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  • File : 1327452722.jpg-(38 KB, 604x466, 407946_219545818137088_143729119052092_4(...).jpg)
    38 KB WAH DA FRACK? spazztic665 01/24/12(Tue)19:52 No.1499638  
    found this on a forum......guy is being douchebag and keeping secret-o to self....

    so 4chan.......HOW DO?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)19:52 No.1499639
    >> spazztic665 01/24/12(Tue)19:54 No.1499641
    obviously....a series of instructions wud b better
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:00 No.1499645
         File1327453206.png-(2 KB, 300x200, 1324692282021.png)
    2 KB
    Multi-shot composite.

    >mfw i learned this in my second intro to hpoto class
    >mfw i took a photo class
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:01 No.1499647
    It's not a mirror. Just two guys touching hands.
    >> spazztic665 01/24/12(Tue)20:12 No.1499652
    in it being a multi shot composite....which layer shud be edited first and obviously the whole body shot shud be the last layer
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:15 No.1499655

    Id start with the guy first, then mask the hands in and edit them to look natural, considering you took them in the same light, it shouldn't be a problem.
    >> the real alphon 01/24/12(Tue)20:25 No.1499659
    >set camera on tripod
    >timer release
    >place hands on mirror
    >clone out camera
    >kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:26 No.1499662
    i can't believe this shit thread got so many fucking responses, this forum has gone to faggotry and you all should feel fucking bad
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:30 No.1499665
    No, I think you're the faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:31 No.1499666
    trips says you're the faggot, faggot

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