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  • File : 1255630543.jpg-(735 KB, 2048x1536, 002.jpg)
    735 KB Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)14:15 No.564537  
    hey guys. never been to /p/ before, know nothing about photography.
    i like to snap a couple of pictures when i go to shows to remember the occasion. obvsly the lighting isn't great and the people on stage are moving around. my pictures always turn out blurry like this.
    i just have an average digital camera. what can i do to get better pictures? settings i can change?
    thanks for any help!
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    >> rubber shoes in motion !FwDS1IFr.. 10/15/09(Thu)14:19 No.564538
    go see less blurry bands.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)14:22 No.564541
    so i take it /p/ has just as many unhelpful assholes as other parts of 4chan then?
    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 10/15/09(Thu)14:24 No.564544
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    This might help.
    >> rubber shoes in motion !FwDS1IFr.. 10/15/09(Thu)14:27 No.564550

    sounds about right.

    come to us with a specific question after doing some research. i can't be bothered to explain the fundamentals of a camera to you when there's a million resources out there floating around.

    stop being such a lazy faggot.
    >> else !L6xabslN96 10/15/09(Thu)14:43 No.564556
    learn about exposure and how shutterspeed, aperture and ISO relate to it.

    here's a tip: motion blur is related to shutterspeed.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)14:47 No.564557
    thanks for the help.
    i'd help myself if i knew the first thing about photography. and i don't know where good resources are.
    when you don't know the first thing about a subject it's hard to find answers because everything's over your head.
    i thought maybe it would be an easy answer like "change ____ setting from ___ to ___"
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)14:48 No.564558
    >> else !L6xabslN96 10/15/09(Thu)14:55 No.564562
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    here you go, you lazy person:
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)14:59 No.564566
    Read. Read books. You will find books on basic digital photography in any bookstore, free on ThePirateBay, cluttering up yard sales, etc. You can gargle PHOTO WIKI and get articles with links to online resources and courses.

    Practice. Practice with your camera. It's free. Try different settings. Take notes of what works and what sucks. Study those notes. Study those books. Learn about light, and composition.

    Hint: When shooting in big dark spaces, you need a flash, something more powerful than the average digicam's onboard flash. You miight need a tripod. You might need to move closer. You might need a different camera.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)15:15 No.564578
    thank you.
    the problem with practicing is i can't really recreate the environment of a concert and that lighting.
    plus i'm afraid to start messing around with settings and just totally jack something up.
    i thought maybe i could just change my exposure time or shutter speed and clear up my pics a little. basically sounds like i'm shit out of luck
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)15:38 No.564588

    ... no it sounds like you don't know what the fuck you're doing and you need practice and experience. Read some books.
    >> ions 10/15/09(Thu)18:55 No.564766
         File1255647310.jpg-(656 KB, 1000x562, INFLAMES.jpg)
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    I usually just use my shitty 5mp Canon P&S at concerts and just put the dial on M and pick the settings right for the lighting and type of music IE. Metal there is alot of headbanging and such versus Hip Hop where they just kinda walk around.

    Picture related it's one of many concerts I've shot on my P&S the band is Inflames.
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:29 No.564792
    Change exposure program from auto to shutter speed priority

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