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    File : 1316823957.jpg-(21 KB, 400x297, 1313861873723.jpg)
    21 KB VideoCameras/Camcorders Davidhurrdurr 09/23/11(Fri)20:25 No.1399438  
    Thinking about getting a new camcorder. Don't know if this is the right board for this but meh. Want to get a prosumer camera, but all of the ones I find use mini dv recording shit which I'm not a huge fan of. I can spend up to 1000 bucks, but its only going to be used for movie reviews and small movie projects so should probably only spend 100-600 bucks for one. I need suggestions please cause I've been staring at ebay and amazon for hours now and then staring at youtube for test footage of the cameras.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)20:51 No.1399447
    you can hop on the dslr train with a t3i, a fantastic plastic 50 and then get/build some decent rigging for it
    >> Davidhurrdurr 09/23/11(Fri)21:08 No.1399459
    nice camera but Idk still a bit pricey, plus I'm not used to that sort of body for a video camera
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)22:20 No.1399488
    I know you already kinda nixed the DSLR, but check out the NEX-5n. It has some kinks in the audio, namely an odd little tik if you pan too fast, but the image quality is top notch, it has 1080p60 video. The dynamic range and low light kick the shit out of the t3i, the autofocus is quick and accurate (the t3i doesn't have AF at all during video), it can be used with all sorts of legacy lenses, and the kit lenses have solid image stabilization built in. Really look into it.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)22:28 No.1399492
    I want a video camera that has image quality like OP's picture
    >> Davidhurrdurr 09/24/11(Sat)02:57 No.1399626
    I might actually buy that one. The quality that I found is awesome, and the ones I can buy come with the lens so plus. Thanks alot man.

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