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  • File : 1318537121.jpg-(890 KB, 1000x668, occupywallstreet-2.jpg)
    890 KB Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:18 No.1412886  
    Give me your best #occupywallstreet photos.

    They don't have to be from the NYC event. Any #occupy event will do.
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:19 No.1412888
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:20 No.1412889
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:21 No.1412890
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:21 No.1412891
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:23 No.1412892
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:24 No.1412895
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:24 No.1412897
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:25 No.1412900
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:26 No.1412902
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:27 No.1412903
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:28 No.1412906
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:28 No.1412908
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:30 No.1412909
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    Expired Kodak 800 is fucking awful. Some might say it's nearly as bad as unexpired Kodak 800.
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:33 No.1412912
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:35 No.1412913
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:35 No.1412914
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:36 No.1412915
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:37 No.1412916
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    Man, this guy really loves...China.
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:37 No.1412918
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:39 No.1412921
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    Some musician named Tom Morello showed up. I think he knows the dudes in Audioslave.
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:39 No.1412922
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    I think he was in another band called The Machine Rages On.
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:40 No.1412924
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:41 No.1412926
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    Much of the audience saw the show by looking at the iParaphernalia of the people ahead of them.
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:42 No.1412928
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    The crowd goes wild with the effete fists of white men and the occasional snap of a camera's shutter...
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)16:43 No.1412929
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    ...leaving behind the only man who makes sense in this crazy world.
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    >> valium !!UjWIodEjyr1 10/13/11(Thu)17:53 No.1412963
    didn't you fags learnt anything from the 15M movement?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)17:56 No.1412965
    that they didn't actually have any consequences?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:19 No.1412977
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    The Dow Jones is up 3.35% since these protests started. Keep protesting, I say. My retirement plan needs the shot in the arm.
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 10/13/11(Thu)18:23 No.1412980
    >lefties bitching about the bank bailouts and capitalism
    >implying that under free markets the banks would have gotten bailed out
    >implying it wasn't the democrats with majorities in the house and senate who passed TARP

    Fucking christ. There's so much wrong with those protests it's not even funny. Just ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:27 No.1412982
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    yeah it was the demoncrats right, stay ignorant
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:43 No.1412992
    why do ignorant people always have to make it about 'right vs left'? its has nothing to do with democrats against republicans, it has to do with people who can see that we're being taken advantage of, vs people who either are completely blind to that fact, or are the people who are actually the ones on the profitable side of the equation.

    but youre what, 19? what makes you think you have any idea what is going on? anyone below the age of 25 really should not spend one second arguing about politics, because 99% of them are completely naive and havent spent enough time in the real world to understand how things actually work.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:47 No.1412997
    >we're being taken advantage of
    Not really, you just think your country owes you a living. Do some fucking work.
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 10/13/11(Thu)18:47 No.1412998

    >what makes you think you have any idea what is going on?

    Because I'm a political science major, doomass.

    Your argument is now invalid. Also, I'm almost 21.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)18:50 No.1413001

    Fucking poli sci!

    bitches in the bio department are way more in touch with what's going on than you speds.
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 10/13/11(Thu)18:56 No.1413005

    >implying I don't spend the majority of my lazy time watching CSPAN 1,2, and 3.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:17 No.1413022

    You should be working and reading books, instead of watching the wheel-hamsters of Washington.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:22 No.1413028
    >lefties bitching about the bank bailouts and capitalism

    Not just lefties, but yes.

    >implying that under free markets the banks would have gotten bailed out

    I don't mean to shock you to the very core, but no countries exist that have a pure anarcho-capitalist system with no role for the government whatsoever. Well, maybe a few countries like that exist - some of the more war-torn areas of Somalia. (Why Austrianists haven't tried to settle in Somalia en masse is a mystery to me.)

    The point is, capitalist economics has been entwined with government control for a very long time, in a number of guises. It's usually about a week into high school economics that you learn this.

    >implying it wasn't the democrats with majorities in the house and senate who passed TARP

    The protestors are not pro-Democrat.

    Also, the Republicans seemed awfully willing to pass TARP at the time as well.
    >> valium !!UjWIodEjyr1 10/13/11(Thu)19:24 No.1413030
    >>1412998 Also, I'm almost 21.
    Pppfffft hahahah

    As for the rest of americans, just stop before it gets too embarrasing. Love how they all sport macbooks & ipads, yet complain about corporations and money.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:33 No.1413040

    They're not protesting Apple, or even electronics corporations.

    Also, not only is "hurf durf they own objects" just an ad hominem, but those items all cost about $300-1000 apiece. Sounds about as wise as looking at a protest and then being like "WAIT! BUT SOME OF THEM OWN *CARS*!"
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:44 No.1413044
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    > just stop before it gets too embarrasing
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:50 No.1413047
    Which is more than can be said for a lot of people elsewhere in the world. The fact is, they do still have it pretty damn good. They're just annoyed that there are still people with lots more money than them.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:51 No.1413048

    So, because they have cars, they're not allowed to be mad at anything? By that logic, East Germans were wrong to hate their government, because they had Trabants.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)19:52 No.1413049
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    hello operator
    wait until your dad loses his job and your credit card will be useless, maybe you'll change your mind then
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    >> valium !!UjWIodEjyr1 10/13/11(Thu)20:06 No.1413068
    >>1413040 They're not protesting Apple, or even electronics corporations
    no shit
    some of us are actually smart enough not to own credit cards and loan ourselves into deep shit

    it is not the system's fault that some people are retards
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:18 No.1413084
    >blaming the people when the odds are stacked against them

    And it not like rolling the dice odds, Greedy people have made the odds harder for the working class as a result of them lining their own pockets.

    And I am not 100% behind this #ows bullshit, but I do think people should be upset with government deregulation, and corporate tax rates.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:37 No.1413122
    I'm upset with the fact these corporations exist in the first place. If this was a truly free market, and there WEREN'T corporations effectively writing legislation that benefits them by giving "donations" to their pet politicians, then we would just have a bunch of smaller businesses in competition with each other.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:46 No.1413137
    Even I can admit that when the government limits how much the banks can charge merchants over debit transactions and then the banks respond by adding fees to their customer's accounts that there is something wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:50 No.1413145

    Credit cards are the least of people's worries. People who had saved responsibly had their 401ks knocked out by malfeasance for which no one significant has experienced any consequences. America has a miserable budget situation, and worse, it's stuck paying for two useless wars, when that money could be better spent on public works projects or any number of other things. America's health care system is by and large a laughingstock. The War on Some Drugs works to increase crime and exacerbate racial and class differences. Real wages have stagnated and inequality has skyrocketed.

    Financial devices have grown more "creative," but also much more volatile, at the expense of average citizens. Deregulation of the banking industry has led to an exaggerated repeat of the early 80s experiment of monetarism, which had in turn led to the S&L debacle.

    Of course, fat chance that the average citizen even knows where tax rates stand relative to where they had stood in the 80s, and fat chance as well that the average citizen even knows what monetarism is, and why it failed.

    tl;dr There are many things wrong with the way the national conversation on the US's finances goes, and #OWS is an ungainly but interesting attempt to change that.
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 10/13/11(Thu)20:56 No.1413148

    >Even I can admit that when the government limits how much the banks can charge merchants over debit transactions and then the banks respond by adding fees to their customer's accounts that there is something wrong.

    The cool thing about capitalism, is no one is putting a gun to your head forcing you to do anything, or bank anywhere. If people don't like the new fees they can easily switch to another bank, like a smaller local bank that doesn't have any fees.

    And the banks raised fees because of regulations from big government. We should ITT be a moratorium on regulations, which costs small businesses over $100k a year per new employee. They aren't hiring because all the uncertainty coming out of the white house with 25k pages of regulations, 1000 new regulations a day. Businesses run on 5 year plans. If they don't know what their bottom line is ganna be in 5 years due to new fees, they aren't going to risk their capitol.

    This isn't fucking rocket science.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:00 No.1413151
    >The cool thing about capitalism, is no one is putting a gun to your head forcing you to do anything, or bank anywhere. If people don't like the new fees they can easily switch to another bank, like a smaller local bank that doesn't have any fees.
    never have i read something this unbelievably stupid
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 10/13/11(Thu)21:04 No.1413152

    When Chase announced they were going to tack on a $3 fee to debit card usage, I switched to Meridian which has no such fee. Problem?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:13 No.1413157

    The idea that unemployment is high because of supposedly high government regulation is pure poppycock. I actually worked in corporate compliance through law school. Even your local pharmacy chain has its own compliance department, and they deal with regulations in an orderly and effective manner. The reasons for high unemployment are much more complicated -and more connected to reality - than a mere specter of regulations.

    Also, government deregulation causes increases in private regulation. What would have been a consistent government regulation then becomes a patchwork of inconsistent private regulations, each with its own set of departments which would otherwise be redundant, thereby forcing corporations to spend more to do more of what they do now. To argue otherwise - that we should embrace inefficiency and redundancy, so as to inflate employment - is to buy into the Broken Window Fallacy. It's the libertarian equivalent of when the Soviets used to give everyone a broom so that they could claim full employment.

    Anyway, given the high level of agency capture in the regulatory agencies, one might think that they would push for less regulation, not more, but that has been consistently disproven. Corporations often like regulation even for selfish reasons, because it makes the market more predictable, and it prevents newcomers from horning into their territory.

    Take a look at past attempts to deregulate. The Reagan administration had initially expanded Jimmy Carter's pattern of deregulation, such as by weakening provisions of Glass-Steagall, but the market actually became much more complicated and volatile, and the ensuing financial catastrophes (viz. S&L) saw the business world crawling back to Washington to demand they put an end to it.

    Reifying the "invisible hand" of the market is very silly. It is not a panacea. You don't often see it in people who actually study finance, economics, and law.
    >> BJDrew !!LkyLqEm9G0v 10/13/11(Thu)21:14 No.1413158
    Facts are stupid now?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:23 No.1413161

    The bank example isn't terrible in and of itself, because there are banks with fees and banks without fees and almost no one here has a close enough relationship with a bank such that it's too difficult to actually switch to another bank (or credit union).

    However, the overreliance on the invisible hand becomes ludicrous when you try to apply it to other aspects of life where it is impossible or impracticable to avoid negative consequences. For example, in the American health care industry, your health care is often attached to your employment, so you are often stuck with either what your employer offers (if anything), a subpar state package (if you earn little enough to qualify), or subpar private insurance where you are essentially priced into a limited selection of choices, if any.

    Rolling things back a bit, think about the state of medicine before agencies like the FDA. You'd have batches of Thalidomide babies, because there was no incentive on the part of the drug manufacturer or the doctors to test in advance whether the drug would be appropriate for use as prescribed. Sure, after you have your Thalidomide baby, you know not to trust your doctor anymore, but the damage has already been done by that time, and arguably, under a libertarian regime, there wouldn't even be a cause of action in tort against a doctor who prescribed Thalidomide during pregnancy.

    Anyway, my point with Thalidomide is that it is an example of something where the invisible hand, by itself, does not automatically fix all the problems in the world. Such a view - behold, as the invisible hand cures all ailments! - is essentially religious in nature.
    >> sataniel 10/13/11(Thu)21:28 No.1413163
    /p/ - Politics
    I think we have a board for this kind of discussions:
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 10/13/11(Thu)21:31 No.1413164

    >your health care is often attached to your employment

    Again, no one is /forcing/ you to stay at any job for any reason. Staying at a certain employer for whatever reason is a personal choice.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:37 No.1413165

    Yeaaaah, you sound like a 21-year-old in college. If everyone had the ability to secure employment with health care that was appropriate, then everyone would do it. Neither occupations nor applicants are fungible commodities, nor are all accessible to all.

    Look, a bigwig from the Cato Institute came to my law school, and even he - if not especially he - wanted to break down the connection between the employer and health care. The fact that your employer is part of the chain to your health care is a relic from the postwar era, without any logical grounding for today. If you have a defense of that model, then rotsa ruck defending it.

    You really need to read a primer on macroeconomics.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:46 No.1413169
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 10/13/11(Thu)21:51 No.1413170

    I could make the defense you don't /need/ health insurance in the fucking first place. I don't have health insurance, and I've been in and out of the hospital for quite some time now. Never been turned away because I wasn't insured. Lefties are constantly trying to pull at people's heartstrings and using scare tactics to get their agendas across. OOOH IF SOMEONE DOESN'T HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE THEY'LL DIE ON THE STREET. DO YOU NOT HAVE A HEART?!?! Yeah it's a nice ideal, but it's not reality. Look how bankrupt the euro-zone with a lot to do because it's an entitlement society. Again, it's a nice ideal, but it's not reality.

    Maybe you sir, should look up what force is, and what the difference between a want and a need is.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:20 No.1413188
    When there is little chance at finding a job elsewhere you basically have to decide if you want to work for that company or live on the street.

    I have a shitty job and have been trying my hardest to find a better one for the last 18 months. Don't give me some bullshit about how I should just go find another job.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:23 No.1413190
    yeah they're not going to kick you out the door if you're bleeding from a gunshot but they do expect you to pay. medical anything without insurance costs a lot. and if you develop something that requires constant medication, you're fucked without insurance.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)23:24 No.1413227
    I admit that I'm jealous, cripple. I wish I could live off the backs of my betters, too.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)23:25 No.1413228
    Yeah, 'cause Europe solely consists of Spain and Greece. Nordic socialist countries like Finland weathered the economic storm pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)00:51 No.1413286
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    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)01:08 No.1413304
    Have you ever read Capital? Probably not.

    You should.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)02:11 No.1413355
    >dat pantsuit logic
    you were going so well til that post, too man. damn.

    >what the difference between a want and a need is
    thats pretty circumstantial. Not everyone can support themselves if they're hit with unexpected illness which causes ongoing expensive medical payments. I know I certainly couldnt, even with all my savings. could you?

    the line between want and need can be fairly blurred on certain things. this is definitely one such issue.

    america should just legalize and heavily tax cannabis already, putting majority of the revenue into healthcare and rest into other outlets for problems caused by harder drugs
    >> valium !!UjWIodEjyr1 10/14/11(Fri)07:23 No.1413546
    There is no such thing as "working class" anymore. At least on in the same sense as in the XIX century. People who still bitch about how opressed the working class is and how the workers should unite, etc. should get a fucking clue.
    Half of the stuff you mention is not even my own problem, since I am not american. Other things, we have our own equivalent here. But camping on the street, making riots and then bitching about police brutality won't solve those problems.
    >>1413170 Look how bankrupt the euro-zone with a lot to do because it's an entitlement society
    You really don't have a clue, do you? As some anon said, Europe is not like my country, Ireland or Greece. And at last for my country, the problems don't come from having social healthcare. We have shitty leaders, which spend tax money on unnecesary bullshit, corruption everywhere, no incentives to promote private initiatives, etc. And on top of that, there's the VAT, which has no practical purpose, other than paying some assholes in Brussels.

    Our healthcare system might have its flaws, certainly it isn't as wonderful as some left-winged americans make it sound, but it is not the cause of the current economic situation.
    >> y'all 10/14/11(Fri)07:25 No.1413547
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    >> y'all 10/14/11(Fri)07:26 No.1413548
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    >> y'all 10/14/11(Fri)07:26 No.1413549
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    >> Super-16 10/16/11(Sun)16:07 No.1415285
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    Assorted pictures from the "call to student action" day in Liberty/Zuccoti Park, NYC
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    >> Super-16 10/16/11(Sun)16:08 No.1415286
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    >> Super-16 10/16/11(Sun)16:09 No.1415288
    the rest I have sized to 1000px
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)16:09 No.1415290
    before you upload any more, resize them so they arent 16mp and 3 megabytes. that is completely necessary and nobody is going to be patient enough to open them. make them 800-1000px on the longest side.
    >> Super-16 10/16/11(Sun)16:11 No.1415293
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)20:32 No.1415427
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)20:33 No.1415430
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)20:34 No.1415432
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)20:35 No.1415433
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    >> pantsuit is a retard Part 1 10/16/11(Sun)20:54 No.1415440

    >implying that under free markets the banks would have gotten bailed out

    That's essentially what happened. In a "free" market, banks are free to purchase influence in washington which in turn leads to them being bailed out when they need it. American "libertarians" love to say that people should vote with their dollars, and that's exactly how the banks won their bailouts.

    >implying it wasn't the democrats with majorities in the house and senate who passed TARP

    This isn't a rally in support of democrats, it's a protest against (among other things) washington's kowtowing to wall street's interests, despite what the majority of the public may want. Democrats and republicans have both been guilty at times. TARP was pushed by a republican administration and passed by a democratic congress.


    >The cool thing about capitalism, is no one is putting a gun to your head forcing you to do anything, or bank anywhere.

    Until the big companies start consolidating power and capital through acquisitions and you only have a very tiny number, if not one, choice in where you take your business.

    >And the banks raised fees because of regulations from big government.

    Not really, since the fee raise would bring them twice as much revenue as they would allegedly lose due to the regulation.
    >> pantsuit is a retard Part 2 10/16/11(Sun)20:56 No.1415443

    >Again, no one is /forcing/ you to stay at any job for any reason.

    Except that if you lose you're job there's a very real chance that you will not have enough money to continue living, this on top of the fact that if you get your healthcare from your employer and lose your job you will no longer have healthcare, and are probably one injury or illness away from bankruptcy. People call it "wage slavery" for a reason.


    >I could make the defense you don't /need/ health insurance in the fucking first place. I don't have health insurance, and I've been in and out of the hospital for quite some time now.

    Not everyone has grandparents who can pay their medical bills. Plus, going in and out of the hospital to try and scam pain killers out of them doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:44 No.1415574
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:46 No.1415575
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:47 No.1415576
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:50 No.1415578
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:52 No.1415581
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    >> BurtGummer !!1cdp+8vuoOY 10/17/11(Mon)03:30 No.1415625
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    Heading to Occupy London to take some photos today.

    Expect shots of two dozen tired smelly hippies later on.
    >> valium !!UjWIodEjyr1 10/17/11(Mon)07:23 No.1415696
    >source d'information ambulante
    what the fuck
    >> valium !!UjWIodEjyr1 10/17/11(Mon)07:26 No.1415697
    Have some spanishfags doing... changes. Or whatever.
    >> y'all 10/17/11(Mon)07:27 No.1415698
         File1318850821.jpg-(302 KB, 1000x667, timessquare.jpg)
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    times squarebro
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)08:05 No.1415709
         File1318853150.jpg-(837 KB, 1000x669, occupywallstreet10-16.jpg)
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    Geraldo Rivera just came.
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)08:06 No.1415711
         File1318853204.jpg-(560 KB, 1000x669, occupywallstreet10-5.jpg)
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