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  • File : 1252570103.jpg-(36 KB, 300x300, police-officer.jpg)
    36 KB Confrontation with the law Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)04:08 No.528301  
    hey /p/

    so the art theft thread got me wondering more about legal issues with photography. I know you are allowed to take photos in public places and stuff but people get arrested for it anyways like at the RNC.

    have any of you been stopped by the police? did they try to take your camera or anything?
    >> chewie !uWookieV6A 09/10/09(Thu)04:11 No.528303
    my old lecturer at uni was a photojournalist, he used to carry around blank rolls of film, then moved onto dummy memory cards when turning digital, so when the police asked for the film/cards, he'd palm them the dummies, and keep the real ones so he could courier them to whoever he was working for and still get paid.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)04:41 No.528311

    1. get a lolympus
    2. get some crappy CF cards and one xD
    3. shoot to xD

    nobody will ever notice that the camera has a tiny extra card besides the big "main" one
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)04:50 No.528314
    Thanks Anon.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)04:52 No.528316
    The only downside is that xD sucks immeasurable amounts of horse cock.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)05:52 No.528329

    eh, I was doing some shots of an escalator at a mall and security told me to gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)06:38 No.528333
    A mall isn't a public place you idiot.

    Thats private property.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)21:20 No.528982
    running into the police would require /p/ to leave their parents houses.
    >> Ubiquity !uPdR7Pc4.. 09/10/09(Thu)21:35 No.528992
    I was at a strip mall (outside of any shops) doing some street photography. I happened across a few kids eating ice cream, snapped a shot, and went on my way.
    A few minutes later, their mom and two employees of some random clothes shop DEMANDED to know why I was taking photos of kids.
    I explained to them that I was not taking lots of photos of kids, I was doing street photography and it was a cute shot to go along with the rest of the roll. I also lied and told them I was a photography student and that this was for an assignment - to go out and take pictures in a public place of people doing things.
    They bought it, but they also informed me that they had called the police - which I confirmed as I was exiting the parking lot. A sheriff had pulled in and was heading to the place where the women were still cawing about me being a pedophile.

    I got the hell outa there so I wouldn't be assreamed by the stupid Toledo County Sheriffs department.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)21:40 No.528993
    you dont have to give anyone your memory cards you morons
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)21:44 No.528996
    dont be black
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)21:45 No.528997
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)21:50 No.529007
    I am black and I feel unique because so far, I haven't seen another black dude with an SLR.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)21:51 No.529008
    just wear an american flag bandanna and a jean jacket and say stuff like ITS A FREE COUNTRY!! GOD BLESS~*~*
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)21:52 No.529009

    >I am black and I feel unique because so far, I haven't seen another black dude with an SLR he wasn't stealing.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)21:53 No.529010
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    pic related?
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)21:53 No.529012

    im black and have an slr. people usually think i stole it.. im not kidding
    >> rubber shoes in motion !FwDS1IFr.. 09/10/09(Thu)22:02 No.529021

    >> H. Edgerton 09/10/09(Thu)22:18 No.529044
    right, but the general public has free access to a shopping mall, so you can take pics until they tell you to stop. They cant detain you or take your image media wihtout a court order. If they touch you, it's assault
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)22:22 No.529055
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    >implying the police do and have to follow the rules
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)22:26 No.529066
    exactly, I have seen youtube vids of police arresting photographers and just making up bullshit like disturbing the peace.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)22:26 No.529068
    not if they don't want a stellar lawsuit on their hands
    >> johnL !!04Y44+FJNWz 09/10/09(Thu)22:27 No.529070

    Have to? Legally, yes

    Will they?

    Fuck no
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)22:28 No.529073
    Sure there may be a lawsuit later on down the road, but they can still make your life hell for a few days by taking your shit or even locking you up.
    >> rubber shoes in motion !FwDS1IFr.. 09/10/09(Thu)22:29 No.529074

    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)22:31 No.529080
    this reminds me of this story on The Colbert Report where a guy got handcuffed to a railing for 3 hours because he got caught taking pictures of the subway trains for a competition the owners of the trains were holding
    >> Kilz2latex !!3htj9hFDMA4 09/10/09(Thu)22:32 No.529083
    how the fuck are you going to get arrested?

    all you do is say "ok officer il leave" if he asks to see your shit you can be a bad ass and tell him to fuck off or you can show him your shitty pictures. its really not that difficult to deal with police if your not a complete retard

    you people get to upity about your rights i tell you whut
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)22:43 No.529099
    >if your not a complete retard

    hurr im a durr
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)22:54 No.529124

    Man that shit makes me rage. I can't stand when people instantly think candid child photography = pedophilia.

    I have not been confronted by police yet.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)23:08 No.529143
    I have never had a problem with cops when doing street photography. Unless I was doing something that I should have not been doing. Tresspassing on private property ect ect. Its far more likely that you will run into problems with rent a cops. Them and joe citizen tough guys. Will be the ones who will give you problems. In most cases you can depend on cops to back you up when dealing with private security.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)23:09 No.529148

    >Its far more likely that you will run into problems with rent a cops.

    This times a million
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)23:22 No.529172
    At first I read 'strip club' and thought to myself what a terrible world it was when kids hang around outside strip clubs.

    And fuck, if I got into that situation, I would try and look as shady/pedo-like as possible while waving the photographer's right in their face and knowing there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it. Fucking overprotective soccer moms.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)23:54 No.529194
    i only ever have a problem with the joe citizens.
    but when i turn around they usually run the fuck off.
    combat boots and 6g septum ring++ makes them run the fuck off pretty quick usually.

    i also eat zombies for breakfast.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)00:03 No.529201

    >i also eat zombies for breakfast.

    You must be in soviet russia
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)00:08 No.529205

    >combat boots and 6g septum ring

    You misspelled "I'm a massive faggot."
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)00:52 No.529225

    So i guess that's why they call this place photography xD
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)01:01 No.529232
    >>529194 combat boots and 6g septum ring

    makes you look like an impotent faggot.

    people respect money and power, not poor fashion decisions. get your shit in order, retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)02:29 No.529311
    when i was in faggy france, i happened upon 4 gendarmes standing around (they're like the police, but technically belong to the armed forces).

    First gendarme sees me, says to the others "/p/fag taking a shot", they all turn around (great photo ensues) and say "no photos". I gave them the finger, spat at them, called them fags, and walked away.

    Still don't know whether it's legal to take pics of them or not.
    >> johnL !!04Y44+FJNWz 09/11/09(Fri)02:30 No.529313

    Post the pic or it didn't happen
    >> H. Edgerton 09/11/09(Fri)02:32 No.529315
    What a waste of tax payers' money to have the sheriff come hassle a photographer, just because some dumb cunt interpreted you taking a photo as pedophilia. Thats quite the logical leap there: photo taken of children-------> pedophilia
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)02:37 No.529324
    welcome to america!
    >> H. Edgerton 09/11/09(Fri)02:37 No.529325
    That would make a good lawsuit. I kinda need a new lens... hmmmm.....
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)02:42 No.529330
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    He was taking photos of Amtrak trains for an Amtrak contest.

    Every /p/hag should watch this video, here is the link:
    >> H. Edgerton 09/11/09(Fri)02:53 No.529338
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    Wow, customers arrested for trespassing.....
    >> H. Edgerton 09/11/09(Fri)03:28 No.529367
    The cop is black too, so she is immune to a recial discrimination lawsuit. Good thing her white buddy didnt go in for the kill. Rodney king up in this bitch all over again
    >> H. Edgerton 09/11/09(Fri)03:29 No.529368
    oops..... recial=RACIAL
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)10:34 No.529626
    Yeah was taking photo's of my mates skateboarding in a spot, when police came, i took a photo of them (on a digital camera) and they threatened to rip out my film, after id told them it was a digital camera they threatened to take my camera, i talked them out of it. I suggest you don't use flash so its more sly
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)11:18 No.529663
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    amateur photographer looking for a little bit of feedback. I can make these smaller if need be.
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)11:19 No.529664
    I cannot help you. Sorry.
    > Save the English language on the Internet: www.аnоnтаㄥк.com/ICARE
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)11:24 No.529669
    samefag here

    sorry, thought I was starting my own thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)11:26 No.529673
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    >> !nzFagDPRLs 09/11/09(Fri)11:29 No.529675
    Before you make a thread, check the sizes of all the other images posted here.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)11:31 No.529678
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)11:32 No.529679
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    >> tedious !u.FOsPdzsI 09/11/09(Fri)11:46 No.529697
    File deleted.
    >implying that black people can't be racist to black people

    How old are you?
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)12:00 No.529712
    moot ban this piece of shit please
    >> tedious !u.FOsPdzsI 09/11/09(Fri)12:29 No.529747
    While you're at it, delete all the gear threads, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)13:03 No.529776
    I googled "photographer's rights" and found some interesting stuff. I see that if I want to, I can go into a public park and photograph people there without their permission. However, I havent seen anything on what I can do with those photos. Am I allowed to sell them or put them on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)13:19 No.529785
    you can't make a profit without consent but they can be used for journalistic purposes without consent
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)13:23 No.529789
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)13:47 No.529798
    Ive been stopped by the 5-O several times... never been harassed though. The white trash get spooked and call the police, they ask me what I'm doing "Just taking some pictures" Thats usually the end of it.

    Ive been told I was on private land (railroad) and was told to leave, but that's about as far as it went. I never tried to push my rights though
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)13:53 No.529803
    In the US you are legally allowed to photography anything and anyone as long as you are on public property, anything that can be seen from public property is also fair game.

    If the land owner gives you permission to be on their land the same rules apply.

    There are a few exceptions (these exeptions have to be marked by signs prohibiting photography) Generally these are some government buildings and military institutions.

    As far as people are concerned, in the US anyone you can see from a public area you can photograph with or without their consent. This includes police, children, adults, celebrities... You can photograph an accident/fire/police brutality AS LONG AS you do not interfere with the emergency services (ie getting in their way, blocking access, etc etc) If there is a hazard (chemical spill for example) and they have the area cordoned off, you cannot enter it.

    These are your rights... but if the police ask you to leave an area, just do it. You can 'exercise your rights' and tell them about themselves, but that will just get you arrested
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)13:56 No.529804

    You can sell any pictures that you take as fine art prints or digital downloads only. So long as your not useing the pictures to sell a product you can make a profit on them.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/09(Fri)14:41 No.529846
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)23:58 No.531258
    Go ahead and tell Johnny law that while he has a glock pointed at your head.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)00:02 No.531262

    if Johnny law has his glock pointed at your head just for taking pictures there's already a problem

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