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So who's getting Grand Theft Auto V?
will probably get it for PC
When's it come out?
Probably getting it for 360.
This. Any release dates yet? Or even predicted release dates?
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They better actually make these things fast this time around.
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port
console port

>Implying old muscle cars are fast and not just fuel thirsty
I can't wait until the 2nd day of multiplayer when everyone finds out how to hack it in free mode and fly around town ramming people with non-spawnable vehicles with neon lights
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>Implying 5.3 seconds from 0-60 is slow on bicycle bias-plies, a 4 speed, and the aerodynamics of an elephant

honestly the last one ran fine as long as you had a quad core CPU. and don't bitch and say that you can optimize it to fun at 30fps on a dual core. because do you have any fucking idea what's going on in the background of that game? the AI, time, weather, vehicles, everything.
>On PS3
>Play free mode
>Get helicopter
>Fly helicopter into Empire State Building glitch
>Fly under city to airport
>Fly into building next to helicopters (one-way textures ftw)
>Shoot at people from the inside
>Pirate GTA IV for the lulz
>Start game
>Lag fucking everywhere except on the lowest resolution
GTA 4?
understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer understeer

If you watch the trailer closely, youll see they now have unique license plates.

Also, the AE86 Futo is still in the game.
sounds like mercedes were helping dodge calculate their 0-60 figures back then

slk200 that can do 0-100km/h in 6.3 seconds LOL GOODONE
>no grip ever
>No car is capable of doing a burnout
>Flying through your windshield is almost certainly survivable
>Calling someone fixes a broken engine
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>can't into hand brake and sweet drifts
>can't into stabbing the brake right before a turn
>can't into scandanavian flicks
>can't into easing the steering wheel
Can you into any video games or cars?
>Hold brake and gas at same time to stabilize oversteer in a corner
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I'll probably grab it for 360.

Hopefully the cover system doesn't suck dick this time.

If they copied the basics of Gears of War's cover system, oh sweet jesus.

>Gears cover system
>1st person camera option in and out of car
>1st person gunplay like Killzone
>3rd person gunplay like Gears
>Weapon customization and attachments from CoD / Crysis 2
>Vehicle handling from DiRT or Driver
>Vehicle decal customization from Forza 4

I think I'd die in front of the Xbox from the sheer amount of awesome that would result from such combinations.
Can't wait, hopefully it drops 3rd or 4th quarter this year. Also hopefully they have all the shit that 4 was missing from SA, like car customization and property ownership. Would also be great if we could have property customization, and car modding besides just lowering the car and putting a big wing with neons, like dropping the engine from a Dukes into a Futo or something similar.

Of course that probably wont be possible on current gen consoles, and those fags will whine about lack of features compared to PC so R* wont do it.
>I'd die
Unfortunately for all of us, that shit won't happen anytime soon :,(
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Ha, I see what you did there.
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Kpop station confirmed
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That's never going to happen because that's all ridiculous fagshit that Rockstar knows better than to put into a multimillion dollar intellectual property. Clearly the cover system has improved in their later installments, IE, Red Dead, and Max Payne most notably.

Sometimes I weep for the future generation of video entertainment because of people like you.
>cover system

I love noobs.

Top 3 deathmatch player in the world here. No one in this thread could kill me once.
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>big ass blower
>slower than a patriot
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>Want to combine the best elements from top-tier best-selling titles into one game

>Sometimes I weep for the future generation of video entertainment because of people like you.

In GTA multiplay it makes no sense to use at all.

Then again, GTA multiplay consists of
>lol bullets disappear at x distance
>lol i have the carbine so I can hit you befor you can hit me
>lock on - right stick up - trigger for instakill

I want all that shit I mentioned for single player, bro.
Hey, you're not as dumb as I though. Yeah, the cover system is useless. I like that though. Only good players know how to use cover to their advantage. Having a learning curve is nice.

>Stand in front of pillar/building
>strafe around corner to the right so only gun/right arm exposed

And that's why I didn't play GTA4 multiplay more than a few times.
Yeah, there's that & shooting angles. And everything changes without auto-aim. You didn't play race? I still play race sometimes. There's a learning curve with that too. I didn't mind the handling. Everyone who thought drifting was the fastest way around a corner lost.

I used to play race to fuck with the other players and ram them off course.

They mad.
>walk into cluck'n'bell with buddies carrying shitload of guns
>shoot up the place
>defend front door for as long as possible from cops and swat teams
>start to go low on ammo
>have to leave safety if cover to loot cops guns
>eventually get overrun while trying to escape in getaway car

This game is/was a gucking blast with friends. You have to have an imagination though.
>max players, race with bikes in times square area
>steal a city bus on first lap
> go backward and run everyone over or block narrow sections of track
So glorious.
There is a solution if you play on the PC
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>mfw plebs who can't into car physics accuse GTA 4 of understeer and various other shit near me
You try to corner a minivan at 70 miles an hour in real life and tell me what happens. Real men drive the Blista Compact or Futo anyway.
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>making it even more realistic
God, no! It needs to go back to the arcade style of San Andreas, otherwise you end up needing a wheel to play to at all and killing all the fun.
>tfw having to wait for at least another half year after the console release to buy it for PC because frankly, who the fuck plays GTA on consoles? you're stuck with your controller, therefore you're stuck with a babby shit aim that automatically snaps onto enemies, you can't ever mod it, you can't import other GTA's radio stations or your own choice of music via Independence FM, it's rubbish.
This is my favourite game. I was just on it, and I was thinking how GOOD the driving system is. I really like it personally.
you're the pleb, pleb.
it affects all cars, even the high end sports cars.
>Max Payne is 35gb and needs 4 dvds for the PC version
Expect GTA V to be upwards of 40gb
If you had 2 or 3 people to make a private game with, yes. In a public server it would go more like this:

>walk into cluck'n'bell with some randoms carrying shitload of guns
>shoot up the place
>defend front door for as long as possible from cops and swat teams
>Someone with a 5 star in a black hawk hovers overhead, spraying the front windows with the mini-gun and bringing every level of hell down on us.
>try to make a break for it, get killed.
>sprint to a supercar and drive to other side of the map
>see the same player marker headed straight for you
>run in circles around a building dodging mini-gun, can't shoot back as the swarm of cops following his helicopter will simultaneously open fire on you.
>guy just hounds you for 30 minutes.
>starts talking shit on microphone
>he is prepubescent
>NEW MESSAGE: get rocked fgt
No, it doesn't. Especially the super cars handle just fine. You simply can't expect them to take a sharp corner at full speed.

It doesn't matter anyway, these days everyone has hard drives well over a terabyte, and you'll only need one disc once you installed it. It's not like they ask you to change discs the middle of the game.
fuck yeah man, I love that car, feels like it's perfectly crafted for my dorifto driving style
>faggots complaining about shitty handling in GTAIV

Maybe if you played PC masterrace and MODDED THE FUCKING GAME you'd realize that it had some fucking pimping driving physics. '71 Skyline GT-R with custom drift handling? Burnouts and hectic drifts at 288mp/h.
>not driving superior blista compact
>driving the vanilla cars

Plebian filth.
blista compact has a higher top speed and better acceleration than most of the cars in the game.

It's only flaw is high speed understeer and it only takes 3 or 4 hard hits to start smoking.

If you're good though, you never wreck.
Every vehicle in my GTA IV has been modded. Not just the model but handling. I haven't driven a vanilla car in over a year. With just about every good modded car comes with edited handling. No need to manipulate the driving mechanics to drift. You just plant it and swing around corners sideways.
Blista just feels fucking weird to drive man, when I'm driving a Futo everything just flows, a close second is the Sultan RS, everything else blows equally.
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look out for this guy
Yeah driving around like a little faggot is so muuuch harder and waay more fun.
"better physics for cars"

Oh cool perhaps theyll actually have torque.

>download and install
>cars drive like theyre on ice

>go read comments of mod

Fuck you and fuck your shitty drift mods. i want some REALISTIC handling where the cars have more than 2oz of torque. (though i suspect this is a problem with the autobox / system rahter than that cars themselves) so you can actually drift properly if need be.
most of the drift mods are shit cause they are constantly skidding the wheels even when driving straight to build up speed for the next corner -.- fucking shit modders
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The bikes in TLAD were fun as fuck I hope GTAV has as much variety
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>Pre-order it in February expecting a roughly Christmas release.
>Call into local gaming shop where I ordered to pay a bit extra on the pre-order
>Ask if anything's been released
>"Not really, only thing I know it's been delayed to February/March next year"

perhaps we'll get manual trans in GTA V.
That would go a long way to helping with the torque issues.

You can get stock cars to drift, but you need to get used the the intricacies of that particular cars gearbox (AI i suppose you could call it) system?. That and you cant really drift them that fast due to lack of torque.

Blista was always one of my favorite vehicles
I can't wait to drive the pcj600 everywhere a bike should not be.....and take a bus off the biggest jump I can find
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>everywhere a bike should not be

I want this to be ingame.
Either via mods or in-game customization.
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>Dat BOV
I really loved some cars in SA.
Stuff like the Blista always did its job.
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God mode R107 Feltzer
Speaking of GTA

I didn't play GTA IV for a long time and it seems like there are new vehicles? I don't remember the Infernus or Sultan RS before, did they add new vehicles or did I just not notice them?
you obviously didn't finish the game, the Infernus is in the main story and the sultan RS is hidden on the third island
I did finish it, though. At what point is it in the main story? Maybe I just forgot about it [it has been about 6 months since I played]
GTA IV is hacked on the PS3 now, the hackable 3.55 FW has just got PSN access again via a bypass, now people are spawning offline cars online and giving them custom paint jobs and shit. Hella lolz, its like the PC version now.
When you escort a gay guy on his morning run and beat up all the guys who pick on him, he gives you a pink infernus as a gift
Its orange... I raged
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>crash a car till it starts to burn
>park it in the middle of a small road
>explosion chain
>watch the lemmings burn
Im gonna probably get it for the 360 unless they are released at the same time, then it will probably be PC
But rockstar doesnt do that shit
>There are planes to pilot and they can be crashed into buildings if you choose to do so....

Yeah.. because a R* employee would really write something like that
the PC release for Max Payne was only 2 weeks late
Yeah but wheres the pc release for RDR

>video games

Seems a lot of games do have this physics problem.
>arguing over which is better; PC or console
>getting buttmad
>meanwhile, I'm doing Sticky-Bomb Jihads with friends on my Xbox and having a great time, you're all mad at each other

The series is well known for fantastic content and plot. I don't care that I can't mod every single detail. I still have shit-tons of fun blowing people up with a car covered in bombs like I'm some kind of sandnigger.
Ooh I that car's gon be badass if they redo it in this game
TENTATIVE release date is this November. Subject to change
Is ir just me or was gtaiv way worse than gta san andreas?
>So who's getting Grand Theft Auto V?
First day for the ps3
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I only played multiplayer for GTA IV, but yes San Andreas is master race by far, no competition
It supposedly takes place in present day, so probably not. That's boring.
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>It is possible to rupture a fuel line and if you shot at the trail of gasoline it will lead straight back to the car blowing it up.
cars don't blow up, i hate this shit so much for some reason
>No children NPC at all. Ever.
but you can kill animals and adults? lolwut
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I'm going to work out so hard on muscle beach
>every car is RWD except the Blista Compact (I think)

There's a few, the mikuni or whatever they call it is FWD, and rare as hell, I just beat gta4 the other day again and i only saw it twice. Stole it both times, of course.

Also this >>6339441
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Yeah that's the one
>main character is black
>set in los santos
obviously good
>no children NPCs
>no dating
I hope to god they have a Bro truck in it.


My 3 wishes are

1 - Bro truck: I mean it should come with the territory right?
2 - More beaters: I love the backfiring and wobbly wheels, it is almost like I am watching beaters in my country
3 - Better damage: I don't like how you can hit a curb at 100 mph and just do a little jump.

I would say smarter cops too that take you for speeding and running red lights but then I think that would ruin the game.
How is 'no dating' bad? I hated it in SA, get to X percentage to get Y. I also hope they removed (or at least decreased) the friend system, 'hey let's go bowling/drinking/see some titees', every time you did some mission, the horror.

Kiki....oh god kiki.


and on and on and on
the system kinda sucked but there needs to be something to do after completing the game; maybe if they improved the friend/dating system it would be more replayable
scandanavian flick

you need to do a fucking quad flick for that to even work.
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>>3 - Better damage
>>Better damage

Not gta but how do like +140mph crash to solid wall ?
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for equ!nox wrong side but.
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There is also unimogs, i know /o/ likes unimogs
I will torrent it.
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(hmm reflections is gone)

I love that Unimog. It is the only vehicle that I have downloaded that can beat the Tatra race truck in offroading.
Rigs of Rods?
Tatra is quite beast in offroading.
But still i use gavril zetas to offroads

The Gavril Zeta just doesn't match up to the Unimog though.
it doesn't yes, but when you do fail... oh that damage !


It's already been pushed back a few months. They still haven't released what the optional collectors packs will have. Once they do that, then it'll be close.
only if it has a Honda Civic so I can thrash erry day in my sick car
Why don't video games let you kill kids?

For that matter why don't kids ever get killed by serial killers in movies?

>Hasn't played MW3
sorta like child porn is illegal
it's 'immoral'
not saying i'm a supporter of cp

I haven't played campaign but I do enjoy shooting the chickens in Seatown lolololol.

>it's 'immoral'

lol fucking religion. "You should do this because some people long ago that were no different than you and I said you should."
>doing drivebys
GOTY day 1 buy
I'll get it for sure
There's a mission in the campaign where a small child gets blown up by a car bomb.
Is that so?That's why I have information from someone who works in the industry in that studio saying they're busting theor ass for a November date.
>still haven't played gta 4
Can't wait for V! Going to mod the shit out of it
> still waiting for that second trailer R*

Maybe we will get something from E3
What game is this?
>dat 3gee
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It has 750 hp in the game too.. oh well, it's hella fun to drift as it has like no traction
Wait, I'm with you on this, but how is it religion or because "people long ago?" Because children being married and bearing kids was accepted, and encouraged in most old cultures. Not to mention children were sent to war, and often given the death penalty, up until around the 20th century.
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>it's 'immoral'
>lol fucking religion. "You should do this because some people long ago that were no different than you and I said you should."
>thinks killing kids is normal and only religion says it's a bad idea

Cannot into brakes
American can't turn
after getting every gta game since gta 3 on release date ive played, vice city, san andreas, gta iv, i cant wait for gta v, gta iv was by far the best so far

dat driving fun and dat sense of speed
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Just wow.

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