korea
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:09 No.6552
    >i've always disliked the idea of merch and donations, and so i don't see the ad model changing any time soon

    The ad money won't change, it'll just be the vast majority of site income rather than 100%. Why not have merc/donations? Too proud?! IN THIS ECONOMY?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:09 No.6554

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:09 No.6556
    But they have tournaments for Call of Duty and Halo, so apparently shitty games ARE sports.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:09 No.6559
    /b/ is a retard filter.

    I'm glad to see its working.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:09 No.6571
    Korea isn't a real country.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:09 No.6572
    Dear moot

    If you are going to filter this site


    Filter these too by all means
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:09 No.6574
         File1319364590.png-(301 KB, 607x525, 1319154497711.png)
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    As a korea time participant for many years I would have to say that there just isnt enough content to have an entire board dedicated to just SC2.

    An Esports board wouldn't work right now either because again there isn't enough content... but... maybe sometime next year when MLG has a tourney running like the GSL and DOTA 2 is out. Holy shit there are going to be so many threads on /v/ about it all running 24/7.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:09 No.6576
    >the ad model

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:10 No.6577
    coreatype is not a sport.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:10 No.6580
         File1319364611.jpg-(14 KB, 203x203, 1169443162547.jpg)
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    >Snacks on a Mac

    he's dead to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:10 No.6583
    I argued this back in the latest wave of Junji Ito dumps on /v/:

    What you say is true and in general I agree with that it is good for a community.
    The problem is that the amount of off-topic posts in /v/ is unproportionally high.
    This causes the shitposting (including reposts) to be high as well. Another problem is that it derives the board of its content.
    Instead of /v/ having videogames related discussions and deriving community-building memes and motifs from this base, it leads to another situation. Now new memes can only be derived from the overwhelming shitposting leading to more and more rehashes, and less OC.

    In other words, by straying too far from the topic, you kill the base for original content.

    So, while strictly deleting everything that's off-topic doesn't help either, you need to contain it to a degree.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:10 No.6590
    Why not make actual party hats for like 5 bux or something for each anniversary?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:10 No.6602
         File1319364652.jpg-(196 KB, 750x750, yui harasawa.jpg)
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    We'd like a /gay/ board.

    We've been demanding it for YEARS.

    Every other chan has a /gay/ board.

    Why doesn't this one?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:11 No.6605

    I have no job
    and about $300 canada bucks in the bank.

    But if you opened donations i'd give you 1/3 of everything i have.

    If ever the site was in trouble i would come through for it. And i never donate/buy merch for anything (because i'm cheap and poor)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:11 No.6608
    Why the fuck aren't you sleeping mootykins?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:11 No.6610
         File1319364672.jpg-(188 KB, 600x450, 1206413962039.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:11 No.6612
    I haven't seen dope advertising the stream since two years or so.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:11 No.6613
    >still avoiding the question

    I am a patient soul lazar....erm...I mean moot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:11 No.6614
    lol homo
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:11 No.6616
    It's called >>>/b/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:11 No.6619
         File1319364699.jpg-(359 KB, 1680x1050, crowd ultimate passion.jpg)
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    Blizzcon had two halls this full watching the GSL finals last night.... In the US...
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:11 No.6627
    Sleep is for the weak, or those with actual sleep schedules.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:12 No.6631
    Because you can go to other chans for your gay board needs.

    What's that? They don't move fast enough for you?

    Populate them.

    Besides, 4chan already has gay boards. They're called /y/ and /cm/.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:12 No.6638
    It still isn't a sport. Sports require physical activity.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:12 No.6650
    Seriosuly. I emailed you about this when you asked for board ideas, but I guess not.

    Traps only really have a home in /d/ and kind of in /a/, but /d/ isn't for talking to people.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:13 No.6660
         File1319364805.jpg-(72 KB, 342x427, 1316423371823.jpg)
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    moot, i have no idea what to do with my life
    wat do.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:13 No.6664

    Homosexuality is a mental illness.

    Seek help.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:13 No.6666
    moot likes the idea of mixing men, women, gays, traps, hermes and nullos all in together to create vision of an androgynous utopia, where everyone fucks everyone else and nobody knows the meaning of "gay" or "straight".
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:13 No.6667
    >implying 4chan needs more faggots
    It's chock full already
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:13 No.6669

    I'm afraid I disagree. I loathe people ACTUALLY looking down on /b/, not the usual rage.
    /b/ is fun for me.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:13 No.6676

    You're aware that mo‌ot has a Macbook Air and an iPad, aren't you?
    >> BRIGADE !!UjPxTEzkkxt 10/23/11(Sun)06:13 No.6678
    /env/ironment /env/ironment /env/ironment
    /env/ironment /env/ironment /env/ironment
    /env/ironment /env/ironment /env/ironment
    /env/ironment /env/ironment /env/ironment
    /env/ironment /env/ironment /env/ironment

    I'm sorry for coming across as a candy-ass but jeez would an environment board be fantastic. Discussing environmental topics, planting and agriculture, and the whole lifestyle in general. Not many boards that you could say have a focus on the Planet itself. :3

    Anyways, <3 <3 <3
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:13 No.6679
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:14 No.6689
    It's nice to see that /new/ hasn't missed a step or lost any of it's quality.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:14 No.6690
    Create a website for other faggots like you.

    Although you may have trouble because I hear is already taken.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:14 No.6691
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:14 No.6694

    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:14 No.6697
    that's actually true, i'm terrible at responding to the e-mails
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:14 No.6699

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:14 No.6701
    no, we need a /trap/ board
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:14 No.6702
         File1319364888.jpg-(45 KB, 263x294, Troll harder.jpg)
    45 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:14 No.6707
    /an/ - Animals & Nature is kind of close with that nature bit?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6710
    >planting and agriculture
    That could be done on /diy/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6712
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6713
    The fuck did you think the Captchas were for? To prevent spam?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6719
    I've never once seen camping in it though. D:
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6720
    while your plea is likely to go ignored, just want to say I support you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6721
    Take him out, moot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6724
         File1319364938.jpg-(69 KB, 590x612, IMG_3028.jpg)
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    lol no
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6728

    Truth doesn't fear investigation.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6729
    4chan: the FreeBSD of the internet
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6732
    Yeah it would be AWESOME. With one single tripfag user posting topics nobody care about.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6734
         File1319364955.jpg-(282 KB, 1920x1080, 1318791010164.jpg)
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    tell that to this guy
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:15 No.6735
    >/an/ - animals and nature
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:16 No.6737

    Christianity is a mental illness.

    Seek help.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:16 No.6742
         File1319364969.jpg-(147 KB, 1024x768, 4chan mascots.jpg)
    147 KB
    4chan runs on sunshine and rainbows.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:16 No.6745
    I agree completely. It's a tricky dilemma, and the only half-solution I can think off that won't piss *too* many people off (hopefully), is to make a new board, either a /v/2.0 or a /b/2.0; so either the vidya or the nonvidya can stay on /v/, and the other can have a new home, but whichever maintains the vidya can then be subject to ruthless moderation to keep it about vidya without strangling the creativity or community that comes from non-vidya.
    of course, that itself has a whole slew of issues. We already have many non-vidya boards, and with /r9k/ (aka /spaghetti and misogyny/) back, that's a lot of the NV content right there. So would it really be worth it to make a /nv/ board, then? or a /v2/ board? Probably not. but it'd also be difficult getting the NV content to just move out of /v/, though as I write this i'm realizing the revival of /r9k/ will probably help that a LOT.

    So yeah, it's a tricky scenario, but it's interesting either way, and we'll see what moot decides to do- if anything- and how the community acts, and I'll be taking notes and writing essays and theses about it and whatnot, but not really.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:16 No.6748
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:16 No.6750
    Also, moot, whatever happened to those janitor applications

    /v/ is as bad as ever


    >multiple streams getting filtered
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:16 No.6761
    You still haven't responded to mine, I mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:16 No.6764
         File1319365015.jpg-(18 KB, 380x376, you joooo.jpg)
    18 KB
    First you betrayed us only to find out all the quality posters left 4chan.
    Moot you are a hypocrite if you really stand for liberty on the internet we should have the opportunity to say anything that is legal to say.
    But this is clearly not the case you can't even express your opinion here.
    And we can't refer to websites like 4chon dot org.

    Changing /new/ to /pol/ won't make us come back as if nothing happened, on the contrary, we are going to ruin this place.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:16 No.6767
    /an/ doesn't involve discussions about agriculture or gardening.

    A gardening board would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:17 No.6770
    that's just like, your opinion man. You need to deal with it.

    Agreed, but again this is a chan site. Trolling is a large part of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:17 No.6773

    I'm an atheist.

    Homosexuality is a mental disability because it leads one to practice sexual relations which are incompatible with biology. These relations result in injury, passage of disease, and mental torture as well. If gay men were encouraged to enroll in clinical trials that cured this condition, they would lead much better lives.

    Why has medicine legitimized homosexuality? For the past centuries, homosexuality was unjustly outlawed. This is about as absurd as making autism illegal, for instance. When the medical community saw this, they tried to help homosexuals get the help they needed...but by completely striking it from the list instead of encouraging the abolition of sodomy laws. This follows a disturbing and damaging trend of de-pathologizing conditions in medicine: autism, for instance, is now seeking legitimacy in the "neurodiversity" movement. Hence why we see brain studies legitimizing homosexuality...instead of properly labeling it a birth defect.

    So, how can homosexuality be cured? can't yet. But society will eventually move forward and recognize it is damaging to one's health. Nanotechnologies can re-structure the birth defect within the brain to allow for normal sexual attraction. This is much forward in the future, but it stands the only change of hope, as it would require much restructuring beyond current medicine.

    The best way to maintain health with homosexuality is abstinence. Morning masturbation and avoiding triggers (seeing couples, etc) can minimize difficulty in living with the condition while you pursue more worthwhile endeavors like wealth building, creativity, or other professional endeavors.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:17 No.6777
    so apparently no one knows that /an/ exists

    that's cool
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:17 No.6780
    i'm not sure anybody needs to "datamine" 4chan to know our demographic

    i for one am proud of our kissless virgin heritage
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:17 No.6781
    They were fucking temporary. Did you not read the announcements that he would only accept them for a limited time? This last wave of applications wasn't the first time he did that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:17 No.6783
         File1319365043.png-(1.31 MB, 2953x4941, polmootchat_part1.png)
    1.31 MB
    Here you go, moot.

    Respect my autism; make me a janitor on /v/.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:17 No.6784
    So go post gardening there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:17 No.6788
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:17 No.6794
         File1319365078.jpg-(125 KB, 920x1080, yui.jpg)
    125 KB
    What kind of threads do you think are going to be filling up /gay/? Pun intended.

    Why the fuck is it taking so long to get /gay/?!? Do we need to start a march for it? I WANT MY /gay/!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:18 No.6795
    I can see it now...


    It would be a master troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:18 No.6802
    hey moot can you give me some money? thanks
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:18 No.6805
    Dude he's posting in this thread right now and probably gets like 100 emails a day on a good day. a bajillion on a bad day.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:18 No.6813
    you rock, thanks bro. e-mail me.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6826
         File1319365144.jpg-(30 KB, 340x346, 72.jpg)
    30 KB
    kissless virgin reporting in
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6827
    Well, it would work well with my request to get a Euro version of /sp/ made to end the Euro vs America shitposting and let them discuss soccer in peace.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6828
    I thought I already emailed you the HTML?

    If I sent it to the wrong address, I'm going to kill myself.
    >> savetheinternet !yf7kimmo9k 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6829
         File1319365156.png-(215 KB, 720x401, doit.png)
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    we need a /pony/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6831
    The sticky in /hc/ says they'd consider a /gay/, but I think we all know how moot and "under consideration" works.

    As in basically never.
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6833
    I just want to know where you're getting the money for this. I can't imagine ad revenue is that great from 4chan.

    Is your mom paying for it?
    >> I will be forever here for you, until you tell me the bloody trip Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6837
         File1319365173.jpg-(50 KB, 370x499, 1288818605693.jpg)
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    your trip in /new/, moot!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6841
    Repost this if you a strong virgin Anonymous who don't need no kisses.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6843
    It would have about 3 different sports in it.

    If anything just sticky a LoL thread and an SC2 on the top of page 15.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6844
    Wow how did you know moot?

    oh wait YOU DATA MINED ME.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:19 No.6847
    inb4 chatroulette the image board.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:20 No.6849
    Fuck you. That is the LAST thing we need.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:20 No.6857

    I'm a frequent poster of /an/ and I have seen some gardening threads and would in fact welcome such a discussion if you could provide something interesting to discuss.
    >> BRIGADE !!UjPxTEzkkxt 10/23/11(Sun)06:20 No.6858
    You'll find its dominated by animal discussions, which is nice and all considering its harbored a pretty decent crowd, but anything beyond that or regarding plants is pretty rare on there. Anyways, just a personal dream. Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:20 No.6861

    I found your /gay/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:20 No.6862
    You've never seen the movie Aliens? It's a classic.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:20 No.6863
    this should be interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:20 No.6864
         File1319365243.gif-(487 KB, 263x150, Brofist.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:20 No.6865
    Lazare #Joeilldontfeed
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:20 No.6871

    What do you think of the "tinfoil" that the fbi lurks on /b/?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:21 No.6872
    /an/ - Cats
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:21 No.6876
    I don't think you would solve much with splitting /v/. Similarly to /r9k/, /v/ has a stable community at first and is only about videogames at second. Splitting the board won't help. But I think more active moderation could help to gently lead the board culture (specifically the amount of off-topic material the community wants to have themselves) towards a better balance.
    But you'd have to find all these mods first.

    >virgin heritage
    Always makes me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:21 No.6883
    No dude you do it like this
    ╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you are a strong virgin Anonymous ~ ~ ~
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no kisses ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    ╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:21 No.6887
    ╔═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╗
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    ~ ~ ~ ~ you are a strong virgin Anonymous ~ ~ ~
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no kisses ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    ╚═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╝
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:21 No.6891
         File1319365306.jpg-(135 KB, 455x427, 1238475827385.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:21 No.6894
    Nothing is stopping you from talking about plants.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:22 No.6897
    Can we make 'pony' an autoban word?

    Let them make their own PonyChan, and we'll purge them from our ranks completely.

    Besides, how often is the word 'pony' used in conversation?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:22 No.6900

    It would probably move really slow, imagine how annoying posting pictures would be when a thread from 8 hours ago was still up on page 13.

    I do think one would be warranted when DOTA 2 hits though, you will have so many threads for esports games going 24/7
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)06:22 No.6902
         File1319365329.jpg-(77 KB, 388x296, trolls.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:22 No.6909
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:22 No.6911
    I was doing it as a joke, so I didn't care to format it.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:22 No.6914
    it's not great, but it's been enough to cover the operating costs since about 2009 onwards

    my mother paid for it when i was a teenager, and i ultimately paid her back. i told her i did "web hosting". those were the days.

    i honestly don't understand why so many people complain about the ads. they're three simple banners that most people scroll past. for a site of its size, 4chan has some of the least obnoxious advertising on the web, and i've always gone through great lengths to avoid running obnoxious anything
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:22 No.6922
    There are already at least two ponychans. But it's not moot's job to stop you from being upset.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:23 No.6924
    It really disturbs me that you both had that template on hand.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:23 No.6928
    Hey, moot, I e-mailed you but maybe this will be better. Cut the trips on /r9k/, please? Secondary concern: the same for /lit/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:23 No.6930
    Figures you're the worst kind of weeaboo as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:23 No.6939
    I just googled "strong black woman who don't need no man".
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:23 No.6943

    I agree, I barely notice the ads.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:24 No.6952
    Moot can we have a hint as to what the extra goodies coming in November will be?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:24 No.6955
    have your parents ever been on 4chan? were they scared as fuck when you had to testify?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:24 No.6960
    The ads are fine moot, I just miss

    >life-like texture ;_;
    >> in all fields 10/23/11(Sun)06:24 No.6962
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:24 No.6967
    that and "sassy black woman" always turn up if I put my cursor in the address bar.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:24 No.6970
    I still miss Life-like texture. ;_;

    Also, how am I supposed to talk about tennis video games in /v/ if I can't say the word "doubles"?
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)06:24 No.6971
    I'm not complaining about the ads, I'm just surprised the revenue from them keeps the site up.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:24 No.6972
    moot was soliciting new banners, so maybe that. Or it'll just be nothing like that post on how we was going to save /b/ that got delayed for months and then just vanished. Or his formspring. Or anything moot does.

    Just saying.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6975
         File1319365511.png-(157 KB, 437x553, tumblr_lq18qvTAU11qlj3vbo1_500.png)
    157 KB
    Moot, I hate to make requests, but what about a guro board?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6978
    more hardware. and migrating off of some old servers (we're still running 2 of the servers from 2005 and have 4 in the rack). should speed things up a fair amount, and the changes made on friday should make posting much more reliable and faster
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6982
    >Also, how am I supposed to talk about tennis video games in /v/ if I can't say the word "doubles"?
    I laughed way harder than i should have.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6985
    1000 replies before sticky ffs
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6986
    as do i. j-list will be back next month though
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6987
    You don't seem to want to go into the specifics of 4chan's finances moot but can you give us a general picture?

    1. Is the site actually losing money (site income > site expenses)?
    2. Is their a danger of the site closing in the future from lack of income and assets based on current trends?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6990

    If it were up to me, I would have fags like you put down. You're an abomination against the natural order and no one likes you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6993
    Can we not do this, Ponies are great, Girly shows about cute things have always been apart of 4chan. If you're going to ban MLP might as well ban all of /a/ while you're at it. (inb4 and nothing of value is lost)

    Indeed, i'm glad to hear that 4chan is selfsufficient, i'd hate for it to weigh on you since i use it every day and probably post/download too much porn off of it. I don't block the ads and i sometimes even click them... well rarely...

    i always appreciated the fact that 4chan wasn't ADs IN YOUR FACE POPPING UP ALL OVER. and that you stuck by your guns in not forcing it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6994

    moot, can't you find any way at all to set up a donation system?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6995
    Moot, change /a/ to "Guilty Crown is Fantastic!"

    It'll be fun, trust me.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:25 No.6998
         File1319365558.jpg-(33 KB, 433x380, buu buu buu.jpg)
    33 KB
    So that's how it is, huh? There's an /s/, but no /gay/. How discriminatory!

    There's at least five gay threads on /b/ at any given time -- believe me -- it's the only thing I use that insipid board for. Things would be MUCH easier if it were all confined to one board so I wouldn't ever need to consult /b/ for anything.

    The picture is very much related. It's my face when I saw /r9k/ get created, die, and revived before a /gay/ could have a chance. It's almost like an abortion!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:26 No.7005
    whats you email, moot?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:26 No.7010
    as am i
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:26 No.7014
    if you want to fuck dudes (freak) go to fucking reddit. and take your pony fag friends with you
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:26 No.7021
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:26 No.7022
    >we're still running 2 of the servers from 2005
    oh jeez
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:26 No.7025
    This is the third or fourth version of /n/new/pol/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:26 No.7030
         File1319365619.jpg-(808 KB, 1434x1800, 1311731000870.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:27 No.7032
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:27 No.7035
    Speaking of banners, are the ones everyone submitted going to hit soon/at all?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:27 No.7040

    oh fuck me I can't spell today
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:27 No.7042
         File1319365652.jpg-(32 KB, 396x396, saddd.jpg)
    32 KB
    There WAS a guro board, but then it turned into /g/.

    I don't know which I want more... /gay/ or the old /g/ back. What about /l/?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:27 No.7044
    The answers are yes and yes, and they have been since the beginning.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:27 No.7049
         File1319365666.jpg-(37 KB, 298x403, waiting_skeleton_cover.jpg)
    37 KB
    >new banners

    Oh boy, that'll be the day.
    >> forever here, for all eternity Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:27 No.7051
         File1319365669.png-(2 KB, 300x100, 1318606962761.png)
    2 KB
    come on, what were your trips in /new/? D:

    I mean, no one linked you to that thread, you saw it by youself.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:27 No.7055
    So Jelly. I've applied for /v/ 3 times.
    In the past it was weird when the ads were fairly nsfw on the sfw boards. Currently it's not a big deal. I accidentally click them on my phone. You're welcome.
    I'm sure you'll hit Hiroyuki level in no time.
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)06:28 No.7056
    Go away homo.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:28 No.7069
         File1319365705.jpg-(56 KB, 533x594, lol why.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:28 No.7070
    I think gurochan is a perfectly sufficient solution for guro.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:28 No.7078
    but i did go over this already
    the site has broken even since some time in 2009, after that washington post article with the "$20k in debt" figure came out. those were bad days.

    the big thing is 4chan's ad revenue does not scale with traffic. we could double in size tomorrow and our operating costs would double, but the ad revenue would be incremental and barely inch higher.

    i'm concerned that bringing a new server online next month will jack the bandwidth bill and make things significantly more expensive, but i'll figure out a way to work through that

    as long as 4chan breaks even i'm happy. i've never run it like a business and still consider it a hobby project. as long as i have a computer and internet i'm pretty much taken care of
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:29 No.7079

    firebomb the containment unit that is full of aids so it will spread everywhere else.. yes. good plan.

    /b/ has been the retard sink trap for years to keep everything else civil. occasionally it springs a leak (raids) but when properly contained, everything else is safe.

    I bet if /b/ gets removed for a day, the rest of the site will turn to utter unfixable shit. Hell back in the old days (2004, 2005) I used to go only to /b/ because I found most of everything hilarious.

    Moot, bring back glorious /z/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:29 No.7082
    i believe moot was posting as jim profit
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:29 No.7083
    i think his haircut looks fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:29 No.7085
    Nah, nobody gives a shit about the ads... what he's getting at goes something like this.
    >Moot can't afford to host this himself
    >someone calls FBI and get them wading through human excrement looking for CP
    >FBI is paying moot to keep site up in exchange for information used to lock up sites users...

    Yeah something like that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:29 No.7090

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:29 No.7091
         File1319365764.jpg-(38 KB, 600x436, wt.jpg)
    38 KB
    >4chan getting out of control
    >bring back snacks
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:29 No.7094

    same as it's been for 8 years~
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:29 No.7097
    /pol/, how can you idiots support homosexuality when all facts point to unbelievably horrendous realities? It's already proven that homosexuality is the number 1 cause of birth defects (fecal bacteria going through urethra to testis, and said sperm merging with eggs after many homosexuals decide to change their lifestyles to straight) and the fact that empirical testing shows that having anal sex more than twice a year guarantees contraction of HIV.

    Do you guys have no conscience? You will ruin children's lives just to indulge in your disgusting lifestyle?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:29 No.7101
    Let's be honest with ourselves. Most things on 4chan have alternatives elsewhere. We want them here for a reason.

    (Not that I give much of a shit about a guro board, but still.)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:30 No.7106
    just siphon money from canvas.. you dont really care about the fags there.. right?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:30 No.7108

    >i've always gone through great lengths to avoid running obnoxious anything

    does the directory named "/junk/" mean anything to you sir?

    (I did love "black CSS" day though. Eliminating all the computer-iliterate children who view boards in one fell swoop. Shit was so cash.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:30 No.7116
         File1319365834.jpg-(30 KB, 500x409, 1310828451950.jpg)
    30 KB
    FUCK. I sent the HTML file to
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:30 No.7120
         File1319365838.png-(131 KB, 504x500, BEEDOG.png)
    131 KB
    /z/ is here, man.

    Go look for yourself
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)06:30 No.7124
    I really see nothing wrong with opening up a donations page. Although there could be tax or some other legal issues with that.

    Do you have any idea how much money you'd be getting?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:30 No.7128

    if you use your old servers to fold protein or look for aliens (folding@home and seti@home) you will keep the fbi off your back by maintaining some legitimacy for 4chan. I would join the 4chan teams.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:30 No.7131
    Please moot, split off a European version of /sp/.

    Half the threads are Euro vs America bullshit, and that number approaches 90% as morning rolls around in the UK until prime time in the US.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:30 No.7133
         File1319365855.jpg-(72 KB, 800x463, dellwhat.jpg)
    72 KB
    i think i'm going to go to LA and pull them from the rack later this year, and get pics of the current setup. we wont be running anything off of them by next month.

    those servers are fucking beats though, and have kept on trucking for SIX YEARS.

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:30 No.7135
    So is /fk/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:31 No.7142
         File1319365883.jpg-(69 KB, 447x453, 1319170303308.jpg)
    69 KB
    Moot I must ask. Are we keeping the fucking captcha?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:31 No.7146
    for as much shit as you get moot, a lot of people appreciate what you do. this site could have easily gotten a whole lot shittier after its popularity exploded

    thank you
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:31 No.7147
         File1319365907.jpg-(203 KB, 900x600, mixed_couple.jpg)
    203 KB
    moot would you blanda upp with a beautiful young Nubian princess?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:31 No.7150
    i know. why do you think i haven't gotten it cut yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:32 No.7153
    moot, have you gotten any shit from the people at google or facebook from your recent public comments?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:32 No.7155
         File1319365928.png-(75 KB, 1024x623, Capture.png)
    75 KB
    Hey faggot.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:32 No.7158
    Do you still crossdress, moot?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:32 No.7162
    What you used to say in news posts only gets put in threads or the banner now so people lack information. I wish you'd make that sate of finances post you threatened in the past just to put it to rest.
    I miss news posts in general.
    >8 years
    Oh u
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:32 No.7164
         File1319365960.jpg-(38 KB, 500x375, 1319266174234.jpg)
    38 KB
    what is the purpose of life
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:32 No.7169
    >but i did go over this already the site has broken even since some time in 2009, after that washington post article with the "$20k in debt" figure came out. those were bad days.

    Oh sorry guess I misunderstood.

    >the big thing is 4chan's ad revenue does not scale with traffic. we could double in size tomorrow and our operating costs would double, but the ad revenue would be incremental and barely inch higher.

    So what is the reason for this? Is it the type of ads? The lack of ads?

    >i'm concerned that bringing a new server online next month will jack the bandwidth bill and make things significantly more expensive, but i'll figure out a way to work through that

    Add merchandise and donations!

    >as long as 4chan breaks even i'm happy. i've never run it like a business and still consider it a hobby project.

    Nothing wrong with making some money off it.

    >as long as i have a computer and internet i'm pretty much taken care of

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:32 No.7170
         File1319365973.jpg-(172 KB, 800x600, 1318389646515.jpg)
    172 KB
    wtf, that's not a Mac Mini.

    Calling shoop.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:32 No.7171
    Of course he does, he wants to be the little girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:33 No.7178
    Why don't you just sell 4chan to some huge company?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:33 No.7181
         File1319366000.jpg-(21 KB, 477x480, 1282170239103.jpg)
    21 KB
    >no /yg/

    This needs to be rectified, moot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:33 No.7182
    put them up for auction
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:33 No.7184
    i really hate donations as a model. hence me making fun of jimmy wales last year. i don't think you guys should have to pay for this shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:33 No.7189
         File1319366017.jpg-(196 KB, 661x768, 1288589363535.jpg)
    196 KB
    >i think i'm going to go to LA and pull them from the rack later this year, and get pics of the current setup

    more sexy pictures?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:34 No.7200
    nope, but i know the video circulated around both offices
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:34 No.7202
         File1319366060.jpg-(116 KB, 496x629, 1317786232377.jpg)
    116 KB
    Are you getting Battlefield 3?
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:34 No.7203
    We're paying for it by viewing the fucking ads.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:34 No.7210
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:34 No.7212
    i want to donate, not to support 4chan, but just to give you some pocket money, buy you a digital beer, whatever. a way of showing gratitude.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:34 No.7216
    So we're just pretending nobody ever asked anybody to make longcat long?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:35 No.7222
    Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:35 No.7227
    what video is this? what comments?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:35 No.7229
    I never understood what bothers people about the captcha.
    It gives me time (forces me) to think if my post is really necessary, of good quality and if it has correct grammar.

    It's not very bothersome, if you use 4chanX or anything similar, it's even more convenient, I help digitizing books and it keeps the spam out.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:35 No.7232
         File1319366126.jpg-(58 KB, 550x412, 01_1.jpg)
    58 KB
    I find his 'personal appeals' very arousing
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:35 No.7234
    i guess .org is ~7 years since i lost the .net in 2004. my bad

    re: news posts, yeah, i really regret not posting them any more. i procrastinate and hate writing, and now that it's built up for three years i don't even know where to start...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:35 No.7237
         File1319366136.jpg-(119 KB, 316x400, sigourney-weaver-alien[1].jpg)
    119 KB
    Moot actually looks pretty good here.

    The Sigourney thing is killing me.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:35 No.7242

    remember when it was a .net and it got snatched?

    can we have .net back, it's been like.. what? 7-8 years now?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:35 No.7244
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:36 No.7253
    That was a funny day.

    At least be open to the possibility to accepting donations, even if you don't use it as the primary model to keep the site running. Let us contribute if we want to, please.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:36 No.7254
    seriously, if you complain about the ads on 4chan, you're a nut. they're three small banners.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:36 No.7256
         File1319366188.png-(416 KB, 623x527, 1319294602152.png)
    416 KB
    Moot for gods sake, When are you getting rid of the fucking Ponies?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:36 No.7261
         File1319366209.png-(430 KB, 600x524, 1294632544080.png)
    430 KB
    he shouldn't cut it he's a handsome dude when he lets his hair grow out a bit
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:37 No.7269
    Why do ponies make you so mad? Did you get raped by a horse as a child?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:37 No.7272
    i should really get the .net back and get .com

    it's been on the todo list for a while
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:37 No.7273
    I don't know how I missed that post! Thanks anon!

    I'm not complaining :<
    I just think we should be allowed to give you some money, is all.
    >> Fire Lord !AZULaFMcQ. 10/23/11(Sun)06:37 No.7275
    I'd like to hear this, too.
    You used to not like furries moot what happened.
    >> savetheinternet !yf7kimmo9k 10/23/11(Sun)06:37 No.7276
         File1319366249.png-(76 KB, 431x404, 131058754310-sad_pony.png)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:37 No.7277
    hey moot do you have any pet cats? do you like cats?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:37 No.7278
    You must be very unintelligent if you don't just race through the captcha.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:38 No.7290
    You can repay moot with sexual favors.

    E-mail him a picture and he'll decide if you're worthy.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:38 No.7292
    But they're lame and I have no interest in them.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:38 No.7297
    every email listed at just goes to me ( ._.)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:38 No.7298
    man from what i've seen you're great at public speaking. not the best, but you're good at getting your ideas across. is it that much different when you're typing up a news post?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:38 No.7303
    how do you even get them back? who owns them?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:38 No.7308
         File1319366324.jpg-(344 KB, 600x800, reCaptchatan01.jpg)
    344 KB
    recaptcha has two words: a generated word, and a scanned word. The scanned word does not need to be correct. As long as you can tell which one it is, you can put anything down for that word. I put down racial slurs. Never had a problem.

    Also, moot, i'm not kidding about putting up the old servers for auction when you scrap them. Throw 'em up on ebay, and see what people pay.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:38 No.7310
    you're in luck -- they're easy to ignore
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:38 No.7314
    You know, you could probably get away with two more ad spaces flanking the comment box.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:39 No.7317
    is it really you on 4chon /meta/
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:39 No.7319
    squatters. i'd need to do legal thing
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:39 No.7320
    Squatters. You get them back with money.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:39 No.7321
    I'm killing myself either way.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:39 No.7324
    Just like every single ad ever, anywhere?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:39 No.7326
    thats kinda sad and pathetic, but funny.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:39 No.7329
    moot actually you could go back to some old fundraising, why not?

    I don't know if there would be a lot of people willing to pay for this internet water-closet, but I'm sure you'll get contributions

    and this would help at least wouldn't it?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:39 No.7331
    i'm not going to sell them, i'm going to hang on to them. they're special to me. i remember when they got delivered to my apartment in 2005 and setting them up on the floor on my bedroom
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:39 No.7334
    Start now. Even if it's really shitty. Maybe your news post could be a news post about your intention to return to making news posts?
    I mean it's been a while it could just be a brief 'everything's fucking fine and i love all of you'.
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)06:39 No.7336
    It's not like you're forcing us to donate. A lot of people would be glad to give money to the site. It's up to you. Also, shoot me an email sometime, I might have some business to discuss.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:40 No.7342
         File1319366414.jpg-(29 KB, 500x437, fucking kitty.jpg)
    29 KB
    please provide more pics of Sylvester. he's an attractive cat.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:40 No.7343
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:40 No.7347

    You could sell locks of your hair.

    People would buy it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:40 No.7350
    Thats incredibly adorable for some reason.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:40 No.7352
    >Maybe your news post could be a news post about your intention to return to making news posts?

    Followed by a prolonged period of complete silence. Moot would be better off just getting rid of the news section altogether.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:40 No.7353
    very rare 4chan memorabilia?

    God with the autistic way people on this site collect things you could get a pretty penny for them.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:40 No.7354
    I'm surprised nobody else has tried to buy them.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:40 No.7356
    moot now that you're really laid back and all, are you ready to confess your love for /jp/?

    [spoiler]please don't ban me[/spoiler]
    >> m0ot m0ot m0ot m0ot m0ot m0ot m0ot m0ot m0ot Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:40 No.7357
    Before you disappear into the chaos of IRL once more,


    Also, now that trips have been banned on /b/, I have a foreboding that they may invade /r9k/. '~'
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:41 No.7362
         File1319366468.jpg-(23 KB, 266x199, FifthElement185[1]..jpg)
    23 KB
    If you have their contact information I could negotiate with them for a fee.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:41 No.7364
         File1319366469.png-(79 KB, 160x600, 64058-1319242511[1].png)
    79 KB
    i disagree. project wonderful ads are great
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:41 No.7369
    huh? That was my point. I race through it. It doesn't bother me. But regardless, there is another task my brain has to do before hitting submit, giving it incentive to go over the post again.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:41 No.7370
    mootykins more janitors and forced anon for /v/ please

    that is all <3
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:41 No.7371
         File1319366501.gif-(2 KB, 154x263, 1245704560014.gif)
    2 KB
    >i remember when they got delivered to my apartment in 2005 and setting them up on the floor on my bedroom

    you hosted 4chan from your apartment?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:41 No.7376
    Find direction and lose the pedophiles first.
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)06:42 No.7383
    He was 15 when he started the site.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:42 No.7384
    his mum's house
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:42 No.7385
    no, but i set the servers up before shipping them to the datacenter
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:42 No.7390
    No dude. He hosted it from his mom's apartment.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:42 No.7391
    I can commend that decision.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:42 No.7395
    this post made me smile. you just sound like such a chill, cool dude. just, the amount you care about 4chan, though it might not look like it to some people, it's ridiculous. and awesome. and very appreciated.
    >> Stewbs !!3wWZAOkfwNl 10/23/11(Sun)06:42 No.7396
         File1319366563.jpg-(11 KB, 250x150, cat30.jpg)
    11 KB
    Cut your hair Moot

    Please for the love of god, you look like a bull dyke
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:42 No.7405
    > Business
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:43 No.7410
    ... holy jesus christ 4chan has been running on THOSE STILL?

    I remember when you bought those. poweredge sc's lol.

    Make sure to buy some R710's there buddy I just installed an R710 for a client recently, shit's nice. go the extra mile and virtualize.

    8 more years!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:43 No.7412

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:43 No.7418
    moot one serious suggestion,

    driving traffic to this website is a fucking language problem,

    think about how many people would actually enjoy 4channelz only if they would be able to interact..

    why not opening boards in other languages? i mean, EXCLUSIVELY for foreigners, not like /int/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:43 No.7419
    I know that and I have known that since the first day. I still type it correctly because I'm a moralfag and I like the idea of helping to digitize books. Though I am concerned with google monopolizing that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:43 No.7422
    Hey Moot. Did the FBI ever contact you for "information" like some people said?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:43 No.7423
    That's kind of sad.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:44 No.7427

    What's gonna happen to /vp/?

    I'll be frank, it's...kinda dying off. Especially since they make "Pokemon General Threads" inside a Pokemon board. Mind boggling, I know.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:44 No.7434

    4chan should be American only.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:44 No.7439
         File1319366695.png-(35 KB, 827x425, you are vanned bros.png)
    35 KB
    I'd imagine something like that.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:44 No.7440
    The PGfags are the dumbest people this side of /b/.

    They're not even good at Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:44 No.7441
    also just curious moot do you use any 4chan addons/userscripts and if so which? or do you seriously still manually refresh threads
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:44 No.7444
    i thought those were just circlejerk threads for off-topic shit?

    still retarded but yeah
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:45 No.7446
         File1319366702.png-(123 KB, 384x240, 31.png)
    123 KB
    I went to Reddit once. After five minutes my rectum prolapsed and I lost 72 IQ points.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:45 No.7453
    Pokemon fanboys are that fucking retarded?

    Why am i not surprised.

    /vp/ is the only board i have NEVER visited ever.

    I hope you mean north american only, and i hope you're only joking.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:45 No.7455
    that doesn't make any sense
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:45 No.7457
    Pokemon Generals have been there since the beginning, and shit's terrible there, but at least there isn't furry roleplaying in other boards.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:45 No.7458
    That's the joke.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:46 No.7463
    the main servers are dell r610s, we just have old servers doing stuff like www.4chan, dis.4chan, etc
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:46 No.7466
         File1319366777.jpg-(60 KB, 640x480, 1317077769005.jpg)
    60 KB
    No, I mean American only.


    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:46 No.7468
    i've considered it. int was supposed to be an experiment in that direction
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:47 No.7476
    Nope, just American American.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:47 No.7480
    I don't think you can hit negative IQ bro.
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 10/23/11(Sun)06:47 No.7496
    >implying i would publicly post an email i use for anything serious
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:48 No.7498
    You could continue that experiment with a European version of /sp/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:48 No.7515
    Please keep it that way, >>>/prog/ is way more stable that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:48 No.7517
    oh you
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:48 No.7518
    i've /always/ said "DONT BREAK THE LAW ON 4CHAN" and "We value the privacy of our users, and will not make private information such as IP addresses available to others. We will however, comply with valid court orders and cooperate with law enforcement agencies when necessary." has been in the FAQ for something like 4-5 years. you realize i've had to testify in court, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:49 No.7521
    I thought we were bros america.

    Also from the last time i saw the Alexa 4chan ranking per capita Canada had more 4chan users than the states.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:49 No.7523

    hilarious considering so many satellite sites have sold 4chan merchandise. Such as ED under that hippo's reign. "I hate 4chan!" *sells 4chan related shit in her web store*

    "ED HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT 4CHAN" was the funniest line.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:49 No.7525
    Would that basically be all football and nothing else ever?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:49 No.7530
    The Euros on /sp/ mess with football, moot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:49 No.7531
    yes but there have never been any real incentive to the use of foreign languages. also, me being not american nor english, i can assure you that there is plenty of people admiring 4chan culture and soooo much willing to have part in it

    think about 4chan copies in other lang.

    there's user base, just drive it here
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:50 No.7540
    Hey moot,

    What do you think of reddit? Just curious.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:50 No.7544

    You can, but it becomes mandatory to join the Tea Party.

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:50 No.7545
    Lol, now you're not being serious.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:50 No.7547
    moot, what's your opinion on the current state of somethingawful?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:50 No.7550
    Grassdive, MESSI, and circlejerking.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:50 No.7551
    uh huh, and we have the transcripts

    you know, for a while there I really though Chris Poole was a pseudonym.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:51 No.7566

    Its late.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:51 No.7572
    not true. more than half of our traffic comes from the US. canada, not so much

    also alexa uses a crappy toolbar that idiots install in internet explorer to get their data. it's wildly inaccurate.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:51 No.7578
    >for a while there I really though Chris Poole was a pseudonym.
    You were not the only one.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:51 No.7586
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:51 No.7588
    haven't visited in ages. i think i stopped posted in 2007 or so?

    what's been going on since i left?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:52 No.7593
         File1319367127.png-(418 KB, 668x503, Capture.png)
    418 KB
    don't forget about the tripfag cat posts
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:52 No.7594
    I prefer "faggot jog" personally.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:52 No.7595
    what can i say. a troll in the making for 20 years.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:52 No.7597
    Mootles, have you ever considered incorporating certain functionality scripts as found in things like 4chanX/4chanPlus? I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by those who don't already use it for whatever reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:52 No.7605
    Screencapped for justice.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:52 No.7614
    It made like YTMND.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:52 No.7615
    Ponies. Ponies everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:52 No.7618
         File1319367179.jpg-(101 KB, 576x800, 1302909118001.jpg)
    101 KB
    Hey moot, what are your political views?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:53 No.7622
    I said per capita, not most traffic. (as in higher percentage of the population)

    Also i should mention that that was over a year ago so the information is extremely out of date.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:53 No.7623

    Obligatory Anon here posting how much he appreciates this place and the hard work you and the boys do.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:53 No.7630
         File1319367203.png-(24 KB, 600x252, 1319351940615.png)
    24 KB
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:53 No.7634
    i've been considering this for like 6 years, since we got the original extension

    i like the autoupdating threads. 4chanX really turned me onto that. we'll see.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:54 No.7652
    hey moot, what's your favorite band?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:54 No.7658
    Little did they know that I was the one responsible for the majority of the moderation in /sp/ over the past few years via bitching to the mods in IRC.

    It's clear at this point that the only solution is to segregate /sp/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:54 No.7660

    good man.

    sc's are little more than a typical PC when it comes to specs.

    though for a linux webserver doing basic tasks that's almost overkill right there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:54 No.7661
    MOOT IF YOURE STILL HERE. First Go to bed. Second, get more mods for /v/!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:54 No.7662

    Nothing particularly interesting, really. The site itself is becoming less and less popular, and the constant bans are decreasing the already dwindling userbase.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:54 No.7664
    ah, yeah, I remember. It was all over the news.

    Explaining to a 60 year old judge what the fuck a meme is must have been hilarious.

    Just a random question, how does it feel for everyone to recognize you and write news stories about you? It must feel....weird.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:54 No.7671
    thanks, i save all of these -- true story
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:54 No.7672
    4chon (tinyboard) has expandable images when you click on them. I really miss that here.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:54 No.7675
    Moot. Please please please incorporate hide. It would reduce knee jerk butthurt reactions so much, which should reduce trolling somewhat. thanks.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:55 No.7678
    The only computer I have has a 600 MHz CPU and an obscure integrated GPU, it's hardly running this thread as it is, if someone added a bunch of shitty bloat to 4chan I would stop browsing.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:55 No.7689
    >higher percentage of the population

    Who gives a shit about that? If 5 people post from a fictional country with ten people, does it matter?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:55 No.7692
         File1319367331.jpg-(30 KB, 500x334, 298851_10150482977954746_61136(...).jpg)
    30 KB

    Read transcript.
    Realized unless I used a proxy I was not really anon as my post # is logged to my IP.

    Also watched the video with you talking about online privacy. Strongly agree with what you said at TED.

    Guess what people are wondering is, how often do you get these requests?

    Also, what about just ditching all the IP logs after 24hrs or so?

    Pic so not related.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:55 No.7696

    install 4chan X
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)06:55 No.7705
    Set it to auto-disable in large stickies. That shit will nuke your CPU if you're on an older machine.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:56 No.7709
    surprise surprise, people aren't willing to shell out 10 bux because come capricious faggot banned them for having an unpopular opinion
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:56 No.7725
         File1319367397.jpg-(35 KB, 460x92, moot.jpg)
    35 KB
    did you have a hard time keeping a straight face during this?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:57 No.7734
    /v/ is starting threads to get more people to come over here and ask for more mods

    Instead, I ask that Spaghetti-tan be nominated as /v/ material.
    That is all
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:57 No.7741
    Will we get a religion and finance board? Or that supposed to be in /pol/?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:57 No.7742
    Hey mootles

    Any chance of ever seeing /l/ again?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:57 No.7744
    hell i'm running a quadcore and it lags like fuck when i open anything past like 1200 posts or so
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:57 No.7754
    Autoupdate, image expand on click and expand all images, as well as hide threads are options that don't intrude too much on the flow. A lot of other *chan sites use it and it works wonders.

    Just a thought.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:58 No.7758
    Haha, was just reading that too, wondering the same.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)06:58 No.7760
    yeah, it was pretty surreal

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:58 No.7770
         File1319367508.jpg-(92 KB, 460x600, 1300868402001.jpg)
    92 KB
    you've saved that too?

    I made this one :3
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:58 No.7775
    >religion board

    Shit son, are you suicidal
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:58 No.7779
    This is obviously functionality that should be optional, like it is now, if you want auto-updating threads you use 4chanX.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:58 No.7782

    I really like being able to hide specific posts via a button next to each one.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:58 No.7784

    Autism and furry central these days (ironic, isnt it?)

    I remember when SA was actually funny, and when 4chan was basically banned/bored goons.

    Moot, I have been here too long.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:59 No.7785
         File1319367542.jpg-(87 KB, 587x494, canadaloli2.jpg)
    87 KB
    No, but if the idea was to limit it to American ips, there'd be a lot of sad and neglected Canucks. We always seem to be forgotten up here. Its hard enough having the entire world and your own country men even think of your own country as a joke.

    And if i didn't have 4chan in the winter... what would i do? stuck inside in -40 weather. is the best time for 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:59 No.7802
    I thought you browsed without scripts. This website seems so advanced with them. Remember that shit storm on /g/ when 4chan X broke?

    You could at least mention it and 4chan+ the Chrome extension without necessarily providing a link to them.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:59 No.7804
         File1319367577.jpg-(245 KB, 511x752, and so it begins.jpg)
    245 KB
    oh moot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:59 No.7806
         File1319367583.jpg-(189 KB, 1280x720, 1304821757308.jpg)
    189 KB
    ;-; good times.... good times....
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)06:59 No.7812
    That DEFINITELY helps on SFW boards when someone posts porn. Report & hide, and the buttons are both right next to each other.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:00 No.7822
         File1319367627.jpg-(144 KB, 500x696, 1288817849465.jpg)
    144 KB
    Oh, and then there was the time that COM was outed...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:00 No.7823
    moot, why you eat so much chicken?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:00 No.7826
    It will save /sci/, that's all that matters.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:00 No.7827

    The FBI again or why?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:00 No.7833



    By the way, I herald from /v/, and we need mods, goddamn. Obvious pony troll threads can hit bump limit, for fuck's sake. What's stopping you from just getting more mods/janitors? I'm sure out of the many who would apply, you'd find some that aren't retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:00 No.7839
    What was /l/?

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:01 No.7844
    well you just stopped discussing a proposal of a brand new foreign language /int/

    still i think it's an idea not to be dropped
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:01 No.7847
         File1319367668.png-(89 KB, 602x427, myfavoritefolder.png)
    89 KB
    i'm really not joking, where do you think i got my sticky photo?

    i've been on 4chan for 8 years. it's safe to say i have extremely thick skin.

    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:01 No.7848
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:01 No.7849
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)07:01 No.7853
         File1319367687.gif-(85 KB, 500x281, ihavedonenothing.gif)
    85 KB
    >Look at clock
    >6:01 AM

    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:01 No.7858
    i used to, but have the chrome one now

    i think i'll link to the 3rd party extensions soon
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:01 No.7859

    fucking newfag
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:02 No.7861
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:02 No.7869
    what does the fbi have to do with lolikon?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:02 No.7872
    Any more boards planned moot?

    I think a finance/economy imageboard would be awesome
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:02 No.7877
    scrot'd so hard for /g/
    Also how big is your 4chan/Internet folder?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:02 No.7880
         File1319367759.jpg-(989 KB, 1216x1440, 22401363.jpg)
    989 KB
    but why.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:02 No.7881

    Enjoy never being able to go to /g/ without getting your shit on hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:02 No.7882
    What's the reasoning there?
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)07:02 No.7885
    He's implying the feds care about drawn material.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:02 No.7891
    not until we get more hardware and not sure about which boards will be added
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:03 No.7897

    Are you actually jewish?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:03 No.7898
    >there'd be a lot of sad and neglected Canucks
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:03 No.7900
    ah. nope, i just don't want to add it is all. that board has been gone for what, seven years now?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:03 No.7901
    ...out of curiosity... how big is that folder?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:03 No.7904
    Not Gozer
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:03 No.7905


    I gotta go do stuff tomorrow too!

    vitamin coffee to the rescue.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:03 No.7907
    You actually bought a mac? Did you really fall for Apples advertising?

    Dude, you could've had twice the hardware for the same price.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:03 No.7908
    I'm over the hill. It's past noon again already around here.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:03 No.7909
    >why not opening boards in other languages?
    nah, you have local imageboards for that.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:03 No.7914
    I thought you wanted to go back to 2004.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:04 No.7916
         File1319367845.png-(29 KB, 502x388, shadetrolling.png)
    29 KB
    >raze in charge of being mad
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:04 No.7923

    moot when are you going to have another NYC meet up?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:04 No.7928
    i was born with bright blue eyes, blonde hair, my last name is poole and i'm of english and irish descent. venture a guess.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:04 No.7930
         File1319367865.jpg-(8 KB, 225x324, I done running.jpg)
    8 KB
    That reminds me;

    People on /vp/ and other sfw boards are under the impression porn is alrigt if they hide it with Spoiler tags. Mostly /vp/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:04 No.7932
    Apparently the legal status of lolicon is unsure in the US
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:04 No.7936
    He's a goy but he wants to be part of the chosen people badly enough that he sold out to them.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:05 No.7946
         File1319367919.png-(992 KB, 1000x643, 9a2d366579327cabd3db52c63638d9(...).png)
    992 KB
    i still chuckle at this.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:05 No.7947
         File1319367930.png-(103 KB, 251x199, 1313811198535.png)
    103 KB
    >still samefagging

    I seriously etc
    [spoiler]i only have this in yots b[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:05 No.7948
    Yo moot, what kind of BBQ do you like? A pulled pork man myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:05 No.7951
    You should add a tier below Janitors. People who can simply report posts, but their reports show up higher/on a different list.

    I hate to be a fag like the rest but as an example /v/ gets pretty bad at times and we really don't seem to have all that much backup.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:05 No.7952
    I know that feel
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:05 No.7957
         File1319367950.jpg-(10 KB, 400x300, lw.jpg)
    10 KB
    > scrot instead of just saving the image
    > typical arch/ubuntu babby
    > using arch
    > using ubuntu
    > 2011
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)07:05 No.7959
    It's not. Loli or shota guro might violate some obscenity laws, but no one has been arrested for its possession.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:06 No.7961
         File1319367969.png-(231 KB, 471x354, dausfgauisfuihfuihfiuahpfeiai.png)
    231 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:06 No.7964
    moot do you actually keep a todo list?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:06 No.7967
         File1319367975.jpg-(217 KB, 461x682, 22076365.jpg)
    217 KB
    remember your first post ITT?

    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:06 No.7972
    moot, if you're unwilling to split /sp/ into two separate boards for Americans and Euros, could you just give me the keys to the banhammer closet so I can take care of the offtopic crap and shitposting?

    Maybe /co/ too so I could put an end to fighting about ponies on the cartoon board?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:06 No.7974
         File1319367986.png-(45 KB, 300x300, 22.png)
    45 KB
    >bright blue eyes, blonde hair
    Sounds like fine stock
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:06 No.7975
    I'd say a fermi
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:06 No.7976
         File1319367995.jpg-(36 KB, 338x498, 1285728605207.jpg)
    36 KB
    Moot, you need actual news in the news section if you want to go back to 2004~

    And happy birthday post per year isn't news. Try doing it monthly or bi-monthly.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:06 No.7978
    lol seriously? /v/ goes on rampant porn spam with NO spoilers most of the time
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:06 No.7982
    I wonder which one he likes the best. I'm a 480 man myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:07 No.7984
         File1319368027.jpg-(198 KB, 700x632, all the young dudes.jpg)
    198 KB
    Too normalfag for you, huh? HUH?

    4chan would be a thousand times better with a guro board, a million times better with a /gay/ board, and a billion times better with a lolikon board. But you just won't have none of it, will you? Well, drastic times call for drastic measures. I hope you're ready for this, Chris. Lord knows I am.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:07 No.7988

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:07 No.7990

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:07 No.7995
         File1319368055.png-(382 KB, 1193x2581, 1314271660596.png)
    382 KB
    Did I seriously get banned for posting this comic? wtf? go eat a dick moot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:07 No.7998
    Moot! Say hi to me
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:07 No.7999

    I still miss it, moot.

    Hell, I first ventured to 4chon around 06 on the promise of /l/. Even though I've moved on to other fetishes, it holds a special place in my heart

    I'm sure /a/ would appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:08 No.8004
         File1319368080.jpg-(10 KB, 400x300, lw.jpg)
    10 KB
    > falling for bad advertising
    > buying overpriced products
    > buying macs
    > using macs
    > using OS X
    > having folder names with whitespaces in them
    > 2011
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:08 No.8010
    a lolicon board is sticking your dick into a bees nest right now.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:08 No.8011
         File1319368098.png-(100 KB, 311x302, 1285910731169.png)
    100 KB
    so... he's not really Robert Bopkins? ;_;
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:08 No.8015
    Did you seriously just evade a ban in an active moot sticky?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:08 No.8016
    What does the 4chan interface look like when a mod or admin uses it?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:08 No.8021
         File1319368119.jpg-(73 KB, 1000x1000, 1302906350001.jpg)
    73 KB
    Hey moot, have we converted you yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:08 No.8024
    have you been reading the thread? he doesn't care about that
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:08 No.8025
    /l/ was definitely removed in 2004 or so
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:09 No.8030
    Meximoot is best moot.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:09 No.8036
    where were you banned from? this comic is great
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:09 No.8037

    Is Christopher Poole actually your real name? I highly doubt it, it's too much of a coincidence.

    >Poole's closed
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:09 No.8053
    >venture a guess
    Clearly, you did not get the memo. Everyone who doubts the sacred and eternal truth of National Socialism (read: deletes shitty boards) *MUST* be Jewish, because no white man could *EVER* have a different viewpoint.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:09 No.8054
         File1319368188.jpg-(132 KB, 500x324, moot spies a chlomo thread.jpg)
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    One serious question mootles.

    Did you cut your hair after the whole Sigourneygate affair?
    >> ­ 10/23/11(Sun)07:09 No.8055
    Add it or I am going to write you an angry letter.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:09 No.8056
    IIRC, /l/ was nuked because of twocows and their restrictions on content.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:10 No.8059
    moot, do you accept holocaust revisionism on this board?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:10 No.8061
    What's wrong with spaces in file names anyways?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:10 No.8062
    >I'm sure /a/ would appreciate it.

    /g/ would appreciate it too, It would stop lolidumps on there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:10 No.8063

    IIRC someone convinced you to put it back for a while around then, but then you removed it again eventually.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:11 No.8082
    from /pol/ like 2 minutes ago

    "yuro vs ameria shit" or something like that. One of your mods seriously needs to take his aspie pills
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:11 No.8083

    Do you ever visit or post on /new/ sometimes? I can imagine it'd be pretty funny to read through all the threads accusing you of conspiring with jews and the like.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:11 No.8087
    Moot. Is /sci/ going to die?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:11 No.8089
    >totally boring election of the National Council of Switzerland today
    >disliked all the parties, didn't vote
    >national turnout 48%
    >moot creates /pol/
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:11 No.8100
    sigourneygate wasn't even a week ago!

    my hair is still a shit show, you can sleep easy
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:11 No.8102
         File1319368313.gif-(66 KB, 399x468, 02.gif)
    66 KB
    Moot, you have the chin of a superhero. Are you Bruce Wayne?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:11 No.8103
    Moot do you ever play video games? or does 4chan take up all your free time?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:12 No.8109
    Dear moot,

    How often do you get pussy at conventions? Rockstar status?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:12 No.8113
    No one ever said there weren't weak minded white men.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:12 No.8124

    Can we have an almost unmoderated board, apart from CP?

    Political Correctness is evil.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:13 No.8129
    Fucking nostalgia bomb.
    Completely forgot that company existed.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:13 No.8139
    what do you think /b/ is?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:13 No.8144
    Actually this i'd like to know.

    Moot are you a player who gets nerd pussy and cock thrown at you.

    Or are you just another of us kissless virgins.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:13 No.8145

    It's called /pol/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:13 No.8148
    /b/ ?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:14 No.8150
    m00t, why has this turned into a Q&A and board /r/ thread?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:14 No.8151
    >implying there are "females" there who are not post op transsexuals or girlvinyl
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:14 No.8152
    Moot, why are Libfags so butthurt all the time?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:14 No.8157
    nothing in the logs
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:14 No.8161
    moot snuck into a /v/ thread about old shooters and posted something about how he missed tribes I think.
    And magically no one outside the thread fucking noticed and it peacefully hit bump limit.
    Blew my mind man.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:14 No.8167
    I bet you forgot 5chan existed too.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:14 No.8173
    We definitely need a humanities/history board, or maybe a meta board like every other 4chan knockoff have.

    Also although it is a touchy subject, maybe splitting /a/ and /v/ would be for the best. /a/ in an anime and a manga board and giving the e-sports fags the board they so desperately crave for.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:14 No.8174
    i've lurked. it's pretty hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:14 No.8177
         File1319368496.png-(102 KB, 215x251, Gold_account.png)
    102 KB
    I would pay tenbux a month if it meant I never had to fill in another fucking captcha.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:14 No.8179
    >Moot are you a player who gets nerd pussy and cock thrown at you.

    Do you really need to ask?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:15 No.8183
    i haven't been to a con in two plus years and dont intend to go to one ever again
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:15 No.8188
    Any forward cooperation with you and 2chan/Nico Nico?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:15 No.8189
    me too
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:15 No.8192
    Thats awesome, what a bro
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:15 No.8196
         File1319368541.gif-(185 KB, 283x250, 孤独な.gif)
    185 KB
    moot 愛しています!
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:15 No.8197
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:15 No.8205
    So the pussy comes to you then?
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)07:15 No.8208
    What happened?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:16 No.8218
    Moot, why are the mods in /tg/ so colon catastrophized sometimes? I saw one lock a thread that was around one hundred posts in length, with the question '''How is this /tg/ related" prior to doing so, when it was about a direct videogame adaption of a boardgame. It even said so in the opening post.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:16 No.8222
    How could you forget the company that killed 4chan and stole your jewgolds?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:16 No.8223
    Hey moot, Why doesnt /k/ have mods

    Its twice as active as moderated boards like say, /tg/, And the hellspawn of /b/ kids "raid" it every week,
    Not to mention tripfags shitting it up with unrelated content 24/7
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:16 No.8225
    ahh so you've had near misses
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:16 No.8226
         File1319368582.jpg-(26 KB, 640x480, Moot_and_squeeks.jpg)
    26 KB
    moot banged Squeeks
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:16 No.8228
    did you get glomped a little too hard
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:16 No.8229
    dude i played so much tribes back in the day

    nostalgia :(
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:16 No.8231
    So moot, if 4chan ads barely cover the costs of running the servers and you pay out of pocket to assist that, what do you do to make money? Do you have a job or a project to make ends meet?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:16 No.8232
         File1319368600.jpg-(1.76 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1038.jpg)
    1.76 MB
    you're in for disappointment if you think moot doesn't get his fill from other avenues now....
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:16 No.8234
    What about Allyson?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:17 No.8248
    this was my post before it was deleted if that helps >>7717
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:17 No.8251
    is 4chan in the red or in the black? just curious
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:17 No.8252
    People shit posting "viral" on /v/ ended up spawning a word-filter.

    Basically, if it wasn't a popular name, retards bombarded with sage and viral. That shit got annoying fast
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:17 No.8253
         File1319368649.png-(13 KB, 852x398, niggers.png)
    13 KB
    Still waiting for an answer...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:17 No.8258
    moot tripban COM#cfycom please. It's a public trip and it's being used to shit up /sp/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:17 No.8260
    I don't get what the deal with talking about Wakfu on /tg/ is. You can have threads on /co/ talking about the game and the tcg but not the other way around?
    >> MattHelders !!/ohr2r2sqBf 10/23/11(Sun)07:17 No.8261
    Thanks for my canvas stickers! It made my day when i got those
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:17 No.8263
    So moot where the fuck are the new banners that /a/ sent you?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:17 No.8266

    Are you looking forward to the new Tribes coming out or do you consider it heresy?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:17 No.8270

    /tg/ doesn't have mods.

    It has mod.

    One mod just really browses /tg/.

    I'm sure /k/ has someone similar. Find him.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:18 No.8271
    Obviously charging for anything on this site would blow the whole thing to hell, but I'd gladly remove my adblock if I didn't have to deal with fucking captcha.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:18 No.8273
         File1319368690.jpg-(19 KB, 400x365, youreafagmac.jpg)
    19 KB
    >moot uses a mac.

    explains everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:18 No.8277
    Well you were posting offtopic.

    And at least from what I see 4chan moderation is all over the place, different mods may have very different views on what goes on each board and it's best to play it safe if you don't want an unwarranted ban.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:19 No.8296
         File1319368743.jpg-(7 KB, 189x251, hipstar.jpg)
    7 KB
    They think we're hipstars.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 10/23/11(Sun)07:19 No.8299
    Will you release some more stats?
    I mean harmless general stuff like posts/time or a breakdown of where 4chan's posters are from (like the alexa thing).
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:19 No.8301
    I'd love to be a /tg/ mod/janitor. Pretty sure i could do a good job.

    heck i'd janitor for /y/ if i had to.

    HECK i'd janitor of /v/ if hat to.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:19 No.8314

    He owns and operates He'll be out of a job again when he runs out of investor money.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:19 No.8316
    whoops, worded that badly. What I mean is that you can post all forms of Wakfu on /co/ but only the /tg/ parts on /tg/, for whatever reason
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:20 No.8320
    Moot, did you ever visit Krautchan?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:20 No.8321

    Why do you bother trying to moderate /b/, apart from illegal content? You should know the purpose of /b/ better than any of us, to keep the faggots contained where they can do little harm to the rest of us.

    I ask this because of your most recent decision to discourage ponies from /b/, which I fear will have the /b/ ponyfags unleash a wave of misery among the rest of us.

    Also, I want you to know hearing you speak made me gay for you and I'll gladly suck your cock if you want
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:20 No.8326
         File1319368822.jpg-(8 KB, 200x200, 1318767612892.jpg)
    8 KB
    Moot. Who would win in a fight, STI or yourself?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:20 No.8330
    who are you talking to
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:20 No.8332
    if you want to be a janitor of /tg/, here's the most important question:
    what's your opinion on 40k?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:20 No.8337
    It's shit, but not as bad as quest threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:21 No.8344
    You have good taste in vidya, bro. You know you can download and play it for free now?
    >> MattHelders !!/ohr2r2sqBf 10/23/11(Sun)07:21 No.8346
    im on a 2010 i5 macbook pro and this thread is crashing my shit, fuck macs.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:21 No.8349
    Someone who got banned, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:21 No.8351
         File1319368900.jpg-(62 KB, 600x600, tg janitor.jpg)
    62 KB
    I'll echo the sounds about the mod(s?) in /tg/ being fanny flustered way too much of the time.

    It's that one mod, isn't it? The janitor who got promoted or something?

    /tg/ is pretty good about being self-moderating in turning any topic into something interesting or on-topic, i don't see the need for the heavy-handed moderation that sometimes happens there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:21 No.8354
    its a /tg/ game.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:21 No.8355
    It's no mousetrap....
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:21 No.8357
    On a slight tangent - other than the IP range bans that were done, is there any other measures that are either implemented or planned to deal with the "accelerator spam" crap that has been plaguing multiple boards (especially /a/, /v/, and /sp/) over the past several months? Their ability to bypass captchas not only made those boards unreadable, but also the floods I'm guessing overwhelmed the posting and image servers causing some of the performance issues we've seen.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:21 No.8358
    not true

    canvas is a job

    dude i barely leave my house. there are no other avenues.

    breaks even

    you're very welcome

    wait and see approach. might need to build a gaming PC to play if it's any good

    i don't know, he looks pretty tough and i've never been in a fight before
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:21 No.8360
    hired. bonus question:
    thoughts on MtG?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:21 No.8361

    Yeah, the Wakfu threads were never a problem, they kept it in one thread and CCG are /tg/ related, dammit. It's like the banning of touhoufag, there was just no call for it, it annoyed everyone, and just ended up making /tg/ the worse for it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:22 No.8363
    I don't think he'd fall for
    >sudo rm -rf /*
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:22 No.8369

    40K as a system is fucking terrible, fluff ain't all that bad though.
    >> Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV 10/23/11(Sun)07:22 No.8370
         File1319368957.jpg-(176 KB, 600x545, 1291207984680.jpg)
    176 KB
    Everyone on his team does from that one picture.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8380

    hmm...I seem to has acquired a tinfoil hat zion conspiracist/holocaust denier/spammer's email address. What should I do with this knowledge?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8384
         File1319368990.jpg-(414 KB, 1600x1200, 1316481746491.jpg)
    414 KB
    moot, how often do you use a pissbottle?
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8386
    >Start a new minecraft world.
    >Spawn on a 2x3 island.

    Oh what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8387
    >b-back that ass up!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8388
    Favorite color?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8390
    none of the people in that photo work with me on canvas
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8392
    Blow it out your ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8393
    Its a /tg/ game.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8396
    what's the monetization model for anyway?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8397
    Have you cut your hair yet, moot?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8398

    was it the hambeasts slobbering on you that made you reach that decision?
    Everyone I know always want to drag me to cons.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8400
    every time i poopsock baby
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:23 No.8405
    You've never been in a fight? Even as a child?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:24 No.8409
    You have some nice elephant child bearing hips there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:24 No.8410
    >What should I do with this knowledge?
    Send him proof of the sacred and eternal authenticity of the Holocaust?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:24 No.8413
         File1319369053.jpg-(9 KB, 225x224, 1304199885647.jpg)
    9 KB

    I'm running a Pentium dual at 2.8 with 2gb of ram.

    Loads just fine.

    U Jelly, macfag?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:24 No.8414
    moot you've been in this thread for what, 5 hours now?
    you're awesome.
    >> 'ey m00tles! Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:24 No.8417
         File1319369063.jpg-(70 KB, 497x662, 1263530429716.jpg)
    70 KB
    Might as well ask: Programming thread opened up on /diy/ earlier tonight and people discussed whether or not it belonged.

    Point was made that while there is /prog/, it lacks the activity level brought from being an imageboard, a problem amplified when the few posts are off-topic as often as about programming. /v/ has had a vidya-specific game dev thread for a while, but it doesn't really fit. /g/ has some daily programming thread that people troll to death and shit all over, because one programming thread a day can't be tolerated. Instead there needs to be two hundred desktop/battlestation threads and arguing about Brand X vs. Brand Y for the umpteenth time that day.

    TL;DR: Can programming threads find a home in /diy/ or can we get a programming image board?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:24 No.8424
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:24 No.8425
    I made part of the top left one (the yarmulke). Glad you like it. It started off with just the nose and we went from there. I have the evolution of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:24 No.8426
    Can /a/ get its upside down a back?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:24 No.8428
    Mootykins, what happened to you going to the gym?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:24 No.8430
    how well can you grow facial hair

    your chin always seems smooth as fuck in pictures
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8436
    moot, will you add spoiler capabilities in this board (or all boards) pretty please?

    It is VERY useful and there is absolutely reason why you shouldn't, since it will be a copy-paste of source code basically.

    Even if it goes unused, big bloody whoop, and nothing of value was lost.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8439
    Stop using obsolete 2002 technology then.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8440
    How fucked is your sleep schedule moot? Any good way for fixing it? Mines been fucked for awhile as well
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8445
    >i don't know, he looks pretty tough and i've never been in a fight before

    Oh, then you'd lose. STI has been in two fights before.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8446
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8447
    Send him an email thanking him for attempting to inform you of actual fact, which you didn't read then parroted some ad hominim you over heard once.

    Then apologise for being a lying cheating jew.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8452
    A capcoded mod on /g/ claimed he was the guy on the far right of >>8370 when that article first came out.
    Was he just bullshitting or is it possible?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8453
    Moot, the image boards need BB Code.
    >> savetheinternet !yf7kimmo9k 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8454
    that picture isn't me. i'm actually a lot stronger and could easily beat that pussy faggot moot in a fight.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8455
         File1319369151.png-(1.45 MB, 600x845, 1282584041229.png)
    1.45 MB
    isn't this team 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8456
         File1319369152.png-(178 KB, 314x313, 1314447424907.png)
    178 KB
    >i've never been in a fight before
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:25 No.8458
    Nothing, if you ignore him he might just go away.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:26 No.8461
    not advertising, i'll tell you that much

    nope. very few girls or people in general ever approached me at cons. just grew tired of them, i guess.

    nope, never


    welp looks like we have our answer for who has been in a fight

    i like answering questions, /pol/ is already better than /b/ in that respect
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:26 No.8463
    why would you need spoiler tags on a board like this

    maybe like, a NSFW tag for pictures would make sense, but text tags would be stupid
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:26 No.8465
    mootles, admit you've been spending time on kc/int/. Using feel macros and all this.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:26 No.8467
    What is Sigourney? I was offline for a week, and I come back and here's /r9k/ back and something about Sigourney.
    >Please don't tell me it's just that m00t looks like Sigourney Weaver.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:26 No.8468
    I have a pentium 4 3.0 with 2.5 gb of ram and its a bit choppy now, but its not terrible.

    I'm just glad i don't have to open this thread.

    i guess i could close the other 20 windows i have open.

    This machine is older than the old 4chan servers.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:26 No.8471
    I just don't sleep for 24 hours then to go sleep early that day. Fixes my schedule every time.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:26 No.8474

    You never got your ass kicked in school?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:26 No.8476
    /sci/ gets occasional programming questions too.
    They get treated exactly the same as every other question on sci though: we are only helpful if you aren't asking us to do your homework for you, and you aren't asking something completely basic.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8481
    Hey moot, will you let me be /sp/'s meido if I can get Okk to vouch for me?
    >> Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8483
         File1319369226.gif-(1.45 MB, 312x346, 1301230966355.gif)
    1.45 MB
    I know, I'm trying to find the picture but it eludes me. So have this.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8487
    >not already owning a gaming PC
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8489
    moot, have you any plans for the textboards?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8495
    pretty goddamn fucked. i was diagnosed with DSPS ages ago

    only one person in the photo is a 4chan mod

    hahahaha he deleted his post saying he'd beat my ass up
    >> Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8496
         File1319369258.jpg-(446 KB, 2488x1600, 1300612132747.jpg)
    446 KB
    and now I find it two seconds later...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8498
    Mootykins, I had a great idea just to fuck with people.

    merge /a/ and /co and call it /toon/

    just to watch the outcry. Which will be glorious.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8499
    yo, moot.

    what is the chances of a architecture/interior design board being made?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8501
    yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8502
    Wouldn't a good idea be to open a shop for 4chan.

    Selling t-shirts, a comic book full of rage comics (get on that before icanhazcheeseburger sees this), underwear and thongs with your face on?

    4chan has a huge community i'm sure a small amount of people would shell out money for something officially 4chan made.

    Although now I've just typed this out I've figured during your years of running 4chan, this question has probably popped up quite a bit...

    Are you not doing it due to fear of losing the community because they'd perceive you of selling out?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:27 No.8504
    So you are cautiously optimistic about the new Tribes game, thats good. Shouldn't need a new PC though judging by who is making it.

    The real question is Diablo 3, will your love stand the test of time? (and real money auctions)
    >> MattHelders !!/ohr2r2sqBf 10/23/11(Sun)07:28 No.8506
    How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:28 No.8511
         File1319369294.jpg-(206 KB, 798x1084, 6a0105364db45b970c0120a7e1ddfc(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:28 No.8513

    mootles, a while back there was something about 4chon leaving you severely in debt, and that you had to live with your mother. Was that ever true?

    Why don't you just open up donations again if you need them? And was canvas made just so you had some means of funding 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:28 No.8516
         File1319369300.jpg-(14 KB, 531x391, fuhrer's face.jpg)
    14 KB
    When will you allow /new/ to anschluss their rightful territories of /int/ and /k/ again?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:28 No.8518
         File1319369302.png-(11 KB, 500x300, 4ea33fee15175ebc2f000073-6.png)
    11 KB
    Hey moot.

    Thanks for responding to my email way back when /v/ got the doubles meme, in which I requested the XXX-post count system to be implemented. And you did.

    Thanks man, even though that was only temporary, and doubles are still being checked, (which is now useful to derail non-vidya threads) it renewed my belief in moderation.

    Picture related. It was my reaction when you actually did it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:28 No.8520
    Yeah I'd appreciate a programming board as well, the threads on /g/ get spammed, /diy/ is about making stuff yourself so I don't know how well that applies, /prog/ is just way too much spam, could we at least get a janitor for /prog/?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:28 No.8528
         File1319369337.gif-(954 KB, 245x298, heavy rain.gif)
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    >staying up all night with moot

    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:29 No.8531
    holy hell dave doesn't have a beard in that photo. MEMORIES
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:29 No.8532
    same here. It fucking sucks ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:29 No.8535

    BTW, this question was supposed to be directed toward moot, if it wasn't clear.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:29 No.8539
         File1319369360.gif-(2.31 MB, 203x324, mootfag.gif)
    2.31 MB
    superior quality version
    >> Gozer !!PJZO93aXoUv 10/23/11(Sun)07:29 No.8540
    I posted in the programming thread and found a nice interpreter for Python. We definitely need a programming board.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:29 No.8541
    i just plain dont want to do mech. pain in the ass and i don't like the idea of it, never have
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:29 No.8542

    1) Would you have sex with a femmboy?
    2) Why is there a need for an 18+ mark on some boards, when all of the 4chan is 18+?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:29 No.8545
    Hey moot, please fix crosslinking to >>>/fk/.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:29 No.8549
    that's a very flattering photo of me
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:29 No.8550
    The moment 4chan goes underground again will be the moment it will become good again.

    All hipsters and normalfags will realize it's not "kewl" to hang out here and they will fuck off permanently to /reddit/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:30 No.8553
    Tell Dave that he looks like a hobo and needs to shave.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:30 No.8559
    that article is from february 2009

    not in debt/don't live at home
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:30 No.8563
    >could we at least get a janitor for /prog/?

    Bring back shii.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:30 No.8566
    I loved you in Ghostbusters II.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:31 No.8568
    1) i dont know what that means
    2) it's just to mark especially adult boards
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:31 No.8571
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:31 No.8572
    I loved you in Avatar
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:31 No.8576
    >doubleposting, banning himself
    Oh mootles. You never fail to make me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:31 No.8578
    Speaking of which when are you do that Aliens remake?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:31 No.8586
    So without flood detections, you can doublepost. Interdasting.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:31 No.8587
         File1319369500.jpg-(33 KB, 540x720, dave.jpg)
    33 KB
    no way bro, dave looks great with his dickhat and beard.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:31 No.8588
         File1319369502.png-(4 KB, 222x211, 1279104965018.png)
    4 KB
    moot why don't you get a haircut?
    Do you want to become the little girl?
    >> MattHelders !!/ohr2r2sqBf 10/23/11(Sun)07:31 No.8592
    hey moot, a question from everyone at /mu/

    how much do you hate /mu/?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:31 No.8593
    I approve of these actions. I'm tired of stormfags and baww threads shitting up other boards
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:32 No.8594
         File1319369520.jpg-(141 KB, 503x700, 1310071252340.jpg)
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    >1) i don't know what that means

    mootles is so innocent
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:32 No.8595

    I'm on a 2006 Intel gen 1 core2duo Macbook Pro that has served me well and been my constant companion/partner in crime for nearly 6 years now.

    Your opinion is hereby invalidated.

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:32 No.8600
    Moot, what time did you think 4chan was in the golden years?

    Where do you think 4chan will be three years from now?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:32 No.8604
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    Will you be voting for Ron in 2012?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:32 No.8610
    Have you read shii's site? He is not a happy camper about his time at 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:32 No.8615
    I really liked how Snacks burst out of that android in the first one. And moot looks so hot in the white panties.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:32 No.8616
    Would you make me a moderator, moot? I know a former one and I have literally no life.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:32 No.8617
    So when will we be deleting /sci/?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:32 No.8619
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    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:32 No.8620
    2004 was the prime if you ignore 4chan dying three times.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:33 No.8624

    also he was "with 4chan" for less than a year, and was booted in 2005

    dude needs to move on
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:33 No.8630
    I think if moot don't do merch someone else will. And he will make monies and moot will be sorry and sue him for copyright infringement or something...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:33 No.8632
    how could anyone hate /mu/, it's the best board to ever grace 4chan...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:33 No.8633
    Hey moot
    You should ban 5 random people in this thread

    Starting with me
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:33 No.8637
         File1319369618.gif-(2.16 MB, 348x244, 1304473241830.gif)
    2.16 MB
    BTW moot, don't ever listen to the "TOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" FAGGOTS and ever split /v/.

    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:33 No.8638
    2004 was a good year
    >> Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV 10/23/11(Sun)07:33 No.8640
         File1319369626.png-(143 KB, 508x380, 1311767429174.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:33 No.8642
    >Bring back shii

    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:34 No.8649
    You should bring back Okk.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:34 No.8655
    Dear moot.

    Please do something about the generals in /v/.

    I'm not saying get rid of them, I'm saying you should treat them as what they are: completely separate entities inside of /v/. That's fine, provided they are about video games. Dark Souls general? Video games. Fighting game general? Tripfag circlejerk with /sp/ levels of reaction images. They need special attention because the bad ones are the worst parts of /v/, but to someone who isn't informed they look just like the good generals.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:34 No.8660
    what did you do with doug's body?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:34 No.8662
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    Moot, how do you feel about Toku on /m/? Isn't it time that it is redesignated as its own board, or shoehorned into something else like /tv/ as it often has little to nothing to do with mechs?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8666
    I'm aware of shii's opinion on 4chan, just thought "bring back shii" was fitting, as he WAS a text-board mod on 4chan.

    he's also probably busy bringing into being some other horrifying entity.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8669
    keep the religion and philosophy threads out of /sci/, they're not science and math related

    keep the finance/economics threads out of /g/, it's not technology
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8671

    i have no idea where he went
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8672
    Own board is best solution.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8673
    Anything in the future for /a/?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8679
    /prog/ is disgusting nowadays, it's filled with pythonistas, enemies of Sussman and disciples of the ANTI-CUDDER Abelson and his new master Guido.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8680
    Few suggestions.

    /v/ needs HEAVY make over.
    It still has potential since good posters are lurking it but the constant generals are sapping it.

    /myth/ aka Mythology board would be cool.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8683
    >merge /a/ and /co and call it /toon/
    Totally this. The tears will be delicious.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8690
    What was he booted for? Without him 4chan wouldn't even exist no? He pretty much translated everything? also this is a really good read for anybody who hates to work/ has social problems
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8694
    You've been omitting >>8465~
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:35 No.8695
    He's on AIM right now!

    I don't think he's at his computer though.
    >> Salad !xAXsisdlss 10/23/11(Sun)07:36 No.8701
    Speaking of haircuts, I'm saving money and time by doing it myself.

    All you need is a bowl and scissors. Turn the bowl upside down and place it on your head, next cut alongside the edge of the bowl.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:36 No.8710
    Ok, I believe this needs to be said.

    What's your opinion on my little pony, and on how much hatred it attracts on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:36 No.8712
         File1319369783.jpg-(48 KB, 484x667, segata sanshiro 1.jpg)
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    >/sci/ gets occasional programming questions too.
    Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at. There's not really a place for it, or an explicitly-sanctioned one anyway. I poke around /sci/ time to time, and at least you guys are cool about it. /g/ falls into "you fags will argue about anything" mode about 5 posts into even relatively interesting topics.

    Frankly I'd love to be the one helping people in a programming thread, and be forced to learn things myself as well. Also learn from people smarter than me who present solutions.

    Dunno if you care to comment, moot.
    My original post was >>8417.

    せがた三四郎 always related.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:36 No.8716
    please remove ____girls groups on canvas, or rewrite your CoC.

    Thank you for fixing /a/'s name too.

    also, how about those banners?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:36 No.8720
         File1319369808.jpg-(11 KB, 300x400, 1263076675297.jpg)
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    Well moot, I should thank you for your recent efforts in trying to bring people to /jp/.

    And for every second you still allow it to exist.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:36 No.8721
    Have you seen any good anime lately moot?

    ..Or are the rumors true?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:36 No.8722
         File1319369814.jpg-(59 KB, 340x400, zgmf-x666s.jpg)
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    You don't want to do mech? Why the fuck not?

    Mechs are AWESOME, and they would sure help you out in a fight, should you ever find yourself in one, lol.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8729
    er no. i have no idea why people think this. he is the reason we had world4ch, not the imageboards. he had basically nothing to do with the imageboards, and everything to do with the discussion boards (for less than a year).

    i translated the original imgboard.php, shut and a few others helped modify it when it was in production, and thatdog used it to create futallaby, which powered the site for a bit before it was hacked into what we now call "yotsuba"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8730
    Toku is /m/. Don't bother moot.
    Fighting Generals and Starcraft Generals are the worst, with League of Legends coming in close too. They are rarely ever about the game, just tripfags circlejerking and posting reaction images.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8731
         File1319369827.jpg-(29 KB, 268x466, ginger cunt.jpg)
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    Moot, mah boy, 3 simple questions.
    1) Have you started to go to the gym?
    2) Has Ginger mod given you a program?
    3) What is it?

    Also, thanks for brining back /r9k/, the levels of faggotry in /fit/ fell straight away.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8733
    >constant generals
    >a bad thing
    So people talking about video games in /v/ is a bad thing?
    Christ just fuck off would you?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8735
    Moot, just create an e-sport board.
    I'm so sick of /v/ being littered with that shit.
    Everyone on /v/ wants it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8736
         File1319369840.jpg-(18 KB, 448x340, WECALLTHEWASHMEHNNE.jpg)
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    This needs to play at /v/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8744

    As a /v/ Fatlus I would personally love /myth/ if only to have SMT-related discussions

    Though that kind of goes under /x/, but /x/ has been killed long ago
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8745
    imagine all the delicious rule #34
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8746

    /v/ gets a lot as well, but obviously those are all on the game design aspects of it all.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8749
    did that NOT VIDYA guy get banned from /jp/ yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8750
    Shifted from being somewhat funny to being all baawwshit and hurt feelings liberal edition. Eventually, the E/N threads got their own subforum. Ultraliberals/feminists with axes to grind got into mod positions and abused them quite a bit, leading to several spinoff forums of banned posters and a somewhat repressive atmosphere. Basically it became what it used to mock. It's cooled off a bit lately though, but still nothing anyone sane would pay 10bux for.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:37 No.8752
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    Moot i gotta tell you, youre an awesome admin, i lost hope and thought you became a jew but know i know that you still love us :3
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:38 No.8759
    1) have a membership, havent gone in a few weeks
    2) yes he will
    3) dunno yet, but gotta get redwood to come lift with us
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:38 No.8764

    Don't weasel your way out of this one, moot.

    Tell us who you're voting for.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:38 No.8766
    The problem with /g/ is that it's always the same questions about programming, "first language?" etc.
    I'm sure a friendly mod would've stickied up our general advice with justifications if only the board was about programming, but it's not.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:38 No.8770

    FUCKING THIS. I understand you not wanting to be fucked with it, margins tend to be pretty small on that shit, but at least franchise it out or something. It would genuinely enrage me to see another icanhazcheezburger.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:39 No.8771
         File1319369940.jpg-(17 KB, 193x245, 1318485937877.jpg)
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    What are you going to do about all the pony shit?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:39 No.8777
    >So people talking about video games in /v/ is a bad thing?

    And someone completely misses the point already.

    /co/'s got a bit of a general-overload problem as well. Mostly MLP and Homestuck.

    And I actually like Homestuck, so it's even sadder to see the constant threads be in a perpetual state of shit.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:39 No.8778
    nobody, i'm moving to canada son
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:39 No.8786
    Will captcha ever go away?
    Will captcha ever go away?
    Will captcha ever go away?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:39 No.8794

    Although I saw the banhammer being swung yesterday, /v/ needs to put in some kind of totalitarian lockdown state where everything that disobey the rules will be severely banned.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:39 No.8795
         File1319369994.png-(153 KB, 322x473, 1318444202020.png)
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    He should put in filters to turn everything pony-related to kornheiser. that would be glorious.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:40 No.8799
    Can we entice you with delicious cake to stay in the US?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:40 No.8801
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    moot, do you consume your sperm after fapping?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:40 No.8808
    >starcraft generals
    hah, the tripfags that dont contribute to threads get driven out. and we actually do talk about the games, most reaction images are made from stream footage and are starcraft "memes". the kpop pics and avatarfags need to go though

    LoL and fighting generals on the other hand, i dont know because i dont visit them
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:40 No.8809

    This, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:40 No.8810
    moot, i see people admitting to being underage all the time but never see them get banned (at least not publicly). how strongly do you enforce that rule exactly?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:40 No.8812
    What ever happened to ignoring it?

    Are you some kind of faggot who can't scroll past a pony without getting ass devastated?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:41 No.8816
    Did you even see how LoL,SC2 or fighting general look like?

    It's tripfag Fight Club where they wave their e-peens
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:41 No.8817
    As someone who enjoys both, I can't stand posting in the general threads for either. General threads really have dragged the overall board quality down.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:41 No.8820

    Anything with a fuckhuge fanbase would have threads with the level of faggotry like LoL and MLP generals. At the very least it stays in the thread and is manageable, since discussing the actual subject matter can actually happen.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:41 No.8822
    Moot, what is your favorite "meme" that arose in the last year or so?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:41 No.8823
    underage b& detected.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:41 No.8830
    Probably when the concept of spam disappear from the internet altogether.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:41 No.8833
         File1319370092.jpg-(542 KB, 1280x1973, wolverine is canadian DAMNIT.jpg)
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    Cool we can be like neighbors.

    Except Alaska is still too far away from anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:41 No.8837
    >ass devastated
    anal anguished
    anus aneurysmed
    buttocks burned
    brown eye busted
    colon chafed
    colon cranky
    fartbox furious
    fanny flustered
    goochhole galled
    hemmoroid huffy
    intestinally infuriated
    manpussy maddened
    o-ring outraged
    pooper pained
    poop chute pissed
    pouty patootie
    rectum riled
    shitpipe sore
    turd trap terrified
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:41 No.8842

    moot was 15 when he made 4chan, so I doubt it.

    He probably just enforces that rule for fun.

    >man this guy just ticks me off, rubs me the wrong way. But I shouldn't ban him because that would be- WAIT HE'S 16 BANBANBANBANBAN
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:42 No.8843
    nope, i'm 22.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:42 No.8851
    LoL ones are pretty bad.

    Fighting ones are decent.

    SC2 ones are generally the best.

    It's the TF2 trading shit that needs to go.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:42 No.8852
    Every Starcraft General I have ever been in has been just as bad as the Fighting Generals. SO RANDUMB xD REACTION IMAGES and nobody actually discussing the game.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:42 No.8854
    >needs to move on
    But he did to the point he retired his pseudonym and his website (of which 4chan was pretty small portion and he's rather forward about how small his role was here and with shitchan)
    I think that's pretty damn moved on.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:42 No.8856
    Good to know.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:42 No.8857
    brb, need to shower
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:42 No.8859
    >shifted country
    >ISP b&
    >Have to post via proxies
    >slower than the snails in the garden

    Why do you still have ISP bans with captcha?
    512 mb RAM
    Centrino 1.7 Mhz

    loads fine.

    Macfag pwnd.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:42 No.8860
    moot, ban everyone in this thread.


    Please. /v/ needs some god damn mods.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:42 No.8861
    I know that feel. I abandoned HSG after metastuck died, and i revisited it tonight due to 100%. holy fuck it's a horrible place, and the worst part is that it's hardly changed since i left. I just didn't realize how shitty it was.

    the worst part is that I really like homestuck, but they give it such an awful name.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8871
    Actually with Erio leaving SC2 generals for LoL generals I haven't seen a single obnoxious tripfriend post in SC2 generals.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8872
    youve never been in a recent sc2 thread, there are very very few tripfags
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8873
    Thanks moot for all you do, it was nice to stay up all night with you.

    You should come talk vidya with us more on /v/ too.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8874
    Moot, I shall never bad mouth you again if you make the computer game song play on /v/ for at least an hour.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8875
    >This, seriously.
    He'll probably wait desperately for the next episode of MLP with multiple tabs of loli rape porn open...It's what I'd do.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8878
    please answer
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8879
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8884
    Aww, man.
    I bet he's getting soup.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8885
    >tfw m00t is jerking off right now.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8887

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8891
    drive safe, bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8893
    a little common sense points towards no.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:43 No.8896

    No, no, and no.

    Dark Souls has more threads than LoL, everyone is on topic and awesome, if Demon's Souls is any indication then that popularity will endure for ages, and nobody talks about LoL in LoL generals.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:44 No.8904
         File1319370255.jpg-(183 KB, 1000x806, 131838641015.jpg)
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    Do you still watch anime, moot?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:44 No.8905
    no, not for the foreseeable future
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:44 No.8909

    livestream please
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:44 No.8918
    If you don't like kpop you don't belong in sc2 generals.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:44 No.8920
    That was an awfully fast shower
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:44 No.8921

    I don't mind when it's on topic, it just almost never is.

    Spamming pony images in a BrBa thread on /tv/ is not fucking ok.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:44 No.8922
         File1319370293.png-(48 KB, 197x198, 1311497129768.png)
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    >not "pls respond"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:45 No.8924
         File1319370300.jpg-(54 KB, 550x364, 1189059746582.jpg)
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    >I'm sure a friendly mod would've stickied up our general advice with justifications if only the board was about programming, but it's not.
    Exactly. Could easily have a sticky or falcon-guide-esque link to resolve that sort of problem if there were a proper board. Same approach to the repeated "So I want to study X but everyone tells me that's just peasant code monkeys and Y makes the real money!" where X and Y are any two technology-related college majors.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:45 No.8925

    Just, god damn it. wordfilter it all to cakefarts, I don't care, just word filter everything MLP related to the same word.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:45 No.8929
         File1319370310.jpg-(28 KB, 320x223, 6tMt.jpg)
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    >> MattHelders !!/ohr2r2sqBf 10/23/11(Sun)07:45 No.8932
    how r u posting from the shower
    >> BRIGADE !!UjPxTEzkkxt 10/23/11(Sun)07:45 No.8934

    <3 THANKS :)))))))))))

    Anyways, everyone join a cult. BRIGADE is my cult. I Am Veil.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:45 No.8935

    They don't use trips anymore, they avatarfag it up.

    They have taken to using anime pics and pictures of naked dolls for some reason. Literally 40-50%of a threads images are from them.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:45 No.8936
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:45 No.8937
    >Revisited it due to 100%
    Oh, it's finally done? Hot damn.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:45 No.8947
         File1319370346.jpg-(19 KB, 480x360, in a box.jpg)
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    hey guys i'm pretty sure shii moved to Nippon and is enjoying himself immensely there and does not want to come back to world4ch
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:45 No.8954
    >and nobody talks about LoL in LoL generals

    If you seriously got rid of all the trip trolls the threads would move at molasses speed.

    Also comparing them to MLP generals or Homestuck generals is silly because the /co/ generals have NOTHING to talk about unless a new episode is out whereas games are always being played.

    I'm pretty sure half the problem is with the game and not the threads.

    Despite multiple Dark Souls generals being up at one time they get carte blanche.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:46 No.8957
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:46 No.8961
    What's soo hard about typing in 1 word, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:46 No.8965
    okay cool now i can finally piss and get a drink
    >they give it such an awful name.
    The rest of the fans are just as bad in that regard, really, if not worse.. HSG can have great discussion that you can't find anywhere else. But the majority of the time it's a festering shithole. They really just need to stop having threads 24/7.
    It's not up yet. Debugging and hosting issues.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:46 No.8975
    threads that read like 600 posts should be split up into multiple pages every 600 posts to stop horrible lag
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:46 No.8976
    because sc2 threads are smart and filter tripshits that shit up the thread, unfortunately we cant do much about avatarfags when we have no mods
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:47 No.8983
         File1319370426.gif-(1.4 MB, 275x320, she_saw_your_penis.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:47 No.8985
    >implying oldfags don't jerk off while posting
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:47 No.8991
         File1319370452.png-(69 KB, 400x388, 1284236030546.png)
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    /v/ needs to have LoL,DOTA,SC2 and fighting general separated.

    It's a must.

    Every general is tripfag circlejerk about "LOLOL I AM BETTER THAN U NO U".
    Go to fighting general, it's always two tripfags throwing shit at each other for 200 posts.

    SC2 and LoL generals are full of meme spewing and really small amount of content.

    The same case with Homestuck generals on /co/.
    Holy shit, it's so bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:47 No.9000
    yeah, the flash itself is. but he's still figuring out some hosting issues and stuff; makes sense considering it's supposedly a 10 minute long flash video, and his site gets lots of traffic anyway. he's said expect it to be out on 10/25, and you can read more about it in the latest newspost.
    >> Salad !xAXsisdlss 10/23/11(Sun)07:47 No.9004

    what lag?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:48 No.9007
    The only reason HS has general threads to begin with was because how often it USED to update. Like literally 3-5 times a day. Like a live comic, if you will.

    Obviously not the case anymore.

    MLP had a 4 month hiatus and never fucking stopped either.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:48 No.9018
    >have a gaming computer
    >from 200fuggin6
    >runs this site fine

    You have serious computer issues if you can't run 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:48 No.9028
    it's extremely irritating when you post ~1000 times per day, and eats your picture when you mess up
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:48 No.9030
    reading this thread is much better than revising geography.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:48 No.9032
    Stop using IE8
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:49 No.9037

    I'm pretty reminded of the state of SMT generals before they died down. Shit almost got to the level of LoL threads until they realised how much thread quality had gone down and stopped making general threads, only answering question about the games and using those threads if they felt like it, but never making a SMT general with no actual topic other than discussing Shin Megami Tensei in general.

    It's the same for LoL and MLP generals, I guess. Faggotry starts once actual content has been discussed to death. Dark Souls hasn't reached that level because of the constant discussion of the game itself, but if that ever dies down and people start making DS threads for the sake of making them, like LoL, MLP and almost SMT, that's where faggotry starts.

    Just a thought, since I'm one of those tripfags that populate SMT generals and saw how things started to go downhill.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:49 No.9047
    >moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:42 No.8857

    >brb need to shower

    >moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:44 No.8905



    >Moot, you naughty boy, you neglected the 'repeat' step in the shampooing phase, didn't you?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:50 No.9052
    Actually, I think shii graduated from University with a journalism degree.

    I would be very very very surprised if he did not have a hand in the occupy movement.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:50 No.9063
    >you neglected the 'repeat' step in the shampooing phase
    What repeat step? Have I been missing something?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:50 No.9068
    The MLP generals constantly have fresh content though.

    We've got a stable full of artists and several news sites doing interviews with the production staff and getting leaked screenshots and storyboards and shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:51 No.9073
    The one i'm getting right now.
    I'm on firefox
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:51 No.9076
    >Stop using IE8
    He might not be. When I tried Chrome 14 recently at the behest of rabid Chromefags, it locked up on 1k+ replies. No such problems in Firefox.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:51 No.9077
    oh yeah, i know about the rest of the fandom. HSG is easily the best/one of the best facets of it. I'd only been there from about january to september, but i guess all the time i spent away from it, and spent on /tg/ just kinda made me forget how shitty it can be. of course, I'll still check it tuesday once eoa5 is out, but damn. it's sad that it is the way it is, and that /co/ hates them so much.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:51 No.9082
    Moot, are you going to put up some banners?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:51 No.9094

    That's a non-issue for most generals.

    ie Fighting game generals have new games coming out about every six months. There's always new content to talk about.

    Really, it's the lack of moderation and a few select fags taking over the community. At least, most of the time it is. I think LoL is the exception, the problem there is that the game is mostly played by children.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:51 No.9095
    >stable full of artists

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:51 No.9096
    >What repeat step? Have I been missing something?
    As per the usual directions on shampoo bottles:
    "Lather, rinse, do a barrel roll, repeat."
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:52 No.9105
    >turn off appchan and userscripts
    >lag gone

    hmm.... so it's either appchan or some 4chanx/otherscript
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:52 No.9109
    I have not laughed at "do a barrel roll" in a long time. but this morning, it has once more happened. thanks.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:52 No.9113
    Ah, righto then. Thanks for the explanations.

    >MLP had a 4 month hiatus and never fucking stopped either.
    I still don't understand how that happened, and I was in those threads.At this point, I kinda suspect that they're not going to stop at all until either the show degrades back down to the earlier MLP series's original levels of terribleness or the series officially ends.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:53 No.9120
    >do a barrel roll
    Ah, that's what I was missing. Thanks.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:53 No.9122
         File1319370786.jpg-(3 KB, 126x111, 1304667267614.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:53 No.9124
    I think moot knows something about hair care with that dazzling hairdo.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:53 No.9138
    he's gotta let the water warm up, dude. ice showers are nice sometimes, but on a chilly October morning like this one, you want a shower that's even warmer than your bed.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:54 No.9152
         File1319370857.jpg-(103 KB, 410x588, 1288445640577.jpg)
    103 KB
    You guys do realize that most of the problems with generals would disappear if moot removed "NAME" option , right?

    I know tripfags are part of this site but they are ruining it with poor (albeit effective...) trolling and attention whoring.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:54 No.9168
    MLP won't stop after that either.

    The fandom will just keep going like a Train of Terrible.

    Granted, they do put out a lot of content, but that doesn't make the fanbase any less rabid.

    Caveat: I enjoy watching the show itself, but I don't discuss it on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:55 No.9175
    You know they just avatarfag now.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:55 No.9176
    avatarfags, off-topic discussion, and rampant korea-wankery will persist, sadly.

    it is the nature of the beast.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:55 No.9179
    pony should pony pony
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:55 No.9183
    Well i doubt moot's still here to read this

    But there's a demand to remove /v/ because of the stagnation after thread chains like LoL started

    I'd say the board would just do better if there were active mods and no more non-vidya threads.

    Don't delete /v/ moot, it's one of 4chans most successful boards.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:55 No.9186
    All of the problems with generals would disappear if you guys would just ignore the threads and shut up.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:55 No.9191
         File1319370945.gif-(1.44 MB, 320x180, 1311392992507.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:55 No.9192
    wrong actually, they will resort to avatarfagging, its already gotten to that point in sc2 threads because we dont let tripfags ruin our threads
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:55 No.9193
         File1319370947.jpg-(33 KB, 237x286, 1287919094282.jpg)
    33 KB
    Here is a thing.

    Who says moot is a Jew?

    I am confuse. Wher is evidence?

    >not that it matters to me
    >preparing for shoop screenies
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:55 No.9196
         File1319370956.png-(320 KB, 349x415, IT BEGINS.png)
    320 KB
    >> Okk !G7.5cn6aGM 10/23/11(Sun)07:55 No.9197
    HI mOOT
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:56 No.9199
    I remember when the same things were being posted about generals in /a/, and then when major ones broke up, nothing changed except replacing "the general" with "the fanbase" in rants. Popular shit won't stop being popular.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:56 No.9201
    hmm, I think it was the autoupdater fucking me over.... I'll turn off youtube embed also just to be safe
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:56 No.9206
    So can this thread be archived, or does the archive site need to be updated to add /pol/? This is one of the better threads to occur on 4chan for a while.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:56 No.9207
    Yep banning tripfags and xxxxing the post numbers would just make shit better across all boards

    Too bad it will never happen
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:56 No.9208

    I'll have to say that my SMT threads just wouldn't be the same without my favourite tripfags around

    Despite how it may seem, there ARE tripfags that post quality posts. SMT threads are full of helpful and even entertaining tripfriends.

    Anyone from /a/ know if Gendo still posts, by the way, haven't been to my homeland in a long time
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:57 No.9220
    if people cant trip/namefag they'll avatarfag
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:57 No.9225
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:57 No.9226
         File1319371050.jpg-(49 KB, 718x503, fascinating.jpg)
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    I am kinda hope for resolution regarding /v/ because when DOTA 2 is going to be released that board will be doomed.

    Page 0 will have DOTA generals only.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:58 No.9240
    oh god I didn't think about that, That would be heaps worse
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:58 No.9247
         File1319371105.png-(56 KB, 838x983, 1314167654728.png)
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    He was BORN in Israel.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:58 No.9250
    General threads have way more problems than you care to admit
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:58 No.9252
    >there ARE tripfags that post quality posts
    Would you say their posts are of VIP quality?

    Would you call them VIPSTARS?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:59 No.9261
         File1319371154.gif-(839 KB, 353x244, 1312170268619.gif)
    839 KB
    You just jelly because console gaming is dead.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:59 No.9264
    /a/ generals are gone for the most part. However I see k-on generals coming back with the upcoming movie.

    god help us.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)07:59 No.9266
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)07:59 No.9269
    I wonder if DOTA 2 is going to have hats like TF2...

    Fuck, that's just what we need, more Valve game trading threads.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)07:59 No.9274
    The only problems are from people whining about generals, the subject of the generals, and the tripfags in the generals.

    All of which can be solved by you faggots ignoring the generals.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:00 No.9276
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:00 No.9281
    Yep. Do a barrel roll for best results.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)08:00 No.9292
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:00 No.9296
    I'm talking about the quality of discuss, contributions, and general attitude of the posters housed within. Not just the tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:01 No.9306
    >quality of discuss
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:01 No.9308

    I'm trying to think of all the good tripfags that I've seen in generals, and all I can come with is DigitalHypnosis.

    And you know why? It's because he made an incredible mockery of Fighting Game tripfag Ema Lovely, the tripfag that, more than any other, ruined Fight Game generals.

    It's not because of anything DH contributed, it's just that he managed to pound Ema pride so hard even Ema didn't feel like he could just walk into any Fighting General and shit it up like he normally did.

    If we didn't have Ema, then we wouldn't need DH. Glad as I am that he was around, I would prefer we didn't need him.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:01 No.9310
         File1319371290.jpg-(21 KB, 453x343, 1232423526325.jpg)
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    /v/ just needs more mods that LIKE videogames and know off-topic content is ruining the board.

    Also holy shit at /tv/.
    Please do something since that board since it has become "MY UNDERAGE TV WAIFU AND AVATAR IS THE PINNACLE OF UNIVERSE".
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:01 No.9311
         File1319371294.jpg-(212 KB, 826x1162, 1311412570546.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:01 No.9322
         File1319371314.jpg-(42 KB, 195x243, 1245933464229.jpg)
    42 KB
    ***Hey moot whenever you get back it'd be awesome if you could fix the CSS on your website to properly display namefields, it's been bugging me ever since HW acceleration was adding to firefox

    >4chan's CSS specifies various parts of its site to have the font-weight set to 800. DirectWrite correctly specifies font-weight 800 to be:

    >Websites using this font-weight appear to be much bolder than FF3.6 or with hw accel off, because for once font weights are being rendered correctly (all other browsers except IE9+ do it wrong).
    The assumption is that you did not intend for those bold fonts to be "extra bold."

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:02 No.9325
    Moot, any advice for the people of /tg/?
    Beyond showering, finding a woman/man/chair/etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:02 No.9330
         File1319371328.jpg-(9 KB, 300x200, there is mayonnaise on my dick.jpg)
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    one of the biggest problems with generals is that they go against the very nature and intention of 4chan. the whole model for 300+ posts = autosage and no archive was to have consistently fresh content and discussion. With generals you end up creating a perpetual thread about a single topic which leads to stagnation. Sure, there is the occasional good idea to come out of a general, as discussing something thoroughly enough and for a long enough time will inevitably end up having SOME good conversation at some point, but the majority of the general threads end up just being stagnation.

    Now, that'd be just fine and dandy, but the second issue is that generals take up board real estate. only a certain number of threads can exist on a board at a given time, and for each general that's one less thread that could be used on otherwise original discussion (ideally, of course). now, when you have multiple topics all with their own general threads, and multiple general threads for each topic (usually because one hit the image limit or went into autosage, but sometimes-- like in the case of dark souls-- because people just like having a multitude of threads on a single topic), that takes up a LOT of board space.

    The biggest issue with the board space issue is that front pages tend to be completely dominated by generals on boards like /v/ and /co/, and so anything new or fresh just can't compete, and thus the stagnation perpetuates.

    (unrelated pic so this isn't just a wall of text)
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)08:02 No.9338
    None of which affect you if you ignore the thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:02 No.9339
         File1319371351.jpg-(32 KB, 258x350, 1318582910144.jpg)
    32 KB
    Hey moot, why don't we have animated PNG support and text syntax?
    >> flowergirl is mai waifu 10/23/11(Sun)08:02 No.9347
         File1319371373.jpg-(634 KB, 780x780, 1313905350004.jpg)
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    Hey moot, why are liberal males so effeminate?

    Also, what are your political views?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:02 No.9348
    Yeah, it's really creepy when I'm hanging with friends browsing /tv/ and I have to quickly scroll past all the Chloe/RyRy/Bella Thorne/ASR threads.

    I mean, fuck, I can't name anything those girls have starred it, but their names are burned in my mind.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:02 No.9349
    FIX /V/



    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:03 No.9352
    >hasn't seen an anime since 2005
    >thinks his opinion is worth the paper it's written on
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:03 No.9356
    Are you retarded? I want to discuss these things, not ignore them.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:03 No.9360
    Moot. Computer games song at /v/. My life would be meaningless without. Please. Just for an hour.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:03 No.9362
    how was your shower? was there any dropping of the soap?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:03 No.9367
    And then we ban the generals and the front page is flooded with 20 different topics about the same game.

    Can't we just give them half of /vp/?

    As a quarantine.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:04 No.9375
    mad shaftfag hipster detected
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:04 No.9383
    hey moot, you doing anything nice for halloween this year?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:04 No.9387
    Hye moot, had a look through the banners that were sent in yet? I'm sure some people sent in a link to the .rar
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)08:04 No.9389
    And you think having half a dozen independent threads on the subject is going to help?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:04 No.9390
    I bet you didn't wash behind your ears, moot! Check them... I bet there's some crust there, isn't there?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:04 No.9391
    moot fanboy detected
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)08:04 No.9394
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:04 No.9395
    no answer?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:05 No.9403
         File1319371517.jpg-(53 KB, 640x480, 1319289443508.jpg)
    53 KB is a peice of shit.

    You just made it obvious that 4chans success was luck

    full retard moot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:05 No.9404
    >people keeping a discussion in one thread rather than having the whole front page filled with that shit

    Yeah, Generals sure are terrible
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:05 No.9407

    Did you hear about the crazy black guy who wrote a ~250 page rambling manifesto about 4chan mods being cyberbullies and 4chan being a multi-billion dollar venture, simply because a few 4chan mods played a prank on him at Otakon? It's quite hilarious. I'll send you the PDF if you're interested.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:05 No.9409
    how about those banners?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)08:05 No.9413
    How about proper png transparency for thumbnails?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:06 No.9421
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:06 No.9423
         File1319371581.png-(184 KB, 287x414, 1315822946779.png)
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    There must be a better system than recaptcha.

    For the love of god. 2 YEARS.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:06 No.9424
    yeah, i'm not saying i know the solution. it's a tricky issue. having a place where we could just send the generals off to would be great, but pretty unlike the 4chan spirit. I'd love if they were all stickied to page 15 of their respective boards, somehow.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:06 No.9426
    moot ignoring me ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:06 No.9434

    If you've been in SMT generals, you'll at least know PHG and Lawfag. PHG posts all kinds of wacky shit and writes up entertaining OC, while Lawfag contributes to some seriously deep discussion at times, and likes to discuss the philosophy and mythology in the games.

    They could do this anonymously, of course, but it's nice seeing them in a thread. It just makes you feel at home. And they don't shit up things, too. When I tripfag, I take it as taking up a responsibility to make sure posts associated with my trip are of at least some quality, and I'm sure good tripfags see it that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:06 No.9438
    I would be interested in reading that.
    Do you have a link to rapidshare?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:06 No.9439
    Moot: when will you finally admit to yourself that 4chan is a useless shithole and its users are shitbags that should have been aborted and the best thing is to just delete it and never talk about 4chan again?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:06 No.9442
         File1319371607.jpg-(80 KB, 480x854, 217952628.jpg)
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    nah i'm rather sure he's in Kyushu, Japan
    >Occupation: English teacher

    how typical lol
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:06 No.9443
    learn to use 4chan X
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:06 No.9444
    No, I think that perpetual threads is retarded for a cartoon that airs once a week, even with autismal furry fanartists drawing smut between lesbian cartoon horses.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:07 No.9452
    I don't think he cares, as long as it is a profitable piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:07 No.9463
         File1319371671.jpg-(52 KB, 790x404, 1319371499373.jpg)
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    Q: Moot, what do you have to say about this fresh ban picture that has been going around?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:07 No.9465

    >moot confirmed for liking TTGL
    >TTGL is a 2007 animu
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)08:08 No.9467
    yeah i saw it. i was confused by it and moved on with my life


    this should be possible.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:08 No.9469
         File1319371689.jpg-(95 KB, 494x585, 1292990918482.jpg)
    95 KB
    hey moot

    do you like sinks?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:08 No.9480
    Something that'd keep them off the front page like that'd be good; I keep nokosage up whenever I'm in the generals in a vain attempt to let other threads float to the top.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:08 No.9482
    I think canvas is nice, the problem is the shitty community, reposting, stamp tool, and girls groups.
    >> Okk !G7.5cn6aGM 10/23/11(Sun)08:08 No.9484
         File1319371737.png-(70 KB, 700x700, duck.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:08 No.9485
         File1319371739.png-(359 KB, 500x375, 1316318855003.png)
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    FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/ FIX /v/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:09 No.9486
    Moot, do you like loli?

    When are you going to open /l/ back up?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:09 No.9493
    more info:
    >> MattHelders !!/ohr2r2sqBf 10/23/11(Sun)08:09 No.9498
    can you upload the pdf to mediafire?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:09 No.9500
    He's on 4chan isn't he?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:09 No.9503
    stalking him a bit tonight
    >The latest politics news. WARNING: UNLIMITED TWEET WORKS

    all my $
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)08:09 No.9507
    did you see the stuff in /labs for reposts? check it out

    will figure out what to do re: girls soon
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:10 No.9511
         File1319371810.png-(72 KB, 492x735, browsers.png)
    72 KB
    /g/ here, which browser do you use?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:10 No.9517
    are you avoiding telling us about the banners?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:10 No.9529
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:11 No.9535
    Is there any possibility that there will a way to embed videos in the future, or is there to much potential for abuse?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:11 No.9545
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:11 No.9546
         File1319371910.png-(14 KB, 300x300, AngryMarine.png)
    14 KB
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)08:11 No.9547
    they take a ton of time to add, i just haven't done it yet and will try to do it within the next month
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:11 No.9548
    >4chan plus
    >4chan X
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:11 No.9549
         File1319371913.jpg-(743 KB, 1024x768, 1189060846427.jpg)
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    Last shot I getting a comment on a programming imageboard. I'm sure immediate new board plans are already settled, so such a board would be a ways off. You've at least seen the posts by me and others by now so I'll sit back and enjoy the rest of the discussion.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:11 No.9551
    there just needs to be a balance between keeping the popular topics from flooding the entire board and choking it to death, and not having generals dominate the front couple pages, that way other threads can grow. And honestly, it's not the worst thing in the world. 4chan is still quite enjoyable as it is, but the generals being dealt with would be great.

    That, and a reduction in all the goddamn 40k threads on /tg/. I get that the board was created for warhammer, but there are so many fucking threads about that on /tg/ at any given time, it's really a perfect example of why generals may be a necessary evil.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)08:12 No.9553
    not going to add video support
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:12 No.9558
    You only have to press the submit button once, moot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:12 No.9561
         File1319371953.gif-(2.06 MB, 3290x1509, 1299898219415.gif)
    2.06 MB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:12 No.9562
    Protip: they are being banned. In fact, the IRC gets an occasional banned person bitching about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:12 No.9565
    if youve used a 4chan addon for a browser with embed video youd know there are people posting annoying youtube videos with screeching audio that autoplay every now and then
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)08:12 No.9566
    i'll consider it. i didn't realize dis.4chan/prog/ was bad -- i had heard it was good, but that was years ago
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:12 No.9567
    What is your favorite song, mootle?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:12 No.9569
         File1319371975.jpg-(123 KB, 1152x1528, remote[1].jpg)
    123 KB
    Every moot is a remoot remoot
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)08:12 No.9570
    quickreply is messing up
    >> Anubis !!bG9Ul9kHu9E 10/23/11(Sun)08:13 No.9578
    Moot, please rid /tv/ of pedophiles. Every single day /tv/ is flooded with pictures of underage girls. Ban the irrelevant underage girl-posting threadstarters and make /tv/ a place for actual television and film discussion.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:13 No.9581
    Thank you dude, can't wait to see them implemented.

    Whoever said you abandoned us to is obviously a moron.

    btw do you have a waifu?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:14 No.9588
    Here's a greasemonkey script.
    thank me later.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:14 No.9589
    I saw it, and use it often. To me, it's more of a problem that it happens, and people are rewarded for it rather than me seeing them. I'm glad to hear you are thinking about the girls groups though.

    You need to post on canvas more though, in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:14 No.9594
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:14 No.9596
    Moot, would you please use lol.js on /b/ again? Or have you given up on /b/?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:14 No.9597
    I'd be a great mod, moot. I know you need the help.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:15 No.9600
    We can't talk about Blade Runner and 2001 all day man.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:15 No.9601
         File1319372104.jpg-(5 KB, 149x149, 1316233207299.jpg)
    5 KB
    I can't stand at all.

    It reminds me of funnyjunk in content recycling, and promotes the use of social network integration.

    Why social networking?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:15 No.9603
    >posting pointlessly in a moot thread
    When you were in Portland, did you get the chance to go to Devil's Point in the southeast part of town?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:16 No.9616
    use this instead
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:16 No.9620
    Are you GAY?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:16 No.9621
    oh my god, this.

    Every second thread is about celebrities there isn't even any real discussion about film these days. It would be nice if you could rid the place of all that shit and actually make it a film and tv board.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:16 No.9623
         File1319372190.jpg-(205 KB, 442x640, 1318887081646[1].jpg)
    205 KB
    Wrong graphics,

    3 Boards revived, over 3000 posts for each board.

    its either a paradox(wich i doubt), or a very old/false graph
    >> flowergirl is mai waifu 10/23/11(Sun)08:16 No.9626
         File1319372198.png-(152 KB, 830x844, 1314750752001.png)
    152 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:16 No.9631
    there's no social networking on canvas.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:16 No.9634
    Moot where are the new banners for fucks sake
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:17 No.9643
         File1319372238.png-(56 KB, 149x254, 1318486079207.png)
    56 KB

    Content regarding actresses is on-topic, even if they happen to be teenage actresses.

    Deal with it, scum.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:17 No.9644
    he just answered that question fuck read the thread
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:17 No.9647
         File1319372266.gif-(2.59 MB, 576x331, 117057Hau7yixO.gif)
    2.59 MB
    Because it makes more $ that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:17 No.9648
    It was in an acceptable state half a year ago, but it keeps getting worse. It really needs a janitor.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)08:17 No.9649
         File1319372267.png-(268 KB, 1246x800, 1315628972575.png)
    268 KB
    Then why does this thumbnail have a black background?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:17 No.9652
         File1319372277.png-(163 KB, 815x760, tv worship.png)
    163 KB
    second, but also feel free to whine about paedos to streambro & friends.

    >don't forget you're here forever
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:18 No.9655
         File1319372302.jpg-(104 KB, 306x288, 1201815455460.jpg)
    104 KB
    >i had heard it was good, but that was years ago
    Yeah, it definitely was once upon a time. I took a multi-year 4chan haitus so not really sure when it went downhill.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:18 No.9658
         File1319372311.jpg-(14 KB, 180x154, 41804_106912742692223_23_n.jpg)
    14 KB

    yes there is .

    You can share anything with your friends via twitter and facebook, in fact, you van't even login to the beta without a facebook account.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:18 No.9667
    you are just making excuses to post ponies and you know it
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)08:19 No.9681
    Nope. That's just the first transparent png I came across.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)08:19 No.9686
    it doesnt look properly, i added it to the todo
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:20 No.9691
    I think he means it should be possible to do as in to implement not that it is already possible.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)08:20 No.9693
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:20 No.9694
    Thanks. Please don't. It makes me lag and it's usually just more shit to scroll past.
    >> Anubis !!bG9Ul9kHu9E 10/23/11(Sun)08:20 No.9697
    Ceaseless posting of pictures without any actual discussion regarding film or television is not on-topic. Find another excuse for spreading your shit around.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:21 No.9702
    Sign me up for one of those supporting the doomed "bring back /l/ effort", please.

    You're shilling for niconico and jlist nowadays anyway, one of those outright selling loli eroge.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:21 No.9707
         File1319372473.gif-(10 KB, 300x100, konata_banner.gif)
    10 KB
    Great, we're looking forward to it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:21 No.9709
    can you add this >>9322 to the todo list while you're at it please?

    inb4 this "todo list" takes 5 years
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:21 No.9710
         File1319372479.jpg-(126 KB, 480x418, 1319114098414.jpg)
    126 KB
    > has facebook integration
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:21 No.9712
         File1319372482.jpg-(10 KB, 400x300, chrispoole.jpg)
    10 KB
    Posting moot in a moot thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:21 No.9714
    Oh great thanks, it makes bluebackgrounding easier!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:21 No.9715
    >was going to work through my animu backlog
    >get distracted when moot makes new boards
    >completely forget about the prospect and spend hours in this thread with moot

    whoops how did that happen
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:21 No.9723
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:21 No.9725
         File1319372518.png-(29 KB, 656x428, gayniggers.png)
    29 KB
    Oh, you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:22 No.9729
    You needed facebook to sign up, but there's no actual social networking going on

    >tumblr/facebook sharing
    nobody uses those features, and even if they did, it's off site.

    have you even been there?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:22 No.9730
    it's a moot thread. fuck productivity, we've got mootles.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:22 No.9733
    When are you going to delete /jp/? Do you regret splitting it from /a/? You said before that it was a "failure."
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:22 No.9739
         File1319372549.jpg-(35 KB, 295x283, 1318236925847.jpg)
    35 KB
    Hey moot, do you like doubles too?
    >> ;_; Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:22 No.9740
    bye moot.

    I have to go.

    Do something about the banned ISPs; you have captcha now.

    or you remove the captcha, it doesn't load on up some of the proxies.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:22 No.9742
    BUT IT'S 5AM
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 10/23/11(Sun)08:23 No.9750
    and with that, it's bedtime

    night /pol/iticians
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:23 No.9755
         File1319372611.jpg-(46 KB, 381x556, 1251028136730.jpg)
    46 KB
    Bring back Anonymous-san and make him a /jp/ mod ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:23 No.9756
         File1319372612.png-(16 KB, 125x125, yotsuba.png)
    16 KB
    hey moot

    what happened to adding new banners images people sent you like a month ago

    i made a few
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:23 No.9765
    Nighty night mootles.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:24 No.9768
    night mootykins~
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:24 No.9769
    you can't resist the allure of his ## Admin tag- in red.
    night/day, moot. it was cool chatting with you. thanks for the enjoyable fireside chat, and thanks for 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:24 No.9772
    Good night, moot. Even though you never answered my question about Devil's Point.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:24 No.9773
         File1319372651.png-(89 KB, 604x503, Diddle.png)
    89 KB

    Fuck off you gay jewish Hobgoblin
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:24 No.9774

    It's a fucking imageboard, posting images is just as much 'content' and on-topic as discussion is.
    >> MattHelders !!/ohr2r2sqBf 10/23/11(Sun)08:24 No.9775
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:24 No.9784
         File1319372685.gif-(1.36 MB, 300x215, 1302034223969.gif)
    1.36 MB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:24 No.9786
    anonymous-san is in the IRC right now?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:24 No.9787

    Goodbye mootles

    Wanted to ask you of your own, personal opinion of MLP, but I guess I can't unless you'd lack to answer this one last question.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:25 No.9790
    You remembered moot that he needs sleep.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:25 No.9791
    Digimon or Pokemon, moot?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:25 No.9793
    You will miss the 10k get. Oh well, goodnight.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:25 No.9801
    good night bro, thanks so much for staying up with us and answering all of these questions
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:25 No.9811
    dammit. now i have to stay for that. I had the 9k get, too, but i want to be here for the 10k.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:26 No.9813
    Sweet dreams.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:26 No.9818
    Sleep well, m♥♥t.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:26 No.9829
         File1319372800.jpg-(45 KB, 240x240, 1317359958492.jpg)
    45 KB
    Moot why are we still using this shitty captcha? It doesn't even work, we've already seen spammers get past it.
    Why not replace it with a logic captcha or an image captcha? anything is better than this gibberish.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:27 No.9841
    Night moot.thread contributed a shit load to the first 10k posts of /pol/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:27 No.9846
    Be quiet. the captcha is fine, why do you people always complain about them.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:27 No.9854
    Changing the type makes no difference, and anyone who asks for it to be removed entirely was not here before it was implemented.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:28 No.9858
    Goodnight moot!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:28 No.9862
    Later moot. I hope you meant what you said about "hands off".
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:28 No.9864
    And I bet they're all weeaboo shit.

    We need good banners that reflect what 4chan is, not ancient jap cartoon garbage.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:28 No.9871
    Firstly, yes, some spam still gets through. But without captcha ALL the spam would get through.
    Secondly. logic / image captcha would be inefficient.
    Let's say we have a captcha requiring you to click on the square from 3 images. This way a spam bot would just randomly pick an image and it will have a 33% chance of getting through. It would just keep trying to post and in 33% of the cases would succeed.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:29 No.9882
    Confirmed for not KimmoA.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:29 No.9894
         File1319372993.png-(13 KB, 200x246, 1304519641248.png)
    13 KB

    >reflect what 4chan is
    >not ancient jap cartoon garbage

    You must be new here
    >> BRIGADE !!UjPxTEzkkxt 10/23/11(Sun)08:29 No.9896

    Seriously you've done a great thing with this entire community.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:30 No.9907
    it does make a difference.
    You dont fuck up half the time because of an n looking like an r or a z looking like an s.

    also I by image captcha I mean person/character recognition, I know some russian imageboards do that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:31 No.9917
    >your website is shit
    you're still here though
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:31 No.9922
    You must be, or in denial.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:31 No.9924
    Lol, Kimmo. Is his shit site still down? I'll check. Damn, I almost forgot about AT. If it's up...hammer time.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:31 No.9931
    4chan was always a weeaboo imageboard. check the Wikipedia article.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:32 No.9948
    The spammer is spamming by manually typing captchas.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:32 No.9951
    No, it just started as one.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:33 No.9957
         File1319373182.png-(70 KB, 764x708, bannerscomingwithinourlifetime.png)
    70 KB
    Here is a screenshot of the glorious post answering the question about banners, since several hundred thousand of you will be asking for the answer every day.

    moot, today was a triumph. Good night.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:33 No.9960
    are you upset?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:33 No.9969

    I remember when /b/ was pretty much /b/ - Azumanga Daioh. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:33 No.9973
    Really? Why would you go through all that trouble?
    Actually, why would you spam 4chan in the first place? What's his reason
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:34 No.9980
    Denial it is.

    GG weeb.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:34 No.9983
    right, and that means that we should delete /a/ and /jp/, in light of the changing times of 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:34 No.9995
    4chan is based off japanese imageboards.
    I'm sorry that you want shitty memes for banners but thats not your decision, get over it normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:34 No.9998
         File1319373288.jpg-(167 KB, 850x586, loli_installing_gentoo_for_ano(...).jpg)
    167 KB
    <3 /g/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:34 No.9999
    goddamn, 10k posts already
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:34 No.10004
         File1319373295.png-(16 KB, 632x570, crinu.png)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:34 No.10005
    10,000 get
    we <3 u moot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:35 No.10015
    Nice quads
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:35 No.10020
         File1319373347.jpg-(126 KB, 400x400, 1302145649801.jpg)
    126 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:35 No.10025
    So close. Nice quads, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:36 No.10029

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:36 No.10034
    Either that or using those sites that hire people to do it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:36 No.10035
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:36 No.10043

    What is it?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:36 No.10046
    Yes, it really is done by typing in every captcha manually. He does it to piss people off and become infamous.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:38 No.10067
         File1319373486.jpg-(93 KB, 1024x1152, 1290349669241.jpg)
    93 KB

    It's kinds cute when you try to act against the norm just for the sake of being a rebel. Do it again :3
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:38 No.10089
    Sure, I'd love that.

    You serious kid?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:39 No.10094
    And sometimes it's even used for good to kill cancer/pony/offtopic threads on /v/ or /g/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:39 No.10104
    Plus stop samefagging
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:40 No.10110
    Dubs are the best way to kill threads. Without a script, you have 1 in 10 odds, which aren't bad. With a script, you are a deadly derailing weapon.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:40 No.10130
    Ponies are never offtopic.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:41 No.10134
         File1319373665.jpg-(149 KB, 600x945, 1291773667932.jpg)
    149 KB
    Sorry about your inferiority complex and your inability to ignore things you don't like.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:41 No.10144
         File1319373698.jpg-(22 KB, 180x280, 1306553220694.jpg)
    22 KB
    Well maybe if your board wasn't filled with shitposters and teenagers we might take you a bit more seriously. And besides, whatever you submit won't represent 4chan anyway as /v/, /b/, and /soc/ are hated by about every other board.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:41 No.10148
    Uh when theyre outside /co/ yes they are
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:42 No.10163
    More like everyone doesn't like, manchild.

    >inferiority complex
    I guffawed.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:42 No.10166
         File1319373756.jpg-(323 KB, 970x782, 1311362241452.jpg)
    323 KB
    Technically there are second class citizens, that why they get to live in a shithole.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:42 No.10169
    This is what shitposters really believe.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:44 No.10197
    The fuck are you on weeb?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:44 No.10198
    Always offtopic, diaperfur.

    Don't filth up the rest of the site with /jp/ crap.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:44 No.10207
         File1319373877.png-(1.3 MB, 1044x2166, moot_and_gf.png)
    1.3 MB
    moot, do you have any client-side ideas for moderation?

    It'd be a much better way to wrangle certain pathologically rule-breaking users, only of course the trick is that it'd have to be implemented in a way that doesn't alter/affect the user experience.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:44 No.10214
    yes because /b/ and /v/ are clearly the only boards on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:44 No.10219
         File1319373894.gif-(193 KB, 145x170, 1315752894955.gif)
    193 KB
    >More like everyone doesn't like, manchild.
    Then why is anime soo popular in the western world?

    You're using a word you don't understand.

    I don't think I need to remind you but you need to be 18 years old to post on this site.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:45 No.10236
    Go to any other board and say you're from /b/.
    Tell me how that goes.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)08:47 No.10264
    Look at that baka.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:47 No.10267
    /v/ likes anime, actually. A ton of "weeaboo" games and VNs are discussed there daily. Plus they're going crazy for the Persona 4 anime.

    /b/ is pretty much middle ground, plus they have hourly 2D loli threads.

    Did you even bother to browse those boards more than 5 minutes?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:48 No.10287
    Yea but outside of those threads its used as an insult.
    See fatlus/autism
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:48 No.10302
    EVERYone except the minority of weeb boards.

    >you need to be 18 years old to post on this site
    Exactly, anime is for children. Oh...and adults who act like children.

    >Then why is anime soo popular in the western world?
    HAHA, what? It's only declining, toonami got axed, other stations stopped airing it, no p broadcasted award shows, etc. in the US alone.

    The only ones who watch it are kids who like naruto (since that's all there is) and manchildren who pirate all of their cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:50 No.10340
    >/v/ likes anime

    >A ton of "weeaboo" games and VNs are discussed there daily.
    Not at all, and everyone spams VN threads.

    >Plus they're going crazy for the Persona 4 anime
    Who? A tiny amount of fatlus fags?

    Stay retarded weeb. /v/ loathes weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:53 No.10389
         File1319374396.jpg-(86 KB, 311x311, 1312653622664.jpg)
    86 KB
    >used as an insult

    >minority of weeb boards
    >14 weeaboo boards
    >/a/ third biggest board on 4chan behind /b/ and /v/

    What's next, you're gonna tell me that Steve Jobs was invented the computer and phone?
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)08:54 No.10413
         File1319374465.png-(129 KB, 600x811, CheshireCat.png)
    129 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:55 No.10423
    every post you make i find myself hating you more.

    horse-loving toohoo autist.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:55 No.10425
    Since you faggots are shit-slinging now...let's get to the bottom of this image, yes?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:55 No.10435

    Learn to use it.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)08:55 No.10438
    What's the matter, Anon? Touhous and ponies too DEEP for you?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:57 No.10465
         File1319374625.png-(27 KB, 439x371, dude what.png)
    27 KB
    Is "weeb" suppose to be offensive? Sounds like something a middle school bully would say.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:57 No.10485
         File1319374676.jpg-(58 KB, 749x323, _1311273070775.jpg)
    58 KB
    >used as an insult

    >14 weeaboo boards
    Pic related
    >Steve Jobs was invented the computer
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:58 No.10492
         File1319374695.png-(16 KB, 285x281, 1311413046318.png)
    16 KB
    kill yourself, you're an insult to touhou fans
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:58 No.10499
    butt burned, weeb?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:59 No.10510
         File1319374755.jpg-(11 KB, 211x251, sadasdas.jpg)
    11 KB
    why don't you guys fuck off to whatever board to come from? go to /a/v/b or whatever. this is /pol/ which, not a place for fking weeaboos and people who hate weeaboos. you come to the board with the least moderation where moot told his staff to not even fucking moderate and you're asking for fucking janitors and mods? kill yourselves
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:59 No.10513
    More like the other way around.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)08:59 No.10526
         File1319374799.jpg-(465 KB, 1000x1180, 1312377680948.jpg)
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    He's just going for maximum retarded overtroll value. I've seen a guy spam "LOL WEEB SHIT" in deskop threads on /g/ as well.

    He used the same images too, it's very likely that it's the same butthurt autist.

    How sad.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:00 No.10533
    many of those fall under both, /tg/ and /g/ are both pretty weeaboo, and how the hell is origami and paercraft not japanese?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:00 No.10538
    That argument doesn't work that way.

    Furry cartoons and shitty shmups are not deep.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)09:00 No.10544
    MLP is the western version of touhou.

    >most vidya games discussed on /v/ are Japanese
    >/b/ used to be Anime/Random
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:01 No.10556
    >asshurt weeb
    And I'll bet you tripfag there too, weebs need attention since they have no friends. Explains why 90% of tripfags are weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:01 No.10557
    And /t/ is full of JAV and Hentai, add it as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:02 No.10560
    Well it worked on me. I missed /new/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:02 No.10573
         File1319374971.jpg-(38 KB, 150x153, 1289492103729.jpg)
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    You're cute when you get mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:03 No.10581
         File1319375002.jpg-(209 KB, 600x983, 1308742673790.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:04 No.10598
    Hooary! Krautchan's /p/ just went full retard on me and I was just looking for a new board. The gods are good to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:04 No.10599
    0/10, try harder

    >most vidya games discussed on /v/ are Japanese
    You've obviously never been there
    >/b/ used to be Anime/Random
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:04 No.10607
    Less people = less cancer

    this site is not even considered a chan by many because it's so mainstream and full of shit honestly less activity can only make it better.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:05 No.10613
         File1319375110.png-(49 KB, 800x600, 1315268765041.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:05 No.10618
    why is "weeaboo" used as an insult in the first place anyway?

    Back in the old 4chan days, "weeaboo" was the keyword replacement that moot put in, similar to the word filter we have on /b/ now, as a swap for "wapanese", and the term eventually stuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:05 No.10626
    >That bastard! How dare he not agree with MY opinions?! HE MUST BE A TROLL
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:05 No.10627
         File1319375159.png-(106 KB, 350x319, !1317258550849.png)
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    Thanks for proving I'm right.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)09:06 No.10631
    These newfriends weren't around for that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:06 No.10635
         File1319375189.jpg-(152 KB, 630x614, 1311645772873.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:07 No.10645
         File1319375227.png-(769 KB, 913x654, oldg.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:07 No.10648
    Seriously bro, if you didn't troll I'd take you seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:07 No.10663
         File1319375273.png-(193 KB, 1920x1080, lol.png)
    193 KB
    Hey guy you better fix /tg/ it is not cool at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:08 No.10666
         File1319375298.jpg-(51 KB, 562x758, _average weeaboo.jpg)
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    Because you're a fucking weeaboo
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:09 No.10686
         File1319375363.png-(81 KB, 769x670, 1318234786087.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:10 No.10698
         File1319375408.jpg-(198 KB, 900x950, 1313911094032.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:10 No.10706
    Is this real? If so, my opinion of semites has lowered greatly.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:11 No.10717
    Should you be trying to spam desktop thread on /g/? Did you run out or proxies?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:12 No.10724
         File1319375531.jpg-(53 KB, 388x599, moot_1.jpg)
    53 KB
    Hey moot, this won't really mean much to you, but thanks for making 4chan. It's nice for socially reclusive and absolutely neurotic people such as myself to have a place to go to~

    Also, have you added this to your moot folder yet? Because if not you really should

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:12 No.10727
    Well I don't know about Moot, but if I was him, I wouldn't want Reddit users coming to 4chan. I think you should fuck off back to that shithole. (+9000 thumbs up) (-1 thumbs down).
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:13 No.10736
    jokes on you, I'm a weeaboo /fit/fag, and my dad hates sports
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:13 No.10751
    Only one of those posts are mine, I don't go to /g/. Try again weeaboo, I'd be mad if you spammed your cartoons on boards I visit too. Keep your garbage in /a/.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:15 No.10781
    the thread will be gone by the time he wakes up.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:15 No.10785
    So we're going to just lie now are we
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:17 No.10805
    It's newfags you autist.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:17 No.10806
    If this stupidity is left up long enough to increase the /b/ effect again, I'll probably not only stop using this site, but encourage other people to leave moot behind as well.

    This "4chan = /b/" shit isn't progress, at least IMHO, I guess moot disagrees though, and unfortunately it's his site to abuse as he sees fit.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:19 No.10853
    Why would a programming imageboard be a good idea? You dont need silly pictures to post code.
    Fix the existing one by getting people to moderate it and pay attention to the report system once in a while.
    If you do decide to make it an "imageboard" disable all pictures. /prog/ got a lot worse since people from /g/ were directed to it thanks to the world4ch link bug being fixed...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:20 No.10867

    You mean people actually started visiting /prog/?

    Oh how horrible.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:20 No.10870
    I for one enjoy the idea of killing reddit.

    So let's keep posting, shall we?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:22 No.10905
    Not him, and I don't visit /prog/ much anyway (they're a buch of queers), but I liked to cozy small population of the textboards.

    It's still small, but it's quality is in constant decline.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:23 No.10916
    *liked the
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 10/23/11(Sun)09:23 No.10924
         File1319376234.jpg-(93 KB, 512x348, 1287422621469.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:29 No.11030
    >people thinking they need to use a tripcode
    >they think a tripcode makes them a special snowflake
    >they think a tripcode makes them stand out more because they are full of intelligent discussion
    >they don't realize they get filtered because they invariably say stupid shit that a child could argue against
    >they continue to use tripcodes
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:30 No.11037
    >implying having the cancer move to reddit is a bad thing
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:31 No.11070
    >Moot tries to renew 4chan.
    >bad thing
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:36 No.11159
    He's gunna pull a /fur/ with this place and /r9k/2.0, mark my words.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:37 No.11168
    moot said somewhere in this thread it would take some time to add them all manually and he's hoping to add them next month
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:38 No.11197
         File1319377131.jpg-(106 KB, 704x396, 1316862567482.jpg)
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    I eagerly await. My body is ready.

    Thank you my friend.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)09:43 No.11264
    First off, thank you moot.

    Eh. What's the point of visiting if you integrate functionality to filter out all the annoying people? Reading arguments on the internet is a sometimes food, and an important part of our diets.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)10:07 No.11690
    The idea of having bloated features like those added to an imageboard are quite absurd. The entire point of an imageboard is to be a simple BBS like place where we can have discussions and post funneh images.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)10:25 No.11920
    When I saw this board, I came buckets, I ain't gonna lie. As long as /pol/ shit is kept out of everywhere else, I am a very, very happy bunny.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)10:27 No.11942
    Uh yes. Which is why I said that all the annoying people that don't get the point are an important part of the experience.

    I was thanking him for the entirety of the 4chan experience. I was commenting on a different point, the filtering. Sorry for not making that clear.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)10:48 No.12246
         File1319381330.jpg-(29 KB, 240x320, average_asian_woman.jpg)
    29 KB
    This is why no one liked you, StormTroll.
    >> lorem ipsum !dOlOrcFJwE 10/23/11(Sun)10:51 No.12288
    StormTroll confirmed for Jew (even though it's already been confirmed)
    >> Thorg !ooOkJLlW76 10/23/11(Sun)10:58 No.12393
    Christian Weston Chandler is back, guys.

    Google /cwc/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:02 No.12454
         File1319382157.gif-(2.11 MB, 320x240, duke is life.gif)
    2.11 MB
    All Hail M00t, M00t is Life.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:03 No.12471
    What about the flood detection cool down period?
    Is it really necessary now on top of having to re-enter a Captcha before every post?

    It makes image dumps and contributing to threads painful. It's also redundant.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:04 No.12490
         File1319382271.jpg-(9 KB, 200x288, george-w-bush.jpg)
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    I approve this board
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:08 No.12556
         File1319382532.jpg-(31 KB, 334x338, boner.jpg)
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    I approve of this so hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:16 No.12679

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:32 No.12916
    I've read every moot post and what he was replying to since he started and this is the first time I'm posting ITT. Nice informative thread.
    Fuck politics btw
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:43 No.13047
    So... I turned on the tv for the first time in a few years, and thought about how today's society is all an illusion. News has to be the biggest brainwashing tool ever, they take an idea and spin it however they want, they sandbag the politician they don't like, kiss the others ass, and people buy this shit. Language, mathematics, all put in place as an illusion to keep us busy, I suppose. I'm not complaining, I just feel like it could be better.
    >> DDD !v7fKWT.uL. 10/23/11(Sun)11:45 No.13077
    posting so that I can say that I am cool
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:47 No.13105
    Avatarfagging is requires much more effort than trip/namefag­ging. If they are going to be faggots, then they should have to work harder to do so.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:49 No.13125
    The government asked moot to recreate /new/ here because they couldn't easily track and monitor racists and dissidents on the ''other'' site.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:50 No.13146
    I don't usually post in these threads, and I'm not even going to read the 2000 posts before mine, but:

    I don't think moot cares about traffic, and in fact I believe 4chan actually costs him money because the ads don't make back nearly as much money as he spends on the servers.

    If anything he would be trying to drive us to go to his new site, Canvas or whatever. Some faggy web 2.0 site. That's his money child he's been working on for years instead of doing stuff here.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)11:53 No.13183
    Why would moot want to drive a bunch of racists to his SFW memespam site?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)12:03 No.13338
    Moot how hard did you laugh when White Tree asked you for his own dedicated Eve online board?

    Side splitting laughter?
    >> DarkTrip !nNThBA7CKU 10/23/11(Sun)12:05 No.13362
    i stopped visiting here so often when the ponies took over

    that shit was stupid and i tapped out.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)12:12 No.13465
    As opposed to the usual sensible content. Right.

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)12:16 No.13543
    Don't worry moot, I haven't left this site in 6 years even after taking a peak at the other knockoffs.

    I still have no idea how you mod people here though. Most people ask for it on the boards, but I think it would really only make sense for it to be through email.
    I'll just remain confuzzled.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)12:17 No.13562
    it's a conspiracy
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)12:20 No.13596
    >implying cancerous cancer does not still generate ad revenue.

    You have to understand that this is about money.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)12:43 No.13961
    all the fags leaving 4chan and going to reddit?

    > this is my fetish
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)12:48 No.14048
         File1319388515.jpg-(38 KB, 366x331, rea 493.jpg)
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    Good job, m00tikins! I'm lieking the changes
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)13:05 No.14342
    Him deleting r9k was the reason I ended up jumping ship for Reddit. But I'm not going to lie, I fucking hate Reddit in comparison to these boards. This is where I belong, where I can post whatever I want anonymously and just hash out my thoughts and opinions on things without having some bullshit "history" that people can sift through and find things to catch me on.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)13:23 No.14668
    yes hogwarts is my home and im in the first 20k to post on rk9 yessssssssssssssssssss newfag in the house
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)13:27 No.14744
    I used to bash nignogs and fight for panhuman awareness on /new/, but then reddit came along and it's so much better in every way. Pretty soon moot's going to have to turn his big black cock sucking habit from a hobby into a vocation just to keep a roof over his head.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)13:30 No.14808

    So when will he lift the wordfilters on /b/?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)13:36 No.14922
         File1319391413.png-(60 KB, 838x983, later.png)
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    he's really driven this site to shit in 2011. But hey, it's 3 million dollars he was getting. why should he give a fuck about destroying this community when he's getting so much fucking money?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)13:40 No.14999
    if he wants users to come back then maybe he should take off the retarded word filters, it was cool a month ago...its just retarded now.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)13:56 No.15350
    Need to remove the captcha. That prevent people from posting because it's so annoying.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)14:15 No.15781

    SUP /NEW/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)14:32 No.16117
    hahaha thanks for posting this OP.

    I noticed the same thing. I guess even moot couldn't deny it any longer.

    I like to think my calling him a retarded faggot every time I see him post encouraged him to take some action. If he gets his shit together this site can be great again.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)15:32 No.17225
         File1319398329.jpg-(61 KB, 400x353, gaddafi the future's so bright(...).jpg)
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    I would have to agree, and it doesn't surprise me.

    Moot sold out for judenmonies, but I think he's starting to realize how important 4chan really is now that many have left for greener pastures. Other than that, I'm actually surprised Reddit's popularity has surged so much this year. I only visit their Minecraft board.
    >inb4 autism

    After he closed /r9k/ and /new/, I left /int/ due to Nazi moderation and /new/fag spam, and I only came here to browse /v/. But then there were server problems every other day so I barely even visited /v/. Oddly enough, I've noticed the content on /v/ is a bit better now. We even get Paradox threads once in a while, which used to be only on /int/. Feels alright man.

    I offer no real big suggestions to the admins since I think moot is slowly turning around. (But countryballs on /int/ would be cool.)
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)15:38 No.17361
    So basically moot just brought back /new/ but renaming it /pol/ in a pathetic attempt to save his face. He even goes and tries to argue that /new/ wasn't deleted for it's content (despite the warnings that it would be deleted for it's content and eventually deleting it for it's content), instead it was deleted because to many discussions were "off topic" as if 4chan suddenly is an average internet forum.


    I have enjoyed my stay on /int/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)15:45 No.17528
    If that's the case then why is loli still banned on /i/?

    That shit is really shitting up the place, half the time if you draw a woman with small breasts you'll get trolls reporting you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)15:46 No.17542
    OP's pic prove that majority of 4chan users are FACIST
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)15:47 No.17565
    I think he meant it wasn't deleted specifically because of the rampant racism, but because of the fact that the racism wasn't news related.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)15:50 No.17639
    Then explain to me why news articles on black crime or jewish/israeli articles got deleted.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)15:54 No.17725
    I was thrilled to see r9k back. Not that i went there much, but it's fans seemed to be be pretty tight. And the extra boards are sweet. donnknow why, moot has some extra cake nowadays? or maybe he just got bored and wanted a change
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)16:18 No.18204
    Moot went Jew and took /news/ down just when the Arab Spring happend. I blaim Moot taking money from Oil Sheiks. Fucking Sellout.

    At least we have /pol/ back.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)16:21 No.18258
    Fuck it, I spend roughly equal amounts of time on Reddit and 4chan, I don't see why that doesn't hold true for many others as well
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)16:26 No.18371
    Because nobody discussed news but race in those threads.

    Regardless, there is a global rule (#3) that says racism is a ban-able offense in other boards than /b/.

    I don't think this time will be any different, so what I think moot is aiming for is to contain stormfags in one board so they don't infect the rest (same as /soc/). Specially with electoral year closing.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)16:28 No.18420
    because they went to reddit?
    >>   10/23/11(Sun)16:34 No.18553
    yo moot, make me a mod.
    >> Elad !!RP764Vq7Qu9 10/23/11(Sun)16:49 No.18903
    Hi moot.

    How are you?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)16:51 No.18947
         File1319403113.jpg-(913 KB, 1835x1835, mosaicoffail.jpg)
    913 KB
    Hey moot, if you're listening, perhaps you could make a /lol/ board? I know invasions aren't allowed here, but pretty much every board I go to outside of 4chan is already covered here now with the exception of /cwc/, which chronicles the mishaps of various lolcows.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)16:52 No.18961
    That's not wishful thinking if, it's what happened last two times.

    About my second statement, see >>9463
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:01 No.19162
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:02 No.19167
         File1319403731.jpg-(78 KB, 550x550, 1315637730809.jpg)
    78 KB
    Moot! When will you make a /jtv/ board for the Toku and Asian Drama faggots to circlejerk in?
    >> Elad !!RP764Vq7Qu9 10/23/11(Sun)17:02 No.19179
    No, this is 10k
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:04 No.19216
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:06 No.19256
    >> Porny The Horny Toad !!Jc9dOPuDtWy 10/23/11(Sun)17:08 No.19284
    Then why not /perv/ ? Put anything there like fags, chicks with dicks, trannies, anything that doesn't fit my own narrow preconceptions of what's right & proper.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:09 No.19287
         File1319404143.jpg-(951 KB, 879x700, 73.jpg)
    951 KB


    About The Venus Project:

    Answer to everyone's questions regarding it:

    Support the Venus Project!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:10 No.19319
         File1319404243.jpg-(74 KB, 604x417, 4chan-and-nothing-of-value-was(...).jpg)
    74 KB
    >pic related
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:14 No.19388

    Fuck off, communist
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:16 No.19416

    In relation to Zeitgeist, Jacque Fresco and the Venus Project does not endorse his illustration of conspiracy theories within his films!

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:26 No.19642
         File1319405218.jpg-(426 KB, 888x1078, lolmoot.jpg)
    426 KB
    I'm just going to post this here.
    moot became a trap.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:30 No.19707
         File1319405424.jpg-(43 KB, 419x594, 1319303956747.jpg)
    43 KB
    To expand on this:

    /lol/ - board for the documenting of lolcows

    /stream/ - a single board for the posting of livestream links. Half the streams posted would get banned quickly by trolls, but still. Another chan board had it's own stream board and it was sweet.

    /want/ - Sort of like a dream home board, pictures of stuff people want in their house, or wish they lived, or want to go to. Like those sink threads for example. A whole board of that would be great.

    Also, something's gotta be done about /soc/. It sucks in it's current state.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:35 No.19773
    >sink threads

    You know those are just embedded with child porn, hence "Mods are asleep, post X".
    >> Someone else. !!Qb2aRW+wCPO 10/23/11(Sun)17:36 No.19802
    On the tiny, tiny chance moot does return to this thread (i wouldn't rule it out), please update the sticky regarding roleplay in /tg/. It's never been banworthy, not once in the four years the board has been up, and yet a new moderator is banning entire threads of people for roleplaying. Nobody on the IRC that I talked to is responding to inquiries.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:39 No.19848
    Postin' in Sigourney sticky.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:40 No.19866

    >Euro /sp/
    >doesn't realize there's more than one language being spoken in Europe
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:42 No.19925
    why can't reddit fags just stay in reddit?

    why do they have to come over here and tell us how great reddit is? Not even the tards from Gaia are that stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:44 No.19954
    Moot, if you have the time, please create a thread on /tg/. We'd love to hear from you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:44 No.19965
    Allow furry on /d/. We hate furry on /vp/.
    >> Someone else. !!Qb2aRW+wCPO 10/23/11(Sun)17:47 No.20006
    Yeah, that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:47 No.20018
         File1319406468.jpg-(133 KB, 550x413, m2824_WTFmanSloth.jpg)
    133 KB
    ...Oh fuck, I saved shitloads of those pictures. God damn it. I'm going to have to go through my image folder and delete every picture of a sink I have, aren't I?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:55 No.20160
         File1319406928.jpg-(183 KB, 661x768, moot-shitting-in-the-server.jpg)
    183 KB
    >Take a shit in the server and just leave it there for over a year
    >act all surprised when you have to order new parts
    Classy, Mr. Poole.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:57 No.20217

    How can we submit banner ideas?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)18:04 No.20347
    Just an idea: Maybe if he got some fucking moderation on this board and stop making it a cesspool of shit and piss and memes flying around everywhere people would give a shit.

    I left many months ago for SA. A MUCH MUCH better place than this piece of shit.

    Bye again!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)18:10 No.20448

    >Split up the board: Following 2chan's lead with Nijiura, /b/ would be seperated in to several boards. 2chan presently has six Nijiura boards. Providing two versions of /b/—one with named posting enabled, and one with forced anonymity, is also an idea. One major concern with this proposal is that it would further spread out our already overtaxed moderation staff. Obviously, we can add more moderators, but that's always proved far easier said than done.

    >More visible moderation: During what many consider to be /b/'s "glory" days, it was not uncommon to see a trail of "(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)" strewn across the board. There was once a time when "MODS" didn't equal "FAGS", but rather, "GODS". I hereby announce my intention to return to these times. I've long held that "Random" should be left more or less entirely to its own devices, but frankly, you sometimes often need us here to keep the crap at bay.

    >A "sage"-like function that actually works: sage has been misunderstood for ages—its primary function is not thread voting. Implementing a form of user moderation that actually impacts the content of the board, separate from the current reports system, ranks high on the list of possibilities.

    >Work will begin on implementing these changes as soon as possible. As I've said before: "Try to remain patient; good things take time."

    >/b/ by moot - 07/11/08 @ 4:00PM EST

    Well moot? When do?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)18:11 No.20456
         File1319407884.png-(497 KB, 471x500, sesame street.png)
    497 KB
    MOOT. I've been frequenting this place since 07, mostly /v/, and I've been trying to quit 4chan since /v/ got horrible after Japan time, but it seems I can't. It would be cool if you could make me a janitor, so I can try to restore /v/ to its former glory. Japan time part 2 is back on its way, and I would love for /v/ to be good again.
    "That feel" threads were only funny momentarily because of the schadenfreude, but it has since grown stale.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)18:17 No.20555
    ╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    ╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)18:17 No.20564
         File1319408278.jpg-(189 KB, 969x742, 12834734258395.jpg)
    189 KB
    At least you can even get to /v/.. I only ever came here for /v/ exclusively. Now its gone forever to me.. at least /new/ is ba- err, /pol/
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)18:23 No.20676

    Haha, faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)18:44 No.21072
         File1319409871.jpg-(19 KB, 216x300, bddd3a52f6eee213f70e6a70670025(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    MOOT, do you ever plan on adding a country identification on posts in /int/? Too many people lie about where they are from. I know you are all for being anonymous but /int/ is full of trolls trolling as other countries.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)18:47 No.21117
    >2026 posts and 448 image replies omitted.

    >> Someone else. !!Qb2aRW+wCPO 10/23/11(Sun)18:56 No.21274
    Welcome to sticky.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:05 No.21451
         File1319411120.jpg-(52 KB, 800x600, 1317795595881.jpg)
    52 KB
    Thank you for all the wonderful boards moot, here is some king dedede drooling while eating dinnerware.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:05 No.21463
         File1319411149.jpg-(112 KB, 324x404, 2069.gif.jpg)
    112 KB
    I hope reddit completely overshadows this place and draws all the shitposters there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:06 No.21483
    Still moot get that Toku off of /m/. I want to talk about Giant Robots, not shows for 5 year olds with men in spandex suits.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:10 No.21555
    It's a sticky, newfriend.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:11 No.21561
    There's more than enough shitposters to go round.

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:20 No.21726
         File1319412006.jpg-(11 KB, 251x251, 1319183801847s.jpg)
    11 KB
    this place is like the only place on the internet that gives you an official notice that you have been posting retarded bullshit

    i can respect that
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:31 No.21915
         File1319412702.jpg-(633 KB, 1326x1013, 1319409067489.jpg)
    633 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:34 No.21960
    moot should delete /b/ just for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:38 No.22022
         File1319413115.gif-(1.4 MB, 193x135, 7Rbp1.gif)
    1.4 MB
    I guess people like to be able to clearly see who responds to them in an organized matter, relegate shit posts to the bottom of the page, and be positively rewarded with karma.
    >> Politically Correct 10/23/11(Sun)19:39 No.22042
    it would be moar funneh if moot dereted yo momma but den agen u wuldnt egsist
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:06 No.22527
    richard yang you are everything i hate about the internet
    >> infected 10/23/11(Sun)20:15 No.22729
         File1319415308.jpg-(41 KB, 500x375, suffering.jpg)
    41 KB
    I just hope that /pol/ will turn into a /new/ without racism. In other words, I hope this board will employ some objective thought.

    I would rather like a nice political discussion imageboard that isn't founded on logical fallacies and hatred.
    >> infected 10/23/11(Sun)20:20 No.22834
    yes this
    thank you based moot
    I was ub&, too innocent to full understand it, but in 2004 but I remember stepping in to /b/ for the first time and seeing a glorious stream of shit and lulz. THE HALCYON DAYS OF MY YOUTH
    >> TheUnion !CGTW7aO.Xs 10/23/11(Sun)20:21 No.22851
    Very early post number
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:29 No.23000
         File1319416197.gif-(254 KB, 250x227, 1301979245165.gif)
    254 KB
    I don't give a shit.

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:30 No.23013
    Hey me too!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:04 No.23697

    ah, good times;title=Complaining
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:11 No.23843
    ch0ns /new/ is superior to this piece of shit anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:26 No.24107
    we need a fucking place for fucking actual /news/
    don't get me wrong I love that the cancer has now been taken out from other boards... but damn... no actual news are being discussed
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:52 No.24614
    If you really want 4chan to stop hemorrhaging users, just ban anyone who posts pony threads. Those things alienate people faster than anything I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:58 No.24724
    hows canv.ass doing?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)22:11 No.24967
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)22:26 No.25258

    I quit 4chan until /pol/ came up
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)22:32 No.25373
    4chan is slow as shit and requires a captcha to post. We should all just use the corresponding boards on that other site.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)22:45 No.25654
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)23:09 No.26091
         File1319425790.gif-(568 KB, 200x136, 1305423028366.gif)
    568 KB
    Huh. There's a lot of deleted posts itt. Moot and STD from 4chon were fighting? Too bad I missed it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)23:23 No.26298
    No moot posted a banned link and accidentally banned himself.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)23:43 No.26591

    fuck, just wanted to call you and the circlejerk a gigantic faggot. I love how hard you've been owned here hahahaha (and I like how you claimed you felt 'indifferent' in that meta thread). all the best bro.

    >> ̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏̏⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠J𝓪mmku !ProGAMeLuE 10/23/11(Sun)23:45 No.26633
         File1319427920.jpg-(155 KB, 500x500, ssjJammku.jpg)
    155 KB
    I wish Moot would sticky a thread on /v/ about how tripcodes are fine and people shouldn't blindly hate tripfriends.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)23:51 No.26734
         File1319428260.jpg-(75 KB, 640x480, COOL.jpg)
    75 KB
    m00t, if you ever get that urge to just pull the plug and let this place die, please remember we still love you and everything you have done for us.

    I will meet you someday, in person, and give you some kind of satisfactory skin-touching maneuver to show affection.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)23:51 No.26748
    i wish you werent such a faggot, but i guess we cant both be happy.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)23:52 No.26760
    fuck you, tripfag
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)00:06 No.27008
    Fucking snowflake. Fuck you.
    >> Someone else. !!Qb2aRW+wCPO 10/24/11(Mon)00:23 No.27284
    It's a shame. You know there are board here on the site where tripfagging is actually ENCOURAGED under certain circumstances, right? It really isn't a bad thing. Especially on the more creative boards.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)00:28 No.27364
    Even compared to other tripfags he's a fag.

    Go back to /v/. In fact, no, we don't want you there either.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)00:46 No.27669
    >>1266 I hope you guys know this is a very desperate attempt by moot to drive users back to his website.

    And it is working!
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)01:32 No.28388
    Hey Moot, did you ever find out who started that huge spam script that flooded 4chan so badly that you had to implement captcha?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)01:43 No.28534
    i think his name was Chris Beer or something.

    i have the info on him saved in notepad file somewhere, and a picture of him somewhere else. cba to go try and find them though.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)01:44 No.28556
    yep i was right it was chris beer.

    ^ emails to moot
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)01:45 No.28574
    If moot get a chance to read this...
    Please make a list of auto ban words. One time I was banned from /int/ for mocking some /new/ faggot and used a ban word sarcastically.
    Three days for that. Can we at least have a warning system?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)01:50 No.28648
    >save /b/ from itself
    Does any one find it sad that the shit bucket of the internet needed it's own shit bucket?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)03:40 No.29885
    Question moot if you are actually reading this massive thread.
    Where the fuck is the History board?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)04:20 No.30268
    SInce I can't post in the other thread, re /pol/: Fucking thankyou. Mods = gods.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)05:28 No.30903
    I can eat bread for 1 month for help my home.
    Just saiyan.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)05:31 No.30936
         File1319448719.jpg-(92 KB, 750x600, 4chon matters.jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)06:44 No.31606
    Is that Abatap?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)07:23 No.31951
    Can we add a social science/philosophy board?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)07:33 No.32044
    no, just go to your local community college quad for that type of discussion, hipster garbage
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)07:35 No.32058

    Other sites you run into pop-ups, advertisement videos, pages that get rerouted to an advertisement before the page you want to see.

    The advertisements here are not a problem at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)08:15 No.32385
    Do you really not know how to change your IP?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)09:32 No.33167
    Some of us actually use our broadband accounts for hosting and have fixed IP's that don't change when you "reboot your router or cable modem" unlike you kids in mommy's basement with weak accounts and no IP security and stability.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)10:17 No.33616
    You weren't expecting something like this? Summer is over, all the fags are going back to Reddit. My uni is infected with Reddit.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)10:26 No.33711
    hey faggot, 4chan is at its lower unique user average since 2009. oldfags, summerfags and newfags are all leaving for reddit. 4chan is shit now, and it's because of all the shit moot has done to this place this year
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)10:29 No.33735
    Eh, deal with it. Spam will just go to Reddit instead
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)10:34 No.33764
    my IP doesn't change when I reset my router either, script kiddie. It's really not that hard to change a static IP. I can do it in 30 seconds
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)10:57 No.34010

    proxies r fun
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)11:59 No.34805
    He's jealous because he can't.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)12:56 No.35649
    moot pays per pageview, he wants as few people as possible to come here
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)13:41 No.36279
    Honestly, in my opinion a decrease in popularity/new users would be the best thing for 4chan in terms of content.

    Let reddit become popular with all the faggots of the web. They'll have somewhere to go that isn't here, and the quality of the site will go up. I honestly hope 4chan becomes less active. Those of us that stay will be able to have less shitty discussions.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)13:45 No.36357
    This is what happens when you engage in active censorship.

    People leave. At least moot learned from it.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)13:52 No.36473
    selling out to the feds and censoring perfectly legal content will do that to you.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:02 No.36609
    the exact reason 4chan can suck a dick right now. censor all the fucking CP you want but banning people for using racial slur is fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:06 No.36674
    hey Moot can boards have their own banners?
    it would be cool if places like /co/ or /v/ had their own banners
    >> CaptainSlav 10/24/11(Mon)14:11 No.36758
    Moot if you are reading this thread I want to thank you. Now all the shit is on one board.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:14 No.36792
    Moot, can we have 2 /v/s?

    Can we have one that would stop all the rage?

    Also PLEASE appoint a mod who upholds the no flagrant fanboyism rule. We have so much hate.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:20 No.36884
    Mind quoting >>4490 from memory again? You got me curious there.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:22 No.36923

    It's honestly AMAZING how omnipresent the JIDF is. They are ALWAYS the first trolls on the scene.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:44 No.37233
    What is this I don't even.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:13 No.37655
         File1319483594.jpg-(70 KB, 428x510, 1279191095428.jpg)
    70 KB

    >Okay you can stop now

    I'm in tears, my ribs hurt so bad
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)15:22 No.37787
         File1319484170.jpg-(285 KB, 1202x1600, Sexy Naked Girl Hot Kelly Broo(...).jpg)
    285 KB
    In terms of 2010 levels; what are the 2011 levels now? That much lower? I don't doubt you are right as 4chan never impressed me with being that concerned with the likes or wants of the 'consumer' here. Definitely>>1266
    a benevolent Dictatorship and not much else...and sometimes not that benevolent. (Pic unrelated)
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)16:02 No.38331
         File1319486535.png-(661 KB, 1800x2693, 1272252779344.png)
    661 KB
    This is a moot thread that will be around for a while, so I figure I'll repost this for any interested parties.

    >Six years of footage of moot, from the awkward weeaboo we saw in 2005 to the Canvas-obsessed normalfag we see today. This collection covers everything from the 4chan Otakon Panels to SXSW 2011 to the Time 100 (aka the good, the bad and the ugly). This random assortment of primary sources is probably the closest we're probably ever going to come to a moot documentary. You should really read the text file in the torrent for more detailed information.
    >If a significant amount of new material arises, then this torrent will be updated and marked with an appropriate version number. This includes moot making more media appearances, moot or other mods holding an official 4chan panel ever again (lolno) or higher-quality of existing events footage appearing.

    With moot talking at the ROFLCon summit in Portland and doing silly dances at YouPix in Rio back in back in August, this collection will probably get some new footage soon.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)16:39 No.38840
         File1319488763.png-(41 KB, 589x307, reddit_versus_4chan.png)
    41 KB

    Google trends agrees with OP
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)17:29 No.39520
    Too bad i didn't invest in reddit.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)17:54 No.39826
    thats not stock price retard it's simply visitors

    Reddit doesn't make shit
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)18:21 No.40197
    This thread sure had been interesting. I always like these Q&A session with mootles.

    Shame it had to turn to shit after moot left though. Although now it's not as bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)19:49 No.41763
         File1319500185.gif-(2 KB, 210x187, 1316820531137.gif)
    2 KB
    Implying moot wants more cancer here -__-
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)19:59 No.41940
    >Implying moot's only goal isn't teh monies
    Jews gonna jew
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)20:41 No.42796
    Reddit doesnt have a captcha
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)21:46 No.44156
         File1319507197.jpg-(10 KB, 227x251, jewmoot!.jpg)
    10 KB
    says it all.

    also, jesus fucking christ, isn't it time to remove captcha, or at least find a better solution?
    >> ­ 10/24/11(Mon)22:05 No.44463

    You must (still) be new here. Or atleast new enough to not remember the invasion of spambots plaguing 4chan.

    trust us, it's better this way.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)22:07 No.44504
    /g/ took captcha down a few weeks ago and the spam came back almost immediately.Fucking things waits like Cthulu
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)23:16 No.45617
         File1319512611.jpg-(20 KB, 320x240, 1279815095321.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)23:24 No.45734
    I hate Reddit so I'm completely fine with this.

    The influx of traffic is always from children anyways so this is fine.
    >> Amateur Tech Support !94iDVhTiiQ 10/24/11(Mon)23:33 No.45875
    >dem thighs
    Is moot a centaur?
    >> !!oBiwiSSOFOt 10/25/11(Tue)00:07 No.46449
    What would it take to be the PR guy for 4chan? It'd be awesome on a resume.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)00:15 No.46586
    >HR people google what "four chan" is
    >suddenly pedobear and delicious cake
    >suddenly you're forever unemployable
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)00:26 No.46739
         File1319516783.png-(12 KB, 447x432, hurr.png)
    12 KB
    FBI is funding m00t to run this website. I mean, doesn't anybody see that some things just don't add up? "J-List" doesn't have enough fucking money to keep a website of this magnitude online. Inb4 something like hurr canvass is supporting 4chan financially. Then what about all the time before canvass existed?

    Besides, an Anon traced one of 4chan's servers to some place in fucksville Virginia (near D.C.). I'm not even fucking joking about that.

    Wake up. It's one big happy honeypot here. Just be on your best behavior and enjoy the ride.

    >inb4 user was b& for this post
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)00:50 No.47076
         File1319518250.jpg-(13 KB, 178x178, tinfoil-hat.jpg)
    13 KB
    Give 'em hell son
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)01:11 No.47354
    Hey Moot,

    Ban all Ponyshit outside of /co/

    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)01:30 No.47593
    If you are feeling extra nice, give all ponyshit a permaban in /co/ too.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)02:39 No.48359
    What the fuck has happened to my 4chan's popularity???
    Is this because of all the summerfags?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)02:41 No.48380
    Is it possible that that decline is because most of the spam bots are gone?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)02:49 No.48482
    well, reddit is full of fags, as is 4 chan.

    thus, users are going to feel confused.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)02:50 No.48491
         File1319525438.jpg-(49 KB, 460x293, JohnStewart_764331c.jpg)
    49 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)03:02 No.48621
    /b/ is probably growing, but I think the other boards are down.
    amiright, moot?
    Or amiright?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)06:05 No.50068
    We dont need any more newfags.
    Just show them the way to reddit and we can fap in peace without getting the cancer
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)07:09 No.50514
         File1319540989.jpg-(41 KB, 640x480, moot558255717.jpg)
    41 KB
    BTW mootles, sonce you're here reading, linking canvas to a fb account is bullshit.
    Some of us hate zuckerberg's "I'm going to rape your privacy" dogma enough to not have an fb account.
    I'm sick to fucking death that eeeeeeeeeeverything these days seems to demand a fucking fb account.
    fuck that shit, moot.
    fuck it raw!
    you're better than that.
    You told msnbc so.

    btw, re: pic, love the earring. I don't see you wearing it much these days.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)07:34 No.50691
    moot, do you really have girl-hips like those?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)08:13 No.50944
         File1319544782.jpg-(270 KB, 887x1076, wtf man 3.jpg)
    270 KB

    What do you think?

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)08:23 No.50999
         File1319545381.jpg-(118 KB, 600x600, AcmbZuVCEAAY7H1.jpg large.jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)08:23 No.51000
    Does reddit have ponies?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)09:45 No.51630

    Yes. They also have a section called /clopclop/ solely for pony porn.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)10:04 No.51807
         File1319551499.jpg-(59 KB, 600x450, 131581335143.jpg)
    59 KB

    And reddit says we're the sick bastards.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)10:24 No.51985
         File1319552648.jpg-(38 KB, 418x500, 1303180734789.jpg)
    38 KB
    Sup moot. Just wanted to say that overall I am happy with the changes so far. At first I was mad at /pol/ (WTF Y U BRING BACK STORMFRONT?), but I like the idea of having that inevitable content aimed at one spot.

    I was also surprised buy /r9k/ (inb4 ronery/greentext/hookup/dubs), but I guess /soc/ should take care of that already.

    Lastly, I had to wonder if this was in fact as OP said, but honestly fuck reddit. If people want to fight over upping/downing threads and PAYING for that system, knock yourselves out. Sure they may take our memes and claim them for their own, but ebaums/YTMND/others have been doing that for years. If we could ever get back to the classic 'clubhouse' feel again, I would embrace it with open arms.

    Great work so far, can't wait to see whats next.

    Also, need a free janitor for /d/? I can email with IP. Thanks again.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)10:32 No.52077
    Uh. No thanks?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)11:20 No.52624
         File1319556045.jpg-(149 KB, 819x584, 1312063851820.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)11:24 No.52670
    I don't see /pol/ lasting very long it's been around for about 2 days and all you see is brainwashed liberarian threads derping about Ron Paul and racist white pride assholes. No actual discussion is made but de evolves into trolls trolling trolls. I give it a half a year at best.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)12:02 No.53113
    moot should make /fur/

    inb4 shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)12:20 No.53307
    I am extremely okay with people going to reddit and staying there.

    fuck man you could attribute a lot of reddits increased traffic to SC2 alone.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)12:28 No.53408
         File1319560086.jpg-(20 KB, 608x360, 1316203946293.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)12:51 No.53648
         File1319561496.jpg-(147 KB, 800x600, 1307893579002.jpg)
    147 KB
    My dear, dear m00t,

    Please make a /gay/, so all the homosexuals of 4chan have a place to hangout other than /fit/. I'm trying to introduce people to /fit/ so they can learn things about lifting weights like I had the benefit of doing, but it's hard to be taken even remotely serious when there are pictures of men being buttfucked or sucking a dick perpetually on the front page.


    Your muscles
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)12:57 No.53717
         File1319561851.jpg-(3 KB, 118x126, 1252993207853.jpg)
    3 KB
    Moot, chances are that you've left this thread long, long ago. But on the off chance that you're still with us, can you tell us the status of the janitor applications? We really do need more janitors.

    Don't take this as an insult to your moderation staff, they do a good job with all things considered.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)12:58 No.53726
    >>so all the homosexuals of 4chan have a place to hangout other than /fit/.

    Someone's obviously never been to /soc/.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:05 No.53818
    There isn't that much gay content on fit. Most of the time it's "CHUBBY GIRLS ITT: POST PICTURES :D".
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:13 No.53910
    Never seen a chubby thread on /fit/
    I don't think you understand how much /fit/ hates fat-as-fatasses.

    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:18 No.53989
    Whoops, I ment "/soc/".

    That shwat I get for posting on 4chan even though I got less than 4 hours sleep.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:34 No.54169
    moot, maybe /futa/? this shit is freaking out nearly whole /d/
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:40 No.54233
         File1319564416.jpg-(27 KB, 468x286, getting along.jpg)
    27 KB
    i claim the board as my idea. I made a post on /b/ when this whole lefty righty shill OWS thread started about having our own thread,, tada
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:47 No.54314
    its just that summer is over.

    but im still here.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:23 No.54700
    >that feel when all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:23 No.55340
    MOOT! Could you please make a new /adv/ board? Most of it is relationshit and it would be nice to have a board for the kisless virgins who want non-relationshit advice.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)20:02 No.59063
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    Just wanted to say that I read that comment like half a week ago and I'm STILL in tears laughing.

    God bless you, Anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)20:28 No.59519
    Moot's not coming back, is he? Oh well.

    appoint more /v/ janitors, god damn
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)20:34 No.59626
    Hey moot, what do you think about the fact that through the unregulated operation of your website you are facilitating suicide attempts, misogyny, bigotry, and pedophilia (the kiddie porn trade)?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)20:52 No.59932
    I see this as a good thing. Let Reddit take all the credit, they'll become the cancer sponge.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)20:55 No.59985
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    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)21:28 No.60577
    Isn't reddit owned by a corporation or something?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)21:53 No.61012
    I miss 2005 4chan

    >> Satans Camel Toe !oDevilTcBY 10/25/11(Tue)21:57 No.61085
    testing testing 1 2 3
    >> Satan's Camel Toe !oDevilTcBY 10/25/11(Tue)21:58 No.61103
    last test commencing now. prepare full throttle oh so sorry gentiles
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)22:02 No.61171
    >still tripfagging in /pol/

    Seriously, hope guys that do I you don't...
    >> Iro the Lamb 10/25/11(Tue)23:49 No.63044
    these numbers are staggering
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)00:47 No.63927
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)01:59 No.64942

    You have been banned from all boards for the following reason:

    Replying to idiotic religion trolling

    Your ban was filed on October 26th, 2011, and expires on October 28th, 2011, which is 2 days from now.

    According to our server, your IP is: The name you were posting with was Anonymous.

    Because of the short length of your ban, you are not permitted to appeal it. Please check back when your ban has expired.

    this would be wyh traffic has dropped off. mods are jokes.

    the inconvenience of 20 seconds. OH NOES!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)02:12 No.65102
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    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)02:21 No.65235
    I just can't get into Reddit. I prefer to leave my cancery ass right here.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)02:22 No.65251
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)02:48 No.65586
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    www synchtube com /r/ CelticAngPress

    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)02:51 No.65638
    is that real?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)03:46 No.66308
    good, i dont want fucking redditfags on here anyway
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)03:58 No.66412
    I hope theres even more trendy-trendy-trendy sites that will get rid of the kiddos then ...dare i say it... 4chan might be good for the first time in ages.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)04:07 No.66493
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)04:21 No.66608
    get the fuck ooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut. go back to reddit.
    >> STFU Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)07:50 No.67830
    Get back to reddit Motherfucker !
    >> fem !Jpaz5xFwbw 10/26/11(Wed)08:35 No.68104
    savetheinternet is a qt ;))
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)09:49 No.68642
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    Hi moot,
    how often are you reading REAL news at ?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)09:56 No.68699
    Heard I was banned from posting here.

    Checking to see.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)10:29 No.68961
    Dunno if I'm still allowed post in this thread, but if so, who the fuck cares if it's still a plot to attract back users?

    I fucking love my robots, and I'm sure the /news/ folks will love the board and /int/ and /v/ will stop getting clogged up with the shit that came from /new/ and /r9k/ respectively.

    Long live moot, the only one true Son of God.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:46 No.69722
    Well for one thing it only took /pol/ three days to become stormfornt again so go ahead and delete it again.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:54 No.69810
    Your reading comprehension isn't very good, or you're blinded by your seething rage for free discourse, but read what Moot wrote one more time.

    /new/ wasn't taken down because it was like stormfront, but that the board became too off-topic.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)12:16 No.70063

    Yeah, I don't block the ads, there's honestly no reason to.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)14:22 No.71399
    >Global rule 3
    >Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism

    When are you going to add /pol/ to this?
    >> fem !Jpaz5xFwbw 10/26/11(Wed)15:21 No.72239
    We're about to reach this point again quite soon in the near future.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:46 No.72584
    everything on the board has pretty much been political. Not sure what you're getting at.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)16:27 No.73107

    Hey Moot, wordfiltering Dopelives or Razestream was a bit too harsh considering they never spam 4chan, it's just a kid from Joowz who doesn't agree with your censoring. You can search for "Razestream" or "Dopelives" in your database and you will only find it at /v/ and they make decent vidya threads, just telling you bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)16:30 No.73159
    Dopelives and Razestream are /v/ streams, they are quite famous at /v/ Moot, and they both have bad experience with Joowz because these fagets spam at these two sites as well, you were too harsh on Dope and Raze.
    >> fem !Jpaz5xFwbw 10/26/11(Wed)17:09 No.73692
    You just wait, my friend.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)17:42 No.74075
    thank God for censoring Joowz but I'm not sure about Dopelives and Razestream bro, you're a bit too harsh considering I've never heard about them and I'm lurking /v/ everyday
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)19:06 No.75074
    haters gonna hate
    seriously though razestream is more full of fags.

    though actually its easiest to just ban all streamers in general.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)19:56 No.75755
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    I'll give it a week before the israelis are back on our ass
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)20:05 No.75864
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)20:23 No.76203
    no I know what happens and It's all suited to this board
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)22:20 No.78213
    >moot kills /r9k/ and /new/
    >4ch0n takes them
    >moot says he is happy that niche sites can have things like that
    >ten months later
    >oh look, 4ch0n is now one of the most popular non-4chan chans
    >better not let them get ahead
    I completely agree with you, OP
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)22:46 No.78738
    yeah, what's wrong with that, op?

    Shit was starting to suck and he fixed it. Good for him, the site and all users around here general.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)00:00 No.79987
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    >trusting moot
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)00:29 No.80429
    I stopped viewing/posting a few months ago when I was booted out for 2 weeks because they wrongfully accused me of posting a message containing a virus.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)00:41 No.80580

    who accused you?

    where were you posting?
    >> brent 10/27/11(Thu)00:42 No.80592
    If he was worried about traffic he'd get some better mods. I've been banned more times than I can remember for absolutely bullshit reasons. Nothing more than a momentary inconvenience, but it's still ridiculous, having to reset my modem and all.

    We need some mature mods if he wants to improve and grow the userbase.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)00:49 No.80670
    >mature mods


    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)02:01 No.81567
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    me thinks Atheistfags saw Reddit as it's promise land.

    they decided that their lives would have more meaning if they weren't anonymous and got Karma points.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)05:47 No.83607
    >moot runs searches in the database "razestream" or "dopelives"

    >find some results but it's not for advertisement purposes

    >search for joowz in the database
    >find 1000000 results

    Sorry, what were you saying? Go back to your Pony bullshit website you fag.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)06:25 No.83893
    Hate to tell you bro, but THIS is the pony bullshit website
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)07:14 No.84180
    It...IT'S A ALIVE.
    Everyone get to posting news, now!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)08:17 No.84811
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)09:38 No.85408
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)09:42 No.85452

    Hey!!! I'M HERE NOW!!!!

    Thanks for SENDING ME THAT MESSAGE!!! I'm going to tell ALL OFF MY FRIENDS tooo!!!!!!

    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)12:19 No.86916
    I don't come to 4chan often these days so I don't know - why is traffic declining? I thought moot was letting 4chan die slowly for the WS misery that is
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)12:25 No.86980
    I defected to Reddit in January of this year. Came back to 4chan just now because those Reddit idiots were pissing me off with their PC radical liberal ignorant OWS bullshit. Found this board, it seems to be exactly what I'm looking for.

    Fuck Reddit.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)13:20 No.87508
    this. there's still generally better content on reddit, but i'm boycotting until OWS is over
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)16:47 No.89769
    >> /pol/smoker !POLES8av3k 10/27/11(Thu)17:28 No.90181
    wow, no shit, i just collapsed the sticky above this then i read that
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)22:15 No.93464
    Why the fuck hasn't this thread 404d
    >> ɴᴇᴡғᴀɢs ᴄᴀɴᴛ redname ­ 10/27/11(Thu)22:23 No.93544
    Toasting in some epic ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ⒷⓇⒺⒶⒹ
    ▲ ▲
    >> Daniel !!DFstYTjc+Kl 10/27/11(Thu)22:28 No.93609
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)23:07 No.94050
    because it's a sticky.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:13 No.98097
    Because you're a fucking idiot.

    Five bucks says this thread gets
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:26 No.98179
    cba to read through all the posts but this is the dumbest sticky topic ever.
    of course he brought the boards back to increase traffic.
    why the fuck else would he do it?

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