hey fellow photogs, just to let you know /b/ is conspiring to raid you. just wanted to give you a heads up.>>>/b/194936322pic related, its lensesEXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS 5DCamera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS2 WindowsImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution300 dpiVertical Resolution300 dpiImage Created2009:04:18 15:40:37Exposure Time1/200 secF-Numberf/16.0ISO Speed Rating100Lens Aperturef/16.0Exposure Bias0 EVFlashFlash, CompulsoryFocal Length50.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width1024Image Height682RenderingNormalExposure ModeManualWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandard
ну это пока...
i come here to warn you my brethren
Oh look a duck roll. also>implying /b/tards can speak russian.
>>686117You're too late, Bear cavalery is already rapin' americanssad but true
>>686129remember our horse thread zed? now it has come to this and i have duckrolled you.EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS 5DCamera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS4 WindowsImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiImage Created2009:10:22 14:33:38Exposure Time1/80 secF-Numberf/4.0Exposure ProgramAperture PriorityISO Speed Rating200Lens Aperturef/4.0Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModeUnknownFlashNo Flash, CompulsoryFocal Length40.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width467Image Height701RenderingNormalExposure ModeAutoWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandard
>>686142>implying i care about being duckrolled.
смотри какой ахуенный котэ. тока что нашел на тирече, решил поделиться
>>686151>implying i care whether or not you care about being duckrolled
EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon PowerShot A60Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS WindowsMaximum Lens Aperturef/2.8Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color AreaImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution180 dpiVertical Resolution180 dpiImage Created2008:03:28 17:58:14RenderingNormalExposure ModeAutoWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandardExposure Time1/60 secF-Numberf/2.8Lens Aperturef/2.8Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternFlashFlash, Auto, Red-Eye ReduceFocal Length5.41 mmColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width187Image Height236
>>686168the russians do. :D
Anybody know wat lens that is exactly on the bottom right?
>>686182ze russians love the picture i took of the horse sucking his own cock also
I love being able to hide threads.
i love duckrolling
>implying Russians prefer rickroll to duckroll
In this ITT thread, Americans once again suck dirty Russian dick.
USA under attack!
Ну вы понели
Soon this will be the only un-hided thread for americans, I guessZed, are you some kind of mod?
/p/ is being invaded and you still don't have to use noko to find your thread. lol
we need an IV, keep this thread alive! its our only hope!
>>686263I wish. I'd be a badass janitor considering on here like 16 hours a day.
>>686272I seein fact all this mess is made by 3.5 russian newfags, that's why their productivity is low, lol
Ну ка по русски заговорили всеБЫССТРА БЛЯДЬ!!!!
keep the russians out of this thread!
>>686290Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
Katja Vainova loves you americans.
>>686295oh come on, I'm a russian myself :3
смотрят на вас
Пока её трахают эти животные она их ненавидит/но завтра когда её возьмёт кто-нибудь другой она, возможно, будет ему благодарна если он не сломает ей челюсть и не засунет весь кулак в задницу она согласится она будет покорной, а это именно то, что у женщин, скорее всего, становится привычкой/ведь по-большому счёту это всего лишь пизда и неважно какого возраста она готова отдаться и просто радоваться если ты не заставляешь её глотать свою сперму лизать задницу душить её шлёпать по ягодицам она уже не будет задаваться этим вопросом кому принадлежит этот член, который входит в неё уже третий или четвёртый раз/а потом она будет талантливо ублажать какого-нибудь самовлюблённого пидора, который просто на этот раз решил не делать ей больно
Америкосы соснули хуйца
>>686313commie scum!
It's official, All but 2 old threads are dead and they are on page 8. Looks like we gotta star from scratch.
>>686351lol, I almost have butthurt>>686352consider it as a clean-up huh
>>686352EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCoreLogicCamera ModelSAMSUNGImage-Specific Properties:Image Created2005:01:01 00:00:00
>>686364yup, we can start from scratch. If i was mod I'd sticky a Recent photo thread and change the photo limit to 300.
i feel like /p/ is new york city and this is 9/11
Even with the russians /p/ is the slowest board on 4chan. lul
>>686397ПОКУШОЙ ПАСТЫрецепт насилия всегда прост шепни на ухо малолетки угрозы и приставь дуло к виску и эти школьницы твои на целую неделю одни связанные обнажённые в подвале твоего дома бледные запуганные с выпученными от страха глазами лишённые невинности и подвергшиеся изнасилованию всеми подручными предметами от ножки стула до зубной щётки
>>686407Всем похуй.
>>686409GOOGLE TRANSLATION:Encroaching Pasterecipe for violence is always easy whispered in his ear the kids and put the muzzle of a threat to his head and these schoolgirls yours for a week alone in the basement connected bare thy pale, terrified at home with bulging eyes, devoid of fear, innocence and victims of rape all the materials at hand from the chair legs to the toothbrush
>>686407I've told ya, these russians are just kids and they are fewit's like in kindergarden, a couple of russian anons takes a group of newfags on their first raid
ну нига жеEXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareACD Systems Digital ImagingImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandImage Created2007:08:07 02:30:00Image Width997Image Height598
>>686435hm, a lead?
>>686442I say we raid those pricks right back.
http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fiichan.ru%2F&sl=ru&tl=enthe translated IIchan.ru photo board
>>686450NO. They are already starting to tire of raiding /p/. Raiding them back will just encourage them to keep going. You sir are a foolish teenager.
commence lightbulbs, d40, gear and ken rockwell threads
>>686450huh we'll be waitin' youright here, honey 2-ch.ru
>>686469>>686450>>686460You are all foolish children.
>>686468that's true, raidin' us back will bring here REAL russian anons, not these kids
>>686222Never need to hide threads before, now I do and I can't remember how./p/, how do I hide threads?
Я НИХУЯ НЕПОНЕЛ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
>>686486do a barrel rollit helps
hey too late guys i already started. oh well
>>686486http://4chan.wrathfilledhate.net/Install this plug-in, make sure to update it.
ракую же
>>686498Ah, so that's why I can't seem to do it any more. I stopped using Firefox a long time ago
I've reported so many broken rules today.
Теперь это тред Мария Холик - тред!
>>686503there's one for every browser unless your like an opera fag.
>>686508yep, I'm readin' russian thread about this raid, they just change IP
This intrigues UAchan.comEXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS4 WindowsImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution96 dpiVertical Resolution96 dpiImage Created2009:07:28 16:45:46Color Space InformationUncalibratedImage Width599Image Height405
Что у вас тут за язык странный используется?
Ну вы понелиEXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Elements 2.0Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiImage Created2009:02:24 08:34:39Color Space InformationsRGBImage Width736Image Height900
>>686518>implying the mods have banned anyone yet. ahahaha
сшашка соснула черных хуёв
Лол они думают что это рейд. Разве это не называется просто посидеть на форчане вечерком?
>>686514How do I get one for Chrome?
Эпично соcнули.
>>686537There's a fucking cp thread somewhere on here that never got deleted. I bet it dropped off page 10 by now.
I wonder how many russian anons, who are able to understand english, are still here
>>686551At least one.
>>686549nigras, cp - standart raid equipmenthaven't seen any shit yet
>>686551u want smth to tell us? :D
>>686551Yes, I are
Я не понимаю по русск...WAIT! OH SHI~
>>686551говори по-русски чморина. это /р/усский раздел.
>>686566who said that our methods r usuall?
Теперь это ракотред!EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeCanonCamera ModelCanon EOS 350D DIGITALCamera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 7.0Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiImage Created2006:07:26 12:11:02Exposure Time1/60 secF-Numberf/5.0Exposure ProgramNormal ProgramISO Speed Rating400Lens Aperturef/5.0Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternFlashFlash, Auto, Red-Eye ReduceFocal Length48.00 mmColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width660Image Height422RenderingNormalExposure ModeAutoWhite BalanceAutoScene Capture TypeStandard
>>686551Your words are clear to me, so i am able to understand English. Now what?
You guys suck at English.
>>686569Oh, you need to sai 'I is'.
>>686559yep and it's the one who actually asked>>686569fail
your bunny wrote!EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS2 WindowsImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiImage Created2009:10:30 21:56:48Color Space InformationUncalibratedImage Width469Image Height428
сосните хуйцаEXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeNIKONCamera ModelE995Camera SoftwareE995v1.6Image-Specific Properties:Horizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiExposure Time10/603 secF-Numberf/3.4Exposure ProgramNormal ProgramISO Speed Rating100Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternLight SourceUnknownFlashFlashFocal Length15.70 mmImage Width500Image Height665
>>686582too little practice lol
>>686584not fail, bro. It are onli muself wordz. I anderstand evyrything u write 2 me. Madskillz, I cnow.
>>686582if we'll make such raids every week I guess our english certainly will improve huh
>>686594to few, мудила. не позорься, вайпай дальше
>>686605>to few, мудилаpractice - неисчесляемое, дубина
>>686594EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Equipment MakeSONYCamera ModelDSC-H50Camera SoftwareCyber-shot ViewerMaximum Lens Aperturef/2.7Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiImage Created2008:11:13 17:38:07RenderingNormalExposure ModeManualWhite BalanceManualScene Capture TypeStandardContrastNormalSaturationNormalSharpnessNormalExposure Time1/50 secF-Numberf/3.2Exposure ProgramManualISO Speed Rating200Exposure Bias0 EVMetering ModePatternLight SourceDaylightFlashNo Flash, CompulsoryFocal Length8.30 mmColor Space InformationsRGBImage Width600Image Height800
бля, анон, помоги мне их троллить>>686601-кун
>>686616бро, вы заняты хуйнёй
Usafags, i wanted to ask you many times, but...Do you really use all the times of english? or 3 times are enought? just in speachnon-raid-russiafag
Okei. I spiks inglish prettili. Why 4-chan-kunz thougt thet russianz dont spiks inglish?
In this ITT thread, your bunny wrote!EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 7.0Image-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution300 dpiVertical Resolution300 dpiImage Created2006:11:10 15:47:36Color Space InformationUncalibratedImage Width291Image Height256
сшашка соснула хуйцаEXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareACD Systems Digital ImagingImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiImage Created2005:10:31 10:09:25Color Space InformationUncalibratedImage Width600Image Height888
>>686626Da! We are capitalistic upon the three times! It is nature of USA to do so. You have got problem with that?
>>686614ну да, слишком маленькая практика или слишком мало?
>>686514Fychan UserJS script for Opera would like to have a word with you... I looked at iichan.ru's /p/ and saw this - lolwut?EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS3 WindowsImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution96 dpiVertical Resolution96 dpiImage Created2010:02:07 13:00:57Color Space InformationsRGBImage Width690Image Height201
какие же ви рюсские свиньи
>>686648yea well suck it.
Рак набигающий покорил этот уютненький чанчик.
>>686652какие ваши доказательства?
>>686647фэйспалмtoo little time, too little money - неисчеслемыеfew coins - исчесляемые
Айлолд. Они думают, что их рейдит ычан.
>>686646ur kiddin me, yes?
EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.Camera-Specific Properties:Camera SoftwareACD Systems Digital ImagingImage-Specific Properties:Image OrientationTop, Left-HandHorizontal Resolution72 dpiVertical Resolution72 dpiImage Created2005:10:31 10:08:55Color Space InformationUncalibratedImage Width600Image Height888
>>686648also lol @ pic.
>>686648i did that, and the other ones. it was my pathetic attempt at a single-handed raid of the entire country of russia. then i noticed that their /p/ board has a total of like 7800 posts so i figured it was useless.
look at 0chan.ru/b/ dummies
bump american threads to eradicate the commies