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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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Long exposure thread?

Long exposure thread

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what lens are you using? nice photo OP
Cheers. Canon FD 24mm f/2.8 SSC
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Could only do 3 seconds because I didn't have an ND filter and there was still too much light.

Is there a way to get around that without using an ND filter? Exposure comp?

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Nope, pretty much. Exposure comp only tells the meter where you want it to go; if you were at f/22 and lowest ISO you didn't have much else up your sleeve without an ND
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Taken at f22 like a pleb, twas about a year ago.

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I can one up you. my first ever long exposure, shot in 2008 I think
That looks like itd from one of the GTA games, which one exactly I can't remember. Where is it?
Vice City perhaps? this was shot in Miami.
Vice City was based on Miami.
I fucking love R*.
Thank you for adding nothing.
That's the one, great game. Miami looks like a cool place.
That's cool man. Because your comment obviously added so much more ;) <3 xxx
lol@u gtfo lame loser
This is a photography board yes but that doesn't mean we shouldn't ever talk about anything ever.

And while I agree that gaming producers/publishers like R* and Valve are massively overrated and that a life of "gaming" is a waste of time I acknowledge that the same can be said about things I do, so I just let people do what they want and don't really care.
and I meant to say

>that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about anything *else* ever
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No movement, so I guess it's a rather dull shot.

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Mamiya, not sure which model. My friend was letting play with hers a while back.

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star trails, exposed a couple of hours on film

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30 seconds plus/minus two stop fused.

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careful m8 u cud overeat ur sensor
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I don't fully understand why it makes such colorful streaks.

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Long Exposure + Pano

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Some buildings on London, not sure which ones.

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I'm pretty sure I got the same buildings but from farther back

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Another shot of London, It's beginning to get a nice skyline.

Yup, looks like you did.

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how'd you get this? stand in the middle of the street?
Why did you have a song exposure on this? lol.

Anyways, is the only way to obtain good long exposure photos is through an ND filter?
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How'd I do?

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ND filter is only good for long exposure if there is abundant light, meaning there's still a fair amount of light.

ND filters, depending on strength, will allow you to expose x amount of stops longer without overexposing.

So if you wanted to expose a seaside landscape where the sun has just set or is about to rise you'd use an ND filter to get that nice, soft, 'ghost' look from the water without blowing out everything.
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Traffic islands and a low angle.

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...and a lot of photoshop
>6-bladed aperture

This is the most retarded gearfag post I have read all day. It's like laughing at OP's pic because it was probably a $60 lens. Get out and take some pics, or get a life.nef
Im diggin this that fellas face looks worried. not staged photo I take it...
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This lens has 9 aperture blades I hope that is enough for you fags.

The lens cost me $10 so idgaf

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If you are suggesting the photos are shopped to make it it look like they are shot in the middle of the road, then you are mistaken.

Yep un-staged, I was getting quite a few weird looks..

I like the boobs


that's some bretty good cool stuff.

love this.
>Why did you have a song exposure on this? lol.
Nearly pitch black abandoned power plant.
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One of the best star photographs I've ever seen in my live. Holy shit.

Share your portfolio pls
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It's faked, like most other star shots. Here's the original. Sorry I had to disappoing you.

Oh, and if you look closely, you see "my" stars a tiny bit trailed behind the big ones. A little mistake I noticed right after I saved, but I was too lazy to fix it...

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>like most other star shots
babby, please.
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>ISO 100
>30 sec

I'm going to take a wild guess and say you didn't turn on mirror lockup either and that's probably where your star trails are coming from.
Also explains why the lights in the foreground have trails
Oh wait
According to the rule of 600, you should have been able to take a longer exposure than 30 seconds @ 18mm no problem.

Rule of 600 relies on 35mm equiv focal length
600/27 = 22
which is there's trails
To be exact:

There are other factors that are associated with the trail length.

L(star trail length) = [F(focal length of lens scope [trail length in same units as focal length]) x E(exposure length) x (2π/T(length of sidereal day in same units as exposure) x cosD(declination of the star)]/pixel size

Just sayin
I see.

Keep doing what you're doing....great stuff
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Sorry /P/hag, here you go. I was just going over the basics of working out an exposure for it but whatevs.

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oh god my sides.. its murred
no it's not you idiot.
will post astro later
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Did I dun good?

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>Dat water
>Dem clouds

Makes me hungry.

Less water, more sky.
I think at this point it's a little ridiculous and actually detracts from the photo.

Clouds are fine but you've given a lot of space to the water and right now it's just a gray mush. Waves would at least provide texture.
this. i got an urge to eat cotton candy
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If only 2 seconds count.

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Nice, what a coincidence I've got the same camera and tuner.
dat unfortunate flare...

Thanks for the input. I'll have to keep this in mind next time I'm giving it a go.

The water came out quite nice compared to the horrible poo brown it really was.
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how about full flare

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here's my two cents

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>>1885925 (OP)
you a vancourite bro? looks like the seawall/coal harbor.
looks like a gothic video game
reminds me of a moth for some reason. SPACE MOTH. Ciould be a cool metal band name.
looks like a painting, well done.
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I took this shot when wandering around Hollywood one night a while back. 's ok. I like the cop in the middle.

I need to go back and re-edit this set, because I ddin't bother to white balance 'em. I had liked the orange glow but now I'm less fond of it.

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Two more; this was taken on the 405 overpass that they were fixing. It's part of the reason LA had a "Carmageddon" and shut down the 405.

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Last one. This is the image I'm having put on my replacement credit card. I got kicked off the parking structure I was taking these on just before I started playing with my Jupiter lens. Those fuckers.

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>you a vancourite bro? looks like the seawall/coal harbor.
Nope - Australia. Rather warmer weather here than there!
Go for longer, shoot from higher up at a further downward angle, boost vibrancy in post a tiiiiny bit
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Lain, some of your post processing is really hit and miss, especially your night stuff. This shot has had too much sharpening/highpass in conjunction with noise removal, the results are not pretty.
yeah you are right, also the yellow looks way to green and for some reason it's soft as fuck on the edges. Long story shot, I know what should be better but I don't like the shot enough to open it up again.

Just my most recent long exposer.
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I mean, it's just a snapshit of some fireworks. but you could at least not have shit white balance. the nuclear stuff needs to go, everytime. don't post any more pictures with vomitous shit colors

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oh god see this >>1889932
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what do you do to fake it? Just clone random stars, increase/decrease size???

I mean the faked version is nice but it's kinda obnoxious to act like you actually took *that* photo
Not sharp enough
>>1885925 (OP)
OP here - it's a "dumb" XF-FD adaptor with a manual focus Canon FD lens attached, so no information is sent to the camera regarding f/stop. It was either f/8 or f/11
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Fuck me, how many times are you going to post this photo.
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This is the best photo I have seen on /p/ in ages. How do you get such wonderful colour?

I don't think I've posted this on this board before?

Maybe once when I first took it months ago...
I don't think I've posted this on this board before?



It was just as the sun was coming up, this was shot towards the south when the sky was sort of glowing purple.
Babby's first light painting.
I think this could have been a great shot if you had captured all of it, and not make it pink.
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This is damn good and deserves recognition
This is fucking epic. Do you have it somewhere uploaded where I can buy a print?

It's a nice shot, I'd be pretty chuffed with it, but is this 8-minute samefaggotry?
Why isn't there any color though? Is your camera broken?
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Thanks. It's one of my favourite spots in the city, going to miss living in there.
I get prints done locally and ship them out. What size would you be after?

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