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    Oh hey, the shit has e-mailed me in the past. Will post those in a few.Here they are. Who knows this guy? He brags about friends coming to him and complaining—"Chris Beer" from New Zealand.

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    97 KB Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:47 No.767248   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    since I have noithing to do today, I'll dump my photos, low res
    24 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> RazorTM !CanonLq2Mc 04/10/10(Sat)07:58 No.767359
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)09:04 No.767394
    Worlds worst shit, made even worse by the totally unoriginal and unfunny captions.

    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)09:11 No.767398
    not very good
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)09:37 No.767407
    All above, and ESPECIALLY:
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:05 No.768052
    I can tell these are just random screenshots. Some of the shots are too dark, or too blurry. When a shot is good it gets ruined by text superimposed on the picture.

    I'm not a professional photographer. As a matter of fact I'm just a regular digital photographer and I can tell that these pictures are that bad.

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    27 KB So someone gave me a Leica M6 Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)20:20 No.766796   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    So I have a Leica M6 now, pretty hyped on it. But I am a newfag to photography in every respect, a friends father heard I was interested in learning and pawned his camera off on me because he upgraded, not a bad thing at all, just have no clue how to use it.

    Could /p/ point me in the direction of a good guide or anything for Leica M6's? I tried google but all I can find is circle jerking about how great of a camera it is.

    Oh also, someone offered me 2350 for it along with the 35mm Summicron-M lens it has, should I sell it and find something more basic to learn on?
    9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)21:21 No.766855

    ohno, my life is in ruin, and he shall prosper in the glory of his triumph.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)21:31 No.766867
    I have an M6, its my favorite Leica to use.
    Nice 4th version of the 35 cron. A.K.A. the king of bokeh.

    The M6 is pretty simple.
    Set your film iso on the back dial so the light meter is set.
    the shutter speed dial is on the top there.
    once you finish the roll of film, the little lever on the front that says "r", push that right so it engages.
    then wind the film with the knob on the left.
    >> So someone gave me a Leica M6 Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)22:01 No.766895
    Thanks, that is basically the plan, just having trouble finding someplace with the resources I need.

    It is very true, I will try to have some photos scanned(will they do that for me at the lab?) to post on here tomorrow, likely just going to shoot some black and white street type stuff because that is what is available to me.

    Thanks! I just was reading a site called "The Online Photographer" where they actually recommend using a Leica with one lens and one film for a year to start out, seems like a interesting concept. A mini link dump would be much appreciated, the sooner the better of course!

    Not trolling, will post some results tomorrow so you can troll me telling me I have talent or no talent or however you troll newfags.

    Thanks for the little guide! Will help me when I get film.

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    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)22:16 No.766912
    A much better thing for a beginner to do would be to sell the Leica and get an entry level DSLR, then either pocket the extra cash or get some lenses.
    >> So someone gave me a Leica M6 Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:05 No.768051
    Just bumping this, should have the photos back from the Lab either tomorrow or Monday depending on when I can get back there to pick them up.

    Still very interested in any Guides or anything like that for the M6 or Leica's in General so I can learn as much as possible!

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    77 KB le petit bourgeois !lK4GD5SleY 04/08/10(Thu)05:28 No.764751   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    I've been told by an importer that film sales have been steadily rising again after the huge decline during the 00's

    how does this make you feel, digifags?
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:00 No.768040
    Pointless commentary most likely made a film faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:02 No.768044
    HOLY SHIT AN ACTUAL PHO... wait, it's just pro-digital propaganda presenting the end of film as a fait accompli
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:03 No.768046
    Fuck this shit, film is for wimps. If I see any of you motherfuckers out taking snaps with your fucking film cameras ima fuck you up and bash you with ma fucking Rebel.
    >> le petit bourgeois !lK4GD5SleY 04/10/10(Sat)21:04 No.768049
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    Thread should be archived so digifags learn their lesson.

    portra 400 nc
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:05 No.768050
    The only reason most of you film geeks process your own shit is because all the photo labs are dying out and you don't like to go to Walmart for your prints, it's just uncool.

    Enjoy your lomo you smelly hipsters.

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    93 KB Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:01 No.767941   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Hi /p/.
    I ordered a Minolta XG-M a few days ago, and it should arrive in my box on Monday. I bought a film SLR because I like film and digital is cripplingly expensive, but I'm worried that I'm just going to take shitty pictures with it.

    Where can I read about composition, color, light, camera settings, etc? How do I make sure I don't suck ass when starting out with film? References to good books, websites, articles, guides, anything would be appreciated.

    Picture below is what's coming in the mail. I don't know what any of the lenses are.
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:54 No.768026

    Kiron? Keep that lens!!!!!

    There was a group of lens designers at Nikor that broke with Nikons design philosophy at the time of going cheaper on the design of the optics to stay competitive at a very competitive time in the SLR market.
    These lens designers left Nikon and made their own third party zooms with no compromises. They not only broke the idea that third-party lenses were not of the same quality as OEM manufacturers, they embarrased the hell out of Nikon;
    The zoom lenses each outperformed Nikons PRIME lenses at each of the relevant focal lengths!!! That was completely unheard of before or since.
    They named the lenses Kiron, Nikor switched around.

    They were awesome but too expensive and so later they sold out and died off into something else.

    Keep that lens. That was worth the whole package price.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:00 No.768041
    How much did you pay for it?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:01 No.768043

    The Kiron 28-85mm was available in Nikon, Canon, Olympus and numerous other mounts. It was the very first mid-range zoom lens by ANY lens maker tested by Modern Photography to achieve recommended status (it rated 34 out of 36 'Excellent' ratings for center & corner sharpness (and the two other ratings were 'very good'. Contrast rated as all 'High' at 28mm, all but one 'High' at 50mm, and mostly high at 85mm. Both 28 and 50mm settings rated 'superb' by f/5.6, and pincushion distortion was under 1.25%. There is some light falloff at 28mm, and do vignette a bit wide open at 28mm with any sort of filter, but this disappears by f/4.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:04 No.768047
    So it's not a piece of shit, and a collectible at that???

    I paid $60 for all of that! Suddenly I feel awesome. Thank you for the story too.

    Lord knows that even if the body is a piece of shit, a good lens makes a good image. The XG-M is a pretty good camera too, from what I hear.

    Should I get a better teleconverter? Google tells me that the one that comes with the kit is shit. It's a 2x Soligar.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:04 No.768048
    That Kiron is well known by old farts like me.

    It was generically called the 'stovepipe', and was the only aftermarket/third party lens even hardcore gearfags would be seen using. They were expensive as fuck back then, though.

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    197 KB Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:54 No.768029   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    What is the difference between the Praktica LTL and Praktica Super TL2, if any?
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:58 No.768036
    one rapes your face, the other rapes your butthole.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:01 No.768042
    Helpful, fggt.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)21:02 No.768045
    you're welcome.

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    359 KB veer !!NFPqrhpVdU/ 04/10/10(Sat)20:25 No.767975   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Lets have a recent photo thread.
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    >> Veer !!NFPqrhpVdU/ 04/10/10(Sat)20:54 No.768027
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:55 No.768031

    yeah, but this one is really unbalanced, too much weight on the right. still nice though.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:57 No.768034

    best one so far,

    only thing I can really say would make it better is if you aimed it slightly lower, with a little bit more ground in front, and little less sky, but I'm talking a very small amount.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:57 No.768035
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    >> Veer !!NFPqrhpVdU/ 04/10/10(Sat)20:59 No.768037
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    Agreed. This is why I moved and used the break in the fog to balance things.
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    44 KB OP 04/10/10(Sat)20:48 No.768012   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    hello /p/. This is my first time on the board, and i just want some advice. i really want to get into photography, and i want a decent camera that doesnt cost a shitload of money. also, some decent editing software for free/cheap.
    thats it, and thanks!
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:51 No.768019
    Free editor:

    You can also scan your film negatives into pretty high quality digital images for editing.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:52 No.768022
    Nah, just find someone with a good film scanner. Film also makes you think about your shots before you take them, instead of take 1000 and publish the 4 that are good. It makes you a better photographer, imo.
    >> OP 04/10/10(Sat)20:52 No.768023
    right, so i would have to buy a scanner too. are all scanners the same or...yeah i know total newfag
    >> OP 04/10/10(Sat)20:55 No.768030
    so what kind of film camera should i get?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:55 No.768032

    a digital one

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    491 KB ITT we appreciate local camera stores Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:24 No.767143   [Reply][Quick Reply]

    >Hipsters! We have Holgas and Dianas! (A great compliment to that pair of skinny jeans, mustache and fixie bike!)
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:32 No.767986
    A month or so ago I went for a roll of Ektar they said their distributor was bought out and all orders were backordered. They didn't seem to have any other Kodak film besides Gold 100. I went there a week or two ago and asked when they'd be getting some D76 in, and they told me the same thing. Distributor bought out, backordered, ect. Their fridges looked pretty barren to I assumed they were still out of film.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:36 No.767994
    yea, awesome. too bad you need to wait in line for 20 minutes to get help with anything and they rush you the entire time
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:37 No.767996

    fuck you, thats all I have to say, I am so goddamn jealous.

    Is it true the place is entirely run by orthodox jews?
    >> ions !!JmTP5kHbstW 04/10/10(Sat)20:38 No.767999

    Service Photo in Baltimore, MD is a good place.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:52 No.768021
    Not the guy you're responding to, but the owner of B&H and most of the employees are Satmar Chasidim. And the owner donates almost all of B&H's nine-figure yearly profit to charity, doesn't own a car, and lived in a small apartment somewhere in B&H's building until he bought someone's big house to save them from bankruptcy, if I'm remembering the story right because someone had built a funeral home across the street and no one would pay an otherwise reasonable amount for it. He moved what sparse furniture he had into a few rooms of the house and leaves the rest empty.

    Adorama is also owned by Orthodox Jews, but I don't know what sect or anything else about their operation.

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    789 KB Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)06:41 No.767325   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Post your favourite photographic album covers!
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    >> Gerhart !!HacNOygc8CV 04/10/10(Sat)19:24 No.767891
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    >> 1100 !yQdJk2iB22 04/10/10(Sat)19:35 No.767908
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:42 No.767917
    Pink Floyd - Animals.
    Sorry, too lazy to upload it.
    >> ions !!JmTP5kHbstW 04/10/10(Sat)20:22 No.767970
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:38 No.768000
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    Nice taste.

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    144 KB Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)20:24 No.767974   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    //p, I need halp. I convinced some CL girl to pay for some portraits that she wanted done, said she just needed some portrait updates no modeling shit, and wanted to TFP but I convinced her to pay.

    So she emails me and says she wants urban photos done, at dusk. I Flickr'd urban and got the two attached examples. Bigger one is a picture of her.

    How do I shoot "Urban?" I live in Vegas; anyone got good places to shoot, or just some basic urban portraiture examples? Thanks guis.
    >> [T.r.a.c.k] !hH8XJJY4tY 04/10/10(Sat)20:31 No.767983
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    north vegas is pretty raunchy but has a nice urban look.
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    >> SAGE 04/10/10(Sat)20:33 No.767989
    Do you live here or was that from a visit?

    I was thinking some (excuse my language) nigger part of town would do best, with lots of graffiti.
    >> [T.r.a.c.k] !hH8XJJY4tY 04/10/10(Sat)20:38 No.767998
    i lived in vegas for a month and a half, in some apt building in the nigger/beaner side of town, lots of gun shops ,liquor stores and smoke shops.
    lots of open space with graffiti walls and the glow from the strip actually give off nice colors

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