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  • File : 1314931869.jpg-(1.43 MB, 768x1102, test.jpg)
    1.43 MB Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)22:51 No.1384241  
    Can we have a thread about the small stuff we've learned on our own, or will this just get flamed to shit and back?

    Keep your tongue off the hot shoe.
    Higher ISOs aren't "better"
    Having zoom does not mean take ALL your pictures from far away
    Using wide angle does not mean you get 3-4 shots at once
    Yes, you need a tripod.
    quit tilting the fucking camera.
    You have no reason not to shoot in RAW
    RAW will not fix your bad photos
    No matter how much you spend, your camera will not fix your bad photography
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    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)23:02 No.1384254
    Hi, welcome to /p/ and enjoy your stay.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)23:30 No.1384272
    >Keep your tongue off the hot shoe.
    What are you, autistic?
    >Higher ISOs aren't "better"
    >Having zoom does not mean take ALL your pictures from far away
    >Using wide angle does not mean you get 3-4 shots at once
    It's like babby's first DSLR in this bitch.
    >Yes, you need a tripod.
    Yes, everyone needs this piece of equipment, except the people who will never use it.
    >quit tilting the fucking camera.
    Dutch angles are fine if used correctly.
    >You have no reason not to shoot in RAW
    As much as I like RAW, this is a load of shit. Not everyone needs the advantages of RAW, and shooting jpeg will allow for faster and longer burst modes.
    >RAW will not fix your bad photos
    >No matter how much you spend, your camera will not fix your bad photography
    No shit, Sherlock!

    Not only is this all common knowledge, you're a bloody twat.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)23:40 No.1384277
    what is the point of this? oh yeah, nothing.

    no one cares. how did you get from i learned something about photography to everyone will surely want to hear about this? you're not special you upper middle class twat. your mama always telling you that you were special has ruined you forever. you ain't. not only do you have a bloated sense of entitlement and self worth, but you also expect the world to be handed to you. when that doesn't happen you will become depressed. sane individuals will laugh at you for being the oxygen thief that you are. you will go to college and major in something like communications o psychology or environmental studies or something equally worthless. hope you enjoy the whiplash when you graduate and have to deal with the real world. oh wait you won't! you will travel or take a year off or go find yourself. either way you daddy will bankroll your extended adolescence and you will further refuse to grow up. you disgust me. your love of cartoons and your nascent pedophilia disgusts all that encounter it. you are not special. you have a higher standard of living and more opportunities than anyone that has lived. you won't let that set into your brain. a wealthy landowner in 1745. what could he do? what can you do? what are the differing life expectancies? you are wasting your life. no your alleged youth has nothing to do with it. quit whining. quit complaining. be a man. if you can.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)00:14 No.1384299
    >mother issues
    first line, then tl;dr
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)00:19 No.1384304
    >> OiD !c4MhzmU2ao 09/02/11(Fri)00:27 No.1384310
    I'd hit that
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)10:08 No.1384546
         File1314972498.jpg-(1.52 MB, 1288x957, t051.jpg)
    1.52 MB
    I was more into her pikachus
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