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 KBAn Open Letter to the Mods. Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)23:37 No.310892  
    Okay guys (and gals, if there are any) we of /PO/ try to follow the rules, probably more so than any other board ON 4chan. We try to help people with projects, we even fulfill requests when we can, even though this isn't /r/ because /r/ is 99.9999999999% porn.

    We've suffered numerous troll attacks over the years, and have tried to overcome it. You yourselves put the Sticky at the top of page 1, about rulebreaking posts.

    However, except for ONE time last year, I have never seen a mod actively going through this forum deleting troll threads as they are created. Right now, after a quick count, there are TWENTY FIVE of these "what paper what glue" threads, and numerous other troll threads in the forum. I have myself reported nearly ALL of these, but have not seen ONE vanish off the site, unless it happened to make page 10.
    >> An Open Letter to the Mods (cont'd) Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)23:41 No.310893
    Obviously some of us who visit here care more about this board than you do, and I, for one, am tired of seeing this board assaulted by these troll threads, and YOU doing nothing to help.

    I'm sure the people of /PO/ can find somewhere ELSE to go where we'd be welcome. There are dozens of other forums out there, and even the site would be better than suffering here.

    So, if you are unwilling and unable to delete troll threads within the lifetime of your average hamster, would you kindly delete /PO/ and end the suffering?

    Thank You.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)23:49 No.310895
    a post so full of wisdom dude!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)23:55 No.310897
    What kind of retarded anti-/po/ troll are you. If there was any place to ask about the materials and tools used in this hobby THIS WOULD BE THE PLACE TO ASK IT.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)23:56 No.310899
    UR gonna get b&... the troll is a Mod
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)00:16 No.310904
    (OP) if the troll is a mod I SHOULD GET BANNED.

    and No, I'm NOT anti-/PO/ I'm just sick and tired of ALL this bullshit we see every day, with NO relief.

    Quite honestly, I long for the days of the DDoS attack on 4chan, and the Masamune(?) attack where they kept posting the /po/oper stuff and filling up the boards. Because sad as that period was, at least I didn't come to /PO/ expecting to find some advice, or a picture of something I'd never seen before only to be disappointed. I remember when we created as a haven for ourselves, and I regret we ever came back here.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)00:22 No.310906
    This wave of attack is nothing, you are just too weak willed to ignore it. You're an attention whore and drama queen. You are willingly and knowingly feeding the trolls (most of /po/).
    We're not asking you to stay, we never asked you to come here. You have never proved your usefulness.
    You will not be missed.
    You will only be hated if you stay.
    You are what's wrong with /po/.
    What the hell did you expect on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)00:26 No.310907
         File1266557199.pdf-(2.31 MB, PDF, Deadpool Masks - no lines.pdf)
    2.31 MB
    I know how you feel, broski. I just gave up trying to report stuff long ago. Seriously, it's not that fast of a board. It's not THAT hard to keep clean. It's a shame, though. This is my favorite board *because* of the different attitude of the regular posters. It actually makes me want to be here, because it almost feels friendly. Especially when comparing /po/ to the other boards where it feels like one is being suffocated under the silent, seething, generalized hatred that hovers around the other boards like a thick smog. It's a damn shame. Here, have a deadpool mask.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)00:27 No.310909
    op, its a board on 4chan.

    i think you expect to much. the worse /b/ gets the more it infects other threads.

    but i do agree what happened to the tutorial thread we used to have? i think that saved us from 90% of the people asking for help for little things with new threads
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)11:53 No.310977
    Protip: /po/ has only 1 troll
    through the use of bots proxy and cycling ip he can not be stopped
    probably some cardmodeler who was pissed off by /po/, fuck i think /po/ was shit before these attacks started
    troll is likely an IT tech and is doing this automatically only checking and updating attack bots daily or weekly
    so... we have to live with it or without
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:38 No.311156
    OP bumping to the front page, just to say DO YOUR FUCKING JOB MODS.

    I don't have to worry about getting banned either, because the mods don't do SHIT even when you report posts, so calling them a bunch of lazy cocksuckers who probably make sure they mastubate to the childporn in /b/ before they think about reporting it to the FBI, won't have any repercussions. (and we know they don't do anything about the child porn)

    Moot should fire his mods if they aren't gonna do anything. I run my own forum website, and a couple websites for my business, and if my mods and admins don't do their jobs, and keep the site cleaned up, I fucking fire their asses.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:39 No.311160

    What glue do YOU use?
    >> Cancer 02/19/10(Fri)21:40 No.311167
    so /po/lice what glue do we use?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:40 No.311168
    awesome. looks like someones weekend just started, and the Gluebot has kicked into overdrive.
    >> Cancer 02/19/10(Fri)21:41 No.311170
    or is it /po/op
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:41 No.311171
    Agree with every post.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:42 No.311176
    /b/ has invaded. I guarantee it.

    >> Charlie Chaplin 02/19/10(Fri)21:42 No.311178
    what glue beat zombie?
    >> Xzibit 02/19/10(Fri)21:43 No.311184
    I herd you liek glue
    so i put some glue in yo glue
    so you can glue while you glue
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:44 No.311189
    /b/ doesn't have to invade. Our board sucks ass, the mods suck ass, the asshole who's been posting "what glue" enjoys having his ass sucked.

    We are shitty enough without /b/s help

    But by all means, please fuck up the board, get rid of every thread 311000 GET!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:46 No.311195
    i sit on gluesticks when i fap
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:48 No.311200
    wise sages use glue to enhance oragami
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:50 No.311205
    i shit on niggas

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