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  • File: 1334783160.jpg-(853 KB, 1920x1200, 13343647078711963396357.jpg)
    853 KB Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:06 No.1594331  
    hey /p/

    I'm a newfag when it comes to cameras.

    I need a new camera. I love taking close up pictures. My question is, what kind of specs should i look for? what makes a camera good at close ups?

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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:06 No.1594334
    Need more information.

    Price range?
    DSLR or compact?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:20 No.1594344
    OP here.

    not much of a hipster lolol. DSLR is preferable. Interchangable lens would be a nice feature. Only looking to spend $100-250, which limits my options quite a bit.

    but again, as long as it takes good quality pics at a close range, it doesn't much matter beyond that
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:21 No.1594350
    get any digital camera for that budget u wont xpect that much..

    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:24 No.1594353
         File: 1334784253.jpg-(12 KB, 131x100, 1310963513780.jpg)
    12 KB
    >Only looking to spend $100-250

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    >> Ellie !1OxjLASZJ. 04/18/12(Wed)17:25 No.1594354
    Spelling and grammar aside, this.

    You won't get a DSLR and a macro (I assume you mean macro when you say "close up pictures") for 250$.

    You're only option is a compact, and with-in that budget you can literally just buy one. There isn't really a need for extensive research or specs, they're all going to do the same thing.

    Try ebay, you may be able to find a DSLR and lens for that price, but do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)17:30 No.1594363

    actually very helpful. Thank you.

    A 100-250 is such an upgrade from my current POS lolol
    >> Red Scharlach !!VwPDVImy5Hd 04/18/12(Wed)17:33 No.1594365
    Canon powershot A or G series. Whatever model from those lines and under $250 will do good close-ups. Also do some google for the model and look under the focusing range/distance:

    Focusing Range
    >Normal: 1.5 ft./45cm-infinity
    >Macro: 2.0 in.-1.5 ft./5-45cm
    [This are the specs for the A590]

    Look at the Macro, the minimal focusing distance is 2 inches, which means that your camera can get as close as 2 inches from your subject.

    Go craigslists. There are a lot of cheap powershot cameras, and since it's local you can try the camera before you buy it.

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