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    File: 1336135095.jpg-(145 KB, 633x950, Lakota-0539-Edit-3.jpg)
    145 KB APRIL 2012 - your ONE best photo BJDrew !!LkyLqEm9G0v 05/04/12(Fri)08:38 No.1610380  
    So, you've gone through your April shots. Post your ONE BEST photo taken in April 2012.

    Careful... do it wrong and you'll get SCABIES
    What if I post 3 to ask which is my best? SCABIES
    What if I found an old photo that I really like and edited in April? SCABIES
    What if I don't have a photo but want to bitch and moan about this thread? FATAL SCABIES
    What if I mistake this for the recent photo thread? AGGRESSIVE INTRAURETHRAL SCABIES

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)09:19 No.1610420
         File: 1336137572.jpg-(187 KB, 1200x800, flip2.jpg)
    187 KB
    hereby my entry (first ever entry uploaded btw)

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    >> !!Me2iIexFVez 05/04/12(Fri)09:35 No.1610429
         File: 1336138528.jpg-(35 KB, 341x512, 00059319-y512px.jpg)
    35 KB
    probably just because i spent longest looking at it trying to fix the whitebalance that her hair sent haywire.

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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 05/04/12(Fri)09:42 No.1610436
    Can not post image because of duplicate file, so here is the link >>1608501
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)09:55 No.1610441
         File: 1336139727.jpg-(200 KB, 800x454, 7081730707_3f25029124_c[1].jpg)
    200 KB
    I hesitated though.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)09:56 No.1610442
         File: 1336139789.jpg-(289 KB, 1000x730, DSC_0341.jpg)
    289 KB
    He flied out to right center.

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)09:58 No.1610444
         File: 1336139881.jpg-(96 KB, 1000x750, 1 (50).jpg)
    96 KB
    >tfw shot several rolls this month and have had none of them developed

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:04 No.1610446
         File: 1336140269.jpg-(279 KB, 1000x1000, img1133.jpg)
    279 KB
    April was kind of poor for good photos.
    >> nanonyous !!/1mJ8iKRQei 05/04/12(Fri)10:07 No.1610449
         File: 1336140467.jpg-(1.15 MB, 2048x2048, 2048px-8517.jpg)
    1.15 MB
    I had to lie in chicken shit for this, so that makes it my best photo.

    Just wish I hadn't missed focus and wasn't so enamoured by that 'do that I forgot to narrow the aperture at least a bit...

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:10 No.1610452
    April was a great month to me. Finally got my first DSLR so a lot of shooting (almost 500 pics). the result starts to get better (>>1610420)
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:14 No.1610454
         File: 1336140862.jpg-(504 KB, 1000x669, sylvanpond-5.jpg)
    504 KB
    I guess this one stands the best by itself?

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:15 No.1610456
         File: 1336140914.png-(316 KB, 1024x858, photograph.png)
    316 KB
    dude, it was a great month for you because it's always everything great when you use a DSLR for the first time. Protip: it's great only for you. You'll probably do one to five decent pictures you'll like in the future in your first six months.

    See pic related. Trust me, it's very accurate.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:17 No.1610457
         File: 1336141046.jpg-(824 KB, 697x1000, lorensmall.jpg)
    824 KB
    nearly killed 4 girls and myself at the end of this shoot coz we set a fire in a small room in the basement of an abandoned building.

    its the month I also found out ive taken over 13k shots with my 5 month old camera. this photo being number 12111


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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:18 No.1610458
         File: 1336141123.jpg-(689 KB, 1000x625, 2.jpg)
    689 KB

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:22 No.1610462
    Move 20 steps forward stupid horse!!
    I know that feeling...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:22 No.1610463
    haha don't know if right, but still it is acurate:P I've had a 35mm film camera (SLR not dslr) so kind of know how to work the light and find the good compositions. Still the lot of options on my DSLR are hard. anyway still fun to play with it, everyone needs to start from nothing
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:29 No.1610474
    nah I kind of like it there. The water guides your eye towards it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)10:56 No.1610495
         File: 1336143372.jpg-(432 KB, 1024x512, 6909738984_8e36045c97_b.jpg)
    432 KB
    april you say? I dabbled in a lot of genres last month
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)11:02 No.1610501
    yea... but it's a little too close to the edge of the frame. sad thing about the washed out stuff. maybe get a lens hood for that 18-55. and a gnd too
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)11:05 No.1610504
         File: 1336143944.jpg-(4.21 MB, 2848x4272, IMG_0594.jpg)
    4.21 MB
    Shot on Record Store Day. Mauro Pawlowski giving an in-store concert in Ghent.

    Also: first time uploading to /p/
    Critisism is welcome

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)11:18 No.1610506
         File: 1336144724.jpg-(348 KB, 1000x625, newhorse.jpg)
    348 KB

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    >> SBT !!qKuE3/Ln4IB 05/04/12(Fri)11:41 No.1610514
         File: 1336146076.jpg-(400 KB, 1000x667, 0011.jpg)
    400 KB
    Took bugger all for pleasure this month and I refuse to submit a work shot lol
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)11:49 No.1610519
         File: 1336146552.jpg-(274 KB, 1000x561, IMG_0416.jpg)
    274 KB
    i love this one

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)11:53 No.1610522
         File: 1336146792.jpg-(393 KB, 1000x666, IMG_7229 Resized.jpg)
    393 KB
    Didn't get a lot of great shots but this is one of my favorites

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    >> Ancientpanda !Gay6ZukTOQ 05/04/12(Fri)12:09 No.1610538
         File: 1336147773.jpg-(374 KB, 664x1000, resize.jpg)
    374 KB
    Didn't actually take many shots last month.
    Quite liked this one from a party.
    Was blown away by the high ISO on the x100

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)12:14 No.1610542
    I'm not even done editing my way halfway through april yet! Guess that means scabies.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)12:26 No.1610554
         File: 1336148818.jpg-(387 KB, 1000x668, _37_1190.jpg)
    387 KB
    hp5+, 20th April 2012

    got the roll developed last week

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)12:46 No.1610561
         File: 1336149975.jpg-(306 KB, 1000x1000, 0E1C8798-Edit-2.jpg)
    306 KB
    I was getting used to the new rig all of April, but I think I'm starting to get it.

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)12:47 No.1610562
         File: 1336150072.jpg-(492 KB, 1035x1500, Stadtbibliothek Treppe.jpg)
    492 KB
    this is my best shot of april

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    >> Sailens !gVBgUPReLQ 05/04/12(Fri)12:52 No.1610567
         File: 1336150378.jpg-(256 KB, 800x535, 19042012-DSC_0081-Edit.jpg)
    256 KB
    Took during a TV series filming. I love it the most probably because it really shows the actor quietly focusing on the script while the whole filming team is working around

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:11 No.1610605
         File: 1336155112.jpg-(542 KB, 1000x667, fountain_resize.jpg)
    542 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:21 No.1610612
    Neat! What is the camera? (looks like it can shift?)
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:21 No.1610613
    my favorite in this thread, esp. considering the Kubrick poster in the back and this is like a Kubrick photo.
    >> maoam !TheSeaDIGA 05/04/12(Fri)14:25 No.1610616
         File: 1336155935.jpg-(338 KB, 1000x975, 20120417-Eckhaus Panorama fini(...).jpg)
    338 KB

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:26 No.1610619
    Dat 5D MkIII, no shifting though; An actual 24mm focal length with Lightroom profiled lens correction (savior of the universe, etc)
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:29 No.1610621
    It's slightly crooked
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:35 No.1610625
    >lens hood for the 18-55

    have you seen the thing? It terrible, lol. I'm saving up for a Sigma 10-20, then I'll buy 77mm filters - right now I'll just have to do with what I have.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:35 No.1610626
         File: 1336156529.jpg-(558 KB, 1000x975, fxd.jpg)
    558 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:38 No.1610629
    it might still be a tiny bit
    >> NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8 05/04/12(Fri)14:39 No.1610632
         File: 1336156751.jpg-(616 KB, 1000x667, 04_10_2012_1.jpg)
    616 KB

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:46 No.1610635
         File: 1336157195.jpg-(19 KB, 258x295, finger4.jpg)
    19 KB
    thx bro
    >> Sailens !gVBgUPReLQ 05/04/12(Fri)15:12 No.1610656
         File: 1336158776.png-(15 KB, 240x200, oh-stop-it-you_thumb.png)
    15 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)15:13 No.1610657
    Ah, ok. Bottom cropped. Thought it was 6x6.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)15:22 No.1610666
         File: 1336159360.jpg-(1.18 MB, 1000x1000, IMG_6217p.jpg)
    1.18 MB

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)15:48 No.1610688
         File: 1336160937.jpg-(366 KB, 1100x733, _MG_0037.jpg)
    366 KB

    Looks like somebody's been rustling his feathers. *ba-dum chshhh!*

    Capcha: risfur feathers

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)15:57 No.1610701
    I like this, but the feathers are blown out in spots. Can't really fix in photoshop without giving them an awkward grey cast, either.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:08 No.1610708
    None of that photo is even remotely close to being blown out. Also, it's terrible.

    Congrats on having both a lack of knowledge and terrible taste. Sadly, you're what most of /p/ has devolved into.. This board has a serious problem with people not knowing what they're talking about and trying to dispense critique and advice nowadays. Please, just stop.
    >> lumpfish !!OIBOYEG43SH 05/04/12(Fri)16:09 No.1610709
         File: 1336162192.jpg-(413 KB, 669x1004, 69.jpg)
    413 KB

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:19 No.1610715
    are you blind? half the damn bird is blown. I still actually think it looks nice, but it is definitely blown.
    Sadly, it's summer.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:20 No.1610716
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:21 No.1610717

    mfw taste is subjective: >>1610449
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:23 No.1610720
         File: 1336162983.jpg-(85 KB, 1000x667, stereopony.jpg)
    85 KB

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:28 No.1610724
         File: 1336163311.jpg-(284 KB, 940x482, Untitled-1.jpg)
    284 KB
    I don't think you know what that word means.

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    >> 5hoe !idbqkIQrjY 05/04/12(Fri)16:31 No.1610729
         File: 1336163514.jpg-(339 KB, 1000x669, MAL_KL_006.jpg)
    339 KB

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:32 No.1610730
         File: 1336163567.jpg-(27 KB, 190x190, yourefired.jpg)
    27 KB
    >mfw bird was definitely burned down from being blown and you're posting a histogram
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:33 No.1610733

    I'm glad you like it, and thanks for the constructive comments. That said, pristine, white feathers are pristine and white. (Compare with wet and therefore darker neck.) The highlights are not blown according to what I'm seeing in LR.

    Maybe you think there's not enough contrast/clarity amongst the feathers?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:34 No.1610734
    if it was blown, you couldn't bring it down in the first place. 0/10 go home.
    >> 5hoe !idbqkIQrjY 05/04/12(Fri)16:35 No.1610737
    Just as a little trick - consider running a high pass filter over the "blown" portions of the feathers to regain a little definition. Might help a bit. ;)
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:36 No.1610739

    Swanographer here. No burning was done whatsoever, although of course I did adjust levels. However, for highlights, those levels were adjusted upwards, not downwards, as I had been slightly underexposing in order to catch more detail in the feathers, as opposed to risking blown highlights.


    Thanks, 5hoe! That's helpful. I'll try that when I get a chance.
    >> 5hoe !idbqkIQrjY 05/04/12(Fri)16:38 No.1610740

    To be fair, half the stuff I shoot is completely blown out. I guess it just comes down to how much you want to listen to anonymous critique. Up to you, hombre.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:08 No.1610773
         File: 1336165717.jpg-(215 KB, 1000x669, swanedited.jpg)
    215 KB

    High pass sharpening on the highlights, plus some other level adjustments. Any improvement?

    in b4 shitty photo is still shitty

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:15 No.1610777
    >in b4 shitty photo is still shitty

    At least you know it.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:18 No.1610780
         File: 1336166307.jpg-(54 KB, 960x640, 5678.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> 5hoe !idbqkIQrjY 05/04/12(Fri)17:21 No.1610781
    I think it's an improvement!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:22 No.1610784

    Thanks, and thanks for the helpful advice.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:37 No.1610797
         File: 1336167471.jpg-(386 KB, 683x1024, 7101002411_ce8f460501_b.jpg)
    386 KB
    Excuse the lack of EXIF, off my Flickr.
    Canon EOS 550D
    Canon EF 50mm f/1.8

    I think I'd like this better if you'd processed it differently.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)18:05 No.1610814
    O-shi... New Zealander?
    >> Il 05/04/12(Fri)18:17 No.1610823
         File: 1336169852.jpg-(185 KB, 563x1000, IMG_1394-2.jpg)
    185 KB
    Its the only one someone said they liked in a thread, so I guess its my best one

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    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:00 No.1610908
    Surprisingly, some good shots here.

    >>1610567 is my favorite thus far.
    >> zx !!zp0QoyTsfyb 05/05/12(Sat)00:45 No.1611120
         File: 1336193145.jpg-(389 KB, 900x600, 00342-3x2.jpg)
    389 KB
    still can't decide whether I even like it or not, but its the only thing I've really shot this month gone

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)00:49 No.1611125
         File: 1336193381.jpg-(1.26 MB, 2000x2996, _29_0032.jpg)
    1.26 MB

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)00:56 No.1611134
         File: 1336193790.jpg-(411 KB, 1000x664, sdafsdgasdg.jpg)
    411 KB
    I like the feel of this one

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    >> mikoo !!nR9/6NBxlNB 05/05/12(Sat)01:13 No.1611166
         File: 1336194797.jpg-(103 KB, 800x534, Miko258.jpg)
    103 KB
    Here's my favorite taken in April

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)01:34 No.1611185
    she's cute. i like her too
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)01:36 No.1611188
    is it me or u posted this girl b4? and did some 'shop to her.... looks familiar
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)01:38 No.1611189
    I posted it before in a thread of pictures I took one day

    don't think it was ever shopped though, or at least, I never saw one
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)03:50 No.1611250
    I do like this
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)04:01 No.1611254

    Nope, Toronto, Canada.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)05:44 No.1611295
    I don't get why everyone likes this picture?
    noise, b&w with an uninteresting subject, I don't like it.
    Probably just taste
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)05:58 No.1611297
    >Probably just taste
    No, just an undeveloped eye. If it was a matter of taste, you'd still be able to tell why people like it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)06:02 No.1611299
    soo deep, you need to be a pro photographer like me to recognise this beautiful piece of art.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)06:09 No.1611303
         File: 1336212573.jpg-(271 KB, 1000x670, DSC_1283_s.jpg)
    271 KB

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    >> BJDrew !!LkyLqEm9G0v 05/05/12(Sat)07:27 No.1611349
    Liking the photos in this throd.
    Welcome aboard
    Might consider dodging her eyes just a little - a bit grey and milky
    Red panda? I like this
    Processing :/ Also, prefer to have some room in front of birds like this rather than mostly behind. Nice subject isolation, tho
    Fun for the first one, awesome for the second
    Also, these.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)07:43 No.1611358
    I took it, but I can see why people also wouldn't like it. I like grain and texture but that's sorta my thing.

    I also like the symmetry and the (truly) strange architecture of that place.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)07:45 No.1611359
         File: 1336218356.jpg-(1.62 MB, 1000x1000, Eksport (11).jpg)
    1.62 MB
    Picking this one, I guess.

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)08:04 No.1611364
         File: 1336219476.jpg-(70 KB, 1000x795, sushi_gold_r.jpg)
    70 KB
    in celebration of caturday. Had just unwrapped the camera and was setting it up when the cat came through the room. Everything was on the factory setting but I liked what the auto wb did to the color.

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)08:13 No.1611370

    are u homosex? reason i ask is because of your gay cat thread etc. Also gay lifestyle as been pretty synonymous with the photography lifestyle as you may well know.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)08:18 No.1611375
         File: 1336220288.jpg-(397 KB, 1000x667, IMG_2678re.jpg)
    397 KB
    well it got some favs and commenst on flickr so I think this one

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)08:20 No.1611379

    I never made a cat thread. I may have posted a similar pic in an earlier thread full of cat pictures.

    Are you good-looking? wanna go out? I'd turn gay if I could date someone into photography.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)08:37 No.1611385

    Homosex alert! Keep your backside covered when around this one! Cats are gay species which everyone knows!
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)08:48 No.1611390
         File: 1336222113.jpg-(372 KB, 848x1280, tower_r.jpg)
    372 KB
    if you've ever taken a photo in your life, consider attaching one to your posts here.. or go make your own homophobic thread. Nobody gives a shit about you here.

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)09:46 No.1611413
         File: 1336225619.jpg-(651 KB, 2424x800, Pano-1.jpg)
    651 KB
    Is this photo okay?

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:25 No.1611509
         File: 1336231505.jpg-(241 KB, 1000x750, DSCF3499.jpg)
    241 KB
    Poorfag with a bridge camera humble effort.
    Expecting to be torn to shreds...

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    >> july 05/05/12(Sat)11:48 No.1611529
         File: 1336232899.jpg-(260 KB, 670x1003, IMG_3014.jpg)
    260 KB
    I don't know ho /p/ think about ridiculously edited pictures like this one but i like it.

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:53 No.1611536

    This is Ken Rockwell photo-award material, son. Maybe a little more saturation could help.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:57 No.1611539
         File: 1336233441.jpg-(3.03 MB, 4912x3264, sunset30apr.jpg)
    3.03 MB
    > all this scabies

    I'm a total amateur, somebody tell me the many things I did wrong here (other than getting too much land in the shot, I am aware of that).

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    >> july 05/05/12(Sat)12:02 No.1611545
    no need to dis me dude.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:17 No.1611564
    to much ground

    use the manual mode
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:30 No.1611583
    >idiot says to use manual mode without commenting on exposure
    >has tenuous grasp of the english language at best
    surre is summer.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)13:03 No.1611626


    If you're aware that you got too much land, why don't you do something about? You can crop.

    I don't like how there are still two little peeps of light in the land portion.

    The sky could use less contrast and more midtones. Play around with the levels. What are we supposed to be looking at here? It's too contrasty and not very nice to look at . I see too much black in the upper-right, too.

    It's not enough that you saw an interesting sky, or that you can have striking saturation and contrast. Turn it into a picture that people would like to look at.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)13:43 No.1611682
    and that, other posters, is how you comment on a picture.

    captcha: topein review
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:25 No.1611741
    fuck you dude the only good advise I ever got from /p/ when I started shooting was to use the manual

    and sorry for not reading the full post
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:37 No.1611757
    if that's the only good advice than you have never listened to anybody on here.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:48 No.1611773
    who the fuck are you?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:16 No.1611804
         File: 1336245415.jpg-(1.91 MB, 2200x1467, IMG_1595_4chan.jpg)
    1.91 MB
    what do you think?
    also: how to insert exif data?

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    >> july 05/05/12(Sat)15:25 No.1611810
    any uselful comment about this?
    it's highly appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:32 No.1611814
    what do you want to know - are there any questions you have? look, you got some rude comments about this, but the fact of the matter is, it's just a smattering of color at best. your subject is a flower - its not terribly interesting. i tried cropping and straightening and playing with your composition but came up with nothing - like what was said before, just jack up the saturation and smile about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:36 No.1611822
         File: 1336246577.jpg-(529 KB, 1000x657, CRW_1108-1000pxP.jpg)
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    What do you think /p/ ?

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:40 No.1611824
    why didn't you fix these after we told you how underexposed it was? I seriously don't get why some of you ask for crit if you don't even listen to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:42 No.1611825
    I think I'm really glad I don't live there.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:43 No.1611827
    oh fuck, I've posted the wrong one. I've got like, 8 or 9 of these (x 3 resolutions each)

    I can't decide on any though as most start looking washed out if I even look at the exposure settings, let alone touch them.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:46 No.1611830
    literally everything is going to look washed out compared to your image - it's predominantly completely black
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:48 No.1611833
    Fair enough. I can post some of the tweaked ones, but I hate them all and besides, I'll probably get scabies. I took that a week after I got my camera (I know it's an old one, it was given to me) so I don't *really* know what I'm doing yet. I just like it.

    It's just about the one picture I've taken that I like though. I did manage to get some nice detail on the moon tonight, but it's just moon surrounded by black. Also, not April.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:49 No.1611834
    >not wanting to live in Brisbane
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:51 No.1611837
    if I lived in brisbane, I would camp out in the cbd and just wait for the day when eggy poo shows up. I'd whoop his ass and smash his camera POV style and post the results to /p/.

    >implying you should do that
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:52 No.1611841
    Now I'm just confused.
    What shouldn't I do?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:57 No.1611845
         File: 1336247851.jpg-(4.59 MB, 3888x2592, IMG_6237.jpg)
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    i'm new and this was my first shoot. i just liked the lighting here.

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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)16:00 No.1611848
         File: 1336248038.jpg-(192 KB, 1000x662, resized.jpg)
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    C&C would be chill.

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