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    File: 1330172635.jpg-(76 KB, 446x296, 01_ashley_gilbertson_on_job_001.jpg)
    76 KB Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)07:23 No.1536064  
    /p/, first time poster here.
    Just got myself an entry level DSLR camera. My dream is to become a photojournalist, specialising in foreign conflicts. I live in Australia, do you have any tips on how to make a start in this industry?

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    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)07:31 No.1536068
    >start a war
    >abbos vs whites
    >take photos
    >sell to reuters
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)07:33 No.1536071
    Race war!

    Whitest Kids U Know. Google it, can't be fucked to post a link.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)08:05 No.1536091
         File: 1330175145.jpg-(26 KB, 650x450, 1268117486484.jpg)
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    >Post on 4chan
    >Expect helpful advice from a related board

    I should've known better.

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    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)08:12 No.1536097
    Most sensible way...

    >Join military
    > Specialize as photographer
    >Serve minimum service time
    >Get together portfolio
    >Send it everywhere
    >No one accepts you

    Seriously though, consider some kind of military training. It'll save your ass and prove that you'll be capable. Realistically though. Get a real fucking job, its not something you go out to specialize in. You normally just fall into this sort of shit through a friend of a friend. Unless you happen to be Libyan/Iraqi etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)09:00 No.1536124
         File: 1330178424.jpg-(21 KB, 430x302, james_natchwey_112803.jpg)
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    Ok faggot OP I'll be nice.

    How about you learn how to use your fucking camera first before you start thinking about building a career in photographing foreign conflicts??

    Secondly look up James Nachtwey he is the #1 god-tier war photographer, there is also a documentary about him called "War Photographer" he is like a red gyarados his like a myth, some people believe he has special photographic powers and rescues photographers in need.

    Figure out how to use your camera first, post on /p/ and get ripped a new asshole until you stop taking snapshits, once you pass the noob level avoid /p/ at all costs try and build up a small portfolio and contact some local lolpros to C&C your images, this will help you improve more and also build contacts. Once you're not completely shit try and find work even if it's unpaid helping out at a local newspaper or assisting for a photographer (generally newspaper would be better since it's photojournalism still in the field you want to work) don't forget about online news sites for your city they are often overlooked but generally hire 1 or 2 photographers depending on the size.

    Once you are like semi-pro or w/e then you can start thinking about possibly going overseas with your own money to take pictures in areas that aren't very dangerous.. If you think you're just gona go to idfk irq or some shit then you are fullretard that deserves to get shot. Once you have some experience overseas then you can consider going to slightly more dangerous places I suppose to keep building on your portfolio until you find someone who is willing to buy your images and hire you as a freelance photographer etc.

    Or if you have a lot of money I suppose you can just buy all the gear fly somewhere dangerous and dive right in while trying not to get killed, pretty sure some others have done it like that.

    Also be prepared for a life of loneliness, sadness and extremely shitty pay.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)09:07 No.1536127
         File: 1330178825.jpg-(41 KB, 558x696, john-c-mcginley-as-dr-cox_558x(...).jpg)
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    Most productive post of whole thread.
    But seriously thanks bro.

    Pic related, can I be your JD?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)09:10 No.1536129
    >implying that guy has any real world experience and isn't just a bitter loser projecting his own failure as a photographer on to you
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)09:11 No.1536132
    You're a fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)09:15 No.1536138

    These guys sound mad OP better join the military as a photographer..... Oh wait this isnt murrika so u cant


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