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  • Over the past 48 hours 4chan's formspring page has gotten over 12,000 questions, and I've received over 3,000 e-mails. Many thanks to everyone who submitted a question, and sent me a message! I was able to respond to a few hundred e-mails and had hoped to start answering questions on formspring, but it seems that the number of questions broke the page. Once that's sorted out, I'll sift through them and answer as time allows. Thanks again for all of the support!

    In other news, /rs/ now processes MediaFire/MegaUpload/a bunch of other links correctly (this had been broken for months). The old links should be updated in 24-48 hours. Thanks to Popcorn Mariachi for spontaneously appearing and fixing this.

    File : 1267301813.jpg-(30 KB, 547x404, todd3.jpg)
    30 KB Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)15:16 No.716444  
    what should our mascot be?

    i nominate this guy

    todd snap
    >> NatureGuy !se3A3TwzdY 02/27/10(Sat)15:18 No.716446
         File1267301897.jpg-(75 KB, 428x500, LewisCarrollSelfPhoto.jpg)
    75 KB
    Since this is 4chan shouldn't it be Lewis Carrol?
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    >> rubber shoes in motion !FwDS1IFr.. 02/27/10(Sat)15:25 No.716452
         File1267302337.jpg-(38 KB, 600x200, wtd95.jpg)
    38 KB
    always has been

    always will be
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)15:40 No.716462
    James Maxwell here,i'm the first one who took a colored picture,faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)15:49 No.716470
         File1267303759.jpg-(16 KB, 450x360, 6d90692a43a20f53de3ff9df521f3d(...).jpg)
    16 KB
    this guy
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)16:32 No.716492
         File1267306378.jpg-(171 KB, 768x551, ken-rockwell-baby-face-switch.jpg)
    171 KB
    there can be no other
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)16:34 No.716494

    I'm going Lewis Carroll FTW. It is so very /p/
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)16:38 No.716496
         File1267306706.jpg-(147 KB, 380x500, 59229165_a8749fd841.jpg)
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    This guy.
    >> Guerita 02/27/10(Sat)17:18 No.716523
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)17:23 No.716528
         File1267309403.jpg-(395 KB, 1537x2654, 1260570494686.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)17:33 No.716539
         File1267309983.jpg-(115 KB, 728x546, IMG_0593-david-brew.jpg)
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    This guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)17:35 No.716543
    Yeah, lets let a girl who uses a XSi represent our board.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)17:35 No.716544
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)17:41 No.716549
    >a girl

    Well, she's got my vote.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)17:47 No.716559

    I use an Xsi
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)17:48 No.716562
    thats your problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)17:55 No.716567
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)17:55 No.716568

    I don't have a problem.
    You seem to have a problem with emma and xsi's
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)18:05 No.716602
    ken rockwell
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)18:10 No.716616
         File1267312256.gif-(238 KB, 518x634, stieglitz2[1].gif)
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    there should not be a mascot for /p/

    unless its an eccentric old man that yells at clouds.

    like stieglitz.
    he's even complete with much younger wife.
    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 02/27/10(Sat)18:20 No.716633
         File1267312833.jpg-(57 KB, 340x510, allen_03_wenn1444822.previe.jpg)
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    I vote Scarlett Johansson.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)18:25 No.716639
    And what exactly is wrong with that particular camera model? Detailed explanation, please.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)18:38 No.716652
    its an xsi. that's enough detail for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)18:48 No.716656
         File1267314486.jpg-(67 KB, 420x480, 1261338008299.jpg)
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    this girl.

    she is /p/ material. also /fa/ material, /fa/p/. mmm
    >> AssHat !zkraGArAss 02/27/10(Sat)19:03 No.716674
         File1267315385.jpg-(12 KB, 275x344, 1250622947825.jpg)
    12 KB
    this guy
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)19:08 No.716684
    She's practical...she can afford a nicer camera, but she knows that the XSi is the perfect camera for everything. What a doll!
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)19:10 No.716687
    I heard Lady GaGa is a photographer now
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)19:30 No.716706
    We already have a mascot. Ever heard of a board-tan /p/?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)19:42 No.716720
         File1267317741.jpg-(23 KB, 495x640, -p-.jpg)
    23 KB
    This is the concept character for /p/-tan. Currently there is no established board-tan profile of /p/ yet. -- Discussion boards. -- General information. -Character descriptions.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)20:19 No.716753
         File1267319955.jpg-(49 KB, 392x338, OneHourPhoto-3-big.jpg)
    49 KB
    There is no other.
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)20:19 No.716754
    Agreed. Has to be Uncle Sy.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)22:46 No.716910
    I agree /p/ is creepy, so is sy. *holy crap that movie was long*

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