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Electric car general.
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I'm ready for the angst OP
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So, would it be at all possible to get some sort of EV racing league here in the States other than fucking idiotic drag racing?

If we can get the cars to a point where they can be reliable enough to race for a good period of time and at a respectable speed, then I don't see why not. Such a thing can't be far off, can it?
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wut is dis
BMW electric coupe concept
>BMW electric coupe concept

lol no, it's a Nissan Esflow concept
looks like a z4
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>Tesla's generic boring design
I saw my first Mitsu Imiev yesterday.

How don't know a lot about electric cars. They tend to be very reliable.
>This angsty faggot again

Tesla already said they're going to start at the top and make their way down as the technology gets cheaper. Watering their way down to a lower class of customer. So far it's going

-Roadster, Super car (top tier, rich/ niece only)
-Model S, executive car (upper class)
-Model X, SUV (boring middle class people, although a AWD electric drive train is perfect for offroading but as always >impying

So maybe 2015 we'll see a smaller version of the model S or maybe an estate version to appeal to the lower middle class (the ones with practicality as still a priority)

That, and gull wing doors is hardly generic
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Best automotive motor there is.

Not really, it looks like a 370Z
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>>7141117 Nissan Esflow

This really pressurizes the blood in my penis.

Basically a light, electric 370Z
Electric cars, sure. It's the racing aspect that raises concerns, because situations where electric cars, historically, have been outfitted for racing have tended to result in some real debacles.

The technology is still in its infancy. It'll get better.
Batteries is the only thing really holding it back, however everyone is starting to pump money into it. My bets on Li-air (almost as energy dense as gasoline)

Wonder where we would be now if we hadn't pissed away resources into that money pit hydrogen
Do you guys think it's a good idea to invest in electric cars right now ?
If you're buying a Tesla, yes. All the current family hatch models are not what I'd call value for money

The supermini ones (the renault twizzy and imev) for example....probably a good investment if you live in a busy city

Yes, though you might not see returns until the next decade.

In general, absolutely. They are the future, no doubt about it.
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batteries are easy, they're price vs efficiency
charging is the problem, can you impart electrical potential energy into a battery as fast as you can pump gas?>>7141620
batteries are easy, they're price vs efficiency
charging is the problem, can you impart electrical potential energy into a battery as fast as you can pump gas?

Road trips are the only hindrance, and even then there are options life roofpacks or even trailers.

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