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    File : 1326735974.jpg-(25 KB, 400x266, Money-Wallpaper-by-Photos8.jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:46 No.1155049  
    So guys I want to understand economy.

    I'd have to study on my own, and I don't even understand the basics. What should I read, watch, do?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:48 No.1155077
    Thomas Sowell is a good choice.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:49 No.1155079
    Human Action - Ludwig von Mises
    Man, Economy, and State - Murray N. Rothbard
    Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:49 No.1155086
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    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:50 No.1155090
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:50 No.1155098

    Not an economist, not based on empirical data

    fuck off
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:51 No.1155111
    If you want to understand the economy you need to learn about central banking and how it influences everything. Read:

    The Creature from Jekyll Island
    by G. Edward Griffin
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:51 No.1155113
    Just read a college textbook. I read Hal Varian's Intermediate Microeconomics and Greg Mankiw's Macroeconomics. I think you need to learn some of the math to understand economics better. I don't think it's a good idea to just read those pop-econ books that only explain the intuition. There's some insights that you can only see well if you use math.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:53 No.1155122
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    start with this
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:53 No.1155132

    Ignore everything else in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:54 No.1155139
    Economics is not a physical science.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:55 No.1155148
    Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt
    The Parable of the Broken Window by Frederic Bastiat (an essay but still a classic)
    Free to Choose: A Personal Statement by Milton Friedman
    The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek
    The Mystery of Banking by Murray Rothbard
    The Candlemakers Petition by Frederic Bastiat
    America's Great Depression by Murray Rothbard
    Human Action by Ludwig von Mises
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:55 No.1155149
    start reading a economics book, and be amazed in how fuck our economy really is and how much it has changed
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:58 No.1155181
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    Econ grad student here: Please ignore all of the mises/Rothbard garbage mentioned in this thread. Austrian "economics" is like a pseudo-science grounded in an alternate reality.

    ******My advice would be to simply read a introductory College textbook.

    Pick related: Mises believers = rodent
    Eagle = academia
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:59 No.1155185
    This is a very good look at the current state of the global economy and the institutions and actions/results that shape it.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:59 No.1155189
    Modern economics have been bastardised by positivism and empiricism and they are a total waste of time. Just a bunch of econometric models trying to model human behaviour and failing miserably.

    Start by reading "Economics in One Lesson" by Hazlit to get a basic understanding about economic motives, free exchange, unitended consequences, the limits of centally enforced plans in contrast to organic bottom up spontaneous order of the market.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:00 No.1155196
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:01 No.1155207
    Someone make a pastebin when this thread is done.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:02 No.1155215
    An Essay on Economic Theory by Cantillon
    The Wealth of Nations by Smith
    The Law by Bastiat
    Economics in One Lesson by Hazlitt
    Free to Choose by Friedman
    The Use of Knowledge in Society by Hayek

    Should be a pretty good start
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:02 No.1155223
    You mad at your third-rate sub-branch of mathematics?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:03 No.1155237
    lol, econ major here, this thread is full of fail

    all these books are findable on interwebz for dl, search for it, dont buy all of those

    Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt
    Mankiw, Principles of economics
    krugman, international economics
    mishkin, Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets
    mishkin, Financial Markets and Institutions
    varian, Intermediate Microeconomics (learn math before this! dl "thomas' calculus")
    Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan Marcus, investments

    this is basics, after you get all this, find subject that interests you the most and than study that. try to stay away from austrian economics, they are idiots
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:04 No.1155248
    And stay away from everything from Samuelson or Mankiw and any other mainstream textbooks. Samuelson is responsible for bringing up a whole generation of useless Keynesian economists he set the whole field back at least 100 years.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:05 No.1155265
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:06 No.1155271
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:07 No.1155284
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    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:08 No.1155289
    Fuck bitches get Money
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:13 No.1155340
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:14 No.1155353
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    >The Road to Serfdom
    You're doing it wrong
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:16 No.1155367

    only worthy post ITT

    i'm amazed how many austrianfags are here, they are like what /x/ is to /sci/
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:19 No.1155405
    >Human Action - Ludwig von Mises
    Only if you want to cure insomnia and elephant tranquilizers aren't working.
    >Man, Economy, and State - Murray N. Rothbard
    Rothbard is a good guy so you can see flaws in things.
    The case against flat tax - Murray Rothbard should be read by everyone including anti libertarians.
    Also Keynes and his famous book.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:19 No.1155411
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    >stay away from austrian economics
    >recommends Henry Hazlitt
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:21 No.1155432
    Naked Economics by Charles Wheelan

    Make sure it's the redone one after 2008.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:23 No.1155443
    Samuelson was a very smart guy.
    Too bad he got some things wrong.

    People should also read this, written by a Post Keynesian.

    And Post Keynesians also predicted the bubble crash and are the only school to favour methodology as much as the Austrians.
    Smaller than the Austrian school too.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:24 No.1155462
    Stefan Molyneux is a great place to start

    Just watch his video on the "Sunset of the state" or his video on procrastination and you'll get a really good understand on how important freedom is on a moral and ergo economic level.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:25 No.1155467
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    This thread makes me never want to learn about economics.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:26 No.1155481
    >implying there will be an economy in a few years.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:31 No.1155539
    Watch I.O.U.S.A.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:32 No.1155548
    As Thomas Carlyle called it: the dismal science
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:33 No.1155557
    Can you real economists explain why Austrian economics is wrong?
    >> CapitalistBastard !!l4dbpZTi+Kq 01/16/12(Mon)13:34 No.1155573

    The economy is not a course you can master in college. To think otherwise is the pretense of knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:37 No.1155611

    >no empirical evidence
    >gooberment r bad
    >flawed capital theory
    >no incorporation of time
    >rejection of fiat currency
    >depression are good and healthy for the economy
    >supporters of child labor
    >no use of math
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:40 No.1155647

    It certainly seems that way. Just so many conflicting opinions make it hard for me to want to take this seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:41 No.1155671
    Which school is correct?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:46 No.1155734
    -read a macroeconomics textbook
    -read Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations
    -read Das Kapital or The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (or at least read the wikipedia page)
    -study up on Keynes a bit
    -read up on the Federal Reserve, aggregate supply/demand, international trade, etc.

    but you need to realize....

    >understand economy

    No one actually does.
    >> ennui !!r1XrQP07hRU 01/16/12(Mon)13:49 No.1155766
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    >Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:49 No.1155767
    unfortunately, none are 100% correct. modern economics is still in its childish phase so every school wanders in the unknown
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:50 No.1155795

    >read books that are written in a way that makes you rip every page in infinite pieces

    nice way to start....idiot
    >> ennui !!r1XrQP07hRU 01/16/12(Mon)13:51 No.1155801
    i'm not surprised to see "economics in one lesson" recommended here more than a few times

    just really, really disappointed. you fellas should be ashamed of yourselves.

    pick up a copy of capital and start here, op.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:53 No.1155835

    this anon here, forget what i said about first book, i misread it for some other book, everything else is fine
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:54 No.1155850
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    You're just begging for it, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:55 No.1155867
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    >taking garbled rehashes of Ricardo and Smith seriously

    >This whole Jewish world, comprising a single exploiting sect, a kind of blood sucking people, a kind of organic destructive collective parasite, going beyond not only the frontiers of states, but of political opinion, this world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other... This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralisation of the state. And where there is centralisation of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:55 No.1155874
    come at me elitistfaggot
    >> ennui !!r1XrQP07hRU 01/16/12(Mon)13:59 No.1155921
    >nice way to start....idiot

    capital can be a really difficult read, i agree, which is why i recommend people watch these lectures while reading >>1155801

    i read the first volume on my own, and while i understood the large majority of it, some of it just made literally go "wat", even after reading and re-reading and re-reading it over and over again. many of the concepts in capital can be very difficult to grasp for someone who has been indoctrinated by supposed capitalism (americans) their entire lives
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:00 No.1155933
    remove government from GDP

    see the truth

    now you know everything about economics
    >> CapitalistBastard !!l4dbpZTi+Kq 01/16/12(Mon)14:00 No.1155936
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    >ennui !!r1XrQP07hRU


    You certainly wouldn't be suffering from ennui in the gulag.

    >Typical suburban upper-middle class "Marxist"

    Let me guess, 2nd semester sociology sophomore?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:01 No.1155953

    >the large majority of it, some of it just made literally go "wat", even after reading and re-reading and re-reading it over and over again. many of the concepts in capital can be very difficult to grasp for someone who has been indoctrinated by supposed capitalism (americans) their entire lives

    So it has nothing to do with Kapital being pants-on-head retarded?
    >> ennui !!r1XrQP07hRU 01/16/12(Mon)14:01 No.1155957
    >Let me guess, 2nd semester sociology sophomore?

    i'm 26
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:02 No.1155967
    Read the third volume of Das Kapital it's hilarious.All the "laws" Marx spews out are contradicting everything presented in the first two volumes.

    Then read this book that refutes the whole Marxist body of knowledge in a few pages.
    >> CapitalistBastard !!l4dbpZTi+Kq 01/16/12(Mon)14:03 No.1155970
    >Sociology major detected.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:03 No.1155980
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    >still a sophomore at 26
    >26 and being on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:04 No.1155988
    Conclusion from thread:

    Read all economics books as previously stated; Summarily disregard them as worthless garbage.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:04 No.1155997
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    >my bro menger and I destroy the LTV
    >marx can't develop cogent refutation
    >he just stops writing
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:04 No.1155999
    That gay is too smart for
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:04 No.1156001
    The only thing I know about Marx' economics is his labor theory of value and it sounds completely retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:05 No.1156004

    >implying there can be contradictions in the dialectical materialism
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:08 No.1156043

    This is basically true in a lot of ways. As far as I can gather, most American governmental policy in recent memory is based of Keynesian economics and reactions to it. It can be helpful to read Marx or Smith or commentaries on them to understand the development and history of economics, but to understand modern monetary and fiscal policy? Not so much.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:08 No.1156045
    hello Greek here

    i learned something from this "crisis"

    economies are only wealthy on paper: the paper wealth has surpassed the real wealth. basically we live in a fake prosperity.

    trust me, i see it everyday here in Greece.
    >> ennui !!r1XrQP07hRU 01/16/12(Mon)14:09 No.1156067
    i've only gone over the third volume once

    i don't have time to check out your link but i will later on. thanks.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:10 No.1156087
    What's the difference between Greece and the U.S though? Oh Yea! The U.S has a printer. That is literally the only difference in economic structure and situation. The U.S can print money for a bit longer.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:12 No.1156104
    >people actually recommending Marx and Austrians


    /pol/ is 12 year old hipsters
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:18 No.1156200
    The difference is Marxian economics has been monotonically refuted every time it is unfortunately resuscitated while Austrian economics has unfairly been dismissed as "extreme apriorism".
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:25 No.1156313
    I am pretty sure Austrian Economics deserves more credit than it deserves. Austrian economists predicted the whole financial collapse, the housing bubble, and other events.

    I think the Austrian Economics is slowly gaining ground, and people are coming closer and closer to it.

    Everyone on youtube loves it
    >> ennui !!r1XrQP07hRU 01/16/12(Mon)14:26 No.1156323
    >Everyone on youtube loves it


    since you put it that way
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:26 No.1156334
    >Everyone on youtube loves it
    Everyone on youtube also loves Lady Gaga.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:26 No.1156337

    Mainstream economists like to use modeling and statistical mathematics as their main source of approaching to manipulate the economy to their favor, and so they feel that they are closer to being more of an "actual" science. I'm a physics major, and I constantly see this idiotic, much-more-science-than-thou mentality amongst all of the scientific fields. Austrian economics is like what Sociology is to Biology. They're both valid in their viewpoints, and each provide a perspective that is valuable to society. It's just idiotic ego tripping elitism.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:26 No.1156340
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    >deserves more credit than it deserves.

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