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    File : 1323832071.jpg-(169 KB, 665x1000, DSC_8380.jpg)
    169 KB chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:07 No.1459583  
    Some photos of my neighborhood.
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    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:08 No.1459584
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    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:09 No.1459586
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    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:09 No.1459587
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    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:10 No.1459589
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    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:11 No.1459591
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    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:11 No.1459592
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    Error: Duplicate file entry detected. >>1459591
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    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:12 No.1459593
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    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:13 No.1459594
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    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:14 No.1459595
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    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)22:20 No.1459597
    where do you live? this place looks like a meth riddled shit hole.
    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:24 No.1459599
    >this place looks like a meth riddled shit hole.
    What is South Tucson?

    eh... you know those "Life after meth" posters that are placed around schools, and grocery stores? I should make one, "life b4 meth" I'm sure I won't have trouble finding a model here.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)22:35 No.1459609
    almost as shitty looking as your town are these pictures.

    they have absolutely no emotion, meaning, or even a fucking subject.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)22:38 No.1459612
    haters gonna hate
    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)22:49 No.1459618
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    >they have absolutely no emotion,
    I kinda agree, they don't show much emotion.

    They do have a meaning, they show what my neighborhood looks like.

    >or even a fucking subject.
    They do have subjects too, the whole thing is the subject.

    Look, I can use photoshop too.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)23:03 No.1459625
    Guess your style is too avant-garde for my taste.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)23:12 No.1459631
    avant garde =/= hard to understand/pretentious
    >> chupiari 12/13/11(Tue)23:35 No.1459639
         File1323837351.jpg-(81 KB, 800x449, eeeeeee.jpg)
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    >avant garde =/= hard to understand/pretentious
    >Implying my photos are hard to understand/pretentious

    They're just photos of my neighborhood, there's no deeper shit to it... how is that hard to understand/pretentious? It's not like i said that my photos show the decadent life style of the chicano barrios of the borderlands, the socioeconomic impact of alcoholism in small lumpenproletariat communities, and the forsaken hispanic heritage... and even if I had done said something like that, it would be ok because my photos show that and much more about the life on the borderlands.... well, maybe not.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/11(Tue)23:57 No.1459643
    sarcasm, idiot.
    >> big !!OVrAHRGEVy5 12/14/11(Wed)01:07 No.1459673
    this is lacking that one thing that would make it a great photo - something like a single, unique car, or a human figure on the balcony with a cigarette. something
    what is this a picture of, the speed limit sign, the no trespassing sign, or the tire? it's confusing. otherwise good composition and well executed, think more about simplicity and clarity next time
    hrm.... esta bien
    out of focus and not level, but the pew and window are good subjects
    roads curving, people standing/walking - show me more. good compositions again, but you should be aiming higher than "a road" being the subject of your photos.
    >> !3.fgGxiX4o 12/14/11(Wed)13:59 No.1460127
    Try telling me what you wanted to express with each photo. If you fail, this threadload of photos is fail too.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)14:05 No.1460133
    here we go. only because you think all photos should contain a message doenst mean they should motherfucker. possibly more than 99% of the best shots out there do not have an intented message. pictures are pictures and some of them are just easy for the eye. a pleasure to look at. or wheres your story behind all the architecture shots?
    >> !3.fgGxiX4o 12/14/11(Wed)14:16 No.1460141
    >you think all photos should contain a message doenst mean they should motherfucker
    If I meant message at all I meant it in a broad meaning. I fucking do not mean story. I mean that a good photo should have more or less clear concept.
    >> chupiari 12/14/11(Wed)15:48 No.1460222
    >roads curving, people standing/walking - show me more. good compositions again, but you should be aiming higher than "a road" being the subject of your photos.
    Sup big, I have tried to capture the feeling and the daily life of people on the streets of the barrio, but I can walk for 30 minutes without coming close to a person, the streets of the barrio are empty. I will try to capture the emptiness of the streets.

    Ok, will do.

    It's a budget motel, not in bad shape, but not much activity either.

    The house caught my eye, and the empty lot with the no trespassing sign and the tire... I see that I turned it to a clusterfuck =/

    A beaten shed, and uncared tree/yard, and the vegetation starting to take over the fence.

    This one fails to tell anything at all, there's no context to know what it is...

    An exercise trail, showing that there are some nice public spaces on the barrio.

    Random building and random person.

    yeah.. dunno

    You get an idea of what the markets look like. Miller lite! Bud Light! Natural Light! Budweiser! BL! Pyramid!

    This peep got a sense of what the barrio looks like:

    Not all the photos should have a deep meaning to them, as >>1460133 said, some photos are just pleasant to look at, but that's not what I was going for with these. They're just photos of the barrio.
    >> chupiari 12/14/11(Wed)18:48 No.1460359
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    There's my explanation, and if you can understand simple photos, then you are not taking photography seriously. I mean, I'm not trying to say these are 2deep4u, but any person can make some inferences about my neighborhood based on these photos. I would appreciate if you could tell me what I'm doing wrong here.
    >> big !!OVrAHRGEVy5 12/14/11(Wed)19:17 No.1460388
    This one is really pretty pleasing actually. saying it needs to be deeper is probably going overboard a bit, its a good composition and got some cool light. but since it is your neighborhood, it's not a bad idea for you to return here and reshoot this at different times of day and see if you can beat yourself
    I like this alot too, the cut off van is funky but I think it makes it unique. Theres another poster on here who took a similar shot to this that I liked alot and I thought for a second it must be the same place. but I guess not
    >I will try to capture the emptiness of the streets.
    a wider angle lens would help with that by showing *more* emptiness. it looks like these were all shot with a 50mm.
    >They're just photos of the barrio.
    really? looks a lot nicer than my neighborhood. the motel hardly looks seedy at all. it even has hbo
    >> chupiari 12/14/11(Wed)20:20 No.1460445
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    >if you can't understand simple photos, then you are not taking photography seriously
    Derp! This is what I meant to say.

    Thanks for the input, I have been taken photos of this place at different times of the year, and from different times (9AM-5PM) I need to go earlier or late in the night. I took this photo months ago, and /p/ pointed all the flaws. Since then, I've been trying to get different angles from different places.

    I forgot to tell you that yes, I'm 'sataniel.' Not much peeps from South Tucson visit 4chan (I have been on countless AZ threads on /soc/, no hits yet)

    I was using the rokkor 50mm, but with the adapter and crop body it's closer to 115mm. I like this focal length, because on film, my favorite lens was the 135mm. I will try shooting wider to see if I can get a different feeling on my photos
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)20:46 No.1460466
    Well while they are photos they are not good photos. More like snapshots which is fine, if you like that sort of thing.You should really work on learning composition. These were like sitting down and having to watch somebodys Kodak moments in a slide show.
    Also Im sure there are much better subjects in Tuscon.
    >> chupiari 12/14/11(Wed)21:48 No.1460498
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    >they are not good photos
    Why not? Tell me why they suck. I come to /p/ to learn, I'm fine listening to harsh critique. If I wanted to hear that my photos are the best photos I would send them to my mom(which I do sometimes, she loves my photos :3 )

    >You should really work on learning composition
    Can you give me an example, I put some thought into some of these shots. Your argument is pretty much like /ic/ saying "learn about human anatomy" without properly addressing the part that fails to meet the requirement.

    Making a good interesting photo of a dull and mundane subject such as your neighborhood is difficult. I've tried and explored other parts of Tucson, but I'm interested in capturing my neighborhood in a good photo, and be able to show the world what it looks and feels like; any advice in successfully doing so is welcome.

    Also, you say that there are better subjects in Tucson, but a good photographer should be able to make a good photograph of a simple and boring object, and turn it into something worth looking at. I've seen /p/ rage and bitch about that Russian girl from the Digitalrev's contest, 'cos her photos are good only for the fact that she used good equipment and had access to models and shit ton of other stuff, and even other peeps rage at "The Michael Bay of photography" on the argument that his work would suck if he used only the basic bare camera equipment, and didn't have access to all those fancy things and didn't rely so much on photoshopping the hell out of everything; yet people bitch about /p/eeps that post photos of subjects that lack 'interestingness', and that implies that the subject alone makes the photo.

    I'm looking for advice on taking a good photo of where I live. It's hard for me to tell what is interesting about this place. Even tough everything looks boring to me because I see it everyday, I try to capture what I think represent a tiny part of this place.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)22:13 No.1460511
    Some people just don't like deadpan shots. I do, so I like a few of these. However, some are just off enough to make them unappealing, like >>1459587
    >> chupiari 12/14/11(Wed)22:30 No.1460519
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    Yep, >>1459587 is a bad shot, as other said, it is not even in focus, and I see that the shot alone doesn't provide any context, but this made me remember that I took another shot of that chapel, but I don't know why I didn't import all the pics from that day...

    Here are some shots that I had forgotten about!
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)22:33 No.1460520
    dem verticals mang

    nice composition otherwise, this is a black and white candidate to me if you do that kind of thing
    >> chupiari 12/14/11(Wed)22:36 No.1460522
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    eh I'm bearly learning how to use lightroom, I didn't know you could fix that and crop. I'm not good doing black and white converstions but I'll give it a try, sounds fun.
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    >> chupiari 12/14/11(Wed)22:42 No.1460526
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    >> chupiari 12/14/11(Wed)22:43 No.1460527
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    >> chupiari 12/14/11(Wed)22:44 No.1460530
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    >> chupiari 12/14/11(Wed)23:33 No.1460547
    btw, that sign says
    $500 FINE
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)23:47 No.1460561
    Where's the 'NO' ?
    >> !3.fgGxiX4o 12/15/11(Thu)07:41 No.1460834
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    >Why not? Tell me why they suck. I come to /p/ to learn
    Because they are snapshits. Nothing interesting at all. One can made a piece of art from a snapshot but he hould be able to.

    >Not all the photos should have a deep meaning to them, as >>1460133 said
    Yes, but having a concept is not having deep meaning. Refer to the pic, it does have a concept, though it does not have any exact meaning.
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:29 No.1461099
    >Refer to the pic, it does have a concept, though it does not have any exact meaning
    Usually hipsters aren't retards, but I think you've broken the rule here. that picture has got to be the snapshittiest thing I've seen on /p/ in a while. it's fun to look at. but so are OP's pictures.
    >> !3.fgGxiX4o 12/15/11(Thu)14:42 No.1461110
    >but I think you've broken the rule here
    You know there's many ways of breaking this ???rule???. Also how came I am hipster without actually knowing this?
    >> chupiari 12/15/11(Thu)15:47 No.1461171
    >>Tell me why they suck.
    >Because they are snapshits.
    That's kinda redundant. I still don't get it. What makes them snapshits?

    >Nothing interesting at all.
    As I said, I want to make a photo of the neighborhood. Different people have different definitions for what interesting means. I find most sports rather boring, but there's a lot people that are entertained with that kinda stuff.

    My goal is to make a good photo of this subject, where am I failing? Is it just the fact that the subject is boring, is there something else? I just want to hear some specific reason why these are bad snapshits. How can I improve these shots? I'm not trying to convince that my shots are good, I want you to tell me how can I improve them.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:57 No.1461174
    Thanks for enriching /p/ with some actual photos.Regardless of how good or bad they are, it's alot better than viral/gear-faggotry and whiney bitch armchair critics.
    >> !3.fgGxiX4o 12/15/11(Thu)16:05 No.1461181
    >My goal is to make a good photo of this subject, where am I failing? Is it just the fact that the subject is boring, is there something else? I just want to hear some specific reason why these are bad snapshits. How can I improve these shots? I'm not trying to convince that my shots are good, I want you to tell me how can I improve them.
    You asked "why they suck". I won't write that if you didn't, these are actually good snapshots. I would shoot wider though.

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