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    File : 1262148639.jpg-(391 KB, 1024x681, 4132756604_3452d28183_b.jpg)
    391 KB What's in your bag? Anonymous 12/29/09(Tue)23:50 No.638821  
    Not your camera bag, just what you carry every day.
    Hard mode: make it look half decent.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/09(Tue)23:53 No.638826
    i hope you're female.

    otherwise, major faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/29/09(Tue)23:54 No.638828
    You don't carry a camera every day?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/09(Tue)23:56 No.638833
    >no camera
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:00 No.638839
    Took it off flickr, yes she was female.
    Camera can be omitted as if we don't it'll just be a bunch of crappy noisy photos taken with people's phones.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:10 No.638858
    what bag is that? Can you post a link?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:34 No.638894
    One sec, i'll see if I can find it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:36 No.638897
    Lol, turns out it's a guy.
    Doesn't say what bag though, sorry.
    Also, what's the deal with Altoids? Seems everyone and their dog in the states has one.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:40 No.638900
    Great fucking mints man. Are you telling me the motherfuckers that invented Altoids don't like them?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:40 No.638903
    I see an apple tag on it, I think.
    As for the altoids, I got some for Christmas and I'm fucking addicted lol. Its actually annoying, to be quite honest.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:46 No.638906
    also the used tins are good for storing various items
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:46 No.638907
    are your eyes really that bad?
    that's an apple as a 'skull & crossbones' badge/pin
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:47 No.638909
    it has a pirated apple on it...
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:47 No.638910
    Nietzchebook, for when notebooks just aren't good enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:52 No.638914
    I don't carry a "bag" because I'm not a huge faggot. Here is my school backpack from that thread. This backpack is used while I am at school, otherwise the only possessions on my person are my wallet, my phone, my knife, and my ipod. Good day.

    also fuck organization ...i pour my shit on the ground.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)00:53 No.638916
         File1262152395.jpg-(18 KB, 527x244, 1.jpg)
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    >> reinfected !DwFBXiCxVI 12/30/09(Wed)01:01 No.638919
         File1262152918.jpg-(129 KB, 600x900, stuff.jpg)
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    iPod Touch, Palm Centro, Wallet, Casio Exilim EX-V8 (?) and keys to a shitty Nissan who's radio goes staticy once I hit 55.
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)01:07 No.638925
         File1262153229.jpg-(204 KB, 666x1000, stuff.jpg)
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    Here's a shitty photo of stuff I carry around.
    Watch, wallet, Parker 51, ballpoint pen, phone, and an EOS A2 which gets carried around occasionally.
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)01:33 No.638949

    Nice chair, mang.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)02:00 No.638970

    god DAMN, do you really carry all of that? what do you think life is, a JRPG where all items must be packratted in case they're critical to the storyline later?


    this is better, at least you're not a moron. but carrying around that SLR all day probably makes you look suspiciously like one.


    can't see shit, captain.




    if you're talking about OP's picture, that's a kindle. and it's mark twain, not nietzsche.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)02:06 No.638972
    That's Mark Twain, asshole.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)02:07 No.638973
         File1262156825.jpg-(307 KB, 667x1000, pockets.jpg)
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    I only carry one of these cameras at a time, depending on what I expect to shoot that day.
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)02:07 No.638974
    > I don't carry a "bag" because I'm not a huge faggot. Here is my school backpack from that thread.
    LOL. If you carry around a backpack, that says you're a fucking teenager. Most grown-ups carry messenger bags.
    >> reinfected !DwFBXiCxVI 12/30/09(Wed)02:08 No.638975
    I don't carry around interesting things. So in return, you get to see a chair I made from a stolen shopping cart and vaguely what I carry around. Good trade off?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)02:14 No.638982
    >lolbackpacks. I use messenger bags, it means I'm a grown up now!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)02:17 No.638986
    Considering I'm 29, yes, I think I'm a grown up. And considering that I shop at grown-up stores and don't see backpacks (except for hiking backpacks) and everywhere I've been for the last five years, I see messenger bags carried by adults, then yes, backpacks are for kids.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)02:46 No.639006
    Sure is /fa/ in here.
    >> DeadPicsL 12/30/09(Wed)03:38 No.639030
         File1262162322.jpg-(400 KB, 800x614, IMGP0375.jpg)
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    the usual sans camera + tripod I keep in my bag at all times.
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)03:50 No.639032
    7/10 I actually got kinda mad.

    I am a teenager, and a college student. . A backpack is a more comfortable option for me as it spreads the weight evenly across both shoulders.
    Good Day!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)03:52 No.639033
    So many people on 4chan carry mini-swords and flashlights in their pockets...I find that intriguing.
    >> DeadPicsL 12/30/09(Wed)04:06 No.639037
    Well when you are underground in abandoned buildings it's pretty fucking practical.
    >> What's in your bag? Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)04:46 No.639049
         File1262166383.jpg-(130 KB, 432x324, adfgfgfgafdrrtgfhh.jpg)
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    all this is was in my timbuk~
    ipod, buds, light, deo, chapstick, hand-sani, bic, matches, roll tobacco, markers, pen, pencils, cell, glasses, small knife, coins, literature, ti-spork, scissors, condoms...
    used the point-shoot camera (that was in the bag) for pic- carry more in saddle bags (bike inner tubes, hex wrenches, patch kit, old tube etc), wear a knife, and a 'biner with keys...
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)05:38 No.639061
         File1262169521.jpg-(558 KB, 1000x750, p_bag.jpg)
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    sure there you go
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 12/30/09(Wed)06:10 No.639069
         File1262171453.jpg-(146 KB, 960x401, DSC_0135.jpg)
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    Giant lighter or tiny stuff? Hmmmm...
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    >> !BvNikkorIA 12/30/09(Wed)06:16 No.639070
    Nokia 6220c, keys, small LED flashlight
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)06:16 No.639073
    my what a big lighter you have
    >> Anonymous D 12/30/09(Wed)06:38 No.639087
    Backpacks are for certain type of people - they just don't fit everyone. People who are active, fit, and whose definition of "public transport" is walking or bicycling are likely backpack users. Bags, on the otherhand, are for unpractical, fat and/or boring people who are the first to die when a /b/ apocalypse comes. Eat shit and choke in your average life, fatsos. I'm off to stroke my balls with silk gloves.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)06:50 No.639095

    amen /b/rother
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)07:04 No.639101
    I'm supposed to carry a bag everyday????
    I wear a coat, in my coat I have a small camera like an mjuII, or similar sized thing that fits in the pocket. I then carry a wallet and phone in other pockets and keys
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)08:29 No.639136
    Couldn't you have thought of a less photography related thread?
    >> Warren !!fHtLOJwQ1h6 12/30/09(Wed)09:34 No.639169
         File1262183682.jpg-(140 KB, 800x596, MG_4870.jpg)
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    You must be a really boring person in real life.

    What I carried a couple years ago. I need to make an updated pic.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)09:38 No.639171
    Is that a Sigma 70-300? I feel you bro if so, I'm so sorry
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)09:40 No.639172
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)09:41 No.639174
    Because it's an awful lens! Guess it's not that bad for it's cost though
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)09:44 No.639175
    >when a /b/ apocalypse comes

    like if a bunch of fat self-diagnosed aspies will come out of mom's basement and raise mayhem around someday...

    It almost sounds like a plot for the Zombies Party II movie
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)09:45 No.639178
    why? It's got a red ring on the front like the Canon L it must be the same pro level...
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)09:47 No.639180

    i paid 100 euro
    so its not "that" bad
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)09:52 No.639181

    gearfag detected
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)09:57 No.639182
    - Notebook
    - Pen
    - Old nokia
    - iPod touch
    - 400D with 50mm
    - 18-55
    - Folded map of the city (im new)
    - Smokes and snuff

    Why would you want a picture of this stuff?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)09:58 No.639183
         File1262185135.jpg-(573 KB, 1024x683, _MG_4415.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)10:02 No.639185
         File1262185322.jpg-(20 KB, 297x300, woman-screaming.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)10:03 No.639186

    Nah I think it's just a girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)10:05 No.639187
    right. i am.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)10:06 No.639188
         File1262185616.jpg-(17 KB, 300x225, zapp-brannigan-300x225.jpg)
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    sounds sexy
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)10:07 No.639189
    I don't have a bag.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)10:08 No.639190
         File1262185695.jpg-(4 KB, 126x121, 1260556745001.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)10:11 No.639192
         File1262185887.jpg-(24 KB, 473x402, zapp.jpg)
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    why dont you come here for a moment?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)10:12 No.639193
    if you're female.. :3
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)10:17 No.639198
         File1262186238.png-(134 KB, 820x474, 193_zapp-kif-uncensored-depila(...).png)
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    i can be as female as you want me too be ;)
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)10:21 No.639202
         File1262186491.png-(15 KB, 151x171, 1262186238441b.png)
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    pic related
    >> The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !UjUgY/whWc 12/30/09(Wed)11:10 No.639227
         File1262189436.jpg-(216 KB, 1549x1037, DSC_0007.jpg)
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    I feel under packed...
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)11:18 No.639232
    You have the coolest cameras I've seen in this thread.
    >> Samson !!ON8Gl5K+y2b 12/30/09(Wed)11:23 No.639234
    is that a lockring i see?
    >> tedious !u.FOsPdzsI 12/30/09(Wed)11:59 No.639279
         File1262192364.jpg-(778 KB, 1936x1288, _MG_0067.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)12:00 No.639280
    I carry keys, a phone, and my wallet.

    I hate having shit in my pockets.
    >> tedious !u.FOsPdzsI 12/30/09(Wed)12:07 No.639291
    I own a coat where i put things that don't fit in my pockets.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)12:15 No.639300
         File1262193358.jpg-(75 KB, 625x367, deleteme.jpg)
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    This one is easy!
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)12:24 No.639305
    i hate having shit in my coat pockets, too.

    i like to travel with the bare minimum.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)21:17 No.639636

    lol. thank you?

    it's a canon SD780 and an olympus XA.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)21:50 No.639657
         File1262227801.jpg-(401 KB, 1200x537, 3045944619_a53c83b3b6_o.jpg)
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    wallet, glasses, markers/pens, die, pocket change, knife, phone, keys, clippers, scissors, jump drive, multitool, hairbands, flashlight, pills, Nikon F2 (usually with 50mm f/1.4), and light meter.
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)21:54 No.639659
    altoids FTW
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)22:07 No.639668

    six knives and fifteen different kinds of pens?

    what are you, some sort of world-traveling ninja writer?
    >> Butterfly !xlgRMYva6s 12/30/09(Wed)22:17 No.639673
    hmm mostly crap:

    Squared A4 paper, lots
    Random other paper, also lots
    Current Manga (Kurosagi corpse delivery service, 10 where?)
    Current Epic, Paradise Lost
    Current Book, 1984 (aka Modern Britain a guide)
    Pencil Case with nice mechanical pencils and japanese pens (lolweaboo)
    Pack of Cards

    Mostly shit, no i'm not taking a photo.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)22:44 No.639707
    Wind-up pocket watch
    Tiny knife
    Mech Pencil
    Cell Phone
    USB Flash Drive
    MP3 Player and headphones
    Somehow, I felt like there was more
    Fellow weeaboo faggot here, what japanese pens?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)22:59 No.639724
    why do all you wieners carry rambo knives?

    oh wait, you just put that there for the photo to look tough on the internet, i get it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)22:59 No.639726
    >>639724 look tough on the internet

    a confusing concept at best
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)23:03 No.639734
         File1262232183.jpg-(102 KB, 768x576, DSC02747.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)23:07 No.639743
         File1262232472.jpg-(140 KB, 1000x750, 20091230-P1020028-Edit.jpg)
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    I considered putting my airsoft M1911 in this to make fun of the rambo knife people, but decided against it.

    Shit moves from bag to bag - I only carry the D2X when I'm doing a big enough event to need a second body, I'm shooting something this week that I need it for, so the stuff's all in a Tamrac Turbo CyberPro with a MacBook pro. (Which I'm on right now, so it's not in the pic.)

    I know this is an everyday carry thread, I carry most of this shit to the office every day. No, I don't carry the bag everywhere, but that's because once I hit a location, most of the stuff goes into a TTP modular harness setup.
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)23:10 No.639749

    Is dat sum Skeletool?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)23:19 No.639761
         File1262233196.jpg-(1.15 MB, 2667x1615, IMG_7632.jpg)
    1.15 MB
    1 - Idea/Creative Notebook
    2 - DVX Logbook
    3 - Small Notebook
    4 - Leatherman
    5 - Flashlight
    6 - Compass
    7 - XA
    8 - Thumb drive
    9 - Knife with bitdriver and bottle opener
    10 - Wallet
    11 - Hat
    12 - Light Gloves
    13 - D-Batteries (I don't know why, they were just in there)
    14 - Rechargeable AA Batteries
    15 - Flash Diffuser
    16 - FLIP Cam
    17 - Inhaler
    18 - 4 to 6 pin firewire
    19 - Project Metal Folder - Has more pens, paper, notes, relevant project docs, etc and a focus chart taped to one side
    20 - 6 to 6 pin firewire
    21 - Little Tripod
    22 - Earbud Monitors
    23 - D5000 with old Tamron 28-135mm
    24 - iPod
    25 - Extra Film
    26 - 6 pin to 4 pin adapter
    27 - WarmCards
    28 - Locking Carabiner
    29 - Extra Tapes
    30 - Phone
    31 - Keys
    32 - An Assortment of Pens
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)23:22 No.639764
         File1262233377.jpg-(9 KB, 200x168, 3131,blackpxsupply_496_gen(...).jpg)
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    I use this bag.
    >> [T.r.a.c.k] !hH8XJJY4tY 12/30/09(Wed)23:47 No.639786
         File1262234823.jpg-(543 KB, 1000x750, IMG_1253.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)23:48 No.639787

    Those little Olympus XAs seem to be a pretty popular carry camera.
    >> DeadPicsL !L5mmGilPic 12/30/09(Wed)23:49 No.639789
    looks like an emt bag
    >> Anonymous 12/30/09(Wed)23:56 No.639797
         File1262235395.jpg-(95 KB, 1024x683, Oakley S.I. Computer bag 1..jpg)
    95 KB

    Its a "tactical laptop bag".

    Dexter used the consumer Oakley version in Season 2.
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    >> Ubiquity !uPdR7Pc4.. 12/30/09(Wed)23:58 No.639799
         File1262235530.jpg-(311 KB, 664x1000, DSC_2629.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)00:00 No.639800

    Wallet = win!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)00:06 No.639805
         File1262235961.jpg-(236 KB, 1832x638, Capital One.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)00:09 No.639807
         File1262236178.jpg-(452 KB, 1024x683, IMG_9870-1.jpg)
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    i'll play.
    judge me, /p/.

    your wallet.
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)00:26 No.639823
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)00:44 No.639843

    a harmonica, knife, and "BMF" wallet. well aren't you the spitting image of a modern bard.

    nice redundant calculator there. or is your phone the only phone in existence that can't do math?

    either way, good job broski. you are officially lamer than shit.


    smallest 35mm rangefinder ever. aperture-priority, 35mm 2.8 zuiko glass. you can even attach a flash if you're some kind of lame.

    the XA is the camera you carry when you want to shoot film but don't want to be or look like a retard.


    condoms, deodorant, knife, various drug paraphernalia. do you even HAVE a high school diploma?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)00:56 No.639854
    I like the little tv there =]
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)01:06 No.639862
    a real man? the knife is for convenience and a small bit of protection. the condom is for that right moment. you don't know what it's like? i am sorry for you.

    condoms, deodorant, knife, various drug paraphernalia. do you even HAVE a high school diploma?
    a condom, yes. you don't have have the occasion to use them either? damn. deodorant/knife/"OMGDRUGS"? yeah, sometimes i crash places and burn some plant material with friends. am i a criminal by you? do i even HAVE a high school diploma? why yes, i do. i also have a life and ride a bike, so this is like my survival pack in my world.

    i am sorry (for you) if this offends you.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)01:13 No.639872
         File1262239988.jpg-(44 KB, 510x439, funny_girl.jpg)
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    you gunna band the lady here?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)01:15 No.639875
    >>639862 real men carry condoms all the time, because sex is a spontaneous activity that can't possibly be scheduled, postponed, or even predicted in any meaningful fashion.

    that's cute.

    anyway, no, I don't carry condoms around. I can't even remember the last time I bought them. that's what happens when the last four (or five? I can't remember) women you've slept with this year have been on birth control.

    try college sometime, it's a pretty cool place.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)01:16 No.639876
    >>639862 i also have a life and ride a bike

    this made me lol for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)01:18 No.639880
    >>639862 a condom, yes. you don't have have the occasion to use them either? damn.

    haha I read this as "I don't have any opportunities to use them. you don't either? damn. sucks to be us, broski"
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)01:32 No.639893
         File1262241127.jpg-(159 KB, 1000x604, IMG_5685.jpg)
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    You fags seriously need to take all that shit with you?

    And what the hell does this have to do with photography?
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)01:45 No.639913
    you think everyone here lives just like you. that's cute. also,
    >the last four (or five? I can't remember)
    lol you are more man than me i must admit! you have scheduled (and postponed) sex (in the missionary position?) with four or five women. cool story, but i don't consider that entitlement to assume my age or maturity is less than yours. now post your bag.

    was that lol of disbelief? i was making my situation clear. i pack what i absolutely need (or might want) to have on my back when i leave home. i'm not sure when i'll be back.

    also, those reference links were mixed up.

    thank you for delivering everything i could have hoped for from /p/ (or /fa/?) in such an inflammatory thread. i feel like i just introduced my real self, but you definitely made me realize that i was just being fake, and trying to get internet respect from anons.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)02:37 No.639959
    >>639893 And what the hell does this have to do with photography?
    the point was to take an aesthetically pleasing photo using what's in your bag as an example. well done in failing.
    >> d !PkbcxkjESs 12/31/09(Thu)02:42 No.639962
         File1262245352.jpg-(272 KB, 900x720, DCW_3016.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)02:48 No.639965
    >>639913 i don't consider that entitlement to assume my age or maturity is less than yours.

    well your incessant paragraph-replies have certainly proven that you are the bigger man.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)02:51 No.639968

    you don't have a phone?


    three pens, one knife (really more like six, though), a lighter (no cigarettes), ipod covered in protector crap so that you can retain its value when you resell it for the same price six years after it was obsoleted, and a leica you couldn't even afford a good lens or a proper strap for.

    also fag money.

    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)03:13 No.639979

    >condoms, deodorant, knife, various drug paraphernalia. do you even HAVE a high school diploma?

    You should see what my grip bag looks like.
    >> d !PkbcxkjESs 12/31/09(Thu)03:15 No.639980
    That lens was the reason I bought back into the M system, and a Gordy strap will be arriving in the next few days. The Sharpie's for writing on the film when I've pushed/pulled it - the other two rub off. The V7's just a backup. I sold my last iPod for more than I bought it, but mainly I'm just a bit obsessive compulsive about stuff like that. The Swiss Army knife's actually pretty useful. And I like the pound. It's good for travelling if you're going outside Europe.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)03:17 No.639983
    Which M body is that, and how are its 35/50 framelines with the 40mm?
    >> d !PkbcxkjESs 12/31/09(Thu)03:31 No.639986
    It's the M4-2. Couldn't really afford anything else. I've heard at 20ft+ the 35 framelines are almost perfect, but for closer distances it might be better to use the 50. I won't be able to develop a film until I'm back at uni so I'm not sure.
    Also the lens triggers the 50mm framelines unless you file down part of the lens to bring up the 35. For now I'm just taping it in the 35 position, but I might file it later.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)03:48 No.640003
    why do alot of you tape up your camera's logo's and model?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)03:50 No.640005
    makes it less conspicuous/expensive/attractive to thieves
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)03:52 No.640008
    Well when you do, post please? I'm interested in eventually using an M + 40 Summicron combination, and I'm sure there's others out there.
    >> [T.r.a.c.k] !hH8XJJY4tY 12/31/09(Thu)03:59 No.640017
    This. i shoot street mostly so when im out roaming the 818 i dont want to attract attention or have "expensive" looking gear that has me prone to "jackings". i mean i grew up in a rough neighborhood and played football and ran track so i can defend myself but i hate confrontations.
    >> Art Vandelay !LF.iOlEIcA 12/31/09(Thu)04:08 No.640030
         File1262250490.jpg-(331 KB, 720x540, P1010018.jpg)
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    Well my camera bag is what I carry everyday. It has all I need for an average day.
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)04:09 No.640033

    if a thief can't eyeball the brand name of your camera from a distance, he won't steal it.

    proven fact.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)04:10 No.640034
    >>640030 the only thing I do is double-fist leica rangefinders all day every day

    get a job. or even better, a life.
    >> Art Vandelay !LF.iOlEIcA 12/31/09(Thu)04:18 No.640041

    It is part of my job.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)04:29 No.640054
    what's your job?
    >> Art Vandelay !LF.iOlEIcA 12/31/09(Thu)04:37 No.640057

    I freelance, and use the M8 for that. Then the M6 is for my personal work while I enjoy my days off.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)04:38 No.640059
    any specific area? care to post any of your work?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)04:39 No.640060
    >>640057 I freelance

    that is not a job.
    >> Art Vandelay !LF.iOlEIcA 12/31/09(Thu)04:49 No.640065
    Personal work or random freelance gigs?

    When it pays the bills, its a job.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)04:49 No.640066

    Domke love
    >> DeadPicsL !L5mmGilPic 12/31/09(Thu)04:52 No.640067
    I don't even bother taping the pentax logo.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)04:54 No.640068
    >>640065 Personal work or random freelance gigs?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)04:57 No.640069
    >>640065 When it pays the bills, its a job.

    lol, sure. tell yourself that.
    >> Art Vandelay !LF.iOlEIcA 12/31/09(Thu)05:06 No.640078
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    Quick example from this surgery center shoot I did.
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    >> DeadPicsL !L5mmGilPic 12/31/09(Thu)05:07 No.640079
    that's actually pretty sick.
    >> Art Vandelay !LF.iOlEIcA 12/31/09(Thu)05:07 No.640080
         File1262254058.jpg-(184 KB, 576x382, img0126.jpg)
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    And what I do to relax and enjoy photography.

    EXIF data that wont show up.
    Camera: Leica M6
    Lens: 28mm f3.5 Color Skopar
    Film: Fuji 200
    Exposure: 250@f8
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    >> Art Vandelay !LF.iOlEIcA 12/31/09(Thu)05:09 No.640082

    Thanks, the M8 worked perfectly in that environment.
    Low shutter speed handheld and nice and sharp.

    Was a ACL replacement that only took an hour and a half.
    It was fun being in scrubs, but freezing in the OR.
    >> Art Vandelay !LF.iOlEIcA 12/31/09(Thu)05:11 No.640083

    Gotta love the Domke. I just got the F802 the other day.
    Had been using the F2 shoulder bag for 4 years now.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)05:21 No.640098
    >>640078 I can't compose to save my life, and overexposing the most interesting part of the picture is what pays the bills.

    they've got low standards at the hospital I see.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)05:22 No.640099

    I can find fifty thousand identical pictures on DA. taken by high schoolers.

    you're not impressing me here.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)05:23 No.640101
    when the hell did this go from "what's in your pockets, not your camera bag" to "HEY GUYS I OWN TWO LEICAS LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME"

    in before leicafaggot says "r u jealous"
    >> Art Vandelay !LF.iOlEIcA 12/31/09(Thu)05:27 No.640104
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    Oh no man, I did a shot with the monitor exposed properly to merge for the final image.
    >> Art Vandelay !LF.iOlEIcA 12/31/09(Thu)05:29 No.640106

    No, the thread got derailed when 12 year olds asked questions and I delivered and people got mad.

    Not trying to impress you son, I do it to relax.
    I don't give two shits about your opinion on the internet.
    >> Mr._Laugh_Out_Loud !!rc0QDfC1oX3 12/31/09(Thu)05:39 No.640109
    haha, Art Vandelay pimp slapped the haters.
    >> DeadPicsL !L5mmGilPic 12/31/09(Thu)05:48 No.640112
    pimp slapped? are you 10 years old?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)05:57 No.640117
    >thats why im using a tripcode and dont want to remain anonymous, I really dont want to impress anyone or show off. Really.
    >> chewie !uWookieV6A 12/31/09(Thu)06:17 No.640123
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    this is how i roll
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)07:38 No.640199
    Where's your D1 you faggot?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)10:25 No.640303
    >DeviantArt bag
    Oh, you
    Does it impress the hipster chicks?
    >> chewie !uWookieV6A 12/31/09(Thu)10:55 No.640333
    it impressed the one who bought it for me enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)11:11 No.640344
    ITT fags who carry a purse everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)11:36 No.640364
    your mom sounds like a nice person :)
    >> I like Rippy 12/31/09(Thu)11:38 No.640365
    Dang you, I want your bag of holding! Camera nut on the search!
    >> The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !UjUgY/whWc 12/31/09(Thu)11:52 No.640371

    Collecting dust.
    >> Butterfly !xlgRMYva6s 12/31/09(Thu)12:19 No.640388
    a couple of myujis and some brush pens for caligraphy. also a sharpie~
    >> DK_^&& !eXVf.ThsJg 12/31/09(Thu)12:59 No.640418
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    eh, i cheated. i only have one bag that i carry. and that includes camera stuff. Only things missing out of this pic are batteries (charging), memory cards. and the SW1030 i took the pick with. all of which go in the same bag.
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)15:25 No.640481
    Cuts down on gearfags coming up and bugging me about my camera when I'm trying to shoot. I also figure it protects scratch-prone areas a bit better for when I decide to sell the camera.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)15:28 No.640484
    Actually those dA bags don't look all that terrible, especially for the price. I keep wondering if they're OEM-ed by some other company who's got them on the market without all the dA logos.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)15:51 No.640497
    >Actually those dA bags don't look all that terrible
    Aside from the horrible black and red and the da patch, you mean
    >I keep wondering if they're OEM-ed by some other company who's got them on the market without all the dA logos.
    Would be much preferable, to me anyways.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)16:36 No.640533
    Yeah, the colors aren't particularly nice. I mean the layout and construction seem like they're decent enough. I think it'd look nice in brown or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)16:42 No.640537
    >>640484 Actually those dA bags don't look all that terrible, especially for the price. I keep wondering if they're OEM-ed by some other company who's got them on the market without all the dA logos.

    lowepro has something like that
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)16:52 No.640547
    >>640123 DA bag

    are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? this explains EVERYTHING.

    also, great job READING THE THREAD, jackass.


    yeah because everyone is so fucking eager to talk to you. you must look like a combination of ansel adams and annie liebovitz. how precious.




    just buy any one of the other zillion bags from a dozen different manufacturers that are identical to this. for $75 you can buy something without all the faggot woven into it.
    >> PotestasUnicornis 12/31/09(Thu)17:50 No.640609
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    >> chewie !uWookieV6A 12/31/09(Thu)19:36 No.640691
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    bawww more faggot, this is what i carry in my bag everyday, or if you want to be pedantic, everyday i take a bag out with me.

    >are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? this explains EVERYTHING.

    oh really? the fact you're raging at someones choice of which label they have on their bag explains everything i need to know about you.

    u mad, faggot.

    the red inside actually works the way they intended, if i'm looking for a loose memory card or something small, it stands out a whole lot better in low light/the dark than your standard all black interior. the red stitching on the outside doesnt stand out that much. the da patch isn't too bad, it's small and the only branding visible, i'd expect the designers to have gone full on and had huge "graffiti" style graphic design all over it

    the construction feels pretty good, on par with other brands, and definitely better than the official canon branded one i have.
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)20:11 No.640729

    Great camera; what lenses do you have/ usually take with you?

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