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  • We are now accepting janitor applications! [Apply Here]

    UPDATE: Due to an overwhelming response, we will stop accepting applications at approximately 3:00PM EST on Monday, January 24. Get your app in! We will not accept any late applications—no exceptions.
    A big thanks to all those who have applied so far!

    File : 1295871799.png-(32 KB, 300x250, 3am challenge.png)
    32 KB The 3am Challenge Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:23 No.1149089  
    This is a Challenge for all of /p/'s photofags:
    Tonight at 3am, instead of going to sleep, pick up your tripod and camera and go outside and take photos of your neighbor hood, town, city, street, house, island, whatever.
    When you're done, pick your best photos and post them in this thread.
    Once you read this you have to do the challenge.

    No Exceptions

    Best photo wins a piece of the internet.

    Bump to keep thread alive!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:27 No.1149097
    >4:27 AM right now
    too late :D
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:27 No.1149098
    3am... I was planning to be shooting at ~5:30am... 3am is weights time
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:29 No.1149100
    3am tomorrow then, doesnt matter what day, but the next time it's 3am you have to complete the challenge,

    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:31 No.1149102
    ooh its 11:30pm, im actually going to do this tonight. I'm excited
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:44 No.1149108
    I'm in
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:57 No.1149112
    Challenge accepted
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:58 No.1149113
    Ausfag? I'm in.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:01 No.1149116
    >> Seagull !fUcCUNTYtU 01/24/11(Mon)08:01 No.1149117
    This, but no tripod, what do?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:02 No.1149118
    I have work in the morning though :/
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:03 No.1149120
    Who cares about tripod, just go out an take photos
    sleep is for people who haven't mastered the art of being awake
    >> Seagull !fUcCUNTYtU 01/24/11(Mon)08:05 No.1149121
    With slow shutter hand held? YOU CRAZY!?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:05 No.1149122
    2 second timer + any solid surface
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:06 No.1149123
    bump up your iso or some shit.
    >> Seagull !fUcCUNTYtU 01/24/11(Mon)08:06 No.1149124
    Okay thanks
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:07 No.1149125
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:13 No.1149127
    Dude, i got a math exam tomorrow morning. Need to take the train at 6 am to get there and i need my fucking sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:18 No.1149131
    You heard the op, no exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:19 No.1149133
    i don't have a camera though...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:32 No.1149139
    You heard the op, no exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:35 No.1149142
    ok, im back with all my paintings, let me scan them for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:41 No.1149147
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:41 No.1149148
    I'm in Afghanistan. We'll see where the moon is at.. otherwise.. there's no light at all... :-\ keep the thread alivvveee!!!!!! lol

    But yeah, I'm totally in.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:46 No.1149149
    i don't ave a car T.T
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:47 No.1149150
    Do you have legs?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:47 No.1149151
    You know what. No. If I wait until then I'll fuck up my sleeping patterns, and I'd rather not do that.

    Why couldn't you make it the 11pm challenge or something like that? You just had to be a cunt like that didn't you op. You're an asshole. No exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:57 No.1149158
    You know what? Man the fuck up! Most people lurk on /p/ because they want to become better at photography and to become a great photographer you need to adventure out into the world, fearless and brave.
    You can go start your own 11pm challenge for kids who don't want to stay up past their bedtimes.
    Fuck your beauty sleep and join us, otherwise you could miss out on the adventure of a life time...

    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:58 No.1149161
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:02 No.1149163
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    FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU started raining out
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:06 No.1149164
    That's it. I'm gonna kick your ass at this challenge.

    But OP is still a cunt, no exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:10 No.1149165
    ITT: everybody will get robbed and beaten.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:14 No.1149170
         File1295878457.jpg-(43 KB, 449x319, 1293812348932(1).jpg)
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    dont forget raped in the butt hole and have their camera shat in
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:18 No.1149174
    I'm guessing this is an American 3am challenge

    but I'll bite, 3am in britain isn't the most interesting time though
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:22 No.1149177
    >I'm in Afghanistan

    Yo, what are you doing in Afghanistan? Do tell sir, I am intrigued. Aid worker perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:22 No.1149178
    OP is ausfag but it's 3am your local time
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:25 No.1149184
    Are we going for shutter right at 3am? Or just being out taking a photo around 3am?

    I'ma need some ideas on shit to shoot. No tripod, so I'm some what limited there. The local town cops are fucking uber bad gestapo so I'm hesitant to shoot in a park or something that could be technically closed.

    holla back everyone
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:30 No.1149189
    kk, I'll have a go. I just don't want to put up with the incessant questions I'll get if i encounter one of these legal beagles. Its a super small, rich, town right next to the ghetto, so they're always keeping rift raft at bay
    >> carlos !!CKaxigMp2QE 01/24/11(Mon)09:35 No.1149191
    Tomorrow "someone stole my camera" will be a new meme
    >> Sleepy Livers !dD75orNOG. 01/24/11(Mon)09:37 No.1149194

    fuck that happened to me once. was cleaning shit off my sensor for weeks!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:37 No.1149195
    Heavy duty tripod = Photographers self defense tool
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:44 No.1149203
    Actually my good sir, I'm United States Army Infantry, but my mission is providing security for various aid groups from USAID, To Agricultural groups, engineers, I even got to guard a spy :-X investigating human trafficking. It's a cool job that lets me get a real look at what's being done to help this country. A lot of "Teach a man to fish" instead of just giving them money outright. You know? Educate them on how to grow profitable crops without relying on opium that's sold to the Taliban and used to fund terrorism worldwide. Teaching them about construction, irrigation, how to run a government on the smaller scale (district governor and downwards). I like it, and I get to see a side of the world I would have NO way to see otherwise. It's hard to describe, but the place has it's own hidden beauties. Heavy dust in the air makes a lot of it hard to capture though. :-\ I've all but destroyed my 50D
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:46 No.1149206

    Shit, so that stuff isn't all just marketing (cant think of better word at 2:00AM) bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:48 No.1149207
    >With slow shutter hand held? YOU CRAZY!?
    Lets see some ART! motherfucker
    >i don't have a camera though...
    No exceptions! A picture is worth 1,000 words. Get righting motherfucker!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:51 No.1149211
    Ah, gotcha. Thanks for your service, good sir.

    I haven't been to Afghanistan, but I've worked for USAID, did some econ dev projects in northern Iraq, so I know you're type. Couldn't do what we do w/o guys like you. Definitely a life experience. Human trafficing investigator work for US humint? I had speculated that several of the folks I was acquainted with were intel folks, but never confronted them about it.

    You have any particularly "Afghan" photos handy? Some shots you like the best?
    >> H 01/24/11(Mon)09:52 No.1149212
    Alright /b/rothers
    Im in!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:54 No.1149215
    I might actually do this, but it's going to be frigging freezing cold and I don't have a tripod. :3
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:54 No.1149216
    I love this thread, /p/ needs more /p/hoto challenges
    >> Seagull !fUcCUNTYtU 01/24/11(Mon)09:56 No.1149219
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    Because i'm to tired to do it at 3, only just hit two, I went out before and tried it, this is the kinda shit i was getting >_>

    Its getting mad streaks and shit, give me a fucking tripoddddd
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:00 No.1149223
    Will do.. I love shooting in the early hours.

    12 Hours to go.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:01 No.1149224
    Are you saying you had no tripod, and thus, this shot was taken handheld? and for a 10 second exposure?
    If that's the case your hand stability is.. breathtaking.
    >> H 01/24/11(Mon)10:02 No.1149225
    Nice work!
    Love the dark woods to the left and right
    >> H 01/24/11(Mon)10:03 No.1149226
    Yea I noticed that.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:05 No.1149228
    Ausfag? I love the sky in the background, doe you have any other shots that would make a good siloquette?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:06 No.1149229
         File1295881590.jpg-(89 KB, 800x533, mini-OEF Edits0073.jpg)
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    Nah, Some of it's actually cool to see. I'm no rigthwingedfag. I'm not some republican nut job trying to win over the masses. A lot of the people here actually want us here. Even more NEED help.

    A lot of people will "fight the good fight" from behind a computer screen and bash what they HEAR is going on over here... I understand there's more than just the motive of helping people out here. I understand as a government, America uses some shady tactics to get what it wants. But day after day after day, I see young girls going to school for the first time, women not afraid to go outside without veils on, I mean this place was SO oppressed under Taliban rule, it's sick. Did you know Instruments and music were ILLEGAL under Taliban law?

    Things like THIS happened all the time?,8599,2007269,00.html

    The things that are going on over here are genuinely good, and will continue when the main Army presence pulls out. It's something unreal to see a kid burst into tears over some crayons and a coloring book.

    Or when I was talking to a Afghan that was sharing a tower guard shift with me, He wanted to show me how proud of his knife he was.... It was old. Beat, rusted, Deff hand me down.... I gave him my CRKT Ti Folder.. The guy cried for a good 5 minutes in joy then sat in the back of the tower playing with it for a good hour. This guy (even with his sweet on base job) Has nothing, He told me about his family, and what he was risking by working with Americans but he knew we were there to help And with Nothing... He came back the next day with all these rings (albeit cheap gold) Rings that had been in his family for years and reffuuussseed to let me leave until I took one in return. The people here are amazing. With more heart than most of the people you'll meet in America.

    Tl;dr Afghan is pretty cool guy, gives ring, eh doesn't afraid of anything

    He also digs American guns more than AK's
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:11 No.1149234
    2:10 am, getting excited for this
    >> d !PkbcxkjESs 01/24/11(Mon)10:12 No.1149235
    Looks ever so slightly like Mr Guevara.
    >> H 01/24/11(Mon)10:15 No.1149236
    Where in Aus are you?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:21 No.1149240
    North-west sydfag
    >> H 01/24/11(Mon)10:25 No.1149242
    Aiiii, wanna see some of that syd culture :P
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:27 No.1149244
    What type of gun is that?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:27 No.1149245
    paintball or airsoft
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:32 No.1149247
    Looks like your average M4 carbine with some ACOG red dot thing on top, I guess.
    >> d !PkbcxkjESs 01/24/11(Mon)10:33 No.1149248
    It's like a real life CoD!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:33 No.1149249
    It's literally zero degrees Fahrenheit in Boston right now, if you think I'm going to trudge through 2 feet of snow at 3am tonight and take pictures you're crazy. I would freeze to death in a matter of minutes.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:42 No.1149254
    Nobody's asking you to go outside in your panties. Put on some clothing, walk the 2 feet, frame and take a nice picture, and then go back inside.

    You probably spent hundreds of dollars on your camera gear - if it's a DSLR you possibly spent thousands in total - the least you can do is step outside your front door for 5 minutes while wearing several warm layers.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:44 No.1149260

    18 minutes till go time, im 17 and never snuck out of the house before, so this is kinda exciting.
    Hopefully i can get some nice shots of my suburb.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:45 No.1149263
    >> Sleepy Livers !dD75orNOG. 01/24/11(Mon)10:45 No.1149264
    fuck that, i did that last night
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:47 No.1149268
    >the least you can do is step outside your front door for 5 minutes while wearing several warm layers
    I started shooting almost 8 years ago, I have enough pictures of my front yard. Have you ever been outside when it's zero? Do you know what a wind chill of negative 30 feels like? It's bad enough having to run to my car from my front door in the morning, I'm not going to deliberately stand outside in subarctic temperatures to take stupid pictures that I've taken a thousand times before because some dingleberry on 4chan told me to.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:48 No.1149270
    Yes because it says "No exceptions"

    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:48 No.1149272
    Cool, i'm in! new /p/hotofag here, what should i set EXIF to? high ISO i guess?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:49 No.1149273
    It's an M4 with a M68 CCO on it. Nothing fancy.
    Bostons My home when I'm NOT in Afghanistan. I miss it :-\
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:50 No.1149274
    Oh, I'm sorry, I totally missed the part where the 4chan dingleberry said no exceptions. I guess I have to do it now. By the way, I want you to chop your dick off and eat it. No exceptions.
    >> Sleepy Livers !dD75orNOG. 01/24/11(Mon)10:51 No.1149276

    sounds like someones a complete bitch when it comes to cold.

    I've heard many people bitch and moan about the cold. MANY people, so i know a thing or two about people who are bitches when it comes to cold, and i have no doubt in my mind this guy is a complete and utter BITCH when it comes to cold.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:51 No.1149278
    lowest iso possible normally. most of my night stuff is 100-200; just means you'll need a tripod or a solid surface
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:53 No.1149279
    Human beings are not meant to live in this climate, I don't know how we continue to do this year after year. It should never be zero, ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:54 No.1149280
    See now you're dodging the original issue.

    First you complained that it was too cold. Now it's not that it's too cold, but that you've done it countless times now and you refuse to do it again.

    Go get several layers. Put them on. Go somewhere. If you're so adamant that you've photographed the area outside your house in every conceivable creative way, then go further away and shoot something else.

    The point of this challenge obviously seems to be to fight anon's tendency to be lazy, but you're arguing with this challenge on the grounds that you're lazy.

    I'm beginning to wonder if you might be a total troll. I mean why would you post in this thread at all if you're too lazy to redeem yourself on one night by taking one photo right outside your house? Why would you announce your non-participation unless it was to get someone to berate you for your particularly unpersuasive reason?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:55 No.1149281
    What about shutterspeed and f?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:58 No.1149282
    It really depends on where you are. If there are streetlights, you can get away with shooting at relatively high shutter speeds.

    My advice, assuming you're not that lazy idiot who keeps bitching about the cold, is to go out at like 10 PM and take a bunch of photos of different exposure. Then go home and look at the shots and see which ones you really like exposure-wise. Then go out and shoot around that exposure setting (assuming the light level is about the same).

    But that's a lot more work than it needs to be. If you have a DSLR, just "chimp" - ie just take a photo, see how it turns out, then adjust settings. If you have a tripod, you can go to pretty much whatever shutter speed you want, so I'd shoot at like f/8 or f/11 and ISO 100 and just let the shutter speed go on for a minute or longer if it's really very very dark.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:00 No.1149283
    You're an idiot. It's too cold to do something that has literally zero intrinsic value for me whatsoever. If I was somewhere I had never been before and it was zero, I would bundle up and venture out to take some pictures, but I'm not. I'm at my house. Why was that so hard for you to understand?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:07 No.1149286
    It's hard for me to understand for 2 reasons:

    1) You can take a photo from nearly infinite points of view using nearly infinite exposure settings and techniques. This notion that you've already taken all those photos just speaks to your own lack of laziness, which is ironic because the whole point of this challenge seems to be to get you off your ass which you're militantly opposed to doing.

    2) I'm not understanding why you posted anything at all. Why did you bother to bitch about not taking part in this unless you wanted someone to know that you were just a lazy whiny bitch? Because your reason for not doing it seems to be made up of two components:
    +You've already taken all the possible photos you can of the area outside your house (which is something I've already addressed and dismissed as impossible)
    +It's very very cold (weather for which you *should* have clothing adequate for 5 harrowing minutes outside).
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:14 No.1149288
    Holy shit why does this bother you so much? Why have you taken up the crusade of vehemently opposing my simple one-line comment on how it's too cold up here for me to want to take pictures? Was your mother killed right outside your house by zero degree weather 10 years ago and it absolutely eats away at your soul every single day knowing you could have saved her if you had just manned up and braved the cold for 10 seconds to go bring her in?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:16 No.1149289
    post pix
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:18 No.1149291
    inb4 this faggot takes an amazing picture and wins the contest. Clearly you're pulling a fast one on us.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:30 No.1149295
    I'd join it it were summer here... Can't use camera with mittens :-(
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:37 No.1149299
    >going into crazy land
    Look, you decided to pointlessly jump into this thread to tell everyone that you were taking no part in the challenge. I called you lazy and you got all defensive and bitchy.

    There's not a whole lot of psychological subtlety behind this. You're a lazy bitch, I'm trying to figure out how your laziness and your eagerness to tell us all about it coexist in your head.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:44 No.1149303
    >I'm trying to figure out how your laziness and your eagerness to tell us all about it coexist in your head.
    K, have fun with that bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:46 No.1149310
    I thought maybe you could explain it since you're apparently pretty keen on posting in this thread when you have no business here.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:47 No.1149315
    Why would I want to do that? I'd be spoiling all the fun for you. Use your powers of intuition, tell me why I do the things that I do.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:49 No.1149320
    I have no idea. I guess the reason for your pointless bitching will forever remain a mystery.

    Looking forward to you posting in tonight's thread telling us all about how you couldn't be bothered to take part because it was cold.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:50 No.1149321
    >I guess the reason for your pointless bitching will forever remain a mystery
    Guess so =\
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:50 No.1149323
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    Op here, just completed the challenge, i came up with the challenge as something to do on a regular basis, eg explore new places at 3am.
    Ok so, i snuck out of house with no issues, start wandering down street, freaked out as shit. about 15 minutes later im calm and happy wandering down on the road, zero cars and sidewalk freaks the shit out of me. It's a overcast 'muggy' summer night (ausfag) and the whole neighbourhood is completely quiet.
    I took a few photos, not many. Everything looked the same, street lights, dark shadows and trees.
    I might do this again in a few days, maybe goto the local skate bowl and take some eerie night shots.
    I think this challenge has turned out for me, not to be about challenging my photography skills, but taking the leap to going out into a unfamiliar enviroment and try to make art out of it.
    Anyway heres probably the best shot i got, hopefully some tweaking and processing can make it into something.

    Yay for the 3am challenge!
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:53 No.1149328
    good job!
    >> H 01/24/11(Mon)11:55 No.1149330
    Not bad OP not bad at all.
    Good effort, and congrats on not getting caught.
    I will do mine tomorrow.
    Hope this thread is still up, if not will make another
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)12:06 No.1149339
    taking 20 steps outside my apartment with my Camera will result in a $3000 robbery. no ty
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)12:17 No.1149349
         File1295889434.png-(1.06 MB, 1366x768, night 005bg.png)
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    Did some cropping, colouring, leveling etc...
    Here's my final result, i'm very happy with the result.
    Soz for image size, it's my new wallpaper :D

    (re-uploaded with better version, colors are now moar intense :P )
    >> rubber shoes in motion !FwDS1IFr.. 01/24/11(Mon)12:25 No.1149358
    let me get this straight.

    you went out in front of your suburban house alone at a somewhat late hour.. and this was enough to almost make you shit yourself? then you manged to muster all your courage and strength in order to set your tripod down in the middle of the road (again, with nobody around) and release the shutter.. then you make the disgusting product of your night out on the town your wallpaper..

    fukken sage.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)12:41 No.1149376
    Oh man I would, but I have to get up at 7 tomorrow and takes me about an hour to get to sleep. I would have done it if it was last night, even though i'm ill as fuck.
    >> Lurk Johnson 01/24/11(Mon)13:04 No.1149397
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    Challenge accepted.
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    >> The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !qn5yTan3wU 01/24/11(Mon)13:08 No.1149400
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    >> Lurk Johnson 01/24/11(Mon)13:09 No.1149401
    This is amazing! where is this?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:09 No.1149402
    Please remind me again why it is so important to use lowest possible ISO for night shots. Why not just take a f/1.4 lens, crank the ISO to 1600 and shoot handheld? Saves you from lugging around a tripod.
    >> Lurk Johnson 01/24/11(Mon)13:10 No.1149404
    ridiculous noise?
    >> The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !qn5yTan3wU 01/24/11(Mon)13:14 No.1149412

    Phoenix, AZ.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:15 No.1149414
    Very little depth of field
    Ridiculous noise
    Sometimes you still need some stabilization anyway (if the scene is really very dark), and if you're going to need a tripod at f/1.4 and ISO 1600 then you might as well stop down to get more DOF and lower the ISO to get less noise - that is, as long as the scene is relatively still.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:34 No.1149428
    OK OP, I may do that shit.
    Where do I go? Countryside (would probably have to use my car's headlights for light, that could be cool), or Paris?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:37 No.1149439
    Neat trick: the bottom of your camera is flat. You don't need a tripod for perfect image stabilization. Just find something flat and waist-high.

    Lower ISO means better image quality. If you have to sacrifice something to properly expose a night shot, always try to make it shutter speed.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)16:41 No.1149641
         File1295905293.jpg-(137 KB, 1000x738, nightshot.jpg)
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    pretty bad, didnt go anywhere except right outside my house lol
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)16:42 No.1149642
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    another one
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)16:50 No.1149647
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    around 3 am
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)16:51 No.1149649
    I like the original colours a lot more
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)16:53 No.1149653
    DONT EVEN THINK about using your cars lights....before you know it you'll run out of battery and you will be lost in the dark...Thats what happened to me during a shoot...and we were stuck in the mountain at night ,among wolves and swine....
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)17:10 No.1149673
    How would I go about taking clean, night shots? New to this.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)17:11 No.1149675
    Durrr leave the engine on there's this thing called an alternator
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)17:15 No.1149678
    I knew of that...apparently the driver didn't...i couldn't even leave the driver alone with his own car...
    >> Seagull !fUcCUNTYtU 01/24/11(Mon)17:35 No.1149708
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    Yes it was handheld, I was even holding my breath so I wouldn't move as much..
    Uhm, like this..?
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)18:19 No.1149768
         File1295911194.jpg-(64 KB, 768x235, 20101231-003333-768px.jpg)
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    I do this quite a bit after having drinks at friends and then staggering home.
    Being able to use something as apeshit as iso 51200 is kinda impressive.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)18:26 No.1149777
         File1295911568.jpg-(122 KB, 339x512, IMGP8810-512px.jpg)
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    stagger stagger... inhale, frame, exhale slowly while releasing shutter a few times... examine results, adjust settings repeat... move along.. repeat
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)18:44 No.1149799
    I live in Tuscon bro, and I don't want to get raped or something. I'll just shoot from my roof.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)18:46 No.1149802
    Fuck fuck fuck, I fell asleep at my computer. I have failed you 4chan...
    >> Giant Douch !Q4CjyC0nfo 01/24/11(Mon)18:49 No.1149808
    >115 posts and 12 image replies omitted.

    never change /p/.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)19:08 No.1149860
    >get raep
    Not in MY big city. It's gonna be -30 something (celsius), instant dick frostbite.
    I might freeze though, if you hear of a frozen corpse with a RB67 and a tripod discovered at meltdown (May), you'll know that OP killed me.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)19:44 No.1149924
    Oh fuck you op, in montreal tonight it's gonna be fucking -25 -30C ima doin it.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)20:05 No.1149966
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)20:05 No.1149968
    Hm. It'll be 3am in two hours. I guess I could go out and shoot a roll of... uh... Delta 3200 or Neopan 1600? Never actually used either of those before. The rolls I have were given to me months and months ago. But everything else I have is 100 or 200 speed, which I doubt would be very useful in the dark.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)21:09 No.1150101
    Op here again, some of the photos here look awesome! Thanks for completing the challenge guys, anyone who has completed the challenge needs to man the fuck up and do it.
    >> The Artist Formally Known As PantsuitUgggh !qn5yTan3wU 01/24/11(Mon)21:12 No.1150105

    >I live in Tuscon bro

    I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)21:17 No.1150109
    Going out in just under an hour to get these shots, I'm so happy that my tripod fits in my camera bag it'll be a blessing to not have to hold it in this cold weather
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)21:57 No.1150145
         File1295924227.jpg-(114 KB, 1000x666, 2011_01_25_5146.jpg)
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    Doesn't count; but planned shooting at sunrise meant no 3am for me last night.
    Have a quick edit to go with your bump; also, shittest sunrise ever (this is just on first light).
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:33 No.1150180
    it's currently 4:33 AM here... but I have so much stuff left to do I have just no time to go out shooting :(
    >> H 01/24/11(Mon)22:42 No.1150191
    Mmmm looks great guys
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:43 No.1150193
    0341. Time to go out and shoot. Probably won't finish the roll in one night, but I'll do as much as I can. My friend took all our developing stuff away with him though, so I don't know how I'll get it developed...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:46 No.1150196
    Oh fucking hell.

    >Take camera off shelf
    >Don't bother to check frame counter
    >Open back to put film in
    >Close the back fucking quickly
    >Now I don't know how many shots had been taken.
    >> ac !!hMB1p2jaDAI 01/24/11(Mon)22:54 No.1150202
    >Tonight at 3am, instead of going to sleep, pick up your tripod and camera and go outside and take photos of your neighbor hood, town, city, street, house, island, whatever.
    This sounds like fun, but I plan to be sleeping next to an attractive naked woman tonight at 3am.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)22:57 No.1150205
    Take photos of her :D
    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:10 No.1150231
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    Shoot in the rain motherfucker!
    Pic related: 3am but two months ago
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)23:23 No.1150248
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