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  • File : 1254168094.jpg-(246 KB, 1024x685, DSC_0064.jpg)
    246 KB Hey, another photo thread from Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:01 No.548380  
    Hey /p/, I just got back an hour ago (it's 4am in my country) from a Red Cross relief mission to Marikina City in the Philippines. It was one of the worst hit places in the country by the storm "Ondoy" with the water level rising to up to 12 feet last Saturday.

    I helped pack and distribute supplies but also got to play photojournalist on the side.

    Comments plox!

    also, lol insta-art cuz it's srs fotografy
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:03 No.548382
         File1254168216.jpg-(213 KB, 685x1024, DSC_0068.jpg)
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    There were over 1500 families at the evacuation centre. Plenty of them were made up mostly of children.
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:05 No.548384
         File1254168300.jpg-(153 KB, 1024x685, DSC_0074.jpg)
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    It was also around midnight so I had to either pump up the ISO or bounce flash off whatever. This was bounced flash off the white shirt of another volunteer.
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:05 No.548385
         File1254168357.jpg-(193 KB, 1024x685, DSC_0076.jpg)
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    Bounced flash from ceiling but I had to push it up in post to get his face to show.
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:06 No.548387
         File1254168410.jpg-(167 KB, 1024x685, DSC_0088.jpg)
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    Flash bounced off the ground.
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:08 No.548389
         File1254168490.jpg-(115 KB, 1024x683, DSC_0094.jpg)
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    One of the volunteers of my team. We call her "Nanay" or mother. She was the oldest volunteer there and was a part of The Philippine National Red Cross for over 4 decades
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:08 No.548391
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:09 No.548392
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:10 No.548395
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:12 No.548396
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    As soon as the truck arrived, people started pouring out of the rooms.
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    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/28/09(Mon)16:15 No.548398
         File1254168918.jpg-(238 KB, 2848x480, DSC_0038 Panorama.jpg)
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    This is a panorama when we first arrived at the site. It's a school that was repurposed as an evacuation center. Each one of the 70 rooms holds as many as up to 16 families.

    Well, that's the last for now. All comments welcome.
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:24 No.548402
    strongest ones imo.
    Those keep nice emotions, less generic than the rest.
    The pano might be a bit too noisy?

    This one has a nice lighting, I like it, makes him creepier than he is I guess

    that one sucks, wtf.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)17:04 No.548419
         File1254171859.jpg-(63 KB, 604x452, 10724_280530680337_533110337_8(...).jpg)
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    Hey /p/, I just got back an hour ago (it's 5:00 PM in my country) from a High School in Lilburn, Georgia in The United States. It was one of the worst hit places in the country by the storm "Whatthefuckrain" with the water level rising to up to 12 feet last Monday.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)17:09 No.548422
    Very good documentary project. Even the weakest photos help lend perspective to the entire project.

    These are good portraits and may stand alone as visually appealing single photos, but by themselves don't tell the story:

    These work better at telling the story, even the photos that may not hold immediate visual appeal to some viewers:

    These two, while not particularly appealing or dramatic in impact, help give necessary scale to the visual narrative. As part of the whole, they work:

    But I'm betting you already knew this. It's really very good work. You should find an outlet somewhere online to publish these in context of a brief story about your experience there. Maybe an aid relief organization can use them.
    >> noclue !!2yUmAID3520 09/28/09(Mon)17:39 No.548434
    these are just great! hope people will be fine!
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)17:58 No.548449

    firstly this is a real nicely shot project, only vauge criticism i could give would be in some of the "group" shots there seems to be a lack of a focal point of the image, but still great supporting images to the key.

    secondly, ive been personally wanting to do something similar for a while (volunteering plus some photo stuff on the side) how the hell did you get into it? as ive been pinging emails and letters around and so far to no avail, if youve got any tips would be very much appreciated/
    >> Mr._Laugh_Out_Loud !!rc0QDfC1oX3 09/28/09(Mon)18:06 No.548458
    fuckan retards let theyre shit get all wet haha
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)18:32 No.548481
    If you're trying to emulate the look of film in your photographs why not just shoot film?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)18:35 No.548482
    is it just me, or does this shit belong in /b/
    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/29/09(Tue)01:43 No.548816
    Thanks everyone for the comments!

    I also had a film camera but didn't have any fast film with me. :(

    My old high school was calling for volunteers to help organize and pack donations. After that, a small group was dispatched to the nearest Red Cross branch to bring the donations over. I went along and found myself signing up for one of the relief missions. It's a good idea to sign up for your local Red Cross or similar relief foundation early and take some of their First Aid classes or seminars rather than wait for a disaster, that way, you'd be prepared.

    I already sent my photos to the Red Cross chapter, I actually gave them one of my SD cards right before we left. It had photos of the preparation and they needed propaganda material asap to get more people to donate.
    >> angrylittleboy !wrJcGUHncE 09/29/09(Tue)05:30 No.548956
    For now, it's a bit easy because there's a shortage in manpower when it comes to relief efforts. As long as you're fit, you can get in and volunteer. They also won't mind if you bring a camera with you.

    For a documentary, I think you did ok. You could've used something wider (18mm?). I think these photos would've been better if each of them could stand on their own. If I were to view >548384, for example, I would think it was just a generic portrait.
    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/29/09(Tue)09:46 No.549003
    I has no wider lens that 28mm for my Nikons. :( but thanks for the comments. I'll be signing up again at Red Cross tomorrow.

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