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  • File : 1256252444.jpg-(111 KB, 475x713, colorized.jpg)
    111 KB inb4 !s7WCCIMFcc 10/22/09(Thu)19:00 No.572211  
    /p, I'm so stuck.

    I deleted my Facebook, my MySpace, my Twitter. I gave all of my contacts my email and cell number and said they could always reach me there if they needed to.

    My plan was to concentrate fully on my photography. I am still in school and by no means a great photographer, but I want to become one. My dying father-in-law keeps giving me hints that his best friend Ansel Adams gave him, and I'm trying to get the camera out every day and shoot something with some sort of meaning, you know, kind of like that 365 thing on Flickr or whatever it is.

    Well here is my problem. As soon as I quit all my social media addictions, quit spending hours on /p and quick checking my Flickr for comments every five seconds, I find myself at a block for what to photograph.

    I live in the west desert. There are scorpions and rattlesnakes, famous people and beautiful blue skies just begging to be HDR merged with beautiful palms. It's not like I don't have things to take pictures of.

    I mean come on. Cleaned out the garage and found a backdrop stand and several lights and diffusers. Got the 50D and two lenses sitting with the tripod in the closet. But it seems like everytime I look at that camera I get frustrated. I spend so much time taking carefully composed and created pictures for class that I can't seem to pick up my DSLR for fun.

    It's so depressing, /p. I am ready to go kill myself. Taking pictures...

    is no longer fun. :'(
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    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)19:02 No.572213
    All this needed was OP's pic to be 4.0mbs at 10MP taken on an entry level dsrl of a cat in hdr.

    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)19:03 No.572216
    do your own fucking homework
    >> inb4 !s7WCCIMFcc 10/22/09(Thu)19:10 No.572227
    i dont get it.

    this isnt about my homework. lrn2read
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)19:12 No.572231
    more of the girl
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)19:15 No.572235
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    >> inb4 !s7WCCIMFcc 10/22/09(Thu)19:23 No.572245
         File1256253797.jpg-(163 KB, 500x625, IMG1290.jpg)
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    leik this?
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    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)19:26 No.572253
    Get models who aren't so boring.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)19:27 No.572255


    who is she?
    >> CrMo 10/22/09(Thu)19:29 No.572259
    they're arguing that you're trolling, but i remember you from a couple weeks back.

    disconnecting yourself from social networking tools is not going to get you to go out and shoot more, it'll just make it harder to get in contact with people who want to praise/work with you, and make it harder to show your work.

    My suggestion: pick a focus where you think you can make some money. If it's senior portraits, go for it, put ads in highschool papers. If it's weddings, same deal. If you want to shoot still life, call your local newspaper and tell them you're interested in shooting food or product reviews. Have a goal in mind. I started by investing a couple thousand dollars in gear. I told myself I wouldn't spend another dime on photo gear until I made it all back through gigs.

    TL;DR: Focus on something. Make money doing it. It'll be
    >> CrMo 10/22/09(Thu)19:30 No.572260
    >> inb4 !s7WCCIMFcc 10/22/09(Thu)19:30 No.572262
         File1256254241.jpg-(167 KB, 800x621, 22.jpg)
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    the best model i have ever shot.
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    >> inb4 !s7WCCIMFcc 10/22/09(Thu)19:32 No.572264
    thats some good advice, my strong point is senior portraits but out here in the west they dont do it for some reason. the kids all have to get their one shot for the yearbook taken at the school, and no one buys senior packages ever. i suppose i could try to start the trend or something...
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)19:32 No.572265
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    You need to be more social. Get invited to parties, go to clubs, concerts... shoot there.

    And plan on getting a day job that isn't photography.
    >> inb4 !s7WCCIMFcc 10/22/09(Thu)19:35 No.572269
    i do have a day job already that isnt photography, so that helps me a little.

    ive never shot parties or clubs before. i need to lrn2shoot that shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)20:16 No.572316
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    >> TheGeneral !I2x1UX1HaE 10/22/09(Thu)20:41 No.572352
    First of all, drop that selective desat shit you did in >>572211

    and this awkward framing bullshit you doing in >>572245

    Personally, I fell facebook and myspace and other social networking sites are integral to you building up your rep. Also, learn to process better and learn lighting while you're at it.
    >> inb4 !s7WCCIMFcc 10/22/09(Thu)21:03 No.572386
    i didnt desaturate this photo in >>572211
    i colorized it.

    the job is so choppy it should be obvious.

    and as far as the framing in >>572245

    ill do whatever the paying customers wants within reason. including this frame.
    >> inb4 !s7WCCIMFcc 10/22/09(Thu)21:05 No.572389
    >Also, learn to process better and learn lighting while you're at it.

    >I am still in school and by no means a great photographer
    >> inb4 !s7WCCIMFcc 10/22/09(Thu)21:06 No.572392
    also, i "fell" that myspace is all a bunch of 12 year olds now and the only things people like on myspace that i do is the stupid shit like extreme vignetting and selective coloring.
    >> TheGeneral !I2x1UX1HaE 10/23/09(Fri)01:41 No.572615
    desat, colorize, same thing. You are selectively applying color to certain parts of the image.

    on the framing: then that's ok. I was under the assumption that you had full control on what went in the final image, and my bad.

    Regardless of if you're in school or not, you should experiment in your free time. I can appreciate that school has it's requirements and deadlines as I am in the same boat, but that doesn't stop me from learning lighting or how to process files better in my spare time.

    Finally, If you don't have your own website and domain you should use Facebook or whatever social networking site is acceptable to you to show off your work.
    >> douchebag 10/23/09(Fri)01:45 No.572619
    looks like you grew up too soon...

    They don't call it "work" because it's fun.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)01:52 No.572629
    that framing is godawful. if a client wanted me to do something like that id flatly refuse. if they want images butchered like that they can do it themselves.
    go away for a weekend put your self amongst some different scenery. find water or maybe bush. find something totally different that you have never done before.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)02:10 No.572651
    learn to paint
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)17:24 No.573262
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:13 No.573387
    Shoot outside of your element. Boredom comes from building a little creative home of familiar subjects. Do some street shooting, Macro Photography, Landscapes, Nature etc. You'll then go back to whatever was your forte with fresh eyes.
    >> dog !Oe6GiymcGg 10/23/09(Fri)19:28 No.573402
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    Dammit I feel you OP. I feel dirty looking at my camera gear for some time now since I feel like all of this is for naught. I don't even like looking at my flickr/facebook since I'm hating the crap I've been shooting lately - mostly fashion/model type crap. Keep trying to shake myself out of it but seems like everything I plan falls to shit.

    I went on a long planned weeklong trip to the countryside and it rained everyday. Not to mention most of the time I just ended up doing more of the same crap I've been doing (pic related). Of the new things I shot, I cant access because the single place in this country which processes slides got fucked because of a typhoon.

    Got access to a prison where I was like YAY EXCITED and completely in the zone. One week later the lab fucks up my negs.

    Found a model I can work and grow with and a typhoon hits - destroying my car and my logistical nerve center.

    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 10/23/09(Fri)19:44 No.573422
    Good luck with that. I have facebook, and a myspace, but I don't get invited to much parties or clubs. Main reason is that I have little to no friends I actually know.

    Good luck getting a day job in this recession. I advise you to don't waste job on actual job hunting and go towards temp work.

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