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street photo thread.... post your newest stuff
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>>1908378 (OP)
Old but reprocessed. You have no idea how much it bugs me that her feet are cut off.

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nice line man.
>posts a digital photo
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well take any kind of street ...so long as its new. no hate
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does the red carpet count as street?

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Something about this is just makes it so pleasing to look at.

Great shot, ignore the aspie trolls bitching about digital.
you don't have to own a film camera to shoot street photography, thats kind of arrogant.
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ugh im so fucking high
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thats right share the love /pros
not new but one of my favorites from Norwalk ,CT

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>share the love
u mush b nue abound ere
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not street per-se

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Highlight on the right is very distracting. Too bad the expression of the right woman doesn't cut it for a perfect image, but I think it's a decent shot nonetheless.
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Fuji Superia 400
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lol I can spot that homeless guy you posted in another thread
>%Name %Lastname photo

Now on /p/. My body is not caring.

Very nice shot. Highlight on the right is not distracting, it matches the skin of the woman.
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im so street
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so street

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Taken yesterday.

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why are almost all street photos either

close ups of random people
shots of peoples back
people doing mundane things
sideshots of people walking
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le tilt and shift face

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>Implying there's anything more to life
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why are almost all portraits just photos of peoples faces?

why are almost all architectural photos images of buildings.

why are almost all landscape photos just images of nature.

why are you such a fucking retard?
Street photography is very difficult. For every good photo you get 1000+ photos of that mundane, boring stuff.

No matter how good you are, on the street you can shoot like a madman for weeks and weeks without anything that would make an interesting photograph manifesting itself.

And as you may have already noticed, amateurs suck at editing. They can't keep their less than amazing stuff (like every photo in this thread) to themselves. I kind of understand it.. they are just showing the best of what they got and in a genre of photography where getting good stuff is so rare, chances are that their best stuff is mostly bad.
>mostly bad

These photos arent amazing, but they are by no means 'bad', in fact there are even a couple quite good ones.
None of these are street photos.
why not?
Did you even look at the exif? They were all digital.
It is not true to the art form to use digital for street.

not gona even bother with sage
No, I personally won't even bother rating it...
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I dont do street photography.

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Butthurt because your photo's aren't street photography?
Don't worry, you can still take photos on the street, but unless you are using film they won't be street photography.
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Err, no. Using film or digital is irrelevant. Though it is blasphemous for the street photography experience when one doesn't shoot in black and white.
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Does this one count as street?
I honestly don't really understand what is and isn't street photography sometimes.
yes, but it's not a particularly strong composition.
tsk, one of the better compos in the thread imo
>Does this one count as street?
>I honestly don't really understand what is and isn't street photography sometimes.
I was going to say street but sucks until I noticed the angels lead down to the woman. The surrealist element is what makes good street most of the time.
bretty gud foto bro
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Does taking pictures in the city count as street even though you are not shooting people?
street needs to be documenting the human condition
pros/cons/crits on this one please?
>documenting the human condition
>just random people walking on the streets doing nothing interesting at all
>so deep



It is good that you are aware about big DOF but I would prefer the version with small DOF better than yours.

Your photo does not feature any idea and has no value without context. More than that: the combination of objects is suspicious and misleading.
it's busy cluttered, poorly framed and badly timed.
messed around with your pic. hope you don't get mad
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Pardon me? It's perfectly timed, the lady is directly below the cherubs, which creates a nice line from the top of the frame to the bottom, which is accentuated by the vertical lines of the building.

You must be one of those kids who think everything has to follow certain rules. Good street photography is the perfect example of breaking rules in your favour... Look at any Magnum photographer for proof.
Wrong, kid. That photo should just be deleted. At any rate, street photography is passé as fuck. How does it feel being a kitschographer?
"Street" photography is supposed to be about people interacting with each other and with the environment they are in, and not so much about the actual "street".
face it dude, it's shit
feelsgoodman. You seem like a pretty hip dude, your opinion must be superior.

My photos are definitely superior to that piece

I tried something similar and might try and patch it up again. Her having feet really does to complete the shot - bloody annoying.
Lovely, let's see.

>mfw you're just being an autistic cunt an you'll never actually deliver
it's just a moment man, don;t get too bumped up. That's the classic wa a photographer teaches himself how to improve.
>It's perfectly timed, the lady is directly below the cherubs

I love ladies in front of buildings.

Composition there is nice but the photos of building with people walking around them are autismal. I can't think of worse and dumber idea that can be called street photography.
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love this the light is awesome.
and this is definetly street.
the tool who is downing everyone's work can stuff it. if its a photo and its candid and on the street its street photography. in fact if its candid and its in public... its street photography. more than half of the critique masters on /p have no actual photographic experience, they're armchair vultures picking on the guys who actually do go out and shoot. and the guys who said that you may shoot hundreds of shots and come up with crap are right . thats how it goes. But, when you get something good, something that makes you stop and go "whoa" it makes all the work worth it.
so shoot film , shoot digital, fucking shoot wet plates... I don't care. just shoot.
one day people on here will learn that although they may love there heroes work,be it HCB, or Webb , or whoevers stuff grabs you by the short and snarkleys, you don't have to be them to shoot street. hell that's what photography is about finding your own thing.
and anyone who dosen't embrace changes in technology is a jack ass. learn every medium you can possibly get your hands on.
Ok I'm done raging now.
More pictures!!!
I feel that's more architectural photography than street photography. I tend to think of street photography as a way to explore the relationship between humans and urban environments, and all the possible facets of that very broad definition. Other times i tend to think of it as the documentation of life in dense, artificial environments.

The street photos i enjoy the most show something interesting or poignant everyone else would miss, related to the themes above.
Surprised by all this arguing over my photo.
Personally I agree that the composition is not that strong. I waited for the woman to be in line with the cherubs, but looking back I should have taken the photograph standing further to the left side of the image.

Way too much noise reduction make it mushy.

*making. How do I engrish.
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dude i had a look at your fb page, wtf is this shit man? (see pic).

You need some hard /p/ love to snap you out of your shitty post processing habits. Also, please watch the BH video on photography / compositional theory in linked thread.

Thank me in 2 years.

>>1906581 →
woah so fat
she is asking for directions why did you take a picture of her?
le flower buying face
emotional and touching
>le waiting dog face
woman on the right is good looking.
good photo
>everybody ITT
Explain. That image is not a composite.
he just doesn't know what DoF is
Is that Liverpool?
I would say that is definitely "street photography" as popular usage. Really nice, however I wish the lady on the rights legs were fully in the shot too, completely matching the lady on the left.
I like, interesting scene.
Amazing, very impr
essive. Portfolio?
Because a lot of people don't know what a dialogue is.
shut up
I like, interesting figure.
Good interest, not so much street as social documentary in terms of aesthetic though.
You're too far away, imo. Not interesting enough compositions.

Anything I didn't comment on, sorry - I found them boring. Just my op though. I feel that street photos need people, or need evidence of human action (e.g. urban spaces) and ideally should have some kind of story/connection between the elements within them. Whether that story is made by the humour of the photographer, or was true to life doesn't matter.
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you're disgusting, leave forever
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Yeah I know, I messed that one up. Here's the fixed version.

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This one, I hate. You see how the vertical lines are almost aligned? Yet, the horizontal ones are way off. So either crop the door off so you get rid of any strong vertical lines and fix the horizontal ones, or keep the door and fix the lens distortion so both horizontal and vertical are perfect. I would go with the latter.

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my shitty c3 and i

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these are not street
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Distortion correction is a cop-out for not being in the absolutely perfect spot at the right time, so I'll never use it because I'm almost never in the perfect spot at the perfect time. Few ever were, and I'm 22 so I have my whole life ahead of me to try.

The vertical lines are more important because they're the lines that my subjects run along, if I balance the horizontals, my subjects will be awkwardly tilted.

But, there are more important things in photos than perfect horizontal and vertical lines, like what's going on in the shot. Citing a Dosineau photo for reference, albeit for my shot it's a little mundane, but it's probably one of the stronger moments so far in this thread.

tl;dr Street photography's not for autists or people with OCD.
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She never did turn around :*(
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Wow, take it easy there little artist.
Symmetry goes a long way.

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The best part of street photography is the argument over what street photography is.

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>But, there are more important things in photos than perfect horizontal and vertical lines
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Do you honestly think that makes it look any better? It looks completely fake, like it is.

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you dont have to name your photos "street", thats kind of arrogant.

Why dont post them in the recent shit thread anyway?
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Nigga all it needs is a few tweaks, I'm not going to spend 40min on photoshop for you. This was an example, I'm sure you get the idea.

But why would you care... You're documenting the human condition, right?
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People just interest me and doing street helps keep my mind active. I'm honestly over trying to justify taking pictures of people, I just like it.

My approach is clearly a little more raw than yours (I like as little content manipulation as possible), which is fine because everyone considers the world differently.

This is just one shot over the weekend, my ego's not really invested in it or any of my photos, for that matter.
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Did anybody ever react to you shooting random people? I am too afraid to shoot street here in yurop because everyone is like "MUH PRIVACY" and thinks I am going to use their photographs to jerk off or to steal their identity or something.
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Went to the beach a few days ago.

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It's kinda tricky taking action shots with a rangefinder.

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Wish I would've timed this so the ball was in frame, I still like it though.

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The dog was a celebrity.

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and this is why we laugh at leica owners

I really don't give a shit.
u mad?

u jelly.
>shitty outdated camera with an outdated sensor

No I am not. My D800E smokes your baby toy.
Prove it.
There is not much to prove.

"The Nikon D800 has these advantages over the Leica M9…

Larger screen
Twice the resolution
Weather sealed
Higher resolution screen
Lower noise at high ISO
Auto focus
Live view
More dynamic range
Longer battery life
Great for sports and other types of photography the Leica is not good with
More storage slots
Built-in flash
Self-cleaning sensor
Shoots twice as fast
Significantly longer exposures
Faster max shutter speed
Much faster write times to memory card
Does video
Way, way, way more cheaper

The Leica M9 has these advantages over the Nikon D800

Easy to carry (a GREAT travel camera)
Small, fast lenses
Leica glass (the finest optics in the world)
The “Leica Look”
Simple menus
Simple design
The “FUN” factor
Low profile (great for street shooting)
Requires a much smaller tripod (if you use a tripod)"

Notice how pathetic the advantages of the M9 are?
Buy me an m9. Contribute to the arts.
>Leica glass
>small size
>low profile

depends what you're shooting bro
but do you really think leica glass is pathetic?
>Any year ever
>Comparing any range finder against any (D)SLR ever

Different tools for different jobs
I don't know why it matters to you. I wish I had an m9 because it's just a simple but refined piece of equipment. I don't think it's worth the 9k or whatever they charge, but it looks like such fun.

It's not supposed to be a DSLR in a point-n-shoot body or something. I don't know why you'd even bother comparing the two. Many people who own M9s own DSLRs too - they're not mutually exclusive.

It's like comparing an old Zeiss 35mm with a Canon 400L or something. I don't know why you'd bother.
No, fag. Prove that you have the D800, and post a great photo that you have taken with it. Geez, you're dumb as fuck, fucking home schooled faggot.
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Austin Tx
>post a great photo

u first
god digital bw looks so disgusting

You're both fags who haven't shot anything worst posting.
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It's not because it's digital, it's because making b&w conversions is hard.

I got nothing new.

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here I just improved it. Wasn't hard.

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lol wow forgot about that picture. lighthouse beach in new haven. back when I was obsessed with hdr and only had an olympus point and shoot. its gotten better since then. i agree my post isnt the best but im learning. I will totally check out your link though.
thanks for checkng the face book though man. and for the critiques.
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>street photo thread
>people post digital pictures
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and thanks for the heads up on that shot I had no Idea it was on the facebook. that's gotta go
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>street thread
>people posting color pictures

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here here Ham! well put and fine critiques. got anything to post?
This reminds me of the time I went to Uruapan Michoacan.
Alphon pls leave

I have owned and still own several DSLRs. The D800 is a fantastic camera, with great modern features and a great sensor that I admit is better than my M9's.

Luckily though, I still don't give a shit what some smug, gear obsessed pixel peeper on the internet thinks of my photos or my camera. I have used and still use DSLRs for personal and professional use, but I still prefer Leica rangefinders and lenses in general. I know many other professionals who prefer Leica as well.

Most, though, just use the tools they personally prefer and don't waste time having e-peen wars with anonymous idiots on the internet.
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Thanks, I haven't got a portfolio. Though I have my deviantART site full of random pictures. You could check those if you want.


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pumping for street
overexposed shallow and pedantic pretentious hipster bullshit
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Couple of Grunge Chicks

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but ham likes it and thinks it's good. why u so mean.
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Oh shit! Is she DISABLED?
I think she just has trouble walking

Meh, unexciting.
excitement is in the eye of the beholder
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there are people

does this count as street?
I've fallen in love this photo. Do you have a flickr/500px/tumblr I can connect to and how much would you charge for an a4 print or would you be willing to do a print swap?
u wot m8
I like the photo. I am interested in seeing more of his/her work. I am interested in a possible purchase of photo or print swap.

Get it?

People need to learn when and when not to implement the " u wot m8" otherwise retards we ruin it's effectiveness.
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I wish that dude wouldn't have walked though my frame.
i would also like to see more of his/her work!
Not today, unfortunately.
Very well executed. I feel a separate shot could have also been made out of the three emergency exit signs alone (composed correctly). Right now they slightly detract from the people in the spot-gap - I wouldn't normally advocate heavy editing, but I think this shot would look much better if the far left hand sign were cloned out. What do you think?
Ham you're shit
bump for more street
Yes it is :) I was visiting passport place for a day.


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