Hey /p/ros. I'm relatively new here, but I've been around long enough to see just how tight-knit of a community /p/ is compared to some of the other boards. My question is: who do you think are the best photographers on this board?
the ones that left. /including the one that took that picture, actually.
I'd put bjdrew at the top thenoh well
>>1435894d, the guy that does large format (alex burke on flickr), bjdrew, carlosimo
I don't know if they're the best, but $19.99 and Pantsuit are two of the most consistently good and interesting photographers here. If they're still here.
big is doing a lot of great work, only problem is he samefags so much
>>1435912>big>great work
There was a thread like this a week ago, check the index thread and it might still be around...
>>14359222deep4u.jpg>>1435912i see what you did there.I'm a big fan of d, but if you really wanna see his stuff, you gotta see his flickr, because I never see him around here anymore.flickr.com/photos/airports/I like carlos too.
BJDrew and Leica-Boss are the only good ones left.>sage
ITT: Opinions, opinions everywherethat said, d, junk, carlos, 19.99, all have interesting photos and styles. There are also a lot of good anons like the 4x5 guy or the guy with the D700 that does urbexsage for drama and attention whoring
>>1435945this is junk or one of the other members of his circle jerk group posting. d (lazarus last time) carlos, junk and 19.99 all suck ass and run around samefagging compliments in each other's threads like this is flickr or something. check http://archive.no-ip.org/p/ and do an advanced search on the trips if you need proof.
I enjoy pantsuits stuff. Also that panda guy although he doesnt post as often as other tripfags.Also the other usual ones everyone mentions, d, carlos etc. I havent been here long though.
I am pretty new (-4months) and enjoy Alex' work the most. There are some good photos that pop up from time to time, but I didn't anybody else who is consistent.I will have to sage this thread as we have enough tripfag-circlejerking on this board.
>>1435974This is the troll who writes with no caps and pathetically shits all over most tripfags and photo threads in an attempt to feel better about himself.Maybe if you weren't so bitter and obsessed about /p/ you could do something productive, like, you know, taking pictures.I wish ac was still here to put you in your place.
>>1435894opinions and gearfags
>>1436139AKA Johnny no caps
>>1436145It's cool how I assumed this guys identity>>1436139This is a member of the trip dropping circle jerk club
yall is awesome lurk around and you will be pleased
half of us dont use fucking caps. doesn't mean we are all samefag./hell, i used to count as two people because my only nocaps posts were the ones that came from my phone.