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    File: 1329893693.gif-(435 KB, 1400x1710)
    435 KB New/wannabe rider? READ THIS FIRST Anonymous ## Mod 02/22/12(Wed)01:54 No.5879312 sticky closed   [Reply]
    Motorcycles are dangerous. Some tips on making them less so:

    Beginner's guide, courtesy of Amerifag:

    Buying a motorcycle?
    <<<< Read this and this:

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    121 KB Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)06:10 No.5879841   [Reply]
    Hey /o/.

    I drive a Honda Integra in Nazi South Wales, Australia, and a reason I was failed for rego (aside from illegal pedals, illegal steering wheel and a muffler exceeding decibel count) is that my wheels are too large.

    The currently fitted rims are 17" or so.

    The ones I am meant to have are 195/55/15.
    However, I may have come into some wheels/tires that will fit:

    205/55/16 Audi

    Any ausfags know if these are okay? I think they should be...I believe you are allowed 10mm each way on the first value and 1" each way on the last.

    Pic related, current wheels.
    18 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> ep3_lol !!FP9Bp7VWRiZ 02/22/12(Wed)07:08 No.5879922
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    >legal in US

    Ausfailia wins.
    >> I Drive a VL Commodore 02/22/12(Wed)07:10 No.5879927
    Move to South Australia.

    We don't have inspections.
    >> The Australican !jGtmADmax2 02/22/12(Wed)08:37 No.5879982
    you don't know how good that ACTUALLY sounds.
    >> Ausbr/o/ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 02/22/12(Wed)08:41 No.5879990

    i'm so mad right now you don't even know

    i'm amazed i have the presence of mind to type this without utilizing capslock or cursing or reaction image because FUCKING GOD DSADSLKJFN IN T ASOETHBALISDG BLAS ;HLKG JSADG NSJDL SDJFG SJDFG NLKSAJDGFN KLJSDB LAKDJ ;GJSADFL GKNDAFLH AQDL FUUUUUUUUCK
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:44 No.5879995
    This. They want to have a compulsory roadworthy whenever a vehicle changes ownership though, which will be a cunt.

    I drive an s13, 17" rims with 255's on the rear. Granted there's no ricer mods on the car, everything could possibly pass as being OEM (sans rims) to someone who has no idea.

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    70 KB AussieMuscle !H6sMmCqWjU 02/22/12(Wed)03:45 No.5879642   [Reply]
    Aussie Muscles Aut/o/ Aus thread.

    Tell me all your stories.

    VL Turbos? Falcons? Commodores? Utes? Tarbos? Burnouts? Police chases? Restoration? Q&A? Chargers? GT's? Fairlanes? Monaros? Toronas? Muscle in general? Australia in general? This is the thread for you.
    86 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> The Australican !jGtmADmax2 02/22/12(Wed)08:06 No.5879963
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    I am feel dissapointments now because I might very well have walked right past cantthinkofaname.
    >> That Fag with an ExA 02/22/12(Wed)08:10 No.5879968
    Back now, I was finishing off the wiring for the dash/grill/rear LED lights, and also finished assembling my laptop mount and mounted an old laptop to it, and installed the display part of my radar, need to extend the cable and do some mods before I can mount the radar itself anywhere.
    Will get pics of the interior setup tomorrow. Looks fucking awesome.
    >> The Australican !jGtmADmax2 02/22/12(Wed)08:15 No.5879970
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    Did anyone else see this and lol?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:24 No.5879974

    >it ran fine when we got it
    >didn't try starting, just towed it out the paddock
    Obvious bullshit is obvious
    >> AussieMuscle !H6sMmCqWjU 02/22/12(Wed)08:43 No.5879994
    You'd be surprised how many old-school owners buy a car, run it for a week, and then leave it. Very common

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    325 KB Thor 02/22/12(Wed)08:09 No.5879966   [Reply]
    Car Porn?
    Car Porn!
    >> R33 !rb25DEtF/o 02/22/12(Wed)08:10 No.5879967
    you first
    >> mytaurusisfight 02/22/12(Wed)08:26 No.5879975
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    >> τԋʀȃɔʞϨ !JEEPSoYooo 02/22/12(Wed)08:43 No.5879992
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    >> τԋʀȃɔʞϨ !JEEPSoYooo 02/22/12(Wed)08:43 No.5879993
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    296 KB Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)06:54 No.5879898   [Reply]
    What is the best drivers car? No driving aids, just a car that relies on the drivers skill.

    This is my suggestion, 930 Turbo.
    10 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:07 No.5879964
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    basically anything that wasnt made yesterday is fun to drive

    best drivers car is a racing car

    for a street-going one, old porkers are indeed top notch fun, its all about the weight in the back - harder to lose grip but when you do lose it, all that weight wants to turn the car other way round
    >> R33 !rb25DEtF/o 02/22/12(Wed)08:19 No.5879973
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    R32 GTSt

    Quick, responsive, rev happy, more than enough power
    Light, FR, Viscous LSD, 2L inline 6 turbo
    No driver aids, 4 pot fronts 2 pot rears
    Great suspension geometry, same as GTR bar few minor things
    Huge aftermarket, shares many suspension components with A31 Cefiro, C33 Laurel and S13 Silvia so parts are in abundance
    RB20DETs are stupid easy to make power out of, and possibility of fairly simple 25/26/30DET swaps.
    Insane ammounts of aftermarke and tuning information.
    Cheap as fucking chips nowadays.

    Perfect drivers car.
    >> B_Rice !mBurvtu.rg 02/22/12(Wed)08:36 No.5879981
    >> Dr Faget !YgQRHAJqRA 02/22/12(Wed)08:39 No.5879984
    This isn't a bad answer, it has most of the good parts of a GTR without all the heavy shit that costs a lot to fix

    4wd or rear, hmm
    >> R33 !rb25DEtF/o 02/22/12(Wed)08:41 No.5879991

    ;p well alteast they're cheap. And I know a few making over 200kw quite easy with 20DETs, they're not to be counted out.

    And they can take a hammering on the limiter.

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    1.41 MB PKGTR !nLe6aL5Pfc 02/18/12(Sat)10:12 No.5862512   [Reply]
    Forza Motorsport 4 Challenge and General Mega-Thread

    Satellite440 ( Xephinroth ) has made a request for some of our Forza Motorsport 4 videos to add to our Youtube page TheBROstation. I'm thinking of either having you guys upload them to Rapidshare and we can get them from there. So if you're out racing with /o/ then save the replay and upload it.

    Also, as posted in our last few threads, if anyone is up for the 'If /o/ was a race...' race, then let me know. Definitely has potential to become BROstation gold. This probably won't happen until March or so though.

    Currently the event we have planned is the WATS on Feb 26 ( 8PM EST ), Rallyan Redo on March 10 ( 6:30 PM PST ), Grand-AM GS/ST on March 11, Viper V. Vette later in March and Touring Cars is in the works. Rules are listed below for each except for GS/ST, Viper V. Vette, and Touring Cars.

    Also, the latest information on the connection issues - which can be completely disregarded seeing as rallyan fell on it's face.
    209 posts and 102 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Saint Lino !!dyuutfHiXWm 02/22/12(Wed)04:04 No.5879690
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    >> Everyman !iJhOudKv8A 02/22/12(Wed)07:24 No.5879934
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    Here is the current roster for Sunday's WATS. As you can see, there is an open spot on Team Mustang Blue if anybody wants in. I am sure there will be other people that have to drop before then, but I wanted to give you all a quick update.

    Team Mustang 1 (BLACK)
    Mans44 - #11 2005 GT
    Hachitofu - #07 2005 GT
    PKGTR - #82 2005 GT
    Deviousconkerer - #70 2000 Cobra R

    Team Camaro 1 (RED)
    Saint Lino - #13 2010 SS
    (Fits)Soothsayers- #25 2002 35th Anniv SS
    SBBuckner - #93 2010 SS
    (Simba)josh4893 - #48 2010 SS

    Team Mustang 2 (Blue)
    Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
    >> Everyman !iJhOudKv8A 02/22/12(Wed)07:29 No.5879937
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    Also, this is a crazy week for me, so I will check in where ever I can. Please forgive me if I miss a post directed towards me, I will do my best to read everything each time I check in.
    >> Nevil101 !sR9vxbN1LA 02/22/12(Wed)07:44 No.5879950

    OnslaughtNZ here.
    Being yellow team and all that jazz, must my car livery be predominantly yellow?
    My livery is all finished, however it's more of gold/orange in color.
    >> Everyman !iJhOudKv8A 02/22/12(Wed)08:41 No.5879989
    I think as long as it won't get confused with another team's colors, it's not a big deal. Im sure it's fine. Future team races have team liveries to prevent confusion, but for this one it will be fine as long as it's not red, blue or black.

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    49 KB Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:34 No.5879748   [Reply]
    are traffic offences crimes?
    >> One Bad Goat !!UMKaJVGHnG8 02/22/12(Wed)04:35 No.5879752
    Is it a crime being beautiful.
    God damn I should be in jail
    >> B_Rice !mBurvtu.rg 02/22/12(Wed)04:38 No.5879755
    They can be, but that BAWDY kit sure is.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:11 No.5879788
    Yes, they are crimes. Technically. But crimes are defined here by their potential punishments, and anything that cannot be punishable with jail or imprisonment is an infraction, which is what the vast majority of traffic offenses are.

    But judging from the way you spelled "offences", I am guessing you're from someplace that is/was in the British Commonwealth, and driving something with a displacement larger than 5 litres will probably net you 180 days in jail.

    So, your mileage (or km.) may vary.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)07:51 No.5879953
    I think what they call it varies by jurisdiction; in some places like the US (which in fact has a common-law legal system based on the British model; it just split a couple hundred years earlier) they call things "infractions", "felonies", etc. depending on seriousness.

    In the UK, we have a similar system but it's more grey and doesn't have such a clear labelling system. I'm fairly sure most traffic offences are technically criminal; you are being accused of having broken a law. However it's a bit grey; certainly the more minor traffic offences are referred to by everyone including police and courts as "traffic offences" rather than crimes. They're dealt with purely through fines and points on your licence and you can't be arrested for them. Speeding, running red lights, insurance, that kind of thing. You only have to declare them for insurance purposes and driving jobs.

    I am not a lawyer and may be making an arse of myself here, but my understanding is that the only traffic offences which are treated as de facto crimes are ones serious enough to get you arrested and dragged off to the station (possibly after a swift kick to the bollocks): drink driving, causing death/injury through careless or dangerous driving, TWOC; you get the idea. This is the stuff that will get you a criminal record which you have to declare for pretty much everything.

    Parking tickets are different because you've only broken an implied contract with the car park operator, which is a civil matter. Unless you're blocking the road enough that the cops get called - then they can do you for the offence of obstructing the highway.

    TL;DR yes, but if it's not arrestable then in practice it's not treated as a crime even if it technically is.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:40 No.5879988
    Where I am from people call lesser crimes 'offences' and more serious ones 'criminal offences'

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    712 KB Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:23 No.5877372   [Reply]
    What does /o/ think of Ca$h for Clunkers?
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:45 No.5877460
    >have to keep dumping a few hundred bucks into girlfriend's shitbox 1990 jimmy because we're both college students with no spare cash
    >no decent vehicles for ~1k anymore
    >that's the max we could even scrape up for a new vehicle

    Fuck the government, I raged harder than I ever have at this bullshit.

    The only American auto manufacturer that shouldn't have gone under is Ford. GM and Shitler should have been left to the dogs.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:56 No.5877521
    I'd miss the eighties too. Maggie sorting the country out, showing the Argies who's boss, great music, the Soviets finally getting told...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:06 No.5877578
    >Bring in classic truck
    >use $4k towards newer, larger truck that gets worse mileage
    >fuck yeah bro
    >> τԋʀȃɔʞϨ !JEEPSoYooo 02/22/12(Wed)08:31 No.5879977
    Cash for clunkers clears our roads of old shitboxes and gets people into newer cars that are better for the air we breathe and are all around more economical and safer. It's a rarity when a clean, well maintained car is turned in.
    >> τԋʀȃɔʞϨ !JEEPSoYooo 02/22/12(Wed)08:40 No.5879987
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    >newer truck
    >Worse MPG

    What is this wizardry?

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    161 KB Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:18 No.5878417   [Reply]
    alright /o/ in this thread we post our cars and say somthing nice about everyone elses car.
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:01 No.5879958
    This is a good thread OP and you should feel good.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:05 No.5879960
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    captcha ate my picture
    >> Yodrengen !dinfuKNuOw 02/22/12(Wed)08:08 No.5879965
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:38 No.5879983
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    Yeeeah SF5!
    Sooo clean! I was looking at one of those before I picked up my Subie, but a 4spd manual seemed a bit... eh. Kind of regret it now though, the Sub is only fun on mud/snow, I bet that thing is a fun as hell wherever
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:40 No.5879986
    look'n sturdy
    I'd assume you were an undercover cop

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    157 KB Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:42 No.5878193   [Reply]
    23 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 02/22/12(Wed)08:28 No.5879976
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:32 No.5879978
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    i have skyriine diesel swap
    >> R33 !rb25DEtF/o 02/22/12(Wed)08:33 No.5879979
    >yfw Nissan made a diesel Skyline motor and it bolts straight into Skylines
    >> Caribfag !!2EGFk2yYkNj 02/22/12(Wed)08:36 No.5879980
    Diesels with "quiet" idles sound like shit. They don't have that rough and tough diesel chug nor do they have the smooth purr.

    I would say it sounds good at high rpm but then I remembered that the M5's speakers emits false engine sounds.

    Also the transmission seems really slow to shift.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:39 No.5879985
    that would actually be quite sad

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