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  • File : 1328196214.jpg-(538 KB, 1000x782, IMG_3929.jpg)
    538 KB Recent photo thread Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)10:23 No.1508435  
    Recent photo thread! C&C!

    Found none so I made one.
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)10:24 No.1508436
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)10:25 No.1508438
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)10:26 No.1508439
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)10:26 No.1508440
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)10:27 No.1508441
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)10:27 No.1508442
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)10:28 No.1508443
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    That's it. Your turn!
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)10:28 No.1508444
    HH? I like it so far
    I'd like to see a pic with a super big tele only showing a part of this picture
    just to isolate a specific subject more
    >> garçon !!/TAbuuhLurK 02/02/12(Thu)10:29 No.1508445
         File1328196554.jpg-(637 KB, 667x1000, loddon[1].jpg)
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    This is unfinished. I got bored halfway through, went for dinner, came back and decided the image wasn't worth it.
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)10:30 No.1508446
    Korrekt ;)

    Had no tele-lens with me that day. My tripod was at home as well, but we're going there next week again if it stays that cold.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)14:30 No.1508673
    I like those.
    >> QWOP !oXpnO6mHaU 02/02/12(Thu)14:40 No.1508684
         File1328211609.jpg-(541 KB, 662x1000, 1000px.jpg)
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    hipster to the max
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)14:58 No.1508698
    The colors are nice, the bokeh is well, the overall picture however is utter shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:29 No.1508717
         File1328214571.jpg-(490 KB, 1000x782, 1328196214952.jpg)
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    this shot is great. it would've looked a bit better had you framed her a little more to the left, but it's actually really nice. i'd tone down the reds in the foreground a bit too, but that's just me. great shot.
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)15:31 No.1508720
    Your edit is nice as well. As for the reds: it was so fucking cold (around -15°C I guess) that I wanted to have some "warm" memories ;)
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:35 No.1508724
         File1328214935.jpg-(1.19 MB, 2048x1360, Fort Pulaski.jpg)
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    I know the color's a bit much, but I bumped up the saturation for printing (just cheap, quick printing at the local drugstore). That being said, I was pleased with the natural brightness and sharpness of the reflection. (It was still water in a moat. The sun was largely behind the wall, so I was able to get decent reflection without much glare.) Thoughts?
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:39 No.1508726
         File1328215170.jpg-(101 KB, 1000x667, _19M1492_1k.jpg)
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    How recent ought a photo to be?

    Don't like this but posting anyway.
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)15:41 No.1508729
    Recent as in: "last time you went out to take some pictures"-recent.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:41 No.1508730
    sure. though i think it's quite a cold image me it's about the individual vs industry, or perhaps the sorrow of humanity in cities, that it actually has a kind of bleak poetry, so the less saturated, the better, perhaps

    /pretentious analysis
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:42 No.1508735
    I actually like this one. I wish it were a bit more level. When there are strong lines (as in the box), I always prefer to go just with those lines. I like the color of the larger leaf, too. It's definitely got room for improvement, but I like it.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:43 No.1508737
    Fuck yeah Hamburg, meine Perle! Great shots dude.
    I should also take some photos at the harbor/hafencity, but it's fucking cold and I'am to lazy after work.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:43 No.1508738
    thought so....thanks....
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)15:44 No.1508739
    I think the photo has gained art-level by now. When people start to interpret things into it, it is a job well done :)
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:44 No.1508740

    On a minor note, I appreciate a decent night shot where there are street lights (or, in this case, sidewalk lights), that aren't clipping the whites. It actually looks fairly natural.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:45 No.1508741
         File1328215519.jpg-(1.16 MB, 950x1426, an afternoon walk.jpg)
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    probably shit but whatever
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)15:45 No.1508743
    Get over your Schweinehund and go out there. Or wait until it gets warmer.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:46 No.1508745
    indeed. hence my applause. good job sir.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:46 No.1508746
    Where on earth is that? It's such a bizarre landscape.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)15:47 No.1508748
    just a field in the uk
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)15:50 No.1508756
         File1328215840.jpg-(33 KB, 553x484, im-not-saying-it-was-aliens-bu(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)16:33 No.1508811
         File1328218418.jpg-(129 KB, 720x960, 424520_10101044048824630_49016(...).jpg)
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    More than anything, I was going for the color in this picture. The angles are still annoying to me. The problem was that the sides of the building are designed to be angled at different levels, so it's hard to get the composition even and balanced.
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)16:35 No.1508812
    All I see is green and lemon.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)16:38 No.1508817
    Well then I'll consider my objective a success.
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)16:41 No.1508822
    But seriously, if you have the opportunity to shoot it again, use a tripod and a longer exposure with less ISO and a smaller aperture value. Would make the picture less wrinkly and shaky.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)16:53 No.1508834
    i'm not from /p/, i'm just passing by and i wanted to say that these are all great photographs and you are very talented gentlemen/ladies.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)17:00 No.1508845
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)17:02 No.1508847
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/02/12(Thu)17:23 No.1508865
    Thanks. Means a lot :)
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)17:31 No.1508875
         File1328221876.jpg-(3.05 MB, 2592x1728, scape2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)17:32 No.1508879
    sorry forgot to resize
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)07:49 No.1509521
    The vignetting is a bit much for my taste, but I really do like these pictures.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)07:57 No.1509526
    yeah i totally overprocessed it, but thanks anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:00 No.1509531
         File1328274019.jpg-(622 KB, 783x1000, IMG_6127-2.jpg)
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    Having bought a flash and a tripod for 10 euros from a recycling place, I walked over some train tracks. C&C please, no need to be gentle, I like it rough
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:01 No.1509532
    Too much sky.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:01 No.1509533
    Blown highlights, obviously shot wide open for no reason whatsofuckingever, generic concept, tilted.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:06 No.1509540
    If you're using a tripod and aren't going to correct the horizon in processing, at least make the original shot level. Obviously, the brights are completely shop and clipping for most of the sky. If you're shooting on a tripod, there's absolutely no reason to shoot this shot at f/6.3, especially for a shutter speed of 1/100. Your ISO appears to be good for what you were trying to do, but the insane aperture/speed combo is why it's all blown out.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:09 No.1509544
    I didn't actually use the tripod...idiotic excuse I know, but It was in the middle of a crossing, so cars galore. Would I have been better using f/11 and 1/40 secs maybe? Saying that I alway gets things wrong when I'm on the quick...
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:20 No.1509551
    For what it's worth, here's what I would do:
    If it's dark, use a tripod, (since you said you bought one). If you're going to shoot a vanishing horizon picture, (which I actually like), then just get your aperture pretty small, unless you're purposefully trying to limit the depth of field. In that case, get whatever you want, but 6.3 is just too bright for a shot like this. As far as shutter speed goes, try to focus on getting the sky properly exposed, rather than the tracks/trees. Since you're processing this in photoshop, it's okay for the setting to be a bit underdeveloped. In your original shot, the sky is all washed out and can't be salvaged. It's always easier to dodge your dark areas than to fix a sky that's clipping white. Also, remember that one of the most important things is the actual light when you are there, not what tricks you can do with RAW processing. If your sky looks all bleached out irl, then it's going to suck in the foto.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:25 No.1509555
    Thanks, I'll go back there next week, It's not too far. I thinked I really fucked it up in the post-processing, trying to get the eye to follow the tracks...Bad Idea I guess...Plus as you said, shitty sky irl = shitty sky in the photo, It's been cloudy recently.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:31 No.1509561
    Overcast can actually give you better light than bright, colorful sky, especially if you're shoot b/w. Not going overboard in processing is one of the hardest parts of digital photography. With so many tools, it's hard to just be subtle. Just remember get the sky right in the original shot, and the rest will come.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:33 No.1509563
    if you have a tripod you could also try taking 3 shots. underexpose, correctly expose, and over expose. then use layer masking (poor mans HDR) in PS.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:43 No.1509577

    Ignore this. If you try to HDR it and post it here, people will rage, then a butthut debate between pro-HDR and anti-HDR will erupt, and the thread will go to shit.

    So long as you shoot in RAW, if you get the sky close, then the rest will follow.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:48 No.1509582
         File1328276894.jpg-(498 KB, 722x961, IMG_6127-4.jpg)
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    I just dicked around a bit with a graduated filter in lightroom...I find it tones it down a bit, but I may have gone overboard again.
    Never HDR...a load of vomit-like pixels isn't my kind of thing.
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:50 No.1509583
         File1328277021.jpg-(273 KB, 2048x1361, DSC_4739- EDIT.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:57 No.1509588
    The graduated filter won't really help that much because the trees are in the top of the composition. Thus, using a graduated nd filter will screw with those.

    If you're using Lr, pull back on the highlights/whites.

    A useful tool in Lr is to test to see if the whites are in fact clipping. Turn that on and see what's actually going on in the shot. If the whole sky is clipping, then start pulling back the highlights/whites to see what happens. If you pull them down so much that the darker areas start to get negatively affected, then the picture was just overexposed and there's not much you can do. However, if the original shot wasn't too overexposed, then you may be able to tame the clipping without screwing up the tracks/trees.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)08:59 No.1509591

    I'm not trying to be overly critical, and I don't consider myself an expert to any degree; I'm just giving you what I would do. Despite what some others have said, I don't mind a good vanishing point track shot. Not everything has to be a wholly original idea of the highest artistic merit. Learning to do basic shots well is what gives you the tools to figure out the art later.
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)09:06 No.1509601
    Did you use a CPL for the sky, or did you post process that?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:15 No.1509607
    I used one irl. I knew I was going to be out in the marsh during some crappy light, but the sky was so rich that I really wanted to get those blues/greens that I can only seem to get with the filer.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:18 No.1509609
    I don't find it to be overcritical in the slightest, you're being extremely helpful, and I thankyou for that.
    I think I'll go back to the spot, re-compose, meter for the sky, and try not to get run over by a car.
    It'll probably be better in the end.
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)09:19 No.1509611
    Cool thing. Waiting for my Amazon delivery, waiting for a CPL to get some nice deep blue skies.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:23 No.1509613
         File1328278997.jpg-(767 KB, 2048x1361, DSC_4691- EDIT.jpg)
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    I know people on here will rage against them from time to time, but I always love the colors you can get. it's not a cure-all, and there are some differences between CPLs and NDs, but I'll freely admit that I prefer the colors you can get with CPLs and the way you can play with water/glass reflections. For what its worth, here's another from the trip using the exact same setup.
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:28 No.1509617
    I actually like the clipped sky for the most part, although that tree is kind of choppy and looks unnatural. but the high contrast b+w looks fine. the idiot that wants a black and white sky to be probably has a whole lot of full retard post processed shots to his name.

    Sure, OP, go reshoot it. it's good practice. just make sure you actually level the shot this time. shoot with the milky way over head, shoot at sunset, twilight, high noon... shoot with the sun exactly 90 degrees to you and polarize the shit out of the sky, do it all. but this is still a teenage rebel school picture of train tracks.

    don't be such a beta
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:30 No.1509619
    >CPL to get some nice deep blue skies
    a CPL is a start... but you still need something like a 3 stop GND
    >there are some differences between CPLs and NDs
    just please, don't talk about things you don't know how to talk about
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)09:30 No.1509620
    >implying people are here for anything else than to rage
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:39 No.1509625
         File1328279952.jpg-(520 KB, 850x1000, IMG_6124-2.jpg)
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    Jah, Whatever.
    Here's just one more then, a bit pointless, but I like the colours.
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:39 No.1509626
    >just please, don't talk about things you don't know how to talk about
    So, what, no differences between CPLs and NDs? If you're going to rage, then at least don't make an ass our of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:41 No.1509628
    >the idiot that wants a black and white sky to be
    Went back, looked for anything close to resembling a comment like this, didn't see anything. Derp much?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:46 No.1509634
         File1328280366.jpg-(473 KB, 992x648, hannahkl1.jpg)
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    not much to see here, but i do like the colors. think beyond what you find beautiful! needs something catchy in there.
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:46 No.1509635
         File1328280413.jpg-(957 KB, 996x1496, hannahkl2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:47 No.1509637
    True. But, for a moment, most of the ragetards seemed occupied over in the squirrel thread. >>1508241
    Unfortunately, your fine thread seems to have become infected itself.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:49 No.1509638
    Nobody seems to be raging apart from>>1509617
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:49 No.1509640
    Since your referenced this previous post, are you saying you used a CPL in this pic?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:51 No.1509642
         File1328280714.jpg-(331 KB, 1000x664, DSC_0237.jpg)
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    Bored to death,
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:51 No.1509643
    Eh, I found >>1509619 to be a bit too dickish for the discussion that was going on.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:52 No.1509644
    help me, what does CPL mean? sorry, no native speaker here
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:53 No.1509646
    circular polarizer filter
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:55 No.1509647
         File1328280937.jpg-(537 KB, 1500x551, Untitled-2.jpg)
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    What's your opinion on making series like this?
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:56 No.1509648
    speaking of CPLs, does anybody know why the abbreviation is CPL instead of CPF? i'm guessing the L comes from polarizing, but it just seems unnecessary.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:56 No.1509649
    what exactly are you talking about? i didn't use one in the picture i posted along with the reference. and i don't know bout the one i referred to sinde its not mine
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)09:58 No.1509650
    I think it was just a misunderstanding/mis-reference. When I saw your picture, I clicked on the link when was to a comment about polarizers, so I assumed your pic was somehow related.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)10:00 No.1509652
    It's a cute idea and a fine looking dog. For me, I would have preferred that the frames be the same size, but that's just a personal aesthetic preference.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)10:06 No.1509657
    left-hand maybe?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)12:45 No.1509787
         File1328291154.jpg-(197 KB, 1000x667, _MG_3097.jpg)
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    At least I took a picture
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)12:46 No.1509788
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    >> trapsocks !KNs1o0VDv6 02/03/12(Fri)13:19 No.1509815
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)13:23 No.1509823
    I like it, especially the reflection in the water. Cool shot.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)13:45 No.1509830
         File1328294737.jpg-(379 KB, 768x768, Untitled.jpg)
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    >still using APS-C format
    >> trapsocks !KNs1o0VDv6 02/03/12(Fri)13:57 No.1509838
    thanks for the shitty crop dude

    and its 4/3rds twink boy
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)13:58 No.1509839
         File1328295502.jpg-(92 KB, 640x429, Photogragyh 130.jpg)
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    Something cool i was trying out.
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)13:59 No.1509840
         File1328295586.jpg-(87 KB, 640x429, Photogragyh 109.jpg)
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)14:02 No.1509844
    Infection is unstoppable. No matter what board you use. Let's just focus on the pictures.

    I like those things. It's not one precise moment in time but rather a small timespan that offers you a lot more detail on what is going on.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:03 No.1509845
         File1328295822.jpg-(59 KB, 474x600, 474px-Ansel_Adams_and_camera.jpg)
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    >Didn't give a flying fuck about APS-C or not
    You better get your derpitude checked out and make sure it's not contagious.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:04 No.1509846
         File1328295882.jpg-(750 KB, 1000x750, DSCF0732.jpg)
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    EIther best or second best picture I have ever taken. But I am new to this, only had a decent camera for a year and only in the last week or 2 have I gone out soley to take pictures.
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)14:07 No.1509848
    What exactly is it, that makes you think that? Why is that your best picture?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:10 No.1509851
    Because it looks like the place actually did. I think that it just captured exactly what I saw. Maybe it is becuase I am happy with it, no worries about under/over exposure, no concern about colours.
    IDK, that and the fact that it is the picture that has gotten the most postive feedback.
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)14:13 No.1509855
    It's always good to be able to explain why you like a certain photo. Thinking about the picture before taking it is also an important step for getting better at shooting things; why do I want to photograph this situation?

    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:14 No.1509857
    Despite the BS you're likely to get here about this picture, I think you've got the right idea about what you're trying to achieve. Just learning to accurately capture the scene as you see it naturally it's tricky. There's definitely a good ways to go with exposure, etc., but if you're just starting out, it's good that you're at least being thoughtful about what you're doing.
    >> alphon 02/03/12(Fri)14:15 No.1509861
    you definitely over exposed the sky and underexposed some of the shadows. you might be able to fix that in post. what you can't fix is the poor composition. is this a picture of a boat, or a picture of ducks in a river? don't answer cause I don't care. the river leads out of the frame, and you cut off one bank of it in favor of some kind of housing project. the colors or tones aren't as nice as you think. it's time to up your expectations a little
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:16 No.1509862

    Listen to the Hafenmeister >>1509855

    When you want to take a picture, stop and figure out what it is that made you want to take a picture in the first place. Was it the color? Was it the shape? Was it the angle? Once you know what you're trying to capture, then you can figure out how to capture it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:16 No.1509863
         File1328296610.png-(40 KB, 127x164, smg.png)
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    >i like it because it's an accurate representation of what i pointed the camera at
    wow, you're easily pleased.
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)14:18 No.1509865
    Don't be a prick. Everyone started with shitty photos.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:19 No.1509866
         File1328296752.jpg-(496 KB, 1000x750, DSCF0325.jpg)
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    Going to post a 7 month old pic, this is the other picture I am fully happy with.
    Yes it is dark, but I wanted it dark. It was raining, and about to get a bit stormy on the lake.
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:20 No.1509867
    Forgot to add, I am fully aware that the jack is not fully centered but I don't own a tripod and trying to take a perfectly framed shot on a moving boat when you aren't overly good at standing still is hard.
    (I now tuck arms in, breath out etc)
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:20 No.1509868
    I'm always so very impressed with \p\hotogs who took perfect pictures when they first started out and knew exactly what constituted a good picture. Thank goodness we have your insightful criticism that helps this guy take better pictures.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:40 No.1509885
    Dark is fine, but it still looks a bit washed out. Clarity and contrast are two things to look into. Unless it was just plain foggy and the whole world was pale looking, you can have more vivid colors and more striking contrast and still achieve a dark, foreboding image.

    You say you're fully happy with it, but if you want to improve, you have to be able to be critical of your own work. If you could change something, what would it be?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:45 No.1509891
         File1328298320.jpg-(232 KB, 1000x561, IMG_5500b.jpg)
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    I can't stop doing these.
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:47 No.1509895
         File1328298465.jpg-(454 KB, 664x1000, DSC_2617.jpg)
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    Since everybody's posting their dark cloudy pictures.
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:48 No.1509896
    Why? What makes you like them?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)14:49 No.1509897
         File1328298556.jpg-(271 KB, 1000x667, Color3_preview.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:25 No.1509937
         File1328300716.jpg-(1.05 MB, 1000x667, hartydesignscoutday-3.jpg)
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    couple from today
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:29 No.1509940
         File1328300950.jpg-(557 KB, 1000x667, hartydesignscoutday-4.jpg)
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    >> trapsocks !KNs1o0VDv6 02/03/12(Fri)15:42 No.1509956
    lol saying what everyone is thinking
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:54 No.1509965
    Is it supposed to have the green tint to it?
    I love shooting trees in the forest, but damn I hate the sucky skies that result.
    I . . . actually don't really have a complaint about this photo.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:56 No.1509969
    Why is the sky yellow?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:57 No.1509970
         File1328302653.jpg-(168 KB, 640x424, 5721466096_92df9c0177_z.jpg)
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    >> nanonyous !!/1mJ8iKRQei 02/03/12(Fri)16:04 No.1509976
         File1328303099.jpg-(424 KB, 667x1000, small-6624.jpg)
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    Pretty sure the old thread was still up and not yet full, but whatever.

    Blurry thing in the bottom right corner is a sprinkler, and my shop-fu is weak, so polishing this any further with my capabilities isn't happening. Also, baby tortoise snapshot is baby tortoise snapshot...
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)16:29 No.1509999
         File1328304566.jpg-(412 KB, 667x1000, turtle.jpg)
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    I think you're on to something...
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:30 No.1510001
    Hats off to Hafenmeister for a successful thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:36 No.1510006
         File1328304990.jpg-(546 KB, 667x1000, 1328303099029.jpg)
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    >> nanonyous !!/1mJ8iKRQei 02/03/12(Fri)16:38 No.1510008
    but... it's not a turtle? D:
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)16:39 No.1510011
    It only let's you think that way. Don't be fooled.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:41 No.1510012
    It really gives clouds another dimension.

    I'm one of those fags that looked at clouds as a kid.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:44 No.1510015
         File1328305469.jpg-(1.14 MB, 1000x667, donardfinal.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:54 No.1510020
         File1328306099.jpg-(548 KB, 1000x665, EDIT1000.jpg)
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    Thoughts? I know the entire photo isn't centered/even. (I was regrettably standing at an angle.) And I hate that damn speed limit sign. Part of the composition problem came from the fact that it was a fairly busy dirt road, and I was trying to run out there and get the shot quickly with cars coming up behind me. Other thoughts, though?
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)17:00 No.1510029
    Try a little more contrast / clarity.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:05 No.1510040
    have you recently started browsing here? Or have you just decided to "trip up", but been around for longer?
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)17:09 No.1510049
    Been lurking /p/ since january last year. Decided to tripfag for fucks sake. Worked.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:12 No.1510054
    Why does the image quality look so terrible on this? It looks like a 100 dollar point and shoot, not a Nikon D5000. The foreground dirt looks okay, but then the trees look like a compressed jpeg explosion.
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)17:22 No.1510066
    That photo should include a person standing infront (partially inside) the fireworks.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:24 No.1510067
    Shit. I didn't even notice that. I edited it originally in Lr4, but at my office I only have gimp. When I went to resize it in gimp down to 100, it decreased the resolution from 240 to 72. Yeah, the full resolution wasn't great, but it didn't look that shittastic.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:29 No.1510071
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:35 No.1510084
    Not hugely happy with this. Would have been better if it was taken a fraction later so more dirt was kicking up.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:37 No.1510087
         File1328308654.png-(2.65 MB, 2048x1360, IMG_0615.png)
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    pic related :/
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:40 No.1510091
    >When I went to resize it in gimp down to 1000, it decreased the resolution from 240 to 72.

    That doesn't actually mean anything. An image that is 1000 pixels long, is 1000 pixels long. It doesn't change the amount of information in the file whether the pixel density is 72 dpi or 300 dpi.

    It just changes how large the photo would print using that same amount of information.
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)17:41 No.1510094
    Try to get your lens and the headlights of the car on the same level. Make "eye contact" if you will with the car. That gives it a more dramatic look.
    >> nanonyous !!/1mJ8iKRQei 02/03/12(Fri)17:42 No.1510095
    Assuming the software doing the print job respects the dpi setting of the file, in the first place~
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:46 No.1510099
         File1328309199.jpg-(556 KB, 1000x1000, 1.jpg)
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    one of my first scans from my yashica mat 124g. focusing is not that easy so dont take it as a reference for sharpness. film is tmax 400 (expired sep 2011). bought some ektar 100 and will try out ilford and fuji as well in the future. original imagesize was around 90MP.
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:47 No.1510102
         File1328309247.png-(183 KB, 537x297, Disney-Pixar-Cars.png)
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    > Make "eye contact" if you will with the car. That gives it a more dramatic look.
    Agreed. Look at how much better this picture is that I took because I made eye contact first.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:50 No.1510106

    Unfortunately it's not really possible at this venue (Queensland Raceway, Australia) as you stand up on a viewing platform about 3/4-1m higher than the track surface then there's a ~1m high concrete wall you have to shoot over.
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/03/12(Fri)18:31 No.1510124
    Then at least try to opt for rule of thirds.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)18:39 No.1510128
         File1328312390.jpg-(3.96 MB, 2848x4288, DSC_4181.jpg)
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    lol nice shot bro, was that on windemere by any chance?
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)18:41 No.1510129
    forgot to resize, sorry
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)18:55 No.1510136
    Yeah, shot is off of the bow of MV Swan on the sailing back from Lakeside upto Windermere
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)19:58 No.1510177
         File1328317098.jpg-(537 KB, 663x1000, 000001520004.jpg)
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    recent roll
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)19:59 No.1510179
         File1328317195.jpg-(637 KB, 1000x663, 000001520014.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)20:03 No.1510184
         File1328317397.jpg-(254 KB, 1000x663, 000001520022.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)21:07 No.1510264
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)23:16 No.1510426
         File1328329019.jpg-(473 KB, 1000x800, MrPibb.jpg)
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    Trying a little more product photography. Someone on the board suggested padding out your portfolio with it.
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)23:31 No.1510436

    great shot you should try and sell it to the company
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)23:32 No.1510437
    This is terrible. Sorry, but geez.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)23:34 No.1510440

    What's wrong with it?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)23:35 No.1510441
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)23:43 No.1510449
    start with focus, then EXPOSURE. Why is your ISO at 200? 5.6-8.0 is sharpest for that lens. You can see you flash, or whatever light you used in the middle of the bottle. Move the light or maybe a CPL. I don't even do this, but just by going off of the basics of photon graphing you have messed this photo up. Whats with the spots on the background? I could go on but this is a good start.
    >> DISCO !PUNK3mdpp. 02/03/12(Fri)23:45 No.1510450
         File1328330717.jpg-(207 KB, 1000x787, head.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)23:55 No.1510456

    >start with focus, then EXPOSURE. Why is your ISO at 200?

    Because that's what I was metering for.

    >5.6-8.0 is sharpest for that lens.

    I was unaware of this. Shooting at f/11 seems to produce sharp results with minimal chromatic aberration.

    > You can see you flash, or whatever light you used in the middle of the bottle. Move the light or maybe a CPL.

    Agreed. Should've used a softbox instead of a straight light.

    >I don't even do this, but just by going off of the basics of photon graphing you have messed this photo up.


    >Whats with the spots on the background?

    Water droplets. Not intentional, but definitely distracting, I agree.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)23:58 No.1510462
         File1328331498.jpg-(598 KB, 663x998, anon.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)23:59 No.1510464
         File1328331579.jpg-(776 KB, 1037x1555, treefieldtree.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)00:01 No.1510465
    Metering for what? Blown out details? Congratulations.

    >I don't even do this, but just by going off of the basics of photon graphing you have messed this photo up.


    Go back to /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)00:05 No.1510468

    >photon graphing

    What the fuck does that even mean?

    >blown out details

    Outside of that hotspot on the bottle, I see no "blown out details". You're talking out of your ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)00:10 No.1510472
    I guess I should have said edge detail.
    "Pay Attention to Light: The etymology of the word Photography is from the Greek works Photon and Graph - or "to record light."
    You really have no idea an still you argue that your pitiful photo is something worthy. Oh yeah, try to white balance. Should I define that for you too?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)00:11 No.1510474
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)00:23 No.1510484
         File1328332991.jpg-(774 KB, 1000x666, falling_cats.jpg)
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    >> DISCO !PUNK3mdpp. 02/04/12(Sat)00:25 No.1510485
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)00:27 No.1510488
    The headphones are slightly dusty. Clean is important in these types of shots. It doesn't really show off the headphones enough either.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)00:38 No.1510499
         File1328333922.jpg-(431 KB, 1000x667, seagull2_2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)00:42 No.1510501
         File1328334141.jpg-(56 KB, 480x300, wallpaper_command_and_conquer_(...).jpg)
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    Needs some Tiberium shooped in.
    Kain demands it.
    >Embrace the power of the green crystal
    >> DISCO !PUNK3mdpp. 02/04/12(Sat)00:52 No.1510505
    ima reshoot that tmmrw
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)00:59 No.1510507
         File1328335143.jpg-(710 KB, 1000x750, anon.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)02:02 No.1510531
    I like this one more than your first one.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)02:17 No.1510534
         File1328339878.jpg-(790 KB, 667x1000, NC_GV_2699_p_wanna.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)02:32 No.1510538
         File1328340740.jpg-(640 KB, 1000x667, NC_GV_2716_wal.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)02:44 No.1510541
         File1328341441.jpg-(755 KB, 1024x787, 4c.jpg)
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    c and c please!
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)03:00 No.1510551
         File1328342411.jpg-(826 KB, 1000x667, random.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)03:01 No.1510552
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)03:07 No.1510557
    >> catnips Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)03:14 No.1510560
         File1328343273.jpg-(436 KB, 1000x662, DSC_0994-2.jpg)
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    I like this, but it bugs me a bit how much of the photo is out of focus. And might be nice to see whats in the background more? Well Im curious at least. But yeah its nice.
    Love this, what were you using for the lighting?
    Needs something in the foreground I think, the sky is overpowering and well not the best subject.

    My thoughts are that it might have been better to fill the frame up with her, as the interest in the photo is her. Would be nice to see some more detail in her face and clothes?

    Just my thoughts on some of the photos anyway.

    CC on mine appreciated, took today.
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)03:21 No.1510562
         File1328343661.jpg-(634 KB, 1000x667, gdog.jpg)
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    It's really soft due too shooting wide open. I really like the color and lighting, it's just too bad you didn't stop down to get max sharpness and DOF. Anyway to shoot again?
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)03:23 No.1510564
    Whoa, my monitor was turned way up. It's actually WAY under-exposed. Whatever, just shoot at like f/8 and expose correctly. It could be a pretty cool pic.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)03:32 No.1510570
    I like >>1508436 but a tighter crop would've been nice, it feels a little directionless.

    >>1508435 reds are too strong, and maybe frame the person to the left a little more and get more of the industrial area to the right.

    are pretty cool overall.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)03:47 No.1510573
         File1328345257.jpg-(62 KB, 1000x667, lol.jpg)
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    I was playing around with slightly long exposures the other day. Any thoughts?

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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)03:48 No.1510574
         File1328345287.jpg-(93 KB, 667x1000, lol2.jpg)
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    >> Catnips Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)03:57 No.1510575
    I don't know if I agree with you, I can see what I want to see fine. Its how it actually looked in real life... Maybe you don't have a very bright moniter?
    Thanks, yeah i will take my tripod next time. Do a longer exposure with a better f stop. Its only about 10 minutes from where i live.
    >> 1 / 2 Pig !!Gpr9zA7h780 02/04/12(Sat)04:21 No.1510580
         File1328347263.jpg-(51 KB, 594x960, scouted2.jpg)
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    Went for a walk this morning to scout some shots down the river. Gonna go back in a couple of days with my tripod and a wider lens.

    Gonna shoot this lower to the water and wider. Need to shoot it earlier as well, got to the site far too late as it was already getting light. Shooting into the sunrise doesnt really give you much wiggle room time wise. Got a bit of potential, its only 2 minutes from my house so ill keep flogging on.
    >> 2/2 Pig !!Gpr9zA7h780 02/04/12(Sat)04:22 No.1510581
         File1328347357.jpg-(47 KB, 720x480, scouted.jpg)
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    Tried it landscape. Need to get further left, sadly I cant as I'd be in the river...
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/04/12(Sat)05:51 No.1510602
    Try to put a city underneath it :)

    Regarding OP picture: I can not crop the picture any differently. You see the poles on the right? I have a huge black pole wall on the original image. So 1/3 of the image would'Ve been black.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)08:32 No.1510722

    ah, well, in that context, it's understandable.
    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/04/12(Sat)11:42 No.1510891
    Sadly. I wanted to get her as far left as possible because I knew I had to crop it anyway.
    >> DISCO !PUNK3mdpp. 02/05/12(Sun)14:53 No.1512245
         File1328471634.jpg-(351 KB, 1000x662, 1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:01 No.1512254
         File1328472078.jpg-(146 KB, 1000x558, DSC_3588-2.jpg)
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    Your picture reminds me of mine, which I shot about 2 weeks ago.
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    >> Forrest Bump 02/05/12(Sun)15:36 No.1512271
         File1328474189.jpg-(602 KB, 1000x718, 99.jpg)
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    >> chewie !uWookieV6A 02/05/12(Sun)15:48 No.1512282
         File1328474904.jpg-(326 KB, 750x1000, IMG_1819.jpg)
    326 KB
    would bang

    do like
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    >> chewie !uWookieV6A 02/05/12(Sun)15:49 No.1512283
         File1328474964.jpg-(346 KB, 750x1000, IMG_1829.jpg)
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    >> trapsocks !KNs1o0VDv6 02/05/12(Sun)18:06 No.1512433
         File1328483217.jpg-(1019 KB, 1565x1037, 026_025.jpg)
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    >> !nzFagDPRLs 02/05/12(Sun)18:30 No.1512455

    I really like this shot, nice work.


    I think you could make it work, but for me the two outside shots really need to be symmetrically sized. The fact they are slightly different is really off-putting.

    Quite like this shot chew, would probably like it a little more if the original shot was a little sharper.
    >> !nzFagDPRLs 02/05/12(Sun)18:52 No.1512473
         File1328485942.jpg-(193 KB, 1024x888, Wanaka Road001 copy.jpg)
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    Also recent work.

    A problem with large format, is one neg can have a fucking shit-ton of dust on it.
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)18:58 No.1512484
         File1328486299.png-(553 KB, 1000x891, 1245.png)
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    Dreaming to get a proper camera...
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)19:00 No.1512488
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)19:01 No.1512490
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)19:09 No.1512509
         File1328486959.jpg-(582 KB, 1000x667, _MG_0595.jpg)
    582 KB
    sort of recent
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)20:26 No.1512590
         File1328491577.jpg-(347 KB, 1000x375, DSC_0474.jpg)
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    I thought it was cool, anyways.
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:34 No.1512898
         File1328513672.jpg-(448 KB, 1000x666, IMG_0174.jpg)
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    first one to guess what it is wins one free internet.
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:50 No.1512917
         File1328514612.jpg-(4.03 MB, 4288x2848, 049.jpg)
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    how did i do?
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)03:14 No.1512938
    awesome. i think it will be my new wallpaper. You have bigger one with higher rez? and just wonder, where this place are?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)03:18 No.1512941
         File1328516334.jpg-(154 KB, 667x1000, 12.jpg)
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    C&C welcome
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)04:34 No.1512980
         File1328520844.jpg-(351 KB, 1200x811, Куронеко.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)04:35 No.1512983
    >mommy, mommy, what's that man doing
    >why is he kneeling down over that trash
    >sshhh baby, don't look at him
    >> Forrest Bump 02/06/12(Mon)05:34 No.1513038
         File1328524498.jpg-(440 KB, 668x1000, 21.jpg)
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    >> Seagull !fUcCUNTYtU 02/06/12(Mon)05:37 No.1513044
         File1328524648.jpg-(330 KB, 1000x664, DSC_3870.jpg)
    330 KB
    because racecar
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    >> Seagull !fUcCUNTYtU 02/06/12(Mon)05:39 No.1513046
         File1328524764.jpg-(372 KB, 1000x664, DSC_2845.jpg)
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    because inside racecar
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    >> zx !!zp0QoyTsfyb 02/06/12(Mon)05:42 No.1513050
    Is that Monash Freeway?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)05:47 No.1513053
         File1328525253.jpg-(383 KB, 1000x571, _MG_2166-small.jpg)
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    >> dude !!VH8cxXMsLCE 02/06/12(Mon)07:02 No.1513107
         File1328529755.jpg-(217 KB, 900x600, IMG_8688.jpg)
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    I'll post a few from my xmas holiday.
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    >> dude !!VH8cxXMsLCE 02/06/12(Mon)07:04 No.1513108
         File1328529854.jpg-(87 KB, 900x600, IMG_8563.jpg)
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    >> dude !!VH8cxXMsLCE 02/06/12(Mon)07:06 No.1513109
         File1328529975.jpg-(161 KB, 900x600, IMG_8862.jpg)
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    >> dude !!VH8cxXMsLCE 02/06/12(Mon)07:06 No.1513110
         File1328530013.jpg-(257 KB, 900x600, IMG_0586.jpg)
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    >> dude !!VH8cxXMsLCE 02/06/12(Mon)07:08 No.1513112
         File1328530085.jpg-(182 KB, 900x600, IMG_8695.jpg)
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    Takaka, NZ
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)11:31 No.1513249
         File1328545912.jpg-(445 KB, 1000x667, motion1_preview.jpg)
    445 KB
    I think I fudged up near the feet.
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    >> Hafenmeister !l582Vln9EE 02/06/12(Mon)13:42 No.1513300
    Why do you use a dildo as gear shift?

    I like the colors on this one.
    >> Arthur 02/06/12(Mon)16:16 No.1513427
         File1328562975.jpg-(417 KB, 1000x733, IMG_6575-resize.jpg)
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    Posting a few, would love some criticism and tips!
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    >> Arthur 02/06/12(Mon)16:17 No.1513428
         File1328563033.jpg-(506 KB, 1000x718, IMG_6573-resize.jpg)
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    I know this one is grainy as fuck, but I really like the shot anyway
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    >> Arthur 02/06/12(Mon)16:21 No.1513429
         File1328563317.jpg-(559 KB, 1000x727, IMG_6580-resize-crop.jpg)
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    Not sure how to feel about this one, definately not as sharp as I would have liked anyway
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    >> Arthur 02/06/12(Mon)16:25 No.1513431
         File1328563509.jpg-(282 KB, 1000x667, IMG_6478-resized.jpg)
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    >> Arthur 02/06/12(Mon)16:26 No.1513432
         File1328563581.jpg-(378 KB, 1000x667, IMG_6576-resized.jpg)
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    Last one, I quite like this one as well. Once again, tips/comments welcome
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:04 No.1513465

    It was super foggy today here, I wish I'd gone out and taken some shots, but I'm ill as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:09 No.1513468
         File1328566177.jpg-(213 KB, 667x1000, IMG_7029.jpg)
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    >> BJDrew !!LkyLqEm9G0v 02/06/12(Mon)17:15 No.1513475
    >>1508435 +1/2
    Almost fucks with your eyes - interesting to look at
    Seeing so many photos of garbage, walls, nondescript buildings - this actually has something interesting going on and presents a bit of narrative.
    Better. Good, actually
    I'll take it. Would usually be irritated by a right-arrow in the right half of the frame like that, but here it's a pretty good decision
    Prefer in B/W - the noise and grungey shadow areas are more forgivable. You'd want to ask rubbergoo about processing something like this
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:22 No.1513480
         File1328566960.jpg-(843 KB, 1200x800, IMG_9839up.jpg)
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    I'm quite happy with this. I like the unusual perspective and the shadows of the trees.
    I looks a little too sharp after resizing but i think it's ok.
    What do you think about the composition?
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:25 No.1513484
         File1328567108.jpg-(539 KB, 664x1000, _IGP5111-Edit-2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:26 No.1513486
         File1328567204.jpg-(833 KB, 664x1000, _IGP5137-Edit-2.jpg)
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    .. et deux.
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:35 No.1513499

    If you can re shoot this, you should get closer down to the ground so you don't cut the top of the house off. Nice photo, could be executed better.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:36 No.1513502
         File1328567813.jpg-(342 KB, 667x1000, IMG_1706(resize).jpg)
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    Looking for some C&C 1/?
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:48 No.1513518
         File1328568525.jpg-(536 KB, 5000x984, Panorama(resize).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:51 No.1513523
         File1328568716.jpg-(330 KB, 1000x1500, TayRailBridge(resize).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:48 No.1513570
    Distortion/reflection of the moon is in a weird place/not balanced well/okay colors

    That line looks horrible/and there's nothing interesting in the photo
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:56 No.1513574
    All shot at 2.8. Why?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:17 No.1513604
    No real reason, I tend to favor adjusting shutter speed over aperture and f2.8 gives a good depth of field. Is this a bad approach?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:19 No.1513607
    For landscapes like this where you want as much depth of field as possible it's not such a great idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:22 No.1513616
    Noted, thanks :)
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:25 No.1513620
    Do you think the image with the reflection could be salvageable with a square crop?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:28 No.1513624
         File1328574494.jpg-(1.14 MB, 1200x813, L1002161.jpg)
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    I can't decide if I like this picture or not. I just wanted to get a picture of the old man, I should've just gone up and taken it.
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    >> catnips Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:36 No.1513639
         File1328574998.jpg-(517 KB, 1000x453, Untitled_Panorama2 2.jpg)
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    I like this, just a suggestion. You could have got closer to the ground, bringing out the road to the corners of your shot or the line of trees? I like it better in B&W.
    Should of gone in for a closer shot..
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    >> Catnips Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:37 No.1513642
         File1328575045.jpg-(499 KB, 1000x662, DSC_0042.jpg)
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    >> catnips Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:38 No.1513644
         File1328575105.jpg-(681 KB, 662x1000, DSC_0040.jpg)
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    >> catnips Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:39 No.1513646
         File1328575159.jpg-(671 KB, 1000x662, DSC_0026.jpg)
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    >> Catnips Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:40 No.1513649
         File1328575220.jpg-(1.12 MB, 662x1000, DSC_1219.jpg)
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    >> noko Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:40 No.1513650
    Where on earth was this taken?!
    >> Catnips Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:47 No.1513657
         File1328575676.jpg-(400 KB, 662x1000, DSC_1203.jpg)
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    At middle head, in sydney.. There are old gun barracks and tunnels around there (thats where most of the shots are taken), I couldn't really go exploring the tunnels as it had been raining, but yeah got a nice shot of the water.

    6/8 Opera House
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    >> catnips Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:48 No.1513660
         File1328575729.jpg-(630 KB, 662x1000, DSC_1181.jpg)
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    7/8 Opera House again
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    >> noko Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:53 No.1513666
    Ah, looks like a pretty interesting place.
    >> Catnips Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:56 No.1513670
         File1328576172.jpg-(1.17 MB, 1001x663, DSC_1088.jpg)
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    8/8 Hyde park.. CC appreciated!!
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    >> Chillwave !!DtYmHt0ejyJ 02/06/12(Mon)20:31 No.1513713
         File1328578317.jpg-(65 KB, 1000x666, IMG_3712 resized bw conversion.jpg)
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    moving this here for some C&C. this was a spur of the moment shot as we were all getting packed up to check out the the room.
    >> Mr.NiceGuy !3SfloA2uBI 02/06/12(Mon)20:45 No.1513725
         File1328579112.jpg-(715 KB, 1000x675, rice1000.jpg)
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    >forgot to resize.
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:28 No.1513752
         File1328581683.jpg-(4.5 MB, 4288x2848, 2131.jpg)
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    how do i improve?
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:32 No.1513755
         File1328581945.jpg-(856 KB, 1500x996, IMGP1414.jpg)
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    please don't rape me
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:37 No.1513761
         File1328582256.jpg-(1.3 MB, 1500x996, IMGP1400.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:26 No.1513784
         File1328585183.jpg-(1.69 MB, 2000x1334, IMG_3848.jpg)
    1.69 MB
    Taken tonight
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)00:50 No.1513924
         File1328593855.jpg-(573 KB, 1200x668, IMG_7343 2.jpg)
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    Ah, Takaka. I wish I could've gone and taken photos from more than my dad's front yard when I was there last time.

    This is a few months old but I never got around to processing it until now.
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    >> kitty kat klub !0CATsq0Myk 02/07/12(Tue)00:58 No.1513932
         File1328594286.jpg-(3.17 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_0066.jpg)
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    >> kitty kat klub !0CATsq0Myk 02/07/12(Tue)00:59 No.1513935
         File1328594355.jpg-(3.73 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_0076.jpg)
    3.73 MB
    it is too overexposed
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)01:08 No.1513948
         File1328594905.jpg-(301 KB, 1000x636, edisonhs014 - Copy.jpg)
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    I feel like I should have picked a lower angle
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)01:39 No.1513971
         File1328596749.jpg-(1.83 MB, 3897x1177, IMG_1147(e).jpg)
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    Tried to fix my motion blur but I suck at PS
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    >> Seagull !fUcCUNTYtU 02/07/12(Tue)01:47 No.1513975
    Princess in Melbourne
    because chicks like to jump on it when they're bored in the car.
    >> trapsocks !KNs1o0VDv6 02/07/12(Tue)02:02 No.1513988
         File1328598129.jpg-(875 KB, 736x1000, _2054830.jpg)
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    >> !DMHnz71REE 02/07/12(Tue)04:30 No.1514095
         File1328607018.jpg-(556 KB, 1000x634, Scan317 sharpened.jpg)
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    This dude was moonwalking with the pram. Seriously, he probably walked backwards for about a kilometer
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)04:38 No.1514101
    >soft as shit
    >no focal point of interest
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)05:09 No.1514121
         File1328609345.jpg-(215 KB, 797x1200, _MG_1377.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)05:10 No.1514122
    My god, I just stumbled upon this conversation, but please shut the fuck up. Absolutely no one wants your opinions.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)05:13 No.1514124
         File1328609607.jpg-(208 KB, 800x1200, _MG_1393.jpg)
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    >> Catnips Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:07 No.1514216
         File1328620035.jpg-(302 KB, 1000x662, DSC_01611.jpg)
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    Took these tonight..
    I like 2, something was f***ed up with my other lens so the lights on the right hand side have gone all weird and followed these lines.. Maybe needs a clean :S

    1/2 What does one thing of my bokeh lights, I shaped them especially for you! Only cropped slightly, nothing else done in ps.
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    >> catnips Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:08 No.1514219
         File1328620119.jpg-(455 KB, 1000x662, DSC_01722.jpg)
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    2/2 Just a shot of the opera house at night.. Idk if i like it yet, cropped a bit off cause I didn't like the blue light.
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    >> catnips Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:14 No.1514221
         File1328620459.jpg-(545 KB, 1000x662, DSC_0116.jpg)
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    Yeah this is cool, like the composition. I find it interesting..
    I think the horizon is too centred here, might have been nicer a bit closer to the subject. Like the other one a lot better

    Decided to post one more I might like (with the screwed lens). cc please
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:19 No.1514225
    Had any hassles with shooting around the Foreshore area Catnips?
    >> Catnips Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:29 No.1514229
    Yep there was some douche today while I was trying to take the photo of the sunset (the last one i uploaded). He was fishing with a bit of string, and chicken on a pole and told me to stop deliberately clicking my camera.. I was like what that doesn't make sense thats the sound of my shutter going off and its a free country, bitch. He kept complaing, i eventually left..

    What other problems would i run into? Asian overload? There were three busses of asians there today, not trying to racist. Just saying.. wow.

    CC on my photos? Ive posted a lot in this thread (12), one got cc...
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)09:01 No.1514237
    Not c&c'ing, no time. But start an own thread when you've got more than three pictures, C&C chances will be loads higher. And more photo threads are always great.

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