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Go back to your old pictures, find a bad one you overlooked, "save" it with your current PP knowledge, and post it here.

I like this one in B&W. Looked like shit before.

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it happens all the time

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What it looked like before. Obviously the shot sucked ass. I tried to simulate a normal blue sky in the background as substitute for the hideous building. Overall I'm happy with the transformation though.

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Before. Obviously snapshit-insta-art crap, but I feel like its a lot better than it was before. Another shot which I would have normally just disposed of but came upon.

No real post processing that I would do normally, but I felt it would work well for what it is.

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I do like the color of the original though.
Bump and inb4 instagram
op, you should have said;
>hard mode; no black and white insta art

well played
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