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  • File : 1251863443.jpg-(22 KB, 547x404, todd2.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 09/01/09(Tue)23:50 No.519218  
    I just realized the soul reason I aspire to be a professional photographer is because I played pokemon snap as a child.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/09(Tue)23:58 No.519224
    YEP. "oh hey look a waterfa-FFFFFFFYEAAAH GYARADOS"
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)00:02 No.519231
         File1251864177.jpg-(313 KB, 608x459, pokemon-snap.jpg)
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    LOVED that game.

    Anyone else remember the little debt cards that you could take to blockbuster video and get stickers made?
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    >> Ken Rockwell 09/02/09(Wed)00:12 No.519240
    You little fags have got to be kidding. My first camera was a piece of wood and a nail, we scratched photos into the wood. Now thats real RAW. Fuck your Pokemons
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)00:14 No.519243
         File1251864888.jpg-(184 KB, 500x500, 1251515478317.jpg)
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    Fucking dominated at Pokemon Snap. One of the first games I ever got for the '64.

    Thanks for the nostalgia trip OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)00:25 No.519263
    Holy fucking jesus this is also why I am photofag.
    Loved that game
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)00:27 No.519264
    I got my first camera when I was 7 or eight for my birthday. It was a purple point and shoot. I told my mom photography was stupid and she returned it the next day. I was such a little shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)00:36 No.519279
         File1251866218.jpg-(204 KB, 1680x1050, ps.jpg)
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    fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)00:38 No.519280

    >> Le !anonT3.R6g 09/02/09(Wed)00:42 No.519285
    my experience began with the gameboy camera.
    shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)00:44 No.519289
    its funny because you only get good points for bulls eye shots.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)16:38 No.519799
    haha yeah. Its funny how a photography game encourages shitty comp.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)16:41 No.519803

    with enough (21/24 mp) resolution, you can just center subject all the time and crop later

    better to have both left, right, top area to pick and crop later than having nothing on one side
    >> ac !!VPzQAxYPAMA 09/02/09(Wed)16:42 No.519804
    I got into photography because I wanted to take pictures of scantily clad women.
    >> Pantsuit at school !DuGlwMuRv. 09/02/09(Wed)16:45 No.519810

    And how's that going for you, buddy?
    >> dog !Oe6GiymcGg 09/02/09(Wed)16:47 No.519813
    Always wanted to do it in High School, but didn't have the money for it. ;_;

    In college, I became an astronomyfag. Bought a DSLR for LOL LOW LIGHT STAR TRAILS when I graduated. That was two years ago and I have taken the camera out for astrophotography exactly once.
    >> ac !!VPzQAxYPAMA 09/02/09(Wed)17:04 No.519828
    Quite well, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)17:26 No.519833
    Ditto I bought a dSLR for astro-photography and havent used it for that reason but two or three times. Most of the time shit's boring anyways.
    >> paleblue !!jxNAbrHhCy1 09/02/09(Wed)17:41 No.519837
    i got into it because i went travelling and regretted taking a shit camera which did no justice to what i saw, and because my gf broke up with me so i bought a camera to fill the void
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)01:08 No.520212

    lol, I did love the game for some odd reason, was never consciously INTO photography at the time but I had a blast playing through it.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)01:45 No.520247
    I've had an art background ever since elementary school. I've done, drawing, drafting, watercolor, oil painting, 2d and 3d design, and i wanted another media for my art.
    Started with a small canon point and shoot, then a fuji-film "dslr-like" then a rebel xt, then a 40d
    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 09/03/09(Thu)08:19 No.520451
    I just wanted to play with cameras when I was a kid. Yeah, I'm a real gearfag.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/09(Thu)08:29 No.520456

    So how many apples are you going to keep in stock to throw at the wildlife you'll be taking pictures of?
    >> johnnynewfag !5R56m4eAeg 09/03/09(Thu)08:35 No.520460
    >>520456 i was playstation fag. but only game id play on my friends 64 was pokemons snapz
    *throws apple at rapidash*
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 09/03/09(Thu)09:07 No.520478
    Shit, that game was classic. But I did not realize that I would get a real camera, a point and shoot digital camera, when I was 16. I have been taking pictures ever since.

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