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  • File : 1328097420.jpg-(706 KB, 1600x1200, 54468807F524462CACC401598D882417.jpg)
    706 KB Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)06:57 No.1507367  
    Would it be safe to say that the average NEX user will buy literally any manual lens indiscriminately?
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:01 No.1507371
    Maybe. Manual lenses are cheap, and fun to use.
    But a lot of those lenses shown are actually A-mounts, which are compatible with an adaptor.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:03 No.1507372 *can* put the vast majority of 35mm film lenses on a NEX, sure, but that doesn't mean you *should*.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:07 No.1507373
    you should
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:08 No.1507374
    Why only 35mm? You can use any focal length.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:10 No.1507375
    yes, yes sony viral marketing folks. we get it, your shitty overpriced camera is finally coming out properly.

    how many threads is it now this week?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:16 No.1507377
    Lol u aspeined.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:16 No.1507378
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    You sicken me.
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:16 No.1507379
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    Not really. A lot of film lenses, especially cheap ones, just aren't good enough for NEX's resolution. And then there's 1.5x crop, which makes many lenses awkward.

    Pic related (it's 4/3, but NEX won't be much different)

    I meant "lenses made to be used with 35mm film"
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:32 No.1507387
    So, I'm still trying to figure out how to read all these graphs lens analysts use. What does this one tell us?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:34 No.1507388
    >MFT graph how they work?
    Flatter is better.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:36 No.1507390
    X/Y is the sensor surface.
    Z axis is arbitrary "fail units" calculated from the MTF (essentially, the amount of blurriness)
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:40 No.1507394
    And the OM is the older lens while the ED is the newer lens, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:42 No.1507396
    I'm going to buy the NEX and throw it in the bin because its so cool. All I have to do is walk around with the packaging to get pussy.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:50 No.1507402
    More importantly, OM 50mm is a lens for film cameras, but used here on a much smaller and much higher density sensor. No film lenses were designed to provide 100+ lp/mm of resolution, so sharpness varies wildly, even for lenses considered super good in the film era (Photozone has some tests of expensive Zeiss and Voigtlander M-mount lenses on NEX, and the results are not very spectacular)
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)07:55 No.1507404
    The trouble with most of the MFT camera bodies is that they're fucking ugly and huge. Sony, on the other hand, gets it. You can't just put a large sensor in a point-ant-shoot body like Panasonic does and expect your camera to be taken seriously. Nor can you just chug out rangefinder bodies with digital chips. That just makes no sense. Sony gets it. The NEX is neither an SLR, nor a point-and-shoot. It's an all new form factor with huge potential for new applications.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)08:01 No.1507407
    >You can't just put a large sensor in a point-ant-shoot body
    It's ironic because the first NEX cameras in their original state were exactly this, large sensors in point-and-shoot bodies with point-and-shoot UI. After much outrage, Sony started to fix this, but so far NEX-7 is the only camera that is made from the ground up for non-P&S operation, and the lens line-up still needs fixing badly.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)08:33 No.1507425
    The trouble with most of the NEX camera lenses is that they're fucking slow and huge. m4/3, on the other hand, gets it. You can't just put a huge, slow lenses on a point-ant-shoot body like NEX does and expect your camera to be taken seriously. That just makes no sense. m4/3 gets it. The m4/3 cameras are neither an SLR, nor a point-and-shoot. It's an all new form factor with good physical controls, fast, compact lenses and huge potential for new applications.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)09:04 No.1507437
    Butthurt because I insulted rangefinders and GWCs who want a 23 MP sensor to take out-of-focus pictures of street cones? Deal with it, faggot. You are not the target market.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)09:15 No.1507439
    lol I like how you think i'm "butthurt" for pointing out how you're not only retarded, but generically so
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)09:17 No.1507442
    >Nor can you just chug out rangefinder bodies with digital chips.
    And yet the introduction of the Leica M9 saved the Leica camera division while generating massive butthurt in the low-income sector who keep telling themselves that a fully hand rafted camera made of metal and sapphire glass isn't worth a couple of grand.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)09:21 No.1507449
    What's the point in bragging about how your preferred camera isn't 'huge and ugly' like your preferred camera's rivals, when the camera quadruples in size once you add a lens to it? I don't follow the mini crop sensor camera market because I rock real cameras instead of ones made for people who live their lives one compromise after another, but I'm pretty sure the nex system is bigger than pretty much any other mirrorless system when you factor in the ridiculous lens size.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)09:45 No.1507458
    People are far too buttdenial about the NEX series. If it were any other company that decided to do it first, everyone would love it and be all over it. But since it's Sony, they just have to hate it for no other reason except for the fact it's Sony.

    90% of you faggots own APS-C sized sensors, and Sony has the best APS-C sensor on the market. Maybe if they had some more public support on these things, they'd put more effort into their lens line up and getting things up to par with the competition.

    APS-C sized sensors in small form factor cameras is fuckwin, stop trying to pretend that smaller is better.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)09:47 No.1507459
    So you don't think weird ergonomics and a fucked up weight balance, which becomes a major factor once you put some all-metal >135mm lens in the flange, are valid criticism?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)09:49 No.1507460
    You can say the exact same thing about every single tiny form factor camera in existence.
    Shit, everyone better stop buying little cameras.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)09:50 No.1507463
    >weird ergonomics
    >nex series has the best ergonomics of all mft/sff cameras
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)09:52 No.1507465
    >>nex series has the best ergonomics of all mft/sff cameras
    Thats like saying a Fiat Punto is an awesome sportscar because it's faster than a VW Polo.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)09:59 No.1507470
    No, it's like saying that Fiat is faster than a VW Polo because it is faster than a VW Polo.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:03 No.1507474
    so much butthurt in this thread.
    people complaining that a small body looks out of proportion and complaining about weight/balance issues.

    if you learnt how to hold a camera both of these issues would be fixed. you now have no more arguments.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:04 No.1507475
    >supporting the camera via holding the lens
    >not just grabbing the handle of the body and nothing else
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:05 No.1507476
    So you're supposed to hold a camera by it's lens and navigate through menus for all kinds of shit?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:06 No.1507479
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    >Not grabbing camera by the lens

    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:09 No.1507484
    >ever touching the lens
    >not using full auto mode
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:11 No.1507487

    >Not paying a professional to follow you around and take pictures

    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:11 No.1507489
    nex is a joke. the lenses are mostly shit, the ergonomics are terrible and it's just generally only good for snapshitty little photographs of your neighborhood and stuff
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:14 No.1507492
    You just described every Point and shoot, MFT and NEX camera.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:19 No.1507496
    >NEX has bad ergonomics
    >Weighs at 400grams or so

    /p/ is filled with limp wrists or what?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:30 No.1507510
    If you're considering a SFF camera, you don't have the right to bitch about ergonomics any more.

    Those two things just don't go together unless you have tiny lego man hands.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:32 No.1507513
    >limp wrists
    no I carry a "xbox hueg dsrl"
    the shitty ergonomics I'm talking about is camera balance and, of course, composing on that fucktardedly shitty evf
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:32 No.1507514
    What makes you think NEX critics care about SFF cameras? It's small, weighs nothing (400gr. isn't much), is mostly menus, ye olde film-era lenses don't perform well on the sensor and the crop factor is pathetic.
    It also feels cheap and looks stupid once you put anything bigger than a pancake on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:35 No.1507515
    Because they're only hating on the NEX series because HURR SONNYYY IS EVVAAALLL XD DERP
    Then continue to cream themselves with MFT cameras and how they're somehow magically superior in every way.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:36 No.1507516
    >cue m43 zealot that badmouthes NEX in every thread about NEX.

    I can smell you a mile away.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:38 No.1507519
    >completely ignore valid criticism

    It's a bad camera in almost every aspect. I don't give a shit about MFT either.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:40 No.1507522
    So the name Sony on it, and the fact that it's a small camera that feels weird in the hands with big lenses on it and looks slightly silly are what you claim make it a terrible camera in every aspect.

    Super cool story, bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:43 No.1507526
    The sensor also shits itself when it's exposed through a film lens, crop factor renders the use of 35mm format lenses useless, the EVF is bad, the actual NEX lens selection is laughable and yes, it is in fact uncomfortable.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:46 No.1507529
    Limitations of the size of a sensor, cool, you just described 90% of dSLRs on the market.
    The EVF is great, you're just an optical elitist.
    Of course the lens selection is bad, it would be better if people actually supported good products and didn't blatantly hate on brand names. Sony is in it to make money, the more activity they get in a certain area, the more money they throw at it to make more money. Do you really think Canikon would have as much as they do on the market if everyone used Pentax?
    And now you're describing all SFF cameras again.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:49 No.1507530
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:50 No.1507532
    Balance? Hold it in a different way to balance it out?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)11:18 No.1507549
    So from what I've gathered, all Cameras are shit if they either
    a) Have the name Sony anywhere on them
    b) aren't a FF dSLR from Canikon
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)11:24 No.1507552
    Where does anybody say anything against Sony as a camera company ITT?
    The only people telling themselves that everybody just hates sony are the sony fanboys themselves so they can overlook the obvious flaws in the NEX system.
    And no, nobody is saying that a FF canikon is the only acceptable camera. But if Sony uses the "You can use aaaaaall lenses!" thing as a sales pitch it's only natural that people don't just mindlessly agree on that but actually point out that this is not really the case. Sure you can adapt and focus to infinity with _most_ lenses, but they don't really perform well so you usually end up using a NEX lens anyway. Then you're back to a sub-par lens on a crop sensor which doesn't have any actual advantage over a mid-range APS-C dslr by whoeverthefuckbuiltit but the striking disadvantage that it doesn't handle as good.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)11:28 No.1507556
    Object A from company Sony is bad.
    Object A from company Panasonic and Olympus is good.
    Both objects are the same, but the name on them makes them better or worse.

    Yes, there are a lot of blind sonyfags who deny everything, but there's just as many blind Canikon fags who blindly hate on everything sony and put no actual thought into what they're hating on.

    The only things people bitch about besides the size of it, is the sensor, which is the same sized sensor in the majority of dSLRs, which all suffer the same limitations, but it's suddenly a deal breaker with Sony.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)11:31 No.1507561
    Sony is definitely not doing everything right with NEX (notably lens speed, size, and selection), but the EVF is where they ARE doing it right.

    I've used the Sony A77 which has the same 2.44 million dot EVF that the NEX 7 will have, and it is fantastic. Finally an EVF that's sharp enough to be truly usable, especially in conjunction with focus peaking.

    The difference between this and the 1.44 million dot EVFs from Olympus and Panasonic is huge. A much starker difference than I anticipated.

    It makes me wonder why Olympus and Fuji are still using 1.44 million dot EVFs on their upcoming "high end" cameras.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)11:35 No.1507565
    Siple question. Do you like Sony?

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