>> |
02/19/10(Fri)00:26 No.310907  File1266557199.pdf-(2.31
MB, PDF, Deadpool Masks -
no lines.pdf)
 >>310892 I
know how you feel, broski. I just gave up trying to report stuff long
ago. Seriously, it's not that fast of a board. It's not THAT hard to
keep clean. It's a shame, though. This is my favorite board *because* of
the different attitude of the regular posters. It actually makes me
want to be here, because it almost feels friendly. Especially when
comparing /po/ to the other boards where it feels like one is being
suffocated under the silent, seething, generalized hatred that hovers
around the other boards like a thick smog. It's a damn shame. Here, have
a deadpool mask. |