Congressman introduces resolution to protect citizens who videotape cops
>implying resolutions do anything
>>917370>failing to notice the fact this is an orchestrated movement. "The same day USA Today wrote a scathing editorial denouncing these types of arrests." 219 fb shares, 107 tweets, 259 ^ on reddit, and others, plus 26 comments below, within the space of 24 hours. If it doesn't change the law it will send shock waves people can't ignore.
someone explain it to a retard
>>917400Ok, I''l explain it to you, you illiterate retard.Cops have been arresting people who videotape them under wiretapping laws. It's a load and they know it.The goal of this resolution is to make it so they can't do it anymore without at least being chewed out by someone and given a slap on the wrists.
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>>917396Oh wow a couple hundred website comments. Yes that really means something to our lawmakers.
>>917492>implying popular opinion doesn't affect the way laws have been written since the dawn of civilization.
about time
>>917414Resolutions mean little, we need a actual law. If that law passes, I will be carrying a copy of the law with me wherever I go so if they sprout some bullshit about 9/11 I'll show them the law on paper.
>>917503Nope, especially not comments on websites.
>>917492Implying it does