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  • File : 1310663066.jpg-(73 KB, 395x525, dj-business-card[1].jpg)
    73 KB Business cards Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:04 No.1340450  
    Who has them?
    What for?
    Where from?
    Who designed them?
    >> NatureGuy !!tg3hbUo06u8 07/14/11(Thu)13:06 No.1340451
         File1310663195.jpg-(80 KB, 488x263, derp.jpg)
    80 KB
    Business card thread?
    >What for?
    sharing my shit
    >Where from?
    Don't remember
    >Who designed them?
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    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:23 No.1340461
         File1310664186.jpg-(209 KB, 800x536, _DSC9547-Bearbeitet-2.jpg)
    209 KB
    >repost for resize fail
    >Who has them
    >What for?
    For business, obviously.
    >Where from
    My firm.
    >Who designed them?
    Probably some random design dude in my firm. Based on the simplicity I'd say someone who doesn't give a shit about design - which is quite common in my branch.
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    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:26 No.1340464
    I don't have any yet, but I plan on ordering some from these guys:
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:29 No.1340465
    I do.. But they say "engineer" on them and not "photographer".
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:29 No.1340466
         File1310664566.jpg-(16 KB, 380x300, ap_237.jpg)
    16 KB
    My god you guys have awfully bad designed cards.

    You should really invest in getting some professionally designed on decent stock.
    >> Patrick Bateman 07/14/11(Thu)13:39 No.1340471
         File1310665151.jpg-(15 KB, 410x195, copper_am_psycho.jpg)
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    Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark!
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:41 No.1340473
    You can actually buy replica cards from the film. I might get some, they even go far to printing Paul Allens card on slightly thicker stock than Batemans.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:42 No.1340474
    That's not a business card. THIS is a business card.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:45 No.1340475
         File1310665535.jpg-(15 KB, 500x290, 106709219_6c8be9703b.jpg)
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    Kevin Mitnick wins
    >> Patrick Bateman 07/14/11(Thu)13:47 No.1340476
    That card made me hate that guy. How can I take someone serious if they have a children's pop up book embedded into the card? Why do I want to pay him more so he can produce these stupid cards with too much info? Get a website, put a link on the fucking card. Holy shit, now its interactive!
    Not impressed at all.
    Fucking morons.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)13:53 No.1340478

    >security expert
    >lock picking tools on his business card

    y u mad?
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)14:21 No.1340493
    This is a card for business!
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)14:52 No.1340516
         File1310669523.jpg-(130 KB, 1000x682, wozmetalproof..jpg)
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    Woz has a pretty cool one too.
    He brags about using it on airliners to eat steak, since airlines give you shitty plastic knives.
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    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:27 No.1340903
    bump for more
    i'm interested in making some if i ever get to it.
    but I don't have my own domain just a flickr...
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:44 No.1340920

    Aperture Business Card
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)21:50 No.1340923
    when he starts printing those on polymer they will be great :]
    Inb4 someone actually makes a single shot B-mode camera with this.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:34 No.1340949
    When I took a Japanese class one of the first things they taught us was how to present business cards. Ever since then, I've wanted some business cards.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)22:38 No.1340955
    The three-bladed aperture really bothered me.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:04 No.1340986
    I plan to get mine done by when I design my business cards.. Portfolio photography images one side, contact details another.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:07 No.1340987
    i did that. theyre a little more expensive than the rest at about 50 bucks for 100 cards, but its worth it. ive gotten cards from other companies and the moo cards are really nice. like, three times as thick as the other cheap options ive tried.
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:32 No.1341006
    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:39 No.1341010
    Just in case anyone is considering VistaPrint cards;
    On their site I fill out their 'get a quote' page, card thickness, rounded edges or not, greyscale or color, 1 or 2 sided, etc etc....I supply an image as the exact art I want printed, on their required template and format.
    I specifically request email communcations so i can easily collate and compare the various quotes from various companies.
    Within the hour I am getting spam galore on the email i supplied.
    Some time later i get a phone call with some asshole wanting me to repeat all of the details I spent time inputting to their site... as if he didn't have the fucking images or details.
    Fuck vistaprint.
    >> juanCARLOS !!cKt8bKm1c6H 07/14/11(Thu)23:41 No.1341013
         File1310701312.png-(52 KB, 1062x615, card copy.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/14/11(Thu)23:42 No.1341014
    aaaand, to top it off, within days I am getting bogus microsoft 'PC support' calls from some pakastani... again, on the phone number I supplied to vistaprint, the same phone number that hasnt received nor made a phone call for months.
    FUCK VISTAPRINT *cough* with a stick
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:35 No.1341376
    So any one on /p/ have a decent card? Or semi decent?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/11(Fri)09:43 No.1341381

    Oh lawdy. u srs?
    >> $19.99 !OSYhGye6hY 07/17/11(Sun)13:02 No.1343438
         File1310922130.jpg-(45 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-06-11 at 14.52.jpg)
    45 KB
    this is my business card
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)13:07 No.1343445

    >Flickr link on business card.
    >> juanCARLOS !!cKt8bKm1c6H 07/17/11(Sun)13:09 No.1343448

    That's not his, it's d's


    Problem anon? It's easy to remember.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)13:11 No.1343449

    I'm quite aware that that's d's.
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !qn5yTan3wU 07/17/11(Sun)13:20 No.1343453

    >Life isn't about being liked. It's about being effective.

    Well aint that the truth. Fuck those who oppose.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)13:26 No.1343455

    You are neither liked nor "effective."
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !qn5yTan3wU 07/17/11(Sun)13:37 No.1343459
         File1310924261.jpg-(202 KB, 550x346, card.jpg)
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    Oh yeah. And this.


    Stay mad.
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    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !qn5yTan3wU 07/17/11(Sun)13:42 No.1343465

    Yeah, pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)14:44 No.1343514
    Sometimes I think about having some simple business cards made since I travel and meet people pretty regularly, but I often don't connect with them via Facebook or anything like that, so my meetings with people go without follow up. And what are the chances of meeting these people ever again, you know?

    The problem is that I feel like, being a student, having a business card would be overwhelmingly arrogant and presumptuous of me. I have no job, no other position or title (except "student"), and I don't have a website or a really professional portfolio.

    I'm thinking of doing something really simple like my name, cell phone+email, and maybe a QR code to a link which would just be a redirect link to whatever I want. I could use Facebook or Flickr or whatever. And if I ever make a site, I could change the redirect to go to that, or a landing page that says a little about me.

    But I like NatureGuy's card premise. A single really solid photo from his portfolio, so people's eyes are drawn to it, and they remember who he is somewhat better because he's the guy who made that photo. On the same note, I could potentially just do a headshot of myself and that would be like a brief offline version of Facebook: Face shot, name, contact info, maybe a QR code that links to my facebook profile so people can add me.

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)14:46 No.1343517
    Ah sorry. The reason that I don't like the headshot idea and just try it is that it feels even more arrogant for some reason. Nobody does that, so doing a profile photo on my card would be kind of self-important.

    Which I'm not totally against, if I'm in the professional world, trying to make a name for myself. But like I said, I'm still just a student in undergrad.
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !qn5yTan3wU 07/17/11(Sun)15:00 No.1343532

    >And what are the chances of meeting these people ever again, you know?

    Very slim, unless you have a business card with some sort of contact info on it. It doesn't matter if you're professional or not. It's just all about acting the part.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)15:17 No.1343545
    I agree exactly with your point about the business card facilitating meeting people again. And I don't act unprofessionally, but if I meet someone and we talk about what we do and I say "I'm a student" and then half an hour later when we're heading our separate ways I say "oh, have a card and add me on _______" (Facebook or LinkedIn or Google+ or whatever), I feel like I'll walk away and they'll be a little surprised to take a business card from a college student.

    At least that's how I would feel if another college student gave me a business card if I met them in a casual setting (as in not at a conference or something like that).

    Although if you're saying to just ignore that awkwardness and pretend it's natural, then I'll just have to work on that. As it is, that notion still seems bizarre to me - although that might be because I've never been one to power through awkwardness.
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !qn5yTan3wU 07/17/11(Sun)15:21 No.1343546

    Sure you can tell them you're a student, but why not also, or just tell them you're a photographer? You're not lying to them. Even if you do have to lie a little bit, fake it 'til you make it bro. If you do find yourself coming off a little awkward, then they might be too. You have to ooze confidence, without coming off as pretentious and overbearing. Make sure you sound like you know what you're talking about, even if you're unsure. Like I said, it doesn't matter if you're a professional. You just have to act the part. Most people are too ignorant to know or won't even care to begin with. If they're interested, then they're interested. If they aren't interested, well then at least you tried.
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !qn5yTan3wU 07/17/11(Sun)15:27 No.1343551

    One more thing. Give them a reason to check out your work. What I found to work is to ask to take their portrait, then give them your card and tell them to check out the photo you just took of them in a day or two after you post it.
    >> Savage !!v9Hc4faopnl 07/17/11(Sun)15:30 No.1343556
         File1310931009.jpg-(127 KB, 1050x600, Walter_20110714_.jpg)
    127 KB
    Oh Helvetica why are you so nice.

    Mockup business card that need to be tweaked a bit, one of those douche bag companies bought the domain name before I got paid damnit.

    >What for?
    Starting my business come this August.

    >Where from?
    Printing them in house on entrada rag bright 300 paper

    >Who designed them?
    Friend helped me with the design.
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)15:54 No.1343574
    Love the idea of the portrait. That was actually one of the reasons that I'd like to get the business card. Sometimes people see me shooting some photos and they'll be curious what I shoot. I'll show them what I can (usually just what's on my CF card while I'm walking around, sometimes my laptop if it's around and convenient), but then I want to let them check back for later uploads.

    I suppose I'll just tell people I'm a photographer and if they give me a funny look when I give them a card, I'll explain that I meet people quite often when I travel (which I do often as well) and it's just more convenient to have something prepared to give new friends in case they want to connect online. It's easy to add new friends you meet through existing friends on Facebook. It's harder to add strangers you meet in a hostel or bar when you're traveling by yourself.
    >> The Artist Formerly Known As The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh Now Known As Kanye West !qn5yTan3wU 07/17/11(Sun)16:09 No.1343585

    Your idea as to the explanation of you having cards is a good though, though I doubt it'll ever come down to having to explain it. Most people if they see you have a website and a business card will just assume you're a pro on some level. You just gotta be a good bullshitter. Best of luck.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)16:52 No.1343620
    I bought a load of 1000 for $30 after shipping/tax from printrunner. It is a simple card with just a url on it that I give people (usually cosplayers) who might want their photo. Came out okay but it was just a black and white card.

    I keep the fancy moo cards for the really good ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)18:32 No.1343693
    What no one else on /p/ has business cards? Oh yeah this is /p/, and in un/p/rofessional.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:42 No.1343746
    I'm a poorfag and I dont want to pay for hosting.
    So I've slapped my flickr link on some free bussnes cards with the companies watermark over it...

    I kno that feel
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)19:47 No.1343748
    The first reply was a real business card.

    Also, why do you use such a pejorative tone when talking about amateurs? There's nothing wrong with people who are interested in a field without being invested in the industry associated with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:16 No.1343766
         File1310948160.jpg-(20 KB, 320x426, e (Mobile).jpg)
    20 KB
    This is mine(at least one side, the other one I dont have with me right now)

    >What for?
    Starting a business. First client already shot.
    >Where from?
    Local shop. I wanted Moo but they were over twice as much.

    >Who designed them?
    Me and I dont like it that much. But my potential clients are the ones who are suposed to like it.
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:21 No.1343772
    ewwww. It's a streched stomach with a flower on it???? My eyezzzz
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:42 No.1343787
    never understood some people´s repulsion of pregnant women
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:45 No.1343790
    never understood some people's fascination with pregnant women
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)20:49 No.1343794
    Childredn. They can still taste their mother, and they are practicing acting repulsed at their societal taboos so they appear to fit their herd.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)21:04 No.1343808
    I´m not fascinated with it, but I see there is a market for it and nobody is exploiting it where I live. I´m trying to finance my hobby this way.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)00:08 No.1343960

    Protip: don't center text
    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 07/18/11(Mon)04:48 No.1344129
         File1310978929.jpg-(279 KB, 1600x1066, DSC_0007.jpg)
    279 KB
    Did my post get deleted or something?
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)07:10 No.1344194
    Yes... but no...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)07:54 No.1344212
    Nice keyboard
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)09:13 No.1344244
    90% of todays business cards suck. It doesnt need to be creative and have a crazy ass die cut, but people should start taking care again for a good design - at least for a proper typography.
    These 90% include “professional designers” running their business with a cracked version of photoshop. Those are probably the worst considering their profession.
    >> juanCARLOS !!cKt8bKm1c6H 07/18/11(Mon)09:27 No.1344253

    Why not?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)09:41 No.1344264
    You should increase the type size. I can barely read it from 500 yards away.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)10:09 No.1344285
         File1310998162.jpg-(140 KB, 339x512, 00030296-512px.jpg)
    140 KB
    Oh then you will love mine.
    Printed by the illustrious publishing house: "Dad's printer" on nothing but the highest quality A4 80GSM paper, in a variety of lustrous shades of blacks and greens courtesy of the 'running out of red ink' cartridge system, and machine cut to a variety of 'slightly different sizes' for added uniqueness.
    Guaranteed legible at 20 metres*.
    (*healthy teenage/electronic robot eyes not included)
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)14:51 No.1344526
    I like them indeed!
    I would have decreased the email adress font size and put it somewhere else for a better contrast and a bit of kerning on those huge letters would look nice, too.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)15:20 No.1344538
         File1311016854.jpg-(156 KB, 750x1000, IMG_9144.jpg)
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    My business cards and my swanky Shinra Inc. card case.
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/11(Mon)19:12 No.1344717

    Not sure if they'll ship to where you are, but I got it to the UK before they opened it's own...
    >> Mr. B !AG.CanonCo 07/19/11(Tue)00:46 No.1345036
         File1311050790.jpg-(14 KB, 300x300, Metal Business Card Holder Cas(...).jpg)
    14 KB

    >search: business card case

    pic related. it dispenses a card at a time.
    >> Project !dashI8UpO. 07/19/11(Tue)21:03 No.1345978
    Who keeps deleting my posts?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/11(Tue)21:07 No.1345984
    I do. Watch out for a ban if you keep posting like that.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:46 No.1346396
    I'm busy making a template for Moo's mini cards. I have a bunch of photos on one side and snazy details on the other. No logo though as I suck at that.

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