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  • File : 1315782507.jpg-(54 KB, 640x425, _1280.jpg)
    54 KB Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:08 No.1391417  
    This image combines two truly great things: the most beautiful woman in the world and the sexiest fucking camera ever made, the Leica M6 Classic with an aesthetically pleasing Summicron lens.

    Of course, it isn't the only sexy camera ever made. This is a camera porn thread. Let's make it a good one.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:14 No.1391428
         File1315782898.jpg-(30 KB, 500x358, img14193.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:17 No.1391430
         File1315783067.jpg-(154 KB, 640x640, 3857396542_22a3d4812b_z.jpg)
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    >implying those are good looking when compared to this
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:24 No.1391436
         File1315783458.jpg-(25 KB, 412x438, alpa12tc.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:25 No.1391438
         File1315783539.jpg-(71 KB, 500x333, 3292121709_9555451743.jpg)
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    this but I'm biased because it was my first camera.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:27 No.1391441
         File1315783670.jpg-(163 KB, 500x333, 2115436285_843815e2b3.jpg)
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    Nothing is sexier than a Leica.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:28 No.1391443
         File1315783696.gif-(346 KB, 320x240, masturbate-lens.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:29 No.1391444
         File1315783774.jpg-(192 KB, 1080x874, gold-pentax-camera.jpg)
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    >> juanCARLOS !!cKt8bKm1c6H 09/11/11(Sun)19:29 No.1391445
         File1315783780.jpg-(149 KB, 466x822, 00382_seitz_panoramic_camera.jpg)
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    A beautiful homage to goatse.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:34 No.1391448
         File1315784085.png-(305 KB, 630x343, shapeimage_1.png)
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    i want one :( its so sexy
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:37 No.1391450
         File1315784228.jpg-(303 KB, 1024x682, IMG_0463.jpg)
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    i will never be able to afford one
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:41 No.1391455
         File1315784475.jpg-(115 KB, 500x500, 3849730124_0f0753ee5b.jpg)
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    Yes you will! Take some super photos and get into the market! Even if you're just starting out, you can do it! Even if you start earning through materialistic photography that isn't stretching, you will get to where you want to be as long as you try your best! Aim for the top!
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:43 No.1391458
         File1315784613.jpg-(266 KB, 900x598, 5986698014_bb37756734_b.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)19:51 No.1391462
         File1315785100.png-(240 KB, 600x600, fujiGW690II-20080401-091851.png)
    240 KB
    >no fuji
    Invalid thread.

    Fortunately, I am here to save it.
    >> juanCARLOS !!cKt8bKm1c6H 09/11/11(Sun)20:11 No.1391486
         File1315786270.jpg-(94 KB, 388x500, haters.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)20:21 No.1391496
         File1315786860.jpg-(73 KB, 640x416, ScarlettJohanssonLeicaM8Camera(...).jpg)
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    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 09/11/11(Sun)20:21 No.1391497
         File1315786881.jpg-(69 KB, 676x426, tautou-leica.jpg)
    69 KB
    /r/ing tautou gif
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)20:22 No.1391498
    She must be tiny, it looks like a Mamiya 7 in her hands...
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 09/11/11(Sun)20:23 No.1391499
         File1315787001.jpg-(48 KB, 238x550, alyssa-milano-nikon-fa-238x550.jpg)
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    Alyssa Milano <3
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:30 No.1391555
    The camera porn version of bestiality.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:52 No.1391572
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 09/11/11(Sun)23:12 No.1391615
         File1315797177.jpg-(16 KB, 465x305, fetish.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)05:21 No.1391751
         File1315819261.jpg-(385 KB, 1000x667, 5905885723_90f9c1215b_o.jpg)
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    It's a pre-release Leica M8.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)06:26 No.1391772
         File1315823185.jpg-(135 KB, 900x921, PhaseOne_645_4.jpg)
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    what's wrong with this one?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)06:44 No.1391778
    That's what you ask yourself every morning when you are look in the mirror.

    Everyone but you knows it's ugly.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)06:56 No.1391779
    your argumentation is fundamentally flawed
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:00 No.1391781
         File1315825217.jpg-(2.08 MB, 4999x3401, 1198268792988c.jpg)
    2.08 MB
    Size matters.
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:09 No.1391782
         File1315825787.jpg-(19 KB, 725x438, Nikon Lick.jpg)
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    >> valium !!UjWIodEjyr1 09/12/11(Mon)07:25 No.1391784
         File1315826727.png-(1.17 MB, 1280x534, vlcsnap-2011-02-09-19h22m09s11(...).png)
    1.17 MB
    >> Warren !!JDYDmjbSK8K 09/12/11(Mon)07:26 No.1391785
         File1315826785.jpg-(37 KB, 605x481, Mamiya_V_Grip_Air_Vertical_Gri(...).jpg)
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    I think it's sexy, but mostly because I'm a 645 fanboy regardless. Still, if you really want to make it look good, add the vertical grip. Pic related.
    >> valium !!UjWIodEjyr1 09/12/11(Mon)07:27 No.1391786
         File1315826825.png-(828 KB, 1280x534, vlcsnap-2011-02-09-19h11m35s18(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:18 No.1391796
    of all people, a photographer should understand why VLC is not a good media player. use smplayer with mplayer2 or CCCP
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:19 No.1391798
         File1315829950.jpg-(159 KB, 800x600, 04.jpg)
    159 KB

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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:20 No.1391800
    >of all people, a photographer should understand why VLC is not a good media player. use smplayer with mplayer2 or CCCP
    Because a photographer totally knows about video.
    Do you own a legally obtained version of at least Photoshop CS2-4? No? Then shut up.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:24 No.1391807
    I have a legally obtained CS5. but that's irrelevant. picture quality is important to a photographer, which was the only point I was making.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:24 No.1391808
         File1315830271.jpg-(132 KB, 1024x734, 130630430.KsQc1QYp.PentaxK5gri(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:25 No.1391809
         File1315830315.jpg-(273 KB, 800x600, 129090592.MSW2vMx2.PentaxK5fa3(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:27 No.1391811
         File1315830457.jpg-(788 KB, 1728x1152, 4109001208_f74287d82f_o.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)08:28 No.1391812
    fuck you vlc is great
    are you one of those people who download codec pack torrents so HURR NOW I CAN PLAY QRZ FILES and probably has a hd full of trojans?
    >> Warren !!JDYDmjbSK8K 09/12/11(Mon)08:47 No.1391820
         File1315831647.jpg-(84 KB, 720x546, 216962_10150155423666927_62361(...).jpg)
    84 KB
    Last I checked, VLC remained pretty fucking awesome.

    Also, more sex:
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)09:03 No.1391829
    How many megapixels do these have?
    Oh wait, none.
    Whatever. Dude. Whatever.
    >> Warren !!JDYDmjbSK8K 09/12/11(Mon)09:07 No.1391830
    Gigapixels, motherfucker, fucking GIGAPIXELS
    >> Warren !!JDYDmjbSK8K 09/12/11(Mon)09:09 No.1391832
         File1315832949.jpg-(815 KB, 805x826, marAerial7.jpg)
    815 KB
    My calculations were wrong. These cameras have fucking ULTRAPICKLES.
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)09:12 No.1391834
    >Better save these as fuckhuge .png files, wouldn't want any .jpg artifacts in these screenshots from highly compressed video files now would we?
    >> valium !!UjWIodEjyr1 09/12/11(Mon)09:41 No.1391848
    It does its intended job pretty well and the picture quality is ok, dunno what you are fussing about.

    And the days of having to deal with onehundred codecs are long gone for me.
    >> carlos !!CKaxigMp2QE 09/12/11(Mon)10:12 No.1391854
    where are those from?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)10:58 No.1391873
    Cropped it for you
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)10:59 No.1391874
         File1315839546.jpg-(31 KB, 190x172, xtjhfrtyjfgy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)11:01 No.1391879
    Your point being?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)11:41 No.1391905
    What movie is this from?
    >> le garçon blanc !!/TAbuuhLurK 09/12/11(Mon)11:59 No.1391916
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)12:21 No.1391928
         File1315844502.jpg-(44 KB, 640x459, s640x480.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)12:56 No.1391938
         File1315846616.jpg-(26 KB, 372x206, NEX-7.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:34 No.1392135
    /g/ here. You guys know nothing about video playing software. Stop infecting other photographers' minds by implying that it's anything but shitware.
    >> ℳℴℯ !aA7KG.6hA2 09/12/11(Mon)17:35 No.1392138
    /g/ here, you hipster self-proclaimed photographers who take black and white photos of trees or your friends smoking cigarettes should be exterminated like the jews.
    people like you make photography look like a joke, an uneducated one at that. I'll be enjoying my crisp playback in MPlayerX while you cry as VLC corrupts your videos. Faggots.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:36 No.1392140

    /p/ here. /g/ doesn't know SHIT about anything. every single thing your board focuses on is handled better by other boards.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:36 No.1392141
    /g/ here, vlc is worthless shit, go kill yourselves faggots.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:38 No.1392144
         File1315863536.jpg-(31 KB, 250x250, 1313627867547.jpg)
    31 KB
    /g/ here.

    >using VLC
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:39 No.1392145
    /g/ here. I humbly apologise on behalf of all the other /g/entlemen in this thread. While >>1391812 is unquestionably retarded, /g/'s actions here are far more irritating and immature.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:39 No.1392146
         File1315863584.png-(192 KB, 431x431, 1310864968302.png)
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    >> ℳℴℯ !aA7KG.6hA2 09/12/11(Mon)17:39 No.1392147
         File1315863589.jpg-(5 KB, 175x176, babby_troll_implying_implicati(...).jpg)
    5 KB

    >Implying that because you know how to use the automatic settings on that DSLR that mommy bought you for your birthday you know anything about technology.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:42 No.1392149
         File1315863739.jpg-(85 KB, 1280x720, 1311284465503.jpg)
    85 KB
    oh god vlc
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:42 No.1392150
    >using anything other than MP-HC x65
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:46 No.1392153
         File1315864017.jpg-(45 KB, 854x482, jordan_when_he_forgot_to_shave.jpg)
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    oh /p/
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:47 No.1392154
    >acting like they know about good media players
    >talking about VLC
    >not using smplayer as a frontend to mplayer2
    hilarious fail, /p/. never before have you looked like a bunch of brainless hipsters more than this moment.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:49 No.1392156
    >vir/g/ins think photographer have time to fuck around with codecs

    don't worry /p/, it's probably as coloring your nails is to photography
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:49 No.1392157
    /sp/ here, you guys are more beta than /a/.

    >any skills involving clicking a button on a camera
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:49 No.1392158
         File1315864193.jpg-(76 KB, 653x647, File8891.jpg)
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    Thread derailed.
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:52 No.1392162
    stupid hipsters. I've seen better photos taken by /b/.
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 09/12/11(Mon)17:53 No.1392165
         File1315864408.jpg-(48 KB, 600x489, 1253068492707.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:55 No.1392168
    If you can't take decent shots with a t50, you're not a photographer. shit's better than a leica m12.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:58 No.1392172
         File1315864684.jpg-(19 KB, 384x400, 1310612344510.jpg)
    19 KB
    photography is a gay hobby
    ~sincerely /g/

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