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  • File : 1326530997.jpg-(43 KB, 520x299, snowballed.jpg)
    43 KB Dana Zionist Whore Bash.. getting Schooled Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)03:49 No.1124872

    this is glorious. She actually shows fear in the end, and of course claims that Ron Paul supporters are like the Arabs and of course she is he "objective fair jews."
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)03:52 No.1124894
    i thought jews were supposed to be smart
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)03:53 No.1124906
    This Ashkenazi jew is pulling down the average
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)03:56 No.1124942
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    These Paulbot freaks are truly disgusting. You know, the man might've even had my vote if it hadn't been for his whackjob neckbeard supporters. I mean, Dana Bash is just doing her job, and just because Paul can't handle the tough questions, Paul supporters suddenly have the right to harass her? The media treats all the candidates the same, Santorum supporters used to claim he got ignored as well.

    And by the way, she said she was worried about the GOP nominee having less of a shot against Obama, not about Paul winning. WATCH THE VIDEO again Paulbots if you don't believe me.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)03:57 No.1124943
    it cannot last forever. youtube is exposing them.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)03:59 No.1124960
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    And Alex Jones? Infowars? Are you fucking kidding me?

    I swear, Paul's own supporters are what's going to keep him from winning. They're just a genetic nightmare.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)03:59 No.1124962
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:00 No.1124982
    >"A woman is mad that you didnt shake her hand"
    >tough question

    you need to try a lot hardar bro
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:02 No.1125002
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    When I watch videos like this, with these freaks harassing reporters, it makes me ashamed to be a Paul supporter. Dana Bash reacts so appropriately and rationally in this situation, while these psychos attack her for no good reason. It's disgraceful.
    >> D/Gen !ONuNxgYHI2 01/14/12(Sat)04:03 No.1125012
    Can we stop getting sidetracked by media conspiracies and focus on getting Ron Paul elected? Thanks guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:05 No.1125024
    >Alex Jones
    >stopped watching right there.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:05 No.1125029

    >copy pasted link
    >see Alex Jones
    >close immediately

    and not a single fuck was given.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:05 No.1125034
    This. It's all a distraction.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:06 No.1125037
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    It's a low-ball question, I admit. But that doesn't make it anything but a tough question. If you're going to run for president you have to expect questions like that and deal with them. It was really that fag Jesse Benton that ended the interview. Paul usually is able to handle these questions.

    Questions like these aren't uniquely aimed at Paul. They're part of the way sensational journalism works. But with Paul supporters everything is just a conspiracy. They're ridiculous. Worse than Obama supporters.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:06 No.1125038

    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:06 No.1125048

    It's called accountability. "Reporters" need some. All they did was ask her valid questions. I know it might be scary for someone with so much to hide.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:07 No.1125050

    are you a reptoid?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:07 No.1125053
    watch any news..

    "Ron Paul cant win","Ron Paul cant win"."Ron Paul cant win"

    are you seriously trying to tell me that this is how they treat all other candidates?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:08 No.1125057
    Don't forget
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:09 No.1125064
    >Dana Bash can ask Ron Paul a stupid question
    >People cant ask her why she asked a stupid question

    this is what liberals really think
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:10 No.1125070
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:10 No.1125073
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    "Accountability" isn't something that should be applied to journalists in that manner, because they're just doing their job, which is to ask tough questions.

    How about if Santorum advocates repeal of the 1st amendment and a reporter questions him on it. Should he be harassed by Santorum supporters? The mob-mentality has to stop. Or I, and most other sane people, will be pulling our support for Paul.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:10 No.1125074

    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:12 No.1125088
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    She shouldn't be harassed for it like this. It's just disgusting and gives a bad rep to Ron Paul supporters. Look at these freaks shouting at her about their crackpot Federal Reserve conspiracy theories. Shameful.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:12 No.1125090
    I've always hated the goddamn media. I respect Paul supporters for putting her in her place. She will think twice the next time she tries any shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:12 No.1125092

    It's the media cashing in on a trend. The trend with Ron Paul is that he can't win, or is 'unelectable'. It's a handy buzzword.

    I get the impression that the whole deal started with Ron Paul's supporters, not the media, because voting for an 'unelectable' candidate whose ideas are 'too radical' gives the impression of both daring and intelligence.

    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:12 No.1125093

    You don't support Ron Paul if you think they are just asking tough questions. And they did nothing wrong, they simply talked to her one at a time.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:14 No.1125104
    >journalists shouldn't be held accountable
    asking someone about a policy
    telling someone that a lady was mad that he wasnt able to shake her hand and why didnt he do it
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:15 No.1125116
    cashing in on a trend my ass.

    do you really believe this shit?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:15 No.1125117
    It's not illogical to claim Ron Paul can't win. Much of the GOP base is against him. The media offers attacks up against all the candidates, they're just different for each one. For Romney it's his record, for Gingrich it's his personal life, etc.

    If there were really a conspiracy at work in the media, Ron Paul wouldn't be given the time of day, but he's given quite a lot of media attention.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:17 No.1125134

    and this from a guy who doesn't agree with Ron Paul very much
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:18 No.1125136

    They air his interviews at 3 in the morning. I've seen one of them say "Hit the mute button if you see Ron Paul"
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:18 No.1125138
    Actually the media defends romney now for his "record" even going so far as to claim if you don't like romeny you are anti-captialist and anti-american.
    >Gingrich it's his personal life
    I can't really say I've seen the media say anything bad abou gingrich but nothing good either really.
    I think its shameful he was hitting romney so hard and the gop says "Hey stop doing that to are lady boy romney"

    Run pauls given 30 seconds, a few "can't" wins and "Well when he dies maybe his son won't be so crazy"

    Its a disgrace.
    I've seen maybe 3 instances total where they gave him a good rap.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:19 No.1125148
    >media is just cashing in on a trend
    this is what liberals really believe
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:21 No.1125162

    >Implying the media isn't owned by rich people that love perpetual war
    >Implying Paul isn't the only anti-war candidate
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:22 No.1125163
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    dana scwartz, you mean. why the name change? what is she trying tohide?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:22 No.1125171
    I still don't how some one asking a question or commenting on something is being "harassed"
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:24 No.1125186

    They put a label on her to make sure people know what she's going to do to them.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:26 No.1125197
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:26 No.1125206
    People should not ask questions. It's the reporters job.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:27 No.1125210
    Paulbots seeing what they want to see. Everyone else seeing how batshit crazy they are and how deranged a violent neo-nazi is within each who can't handle a world where their fuhrer is dared to be questioned and not exalted.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:27 No.1125215

    >Federal Reserve
    >Conspiracy theory

    Pick one
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:29 No.1125237
    your face while the country is being liberated from its oligarch controllers by these "batshit crazy" people
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:30 No.1125241
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:30 No.1125243
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    Guys I was just reading about how Princess Diana might have been killed on purpose by the royal family for trying to expose them as ancient alien reptiles.
    She made a strange phone call at a grocery store then the next day she died.

    If this isn't proof they exist I don't know what is.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:35 No.1125286
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    >he thinks he's a freedom fighter fighting against elite rule
    >he supports a white supremacist religious fascist who believe in unmitigated corporate power
    paulbots are the worlds biggest sheep
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:35 No.1125291
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:36 No.1125294
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:36 No.1125299
    This article seems hella sensationalist.
    It seems like media-types are moreso pissed off that someone objects to their coverage.

    IMHO: If people object to media bias, call out media bias, it isn't criminal/wrong. Grow up.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:37 No.1125302
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    go to bed, rabbi
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:37 No.1125307
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    >doesnt realize that corporations gain their power from corruption in government
    funny Ron Paul was the first person to call it a corptocracy
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:38 No.1125309
    >"globalist sellout"

    God damnit.

    >Alex Jones

    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:40 No.1125322
    >being liberated

    Or rather

    >by faggots with a persecution complex persecuting others
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:40 No.1125323
    >Alex Jones

    closed the tab right there

    fuck off to /x/
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:40 No.1125325
    >blame the puppets for being corrupt, believe giving the puppeteers absolute power and having no need for puppets anymore will fix the problem

    paulbots are the epitome of naive
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:40 No.1125331
    >implying Alex Jones and his Texas supporters arent the original supporters and spreaders of the message of Dr Paul

    deal with it. Alex Jones is crazy for liberty.. its also why Ron Paul has gone on his show for years
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:42 No.1125345

    >crazy for liberty

    Funny you should word it like that... because Ron Pawl is high on liberty.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:42 No.1125349


    I would listen to Alex Jones over the mainstream media any day of the week

    >Implying he didn't warn you about NDAA and the police state for years
    >Implying he didn't predict what Obama would do during his term before he did it
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:47 No.1125388
    WTF is with Paulbots and their youtubeism. Every single one of you seems to rely on youtube videos to make arguments for you and teach you about the world or rather reaffirm your paranoid delusion mental illness via selective editing and melodrama . Anyone else notice this Paulbot dependence on youtube? All day long is youtube links from these fags. You all come off as bitch lil sheltered 12 year olds whose entire support of Ron Paul comes from a cult like bandwagon worship which is why you become so deranged over any criticism. None of you seem to know anything, you just mindlessly believe what ron paul tells you and when challenged you then proceed to on the spot frantically google and search wikipedia and youtube for whatever you can to help support your idiot cult worldview.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:49 No.1125412
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:51 No.1125422
    >can't use internet properly
    >mad because owned by sources

    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:52 No.1125429
    Knee-jerk u mad image macro posts are the biggest indication you were made buttmad from the toldage post you are replying to and were so enraged you couldn't think straight and come up with a comeback but felt the need to reply thinking simply replying means you save face.

    Thanks for letting me know you got butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:54 No.1125447
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:54 No.1125451
    >so much mad
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:54 No.1125453

    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:55 No.1125454
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:55 No.1125462
    haha wow
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:56 No.1125466

    Haven't seen this much butthurt on 4chan in a while.

    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:57 No.1125467
    lol they did it again. whats it like being made a bitch then being too stupid to come up with a retort so you just keep fucking that chicken. paulqaeda blows itself up again.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:57 No.1125469
    Zionist bitch don't no what hit her
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:58 No.1125484
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:59 No.1125491
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    I've been screen capping weeks worth of paulbot neo-nazi spam, im gonna email them to the media eventually. have fun with that.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:59 No.1125495
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:00 No.1125497
    >the Internet is serious business
    >still very mad
    >> !.zenguyEQw 01/14/12(Sat)05:02 No.1125517

    >You don't speak about my President, like that, on CNN

    I laughed so hard.

    Ron Paul people, always, come off as totally fucking nuts.

    Why is that?

    Are there sane, decent Ron Paul supporters?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:03 No.1125523

    I am, but I'm not American, so maybe that's why I'm sane.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:03 No.1125524

    Who are you voting for bro?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:03 No.1125525
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    they think they can hide their mad if they keep accusing others of being mad. YOU CANT SPEAK LIKE THAT ABOUT MY PRESIDENT AND MAKE FUN OF ME TOO!!! YOU"RE THE ONE WHO"S MAD!!!

    lol paulbitches being bitches. whats it like knowing you're a bitch and ron paul will never be president. got a youtube video to make you feel better?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:03 No.1125528
    Didn't watch the vid, just going to say Dana is a cunt and the traditional media deserves everything it's going to get.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:04 No.1125531
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:04 No.1125532
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    >Mfw he's so mad he keeps replying to pictures
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:05 No.1125542
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    >> !.zenguyEQw 01/14/12(Sat)05:05 No.1125543

    I doubt it.

    People say that until you bring up something like what abolishing the department of education actually means, or what his view of abortion is, or what his views on medicare are . . . etc.

    Maybe you're not.

    I have run into a few on here.

    Like, literally, two.


    Not sure yet. I'm not a Republican.

    I'll have to wait and see what Republican ends up vying for the Presidency, and what his positions are (they won't be the same, chances are, as what they were during the primaries).

    If the positions are all the same, no matter which Republican goes up, I will vote Obama.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:05 No.1125546
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:06 No.1125549
    >implying I know who Ron Paul is
    >implying you aren't steaming nigger mad
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:07 No.1125557

    >Calls Ron Paul supporters crazy
    >Is actually considering voting for Obama
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:07 No.1125559
    It's like looking into the future.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:08 No.1125570
    >getting Schooled
    All I saw was paulnazis being asspained and the reporter rolling her eyes and keeping cool at their mental illness on display. your paultards are like the lil fat kids who mumble something under their breath as they walk past some cool kids they hate then go hide in the bathroom and tell themselves they totally told those guys and put them in their place. you're just sad. i mean really fucking sad. ron pauls entire campaign seems to be a surrogate for you to overcompensate for your insecurities. lol hurr the federal reserrrrrve....MY president! lol
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:09 No.1125576
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:10 No.1125583
    its ok, there were lots of loyalists that didnt do shit.. we wont need you
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:10 No.1125584
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:11 No.1125591
    I'm screen capping and emailing this thread to CNN and others. Lets see how they feel about paul supporters going on a nazi rant about zionists and being gleeful at their fellow supporters threatening a reporter and the idea that she may have feared for her life.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:12 No.1125601
    >spew propaganda from your shithole mouth
    >cry about it when people call you out on it

    maybe if you practiced actual journalism instead of censoring everything to do with your glorious homeland of Israel you wouldn't be in this position, fucking warmongering zionist kike slut.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:13 No.1125611
    >implying that CNN will post stuff where people name the zionists
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:13 No.1125615
    >the mad is monolithic
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:13 No.1125616
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:13 No.1125617
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:14 No.1125622
    This is why no one takes ron paul seriously. you act like children, look at this thread, you can't even handle being mocked without relying on the classic psychological crutch that people mocking you are really jealous or mad or some other retarded shit. How are you going to handle him losing the nomination? I mean none of you actually think he's gonna win right? You can't be that deluded can you?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:15 No.1125626
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:15 No.1125632
    >reporter fears for life
    >attack on Iran imminent, possible WW3 and draft for all of us, Paul only one trying to stop it

    oh poor little flower
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:15 No.1125635
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:15 No.1125640
    >implying we dont already know he will lose
    >implying this is all about Ron Paul and not about the liberty movement

    its the message.. the message is winning
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:16 No.1125647
    Romney/Paul is virtually a lock.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:17 No.1125652

    >On a troll board Moot made specifically to give Ron Paul more attention
    >Accuses people of acting like children online
    >Has never seen or touched a naked woman in person

    Obvious virgin is obvious. I don't understand why you're samefagging the whole thread with angry posts when nobody is taking you seriously...
    >> !.zenguyEQw 01/14/12(Sat)05:17 No.1125656

    Since you presented no facts, and the general thought is totally ridiculous, I'm going to have to respond with

    Uh, no, no it isn't a lock.

    Romney would be shooting himself in the foot by having Ron Paul on his ticket, who only 3% of Republicans support.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:18 No.1125659
    not really faggot. he will be an irrelevant ralph nader. 2012 is the last year for anything to happen. after this it's back to big government

    accept your place. it won't hurt as much in a few months if you prepare youreslf now
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:18 No.1125668

    Paul wouldn't accept a VP with Romney and Romney would go nowhere near him with that proposal. Paul knows Romney is a Wall Street sellout and Romney knows he wouldn't be able to implement Wall Street policies like Obama has if he chooses Paul as his VP.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:22 No.1125695
    >curse you guys!! Why won't you let me insult and mock you!! Stop defending yourself waaaaaaaaa

    You sound like a 15 year old crying bitch who got their shit slapped.
    Just sayain.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:23 No.1125701


    Other than the bullshit factory in your head.
    >> !.zenguyEQw 01/14/12(Sat)05:24 No.1125717
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    >Call source on something the first result from a google search would turn up

    You must not know me, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:25 No.1125726
    Source is an IQ over 100. Ron Paul will lose the primaries and fade into oblivion, and Obama will win and government will continue to expand and your rights and income will shrink


    deal with it faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:26 No.1125727

    >Can't provide source
    >Claims you can find it by looking for it yourself
    >Never had the source to begin with
    >Claim was not based on fact at all
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:26 No.1125731
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    >still doesn't have that troll filtered
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:27 No.1125741

    Willing to make a bet on that? Give me your email and/or paypal. I'm willing to bet at least a $1000 to the contrary.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:28 No.1125748
    What are you betting?
    >> !.zenguyEQw 01/14/12(Sat)05:28 No.1125750

    Literally, the first google search string.

    Instead of typing out 20 words to me, you could have done it.


    In all seriousness, if you can't find it in 10 minutes of looking, I'll give you the link.

    I'm not into giving out information on easily found things. Something difficult to find, like proof Ron Paul is against gay marriage, I source immediately.


    Post yours.

    Now, I'll give source once this bet is in place.

    This is exciting.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:29 No.1125755

    That Ron Paul will win the nomination, unless you want to take it further than that...
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:31 No.1125766
    are you fucking serious? why would you believe something so stupid?

    blind hope will get you nowhere
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:32 No.1125776
    I got your back. I think we can do this too.
    Negativity will get no one anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:32 No.1125779

    Shut the fuck up. I have my reasons. Are you willing to bet me or not? I want to make this at least an $1000 dollar bet. If you're willing to bet more, I'll be more.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:33 No.1125787

    *I'll bet more
    >> !.zenguyEQw 01/14/12(Sat)05:33 No.1125789

    Except labeled a "Ron Paul supporting Retard" or "Paultard" if you do it loudly enough.


    Hey, see me? The tripfag?

    I'm willing to make the bet.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:36 No.1125799

    He probably doesn't believe what the media tells him...and who would?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:37 No.1125803
    Spending too much time on the internet has clouded your mind to the outside world and reality of the baby boomer infested society that is America.

    They are the majority of the country, while Gen Y shut ins are the majority of internet hangouts.

    Don't do this, not only will you be devastated at the loss of your hero, but you will be minus a grand.

    Don't hurt yourself so much.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:44 No.1125842
    Is anyone going to step up and bet
    >> !.zenguyEQw 01/14/12(Sat)05:45 No.1125853

    Apparently he scampered off.

    Looks like it's just a normal thread again, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)06:13 No.1125956
    1,538 likes, 13 dislikes

    youtube: below 1% dislikes
    4chan: 50% of anonymous posters dislike ron paul

    get a real job guys....
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:10 No.1127762
    The real world- 85% of republitards think ron paul is evil and crazy

    4chan- 50% of anonymous posters are realistic and point out the truth that ron paul will lose but are called trolling assholes by ron paul drones

    get a real job neckbeard
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:13 No.1127797
    God I fucking love Alex Jones.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:17 No.1127832
    >my face when the awkward aspie tries to nervously ask her "WHO DO YOU W-W-WORK FOR?"

    >"Don't you want to get in that picture?"

    >keeps rambling

    >"Thank you but no."


    fucking losaers
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:20 No.1127863
    >objective journalism

    oh my sides!
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:27 No.1127932
    that's fucking ridiculous. Everyone knows the royal family are werewolves....werewolf aliens
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:28 No.1127938
    >my president

    Confirmed for cultist
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:30 No.1127956
    >she tells you what to think

    You're pretty weak if you can't think things for yourself
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:31 No.1127969
         File1326558719.jpg-(296 KB, 600x600, 1325197099604.jpg)
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    lmao she got told so fucking hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:33 No.1127980
    >complaining about Paul not shaking hands with someone
    >"We cover a lot of news in 24 hours"


    CNN is not 24 hours, maybe 8 hours of CNN is repeats and shit documentaries Like Black or Latino in America, CNN Heroes, and Anonymous
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:36 No.1128014
    Guys retarded?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:42 No.1128080
    Oh boy, here we go again
    Like I said yesterday,
    Someone did need to shit on Dana Bash. A reporter should learn to keep their personal opinion out of the news. However, these dozen or so people are idiots and attacked her the wrong way. Why would you take these people as a representative of the whole of Paul's supporters?
    My sister wants Romney to be President because he's "cute"
    My mother wants anyone who isn't Obama because his middle name is Hussein
    Should you judge either of those two candidates on how my family acts? No. And you shouldn't judge Paul by these idiots.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:43 No.1128092
    But they really weren't attacking her, most were questions
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)11:46 No.1128125
    >being merely confrontational
    >crazy lunatics

    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)12:15 No.1128465

    So much mad in this thread, to think that CNN even gives a fuck about some board on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)12:30 No.1128660

    Well aren't you objective.

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