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  • File : 1273465783.jpg-(109 KB, 950x797, 695f858d9448020c21e2b036e54dfea3d4b32458.jpg)
    109 KB 4chan Post Reporting Helper Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)00:29 No.352277  
    Combat spam on 4chan by reporting multiple spam posts at one go.

    This addon helps you combat spam on 4chan. Right-click on the post number (it's what you click on to quote the post in the reply box) and select one of the 'report spam post...' options. The addon will add the post to a report queue, from which a new report is sent every 61 seconds. The addon provides some stats at the bottom of the page.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)00:31 No.352281
    Forgot the link -.-
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)00:32 No.352282
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)00:49 No.352286
         File1273466984.jpg-(158 KB, 600x900, Yotsuba_gun_lar.jpg)
    158 KB
    I already reported 30 spam posts but there are still more to report!
    >You've already reported enough posts.

    Please fellow friends! Continue for me!
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)01:22 No.352302
    Why does that pedo site spam here all the time?
    The guy who runs it, it is known where he lives...

    Why isn't that information more useful in making this spam stop?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)03:55 No.352360
    /b would love that
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)07:18 No.352386

    all very bad ideas lol........ forget about the troll, go to /po/ if you want to read the messages from /po/opers, and then if you happen to see a troll, report him. don't make it a sport to fight trolls like this with crazy ideas that I hope will never happen (will do more bad than good!!!!!!) because you will only get frustrated that is what trolls like. fight silently by reporting whenever you happen to see a troll but don't shout at him, just ignroe him. don't go actively hunting them or you will ruin your own day and the troll will be lhao because he can control you instead of doing what you want he makes you get frustrated because you can't believe your efforts don't have immediate effect.........
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)07:22 No.352388
    Only thing that janitors/mods really need to learn, is to recognize very obvious paper and glue spam when they clean /po:

    >>352336 Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)02:08 No.352336 [Reply]
    What type of paper and glue do you use?

    >>352337 Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)02:14 No.352337 [Reply]
    What sort of paper and glue do you use?

    >>352338 Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)02:15 No.352338 [Reply]
    What paper and glue do you use?

    >>352340 Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)02:18 No.352340 [Reply]
    What type of paper and glue do you use?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)07:22 No.352389
    The idea for registered users is to allow a big number of people to moderate 4chan. 4chan have too many users for too few mods but you can't allow anyone to be a mod because they have too much power. If you make a group of people no one of them would have the power for deleting a post or ban a IP but if a certain amount of them flag a post they would be able to moderate a board.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)07:24 No.352390
    Them the troll will change it to something else.

    Seems like we have no mods interested in this board. They only look at the reported posts so report all trollflood posts.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)07:26 No.352391
    it is a very bad idea because it will be abused more than it will be used for good. it's luck if 30 good meaning /po/opers will use it for good, but at any time when /b/ or /v/ or any board is down, or let's face it, whenever they feel like it, there will be hundreds of them deleting everything they want, or any troll with dynamic IP (all of them) will delete all of /po/ next weekend...... registration on 4chan??? lol, you must come from a forum, anon is the power of 4chan, no real anon want to register and make 4chan into a forum..................
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)07:29 No.352392
    I know, he often changes them a little to avoid auto ban but it's very easy to see that they are spam made by trolls and not really asking helpful questions, don't you think? Any janitor should be able to understand that so he should delete them when he sees that kind of posts being made so quick and all almost the same....
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)09:42 No.352411
    No! No registered users. 4Chan is Anon.

    Who cares what he spammed in the past, it is not hard now to delete 4 paper and glue posts made withing 10 minutes after eachother amirite?? Whatever the spam is, it is always very easy to see BECAUSE it is spammed, but just because it is about paper and glue they suddenly don't make the connection that it is spam and not a serious question??

    You should also read this: this: and this:

    You want to do a better job than the janitors are doing now, I would love you if you did! But don't bug /po/ about it, bug moot about it. /po/ can't make you a janitor.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)09:48 No.352413
    >No! No registered users. 4Chan is Anon.
    O RLY? What about mods? You can talk with them at irc!

    /po/ have no Janitor. The idea of some registered users would be to create something below janitors. One registered user would have no power alone but when a certain number of them flag the same post they would be able to do the same thing as a janitor.
    It would be something like this:
    MOD>Janitor>registered user (or any other cool name)
    A group of registered users would have the same power of a single janitor. (can do the same things)
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)10:02 No.352417
    The only way for this to be useful is if there are only a set number of user who could "register" and have the right to do anything. So basically janitors and mods. If registration were open to anyone, the trolls would exploit that, as well, and do more damage than they currently do. Instead of just using spam to bump away some threads, they could just delete them altogether.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)10:42 No.352425
    yeah I think >>352413 doesn't get that... what he wants is basically 10 janitors that have to agree to delete a post...

    But only because he changed his idea into that because what he really was trying to sell first (anon having that power) is even more stupid lol....... Give it up, talk to moot, mods, janitors about your backfiring ideas, not with /po/.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)11:47 No.352439


    I dont know if it's just your grasp of the language or what, but you come across as a tremendous asshole.

    The problem with /po/ I feel is that it's so slow that it can't really cope with a troll invasion as well as the more popular boards.

    I sort of like the idea of the ' board-registered user' but it's hugely open to abuse- how do you vet people for that sort of thing?

    What we really need is more resident janitors.

    Also, I've said it once and I'll say it again, we REALLY need to bring back that "beginner's guide to papercraft" sticky, it's helpful and puts a lid on the paper and glue trolls
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)12:00 No.352441
    >>352439 puts a lid on the paper and glue trolls
    No it doesn't, he won't stop spamming "what paper and glue do you use" just because there is a sticky about that, do you really believe that? That sticky was a perfect example of an idea backfiring: it got abused by more trolls spammers and flooders than ever before.
    We don't need registered users. 4Chan is where you can post without having to register, that is its power. What you call "registering", is really just "becoming a janitor". The only difference could be open registering for anyone who wants to (which is a very bad idea because it will be abused in a way far worse than the spamming that is going on now: yes that is possible, and if you want to see it, that would be the way to do it...) And then there's closed registering, only moot decides. That is what it is now. Janitors are not doing a good job, we all agree. But your idea would make it even worse: instead of 1 janitor being able to come here and help clean up /po/, now he has to wait for 4 others. And you are saying that it is already difficult to get 1 janitor to come and clean up?

    What you call a "registered user with the power to delete posts" is a janitor. So instead of making difficult ideas to have 5 janitors agree to delete a post, 1 janitor to delete spam like it is now is easier! What you want I think, is just that they do a better job. You come up with a whole difficult not working idea, just to say: I want more janitors and they need to do a better job. And everybody agrees. We just can't do anything about it, so you should complain to moot, because he could, and not tell your ideas in 5 different ways but they all just mean: more janitors please...
    >> Anon !YBzvLTwbUg 05/10/10(Mon)12:49 No.352459
    I will namefag because you keep quoting others and talking as they were me.

    Anyone is free to post here without registering I'm proposing the creation of a new weaker janitor.

    It's not something to substitute janitors, is something to add to them! There would be a limited number of them.

    You think that there is a janitor cleaning here but there isn't! Mods are the ones deleting the spam! There isn't a janitor for each board! The point of having at least 5 of them to agree is to avoid abuse! admins would let only 20 people to become this subjanitor thing for a board and if one, two or three of them were trolls they would still have no power over the board. Also if they keep flagging real threads instead of the spam they would be banned and admins would open these slots for new people!
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)13:05 No.352468
    For the hundreth time, why would you want a "weak janitor" that has to wait for 4 others? Why this difficult construction to "avoid abuse" that can be solved so much easier: don't let users register so they can delete posts, but leave that to janitors. Like it already is now.

    If /po/ doesn't have a janitor, then why come up with such a difficult new construction instead of using the existing one: one janitor that doesn't have to wait for 4 other janitors to agree with him that 10 paper and glue messages in 10 minutes is spam and not a serious question...

    And also for the hundreth time: what do you expect /po/ to do about your ideas except tell you that it's a bad idea...? Why not take your ideas to moot who can actually do something with it (or not, if he is smart... sorry to sound so harsh I know I can do that sometimes but I really feel strongly about this being a very bad idea)
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)15:04 No.352529
    Because admins don't want new janitors!

    A janitor have the power to delete any post that he want and this was abused before. That's why we have so few janitors and it is closed for the creation of new janitors. Only one rogue janitor is enough to destroy a board!
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)15:31 No.352536
    They don't want new janitors so your idea is to have them get 20 new janitors that can't do their job because they have to wait for 4 other janitors to help them while trolls and spambots don't have to wait for 4 other people to keep trolling and spamming?
    You say yourself there is a mod cleaning /po/ sometimes? All you want to do is let 5 people do what one person is already doing, only more difficult. The way how you are trying to make it safe so it won't get abused, is why it won't work, I keep telling you... They will be TOO weak to do anything, so why would moot change how /po/ and 4Chan work for useless weak janitors, when a mod is doing what you want much easier?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)15:33 No.352539
    Shesus Chrysler, you're thick.

    >only 20 people to become this subjanitor thing
    This is a horrible system, and incredibly redundant. Adding them to the janitors is as useless as substituting the janitors with them. Please tell me you've been to this board before. Please tell me you've noticed how slow it moves. Those subjanitors? They wouldn't be worried about monitoring this board, because there's rarely anything TO monitor. They would come along as often to do something about spam as a regular janitor would, and that one would get rid of it much faster. It might be less ridiculous for other boards, but it has NO practical application on /po/, the slowest 4chan board. Mods/janitors/your subjanitors wouldn't visit the board more than the people who use it. Subjanitors are thus rendered redundant and useless.
    >> Anon !YBzvLTwbUg 05/10/10(Mon)16:08 No.352560
    >They don't want new janitors so your idea is to have them get 20 new janitors that can't do their job because they have to wait for 4 other janitors to help them while trolls and spambots don't have to wait for 4 other people to keep trolling and spamming?
    The sub janitors would be people FROM the board. And they wouldn't substitute the mods, they would add to them. Every time someone makes a thread counting the number of people in the board it get far more than 30 users in some hours.

    >You say yourself there is a mod cleaning /po/ sometimes? All you want to do is let 5 people do what one person is already doing, only more difficult. The way how you are trying to make it safe so it won't get abused, is why it won't work, I keep telling you... They will be TOO weak to do anything, so why would moot change how /po/ and 4Chan work for useless weak janitors, when a mod is doing what you want much easier?
    Because mods don't know this board! We need people from the board to do the job TOO, not instead!

    >Please tell me you've been to this board before. Please tell me you've noticed how slow it moves.
    Yes, I have been here for years and on 4chan since its creation.

    >Those subjanitors? They wouldn't be worried about monitoring this board, because there's rarely anything TO monitor. They would come along as often to do something about spam as a regular janitor would, and that one would get rid of it much faster. It might be less ridiculous for other boards, but it has NO practical application on /po/, the slowest 4chan board. >Mods/janitors/your subjanitors wouldn't visit the board more than the people who use it. Subjanitors are thus rendered redundant and useless.
    Yes they would because they would be user of the board, not a random guys from /b/! This system is for all non /b/ boards, not just /po/.
    >> Anon !YBzvLTwbUg 05/10/10(Mon)16:10 No.352564
    Yes there are. In one hour more than 5 regular users come here, they just don't post every time they are online. A imageboard always have much more people viewing it than posting in it.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)17:03 No.352610

    This thread is now just dickheads BAWWING because they dont want their precious board tampered with.

    The idea of these monitors (sub janitors, whatever) is to add to the currently lax moderation.

    Chances are it wont get implemented, on account of the time and money involved, but to view it as replacing the janitors or in some way becoming the moderation of the board comes very close to being deliberately wrong-headed.

    Additionally, the sticky I mentoned puts a lid on the trolls because any paper and glue threads are blatantly exposed as trolls, which mods or janitors may not initially recognise.

    plus it's FUCKING HELPFUL.

    I can see the advantages of lesser monotor/janitor roles, but I can also see it becoming overly complex and not worth the hassle to implement.

    That being said, if this thread is representative of /po/ as a whole, then it;s no fucking wonder the board doesnt get anymore traffic.

    >> Anon !YBzvLTwbUg 05/10/10(Mon)17:23 No.352621
    This thread was about a helpfull addon to make reporting dozen of spam posts easier but was derailed.

    Also this board wouldn't work with more traffic.
    1. Papercraft takes time. People would start discussing about a project and the thread would die if this board where as fast as other boards.
    2. More traffic=more trolls Just look at any board with a lot of traffic and you will see that they became /b/ for slow people like /v/, /x/, /g/...
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)18:40 No.352707
    >time and money involved
    >moderation tools written by unpaid volunteer programmers, for unpaid volunteer moderators and janitors to use
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)20:11 No.352738
         File1273536671.jpg-(69 KB, 500x338, 2981520732_656e59957b.jpg)
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    Seems like my IP is locked with the message
    >You have to wait a while before reporting another post.

    If any mod see this please fix it? There are more spam to report!
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)21:03 No.352764
         File1273539828.jpg-(25 KB, 130x104, 1269331992762.jpg)
    25 KB
    report me and nothing will happen
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)21:07 No.352767
    There is no /po/ mod. Mods work on all boards. You don't have a mod for each board.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)21:11 No.352770
         File1273540311.jpg-(146 KB, 640x476, 1269666160923.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)21:14 No.352771
    I think it worked. There's no spam in these boards now.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)21:15 No.352772
    it sux
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)21:16 No.352773
    why theres a ban for "bоxxy" on /b/ but no paper-glue ban on /po/??
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)21:24 No.352775
    1. Because you can ban people for any reason on /b/
    >"ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.
    2. Because there are hundreds of people flooding /b/ with "boxxy" and only one guy flooding here.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)21:51 No.352803
    Message to all /po/eple!
    Download the 4chan Post Reporting Helper and report all this troll spam!
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)21:59 No.352804
    >only one guy flooding here.

    That makes it simple. IP track, locate his flat, apply RPG.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/10(Mon)22:02 No.352806
    Dynamic IP, proxies and 4chan policy respect the anonymity unless you do something illegal but even them they will give personal info only to authorities.

    4chan is more serious business than it looks!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:33 No.352923
    Keep telling us we're thick all you want, your idea won't work the way you are imagining it in your head apparantly...
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)08:47 No.352925
    >in less than 5 hours they would be all gone with a registered user system!

    No. No, it wouldn't. All subjanitors would have to be online at the same time, which is something you can't guarantee. And like I've said before, a slower moving board means slower moderation. It's not as high up on a list of priorities, so even if every board did have this redundant subjanitor system, you can't guarantee that the janitors themselves would care enough to moderate spam all the time.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)09:00 No.352938

    >All subjanitors would have to be online at the same time

    what? no. lern 2 read.

    you either have comprehenshion problems or are wilfully ignorant.

    Also sage for trolls
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)10:23 No.352962
    >but the fucking problem is we don't HAVE appropriate moderation
    And other boards do? I think we're lucky enough to just have a few "wat paper + glue" threads every day. Except for the occasional flood when /b/ goes down, I don't think we have it that bad.

    >90% of the posters have no intention of contributing, just like you in fact.
    Now this is just plain ignorant. How do you know I don't contribute anything? I might not be adding a whole lot right now, but this thread is hardly evidence of my productivity.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)10:39 No.352970
    This is your problem!

    Perfect Solution Fallacy:

    A subcategory of False Dichotomy, the Perfect Solution Fallacy is arguing that a course of action is no good because it isn't perfect. It either implies or asserts the False Dichotomy that implementing a less-than-perfect solution will preclude a "perfect" solution.

    Using reusable bags instead of paper or plastic will help the environment.
    However, using them won't solve the problem completely.
    Therefore, since it isn't the best possible single solution, it isn't worth doing at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)10:57 No.352975
    Great dictionary find, but your initial thesis is wrong: we're not saying it is a bad idea because it is not perfect, we are saying it is bad because the cons outweigh the pros: it will require time and effort to implement the changes, for an idea that won't work.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:07 No.352978
    Required reading when on 4Chan:
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:08 No.352979
    I'm starting to think that you are the spammer tryiong to make everthing possible to fuck with the board.
    "We should be happy that we have the paper and glue spam"
    "It's not that bad! Look at the other boards dominated by /b/"

    Seems like you want to this board filled with spam and whe should be happy with it.

    This is not just for the paper and glue spam. This is for any kind of spam! And it will work because it will rely on people who already spend a lot of time here!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:20 No.352986
    This is a horrible page. "Personality disordered people are the ones who usually come to mind when we think of the term, 'toxic person'."? Really? The author clearly doesn't realize what the term "personality disorder" means, nor the sheer amount of behavioral disorders that exist.

    This. I haven't even been saying that there are a majority of cons in the idea, just that it's incredibly redundant. Redundancy doesn't help at all, it's just useless. Worse case, it makes things more complicated.

    It's not that we should be happy we have spam, it's that we should be happy we so little to contend with. And even then, that has nothing to do with the system being proposed.

    Either way, it's ridiculous to say that just because people don't agree with you it means that they're the ones causing the problem in the first place. Please accept that you may not be right.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:21 No.352988
    Circular reasoning

    >It will not work because it will not work!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:22 No.352991
    Please accept that you may not be right.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:24 No.352995
    I have accepted that, but so far no reasons have been given that explain why the system is superior. There have been plenty legitimate reasons for why the system is flawed, but all that's given in return is "NO U" without an actual counterargument.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:27 No.353003
    You're all just trolling me because you know I'm right and this will help... all of you are the spammers.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:27 No.353004

    Perfect Solution Fallacy:

    Just because the system have flaws we should not use it at all.

    You want a perfect system with mods in every board 24 hours a day. THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE!!!

    4chan have a absurd amount of posters, rely only in mods is madness!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:31 No.353013
    >You want a perfect system with mods in every board 24 hours a day.

    This is not what I want. This wasn't ever said, anyway. What was said was that a subjanitor system is retarded because for one mod/janitor to come in and sweep up all the spam is just as effective as having five people who aren't guaranteed to be around at the same time try and vote things off. I understand this would be in addition to the mods/janitors, and they could pick up the slack, but . . . why create slack FOR them to pick up?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:36 No.353018
    Your solution is great! Maybe it could get rid of a lot of spam messages!

    So now what do we do?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:46 No.353024
    1. A janitor will stay here just a few hours a day (they would have to work/study/sleep
    2. A rogue janitor could delete all threads in the board.

    Let's say that admins change their mind and open it for new janitors and we get a janitor who would spend 5 hours every day cleaning the board.

    The board would still stay 19 hours without him.

    Now if we got 30 subjanitors spending 5 hours a day flagging spam and flood. This means that we would have a average of 6.25 of them every hour. Spam wouldn't survive more than one hour, maybe 2 or 3 hours in the low hours.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)11:53 No.353025
    >Seems like my IP is locked with the message
    >You have to wait a while before reporting another post.
    >If any mod see this please fix it? There are more spam to report!

    You have to wait 60 seconds between reporting posts. One IP is allowed to report a post every 60 seconds. There also seems to be a limit of 30 reports per IP. I don't know how often this is refreshed. Many proxies are banned from 4chan because of previous attempts to control spam, flooding, and illegal content. So this tends to work well for tracking individual users.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)12:06 No.353030
    >>353024 Spam wouldn't survive more than one hour, maybe 2 or 3 hours in the low hours.
    That would be great! So again, now what??
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)12:10 No.353031
    Post it when moot makes a stick on /r9k/?

    I will try to send this suggestion to the admins latter.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)12:11 No.353033

    email moot or a mod or something
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)12:37 No.353039
    >>353031 I will try to send this suggestion to the admins latter.
    >>353033 email moot or a mod or something
    Awesome! So this thread can finally die now? I hope you will be able to help get rid of the spam easier and faster! k thanx bye!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)12:43 No.353043
    nope, This thread was about the 4chan Post Reporting Helper addon. It would be good if every /po/eple use it to report spam.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)13:28 No.353149

    >download experimental add-on

    >watch as computer is infested with spamware

    no thanx

    Also, noticed since "hurr durr we only have a few paper and glue threads to contend with" the amount of spam has increased dramatically?

    Fuck you guys.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)13:32 No.353167
    I tested it and it works fine! Also, it's a coincidence that someone is complaining about it during a /b/ invasion? You are not a /b/tard are you?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)13:37 No.353184
    >You've already reported enough posts.

    /po/eple! Continue for me!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)14:41 No.353206
    awesome extension. i've been using it to report spam posts in /b/ and it seems to be working, though not sure if its a result of my effort or not. moot should allow spam posts to be reported more than once per minute. i've reported 43 so far, but have another 31 in the about a time lag
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)19:54 No.353293
         File1273622059.jpg-(170 KB, 800x533, YotsubaBazooka_lar.jpg)
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    Fuck yeah! Report arsenal!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/10(Tue)21:57 No.353323
    >You've already reported enough posts.
    But there is still a lot of spam to report ;__;
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)01:20 No.353376
    >>353043 nope, This thread was about some impossible person thinking he has found the holy grail of internet moderation and won't hear anything else
    Fail thread about "oh-noes-how-do-we-fight-spam-I-would-be-a-great-janitor-but-moot-won't-let-me-so-how-about-thi
    s-idea-where-I-can-become-some-sort-og-sub-janitor-plox!!!" and suddenly more spam than we had in last three weeks "see-we-really-need-my-idea" what a coincidence............
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)06:37 No.353433
    Obvious troll!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)06:51 No.353434
    Thanks for bumping this, I really care.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)08:51 No.353454
    Oh yeah! /b/ have nothing to do with it! Shut up!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)11:13 No.353732
         File1273763623.jpg-(82 KB, 550x825, 4370-550x-2233773556_e73c165e6(...).jpg)
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    Seems like /po/ need this thread again...

    Download the addon and report the trolls. Don't reply to them.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)10:02 No.353988
    Search and destroy!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)20:23 No.354124
         File1273882994.jpg-(36 KB, 400x360, YotsubaIntense.jpg)
    36 KB
    Seems like the more people report the faster mods act. Everybody report all the flood!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)21:00 No.354149
    >You've already reported enough posts.
    Continue for me!

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