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!!281YB8Oy2bZ 01/25/12(Wed)14:13 No.1500567 File1327518796.jpg-(53 KB, 922x940, 1297644553224.jpg)
appreciate the narrative structure you've created, but your readings
are vacuous and superficial. It's like you've watched a 30 minute
biography of Van Gogh or flipped through an exhibition catalogue and are
trying to reproduce that effect here. The end result is disingenuous.
of fitting the photos like platitudinous fragments into a preconceived
narrative that you have devised in order to edify the artist, you should
give them the honour of a heartfelt and sincere reading. It's better to
be honest and reflexive then academic, or faux-academic. Using a
narrative criteria is on the right track, but proceeding to implicate a
series of haphazard formal attributes undoes that work. The type of
discourse you have created here doesn't open these images up to direct
appreciation, but commoditizes and reduces them.
These images
can be accessed formally or socio-politically or reflexively (or any
other manner of ways), but you aren't really doing any of that here -
your comments are too concise and controlling. It would be better to
allow your viewers a direct encounter with these images without the
glossing over of your narrative and your guiding statements. |