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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1254893383.jpg-(81 KB, 1600x1200, The Bleeding Light.jpg)
    81 KB Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:29 No.556290  

    I'm using this photograph as the centerpiece of my portfolio to get into art school. What do you think?
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    >> OpAsFuck !XIxc6BpKnU 10/07/09(Wed)01:30 No.556292
    the fuck is this?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:31 No.556294
    more like shitty community college.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:31 No.556295

    Needs some work. It's a little grainy.

    What school are you applying too?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:32 No.556296
         File1254893556.jpg-(9 KB, 209x238, 1248620849189.jpg)
    9 KB
    Enjoy your failure, OP.
    >> OpAsFuck !XIxc6BpKnU 10/07/09(Wed)01:33 No.556297
    thats like a C grade
    is it even worth that?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:33 No.556298
         File1254893616.jpg-(28 KB, 450x450, 1253415660082.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:33 No.556299
         File1254893627.jpg-(77 KB, 800x600, lolop.jpg)
    77 KB

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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:33 No.556300
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:34 No.556301
         File1254893655.jpg-(86 KB, 1600x1200, 1254893383756.jpg)
    86 KB
    Here you go OP now it's a pretty girl
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:35 No.556303
         File1254893754.jpg-(113 KB, 1600x1200, 1254893383.jpg)
    113 KB
    You forgot to turn on the light
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:37 No.556304

    Alright here we go OP,

    Not to be rude but I think you are a bit of a novice, you need to get a WAY better camera if you are going to do anything serious, and you need to take some basic photography courses before you go applying to anywhere.

    Do you have anything else to show us?
    >> my tripcode is dongsuck !FYCVoF9iIU 10/07/09(Wed)01:37 No.556305
    > /p/eople, I'm using this troll to get into troll school. what do you think?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:39 No.556306
         File1254893961.jpg-(178 KB, 1600x1200, googly.jpg)
    178 KB
    improved that for you OP
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:40 No.556308

    No this seems legit enough, trolls (especially from /b/) wouldn't put this much effort into a troll.

    Yeah OP show us some more of your stuff, ohh and is that a TIMESTAMP?! You have so much to learn if you are serious about photography.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:41 No.556312
         File1254894105.jpg-(143 KB, 550x759, thomas_edison-1.jpg)
    143 KB
    Yo ! I am really happy for you and imma let you finish but... Thomas Edison made the greatest lightbulb of all time! OF ALL TIME!
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:42 No.556313

    I think he left, 4chan is NOT the place for budding artists and younger people.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:42 No.556314
         File1254894135.jpg-(95 KB, 1600x1200, shitbulb.jpg)
    95 KB

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    >> BRO !FIST/a4sU2 10/07/09(Wed)01:43 No.556316
    /p/ is usually the wrong place to talk to people about photography in terms of artistic merit, as most of /p/ (with a few exceptions) thinks photography should always be hot girls shot with a commercial aesthetic.

    That said, I dont like your picture. Also, if you're applying to art school, you already know that a series of photos is stronger than a single one, so showing us a single one and saying it's the centerpiece doesn't tell us shit.

    tl;dr most likely a troll
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:44 No.556318
         File1254894252.jpg-(28 KB, 500x312, n95p5.jpg)
    28 KB
    No, I'm seriously considering this career.

    Here's another example. I've taken a couple photos and combined them. I think my photoshopping skills are getting much better, I've been working on them for a couple years.
    >> OpAsFuck !XIxc6BpKnU 10/07/09(Wed)01:45 No.556319
    Op is defiantly not a troll just a fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:46 No.556321

    How can you afford Photoshop and yet you have such a SHITTY camera?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:47 No.556325
    I don't own Photoshop, but it's on the school lab computers.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:48 No.556327
    nope, you trolled too hard this time.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:49 No.556328
         File1254894585.jpg-(158 KB, 1600x1200, tehrei.jpg)
    158 KB

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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:50 No.556329

    I feel sorry for it...

    Look at it try and take pictures, awww it's cute.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:53 No.556332
         File1254894796.png-(23 KB, 522x383, doit.png)
    23 KB
    hey OP, try this.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:54 No.556333

    Dude don't say that, OP might be stupid enough to try it :(
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:55 No.556334
         File1254894903.jpg-(160 KB, 1290x860, 100_2238.jpg)
    160 KB
    Hey so, this is another pic I took un modified
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:56 No.556335

    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:58 No.556337
    OP is a god damn MASTER troll

    10/10 will RAGE the fuck out again
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)01:58 No.556339
    this is more depressing than having a torrent stop at 99.9% when faggots stop the seeding.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:01 No.556344

    This thread is a testament to /p/ -- People are so up their asses here they can't even help someone out.

    OP, you need some better fucking camera, and you need to stop using Photoshop before someone kills them self
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:02 No.556348
         File1254895335.jpg-(194 KB, 1184x896, 0105082103a.jpg)
    194 KB
    Here's another one of my cat inside some train tracks
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:03 No.556349
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:04 No.556350

    fucking this
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:04 No.556352
         File1254895461.jpg-(35 KB, 214x213, 121587259870.jpg)
    35 KB
    I agree with this, sadly. 10/10, would rage again. The photo however, 2/10.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:05 No.556354
    Holocaust victims would rather stay in the camps than be photographed by you.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:05 No.556355

    It's the message, not the medium.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:06 No.556357

    So OP where do you live? I want to send you one of my spare ""cameras"", better than anything you are using.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:07 No.556360
    I like my /p/ like i like my coffee, shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:08 No.556362
    OP just stop fucking posting.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:09 No.556364
    I cringed so much my face is now permanently disfigured
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:10 No.556365
    OP makes me lose hope in humanity.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:11 No.556367
    I am not so much distraught over the photographic skills or mediums of the OP but that fact that I can't tell if it is a troll or legit.

    Either way I am betting he has a few extra chromosomes.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:11 No.556368
    "The Medium Is the Message" - Marshall Mcluhan
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:12 No.556369

    Shutup Marshall
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:13 No.556370
         File1254896029.jpg-(288 KB, 1024x685, 3969277953_a921d1fc63_b.jpg)
    288 KB
    Pretty cool photo bro, but you will never ever be as good as me.

    Pic Related, its my photo.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:13 No.556371
    "If angels rarely appear, it's because we all too often mistake the medium for the Message."
    -Eileen Elias Freeman in The Angels' Little Instruction Book : Learning from God's Heavenly Messengers (1994)
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:15 No.556373
         File1254896131.jpg-(18 KB, 366x380, 1254595632451.jpg)
    18 KB
    OP is a pretty cool guy, eh he uploads photos n stuff and doesnt afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:16 No.556374
         File1254896175.jpg-(27 KB, 421x595, valley.jpg)
    27 KB
    Here's an artsy picture of me
    >> my tripcode is dongsuck !FYCVoF9iIU 10/07/09(Wed)02:17 No.556378
    goddamn it /p/.

    you're trolled easier than /b/.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:17 No.556380
         File1254896275.jpg-(1.57 MB, 1920x2576, 1212645047320.jpg)
    1.57 MB
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:18 No.556381
    Is it just me, or is this entire thread samefag? OP, a good troll means leaving one well thought out and executed post, and letting it blossom into a wonderful, rage-inducing thread.

    Continually replying to your own post every 45 seconds, trying to enhance your troll is amateur at best. Do you really have nothing better to do right now?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:18 No.556382
         File1254896334.jpg-(29 KB, 480x640, 1210878795411.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:19 No.556385
    >> SD14 !!Ilq4SN3IcIu 10/07/09(Wed)02:19 No.556386
    She needs a belt to keep her underwear on?
    >> OpAsFuck !XIxc6BpKnU 10/07/09(Wed)02:20 No.556387
    its plausible
    but idk
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:20 No.556388
    I'm guessing legit. He(?) said art school, not photography school.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:22 No.556391
    Trippin on shrooms and browsing /p/ is confusing

    the fuck is going on in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:24 No.556396
         File1254896669.jpg-(615 KB, 3079x2308, eternal duty.jpg)
    615 KB
    I call this "Eternal Duty", and it's another picture I'm seriously considering as a primary focus in my portfolio.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:26 No.556400
    Wow, that's deep.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:27 No.556401
         File1254896831.jpg-(350 KB, 2016x1344, Digit_of_Despair.jpg)
    350 KB
    Here's another one I'm considering, also photoshopped.
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:27 No.556402

    Let me summarize for you, my dear anon friend.

    OP posted a glamorous photo of what appears to be a lightbulb shadow frozen into the ground due to volcanic ash, much like in the famous vesuvio incident. He wants to use the art piece to get into art school. People are becoming confused, some think he is a troll, others take him seriously. Several individuals promote the art by editing it and drawing artistic figures on it, while others are posting pictures and comments expressing their hatred. Overall, the thread is currently fueling WW3, as nations across the world are to unbelievably pissed that they cant stand letting this planet host such a life form that is OP.

    TL:DR, Niggers sucks.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:28 No.556403
    BRB guzzling bleach
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:31 No.556408
    OP I work at an art school and I think I can get you in, I have a van I can come pick you up in.

    And I have some free cameras, if you want to know some more ask for my email
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:31 No.556409
    I think his(?) pictures are actually kinda good. No need to be a faggot about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:31 No.556410

    Kill Yourself?
    (Y) / N
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:32 No.556412

    I remember being in my art teachers van once.

    It smelled like Daddy's workshop.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:32 No.556413

    uhm, excuse me? They fuck are you not in the kitchen?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:33 No.556414
         File1254897187.png-(45 KB, 200x200, 125638966.png)
    45 KB
    >uhm, excuse me? They fuck are you not in the kitchen?
    >They fuck are you
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:34 No.556416
         File1254897257.jpg-(34 KB, 600x600, holy_fucking_shit.jpg)
    34 KB
    can i get an autograph?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:36 No.556417
         File1254897381.jpg-(44 KB, 800x800, 1254818386656.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:36 No.556418
    The name of the OP made google
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:36 No.556419
         File1254897405.jpg-(27 KB, 640x512, OP fag.jpg)
    27 KB
    Pic related, its me when i cant figure out if im getting trolled or not.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:38 No.556420
         File1254897518.jpg-(41 KB, 397x629, Justin-The-Lantern.jpg)
    41 KB
    So, this is my boyfriend I made this for his birthday
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:39 No.556421
    I'd dump you right there.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:40 No.556422

    You two are PERFECT for each other.

    For the sake of the human gene pool please do not procreate.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:40 No.556423
         File1254897625.jpg-(28 KB, 336x322, 1251199945574.jpg)
    28 KB
    I see wut u did thar
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:40 No.556424
         File1254897651.jpg-(261 KB, 696x845, scan0010.jpg)
    261 KB
    This is another artsy photo I took
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:42 No.556427
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:42 No.556428
         File1254897739.gif-(25 KB, 170x158, help.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:42 No.556429


    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:42 No.556430
         File1254897752.jpg-(475 KB, 3072x2304, The Refuse Martyr.jpg)
    475 KB
    This is another photo for exhibition. I call it "The Refuse Martyr".
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:43 No.556431
         File1254897826.jpg-(7 KB, 182x223, 125638972.jpg)
    7 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:43 No.556432
    It's all I had at the time so yeah :/
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:44 No.556433
         File1254897884.jpg-(11 KB, 274x262, 125638969.jpg)
    11 KB
    Just stop.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:45 No.556434
    >The Refuse Martyr

    If human kind could harness my rage, we could fuel India for the next few millennium.

    Ohh I think I saw something shiny at the bottom of that trash can under all that fucking BLURRR YOU SHOULD GO GET IT
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:46 No.556435
         File1254897987.png-(104 KB, 883x770, FUCKING RAGE.png)
    104 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:47 No.556437
    God fucking damnit. You're the fucking people I hate. HUUR LOOK AT ME TAKE PICTURES AM I FUCKING COOL YET? NO. FUCK, YOU.

    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:48 No.556440
         File1254898120.gif-(1.99 MB, 285x214, x9o25jwapsexuo30710r.gif)
    1.99 MB
    Pic Related, its my reactions to OP for every pic he post
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:48 No.556441
         File1254898127.jpg-(65 KB, 338x338, 1251186560683.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:51 No.556442
         File1254898266.jpg-(23 KB, 428x336, 1253244050133.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:52 No.556444
         File1254898325.png-(910 KB, 896x1501, 1112111.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:53 No.556445
         File1254898438.png-(6 KB, 240x228, 1254898088450.png)
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    >> mug !bNKAEvn/hM 10/07/09(Wed)02:54 No.556446
    what is this i dont even
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:56 No.556448
    This is the most rage filled board I have seen in a long time.

    I dident think /p/ could get THIS pissed off.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:57 No.556451
         File1254898655.jpg-(40 KB, 471x355, 1252903577044.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:57 No.556452
         File1254898678.jpg-(1.01 MB, 2304x3072, ignus oppressum.jpg)
    1.01 MB
    I call this one "Ignus Oppressum".
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:59 No.556455
         File1254898741.gif-(19 KB, 200x150, disgusted hideo kojima.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:59 No.556456
         File1254898758.jpg-(16 KB, 300x411, 1253047733108.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:59 No.556457
         File1254898772.jpg-(2 KB, 126x84, 1251195300151.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)02:59 No.556458
         File1254898786.jpg-(57 KB, 610x409, 1254898686140.jpg)
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    >ignus oppressum
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:00 No.556460
         File1254898814.jpg-(52 KB, 417x315, snap.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:01 No.556462
    I studied Latin and i must say that's pretty clever bravo.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:01 No.556463
         File1254898908.jpg-(77 KB, 409x667, 1223943794212.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:01 No.556464
         File1254898913.jpg-(17 KB, 182x195, 1251353208125.jpg)
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    OP you dont have talent, but your pics are quite entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:02 No.556465
         File1254898924.jpg-(70 KB, 287x417, 1254897513875.jpg)
    70 KB
    >Latin fail
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:04 No.556467
    There is another thread on /p/ about this...
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:04 No.556468
         File1254899086.jpg-(18 KB, 265x297, 1251196496834.jpg)
    18 KB
    Are you fucking serious? Did you even take Latin?
    "Ignus Oppressum" Means something like God of Fire. What the fuck does this have to do with fire?

    Seriously, you suck shit get off of /p/.
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:07 No.556475
    wow whats that black shit on the bottle the shit from when you shove it up your ass and call it art? kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:14 No.556495
         File1254899692.jpg-(65 KB, 640x480, 1251300611229.jpg)
    65 KB
    im scared
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:15 No.556496
         File1254899706.jpg-(62 KB, 400x600, 301_08_52---Duck_we1b158.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:15 No.556498
    Nice default time stamp
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:17 No.556503
         File1254899870.gif-(189 KB, 320x240, c5a009a80388b3c3bea2b4def900b0(...).gif)
    189 KB

    This picture makes my dick tingle
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:18 No.556507
         File1254899920.jpg-(2.33 MB, 1318x2051, A-Gun-In-The-Mouth.jpg)
    2.33 MB
    I made this for my brother because he really liked batman so I put this on his birthday card
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:21 No.556513

    Thanks asshole for breaking /p/
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:23 No.556519
    Jesus christ guys. I come in here to poor my heart out and you all are mean to me.

    To thoes who supported me, good night and god bless.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:25 No.556523
         File1254900307.jpg-(56 KB, 479x435, 1253013291789.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:35 No.556550
         File1254900926.jpg-(20 KB, 374x620, 125215378059.jpg)
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    Yeah it was me I was just looking for way to get some money to help feed my kid
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:37 No.556552
    Would someone just put a dick in that guys mouth please? Cuz thats what he wants, hes a cocksucker in disguise, hes got his mouth open cuz he wants someone to cum in it. Now do you want to keep making lightbulbs motherfucker, or are you just a punk coward asshole bullshit lighbulb mother fucker. You are gona shut up now so we dont find out where the fuck you buy your lightbulbs, cuz if you keep it up we will grab your ass and throw you on the fucking street where you belong WITH YOUR MOTHER. And im fucking her in the asshole every night anyways, so fuck you and fuck your sister and fuck your wife. If you got a kid, i hope your fucking kid dies in a CAR FIRE. STFU AND GTFO

    You got to use pshycology to know how to appeal to a person.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:40 No.556561
         File1254901209.jpg-(99 KB, 1626x207, notenoughlightbulb.jpg)
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    not enough lightbulb
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:41 No.556567
         File1254901318.jpg-(146 KB, 484x472, John Wayne loves steak.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)03:42 No.556568

    Tense? Nervous? Lightbulb?

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